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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 623x549, vax_gis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15728408 No.15728408 [Reply] [Original]

>Higher intelligence was the strongest predictor for vaccine adherence (OR = 5.38)

So let me ask you /sci/ did you get vaccinated?

>> No.15728413

>higher intelligence
Cool. In other news, midwits found to conform to this week's current thing.

>> No.15728415

Of course i got vaccinated.
I was like 4, it's not like i had a choice.

>> No.15728416

Higher intelligence meaning a proliferation of 120s lmao, the usual midwit territory because the retards couldn't find anyone above 145 for their gay questionnaire

>> No.15728420
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>"""higher""" intelligence

>> No.15728424

Those on the long tail have little impact on the average. This is simple math and statistics. How could you fall for such basic misdirection?

>> No.15728449

As a matter of fact, I did. All of my colleagues (physicists) did. The only person at work who I know didn't get vaccinated, is our secretary. Anecdotally I can confirm the findings of this study.

>> No.15728452

I wonder what the IQ of the average physicist is if you don't even understand how to properly conduct a basic study. lol

>> No.15728456

at more than 90% vaxxies I don't think it's a matter of IQ anymore.
also the "event" wasn't a free choice from properly informed humans. that shit was forcefully shoved down everyone's throats with the threat of losing their jobs and deals and what have you.
you can't say "see? this smarter category of people chose the vaxx". that's not applicable

>> No.15728458

>at more than 90% vaxxies I don't think it's a matter of IQ anymore.
Why not? More than 98% of the population is incapable of rationality and critical reasoning going strictly by the bell curve.

>> No.15728459
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>another none conditional probability study

>> No.15728464

>you don't even understand how to properly conduct a basic study
What makes you think that?

>> No.15728469

Well, for one, "my institution told me to"/"all my buddies did it" etc. are factors you probably want to control for, retard.

>> No.15728532

What are you talking about? I never claimed I conducted a study. I just shared an anecdote from my work. What's there to "control" for? Should I get a second control job and tell them I didn't get the vaccine?

>> No.15728541

in a free choice scenario your stats make sense.
people basically had a gun to their heads when taking the vaxx. you can't present them of examples of high IQ people. fuck's wrong with you all? have you lost your fucking minds?
the only thing that can be argued is if high IQ people agree with everybody being held hostage until they took the vaxx. that's the most you can study, objectively speaking.

>> No.15728548

>I never claimed I conducted a study.
I never claimed you conducted a study, either, you steaming pile of undergrad.

>> No.15728553

Then what do you base your assessment on that I can't conduct studies? Did you already forget that, schizo?

>> No.15728569

>Then what do you base your assessment on that I can't conduct studies?
Because your anecdote ironically highlights the faults of the study it's supposed to corroborate and you didn't notice it.

>> No.15728615

>In terms of the vaccine mandates, I acknowledge that it was a challenging time for people but they ultimately made their own choices. There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices.
t: New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins

No refunds, cattle filth.
The karmic balance is untouched, you all willingly injected yourselves.
Now die, cattle filth.

>> No.15728619

>people basically had a gun to their heads when taking the vaxx
The degree to which you felt "a gun to your head" is inversely proportional to your actual intelligence level.

>> No.15728621

6-year-olds not allowed. Fuck off back to school.

>> No.15728624

I'm 35 years old, ageist bigot.

>> No.15728628

that's the problem with low IQ in science, they try to reframe shit so it fits their worldview. that's how you end up with "studies" such as this one.

>> No.15728634
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The problem with low IQ in science is that low IQ in science is "higher" IQ.

>> No.15728638

The degree to which you felt "a gun to your head" is inversely proportional to whether you took the vaccine. Of course you didn't feel any pressure to take it, since you already took it, followed the herd, had the vaccine pass, and joined the chorus in demonising the unvaccinated.

