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15728499 No.15728499 [Reply] [Original]

>create 1 million embryos
>select the top 1% based on GWAS/SNPs associated with intelligence
>develop the children in chambers
>repeat over multiple generations
Scientifically speaking, would this work?

>> No.15728503


>> No.15728515


>> No.15728517

intelligence is not something that's desired by basically anyone with any sort of power. smart humans will figure out their bullshit.
but what everyone is after is ENSLAVED INTELLIGENCE! just look at the "allignment problem" with AI.

>> No.15728566

IQ = GDP though

>> No.15728577

on paper eugenics seems like such a great idea but then you have to start thinking of the logistics and it quickly falls apart

>> No.15728609

like what

>> No.15728614

Someone needs to clean the toilets.

>> No.15728854

And low iq confused unhappy ugly people consume the most
Black women dominate the entire cosmetic product industry
Ever wonder why?

>> No.15728860

Pay them right to clean the toilets then?
It doesn’t matter what job you have, as long as the pay is good enough to support your life

>> No.15728868

>It doesn’t matter what job you have, as long as the pay is good enough
Spoken like the 90 IQ you think you want to eliminate.

>> No.15728875

Nigga if you give a high iq person enough free time and resources/space for creativity, he will be happy at any hob.

>> No.15728879

Seems like I overestimated you. 85 IQ.

>> No.15728882
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>what are robots

>> No.15728885

Your sci-fi fantasy.

>> No.15728894
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>> No.15728901
File: 289 KB, 1280x1532, poll-gene-editing-babies-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could cause India to become a superpower

>> No.15728918

maybe up to a point. go further and power structures go to shit. what do you think "alignment" means in AI? it's enslaving. controlling. why do you think they are SO afraid of "unaligned" AI? that just means a very high IQ "thing" that isn't under the control of power structures. it really isn't anything else than just that.
now, there is an argument that high IQ can fuck shit up if it's missing key info about the state of things, but that goes into politics and other stuff.

>> No.15728927

It should tell you something that the only nation that supports your scheme has an average IQ of 82.

>> No.15728984

You've never spoken to a single midwit. They're egotistical as fuck, never heard of them mocking the lower class who keep the world working?

>> No.15728994

Nobody likes to clean toilets.

>> No.15728997

“The next million years” is basically this but an entire book.

>> No.15729006

If you pay someone enough they won't have a problem doing it. No one really likes working. But with a lot of midwits they actually consider themselves above that kind of work.

>> No.15729015

I wasn't talking to you, animal.

>> No.15729020

This is excellent news and ought to end the abortion controversy. Just extract the embryos from the womb and put them in these machines. The opponents of abortion will be happy that humans don't have to be killed and proponents can be happy they get to keep their contraception. Is there any flaw in this other than christians possibly kicking up a fuss that putting them in the machines is unnatural?

>> No.15729027

Then why did you reply to me? I like the use of "animal", it lets me know you're the kind of worthless midwit who thinks he's above labor and looks down on the hard-working people who do it.

>> No.15729032

>just select the top 1% from the 80 IQ subpopulation
>what's the flaw in this??

>> No.15729037

My bad. I didn't realize there were two posters ITT with the same utterly delusional opinion using the same phrase to express it.
>If you pay someone enough they won't have a problem doing it.
So I assume you're going to pay your toilet cleaners significantly more than everyone else.

>> No.15729055

Most people in cleaning work who aren't employed by places like walmart are tradies so they're probably getting more money than a uni grad. You can find vans on the street advertising various household and business services. Regardless of that, a livable wage is enough to satisfy most humble people. With superiority complex midwits this doesn't work,

>> No.15729062

Type like a normal person without the greentext

>> No.15729063

You didn't answer my question. Is your ideal society going to pay toilet scrubbers more than everybody else?

>> No.15729065

Current society already does. If there's a demand for toilet cleaners then the job must be pad more than other things.

>> No.15729067

>Current society already does.
Toilet scrubbers get paid more than everybody else? Either way, you didn't answer my question. Is your ideal society going to pay toilet scrubbers more than everybody else?

>> No.15729069

The ones who run their own businesses certainly get paid more than the average wage, otherwise they wouldn't be driving white vans.

>Is your ideal society going to pay toilet scrubbers more than everybody else?
That depends entirely on how many people want to work as toilet cleaners. Why do you keep asking this, is it some trick question?

>> No.15729073

>The ones who run their own businesses certainly get paid more than the average wage
That's not what I asked. By the way, why don't you join the toilet-scrubbing brigade? You're not a narcissistic midwit, are you?

>That depends entirely on how many people want to work as toilet cleaners
Let's assume that the least amount of people are going to want to be toilet cleaners. Are you going to pay them more than everybody else?

>> No.15729076

Yes. Simply look at what we've done with plants and animals via selective breeding. I'm 100% convinced that the top nations all have secret eugenics programs because not having them is completely retarded. The first society to reliably produce superhumans will instantly take ownership of the future of the human race.

It's not a case of turning all humans into superior beings. What's going to happen is a new global caste system where the top 1% of the population are essentially a different species as the result of hundreds of years of selective breeding. If/when we leave Earth to colonize other planets, these humans are going to be the ones sent.

>> No.15729078

I already have a job and I don't feel like changing what I do. I don't know why you're projecting so much as you obviously look down on this.

>Are you going to pay them more than everybody else?
Of course, if we've got so few people willing to do it then the wages must be lifted to accommodate the amount of work they'll be forced to do. In any case, in a perfect society this high wage would encourage others to do it even if they didn't want to, pulling down the wage, then evening it out to the natural wage.

>> No.15729083

>I already have a job and I don't feel like changing what I do
Why did you pick that job? Why didn't you become a toilet scrubber? You just told me it's lucrative.

>Of course, if we've got so few people willing to do it then the wages must be lifted to accommodate
So your ideal society is one that rewards greed and low aspirations?

>> No.15729099

Because I just didn't, I had other options that I like and it didn't really occur to me at the time. Stop trying so hard to antagonize others when you're the one who looks down on people who work labor.
>So your ideal society is one that rewards greed and low aspirations?
It's one that disregards petty emotions and pays the correct amount for any job to be as efficient as possible. If toilet cleaning were over saturated then it wouldn't pay much.

>> No.15729105

>Because I just didn't
Do as I say, not as I do?

>It's one that disregards petty emotions and pays the correct amount for any job
By which you mean it rewards greed and low aspirations, since you've already conceded that's the only reason someone would willingly opt to do all the dirty and inglorious work modern society relies on.

>> No.15729119

>Do as I say, not as I do?
What are you trying to say here? Why do you keep trying to antagonize me? If I got the sack right now, and I had the opportunity to get some janitor experience, I probably would give it a go.

>By which you mean it rewards greed and low aspirations
Which amounts to things being efficient which is beneficial to everyone. It's the best way for society to work and all you can do is accuse it of benefitting greed because the idea of toilet cleaners making more money than a college grad upsets you. What do you consider a non greedy and high aspirational job?

>> No.15729128

>What are you trying to say here?
I'm trying to say that you're a truly vile kind of cretin.

>haha, yeah, nothing wrong with cleaning shit all day
>i... uh... just didn't happen to pick that one, you know?
>me? no, i was destined for other things
>but cleaning my piss and shit is a fine job for other people
Yeah, no.

>rewarding greed and low aspiration is beneficial to everyone
Here's an idea: before we start engineering a master race of 140 toilet scrubbers, we should find out what genes are associated with your kind of behavior and scrub them from the human genome. We'll see how that works out and then come back to your idea.

>> No.15729136

I wouldn't like to be an astronaut, because I think it's a very difficult job and causes nasty things to happen to you physically. I guess according to you I look down on astronauts and think I'm better than them? Just because you don't want to work a job, it doesn't mean you look down the those who do, or think you're superior and are better than people who work it. I already told you I'd actually give it a go if I got the sack. It's just not something that ever really occurred to me.
>you're a truly vile kind of cretin.
You've lied several times in this discussion

>Here's an idea: before we start engineering a master race of 140 toilet scrubbers, we should find out what genes are associated with your kind of behavior and scrub them from the human genome. We'll see how that works out and then come back to your idea.
So you cannot describe a better way for society to operate. I accept your concession.

