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15716725 No.15716725 [Reply] [Original]

Did the first humans in Great Britain really look like this?

>> No.15716748
File: 110 KB, 1024x1366, houston_nhm__neanderthal_nephilim_by_generalhelghast_da6mgzs-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah m8.

>> No.15716752

maybe she just needs a shower?

>> No.15716758

Of course. Whites never existed in the past, they do not exist right now, and they definitely won't exist in the future once we're done with them.

>> No.15717722

they still

>> No.15717868

Wow impressive, he actually looks English

>> No.15717886

Only the ones who had heard there was acting work to be had with the British Broadcasting Corporation.

>> No.15717892

I don't understand how people think about these ideas and can't see how racist they are.
>Well, you see, everyone in the past was black and only lost their color over time due to evolutionary adaptations to better suit their environment.
They literally don't understand how this implies white people are literally more evolved. It would be far less racist for them to just admit that white and black people have different evolutionary lineages. Propping up blacks as the origin of whites just makes them seem like an outdated model instead of just a different but equal parallel evolution. Why do they try so hard to keep these racist ideas around?

>> No.15717957

yes early europeans were dark skinned and had blue eyes

>> No.15717967

try watching

>> No.15718493


>> No.15718497
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>> No.15718499
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>> No.15718586


>> No.15718668

I remember that the same gene tests said that orkney islanders up in the cold north of scotland were also dark skinned


>> No.15718895

Even neanderthals were white.

>> No.15718918
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The genetics of pigmentation are complex. There are tons of alleles in lots of different genes that affect skin, hair and eye colour, and they can interact in unexpected ways. It's not really possible to look at some old DNA and precisely determine someone's skin tone.
Reconstructions just follow fashion trends based on some shaky inference in the discussion section of one paper or another. Like when someone suggested that an allele associated with red hair in modern Europeans might have introgressed from Neanderthals, and suddenly there were ginger Neanderthals everywhere.
Take it all with a pinch of salt.

>> No.15718934
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Her ancestor.

>> No.15718940

>Take it all with a pinch of salt.
Or a bucket of bleach.

>> No.15718958
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>> No.15718962

>Take it all with a pinch of salt.
I'd rather just ignore unprovable bullshit altogether.

>> No.15719006

>MSFD12, the only gene known to cause DARK/BLACK skin is exclusively found in Sub-Saharan Africans and Australoids
Stopped reading there, as whoever wrote that has absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
MSFD12 is a gene, not an allele. It's found in all human populations. Not just humans either, MSFD12 is associated with a lot of pigment variation in other mammals as well.
And it's very obviously not the only gene that influences skin colour. The same GWAS study that find that variation in MSFD12 correlates with variation in skin pigmentation between different Africans found a stronger association with SLC24A5, which we already knew was associated with skin colour variation in Europeans

>> No.15719021


>> No.15719023

How does adapting to your enviroment means to be more evolved?

>> No.15719824


>> No.15720140

>They literally don't understand how this implies white people are literally more evolved.

Organisms evolve to best survive in their environment. Light skin is an adaptation to environments with less sunlight light northern Europe. Dark skin is an adaptation to environments with a lot of sunlight like Africa. There is no implication that white people are more evolved. They're pretty fucked if having to live a primitive hunting lifestyle near the equator.

Humans can get vitamin D from food or make their own from a chemical reaction that occurs when sunlight hits the skin. Darker skin protects against sunburn but reduces vitamin D production. Lack of vitamin D is serious; women give birth to babies with deformed skeletons; adults can't heal from broken bones. In modern times we get plenty of D from our diets so a black guy can live in Iceland no problem, but for primitive humans getting enough from sunlight was a big deal. They quickly evolved skin to give them the optimal balance of sunburn resistance and vitamin D production for whatever environment they were living in.

>> No.15720895

>Light skin is an adaptation to environments with less sunlight light northern Europe. Dark skin is an adaptation to environments with a lot of sunlight like Africa

This is pure speculation you are attempting to push s fact, you have no zero proof this is the true in the least. Why dont other animals follow this "rule?" You see polar bears and arctic foxes but you cant prove their white fur isnt simply a better camouflage adaption (which is in fat infinitely more likely).

>There is no implication that white people are more evolved
Evolved how? There is mountains of irrefutable proof they evolved higher cognitive function.

>They quickly evolved skin to give them the optimal balance of sunburn resistance and vitamin D production for whatever environment they were living in.
Again, pure speculation

>> No.15720901

This is the problem with modern socience. Too many psueds who think "this sounds about right" means what they think is a fact

>> No.15720935

Did I hear something about the original inhabitants of Britain being similar in DNAs to some Native Americans?

>> No.15720941

>Why dont other animals follow this "rule?

You're comparing fur colour to skin colour. Not the same thing. Vitamin D isn't produced when sunlight hits hair.

>> No.15720959

It is the same thing as far as you should be concerned with your theory you are presenting as fact

>> No.15721119

Never heard that before, the only connection I was aware of was the shared ANE ancestry of the steppe migrants and americans.
Of course it could be a component of the old solutrean hypothesis

>> No.15721134

lol strawmanning the shit out of what you purport to be replying to. or maybe you are illiterate enough to understand so little of the written text?

>> No.15721142 [DELETED] 

I have faith in you... Like you need that.

>> No.15721157

Yes! We were all proud and black once, but some of us de-evolved into our evil white genes.

>> No.15721196

even if they did (they didn't, which even authors of papers on the early inhabitants of britain admit that they have no basis on which to say that they had black skin) they were entirely replaced by subsequent migration from the east in the matter of a couple of generations and left next to no genetic legacy on the isles that can be detected today.

