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15722749 No.15722749 [Reply] [Original]

why do people say we could never have a functioning society out in space??
I could easily see us colonizing pic related
even if we can only reach 50% speed of light it will only take decades to move around the stars
and when we reach a point when when our civ is thousands of years old and humans are probably don't age what is 10-50 years of travel?

>> No.15722839

God I hope so. I'm a historycel which makes me skeptical of the long term prospects of our present civilization, but we need to colonise other systems not just for ourselves but for all life. To not do so woukd be the greatest crime in Earth's evolutionary history.

>> No.15722843


Distances are too large. We will probably have a hard time ever getting to those speeds too. Even communication would take decades. How is it supposed to work like that?

>> No.15722847

It does seem incredibly unlikely. People have a tendancy to expect unrealistic innovations in the future due to space magic slop movies. Its probably impossible to transport a human to another star due to the high energy requirement of a human, but we could at least send computers provided they don't malfunction every time due to long exposure to interstellar radiation.

>> No.15722856

>muh soience fiction hollywood mooooovies fantasy life
grow up

>> No.15722871

Even if you can make the rocket equation work on paper and handwave away travel time it's still practically impossible to travel to exoplanets

Make another few thousand posts and you'll REALLY own /sci/

>> No.15723334

Maybe isolated colonies, but functioning interstellar society? Without pointing to sci fi works working through this idea, you see that we cannot even form a unionized global society without conflicts at each corner of the single planet we inhabit. Why would terraforming colony 2945-4F ever give a fuck about mining convoy 3736-5P's need for resource X or the political machinations on Blorb 17. Especially with communication taking decades between star systems. Just not feasible. And this is WITH handwaving the dozen essential problems of even reaching another star system with biological lifeforms.

>> No.15723339

>How is it supposed to work like that?
well you do shit longer term so the trips are worth it. comms and stuff will be more complicated but you need fast comms with your local group/system.

>> No.15723355
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Mismanagement of resources.
Robots are excellent for exploration.

>> No.15723361

>only 50% c
Don't think so
Stellasers are the low tech option, with them you can travel to nearby systems in century or so. Assuming we figure out biological immortality or cryonics it's tolerable
Higher tech stuff like antimatter will net you even more speed

>> No.15723365

travel times are irrelevant for you as you're not active. the tens of years go by in an instant.
humans can't in this format, I mean the way we organise. you can't have a central power as ligthspeed limits how data comes in. we need a different system. you can't wait 50 years for feedback.

>> No.15723368

>>15723365 me
if we set lightspeed as limit and comms in that cluster basically free then you will have constant dataflow between all nodes or something but they will all be delayed by lightspeed. clearly can't have a big boss council back on earth supervising everything. shit needs to happen differently, conceptually.

>> No.15723376

>and when we reach a point when when our civ is thousands of years old
nobody's calling back home bro. that settlement ship has to be completely self sufficient, ergo those humans will have everything they need to jumpstart a fork of humans, in a different environment. nobody will give a fuck about "back home". they'll be their own country/civ/species after a while. earth won't be able to do jack shit about it.

>> No.15723380

You wouldn't have one centralised ruler but you can have a system of governors, or even a loose coalition of factions

>> No.15723389

picrel is ~100ly across. you make a comms mistake and it costs you at least that to find out.
you can't have that form. most likely we will all be at the mercy of "how it works out" in the end. humans do what humans do. new land = new nation with their own shit. unless there's some unique stuff there trading is also not something that ill be a thing.
unless we manage to at least communicate fast than lightspeed it will be a mess.

>> No.15723401

Best case scenario? The expanse. We colonize the moon. We colonize Mars maybe. But that's it. Then we mine asteroids for unlimited reocurces we need. That's it. We are going to live and die in our solar system. But we can send drones out for research.

>> No.15723413

Yeah, tehy will probably be independent but I expect at least some guidence. Say if US of Space changes it's constitution and now 45th ammendment doesn't allow you to duplicate your mind and vote 10^345 times they'd message ASirius colony but their local tax rate or water usage laws are all local

>> No.15723421

power is as good as you can exert it. what are we going to do, nuke them from earth if they don't pay taxes?
still, out of curiosity, maybe some of you nerds know this, which one of those have at least ~ earth temperature planets with a working core?