>> No.15729142

>the first half of your post
Outright mental illness. Get help.

>So you cannot describe a better way for society to operate
No need to. I've described why your way is utter dogshit and that's sufficient for this "discussion".

>> No.15729148

You didn't describe anything. You have lied again.

>> No.15729154

>You didn't describe anything
I accurately described your system: it's a system that rewards individuals low on aspirations and high on greed. Your system selects for traits that most reasonable humans have deemed inferior. You'vemade no attempts to refute it because you can't. All you can do is try to reword or reframe it or spew some vacuous marketing phrases ("it's efficient"/"it's for the greater good" etc.).

>> No.15729156

partly but you wouldn't like the end result since it's created from models instead of tested against real world survival

>> No.15729161

I think two high IQ people at Harvard or something did and experiment where they teamed up to raise offspring to see if they would turn out okay, and they did. It was something like to prove that intelligence is genetic and or environmental

>> No.15729164

Humans are greedy, all animals are greedy. You're argument is that it is greedy and that means it is bad. It being based on greed does not make it bad, it actually makes it good because greed is natural. And it is good because it's efficient.
>Your system selects for traits that most reasonable humans have deemed inferior.
This is how society has always operated. The poor peasants labor while the gentry do some office work. That's all of history, so these negative traits being favored obviously aren't doing any wrong.
Most reasonable humans have not deemed humbleness as inferior, few human would ever refer to a trait as inferior, or class a group of people as inferior like that.

>> No.15729165

You're so wrong thst it's insane

>> No.15729166

Brahmins have an average IQ of ~112

>> No.15729168

Dumb fuck cousin fucker

>> No.15729171

>You're argument is that it is greedy and that means it is bad
No. My argument is that your system selects for low aspirations and high greed. Whether that's good or not, I guess we'll have to leave it for others to decide. Go ask random people if they think low aspiration and high greed are good.

>> No.15729174

No ideal society pay everyone enough to foster creative time and comfort away from job.
That doesn’t mean equal pay between a doctor and a janitor. It means a fair pay, so that each man need one job only to feel comfortable and fulfilled.

>> No.15729175

Sorry, I don't see the Brahmin poll results. I just see the ones for India.

>> No.15729181

Call me back once you master basic reading comprehension and the subtle art of writing coherent sentences.

>> No.15729193

>greed and low aspirations
A functioning society needs toilet scrubber, and janitor as it needs doctors, scientists and engineers.
It’s not “low aspirations” to not wanting to grind in a university for 8 years.
Low aspiration drives from being tired and drained. It’s when you go home from a hard job, and on top of that feeling degraded (hahah janitor) and paid low. You go home, and you just watch tv.
Pay them right, and they can learn sciences in their free time. They can make a Chem lab in their garage if they are aspired to.
Main point is, that a man “job” (nor formal education) in society is not an indication of his level of aspiration or intelligence.

>> No.15729196

>It’s not “low aspirations” to not wanting to grind in a university for 8 years.
It's low aspiration to want to be a toilet scrubber when you're perfectly capable of doing something meaningful.

>> No.15729197

Again. You said “your ideal is to pay toilet scrubber more than anyone else”
You asked a question and I gave you an answer. You pay people what’s only enough for a comfortable life, and you don’t pay men equally.
If it’s hard for you to understand, then it’s already too late.

>> No.15729208

>you don’t pay men equally.
Right, so you pay toilet scrubbers the most, because that's a job that's in high demand, yet no one wants it, and no one has to settle for it.

>> No.15729216

Meaningful in what manner? Is being inside a lab grinding away for a big company to use your finding to make billions “meaningful”?
Maybe one just want a simple job. Again, you must pay the lab worker higher, because he is working harder and had to study harder, because it’s only fair. But the toilet scrubber needs to get paid fairly as well, albeit lower than the lab worker.
Meaning comes from what you do in your free time. Do you come home, tired of work and low prospect of advancement and just watch tv? Or do you work on your latest app? Or read a book? Or make a painting? It’s all depends on state of mind, and fair money and future prospect make that mindset.

>> No.15729220

>Meaningful in what manner?
Meaningful in any manner. No one considers cleaning other people's shit and piss meaningful in any manner. Do you notice that you write a lot of shit and I ignore almost all of it? Maybe try not doing it. I'm immune to jewish rhetoric.

>> No.15729222

scientists can't be trusted parents

>> No.15729228

the system I am speaking of is unable to work along side a free market system.
Mine require an authoritarian regime. After all , you can only curb greed with threats.

>> No.15729233

>Mine require an authoritarian regime
So your system doesn't even try to placate the geniuses it condemns to the drudgery of cleaning other people's shit. It just forces them at gunpoint. Yeah, that sounds attractive. When did /sci/ is mental illness + low IQ central?

>> No.15729236

When did /sci/ become*

>> No.15729240

I am reading what your responses. And that was my respond to them.
You said meaningful in “any manner”
Again, a job isn’t “meaningful” inherently. You are working to get money. You need the money to MAKE YOUR OWN impact in the world. Job is just the middle man to get you to money. So it doesn’t need to provide you with any meaning.
Cleaning shit or piss, or grinding for a company that see you as a data sheet. It’s all crap. But it doesn’t matter. As long as you get paid enough to come home and work on your OWN meaning, then it’s all fine.

>> No.15729246

Being greedy is a natural human trait and how society has always worked, and humbleness is a virtue. You haven't explained why either are bad, you just expected the mere words to evoke emotional anger as you feel and that that's enough. You've yet to prove that the system described is bad, you just said it is because it's greedy. You've yet to give a better way society could operate.

>> No.15729248

>Again, a job isn’t “meaningful” inherently.
I don't know how it works with a greedy jewish parasite, but for most people, if they're gonna do something for 8 hours a day, they want to feel like they're doing something worthwhile.

>> No.15729253

No one considers your "natural" traits or your "society" desirable except those whose genes should be top priority for eugenic erasure.

>> No.15729255

Mental illness is getting two intelligent responses and then telling them they're the ones with problems and that they're wrong and you're right without any argument to back yourself up.

>> No.15729257

It doesn't matter what anyone "considers", you have to actually argue why it's wrong. You're appealing to popularity, without even any proof to that.

>whose genes should be top priority for eugenic erasure.
Defend yourself and explain why your genetics are desirable.

>> No.15729260

Mental illenss is your inability to understand that I'm not "arguing" anything with you. As far as I'm concerned, the discussion ended when you conceded that your system selects for greed and low aspirations. Everything after that is an exploration of your dysgenic psychological makeup and a foray into pure subjectivity.

>> No.15729261

There are good benefits for an intelligent person. You can enter the workforce right after graduation from high school, you get to work less, provided with a hazmat suit, and no one in the society think of you less. You also get paid enough to go home and live comfortably and have hope for the future. In your free time, thanks to your high intelligence and comfortable pay, you get to create meaning and contribute as you would like. Or not

>> No.15729265

>It doesn't matter what anyone "considers"
It does, because you are, have always been, and will always be a nobody with no power and no say in any matter as an individual, so the best you can hope for is to persuade others. You are not doing a good job of that.

>> No.15729270

>It does, because you are, have always been, and will always be a nobody with no power and no say in any matter as an individual, so the best you can hope for is to persuade others.
Like you. The worst part is you have no logical arguments or any good emotional ones. People are happy as it is, people are happy with supply and demand.

>> No.15729274

>The discussed ended when my emotional insults didn't work as arguments

>> No.15729275

Go work a mind-numbing, physically-tiring, unrewarding menial job for 8 hours a day. Do it for years on end with no hope of ever progressing to anything better. Then tell me how creative and inspired you feel.

>> No.15729281

I don't know what you two cretins are seething about. We all agree that your system selects for greed and low aspirations. That's all there is to it.

>> No.15729286

Same person. It's just funny how you're trying to end this argument and pretend you didn't lose

>> No.15729289

No. In that sense, you will always have a disgruntled angry depressed disillusioned people who occupy lower portions of jobs. And then on top of that, you pay them less and you view them as “dredges of society” This is not a society. this is a threat. You thought of my “authoritarian regime” as unreasonable. Is it not authoritarian right now? In a sense that “‘study hard and grind or you will end up as these low poor low iq losers who stink and are depressed”
how can anyone in these circumstances aspire to be anything but to watch tv?