>> No.15728641

Man, you are STILL trying to defend the heavy-handed response to covid? Jesus just give it up already. Accept the fact you were wrong.

>> No.15728642

I have no idea what your schizobabble is all about but I hope you feel betternow.

>> No.15728646

Being wrong and dying on that hill is a higher intelligence thing. You wouldn't get it.

>> No.15728656

I'm not sure he'd die on the hill.
It's a pretty steep climb for a weak heart.

>> No.15728658

More like he'll die on that hill for sure because he can't even make his way down now.

>> No.15728665

low iq in science is desired by others who will try to control science through those retarded morons. there really is a need for only high IQ in science.
the argument that more idiots is better overall as more happns does not hold water anymore. morons in science take away resources and time and steals attention with their retarded work.
overall we lose more than we gain by lowering the bar for science.

>> No.15728668

Yes high iq mean higher compliance apparently
That’s why high iq(s) believed that protest agaisnt anything cause increase in covid but blm protest, Obama birthday and Biden party decreased covid.

>> No.15728669

have you seen the fucking statistics on age groups you fucking imbecille??? nobody under 50 died from the virus, statistically speaking, if you had no comorbidity. apart from the random lottery winner which doesn't really count does it? for your fear of dying if under 50.

>> No.15728670

>intelligence level
give a value and explanation so we can address the distorted logic you tried to express here

>> No.15728672

y ur iq smol

>> No.15728674

>give a value and explanation so we can address
I'm afraid you left your "we" back on pleddit, kind stranger.

>> No.15728677

most people took the vax

>> No.15728678

It's also a given that most people are fucking stupid. What's the incongruity?

>> No.15728680

so most people are stupid and most people took the vax

>> No.15728686

Yes. That's what I said. Are you some kind of a mouth-breathing clinical retard?

>> No.15728689

the amount of people who took the vax is highly correlated to the amount of people that have been coerced by their authorities via social and economic measures.
this hit both high and low iq, such that now you have a small portion of nonvaccinated people that it itself has a similar spread of IQ like the whole of population.
IQ had no say in vax status, literally no say, because it was NOT A FUCKING CHOICE.

>> No.15728692

i find it difficult to believe that anyone agree with you on this >>15728619

>> No.15728695

you are stupid fuck

>> No.15728701
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>> No.15728702

Ok, so what part of my stupid fucking posts did you disagree with, retard? Stupid people make stupid decisions. Like your impulsive, niggerlike tendency to lash out at people for no conceivable reason.

>> No.15728703
File: 131 KB, 448x603, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy, now cut your penis, do it right now.

>> No.15728704

>i find it difficult to believe
Who cares? Go ahead and prove me wrong. Your tag team of predditors isn't here to downvote me. :^)

>> No.15728716

see >>15728701
if high IQs had a choice and were correctly being presented with REAL data, not manipulated data, the choice was pretty clear.
under 50 years old high IQs wouldn't have taken the vaxx you idiot. we have been lied to and the presented data and state of affairs has been heavily skewed by financial and political interests.

>> No.15728719

Holy Mother of Clinical Cretins... someone help this specimen find the exit.

>> No.15728729

>prove my made up BS wrong
you are long way from home

>> No.15728732

that is not an argument moron, try and form a fucking argument against what I said.

>> No.15728734

So I take it you have no refutation of any kind? Ok. Go seek consolation from your "we".

>> No.15728739

Say, what do you think the post you linked to is implying?

>> No.15728741

No see, he is high iq. Because high iq means being more compliance. So he can be happy and release some ambient dopamine anytime he sees his vaccine card and remember this “study”
It’s like good boy points
And very pathetic way of feeling “good”

>> No.15728755


>> No.15728767

That's almost the lowest IQ response you could have come up with. Or maybe it's the highest _you_ could...

>> No.15728769

you still made no argument. you had two opportunities to make one, you avoided it each time.
can you form a fucking argument the third time? can you say something against my argument that people under 50yo shouldn't have been forced to take the vaxx? do you have any serious argument against that?