>> No.15721224

Looks more balkanoid, I'd say

>> No.15721261

part of a long line of "Well actually we were black once/Black people were always here" scams perpetrated on the British people. They come up every few years with a new example and then they make a big show of it and when it subsequently gets disproven they just ignore that and leave up all the old articles.
See also: the 'Beachy Head Lady'

>> No.15721341


>> No.15721366

i instantly dismiss these images when they look ungroomed and purposly primtive

even animals groom themselves. why would a woman put jewlery in her ears but not attempt to fix her hair? her dress? get fucking real.

i like the one of cavemen in suits. i bet they had their own little cultural clothes then. but sure, lets pretend they wore potato sacks with bones through their noses.

>> No.15721369


>> No.15721377

Bodhi are you familiar with the research of archaeologist gunnar heinsohn?

>> No.15721401
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>> No.15721406


>> No.15721410


>> No.15721497
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>> No.15723261

This exactly? I am doubtful, but darker than your average European today? Almost certainly. You have to remember that the first humans in Europe (Non-Indo-European) settled that land in a relatively short span of time, arriving from the Middle East. They probably didn't look like that, that's almost Alberto Barbosa tier. But probably something resembling an Arab. The Pre-IE farmer peoples were relatives of the modern Middle Easterners. The confluence of this group and Indo-Europeans created the "Med" phenotype in Southern Europe as the Indo-European nomads conquered these people with their horse warfare, and in the North, they were genocided. This is why there is a genetic and phenotypic gap between Northern and Southern Europe, but not one that is insanely pronounced. It's sorta like how Asians all look pretty similar to us, but realistically there's an appearance spectrum from North to South that they are able to recognize easily. Italians are to the English what the Burmese are to the Japanese.

>> No.15723419

Holy shit. Are you racist? First Britons were black, like blacker than the blackest black Negro from Blackistan. Picrel is like purest white Aryan like they show them on recruiting ads for London Police.

>> No.15723442

Interesting I will read more thanks. You ever hear of Anatoly Fomenko?

>> No.15723489
File: 1.02 MB, 1995x1412, Simplified_model_for_the_recent_demographic_history_of_Europeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only lost their color over time due to evolutionary adaptations to better suit their environment.
Actually the claim is that European Hunter Gatherers were brown but they were wiped out by Early European Farmers coming from Anatolia who where white.
In Britain especially there was a 90% population replacement of EHGs by EEFs.
Later the farmers were in turn overtaken by Steppe Herders (indo-europeans) who were also white.

So their point is that black people were here before us and have the right to our land.

>> No.15723572

Yeah, but I never liked the weird mythology built around his stuff.
Though I did come across Heinsohn because of a video collating some of Fomenko's work.
I'm not saying his fundamental theory and analysis of historical stellar events aren't very rational but I saw it as informative rather than something reliable, Heinsohn references actual tangible evidence in the soil stratum giving him greater credibility.
His work points to a depopulation of the city of rome down to around 1.5% after the great cataclysm. But some of that could have been due to fleeing the city.
Part of it might be because Heinsohn's research is more relevant to me locally.
There's a forum called stolen history which has some interesting discussion but I don't know how organic some of the posts are there.
There's a couple of UNZ articles I've not read but look interesting. I was more focused on reading Heinsohns work such as that King Arthur was pre roman, that charlemagne was roman, or that St Paul was split up into three people

>> No.15723613

Shaggy Blackface.

>> No.15723645

Intersing, that's some good stuff
>king arthur
Have you heard of Alan Wilson?

>> No.15723675

Yeah, I know of wilson and Blackett, there stuff was sort of interesting but I think they got caught up in some bullshit.
I might reevaluate some of their claims in light of a revised chronology.

There's some tedious welsh guy with a vietnamese wife who seems to have taken on a lot of their stuff but I find him frustrating.

The cyruglryphics stuff is sketchy and probably just post rationalisation.

I'd rather stick to more primary sources if possible and reinterpret those with a revised historical timeline and respect for mytholigised historical events.
Wilson's claim of a three part comet could time into the swift tuttle even Heinsohn refers to but the timeline must be all over the place for that to make any sense.
Have you ever read about the roman style building of America and how they were destroyed or redated and the orphan trains?

>> No.15723695

I have heard of the orphan trains yes, many years ago, it barely rings a bell but it does a ring a bell none the less. Are you talking about mudfoods? You know I live right down the street from the falls of ohio where those welsh artifacts were found. Did you watch my UFOtv documentary on the stone of jacob? It is about some of this as well

>> No.15723724

p sure this is it

watch this with it


>> No.15723733

>where those welsh artifacts were found
never heard of these before.

I wonder if you know of some youtube guy name was Harry I think was talking about all the egyptian relics they found in america and on obscure egyptian prince.

>UFOtv documentary on the stone of jacob
the what?

>> No.15723737

Found him, Harry Hubbard

>> No.15723780

I missed it earlier but Heinsohn also had issues with lot of the BC chronology too. we are much closer to the egyptians and chaldeans
Some interview I found, don't much like he host but Heinsohn makes some interesting claims

>> No.15723824

I will check them out, ty. If you find some interesting stuff and want to write an article let me know and you can put it on the website if you want

>> No.15723844

One thing I'm beginning to regret is that I haven't been writing.
all I do is aimlessly read across topics or watch videos on it but never really record much except for text files of links in random orders and browser bookmarks.

he thing I have trouble with the wilson and blackett is the whole stunt with their supposed electrum cross of arthur

>> No.15723887

This reconstruction is not really a "first human in Europe". The fossil it's based on is Holocene in age. Most of his ancestors had probably been living in Europe for several thousand years.

>> No.15724799

see here
wilson makes an argument based on arthur being the forgotten son of magnus maximus in the 4th century.

But since the 4th century didn't actually exist we have to completely backtrack his sources and find out when he actually existed.

This whole 700 years of excess time opens up a truly exciting future for historians. Many mysteries will be solved and new ones created as they figure out who was who.

>> No.15724805

After the Romans put their head on a stake, yes.

>> No.15724896
File: 117 KB, 828x745, h8gybwl2x9p61-269983182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep crying
>Larping as ancient Italians

>> No.15724911

I never knew anglos were based.