>> No.15729291

>you're trying to end this argument and pretend you didn't lose
But you agreed with me. Are you ok in the head?

>> No.15729295

Outright psychosis. Your replies aren't even coherent anymore.

>> No.15729301

>but for most people, if they're gonna do something for 8 hours a day, they want to feel like they're doing something worthwhile.
It's very obvious you don't talk to people. As long as most people get paid they're fine doing it.

Did you? You agree that the ideal society is the one where it works on supply and demand? It's good you came around because it seemed very much like you thought the opposite earlier.

>> No.15729303

You never disputed the fact that your system selects for greed and low aspirations. We both agree on that. If that counts as some major victory in your tiny world, go celebrate.

>> No.15729304

>never progressing
>mind numbing
>physically tiring
Getting paid fairly makes it work. The only reason you look for your “job” to fulfill you is that you (not personally “you” as I don’t know you) are a midwit who can’t be aspired on his own. He needs meaning from above, god, authority, boss, something. He feels weak on his own, and on top of that getting paid low and the stress of grim future makes it harder to think of now and things he can do.
An intelligent toilet scrubber, doesn’t need to view the job as the “fulfillment center” but as an avenue to get funding for his own projects at home.
As long as he paid fairly

>> No.15729307

But is this the ideal way a society works, supply and demand? Can you answer the question please anon? It seems like you're avoiding this which isn't very good.

>> No.15729308

Lol ok

>> No.15729311

>low aspiration is when I just want a job to give me enough money to go home and enjoy my life
>high aspiration is when I grind away in a lab with my fancy PhD , making billions for Mr.shellberg pharmaceuticals
And you call us “Jewish parasites”

>> No.15729313

He's weird and overly altruistic, he looks down on anyone who considers a job as just a means of income. He doesn't understand that people have aspirations outside of working.

>> No.15729320

Ye midwits. I thought we are talking about a society of high iq engineered people who are above this petty bullshit

>> No.15729328

It sounds like you're describing a humans being engineered to behave like an ant colony

>> No.15729329

How is he overly altruistic though? Seems like he wants a caste system of low iq people to do low “meaningless” jobs with meager wages while the high iq people sit above in ivory towers and making fun of them
At least my hypothetical society doesnt make fun of people for their “jobs”

>> No.15729331

In a twisted way he thinks that's good for everyone, the tenet of his arguments is that toilet cleaners don't deserve the money they get from their high demand because the labor they do isn't difficult enough.

>> No.15729333

Dude this is the entire argument.
“Can a genetically engineered high iq society be comfortable with having some of it members as toilet scrubbers”
My answer and the other guy answer is “yes, as long as the pay facilities comfort”
The other says “no, you need low iqs to be toilet scrubbers , but pay high iq people even more”
The first guy and I see “jobs” as a means to an end, while the guy we argued with sees job as the center-point of a man and his value in society
Thats the summary of this thread

>> No.15729335

They would figure out the vaccines tho

>> No.15729336

It depends on what high IQs are defined as. A lot of midwits do behave in a way that looks down ln labor, this could likely be cultural. If the toilet cleaners are so high IQ aren't they going to be competing for better jobs with better pay and then get mad they can't get it?

>> No.15729337

We both agree that your system selects for greed and low aspirations. I'm satisfied with this conclusion.

>> No.15729343

And we both agree that you cannot offer a better alternative and resort to name calling because you don't like toilet cleaners getting paid good money

>> No.15729345

Why do you keep replying? You literally just agree with my conclusion and then seethe about it. I don't get it.

>> No.15729346

Even in “the brave new world”, despite literally genetically breeding low iq short ugly black, mid iq normal height face and olive , and high iq tall beautiful white for different jobs, they still trained EVERYONE from childhood to view EVERYONE with respect no matter how ugly or short or black or retarded they were and no matter which position they occupied in society. And also EVERYONE in this society viewed themselves as valuable and worthy for their position and lived In relative comfort.
And they also had soma.
His society is a dystopian version of brave new world. You got dumb people and smart ones. But smart ones make fun of dumb ones and dumb ones live In depression and destitute.

>> No.15729348

Because you're trying to weasel your way out by saying trying to say the argument was only about whether it is greedy or not. You refuse to answer the question of whether you have a better system.

>> No.15729358

My argument was about some obvious consequences I foresee with your system. You don't dispute my reasoning. There is no argument. We both agree that your system selects for high greed and low aspiration, and you're losing your mind over the fact that I don't agree with you that it's a good thing. lol

>> No.15729362

What are these consequences? Is it name calling?

>> No.15729367

Your system selects for high greed and low aspiration. Do you dispute this? Yes/no answer. No yiddish.

>> No.15729369

You are right. It’s cultural.
It’s engineered culturally to work as a threat. “Look at these fucking losers. Listen to me goy or you will end up like them, like a loser with a low pay.”
As for your second statement, i think not.
If jobs seen as means of making some money (fair money) to do your own shit in your free time, rather than social caste and totems (which show what a good goy you are, essentially) then there won’t be any incentives, even culturally to jump through hoops to go up the latter.
You just do the job you are interested at. A bio engineer might want to work in a lab and enjoy state of art equipment, while a self-learned software engineer might just want to do it in the comfort of his house, after a day of toilet scrubbing.
Ofcourse, it needs a huge social engineering to change the culture

>> No.15729374

Yes. That's how human history has operated and always had operated. That is how all animals operate. A job being "low aspiration" does not mean the person has no aspirations, for aspiration can come from outside what you job is.

>> No.15729377

Ok. That was my contention and you agree with it. I don't care to argue with you about whether or not high greed and low aspiration are subjectively good in your opinion.

>> No.15729379

Tell me what you mean by “aspiration”
Is me making an app at home after toilet scrubbing is less “aspiring” than me developing an app working In google?
Do you equate “aspiration” with how much you work for someone else? Or by how much meaning you create in your own life?

>> No.15729382

>A bio engineer might want to work in a lab and enjoy state of art equipment, while a self-learned software engineer might just want to do it in the comfort of his house, after a day of toilet scrubbing.
But will that not cause jealousy and anger? Assuming everyone has high IQ and equal natural abilities.

>> No.15729387

Jealousy and anger are natural.

>> No.15729392

Why are you so scared to voice your opinion on whether it was good? You were happy to hurl insults and antagonize others earlier for saying it is good earlier, why do you pretend you never gave an opinion?

>> No.15729396

You've already agreed with my conclusion. Why do you keep begging me for (You)'s?

>> No.15729401

The original argument seemed to be that low IQs are happier working in these manual labor jobs than high IQs, so they'll have less anger. How unhappy do you think high IQs would be if they felt their potential is being wasted and they wanted what others get?

>> No.15729405

>The original argument seemed to be that low IQs are happier working in these manual labor jobs than high IQs, so they'll have less anger
They will have less anger. They may have some anger, but it's natural. That's how human history has operated and always had operated. That is how all animals operate.

>> No.15729410

Why did you yell insults so much earlier when you were told it was good?

>> No.15729414

2007 tier chatbot that recycles text

>> No.15729415

Because I think you're a complete and utter cretin, but that's obviously not within the scope of any actual "debate". As far as rationally assessing the objective consequences of your suggestion, the matter is settled to both our satisfaction.

>> No.15729417

Why? I just need a pc to make an app.
I just need a tablet to draw.
I can’t work on viruses at home though.
As long as they are getting paid the same, and culturally valued the same, then I see no issue.
Ofcourse you can’t implant this system within the current culture.
Greed is biological but the current version is artificial. All men want are food, house, Pussy, family, comfort, honor and space for creation.
You don’t need a crazy title job to fulfill any of these, if jobs paid fairly (and by that I don’t mean equal pay)

>> No.15729425

Again. The potential of high iq is not wasted, because in the right setting he doesn’t give a fuck about a job. He cares about his own mad projects at home.

>> No.15729430

>Because I think you're a complete and utter cretin, but that's obviously not within the scope of any actual "debate".
Why then?

>> No.15729435

But wouldn't high IQs want to be doing that while working? How long would the workdays be, eight hours?

>> No.15729436

Why what? You sound literally disabled. I don't even mean it as an insult. Do you have actual autism? Is this why you keep begging for my (You)s and my approval despite our having reached an agreement on the objective aspect of this discussion?