>> No.15723432

You can theoretically send warships/rkkvs
But I don't think it would be necessary. Even if there is suddenly an impassable wall that separates Hawaii from the rest of the world except by radio they'd still obey constitution
Plus Earth can leverage their tech as a bargaining chip

>> No.15723437

>You can theoretically send warships/rkkvs
they need to be as self-sufficient as the colony ship and you risk losing them as well.
I think the best you can do is send robots or warheads directly but would be pretty fucked up poltiically.
as far as tech and knowledge goes I think you kinda have to give them everything. I though about controlling via tech as well but nobody is going if they're not self sufficient, and once there they will actively work on becoming independent.
we really need stargates

>> No.15723458

Learning that the Apollo program was cancelled primarily because they wanted to put the money into gib me dats was my first red pill at 12 years old.

>> No.15723461


>> No.15723550

Not if they are automated
And rkkv is basically highly accelerated piece of mass
Sol will have more resources and colonies will mostly dtay loyal, so it will have an advantage
Tech is more of an economic incentive. If earth discovers a 5% stronger steel it’s not necessary for alpha centuari but it’s an economic incentive and denying it can cause colonial government to loose election

>> No.15723597

If this ever happens, humans will most likely be guided and controlled by an AI system significantly more intelligent than we are. This would help keep us more cohesive.

>> No.15723640
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Yes, but im not sure how it would structure itself

>> No.15723668

you do realize that ANYTHING that comes between a man and his purpose will be corrupted/made irrelevant in some way, in the end.
why would humans just listen to AI?
so then, if you put AI in charge, then humans are what, slaves? imagine going to colonize new solar system, being controlled by all powerful AI. damn horror movie.

>> No.15723854

People love being ruled by all powerful leaders. Now imagine a leader who is literally 1,000,000 times smarter, wiser, and more effective than any human could possibly be. That's what AI has the potential to become, and we will willingly become its pets if it's in our best interests.

>> No.15723863

your creative writing class makes you look like a redditor

>> No.15723899

>even if we can only reach 50% speed of light
This is still impossible with any known concepts

>> No.15724014 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 816x1200, 1694015296030273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe isolated colonies, but functioning interstellar society? Without pointing to sci fi works working through this idea, you see that we cannot even form a unionized global society without conflicts at each corner of the single planet we inhabit.
This is the case if the view war and conflict as dysfunctional, it seems to be a human norm at least.

>Plus Earth can leverage their tech as a bargaining chip
Britain probably thought they could leverage their tech over America in perpetuity too.

>if we set lightspeed as limit and comms in that cluster basically free then you will have constant dataflow between all nodes or something but they will all be delayed by lightspeed. clearly can't have a big boss council back on earth supervising everything. shit needs to happen differently, conceptually.
It apparently took 60 days for a message about the accession of a new emperor in Rome to reach Egypt, averaging ~50km a day. It's not something unknown to history, although the scale is crazy.

>> No.15724018
File: 189 KB, 816x1200, 1694015296030273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe isolated colonies, but functioning interstellar society? Without pointing to sci fi works working through this idea, you see that we cannot even form a unionized global society without conflicts at each corner of the single planet we inhabit.
This is the case if you view war and conflict as dysfunctional, it seems to be a human norm at least.

>Plus Earth can leverage their tech as a bargaining chip
Britain probably thought they could leverage their tech over America in perpetuity too.

>if we set lightspeed as limit and comms in that cluster basically free then you will have constant dataflow between all nodes or something but they will all be delayed by lightspeed. clearly can't have a big boss council back on earth supervising everything. shit needs to happen differently, conceptually.
It apparently took 60 days for a message about the accession of a new emperor in Rome to reach Egypt, averaging ~50km a day. It's not something unknown to history, although the scale is.

>> No.15724729

Well, define 'functioning society', I guess. It'd be hard to have one single society across interstellar distances, but it's not like humanity needs to be unified.

