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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15717539 No.15717539 [Reply] [Original]

>20 minutes of rick and morty tier gobbledygook

>> No.15717578
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yeah but it helps me sleep

>> No.15717603

This guy is funny. Its crazy how on his podcast he brings up the same old evidence of alien life to each one of his guests despite those points having been debunked to his face dozens of times.

>> No.15717754

I just watch him for the background music. Especially the really eerie one, you know the one I mean. If I could find those tracks independently I could stop watching his crap.

>> No.15718566

just. heck the description if his videos. he lists all the music.

>> No.15718609
File: 61 KB, 400x400, 1678727042692990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He used to talk about interesting topics, but after the UAP report he went full retard and is talking about time-cubes and machine elfs now.

>> No.15718629

>Especially the really eerie one, you know the one I mean.
Which one are you talking about?

>> No.15718660

Fuck off you glowie morons.

>> No.15718806

It goes eeeeeEEEEEeeeee
Thanks, will do.

>> No.15718814

I just looked it up, it's this one
Intermission in D
So long, Jon Michael Jackass!

>> No.15718833

I liked the one about Tabbys Star. He drew my attention to a cluster of physically nearby stars surrounding Tabbys Star that all show the anomalous dust, and made an argument for an expanding empire conducting asteroid mining.

>> No.15718840

He is literally nobody.
Loves science but cant do it.

>> No.15718859

Does he have a degree?

>> No.15718877

Like ba in writing or something.
He is just a scifi writer.

>> No.15718990

JWST just finished observing Tabby's star so maybe something new will be discovered

>> No.15719731

what the hell, now i have to take him seriously

>> No.15720257

>but cant do it
But has lots of access to people who do the actual science, and asks them good questions

>> No.15720275

good for sorting *some* bullshit. good to have ideas thrown in the air. he doesn't have to be right, he just needs to get the ball rolling on certain ideas.

>> No.15721374


>> No.15721382

I find his vids comfy

>> No.15721388

are you that schizo that went off in the comments recently?

>> No.15721690

Under which video?

>> No.15721864

for anyone wondering this John Michael Godier on youtube that does hypotheticals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Q21SmaYeQ

>> No.15722859


>> No.15723133

Apparently this dude is also a scifi author. Anyone read his books? Are they any good?

>> No.15723136

>muh grabby aliens
Retard tier assumption.

>> No.15723161
File: 256 KB, 367x579, Screenshot_20230906-162931-660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crude portrait of the main character for cover art
Looks like Honor Harrington tier slop.

>> No.15723239

Marc Laidlaw? Who is that?

>> No.15724588

This, used to listen to his podcast channel almost religiously. Lots of god stuff. Unsubscribed as soon as he started to host Avi Loeb and other psyop shills every other week. Either he's really fucking gullible or he's being paid a substantial amount of money to fill his channel with this crap.
Literally kill yourself.

>> No.15724629

does he pitch and slow it down, I don't remember hearing this one

>> No.15724971

He keeps the volume low. He often uses it when he's talking about some unsettling possibility

>> No.15725078

i just fall asleep to his stories and dream about mating with aliens

>> No.15725215

>in which we liiiiivvvveeee

>> No.15725221
File: 119 KB, 929x1024, ffp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for your first menstruation you stupid glowie.

>> No.15725227

Fuck you. Avi is a based scam artist.

>> No.15725616

Event Horizon is the most based channel on YouTube. We all know this is true.

>> No.15725820

Who is this? Thunderfoot?

>> No.15725861
File: 18 KB, 315x271, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros I want to know the name of this track https://youtu.be/iUjUeQjMkpo?t=702 anyone knows it?

>> No.15726023

I buy every product and subscribe to every subscription service they advertise

>> No.15726040
File: 689 KB, 1080x1301, Screenshot_20230907-200951-864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this