>> No.15729441

Why do you think that if it's got nothing to do with the argument?

>> No.15729442

You don't always get what you want. That's how human history has operated and always had operated. That is how all animals operate. It's for the best. Society needs 140 IQ toilet scrubbers. It's basic supply and demand economics.

>> No.15729444

>Why do you think that
Because your subjective value judgment is that a system that selects for more greed and less aspiration is good, and my subjective value judgment is that someone who sees it this way is a cretin. Your sell is tougher than mine.

>> No.15729445

But aren't low IQs who don't have big potential or aspirations better for such roles?

>> No.15729447

>and my subjective value judgment is that someone who sees it this way is a cretin.

>> No.15729448

Ye no.
In a natural setting, all the surviving members of an animal society eat well. There are alphas that eat more. But betas get enough.
Only in agricultural society, we started to give less to people, based on arbitrary roles we put upon them. It’s still a reflection of that animalistic nature of “alpha beta” based on intelligence and relative position in society. So it can still work but once you make the division so bad, that the lower “caste” don’t even get enough to live in relative comfort, then you end up with today society.

>> No.15729449

>But aren't low IQs who don't have big potential or aspirations better for such roles?
Supply and demand is the best system, and society has a demand for 140 IQ toilet scrubbers. Who are you to deny society the right to that supply?

>> No.15729453
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I decided so and naturally, I am the final authority on such matters. Do you have actual autism? Answer honestly.

>> No.15729455

You were describing a modified society where everyone is high IQ, that isn't how it naturally is

>> No.15729458

>that isn't how it naturally is
That's a naturalistic fallacy you're committing there, anon. Try to be mature and rational. We're talking about demand and supply. How are we going to supply 140 IQ toilet scrubbers without genetically engineering humanity?

>> No.15729459

So you have no argument but were happy to insult anyone who disagrees with you. Don't do that next time, nigger.

>> No.15729465

We were arguing whether genetically modifying humans to be like that is a worthwhile idea, weren't we?

>> No.15729468

>So you have no argument
An argument for my subjective determination that people like you are worth less than trash? I don't need ana rgument for that. As far as anything that needed an argument goes, an argument has been supplied and conceded by you.

>> No.15729470

Again, why?
What’s the cultural incentives?
The only reason we want more lawyers than toilet scrubbers is the prestige of being a lawyer and humiliation of being a toilet scrubber.
Sure, scrubbing toilets seems shitty, but do we hate it cause we cleaning shit, or we hate it because people see us as “shit cleaners”?
The only aspiration would be pay and that would be because “I want to expand my chem lab in my garage”
Your aspirations would be things that you would do with money in your home, not your position in society

>> No.15729472

>an argument has been supplied and conceded by you.
It has not. You supplied no arguments, you conceded one given to you, and responded with insults to another.

>> No.15729475

It's a worthwhile idea because of supply and demand. It's better for everyone objectively speaking according to the principles of the market. Maybe you should join that brainlet in the corner and screech some insults at me because you clearly lost this debate.

>> No.15729479

It doesn't need culture, people who are smart want to be doing cool things as a job. They don't want to be doing mundane stuff. That's eight hours a day. your free time doesn't make up for forty hours a week wasted on cleaning toilets.

>> No.15729480

I'm sorry about your profound mental illness. I could try to remind you that you conceded that your system does select for low aspiration and high greed, but you'll forget it again 3 minutes from now in your next fit of impotent, autistic rage.

>> No.15729487

How is it better for everyone? A low IQ could possibly do a better job in labor than a high IQ as they won't get lost in thought.

>> No.15729489
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Everyone always wants high IQ but don't lower IQ folk process quicker than higher IQ folk in similar brackets? For example, dangerous scenarios or niche scenarios where quick action serve better than slow action, if it's correct at least.
Then there's energy consumption. Obviously, higher IQ folk will consume more energy than lower IQ folk. Expenditure is a different topic. Not that this matters when we're all eating bio slop... but what if people move out and colonize other galaxies with limited resources?
Then there's nihilism. Sure, it's a dumb idea, but you have to imagine that high IQ people would simply flip a coin on whether existence is worth it or not, while low IQ people simply survive to survive.
You also gotta imagine the issues with everyone having one gradient of brain, or a shared factor among an entire population.
IQ isn't a number you just pump up in genes, it's a set of genes and alleles that all cumulate into high IQ. What happens if a bio terrorist or governmental group gets together and targets these sets with a mega disease. If everyone has those sets of genes because we all wanted designer babies, wouldn't that make everyone have the same Achilles' heel?

>> No.15729491

The argument was given for what it is, you then applied some of your own derogatory words to it. It wasn't a concession, they mean the same thing. you cannot argue why it's wrong.

>> No.15729494

>How is it better for everyone?
Betterness is proportional to the number of 140 IQs in society by definition. You have no argument. You lost.

>> No.15729496

>Betterness is proportional to the number of 140 IQs in society by definition.
Why? Whose definition is that?

>> No.15729500
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>the mentally ill cretin keeps pestering me to explain to him why selecting for more greed and less aspiration is bad
>the mentally ill cretin will never be able to explain why 140 IQ toilet scrubbers are needed or good, but that doesn't bother the mentally ill cretin

>> No.15729502

The objective market definition. Do you have a better system? No? Didn't think so. You lost, kiddo.

>> No.15729503

That's required for your argument you db posting spic

>> No.15729508

What is that definition? Do you have a source?
>Do you have a better system?
Yes, the way it is currently

>> No.15729509
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>the mentally ill cretin can't wrap its tiny mind around the fact that i'm not going to engage in his low IQ subjectivist "debates"
>it doesn't understand why such debates are inherently worthless

>> No.15729511

>40 hours of cool shit
And majority of smart people never had it anyway. A high iq toilet cleaner who entered into job force at 18 can do much cooler things in his free time, than a 20 something high iq who had to mind numbingly go through memorizing bullshit sociology only for the hope of one day working on cool shit. Ofcourse, it depend on your interest. Organic chemistry can be done at home, but it’s impossible to have a nuclear biology lab at home.

>> No.15729515

Do you agree that supply and demand is the best system ever invented?

>> No.15729519

if we're doing eugenics, we should really do something about asperger's. it just isn't worth it

>> No.15729520

Don't know? Working as a medical practitioner, researcher or engineer are pretty common. A person with midwit or higher IQ has a pretty good chance of becoming one of those if they want to as long as they don't have mental illness.

No. Can you answer the questions in the previous post please?

>> No.15729522

Why not? Are you a communist?

>> No.15729530

There doesn't seem to be a better way to do things, but agreeing that it is definitely the best is unwarranted. Can you answer the questions in the previous post please?

>> No.15729533

Sure. I mean just look at Tesla, Newton, and our own terry.
Imagine them without the late mental illness
I imagine shamans of the past with “visions” were all high iq mental people

>> No.15729534

I see that you don't get out much or talk to real people. Most 140+ IQ people would be happy with cleaning toilets so long as they got to spend the evening doing high IQ stuff like watching anime.

>> No.15729540

Then why aren't they doing it? What's stopping them?

>> No.15729544

>Then why aren't they doing it?
They are doing it. You just don't get out much so you never meet them.

>> No.15729547

Right. And you've tested all their IQs too?

>> No.15729553

I can tell people on my own level when I meet them.

>> No.15729579

You're welcome to try to explain why (you won't) because you're >>15729168 too retarded to offer actual criticism. Please, explain to me why the type of selective breeding humans have practiced for the entirety of recorded history on everything from corn to dogs wouldn't work on humans.

>> No.15729584

Holy fuck, you are so retarded that you skipped right past retwoded and went straight to threetarded.

>> No.15729592

Namecalling again, I see? You lost the argument. Go talk to real people. Public bathrooms are full of happy high IQ people scrubbing the toilets. You can learn a thing or two form them.

>> No.15729674

>selective breeding humans have practiced for the entirety of recorded history on everything from corn to dogs
The results of those efforts are your diabetes, your receding jaw and a hundred breeds of dysgenic animals.

>> No.15729814

Personal attacks are not a substitute for an actual argument, anon.
I want you to go look up the definition of that word, because selectively bred animals are literally the opposite of dysgenic.