That said: interstellar flight seems pretty hard. Not impossibly hard, but it'll be a tough sell to do more than lob probes out there for the next few millennia.

>> No.15724767 [DELETED] 

>hurrrrr durrrrrr immmaa gooonnna live in space!!!
>just like in muh star trek mooooooooveis!!!!!

>> No.15725320


>> No.15725327

Distance is fucking irrelevant once you've figured out wormholes or warping spacetime, and there will be plenty of time to figure out both during the hundred to thousand years we will spend colonize the Solar System.

The stupidest assumption made by people who tried to claim that space colonization is a pipe dream is that nobody will invent anything from here until eternity that could help us put it into practice. It's like someone in the 19th century pointing to a hot air balloon and saying "wow, lighter than air flight sure is neat, I bet heavier than air flight will happen soon", and then getting laughed at because "HOW WILL YOU POWER IT, THERE IS NO ENGINE CAPABLE, etc etc". There is so much possible in this bullshit clown world universe, and yet modern Malthusianists insist that the only thing we should pay attention to is the speed of light.

>> No.15725367

we should be sending generation ships out already.

>> No.15725410
File: 42 KB, 680x518, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once you've figured out wormholes or warping spacetime

>> No.15725494

its inevitable, likely not in our lifetime but im pretty confident we will have a multiplanetary species in our lifetime. Though in my imagination, after colonizing another planet or two, the bulk of civilization will probably live and work on some kind of transportation focused super-ship(s) that move resources and humans between nearby planets more so than we will live on actual planets. I can't imagine there being a need to colonize more than a few planets as much as explore and extract resources from them.

>> No.15725877

possible at 100% between colonized points, just for us, the info itself.
but you still need to reach it with matter first, and unpack some kind of replication station there. then beam the rest of "material data".

>> No.15725879

Thanks for proving my fucking point.

>> No.15725892 [DELETED] 

how can we even go to space when we don't even have laser swords yet?

>> No.15725920

Eugenics will solve this

>> No.15725928 [DELETED] 

people who spend their lives daydreaming about space are people who are avoiding thinking about their failure and inability to provide a satisfactory life for themselves here on earth with the rest of the humans. its a massive escapist cope for cringey losers with personality disorders that they're unwilling to correct.

>> No.15725951

>inability to provide a satisfactory life for themselves here on earth with the rest of the humans.
well the rest of the humans are pretty shit anyway.
and this is not about that, but a retard might perceive it just like that. zealots condemn the human race to death by some random shit. some space rocks fucks us up, yellowstone or other shit random calamity.

>> No.15725954


>> No.15725990 [DELETED] 

>everyone except me is made out of poo-poo and pee-pee!!!
>i'm perfect!!
>everyone except me is bad!!!
no, they reject you because you have a nasty disordered personality that you're unwilling to correct, you're so immature that you're still fixated on the potty training phase which you should have matured past when you were 4 years old. arrested psychological development AKA retarded psychological development. you have age group peers that are starting families of their own and becoming fully fledged adults while you're incapable of doing so and that bothers you because of how bad it makes you look in comparison, so instead of paying attention to it you escape into soience fiction fantasyland and daydream about living on another planet where you wouldn't have to face the shame, embarrassment and frustration that you're brought upon yourself by failing to mature normally

>> No.15725994
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>everyone except me is made out of poo-poo and pee-pee!!!
This but unironically.

>> No.15725998

>by failing to mature normally
I shit on what you call normal. I completely reject it and substitute my own thing.

>> No.15726001

>Even communication would take decades
dont you see
its the solution to globohomo (global homogenization) of our cultures

>> No.15726012

>I'm a historycel which makes me skeptical of the long term prospects of our present civilization
Because you're a midwit. No other civilization in history has resembled the current one.

>> No.15726022

wtf are you talking about? did you ever read newspaper articles from 100-150 years ago? around politics and academia? apart from the whole digital part of it, whatever we talk about today is exactly what was being talked about 100 years ago. same shit, same complaints about nepotism everywhere, worthless parasitical politicians.
we are doing the SAME EXACT SHIT we have always been doing, just with better tech. we will always get better tech and we will use it specifically in the same ways as we always did.
we will always play the very same games, with the very same goals, with the same amount of bullshit. always and forever. this will never change as long as we never change (genetically speaking), or the environment doesn't radically change, in ways that force us to behave differently. tho I doubt that any change is even possible.

