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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15718398 No.15718398 [Reply] [Original]

The crusade against merit & common sense marches on.

Caltech Drops Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics Course from Admissions Requirement


The California Institute of Technology has long been one of the most selective schools in the country, boasting an admission rate of only 3% last year, according to the Los Angeles Times.

It’s something the school embraces, highlighting that “Caltech is hard” on the school’s webpage listing academic requirements for applicants.

For some gifted applicants, however, what was already a daunting prospect was truly impossible, as Caltech refused to admit students who did not take physics, calculus and chemistry, even if their schools did not offer those classes.

But Thursday, the Pasadena school announced a new pathway for students who weren’t offered the chance to take those classes, according to the Times.

>> No.15718401

>Dropping calculus requirement
Since algebra is now standard in most college curriculums this was inevitable. America has given up on teaching math.

>> No.15718404

no fucking way
Caltech was the last absolutely meritocratic university in the US
This is unironically really sad

>> No.15718409
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>The crusade against merit & common sense marches on.
Not in China. One would think Americans could've learned to recognize a controlled demolition by now. :^)

>> No.15718415

>unironic tardson screncap
thank you jannies
thank you rapeape

>> No.15718417

Interesting how the very next line after you stopped copypasting text is
>Those students can take and score highly on Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or some other certification tests
Why did you choose to stop there, OP? You're not out of characters. Any particular reason?

>> No.15718420
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anyone who should be going to caltech should have a decent grasp on basic algebra at like 8-10 years old, and be able to be taught applying that to introductory chemistry and physics whenever after that. but there's a huge number of people who just never get it. so, you know, fuck the kids that could actually get ahead.

so fucking grim.

>> No.15718424

Not OP but what's your point? What is it with longnose tribesmen thinking that vague implications are refutations?

>> No.15718427

I forget who but someone on this board said this was coming for almost decade now and all the stupid little faggots on this board laughed at him and thought it was funny to call him names and such. Oh that's right it was me and you were all the little faggots. Stupid little faggots always get fucked in the ass in the end so savor the flavor for your stupidity

>> No.15718431

The point is that the OP is a misleading attempt to ragebait you into thinking that Caltech is lowering admission standards, while in reality the standards are not changing at all. They are simply accepting AP exams now

>> No.15718436

Interesting how you literally had to stop copying midline to avoid this bit:
>including by taking and passing free online classes through Khan Academy
Not that it matters that much. Even without this clownish addendum, you're profoundly retarded for thinking that cramming for a particular meme test is a substitute for actual education.

>> No.15718438

See >>15718436

>> No.15718558
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UChicago still is

>> No.15719218

Yeah that part was particularly grim. To be sure, schools were still educating to make you pass a test anyways, but now crammers are going to be encouraged even more because their regurgitation is now standard for college admissions.
Why not just have the uni administer its own entrance exams? Can't cram for that.

>> No.15719243

Math was deemed racist because black and Latino students are overwhelmingly incapable of learning in.

People were so worried about living in 1984 that they forgot to guard against Harrison Bergeron.

>> No.15719291

>even if their schools did not offer those classes.
If their school did not offer those courses, it's likely that their entire education is complete shit.
>But they could make up for it with parental involvement, tutoring, self-study, stuff like that!
No parent interested in their child's academic development to the extent that they want to attend Cal Tech would keep their child in a school system that doesn't teach such foundational classes.
>But maybe they're poor.
Doesn't change the quality of the education they actually received.

>> No.15719350

it's never been more over than it is now

>> No.15719828

everyone itt is retarded.
freshmen still have to pass Ma1a (Apostol's calc by analysis) and physics through E&M. the imaginary black people you keep around in your head are in the exact same situation as they were before.

>> No.15719835

>Cal Tech
it's `Caltech'. one word.
the rest of your post is so retarded that the only response necessary to invalidate it is pointing out the fact that the admission standards haven't changed, only the requirements. there exists some nonzero number of people on the planet who, for some reason or another, couldn't take calculus in high school but still have the intelligence and passion sufficient to study at the greatest stem school on the planet, and preventing them applying arbitrarily is a useless heuristic.

>> No.15719844 [DELETED] 

Sage talking head on a science board

>> No.15719845

All of your arguments are "they should know by the time they are 10" but look at you and your life. You're a complete failure and always will be because you're way old

>> No.15719907

Is your life really so empty that the tiny dopamine hit you're getting from seeing (you) is the highlight of your weekend?

>> No.15720664 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15721989 [DELETED] 

Why does Tucker trigger the soigoys so badly? Is he that much of a chad?

>> No.15722194 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15722551

It doesn't matter, this is all posturing. Sure, calc, chem, etc may not longer be required, but nobody without all of the above is getting admitted.