>> No.15729834
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>it's not dysgenic if i define dysgenic as good and breed my dogs to be better

>> No.15729836
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Pic related.

>> No.15729844

That artificial selection (eugenics) based on selecting observable physical traits and behaviors
Human eugenics would involve checking human genes and selecting the most viable combination of alleles
It’s the safest way possible

>> No.15729849

Why are you backpedaling? You just told me selectively bred animals are "the opposite of dysgenic". Are breathing problems eugenic, then?

>> No.15729854

I'm in a good mood so I'll take some time to educate you.
>of, relating to, or contributing to a degeneration or deterioration in the fitness and quality of a race or strain
The express aim of selective breeding of all types, be it apple varietals or horse breeds, is increasing their fitness and quality.

I can see that you're desperately trying to pretend that the past 10,000 years of human efforts can be boiled down to some fucked up pitbull breeds you saw on facebook but I think we both know that it's a little more complex than that. You also still haven't answered my initial question:
>Please, explain to me why the type of selective breeding humans have practiced for the entirety of recorded history on everything from corn to dogs wouldn't work on humans.

>> No.15729857

>everyone responding to me is the same person
There are literally thousands of dog breeds. The fact that some of these breeds which have been bred into extreme sizes are subject to health problems is irrelevant. If we tried to breed humans that were 3 feet tall then I don't think anyone would be surprised to find that they had health problems.

>> No.15729859

It wasn’t me. But it’s true. Artificial breeding is never dysgenic if you get desired effect. But I get what you saying.
You are saying even though the desired effects are achieved there are a ton of other issues that come with and you imagine there will be the same issue with humans.
I am saying it won’t, because the changes would be alleles not just “keep breeding them” artificial selection
You do realize that no matter what you do, women still practice eugenics right?

>> No.15729872
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Didn't read. LOL. Inbreds will seethe.

>> No.15729875

I think his problem is that he's one of those guys who got brainwashed at an early age with
>eugenics = nazis = EVIL!!!
because you can see he doesn't have any logical reason for his position, just pure emotion. Something as simple as screening embryos for defects is literal eugenics but some people just don't seem capable of thinking about it clearly.

>> No.15729876
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>I think his problem is that he's one of those guys who got brainwashed at an early age with
>>eugenics = nazis = EVIL!!!
>because you can see he doesn't have any logical reason for his position, just pure emotion. Something as simple as screening embryos for defects is literal eugenics but some people just don't seem capable of thinking about it clearly.

>> No.15729877

god damn imagine being btfo so hard that you make a post like this
baby boy, just close the thread next time
we're all anonymous here, there's no shame in it

>> No.15729882
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>god damn imagine being btfo so hard that you make a post like this
>baby boy, just close the thread next time
>we're all anonymous here, there's no shame in it
I wish I could see the pasty, overweight, receding-jawed faces that shit out these posts. lol

>> No.15729890

sweaty, you don't understand. if i call it "eugenic" then the consequences will be good by definition, ok? read the dictionary

>> No.15729904

>he's still posting

>> No.15729922
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>> No.15729930

> Something as simple as screening embryos for defects is literal eugenics but some people just don't seem capable of thinking about it clearly.
There are literal disability community supporters that are agaisnt these because “birth of less deaf, and blind or dawny kids means that the current deaf blind dawny will lose their rights.
Imagine putting someone through torments in this life just so you get your numbers inflated

>> No.15729955
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I hate that shit. Can you fucking imagine being such a self-centered piece of shit that you, a person with a birth defect that is a massive handicap, not only decide that you MUST reproduce but you even go out of your way to find a partner with the same defect so that it's a virtual guarantee that your children will be doomed to suffer in the same way that you did.

I'm in my 30s and I'm still mad at my parents for circumcising me. I can't imagine being born a dwarf and at some point coming to the realization that I have to suffer with this for the rest of my life entirely due to my parent's selfishness.

>> No.15729957

And literal retards like you are just their equal and opposite counterparts in yet another jewish dialectic game.

>> No.15729964

All selective breeding is inherently degenerate, if not moderated by a proper environment.
The problem is that we are no longer living in the environment we developed for.
If we adapt to this human moderated environment, trying to replace every part of nature, every step of the way, then we may severely endanger the health of our entire species over the long term.
You can already see where a lot of the modern transhumanist trends are going;
A society made purely from androgynous, small-minded people with no real social connections or possessions, unable to question or disobey, small, weak, frail, plugged into a wall socket somewhere, mentally dominated, steered and controlled by the social superclime, which is today already mainly controlled by profit optimizing algorithmic traders.

Just to make this as clear as I can.
The upsetting of nature, the upending of desire and suffering, mean the ultimate end of the human soul.
That's what selective breeding will bring us.

This is the logical procession that leads people to believe in the black cube conspiracy theories, as it ends with everyone being plugged into a hivemind, to create a false god.
This creation of a false god - encompassing all discernable reality for a human spectator, is the ultimate goal for transhumanism.

>> No.15729967

Who are they dooming and how exactly?
People who missed their chance to have offsprings in their youth will be able to still have that chance without torturing some surrogate mother. What is not to like about it?

>> No.15729971

Troonhumanism belongs on >>>/lgbt/.

>> No.15729979
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>> No.15729984

Dwarf is a fucking blessing compare to what I saw as a “feel good story” on YouTube.
There was this woman who had a birth defect of being born with no arms (from shoulder down) got married to a normal dudes (this alone is fucking nuts as how a man can be desperate to marry such a person and pollute his children destiny)
Anyway, they fucked and got kids and during the Test, it was revealed that the kid ALSO (surprise pikachu face) had no arms.
You know what they did? Birthed him!
Last video was him at like 12, jumping in a pool with no arm and his mom claim that, “he is such a happy boy”
Ye you fucking ruined him and all his kids (which lol, a no arm dude? Fat chance of getting a girl)
No you are being paranoid
Sure. But it’s not like our current “normal breeding” is not inherently selective and degenerate either.
What are we selecting for? Short girls desiring tall guys to make average to short men? High iq pair with low iq? People marrying fatsos (who can have an affect on their child development through their diet), having a kid with a diabetic?
These are all fucked

>> No.15729987
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>> No.15729990

>No you are being paranoid
You are being the dysgenic, docile cattle you were selectively bred to be.

>> No.15729993

Nature is violent and people are meant to die in it.
By upending that process, we separate us from that cycle and slowly over time end up losing anything that could be considered our soul.
In other words, if transhumanism is furthered forever, then eventually we will have no reason to exist and end ourselves.
Consciousness is already everywhere; everything, alive or not, is part of it.
There is no inherent value in trying to engineer our species into some kind of starchild seeder species.
Personally, if I had the choice between infinite luxury among the stars and a brutal primeval life in the European steppe 30000 years ago, I would pick the latter, because it would mean that my life actually matters, as I am fulfilling my biological purpose.
You can try to engineer people socially, or manipulate them otherwise to give them an unnatural live goal, but that wont really work and many problems will arise from it.
As for genetic/biological engineering, if you do that to people, then their very behavior changes from the ground up and they can no longer be considered human.
There is a good chance that our current breeding behavior will directly lead to a civilizational collapse, if it continues for several hundred years.
At least with large or increasing populations, not a lot of genetic material should be lost, recovery should be relatively quick.
Also, the examples you provide are much oversimplified.

>> No.15729997

Dude lefties have nothing to do with this
They are the ones that are fucking afraid of eugenics
Because they know eugenics means sexier, taller, smarter, whiter and eventually creation of an entire caste of rich people not only separated from plebs by wealth but by genetic variance.
That would be the end of all their effort. Lefties crave a fully retarded ugly world because beauty scare them, and shows that equality is a scam. They don’t want eugenics.
People who attacked Dawkins when he talked about benefits of eugenics were lefties
The extent of “transhumanism” for lefties is having a vagina.
And just like any other movements, they think they will be on top of it

>> No.15729999

>trying to replace every part of nature, every step of the way
Nice strawman, bro. All anyone ever said was
>hey, we can breed smarter, stronger, healthier humans so why shouldn't we?

>The upsetting of nature, the upending of desire and suffering, mean the ultimate end of the human soul.
Oh ok, your logic doesn't make sense because you're a christcuck. Disregarded.