>> No.15726027

>id you ever read newspaper articles from 100-150 years ago
That is when we entered the modern age. Try bringing up articles from the 18th century where everything in society was organized around heritage and moving up classes was impossible and most people didn't own any property and had no chance of ever doing that. Or when you got hanged for some petty crime. You're retarded.

>> No.15726032

you are conflating quality of life with amount of bullshit around institutions

>> No.15726035

>you are le conflating >>:(
There has never been anything like this before, even if things go poor it will just be like Brazil. There will be no collapses.

>> No.15726051

well sure, at personal level as quality of life. the amount of human bullshit has never changed since we started walking upright. that can't possibly change, there's nothing to indicate that. that's stupid talk from highschool bong hitting retards.

>> No.15726058

It has changed, anyone can become an entrepreneur, anyone can be a politician. Anyone can own land. This was unheard of.

>> No.15726082

those are quality of life things, not less human bullshit in society.

>> No.15726645

It is unethical to prolong the lifespan of any species, because our endurance is theoretically finite. So you can either live for 100 more years or for 10 billion more years, but extinction will happen eventually. it is unethical to prolong our suffering pointlessly without any reasonable goal or endgame.

>> No.15726695
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Teegarden star has life on one of its planets

>t. Time traveler

>> No.15726723

We unironically could colonize the stellar neighborhood if we used medical tech to make us functionally immortal or at least live 5-7x longer than now. The distances would make any kind of contiguous star empire impossible but a loose confederation of self governing systems that shares a space internet of light signals could work. An anonymous image board would be the best model for such a system, the comms lag between worlds would be too long to have normal back and forth communication and thus every post or message would stand on its own.

>> No.15727448

>all you have to do is wish hard enough, and the meme drive will become real!
You missed the "fiction" part of soience fiction.

>> No.15728446

human life extension would be helpful. As it is now we should send generation ships so their children or grandchildren could reach and settle new lands.
And like you said staying in touch with internet or something similar. Could take a while but we can stay in contact with others. Add more space stations and satellites between different settlements could shorten communication times. And they would provide rest stops and halfway points between each trip. It's going to be hard, but we need to start soon to continue the human species.

>> No.15728460

>Add more space stations and satellites between different settlements could shorten communication times.

>> No.15728992

If how healthy and secure people are is quality of life, what are you referring to then?

>> No.15729198

This is why colonies aren't the main state but instead...colonies. people like Cortez did have autonomy from the crown. Messages took forever to be sent. Orders were half followed or not at all. Police sent to retrieve Cortez and take him to court were instead usurped by him.

What happened? Well New Spain and New England became separate countries. Still connected to their host countries but not required to follow the same laws. The guy who said humans have been playing the same dumb game for 20k years is correct. When we colonize planets it will be similar to our discovery of the new world. But there won't be any natives. Just resources. A lot of resources are going to be sent back to Earth. There must be return on investment. So it will be the rich and capable who send ships out. Maybe just for a rare resource at first, but after awhile more and more will try to get rich from the space colonies and send more and more employees out, some of which will have families and stay in space rather than return.

Eventually there will be enough perm residents that they seek independence, and what will Earth do? Send spaceships and "marines" to deal with them of course. Some will win and some will lose but eventually Earth will lose control of their space colonies.

I see no difference between space travel and sea travel except scale.

>> No.15729781
File: 117 KB, 708x476, Polynesian migration motives 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The model for space colonization isn't Europe and the Americas, its the Polynesians and the Pacific

>> No.15729799

people who spend their lives daydreaming about space are people who are avoiding thinking about their failure and inability to provide a satisfactory life for themselves here on earth with the rest of the humans. its a massive escapist cope for cringey losers with personality disorders that they're unwilling to correct.s

>> No.15729804

>I dunno man, I kinda wanna see what's over there.
>yeah dude, fuck it, let's go check it out

>> No.15729807

just because you figured you were doing it does not mean everybody's doing it for the same reasons.
great way to out yourself faggot

>> No.15729817
File: 199 KB, 711x555, Polynesian navigation autism 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism is the key to it

>> No.15729855

We can never have a functioning society on earth. We can't even colonize the moon.