>> No.15724921

>my student wrote a diary about people who lived in a swamp for weeks without food
>this is canonical

>> No.15724974

Why are Inuits darker than most East Asians, despite living thousands of miles north? Why didn't North American Indians evolve even somewhat white skin, despite being on the same latitude as most of Europe? Why didn't Egyptians developer black skin, despite living on the fucking Equator lmao.

>> No.15725018

>So their point is that black people were here before us and have the right to our land.
This is a rather silly idea, considering that the people coming to Europe now have no tangible connection to the pre-IE peoples.

>> No.15725031

o m g
kill yaself yall

>> No.15725035

How do random babies whose parents didn't live somewhere have more of a right to "there" than random babies whose parents lived there. I don't think I'll ever understand the logic.

>> No.15725190

>anon is slowly realizing that every science that isn't chemistry, physics, or immediately adjacent to either, is actually complete horseshit. Having insufficient evidence for any of their foundational theories or techniques. Typically caused by infeasible observation timespans, anthropic data (economics and social sciences), or just the theories/principles themselves being untestable garbage. This includes, but is not limited to: anthropology, psychology, sociology, linguistics, earth science, most biology (especially relating to humans), ecology, oceanography, or environmental science. Other fields that are foundationally strong, yet avoiding inferences made beyond exact physical data is highly recommened include: modern astronomy, geology, archaeology, material science, genetics, anything involving evolution of places or things that isn't classical physics (including inferences about animal/human evolution)
It isn't to say every part of these fields is horrible nonsense, built upon years of bad data and assumptions that are made with no evidence, only being held up due to social/monetary manipulation. It's just that enough of it is to where it doesn't make logical sense to trust a claim without extremely thorough research. The perfect examples of this are: Archaeologists claiming dinosaurs had feathers, didn't have feathers, maybe had feathers, probably didn't have feather. Geologist/Paleontologists claiming carbon dating is extremely accurate despite us not being able to test it on anything past 1950 (4 years after it was invented). Basically, if the data comes from a blackbox model or technique that involves any 'fixing' of data, then it should immediately be thrown fucking out. Physicists can't figure out how to model the movement of giant completely isolated spheres that we can measure at any moment, your shitty non-deterministic basic-algebra model can't predict the skin color of someone 1 million years ago with no measurements.

>> No.15725196

obvious bait is obvious, but I'll bite anyway.
It all comes down to really two things, eugenics/survival of the fittest, and the concept of the nation-state. IN THEORY, every has equal right to all land as humans, but realistically, why would we want to share with those freaky foreigners from the other side of the planet? From a biological standpoint you should always put your people first because they're genetically more similar and thus you have a better chance of passing down your genes, even if you, say, didn't have children. This can be extended to culture through memes (the dna of the soul xd), you should want to put your own culture first in order to have the best chance of its survival and propagation. Then we get to the nation-state, which is more or less extending property rights to an entire ethnic group. In theory, there's no right for anybody to own anything, but in reality, people do own things, and a group of people can (and in my opinion SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO) own a country. Extend this to governance, a government of the people, the people being said ethnic group, and voila you have the nation-state, a plot of land owned by a people, populated by a people, and governed by those people for the sake of those people. Bringing in foreign people is therefore a violation of the principles of both the nation-state and eugenics.
>inb4 hippie bullshit about live and let live man

>> No.15725202

a fair statement
an insane cope

>> No.15725223

>Bringing in foreign people is therefore a violation
Sure but if you were born somewhere you're not foreign there.

>> No.15725244

ok so some hoodrat is born next door to you and lives next door to you they are your culture now

>> No.15725252

If no one else gets in the way, sure. I assume I already know the parents and we're cool. If it's synthetic, no. Fuck off.

>> No.15725264

Depends on a lot of factors. Ethnicity, assimilation, the country's perception of immigrants, etc. It doesn't matter quite as much if a German moves to England, learns English, settles down, marries an English woman, and has English children, and is well loved by his community. But when an Arab moves to Sweden, refuses to learn Swedish, has 15 Arabic children, builds mosques and creates an inner city ghetto in the middle of a historical viking town that is hated or feared by the locals, then there is a problem. It's all about relativity.

Now contrast this with somewhere like America. America is not a nation-state, it's a multi-national state, and in many respects, it's almost like a land empire. No matter how you slice it, Whites are still in overwhelming control of the nation despite realistically only making up a little over half of the population, we assimilate foreigners heavily, the English were the original settlers of the US, but starting with the Dutch and Scots and currently working on Asians and Mexicans, we assimilated pretty much everyone other than the Blacks. In America, the concept of being an American is very different than in say England, where being English is a tangible concept. America and England, and Europe as a whole, are therefore very different culturally.

I would bet money you're an American, like me, and so like many Americans, you probably assume that Europe holds a lot of the same assimilationist multi-ethnic values that we do, but no, they do not. To be a part of a European ethnicity is something different than to be an American.

>> No.15725267

What's wrong with preferring people who share cultural and genetic similarity with you?
It's literally the most natural behaviour.
Others will surely unite with the people like them against me so why can't I simply prefer to live among my people?

>> No.15725286

Nothing's wrong with it. What's wrong with bullying gingers for having red hair? Nothing, really. I just can't get into the whole "I'm in a clique" thing. I know it's important, it just annoys me more than how important it is.

Yeah, American. Norwegian Scottish etc. We used to call ourselves a mutt.
I don't think other places think like I do and I don't really care what other places think. I'd rather other places fuck off and leave us alone. If that means you want to put a bunch of rapefugees here, no thank you. If that means you want to take some of my friends away, also no thank you.