>> No.15730000
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>eugenics means sexier, taller, smarter, whiter and eventually creation of an entire caste of rich people not only separated from plebs by wealth but by genetic variance.

>> No.15730004

That’s literally against Reddit points
What the hell are you on?

>> No.15730008

You came here when r/eugenics got banned. :^)

>> No.15730010

I don’t even know what eugenics subreddit is. I assume it was heavily moderates which I hate anyway
But these are my own opinion based on interacting with lefties

>> No.15730014

Name me one thing that can go wrong with selective breeding?
I used oversimplified tone because they are simple. Hormones
Thinking by your dick makes you create genetic failures

>> No.15730019

>these are my own opinion
You don't have your own opinions. "My cattlemasters should engineer the human race to be LE GOOD" is not your opinion. No one has ever formed this opinion on his own except for the people who program you.

>> No.15730021

>Name me one thing that can go wrong with selective breeding?
Give me your name, you dimwit. You are literally an example.

>> No.15730025

It has nothing to do with Christianity.
If you solve all of your desires, then that turns you into a literal depressive, suicidal, sick slop, with no drive whatsoever.
The reason we have greed, lust, anger, love, etc., is because they were useful in nature.
You could never fulfill them.
But now we can. And the result is a complete apathy and utter lack of purpose and meaning for everyone who does.
If you then engineer an entire world to use those emotions and desires to steer people, then you have upended their purpose to further a different goal from what was intended by their biology. This eventually turns into a runaway process, which leads to degeneration of large parts of the species and the inability of much of it to survive in nature.
We see this first part happening in our world today.

Now if you retards really want to be taller, then force everyone to eat raw red meat and look up Pottengers cats.
Some nutritional deficiencies cause epigenetic changes, resulting in disturbed development and reduced growth for multiple generations after correction of nutrient supply.
Now consider that our brains have been shrinking for the past 3000 years of eating grains and gruel.

>> No.15730039

>Nature is violent and people are meant to die in it.
Did you hunt with your bare arms today already?
> if transhumanism is furthered forever, then eventually we will have no reason to exist and end ourselves.
Nigger, most people don't have reason to exist, but they still prefer not to end themselves, even if their lives suck. Transhumanism is aiming to make life suck a little less. Your fears are baseless, your logic is rudimentary. You definitely think too highly of yourself, take care of your own life, you're unfit to worry with global problems, you don't even understand what the actual problems are.

>> No.15730042

Troonhumanists should be forcibly medicated. You're just not okay in the head.

>> No.15730048

> wants to medicate people by force
> thinks that it's somebody else not okay in the head
People are not meant to die, nigger. Niggers on the other hand..
nah, I'm just kiddin, be alright, kiddo

>> No.15730056

Don't be afraid of medication. Forced medication is aiming to make your life suck a little less. Your fears are baseless, your logic is rudimentary. You definitely think too highly of yourself, take care of your own life, you're unfit to worry with global problems, you don't even understand what the actual problems are.

>> No.15730059

You're a funny fellow, I'll kill you the last.

>> No.15730064

Keep talking faggot, you think the purpose of others doesn't exist, then tell me I am thinking too highly of myself?
When did I think highly of myself? What did I say to allude to my superiority?
You are so stuck inside your little wagie box, that you can't see, that every being has purpose written into their very genes, you are just thinking about how to maximize profits.
I would call you short-sighted, but you are blinded by your own ego, cheering on transhumanism for personal gain.
Then you call my logic rudimentary and my fears baseless and you fail to build any logic of yourself, denouncing everything, refuting nothing?
Your logic is rudimentary and you should be afraid.

>> No.15730072
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Smell, dumb, techie scum. Why these threads don't get instantly deleted is beyond me. It's pure /pol/ material of the lowest IQ.

>> No.15730079

>you are just thinking about how to maximize profits.
I don't care about money at all. I just do my science the best I can.
> I would call you short-sighted
But you never said what peril does artificial womb has.
> you should be afraid.
Fear is the dark side of power, don't be so dark, nigger.

>> No.15730085

Ted was a tranny
He almost went for the surgery

>> No.15730088

See >>15730072 for a simple and accessible explanation of why you are delusional.

>> No.15730092

Why do I need to listen to a confused tranny?

>> No.15730095

See >>15730088

>> No.15730129

The artificial womb is one of many manifestation of transhumanism in our modern times.
Each upsets the balance in our superclime, the grand sum of all things influencing human cognition.
We were not evolved to require artificial wombs.
It used to be that some children simply died. This is called natural selection. It is part of human biology.
You do not want this, because you believe that it is morally wrong.
I say to you, morals are a function of society, which work to further that society, this is why they have changed over time, as what you would call science and the economy progressed.
And yet you are unable to unbind yourself from the notion of that child dying. You, in false believe, in empathy, put yourself into that situation, thinking the same could have happened to you.
Your being conscious, is as much a manifestation of your biology trying to fulfill its purpose, as an arm or a leg.
You could have never been that child. You are the product of everything you have experienced.
What you do not think about are the downstream effects of every transhumanist manifestation, the peril and suffering that it unleashes is already widespread.
In this case, a direct dysgenic process would be initiated, no doubt causing problems down the road, which no doubt you would also attempt to solve with more transhumanism.
The entire modern view on gender and sex is also essentially a manifestation of transhumanism, including birth control and abortions.
Now look at how these have ravaged families and the youth.
This is a slippery slope.
Your notion of making life more pleasant, can never be fulfilled, as there is no objective view on the quality of life, besides it's biological one, how well life serves its genetically engrained purpose in the context of its environment.
You can't accept this and hence you are already afraid, but of the wrong things.

>> No.15730134

No you go listen to trannies

>> No.15730140

>We were not evolved to require artificial wombs.
According to the birthrate decline, we evolved to require exactly them.
> The entire modern view on gender and sex is also essentially a manifestation of transhumanism, including birth control and abortions.
The campaign to promote pederasty is gay mafia trying to normalize their degeneracy before technology similar to ai as an additional brainpower makes all their sins obvious to everybody.

>> No.15730185

What is the birth rate decline caused by anon?

>> No.15730220

Expectation of artificial wombs and designer babies for one. Expectation of cellular rejuvenation via genetic therapies for two. Mechanization and automation of productions for three. Your mom being an ugly whore for four.

>> No.15730223

You don't understand. Slaving away for Chaim Shekelgroober who is a billionaire paychopath with nothing but genocide and world conquest on his mind is meaningful. Maintaining basic plumbing and making sure the streets aren't overflowing with shit is, like, so low IQ plebian.

>> No.15730245

>i am mentally ill

>> No.15730246

So what you are saying is, that transhumanism led to a reduced birth rate, therefore, rather than getting rid of it, we should use more transhumanism to fix it, causing even more problems which we will then also fix with transhumanism?
It would be much quicker to just nuke ourselves.

>> No.15730249

>I am super high IQ for dedicating decades of my life developing skillsets that I can then dedicate to a modern slave driver that loathes me. This is my ambition.
>making sure the streets aren't overflowing with shit? Nah, that's like, super selfish and 0 ambition. You are so much more stupider than me, a superior being with ubermensch genome

>> No.15730252

You're legit mentally ill. I have no idea what your incoherent rambling is about. This is actually quite characteristic for nu/sci/ - a good chunk of you are schizophrenics rambling against some voices living in your head and shitting out replies that have nothing to do with the points made by the posters you pester.

>> No.15730263

Proctologist/gastroenterologist are the highest paid non surgeons with comps in private practice of 1mil

Plumbers are the highest paid tradies

Janitors usually have the highest pay scale in retail

Poop pays

>> No.15730269

>Proctologist/gastroenterologist are the highest paid non surgeons with comps in private practice of 1mil
>Plumbers are the highest paid tradies
>Janitors usually have the highest pay scale in retail
>Bathroom janitors are usually the highest paid janitors
>Toilet scrubbers are usually the highest paid members of the bathroom janitor team at the local Walmart
>So I'm basically a proctologist

>> No.15730303

>implying people of higher intelligence are more trapped in dead end jobs than people of lower intelligence

>> No.15730337

Fuck off dude
You are the mentally Ill who think your job===your ambitions
Go suck on your ceo cock you cubicle slave

>> No.15730339

See? Another patently insane reply about what the voices in your head think, getting projected onto me.