>> No.15729946

The universe we live in does not allow interstellar travel for biological species. All of science fiction has done a massive brainwash on the general population. The notion we will develop some magical kind of technology that allows outer space colonies is ridiculous.

>> No.15729965

>hurrrrr durrrrrr immmaa gooonnna live in space!!!
>just like in muh star trek mooooooooveis!!!!!

>> No.15729992

Eugenics will turn humans into cold blooded animals?

>> No.15732081

>if we can only reach 50% speed of light
Kek. Even 10% would be a miracle of engineering.

The only realistic interstellar civilization I can see existing would be loose alliance type thing that mainly exists to facilitate the exchange of ideas across interstellar distances. You might occasionally have coordinated science and rescue missions but they'd be very expensive.

>> No.15732088

A functioning society has never been done.

>> No.15732099

>and rescue missions
when light travels 20-40 years between two points, there's no kind of coordinated rescue for anything between those points lol

>> No.15732115

I was thinking more about relief missions. For example, if a colony suffers some system-wide disaster, the nearest colony might send a factory ship out to assist with rebuilding (or even just recolonize the system). Of course, this assumes that non-generational ships are possible, i.e. suspended animation or the like exists (biological immortality also works). If it doesn't, then yeah everything will be slow as fuck because you can't even have the original crew reach a destination.

>> No.15734527

the greatest crime is continuing life in this hell universe.

>> No.15735794

We can freeze sperm, we can freeze eggs, artificial wombs aren't far off. Fuck, we basically made an embryo from stem cells the other day. We will likely see domestic robots within our lifetimes. We just need to find a suitable planet, freeze a load of genetic material, and send off some robots to build a habitat/grow and raise the first generation of humans on that planet. Boom, colony.

>> No.15735980

You forgot the 20+ years of testing those vat grown, ai raised people to make sure they don't turn out totally insane

>> No.15735982

Which of course will never happen because muh ethics

You'd literally have to raise them totally isolated, somewhere on earth, for decades, just to test everything all because you can't afford failures on the other end. No way will that be allowed in current year

>> No.15736499

>fast comms
The speed of light takes 8 minutes from the Sun to the Earth. That's bearable within our solar system but for the foreseeable future intersolar system communication would be snail mail, receiving transmissions years after they are sent.

This isn't impossible, but at our current level of understanding, each solar system would be more or less completely autonomous with little help from other solar systems

>> No.15736504

>have a minority population have access to space travel
>have the entire population have access to space travel
You realize that the more developed we are as a /planet/, the more people will be able to participate in space travel?>>15723458
We are only now approaching the point of reusing space vehicles (partial at the moment, fully reusable is optimal[we dont throw various parts of the plane away after a single flight]).

There are now more corporations/entities/governments in the Space/avionics field than at any other point in human history.

Relax and enjoy the ride.

>> No.15736669
File: 148 KB, 1003x915, 2017_pres_budget_total_spending_pie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5T over the course of 53 years
>94.3B per year average
>"net" aid, not mentioning which countries its coming from, or how many countries are contributing
>not even that much per year for a single country like USA
Nothing burger as usual.

>> No.15738153

>why do people say we could never have a functioning society out in space??
Because Elon musk is Jewish and practicing his people's thousands of year long tradition of vulturism where he soaks up credit for shit others did.

That hand wringing merchant hasn't even thanked the Third Reich for making NASA and all the technology that makes what they're doing possible

>> No.15738222

>Figure out how to digitize the analogue human brain without it going insane
>Put digitized brain in robot
>Shoot robot into space
There, solved how long stellar distance will be taken car of. You don't need light and near-light speed when you're effectively immortal and cool about leaving humans behind.

>> No.15738229

Africa has produce far far more value for European blood suckers than any "dependence on aid"

>> No.15738481

>if it doesn't exist now, it will never exist, despite a massive demand for the technology and theoretical research into it
Nobody is merely "wishing".