>> No.15725317

Again, America is not Europe, Europe is not America. Actually, immigrants to America are even different to immigrants to Europe. See, America is actually very difficult and expensive to. You can't just walk here unless you live in Central America or Canada, which means you have to take a plane, planes are expensive, and just setting up a new life in America is also very expensive. This creates effectively a poverty filter. Almost all of our immigrants from South America, Africa, Asia, India are actually fairly wealthy. America really doesn't take very many refugees, 25,000 a year typically compared to 500k-1.5 million immigrants. As much as Republicans would like to spin it as an immigrant hoard coming to destroy our nation, (They don't even believe in this themselves, America has no mainstream political party that is anti-immigration, your only choices are legal immigration or open borders) we're actually mostly taking the world's middle and upper classes, with one major exception being Mexico and other Central American nations. They mostly come here to escape the instability of Mexico and to support their families. This is the closest thing to the migrant hoard depicted by the right wing, and even then, it's much milder than you'd think, which you probably know if you've had any interaction with Mexican Americans. It is very commonplace for them to send money back to Mexico, and English proficiency is quite a bit lower, as you would expect, and they do tend to form comparatively more insular communities, especially in the Southwest or in the inner cities, but all things considered, the Mexicans are an American success story. We eat Mexican food, they integrate into our communities well, they are quite a bit like Italians and Slavs were back in the 50s. It's really only a matter of time until we just start considering Mexicans White.
Contrast this with Europe, it's a lot easier to get to, you could just walk there or take a boat, and many millions do.1/2

>> No.15725349

>America has no mainstream political party [...]
We could cut it here and agree lol

>until we just start considering Mexicans White
We already do. White is a European thing. Mexicans have always been white in America. Cesar Chavez used to drive around the border in a jeep just scoping wetbacks.

>> No.15725355

According to statistics I found (Just Google them, you'll see it, I don't have enough space for sources) there are around 82 million immigrants in European nations, 42 million of those are from other European nations, which is basically treated as okay by the Europeans, as Europeans can assimilate with other Europeans. There are 40 million immigrants from outside of Europe, of those 40 million, it's estimated around 5-15 million are or were refugees or asylum seekers. A considerably larger portion of immigrants to Europe are refugees, who are almost always poor or just plain broke and are thus less likely to connect themselves to the broader community of the nations they reside and much more likely to make insular communities, or else, much less likely to assimilate to their new nation. In America, we have upper middle class immigrants who come to America specifically to be part of America and make a living, make money, be successful, the American dream essentially. In Europe, they offer handouts and free housing to everyone who comes in, and it's overall much easier to get to Europe, and so, they have poor immigrant hoards much like those we're told are coming to America.

Ironically, the people in America who create insulated crime filled ghettos are not Whites and are not immigrants, but Black people. Our underdeveloped minority group that we find ourselves incapable of fixing due to legal restrictions. This leads me into a discussion I've been having with multiple people. Ironically, anti-discrimination laws make it impossible for us to help Black communities, because we can't put overt focus on them without breaking said anti-discrimination laws. If we could just hire a bunch of Black teachers, policemen, lawyers, counselors, politicians, and train them explicitly to improve and develop Black communities, we could solve the crime and drug problem easily, but we have red tape holding us back. Unironically, anti-discrimination laws need a retooling.

>> No.15725358
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Truly the Romans did their best to civilize those filthy animals, unfortunately it wasn't enough.

>> No.15725365

Britons, not Anglos. Anglos are a different kind of animal.

>> No.15725366

The root cause of crime and drugs is poverty and the breakdown of community, poverty is best solved with education, Blacks are disproportionately undereducated, and Black students typically have school grades a good bit lower than the average. The reason for this is because Blacks have a different culture to Whites, and the school system was built with White culture in mind, and so therefore we should create Black schools run by educated Black people for the sake of educating the Black youth, it can help to bridge the cultural divide. The community issue is one that plagues our nation as a whole, so any program designed to rebuild Black communities, could just be a small part of a nationwide program.
>inb4 a wignat starts whining about racial IQ (a myth)

>> No.15725369
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Inuits had no natural selection pressure against dark skin since they got enough vitamin D from the fish they ate.
Egyptians developed cosmetics to protect their bodies against sunburn, that is a documented fact.

>> No.15725372

>crime filled ghettos are not Whites and are not immigrants, but Black people
I'll tell you something that's very hard for boomers to wrap their heads around.

Most blacks who were born there were born there because their parents were black. And it's because boomer parents didn't like blacks. It's true. But if you're living somewhere in America today and you have a bad culture and can't break out of your social circle, it the social circle and the culture that's a problem; not that your moms was black.

If you want to break something, break social circles.

>> No.15725374

That is utter stupidity. The solution is to impale criminals alive, so those animals will understand what is good and what is bad.

>> No.15725375

These were Britons (more or less Welsh). Anglos are G*rmoid settlers.

>> No.15725377
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Looks familiar

>> No.15725386

>if you're living somewhere in America today... it the social circle and the culture that's a problem
Finally, a sane 4channer

>> No.15725387

That's fucking China logic. I CUT OFF HAND FOR STEARING!!!!!1
Get real.
The problem that faces millions of Black people who would, on an individual basis, choose self-improvement, is that they have a highly collectivist, and highly regressive culture. Almost no Black people feel comfortable just leaving their people behind for any reason, it feels un-Black to them. But the trouble is that being around their people keeps them trapped in the same social position they were in from the start. Your Mom beats you, so you're probably gunna beat your kids, but you're Black and you're stuck with your Black Mom, so you're more likely to beat your kids. Your friends all do drugs and don't care about school, but you're Black, and you're stuck with your Black friends, so you're more likely to do drugs and not care about school. Black culture is stuck in a bad spot because the minority of bad actors are able to push themselves onto all Black people via this collectivist culture. White people don't have this concept, it's a lot easier for us to just say "My Dad's a bad person who does drugs and beat my Mom, so I will leave him behind to be a better person.", this doesn't always work out, but Whites just have a more progressive culture compared to Blacks. Family is GENUINELY everything to Blacks, and they will sacrifice themselves for that concept in ways that seem genuinely ridiculous to Whites. But at the same time they're plagued by addiction or criminal behaviors that makes them abusive or absentees. It creates an abusive culture with no way out for the average Black person. I've seen it firsthand, even in less toxic Black families, a close friend of mine has told me about it, and I've observed it in other Blacks I've spoke to. Black culture either has to change all at once, or it never will.