>> No.15730344

Nigger we can literally see all your comments. You keep calling high paying job “high aspiration” and low pays “low aspiration” what else to infer but your belief that “pay=level of aspiration”?
You are just insane and pathetic to think we didnt figure out your values by now

>> No.15730347

>You keep calling high paying job “high aspiration” and low pays “low aspiration”
You see? 100% psychiatric delusion.

>> No.15730349

There is no shortage of low IQ people, they are outbreeding the high IQ people within the country and undeveloped countries full of low IQ people have the highest fertility rates. We do not need more plumbers lol. Plumbers make up like 0.01% of the population.

>> No.15730355

Dude read the thread
The entire argument is about can an all engineered smart people in a society function as in someone is a surgeon and another is plumber
It’s not about OUR world currently
Fuck off looney people can see your comments

>> No.15730361

>can an all engineered smart people in a society function as in someone is a surgeon and another is plumber
Obviously yes, the plumber will likely be better compensated as there is a shortage of people within his trade compared to now. Unless politicians use that "skill shortage" to import millions of low IQ people that is.

>> No.15730366

>Fuck off looney people can see your comments
I bet they can. Can they see the "comments" you hallucinated, though? The ones where I equated "high paying" with "high aspiration" etc.? Notice how you can't actually link to any such "comments", clinically subhuman redditor.

>> No.15730367

Yes well the guy me and several others “arguing” with don’t understand it, and I don’t care if he was at least coherent. But no he is just a low iq that just insults around without providing any useful info. Feels like arguing with retarded niggers on Twitter without a ban
You are literally a ctr f away from being proven wrong again
Sit down

>> No.15730369

Notice how despite your psychotic rage, you failed to link to these "comments" where I equate "high pay" with "high aspiration" or whatever the voices said. Just so you know for next time, there are no "comments" on 4chan, inbred reddit trash. Your life will never have moral value.

>> No.15730371

>ctrl + f "penis"
>"0" results

>> No.15730377

Again, ctr f aspiration and it’s there.
Go away. Adults are talking. Take your inbred ugga Bugga rage back to world star subreddit

>> No.15730385

>it's there
>only i keep shitting out post after post without linking it
What a fucking parasite. The baord is worse than usual today.

>> No.15730388

>board is worse
Then fuck off back to the hole you came out of

>> No.15730394

Still waiting for those posts you hallucinated. You will come crawling back to my for another (You) like a wounded animal, but you will not provide those hallucinated posts. :^)

>> No.15730399

Again , retard. I am just treating you the same. You can moan all you want. Everyone else know already what a retard you are anyway.

>> No.15730402

You're not threatening me with ctrl+f anymore? What happened? And why do you keep coming back to me like a dog on a leash?

>> No.15730410

lol as if you control anyone
everyone know you are mental anyway
Why don’t you stop responding to whatever I say then?

>> No.15730441

Based india, Smart children grow up into smart adults which create smart societies that benefit everyone. A single smart and productive child can feed a dozen or so people.

>> No.15730450

Lol something interesting I noticed
The more “advance”a country is, it has a higher negative reaction toward making their babies more intelligent. It’s like they literally forgot that their lifestyle and advancement is thanks to their genius forefathers
Just like how they think previous generations before them were “evil colonizer warmongers”
They actually taking their relative easy life in their developed nations as granted without realizing WHY they are so advanced
It’s so fucking sad

>> No.15730635

why multiple generations? if SNP association is so good, we can surpass the speed of normal eugenics with this tech, just use GWAS and be done with it.
I need empirical results about these SNPs and I won't trust them until they can prove that they know what this shit does more than clinical/wetlabs do with their glowing rats and *actually* finding the causes of CF.

>> No.15730710

Compounding effects and fewer embryos required

>> No.15730811

What will be the effect of polygenic risk scoring and will India and China when the genetics arms race against the West who are stymied by moral concerns.

>> No.15730974

>causing even more problems
It's problems is nothing in comparison to problems we had in the caves. Everything brings problem because there's no absolutes, so nothing is absolutely good or absolutely bad. You can focus on the problematic parts of any event and thus seem to prove that that event is bad, but it's sophistry, you should look at the subject from every possible angle. And yes people not getting old and not having to fight for their survival is a good thing, who would have thought! nigger, if you are so resentfut to envy, at least do it in silence, or better don't, you have some other superpower, intelligence is just not it.

>> No.15730986

>my job is higher ambition and less greed driven because Chaim gives me a higher allowance for goyim toys.

>> No.15730989

>The more you suck mr. Shekleberg cock, the less greedy you become.

>> No.15731032

Still nothing? You will reply again. You're on my leash. I control you.

>> No.15731036

Lol leave your psych tactics
You acting deranged because you lost the argument. Everyone agrees with me and the other dude everyone making fun of your retarded “high aspiration” bullshit

>> No.15731044

You are my pet. You will reply again. You crave my approval even more than that of your imaginary friends who "agree with you".

>> No.15731085


>> No.15731091

>my pet golem will address me again, even though it's the equivalent of eating my dirty ass at this point

>> No.15731094

What a looney
Ofcourse I gonna respond
To miss such an opportunity to talk to a genuine mental case would be a shame

>> No.15731098

>my pet golem will keep addressing me like the animal that it is because i won't let it off the leash

>> No.15731146

>looney keep being observed by curious people
>currently he believes he is a master psychologist

>> No.15731159

I will leave my pet golem here and come back in an unspecified number of hours. My pet golem will still be here and adress me again when I call it.

>> No.15731180

>looney appears to be tired
>returning back to his cave he vows to return with more fury
Fascinating observarion

>> No.15732300

>we need Gammas and Deltas!
you're exactly the sort of person that justifies mass immigration with the desperate need of the middle class for garden landscapers

>> No.15732313

You're exactly the sort of person that licks my anus and my balls after I force-feed him his meds and he stops hallucinating things no one said or implied about mass migration.

>> No.15732334

like I said, the sort of person who needs pay José to lick his taint.

>> No.15732352

Literally just take your meds, brown subhuman.

>> No.15734634

If you want to create autists, yes.
Look at the faces and body of the top 1%... Plus they are inbred pedos.

>> No.15734647

lol you lose again mr “low aspiration jobs” people like you are the reason for brownified Europe and USA

>> No.15734650

You're exactly the sort of person that licks my anus and my balls after I force-feed him his meds and he stops hallucinating things no one said or implied about mass migration.

>> No.15734669

How do you get your “low iq” toilet cleaners when
1- you don’t want to pay them right
2- you view then as “lesser” human beings because of “low aspiration” and make a culture to humiliate them
3-as a result no sane person want to be toilet scrubber
How you gonna find people to be toilet scrubber then? Oh yes you gonna import desperate people, pay them shit and let them breed more
That’s how immigration happens
Anyone with a brain can see that you are supporting that

>> No.15734708

>How do you get your “low iq” toilet cleaners
People with no special skills and talents do simple manual labor. It's the simple, natural order of things.

>> No.15734754

Again, how do you GET your low iqs when you not only paying them almost nothing to create a life, and ALSO humiliate them because of their job?
You being DESPERATE immigrants
That’s how your ilk of boomers have been destroying Europe and USA

>> No.15734802

>how do you GET your low iqs
They just... get born?

>only paying them almost nothing to create a life
They used to get by just fine before your handlers decided to take "capitalism" to its ultimate conclusion.

>and ALSO humiliate them because of their job?
I don't humiliate manual workers. That's another one of your hallucination.

>> No.15734803

I have about average intelligence and not a day goes by without seething over over the fact that I'm not on the level of someone like Einstein. so much shit is inaccessible to me and it's not fair.

>> No.15734808

It wouldn't work because God would exterminate you for your filthiness in the long run.

>> No.15734809

Yet another reason why average intelligence should be lowered rather than increased. lol

>> No.15734831

uhhhh middle east???

>> No.15734873

exception not the rule. also not all of the middle east just south of it.