>> No.15738491
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>One day we'll figure out perpetual motion machines, there's just too much demand and research for it to fail!

>> No.15738519

>democracy evolves guys!!! the public servants say so!!! even the merchants at CNN!!

>> No.15738520

>>You realize that the more developed we are as a /planet/,
here is the thing. there is no ''we'', contrary to what atheists keep saying as a desperate attempt to hide individualism in their republics.

>> No.15738552

umm chuddy they've just been rebranded as time crystals... yikes

>> No.15738562

>space travel = perpetual motion
Let me guess, moon landing 'skeptic'?

>> No.15738581

>I can't read, therefore everyone who disagrees with me is a moon landing denier!!!1!
Let me guess, I'm probably a nazi, too.

>> No.15740098

this essentially, the only functional type of ship we can realistically build is a generation ship. Where DNA is stored and preserved and activated on destination. You'd be essentially dropping off Human Species v2.0 on each planet, isolated from each-other.

Only if we would find out a way to do FTL we could have a valiable multi-planetary species. But that would be breaking our current understanding of physics. As for communication, maybe quantum teleportation could work, that one is actively researched. Wouldn't keep homes up on FTL travel though.

>> No.15740104

even so we might be able to speculate some of the universe's laws for a type of FTL comms but that still might only be possible between places we already visited to deploy that tech there. in which case it would still a whole lot of time to reach another galaxy.

>> No.15740151
File: 43 KB, 389x410, dnews-files-2013-07-dead-earth-670x440-130702-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because by 2080 atmospheric CO2 will be at 800ppm and reduce all human cognition by 20%. We're not going to make it to the stars. Not because it's technically unworkable, but because we're going to kill ourselves down here.

>> No.15740166

That is a depressing thought. No advancement as you see humanity become dumber and regress. The leaders will not try for space but will take the easy route in their eyes which is underground. Their descendants will hold out as long as possible, going deeper as the core cools and the surface becomes more hostile.

>> No.15740186

correct yeah, we still need to send the object with the entangled particles to the location. Can't just entangle 2 particles randomly across the universe. Though that would at least limit the time to just that one long trip. If you'd bring the object along on the generational ship, it'll be available there on arrival. Bring several and you have communication lines between the colonized planets.

>> No.15740327

Just because you Fans have depressing little lives doesn't mean that everyone does. Life is good even if it's suffering.

>> No.15740348

Its annoying that climate change activists focus on the whole temperature change and sea level thing when that's a lot harder to prove and a lot less severe than cognition decrease. The cogniton impacts keep me up at night. We will sink into a primative darkness for thousands of years and perhaps never awake. What a fate.

>> No.15741223

Imagine the aftermath of a solar flare.

>> No.15741237

The bad thing about light speed is that we will never be able to travel the whole galaxy in a single lifetime unless we become digital beings. The good thing is that it will be impossible to maintain an empire bigger than a dozen light years thus if you truly want to fuck off to build your own society you'll be able to do that.

>> No.15741271
File: 129 KB, 800x800, Falmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And when the Snow Prince fell to ground,
>The Ice Elves divided above and below.
>Now vanquished and brutally bound,
>One moment had shattered all they did know.

>The once cool wind on their skin,
>Now replaced with the heat of the flame.
>And a pride once felt deep within,
>Forgotten along with their name.

>Torn from their home of ice and frost,
>Thrown into the pitch black dread of night.
>Living in fear as their minds become lost,
>As their eyes begin dimming the light.

>Chained and enslaved,
>What once was light turned to blackness.
>Alone and betrayed,
>Sinking deeper into madness.

>> No.15741447
File: 589 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230913_093108_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Truth is out there

>> No.15743847
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Just put the high iq niggas in green houses with less o2

>> No.15743879

Permit geoengineering, apply iron salting to the oceans: problem solved.

>> No.15744213

humans don't even have a functioning society on earth lol, if we can't figure it out down here, why would you assume scaling it up further would solve our existential problems

>> No.15744254

>even if we can only reach 50% speed of light