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15728197 No.15728197 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to acquire math PhD with 136 IQ?

>> No.15728198

Yes, most people who get phds are of average intelligence

>> No.15728206

I Don't belive that.

>> No.15728207

Yes, but you won't feel like the smartest guy in the rooms anymore

>> No.15728208

>Yes, most people who get phds are of average intelligence
Most PhDs have academic IQs over 130 and effective IQs of 85.

>> No.15728247

When you gain confidence in your ability (and ego) you will realise that one can achieve great things regardless of their iq. You just need to realise that hard things are hard and that's the point.

>> No.15728258

yeah, if you buy it

>> No.15728309

You don't need to "belive" anything

>> No.15728310


>> No.15728312

Your own post.

>> No.15728314


>> No.15728318


>> No.15728380

You don't have an IQ of 136.

>> No.15728494

Low IQ is a prerequisite for staying in acadummia long enough to pursue a PhD.

>> No.15728533
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Feynman had around 125

>> No.15729290

You will probably be OK, you don't have to finish it overnight.

>> No.15729744

He didn't have a mathematics PhD.

>> No.15729812

Borcherds got a Fields medal with that IQ

>> No.15730243

>wahhh wahhh, i couldn't solve picture and numbers puzzle. wahhh wahhhh i am too dumb to do anything :(
just because there is a correlation between the number of ass hairs and average salary doesn't mean your entire life is going to be dictated by the number of ass hairs you have.
just do maths, it's really not hard to judge your own ability especially in something like math.

>> No.15730373

this. IQ tests are for losers. if you're doing well on your studies, why do you care what some number says?

>> No.15731689

Yes but it won't be as easy as most other things. I have an IQ very close to yours, and studying mathematics showed me that I wasn't some 190 IQ gigagenius, and that you have to work like hell to achieve great things.

>> No.15731776

the average Nobel prize winner in physics has an iq in the 120s

>> No.15731787
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people with an IQ meaningfully higher than that are like one in 10,000

The 2 main iq tests that people consider the standard: (Stanford-Binet and wechsler) do not have questions meant to test above about Iq130

I took one with a shrink and got about 130 and he said i answered every question right and the only way to get higher was to do it faster.

and imo the questions were not hard; the hardest questions were something like (do this in your head after its read to you) "multiply 15 times 7 and then take 15%"

shit like that, if answering that makes me one of the smartest people in society, then the average person is pretty fucking stupid

like really stupid

>> No.15731793

>When you gain confidence in your ability (and ego) you will realise that one can achieve great things regardless of their iq.
you absolutely could not get a math PHD from a decent university if you had an 85iq

and that's a common iq

>> No.15731797

>just because there is a correlation between the number of ass hairs and average salary doesn't mean your entire life is going to be dictated by the number of ass hairs you have.
man you are fucking stupid

this has nothing to do with asshair, the questions are about pattern recognition and math. it's not some randomly not causal relationship idiot

>> No.15731819

every phd i've known has been a 110-120 iq midwit at best

>> No.15731911

Yeah, I have a math PhD and my iq is like 60.

>> No.15731922

Let me guess. Algebraic geometry?

>> No.15731933

Applied math (climatology)

>> No.15731980

You don't know much about the subject if you think that's the easy path.

>> No.15732240

Spotted the low IQ alggeotard

>> No.15732255

No, thats way too high, nobody with an IQ over 110 would waste years of their life on something so trivial and worthless

>> No.15734432
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>i-it's only 136!

>> No.15735111

The likelihood of a literal retard getting a science degree seems lower than the likelihood of someone who doesn't give a shit about IQ tests getting a degree

>> No.15735112

Why didn't he have sex?

>> No.15735744

does winning the putnam exam count?

>> No.15735842

Last I checked that does not get you a mathematics PhD. I took that as an undergrad and it was pretty tough, so I'd guess he's good at solving problems under pressure.