>> No.15725401

Crab bucket. Fuck the crabs. Get out the bucket.
>Black culture either has to change all at once
Nothing changes all at once. Unless you catalyze it with trains and Zyklon B. But I'm not about that.

>> No.15725418

You're a very naive person I think. People don't want to leave their people behind. And Black people have infinitely more tolerance for bad behavior than Whites do.

>> No.15725423

Like I said, don't put so many synthetics here that they matter more than the naturals but don't take my natural friends away. Either way I'll hunt you.

>> No.15725437
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blue eyes is only ~10k years old, other than that sure, whatever.

>> No.15725449

>is only ~10k years old
Sounds like creationism. I've had it my whole life

>> No.15725473

So he calls it a gene instead of an allele, and you're offended because you want to make it clear that it's a gene and not an allele?
>And it's very obviously not the only gene that influences skin colour.
But is it the only one that can cause dark black skin, as the guy you're replying to claims?

>> No.15725497

no one has ever looked like that

>> No.15725754
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I pointed out the gene/allele thing because it shows that was written by someone who doesn't understand what he's ranting about. He's picked up something he heard about this gene somewhere else, but didn't really
>But is it the only one that can cause dark black skin, as the guy you're replying to claims?
No, of course not. "Dark black skin" isn't an either/or trait you switch on or off; it's a scale depending on how much melanin gets produced and transported to your skin cells. There are lots of genes that play a role in the process of melanin production and transport, so of course there isn't one single gene that determines whether you have dark skin.
If you look at the attached frequency map of key MSFD12 alleles involved in dark skin, you can see that a lot of people in the darkest parts of east Africa have the same alleles as non-Africans, those people are probably not light-skinned. Also important to note is the Dravidan samples, where the frequency of the dark-skin MSFD12 variants are not that high. Dravidians do have very high proportions of dark-skin related alleles in OCA2, a gene coding for a melanin transporter (blue eyes are usually caused by a missense mutation in OCA2 which prevents melanin from being transported into the iris).

>> No.15725768

>trains and Zyklon B
blue pilled retard

>> No.15725905

>No, of course not. "Dark black skin
Are there dark black individuals without the dark-skinned allele of this particular gene, and are there non-dark black individuals with said allele?
>those people are probably not light-skinned.
Would you expect any of them to be pitch black, though? If I understand your picture correctly, at least the T-variant seems to be exclusive to Africans. Could it be that to have the darkest skin, you need this allele and that you can't have a light skin if you do have it?

>> No.15725922

>presenting specutio as fact again
white people wore clothes everywhere they went and Egyptians are always pictured without a shirt on. You are rerarded

>> No.15725931

This. PooperPower 2030!

>> No.15725948
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>> No.15725958

There isn't one dark-skinned allele of the gene. MSFD12 works to suppress melanin production; those African variants associated with dark skin are those which lower the expression of the gene. There's an parallel here with OCA2, where there are multiple variants which reduce the expression or the functioning of the OCA2 gene associated with light pigmentation. Blue eyes occur in Polynesian populations at very low frequencies. Their blue eyes are caused by a missense mutation in OCA2, just like in Europeans, but it's not the same mutation.
Regarding your general question, is it possible that you need a variant of MSFD12 that suppresses the activity of the gene in order to get the darkest skin tones? Probably not, for the simple reason that there are always mulitiple ways to break synthesis pathways. Even if it's true that suppression of MSFD12 is essential to get very dark skin, you don't need to change the MSFD12 gene itself to change it's expression; a change in an upstream gene which regulates MSFD12 could do the same thing.

>> No.15726102

>the people coming to Europe now have no tangible connection to the pre-IE peoples.
They must be, because race is only skin deep right ? So all brown people are one and the same.

Acknowledging genetic lineage is impossible for them.

>> No.15726349

not bloody likely

>> No.15726355

>more evolved

>> No.15726375

>Why didn't Egyptians developer black skin, despite living on the fucking Equator
Readers added context they thought people might want to know:
Egypt is 3000km away from the fucking equator.

Do you find this helpful? (Rate it)

>> No.15726501

Genuine question, why do black people add an S to random words like this where it doesn't belong?

>> No.15726602
File: 1.05 MB, 949x827, 3090d9hf0h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the out of Africa theory still considered valid among actual scientists or is it just an ideological tool for dispossessing white people and denying them indigenous status anywhere? I keep seeing stuff like pic related but don't know much about it.

>> No.15726605

Some African dug up an old skull and took it with him to Europe. Big deal.

>> No.15726629

Ok thanks for the bump I'll continue waiting for someone who actually has knowledge on the topic.

>> No.15726635

>chud refuses to acknowledge ancient african scientists and their archeological discoveries

>> No.15726651

Horrible click bait

>> No.15726653

Even today most people in London look like that.

>> No.15726655

Well that settles it.

>> No.15726799
File: 128 KB, 459x315, Ankarapithecus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the out of Africa theory still considered valid among actual scientists
This find is irrelevant to the out of Africa theory. By "Out of Africa" people mean one of two things:
>1). The genus Homo evolved in Africa and started to colonise Eurasia about 2 million years ago.
Pretty much everyone agrees with this, including the people who are trying to promote this new Turkish fossil as a big deal. There are no ape fossils from Eurasia between 7-2 million years ago which anyone thinks have anything to do with human ancestry. There are plenty from Africa. Most agree that apes went extinct in Europe by the Pliocene as a result of the cooling climate.
What the people getting excited about this new fossil are talking about is what happened *before* 6 million years ago. Until the 90s there were basically zero known ape fossils from Africa between about 15 and 5 million years ago, but plenty from Europe and Asia. So there's long been a suggestion that maybe apes went extinct in Africa, and then Africa was recolonised from Europe at the end of the Miocene. We do now have some Miocene ape fossils from Africa, but they're mostly just a few teeth and bits of jawbone, so there's still some debate about this.
Everyone agrees that apes evolved into Homo in Africa over the course of the Pliocene and Pleistocene. The debate is whether those African Pliocene apes descend from populations that had been in Africa throughout the Miocene, or if they descended from Eurasian populations that migrated back to Africa at some point.
>2). That there was a very recent expansion of modern Homo sapiens out of Africa within the last 100,000 years, that mostly replaced all the other Homo populations in Eurasia
This one used to be more controversial, but the genetics has now shown it's broadly correct. The expanding African population did interbreed with resident populations in Eurasia, but the vast majority of our DNA comes from them.