>> No.15728778

What do you think the post you linked to is implying? Are you even human or are you just a bot replying to random posts with prescripted seethe?

>> No.15728780
File: 493 KB, 1014x627, 38529349253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's almost the lowest IQ response you could have come up with. Or maybe it's the highest _you_ could...
Imagine spouting this unironically. You're an actual 12 years old.

>> No.15728783

so you avoided making an argument for the third time. you are responding like a fucking bot

>> No.15728787

I just don't know what I'm supposed to be arguing against. You seem legit mentally ill. Explain what it was about my post that you even disagreed with. lol. You literally can't.

>> No.15728799

kek I may have misunderstood your earlier post lmao my bad

>> No.15728820

Mid wits get caught up in the flood.

Stupid people and high IQ question the vaxx.

>> No.15728840

why don't mindwits go like
>well fuck me, I don't really know what's up, I'm just repeating whatever people are saying. I'm primitive like that, I'm afraid and don't want to be left out of the group so my opinion doesn't matter anyway man. what do you want me to do? go against the grain? are you insane?
so then let's just stop asking them shit. their opinion is irrelevant anyway.
now dimwits, that's another matter. they are at least entertaining and in a weird way mirror some high IQ choices, just that they have different reasoning for them.

>> No.15729139


>> No.15729141

Yes, I'm not a retard. Back when the pandemic was in full force, my uni was publishing vaccination coverage statistics to assure the student body it was safe to attend classes. Even if vaccination was in no way compulsory, I think like 98% of students and faculty got vaccinated. So this study confirms my priors. Intelligent people don't mindlessly follow Facebook memes.

>> No.15729155

piss off faggot, that is not an argument. are you fucking retarded? if you are under 50 with no comorbidities the vaxx moves your risk of dying from covid from 0.000000000000000000000000000000001% to 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001% so yes you can technically argue that "it helps".
but now consider the loss due to the vaccine itself. now you have to consider the risks of the vaxx. does the improvement in survival chance that the vaxx gives you (if under 50 years old) offset the risk of ANYTHING you might risk from getting the vaxx itself? *insert all shit that happened to vaxxies*

>> No.15729158

IQ is the best predictor of naivety.

>> No.15729163

let alone the fact that the death-rate by age group graph ONLY applies to anyone who GOT THE FUCKING VIRUS!
without having gotten the virus your death risk is even way lower. your being ok chances compound. the graph applies to you if you got infected in the first place.
under 50yo vaxxies are retarded if they try to justify the coercion that went into the whole story

>> No.15729191

>>15729155 me
you fuckers are psuds and retarded. there's no way in hell you are smart and don't understand that you have no standing in defending you forcefully getting the shot. you know whatever knee-jerk reaction your mind presents to you whenever you see the vaxx questioned, comes from the need of defending you getting it.
the high IQ take here is to accept you shouldn't have had it, when you now understand the data.
this is what separates the wheat from the chaff, the best scientists are the masochistic ones. if you can't deal with the pain of being wrong you just filtered yourself.

>> No.15729231

it has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with psychology

>> No.15729325

>nobody under 50 died from the virus, statistically speaking
Factually speaking, you're lying.
Also, dying is bad, but it's not the only bad thing that can happen to a person. Seeing sporty friends of mine out of breath after a single flight of stairs, months after they had Covid in March 2020 made me really not eager to catch it.

>> No.15729330 [DELETED] 

i know people under 50 that died from covid

>> No.15729524

This is false. Such studies usually stop at 120 IQ because the percentiles before are the last segment that is regarded as "significant". This is especially stark at the ranges /sci/ regards as "respectable", like 125+. Those ranges are either as a matter of methodology, or a pure mathematical fact, treated as sparse data.