>> No.15722798

If you went to a school shitty enough to not offer physics or calculus it’s likely you’re getting filtered because your parents are poor, which is highly correlated with them being stupid, which is highly correlated with you being stupid. Stupid unsuccessful people complain that transitioning economic classes in America is impossible nowadays, but what they fail to understand (due to being stupid and poor) is that all of that social and economic restructuring already happened at the end of WW2. Now that western society has a rather direct way of filtering the wheat from the chaff in its current education system, highly intelligent people have for decades been filtered up into education paths and career fields that economically outperform those left to the unworthy. America being so economically stratified is a direct result of decades of easy access to premier education and high paying jobs to those who deserve it. They are paid more and their children (who are statistically closer to their parents intelligence than the populations average) continue to reap the benefits and continue the cycle. Making adjustments to college admission standards serves only to lower the barrier for entry and reduce the efficiency society training and placing its best and brightest in the appropriate fields.

>> No.15722918


>> No.15723649

Remedial classes are a waste of resources. In fact, so are all the 101 classes that freshmen take. If you aren't coming out of high school with high marks and a handful of APs (101 classes taken in high school) or other "college level" advanced classes, especially those related to your major, then you should be directed to your local community college to bridge the gap between you and what is reasonably expected of a promising undergrad. Community college is cheaper than any private schooling which might have access to an AP or IB curriculum, and is taught by real professors rather than people with bachelors degrees and teaching certificates.
Who are these people spending 15k+ a year in tuition to learn how to read and solve linear equations?

>> No.15723659

>t. seething failson

>> No.15724363 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15724446

>But Thursday, the Pasadena school announced a new pathway for students who weren’t offered the chance to take those classes, according to the Times.

>Lives in a poor area so can't get access to the classes rich kids have access to
>Gets the chance to prove themselves in an alternative pathway

I see no problem.

>> No.15724533

go back to your bunker tranny and stop hitting up every thread here. I know you have psycho troons watching every board waiting for your chance to spew your commietroon gibberish in threads here but you need to go back and never come back here

>> No.15724721 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15724735

So you are saying in 5-10 years the society will be full of retards and it will collapse? I don't believe you. The pareto distribution has been everywhere anyway. 80% of work is done by 5% and the rest have always been retards with connections or affirmative action. So what if it gets to 90%

>> No.15724955

Just posting in recognition of how hard this one schizo is seething about Tucker

>> No.15724973

>So you are saying in 5-10 years the society will be full of retards and it will collapse?
It's already collapsing as we speak precisely because it is already full of retards.

>> No.15724989

The 5% being forced to do ever more to keep shit running will have to prioritize things, and as we've already seen this will mean sacrificing the important stuff like the power grid or infrastructure to spend time making phone apps.

>> No.15725029

don't forget the AI will change the ratio further, 100% to 0.

>> No.15725042

>still believes AI will ever do anything meaningful

>> No.15725058

I don't know but it appeared for a reason. And there is no stopping it. My experience so far has been pretty meh but I hear it is getting better.

>> No.15725069
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>> No.15725119

>Remedial classes are a waste of resources. In fact, so are all the 101 classes that freshmen take.
I'm taking a chem 2000 level equivalent at a community college, but at the community college it is only a 1000 level class and you have engineer majors who are already in calculus III and medlab students who barely passed algebra 1 in the same class. The professor spent five 3-hour long classes talking about addition multiplication with rounding I'm gonna kms.

>> No.15725147 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 1206x899, gay cocaine man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its up


>> No.15725153

growing up i always used to think these sorts of colleges were filled 100% with geniuses. the older i get the more i realize it's just nepotism for upper-class people

>> No.15725326 [DELETED] 
File: 693 KB, 1285x7556, musk says obama is a gay crack addict copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

musk xeet'd it, its now a major global internet phenomenon

>> No.15725440

sorry man. im still a virgin at 26

>> No.15725467

>drop sat scores
>drop math and science scores
These are ways to get around the affirmation action ban in California right?

>> No.15725468
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American schools have been losing their value in education for a while now.

>> No.15725668 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15725672
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This is why I'm going to homeschool. My kids are gonna learn calculus from a bizarre series of subtly libertarian accidentally surrealist story books.

>> No.15725682

where are the wokie raiders, huh?

>> No.15725860

BLACK students don't get none of dat opptunity to be studying bullshit like calculus, chemistry and physics because we out there living our best lives. Now are one of you niggas gonna step up to me fr and tell me that yalls HS calculus can even walk a mile in the shoes of my learned life experience? Ay anyone? No? No one ... das wut I thought.

Now who gonna tell me that I cannot go to no caltech? No one be using calculus in the real world for nothing anyways. They just put that shit as a requriement to protect white demographics. Don't think we don't know that we know that you do this.

>> No.15725883 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15725903

This right here. If you make Caltech easy, then people in the community can get good jobs too. I guarantee that a diabetic 300lbs proud Black woman of colour knows more about the mechanics of weight than anyone currently at NASA/JPL or SpaceX. It just makes sense to put diversity to good use. It's our greatest strength.