>> No.15726872

The Inuit diet is contains large amounts of vitamin D rich foods, reducing selection pressure for light skin. Injuns living farther north do tend to have lighter skin than those living further south, though remember how far north Europe is - Paris is further north than Montreal, Rome, is further north than NYC. The parts of north America as far north as Europe were much more sparsely populated, and thus had less chances for mutations like lighter skin to crop up. Egyptians lived thousands of miles from the Equator - Cairo is at about the same latitude as Austin TX.

>> No.15726908
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Western Hunter-Gatherers were niggers with blue eyes, yes. But farmers put them out of existence. Scandinavian and Eastern Hunter-Gatherers OTOH were white, blue eyed, and still alive. In fact, Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherers are the only chads who managed kicking Anatolian Farmer ass in a direct confrontation.

>> No.15726936 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 400x496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were they gei

>> No.15727606

is this bait or do people actually think like this?

>> No.15727951

>So their point is that black people were here before us and have the right to our land.
This is 100 % what it is. And if you find this concept ridiculous, you're a racist, a bigot, a nazi, a piece of shit, and you need to be wiped out. And that's a good thing.

>> No.15727953

their concept is a bit simpler

they just want to kill white people

>> No.15727971

EHGs and SHGs are mutts of paleo-Chinese + pre-Africanized MENA + indigenous European
WHGs are just pre-Africanized MENA
ANEs are paleo-Chinese + pre-Africanized MENA

what people perceive as "haplogroup I" traits mostly came from these pre-Africanized MENAs, who likely carried J and I. This is why straight aquiline noses are so common in modern MENA (even though it's been Africanized as far back as 26,000 years)

traits like upturned noses and nostrils are from the indigenous European northerners who carried haplogroup C1a. This autosomal DNA as well as the haplogroup survives in Jomon and Japanese. Although modern North Chinese also show a Jomon-like ancestry which paleo-Chinese (Tianyuan) lacked.

ANEs, WHGs, Onges, pre-Aryan Indians, and Southeast Asians all lack the indigenous Northern ancestry.

>> No.15728011

I never went into genetics about it so idk much, but I do know that modern Scandinavians are still the same SHG. I think many Eastern Europeans are also the original EHG + Yamnaya?

Also what does "pre-Africanized" mean?

>> No.15729188
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>> No.15729212

He looks like a Steve

>> No.15729698

muttstizos with 30% native dna will never be europeans

>> No.15730411

U a cuck

>> No.15730459

>I can't understand what a sun tan is
>if the sky is blue, why is it black right now?

>> No.15730462


>> No.15731185

He looks like he has weed

>> No.15731293

why not, they still do. just look at the prime minister for example

>> No.15731300
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>> No.15731322

>together they make 5 hours
damn conspiracy rabbitholes are a time sink

>> No.15731348

I have been a history buff all my life so it never bothered me. I dont watch television so if I want something to watch it is generally a history documentary. I don't think of such things as "conspiracy" this or that, it is just a documentary on history and/or politics from which I will draw my own conclusions.

>> No.15731369

>never heard of these before.
they are discussed in those videos in the article I linked. Some Welsh artifacts were found at the falls of Ohio that were much older than 1492 showing that the Welsh had been here long before Columbus. Of course for most history buffs this is not surprising. Hell even on mainstream stuff like the History Channel they have shows about Oak island where historians have claimed Templars buried treasure there. Even Franklin Delano Roosevelt dug for it there in his early 20's. There has also been old ruins found here. Basically the tldr is the mormons are right about a lot of things

>> No.15734040

It's just when you see it like that you realise that this stuff can really eat up a lot of your free time

>> No.15736291

how is that racist? evolution is not in a specific direction, the speed depends on the delta of the optimum in a specific enviroment vs current capabilities but the random mutations happen pretty constantly

so monkeys and humans are equally evolved, thinking humans are more evolved than birds or something else seems to be a common misconception

>> No.15736382

>Did the first humans in Great Britain really look like this?

Liberal progressive feminist who got knocked up by Ja'Rome want people to believe that their Orc is.. normal.

>> No.15737711
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>So their point is that black people were here before us and have the right to our land.
peak schizo

besides, this phenomenon occured throughout the world, including in sub-saharan africa (pic related)

>> No.15738288

Midwit retard.

>> No.15739535

Ernst Zundel literally proved in canadian court that it didn't happen

>> No.15740709

Humans were genetically modified in a lab and released into the world

>> No.15741558
File: 14 KB, 415x407, diversity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>besides, this phenomenon occured throughout the world, including in sub-saharan africa (pic related)
Yes, migrations happened. That's not the issue. The issue is using it or misrepresentating it to defend the dilution of white nations.

>> No.15741571
File: 96 KB, 862x494, Rishi_Sunak_launches_Diversity_Built_Britain_series_of_coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops wrong pic

>> No.15741575
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oh and have this product of my schizoid imagination too

>> No.15741888

Here we see a leftist making the fatal mistake of thinking that within every black person is a White person waiting to burst forth.
This line of thinking cost us the stars. Don't forget that.

>> No.15741893

Yes, and that is why all of Africa needs to move into London within 10 years.
Oh and it's good for the economy.

>> No.15741897
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All the KANGZ were actually KINGS and white. Therefore whites were the first people.

>> No.15741916

>it can help to bridge the cultural divide
Why do you presume the bridge should carry them to you, rather than you to them?