>> No.15729538

>Factually speaking
you cut out the part with the "random lottery winner" and also the part with comorbidities. apart from those...
doesn't matter what you think is best for me. you can't force me take the vaxx so I don't get a fever you dipshit

>> No.15729566

>sample midwits and dipshits
>filter out actual high iqs as outliers
>"guise look the smarter you are the more midwitted you are"
many such cases

>> No.15729574

>Also, dying is bad, but it's not the only bad thing that can happen to a person
>all muh sporty friends got long COVID
Indeed. Being dead is better than being a lying little kike like you.

>> No.15729591

Adam Rutherford I would happily make concrete overshoes for, but the amount of children I would put into Hannah Fry is not countable.

>> No.15729924

Dutton talks about the relationship between intelligence and trust. I think this offers a good sumary of the miwit problem

Low IQ do not trust as they aren't as perceptive at determinging what is true.
Midwits are more trusting but because they aren't actually smart enough to analyse the data themselves they put their trust into "authorities"
High IQ trust their own analytical abilities instead.

It would seem to explain a lot about politics and society.

>> No.15729935

>all muh sporty friends got long COVID
Just one, actually. One other friend lost his sense of smell, which might technically count as long covid, but that didn't have me worried.
Follow your Führer and kys

>> No.15730105

>be a lying little rat
>react strongly to the word "kike"
Like clockwork. :^)

>> No.15730121

No, at the start I was skeptical of how quickly it had been produced but I was never against the idea of a working vaccine being possible. Now I'm just lazy.

>> No.15730217

Same my man. Although I did take some at like 13 years of age. Mandatory in elementary school.

>> No.15730248

I’m low IQ for science and it’s shitty, I’m in an engineering department with some incredibly competent people who easily pick up on my errors, and I know no amount of hard graft can train me to be as quick and insightful as a lot of them are.

And then I go talk to someone from the marketing department at lunch and remember what a 90 IQ actually is, lol

>> No.15730910 [DELETED] 

That's bullshit. High people trust everything, because they have a limited capacity to notice when something is false. That's what high IQ is about, the willingness to make stuff up, and trust nonsense.
Wnyone who trusts their own analysis will be deemed "low IQ".

>> No.15730911

That's bullshit. High IQ people trust everything, because they have a limited capacity to notice when something is false. That's what high IQ is about, the willingness to make stuff up, and trust nonsense.
Anyone who trusts their own analysis will be deemed "low IQ".

>> No.15731115

>covid deaths
"Covid death" is a pseudoscientific term. It has no clear definition and is used inconsistently, making *ALL* statistics that rely on it complete garbage.
It is literally as scientific as terms like "soul" or "God".
If you say "covid death" you're doing theology, not science.

>> No.15731117

At least some high IQ have teh capacity to actually check shit without having to rely on appeals to authority
high IQ aren't immune to being NPCs

>> No.15731121

>No meteorites is not an other planets problem
>We should immediately force the entire human civilization to build bunkers or emigrate to other planets

>> No.15731632

Looks like you answered the question. You're so smart. Now Super-Size my fries.

>> No.15731634

Looks like you got triggered. Now serve me another (You), with extra salt.

>> No.15731637

Yes of course I got vaxxed. Why would Jews get the vaxx if it was bad?

>> No.15731642
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>> No.15731645

That's nice, I hope you're nit late on your rent lmao.

>> No.15731654

I know I said "extra" but that was too much salt. Give me another one.

>> No.15731840

I dont think coronavirus itself or the vaccines are the problem. The excess deaths are naturally caused by the virus.

But why did China release this weak SARS virus? To collect data. It was an exercise for the real lab made biological virus and how it spreads in population. Weapons like this are far more deadly than nuclear bombs.

>> No.15734521

The flu vaccine literally doesn't work, and has been proven.