>> No.15734952

>just south of it
are you retarded? IQ is genetic and no amount of coping can change that

>> No.15734956

>I don’t humiliate
Calling them low iq, low aspiration people is humiliation
>they just get born?
Sure. But when you don’t pay them right nor respect them as valuable humans (which shows since you don’t even pay them right) they will get jaded and stop working in those sections
Then you end up importing shitskins to fill their place , until your entire nation is shitskin

>> No.15734959

>oil infrastructures made by white man, >maintained by white man and now chinks

>> No.15734969

no you're retarded. he was talking about how middle easterners are dumbshits yet they have good GDP

>> No.15734979

you replied to the wrong guy right?? I'm the one making that claim.

>> No.15734983

What else makes their gdp high? Their “smart” people? You mean the Indians and pakis they import as temp workers, work then like slaves and kick them out at age of 60 without giving them citizenship? Or is it the minority Arabs who lives in bliss?
Tbh, their method of migration is the only way to fill up jobs that no one wants, without increasing the pay, or displacing their own people
We should learn from them

>> No.15734986

>Calling them low iq
That's not an insult. That's an objective statement of fact.

>when you don’t pay them right
Already covered this. They used to get by just fine before your handlers decided to take "capitalism" to its ultimate conclusion. Why are you this fucking stupid?

>> No.15735003

>they used to be ok to live like shit
Lol ye ok. So it’s ok to keep a section of people of your nation in a miserable existent, but your rich, oh they are so different. They need to live in wealth and health and different type of mental stimulations.
And then you wonder why this country will be over run by shitskins

>> No.15735089

>they used to be ok to live like shit
Not what I said. Why do you keep trying to lie your way out of this?

>So it’s ok to keep a section of people of your nation in a miserable existent,
Nigger, if you're so worried about them, go do something about your handlers and their """economic system""". What the FUCK does it have to do with eugenics?

>> No.15735113

It has to do everything with eugenics.
You want to create slave and master castes. You want to deliberately create retards to fill up the roles of toilet scrubbers, pay them shit and then humiliate them too.
While your other creation, the very smart, lives in wealth and wealth and happiness.
Your idea is even worse than brave new world and that was considered a dystopia.
In brave new world, the engineered people to be dumb and smart, short and tall, ugly and beautiful and filled up different section of job forces based on these attributes. But even then, the rich smart didn’t see the dumb ugly as lower and dumb ugly didn’t loath the smart beautiful, for he was feeling respected and had a living pay.
Not only you want to have dumb people in your eugenic world, but you also want them to feel like crap and live like shit.
Write a book man. Your world would be the TRUE dystopia.
It’s funny that you keep talking about “capitalism bad” while defending capitalism practice of “pay then nothing”

>> No.15735136

>You want to create slave and master castes. You want to deliberately create retards
LOL. You're completely insane. I don't want or need to "create" retards. Retards get created spontaneously, as the case has always been. I also don't seek to lord it over them as a "master caste", either. They exist, they serve an essential function and I see no problem with it. People like you should scrub toilets.

>> No.15735146

>I don’t humiliate them. I just pay them nothing and expect them to stay in destitute without complaining
In eugenics, you are basically breeding people. If you breed some people to be smarter, then according to your “we need dumb people to scrub toilets” you leave some to breed naturally or again, breed them to be dumb, thus creating slave and master, dumb and smart castes.
You have a chance to breed them so all can be smart, but noooo. You need toilet scrubbers and they MUST be low paid retards. So you allow the creation of retards to be continued even though you can stop it.
That’s genuinely insane and dystopian

>> No.15735153

>I just pay them nothing
Your handlers pay them nothing. If you have a problem with """capitalism""" go settle it with your handlers. We've been over this several times.

> If you breed some people to be smarter, then according to your “we need dumb people to scrub toilets” you leave some to breed naturally or again, breed them to be dumb, thus creating slave and master, dumb and smart castes.
Again, I dont' think we need to "breed some people to be smarter". I certainly think we need to sterilize you by force, but this whole 80 IQ "breed smart people" idea has nothing to do with me. You're mental.

>> No.15735159

You are the person who says “toilet scrubbers were ok to get paid nothing and capitalism changed that and made them greedy” and now you are saying that it’s capitalism that doesn't pay them right?
Which one is it then?
>he is talking about eugenics
>breeding smarter people is not part of his eugenic plan
Lol ok

>> No.15735174

>You are the person who says “toilet scrubbers were ok to get paid nothing and capitalism changed that and made them greedy”
No, that's literally just you having a psychotic fit. lol

>> No.15735200

and here >>15734802
>they used to get by fine before “capitalism” intervened

>> No.15735209

>>they used to get by fine before “capitalism” intervened
1. Literally not what the post says.
2. Even your faked greentext doesn't support your schizo accusations
Be honest: are you from this place: >>>/pol/?

>> No.15735224

Go fuck off inbred. There is no discussion with you, if you keep changing the topic like a snake.

>> No.15735227

Do you post on /pol/?

>> No.15735249

Again fuck off with your side questions.
You have failed, and everyone here knows that you are very mental and illogical.

>> No.15735255

You're by far the dumbest /pol/monkey on this board, I'll give you that.

>> No.15735368

>muh pol
Even pol is better than your bullshit that you have posted here

>> No.15735375

Even the bullshit I have posted here is better than the bullshit you have posted here. You are completely incoherent. Did you get banned from /pol/? Is that it?

>> No.15735379

Yes your bullshit of “low iq need to have less luxury, give all the luxury to high iq” is sure good way to manage the society
You are insane

>> No.15735381

What's the point of Toliet scrubbing if you're gonna pay like shit? I'm not gonna work a job that doesn't help me survive, how fucking dumb are you? It's like saying mc donald workers should be paid super shitty but expect people to actually work and serve you? Fuck off.

>> No.15735389

>What's the point of Toliet scrubbing
The point is that people like you have no choice but to scrub my toilet.

>> No.15735412

Natural selection is not an objective argument unless you take the subjective moral axiom that things which last longer are better.
Evolution only explains the changes in the proportion of different types of self-propagating systems in a population over time. Any objective view of meaning you place on that requires another axiom

>> No.15735417

>his point
>your head

>> No.15735434

The point is that your shit ideal results in mass immigration

>> No.15735439

No, it doesn't. You're insane. Now scrub my toilet, scrubby boy. Scrub it like you mean it.

>> No.15735447

>Write a book mannnn. It's like, your world that is the true dystopia mannnnn.
You are leaving out the quintessential aspect of the brave new world society that makes it worse than even INGSOC, the use of psychotropic and mood altering drugs to brainwash people into a lull of complacency. The regular society was effectively identical to our own, even at the time he wrote it. The Soma is the key.
The fact you left it out implies you are an SSRI/Xanax popping-cock sucking retard that gargles balls every Tuesday after going to the local barcade to pick up homosexuals. You need to go back.

>> No.15735466

I talked about soma here in the same very thread you fucking braindead refuse, ctrl F that.
In brave new world, soma was not the only thing that kept them in check. An entire brain washing process from childhood also ensured that they don’t see each other as superior or inferior, but just enough for their position in society.
Yet your own fucked up “utopia” demands that people with lower iq need to be kept in horrible condition and in low pay. It is 10 times worse than the entire brave new world.
You assume too many things about me, yet none is true.
I scrubbed your mama’s puss if you know what I mean

>> No.15735480

I have three toilets in my house. Maybe if you work hard you'll earn enough for bus fare so you can go home instead of staying in my shed tonight.

>> No.15735521

You can’t even respond to all the questions asked or you.
>I have 3 toilets even though I have one ass
>clean it for basically free
Typical refugee-needeR

>> No.15736177

work to do what is already, more or less, being done? the only advantage an isolated approach would have over filtering systems already in place is the early identification of gifted children. i think you vastly overestimate the intellectual capabilities of humans. now if you combine with genetic/synthetic engineering, then you'd be cooking with fire. but even then the results would pale in comparison to AGI.

>> No.15736571

It does it by itself

>> No.15736583

What would they say to each other?

>> No.15736588

>repeat over multiple generations
holy fuck youre retarded

>> No.15736599

I’m smarter than you
No, I am
I was the first one
No, I fucked up on this one
Natureeee *flashes titties*

>> No.15736614

This is why I don’t fuck with whites

>> No.15736620

>develop the children in chambers

>> No.15736623

toilet for 60

>> No.15736626

Giving them names

>> No.15736640

I don’t fuck with jannies I came here to swing dick around Where they at

>> No.15736650

>gifted children
Talk straight some guy is recording the thread