>> No.15742075

> Why are Inuits darker than most East Asians

Inuit live so far north that the ground is covered with ice and snow year round. It's so reflective you get hit by the sun twice. Skiers and snowboarders often get sunburns because of this. The optimal balance between vitamin D production and sunburn protection is darker in this environment.

> Why didn't North American Indians evolve even somewhat white skin.

Native American skin color is really close to southern Europeans like Italians. The Indians in old cowboy movies were almost always played by Italians.

> Why didn't Egyptians developer black skin, despite living on the fucking Equator.

Egypt isn't on the equator retard.

>> No.15742470

By simple definition

>> No.15742712

hmmm why did black skinned tropical adapted Bantu people BTFO the light skinned temperate climate San Bushmen so hard?

>> No.15742716

Bantu are actually comparatively higher IQ

>> No.15742863

why were tropical heat adapted Bantu smarter than the light skinned cold climate Khoisan though?

>> No.15742871

he also ranted about "australoids" kek
imagine not only not innovating your racial theory in 200 years, but also using an already debunked one

>> No.15743397

Which is?

>> No.15744804

khoisan were huntergatherers not a high IQ demand for outwitting small animals digging up plants.
bantu were warlike cattle tribesmen

>> No.15744825

>cold climate
Nigga they are both black
One had cattle, and the other one was Hunter gatherer
One had reliable proteins and one did not
Guess which population will grow bigger and over run the other by sheer numbers alone?

>> No.15745008

I thought the out of africa theory meant it came from the horn of africa

>> No.15745028

Not sure. But I've seen a few today that do.

>> No.15745989


>> No.15746025
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>peak schizo

>> No.15746105

why is a history with black people in beter?

>> No.15746118

Reminder the guy who made him black is some progressive commie who did it for "We are all one human bean" reasons and they dont know his skin color

>> No.15746192

Afro-caribbeans now think they have lived in Britain longer than AngloSaxons and that implication they have as much of not more right to be here, and that was the message fed to them by the media. What a disgraceful psyop this whole thing has been.

>> No.15746200

Because white man bad, and anything that supports his replacement is good.

>> No.15746467

yes, we wuzzing the low iq violent groups to kill the actual natives

>> No.15746498

I told you all what they are doing nearly a decade ago and you all thought it was a great laugh. I mean I get it, rational cant comprehend that people are retarded, underhanded and malicious enough to do this kind of bizarre shit but welcome to clown world jewtopia baby

>> No.15746530
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>> No.15746584

Lol remember that brits died to free the Jews
Remember that as they ride on your dying body and stabbing you for saving them
Oh how Churchill was wrong

>> No.15746611

Depends how fast humans lost their pigment getting into Europe. Evolution can happen fast if there's strong selective forces, but people scoot about into open territory surprisingly fast.

Humans were definitely black when they left Africa, most likely jumping the red sea and getting into the Arabian peninsula. There's some debate about whether they got into Europe through Greece and the balklands or if they came over the Caucasus mountains, ala the "Caucasian" euphemism for "white". They're N. or Georgia.

If we came over the Caucasus, then probably no, we'd have more time to ditch the pigment. If we stayed around the Mediterranean, then maaaaybe.

But it's political suicide to mention races or sub-species these days.

>> No.15746630
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>Lol remember that brits died to free the Jews
Well they died mostly to prevent german hegemony in europe, saving the jews was a second thought.
But anyway I feel sorry for them and I hope they'll wake up and throw out the colonizers into the sea.

>> No.15746646

>they did to prevent German hegemony
Even the meme “they want to force us to learn German” is better that what their own tax funded tv telling them to do “stop speaking English”
And not really, Churchill wrote Bolshevism vs Zionis. They knew what they are doing, they just didn’t know it’s gonna be this bad

>> No.15746676

>Well they died mostly to prevent german hegemony in europe,
That is one way to say it, a more accurate way to say it that it was to force them back into the Jews banking monopoly

>> No.15746684

If they hadn't invaded poland after czechoslovakia the brits would have let them free to do banking the way they liked.

>> No.15746702

Poland was genociding Germans in the donbas Hitler did the right thing, nah the jews were gonna get their war even if they needed a false flag like 9/11 or gulf of tomkin. They know how to get their war

>> No.15746706

sorry danzig I meant not donbas

>> No.15746804

Bullshit tho

>> No.15746955


>> No.15747125
File: 314 KB, 1600x1421, himmler_soviet_prisoner_1941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this ?
>Bloody Sunday (German: Bromberger Blutsonntag; Polish: Krwawa niedziela) was a sequence of violent events that took place in Bydgoszcz (German: Bromberg), a Polish city with a sizable German minority, between 3 and 4 September 1939, during the German invasion of Poland.
That happened after the start of the invasion.

Meanwhile, or actually before (may and august), Hitler :
>With minor exceptions German national unification has been achieved. Further successes cannot be achieved without bloodshed. Poland will always be on the side of our adversaries... Danzig is not the objective. It is a matter of expanding our living space in the east, of making our food supply secure, and solving the problem of the Baltic states. To provide sufficient food you must have sparsely settled areas. There is therefore no question of sparing Poland, and the decision remains to attack Poland at the first opportunity. We cannot expect a repetition of Czechoslovakia. There will be fighting.[37]

>The object of the war is … physically to destroy the enemy. That is why I have prepared, for the moment only in the East, my 'Death's Head' formations with orders to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of Polish descent or language. Only in this way can we obtain the living space we need. [38]

Hitler was a crazy bloodthirsty fucker who did more damage to european nations and nationalisms than the jews.

>> No.15747145

go back asap

>> No.15747146

He's right, though. Poland should have stopped genociding Germans.

>> No.15747276

>That happened after the start of the invasion.
No it didnt

Hitler was a crazy bloodthirsty fucker who did more damage to european nations and nationalisms than the jews.
You have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.15747404

>No it didnt
Yes it did. The invasion started the 1st of september.
>You have no idea what you are talking about
No U.