>> No.15734536

kek, you know for a fact he didn't get either

>> No.15734563

>your friend was forced into to solitary confinement for likely over two weeks. His heart didn't get fucked by covid, his lack of and physical activity for half a month did that. Your cardio vascular system loses endurace after just two days without intense workout. I had the same shit you are fucking describing, I'm fine now. Heart damage doesn't get better, it literally forms scar tissue that never repairs and compounds its own damage. So, unless your friend is now dead from heart failure, or requiring dozens of heart meds a day, he is fine.

>> No.15734567

This is the stupidest post I have read on here in a while.

>> No.15734569

You just proved him right. Your high IQ made you trust that he's telling the truth about his beliefs and not blatantly trolling. High IQs are gullible retards.

>> No.15734603
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, pfizer trial data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See guys, I have proof of their efficacy as I have the actual Pfizer trial data right he-

>> No.15734623

Just get the shot, chud. The sealed clinical data will be released in 75 years and it will prove it was a good idea, I'm sure of it.

>> No.15735572

>white person pretending to be black
>higher intelligence

>> No.15736206

But you are a fucking moron because the net risk:benefit was a negative one (unless you have some kind of serious health condition which made you an unusually high risk), and it did nothing to help anyone else since it did not even slightly reduce transmission and in fact vaccinated were getting infected at much higher rates by late 2021.

Obviously you must have heard that the clinical trial was contentious, did you not go and read it? This should have been the first point of call for everyone and I don't know a single other person who did this. When I saw the rates of severe adverse events was much higher than the risk of similar outcomes from covid for me that was a big nope.

>> No.15736213

Even these numbers are massively inflated. With antibody testing pre-vaccine they found that the actual rate was more like 0.2%, but that was excluding people who may no longer have had post-infection antibodies, and including all the 'with' covid deaths which made up perhaps half. So you could estimate it to be more like 0.1% or maybe even less, which is the figure usually given for regular seasonal flu. I'm not sure that comparison is fair because I don't know exactly how they calculate that flu death rate, all things considered I think it's pretty clear early covid was on average a bit worse than flu, but not by a lot statistically speaking.

Also keep in mind I am talking about the earlier and much more serious variants, Omicron is LITERALLY a cold and its death rate is 0% because if you are weak enough to die from it you were basically dead anyway so it doesn't count.

>> No.15737897

Imagine still debating this. If you took it you were easily misled or compelled. If you didn't, you were paranoid or well read. We see now the trove of new and horrifying data emerging. We see the marketing companies faltering in covering this up.

What an absolute failure.

>> No.15737908

"Intelligence" in an academic sense is a measure of compliance with academia, making the reasoning here entirely circular.

>> No.15738152

when talking about intelligence
>ummm actually we cant objectively measure intelligence, chud :)
when it suits their narrative

>> No.15738174

That pretty cool how you smart like that.

>> No.15738186

Thanks. You, too.

>> No.15738251

lol get shit on

>> No.15738593

my intelligence is so gihgh that even academia cant measure it and have to put thing in my way to stop me i never tred always got top score well almost top score ok really more like average but thats because i didnt try imagine if i tried im so grate

>> No.15738610

lol no

>> No.15738622

I farted

>> No.15738918

are these the same people who deny IQ in general?

>> No.15738926

There's a clear problem with this. It's a sort of cognitive task in itself planning, booking and appearing for vaccination. There's also quite possibly a higher likelihood of having a job with international travel if you have high IQ. Losing your job might come with a higher cost due to a much longer process to obtain it and these days higher IQ people are probably more likely to have big loans from housing and college.

Unless you can remove all these potential biases this finding is very weak.

>> No.15739067
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Is easy to abuse statistics and the definition of IQ to pull out turds like that because midwits constitute 2/3 of the population with IQ above 100.

>> No.15739069

Damn you so mad you waited days to double post. That's some serious ass-pain.

>> No.15739138


Yikes. I better go off and get vaccinated so people on the Internet will think I'm smart.

>> No.15739356

Yes, I would like to see this broken out by at least standard deviations.