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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15721361 No.15721361 [Reply] [Original]

What is time?

Do we even know? After looking around on google i don't see many answers that give a clear definition of what time is. Is time our 3 dimensional universe's movement through another dimension? I also cant get a good clear definition of "what is spacetime" everything just says it's a combination of space and time. well I fucking get that, but what does that even mean?

>> No.15721365

>What is time?
A statistical abstraction.

>> No.15721380

baby, don't hertz me

>> No.15721394

You're trying to get an intuitive and scientifically accurate answer at the same time. This doesn't exist, if it was intuitive it wouldn't have taken so long to work out.
Time is a property of the universe. Time is relative and depends on your energy. Time increases large scale entropy, and conservation of entry is an aspect of time. Time is not a dimension and it is tired to space, you can't separate them.

I'm sorry, cutting edge physics concepts like the nature of time are only really useful through equations. Our monkey brains were not built to understand the fabric of the universe intuitively.

>> No.15721705


>> No.15721723
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>> No.15721874

Is this pic real?

>> No.15721884 [DELETED] 

oh wow maaaaaaaaannn, thats like sooooo deep and stuff, you totally blew my mind. whoa! like duuuuuuude that hella trippy!!! your sooo smart and stuff!!!

>> No.15722000

> Time increases large scale entropy
No it doesn't. Quantum decoherence increases entropy. Time is only relevant because wave functions evolve in time.

>> No.15722047

its AI, look at the fingers on the left hand
I still recorded a cum tribute and sent it to my brother though

>> No.15722052

once ai figures out how to make convincing hands it's pretty much over

>> No.15722056

>whoa! like duuuuuuude that hella trippy!!! your sooo smart and stuff!!!

>> No.15722220

Time is motion through space. This has been understood at a basic level since Aristotle.

>> No.15722221

She's gotten really ugly

>> No.15722490

time = change = force

>> No.15722635
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>> No.15722682

google wants to steal your time and use it for its own nefarious ends

>> No.15722707

>google wants to steal your time
everybody does, moron

>> No.15722742
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Same energy
Ah, that explains why her face looks so weird.

>> No.15722836

>that explains why her face looks so weird.
No that's just Greta

>> No.15722901

why did someone intentionally give her weird little hobbit feet in their computer dream

>> No.15722985

Real things don't have good definitions. The definition helps you use the word: it's not a substitute for experience.

>> No.15722992

>Is time our 3 dimensional universe's movement through another dimension?
Isn’t it this?

>> No.15723019

A metric assigned to the speed of information propagation

>> No.15723050

Time, gravity, magnets. Nobody really understands any of these.

>> No.15723336

What is wrong with the scientific definition?
Why complicate the definition needlessly?

>> No.15723629

There is no scientific definition, just various mathematical models

>> No.15723630

Almost like "but what IIIIISSSSSSS [thing]" isn't actually science.

>> No.15723633

What IS science?

>> No.15723635

Just various mathematical models.

>> No.15723842

There are some who disagree and define time as a continuum of incidents from past to present to future. Not linking the source, it's easily found. What is that if not time?

>> No.15725406

nice feet

>> No.15725412 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15725415 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, global warming is fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay

>> No.15727123
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Time is an emergent property of 3D space travelling with a constant velocity (what we call speed of light) in a higher dimension. The "friction" against this higher-dimensional "medium" is slowing matter down and is responsible for the emergence of mass.

Massless particles do not experience time because they don't interact with anything. By moving in the opposite direction of the movement of space within higher-dimensional "medium", from the perspective of the latter they are essentially standing still. As soon as they collide or interact with something, they are "nudged" slightly against the "medium" which makes them no longer travel at the speed of light (and no longer be massless) for a limited duration.

You can't appear to go faster than the speed of light within our 3D space because if you could, you would GAIN mass as a result of relative motion against the "medium" (now in the opposite direction), and you need to LOSE mass to appear faster. This impossibility of "faster than the speed of light" is equivalent to the impossibility of "stiller than absolute stillness". In fact, depending on frame of reference, these two statements describe exactly the same thing.

However, "moving faster" than the speed of light IS possible in higher-dimensional medium. As stated previously, by going faster than the speed of light you GAIN mass because you start moving relative to the "medium", but in the opposite direction, which is exactly what antimatter is doing.
Matter-antimatter annihilation is simply their speeds cancelling out and becoming equal to speed of light – zero.
Why is there more matter than antimatter? Because our 3D space travels uniformly with a constant velocity as a single unified object – everything around us moves in the same direction through the "medium", so we perceive it as matter. Outside of our moving "bubble", however, nothing stops arbitrarily large quantities of "antimatter" from existing.

>> No.15727186

Time is the dimension into which 3D space curves.

>> No.15727191

..that we use to predict future states of a system from current states.

>> No.15727197
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>> No.15727212

time is gravity
>have mass
>experience time dilation
>molecules move
>body can't withstand entropy
>eventually die
blame it on the dark matter

>> No.15727298

> use the concept of speed to define time

what a retard

>> No.15727600

From my dogshit understanding time is a matter of observation in consensus reality, and it's a matter of motion in physics. If you have to ask if that implies a physical time dimension, that's a matter of observation.
You can't have time without space, because a relative system with a single scalar would be immutable without space so there's no need for time; and likewise you can't have space without time because that can be just as easily represented by a single immutable scalar, insomuch no system exists without having both or neither because in any other circumstance you would just have a more complex identity of a possible simpler one - unnecessary.
'Spacetime' in terms of physics, which I also don't understand, might be analogous in some ways to the EM field or at least I'd imagine it would be. Since one justifies the other, an effect on gravity will have an effect on time, and vice versa.

>> No.15727935

>Is time our 3 dimensional universe's movement through another dimension?
It is the dimension that frames sequential movement of objects and energy in 3d space.

>> No.15727937

>Time is not a dimension
Absolutely wrong. Time is the temporal dimension.