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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15719161 No.15719161 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetical Percentage of all Scientific Knowledge that has been discovered across all domains:
---Causative Knowledge: 40%
---Correlative Knowledge: 60%
But, even the causative knowledge may not always be reproducible, so it may in fact just be correlation. And as we know, correlation does not necessarily, or not always, mean causation.
A good example is our planet.

Hypothetical Percentage of all Knowledge About Our Planet Discovered: (That we know about)
Knowledge About Earth's Surface Features (e.g., geography, geology): 70%
Knowledge About Flora and Fauna (including known species and ecosystems): 40%
Knowledge About Ocean (factoring in undiscovered areas and physical phenomena): 20%
Knowledge About Causative Information (definite causative understanding across all domains): 30-40%

So, what do you know? Why don't we know anything? Why is it so that we don't even know what we think we know? How much more is there to know, if we can't even quantify the percentage of knowledge that there is to be known? It was discussed the other day here that a lot of science that is "causative" may not actually be so, As previously mentioned, a significant portion of scientific knowledge is based on causative relationships, especially in foundational scientific disciplines like physics, chemistry, and biology. But as stated, an unknown proportion may not be reproducible. As in, we don't know shit. Instances of falsified or unreliable scientific results can further complicate the assessment. Falsified results can introduce both erroneous causative and correlative claims into the scientific literature, making it challenging (read; impossible) to distinguish between them.
So, how do you feel about knowing that what you know isn't known, and that if the proportion of knowledge that isn't actually known can't easily be quantified, isn't it safe to say that all we can know...
is that we know nothing at all?
Or is that just correlation?

>> No.15719180
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I know things you don't.

>> No.15719185
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I too.

>> No.15719206

F weight = 55kg×9.81m/s squared ≈539.55N
Okay... now... density of air at standard conditions...
V= 1.225kg/m cubed...
55kg ≈ 44.9m cubed balloon size, represented as brain.
Brain must be mostly hollow to achieve buoyancy.
Or is that just correlation? I'm not sure.
I do believe you will have to float for a while.

>> No.15719222

>he thinks it's buoyancy
>he doesn't understand the art of psionic levitation
Below you shall stay, in the river of shit and piss.

>> No.15719234
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>> No.15719277

"Things that make me say hmm...
Hypothetically assessing the possible total voltage of the average living human is challenging due to the complex and distributed nature of electrical signals in the body. As mentioned earlier, these signals are highly variable, both in terms of their voltage and their locations within the body. Additionally, there is no established method or standard for determining an overall voltage for the entire body.
However, we can provide a rough and purely hypothetical estimation for illustration purposes, with the understanding that this is a highly simplified and speculative exercise:
Voltage Range: Electrical signals in the human body are typically in the millivolt (mV) range or lower. To keep the estimation simple, let's assume an average voltage of 1 millivolt (0.001 volts) for each of the body's approximately 37 trillion cells. This is a significant oversimplification, as different types of cells generate different electrical signals, and the body has many more cells in some regions than in others.
Total Voltage: If we were to sum up the hypothetical voltage from each cell, we would get:
Total Voltage = 1 mV/cell * 37 trillion cells
Total Voltage ≈ 37 billion volts"
Is it possible to totally SIDIOUS a motherfucker?

>> No.15719416
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I'm just going to go learn electric judgement now

>> No.15719456

Is Barkun bc dog

>> No.15719530

>tfw everyone is afraid to read this thread bc theyre afraid to know what they knew about what they thought they knew isnt actually what they thought they knew about knowing what they knew, which is nothing

>> No.15719609

I know for certain that OP is a faggot.

>> No.15719746

Can somebody make a compendium of all repeatable causative scientific facts for study? It should only be around 47 pages

>> No.15719842

correlation ≠ causation

>> No.15720029

why doesn't anyone trip on this board?