>> No.15747591


>> No.15747597

>Hitler was a crazy bloodthirsty fucker who did more damage to european nations and nationalisms than the jews.
applies even more to churchill

>> No.15747598

not related exactly but an intriguing discussion on historical forgeries

>> No.15747625

I grew up in houston and have seen that beautiful mug dozens of times. takes me back, maybe I'll go back to that natural science museum.

>> No.15747658

p good video. I researched all of this for many years myself and I cover a lot of this on my website especially the hyksos/hebrew stuff

>> No.15747689

kek I just realized you are prob the anon I linked that eye of the phoenix video too the other day based on everything covered in this video. this is a p good find. I myself had heard of how the hebrew letters were based on the shadows. I am glad these explained how they debunked it. I have a really great video on the Egyptians being in north america stuff by David Childress that is really good of you want a link let me know and I will get it

>> No.15747774

I've got the same nose bridge. am probably part neander.

>> No.15748082

Churchill didn't try to invade the neighbouring countries to genocide their populations and replace them with his people.

>> No.15748123

It's possible, I don't think I watched it if you did.

You mean like the idea of hebrew being based on the shadow of a torus like Dan Winter was pushing?

It's certainly a very interesting concept tying into cymatics and acoustics but probably not born out by history.
The idea that you could construct a writing system based around a 2d shadow of the sound profile made by speaking the letter is I think still a possibility.

>> No.15748163

Hey, you want to hear something funny?
according to mauro biglino's translation work
the real meaning of don't covet thy neighbours wife is don't marry women from outside your tribe.
I can find the quote if you're interested in the rest of them

>> No.15748237

>BBC programming
The fucking memes write themselves at this point

>> No.15748243

>It's possible, I don't think I watched it if you did.
Oh wow really? What an odd coincidence then, some synchronicity. Check them out then, they cover a lot of what these guys are talking about

kek makes sense

>> No.15748245

my bad wrong post I linked

>> No.15748266

>You mean like the idea of hebrew being based on the shadow of a torus like Dan Winter was pushing?
Yes. Oh I know the cymatics one is right that goes without question. The letter M is based on the Egyptian hieroglyph for waves and the reason we use M to describe feminine principles like maritime etc. I have studied the work of a master linguist for many years, he speaks like 15 languages. Check out a book called the language crystal some time if this topic interests you

>> No.15748298

These things get attached to grifters.
Winter claims to have been good friends with buckminster fuller and worked for I forget which firm yet has no evidence he ever did.
And he's something to do with that gaia cult tv thing.
I listened to him for a while but I just can't take him seriously and it tampers with my perception of the topics he discussed because even if he's right about something his reasoning is sloppy and I don't know what parts are bullshut.

>> No.15748594
File: 78 KB, 450x435, stj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I personally don't think Dan Winters is a fraud. Just because someone is wrong about something doesnt mean they are purposefully lying. IDK much about gaia but I have seen one or two videos from them and they were fine imo. They use knowledgeable people in them as far as I can tell from what little I saw.

>I listened to him for a while but I just can't take him seriously and it tampers with my perception of the topics he discussed because even if he's right about something his reasoning is sloppy and I don't know what parts are bullshut.

I definitely hear ya here, yah best to stay away from those types. Ultimately when I am looking for good sources, first and foremost I need to understand how they come to their conclusions, how do they reason, because that will just tell you right off the bat to not waste your time with them.

>> No.15748639

He looks like a bitch. BussyBoy one could say?

>> No.15748651
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>> No.15748676
File: 850 KB, 1000x7447, sumerianAryans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A semite just refers to someone who spoke a particular dialect that stems from the afroasiatic lexicons. It has nothing to do with race, same with aryan. It is only linked to races due to the fact that it was very rare for people to travel far enough distances to spread their language to other races. It is kinda like dating artifacts with tree rings. The two are not directly rated but often overlap. Even the bible itself says the sons of noah married different race brides and created the line of ham, shem and japheth. (ham arabs, shem jews, aryans japeth) Arabs are clearly not the same race/color as africans so where does their caucasian admixture come from? Obviously the aryans (japhites). This can even be traced in real time happening to north africans like the berbers who had zero sub saharan african admixture before the Muslim invasion and now carry between 5 and 10%. It can also be seen having happened in the US with most blacks in the US having significant admixture of aryan genes. The fact that the ancient semites were much more closely related to aryans than modern ones is not in the least controversial (and even modern ashkenazi jews are genetically 80% European). I am sure you arent interested in any of the actual fact however you just want to copy memes making fun of retarded people and pretend like you are evening the score even though your "no you's" are retarded make any sense being directed towards anyone but you, like all leftist memes.

>> No.15748691
File: 317 KB, 477x1134, STJ2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are retarded *and dont* make any sense being directed towards anyone but you, like all leftist memes.

>> No.15748709

>not that your moms was black.
its 'your moms WERE black'
and I suppose to didnt mention fathers for a good reason. n****r

>> No.15748731

>Find out different skin colors existed in the past and they actually traveled across the land, searching far and wide.
>Somehow this blows their mind and they can't stop posting about how people are trying to change a history that they don't understand and never went to school to learn.
>fact is racists are pretending to care about history but literally refuse to go to school or debate people who are actually educated on this.

>> No.15748734

Even in wewuzzing aryans are SVPERIOR.

>> No.15748752

projecting delusion/inversion

>> No.15748753

go to school.

>> No.15748757

I will make you look illiterate on any subject known to man mental midget

>> No.15748765

btw gender studies and queer theory is not an "education." I didnt write papers on why not letting 10yo's cut off their dick or use grindr is white male patriarchy system systems of systematic oppression. I wrote papers on the theory of mind and distributive networks you mouth breathing donkey

>> No.15748769

go. to. school. Study hard. Start doing your homework faggot.

>> No.15748770

I was Visual C++ .NET instructor at uni before you were out of grade school junior

>> No.15748771

I took culinary arts. This makes me an expert in physics. You dumb fucker.

>> No.15748775

So you're autistic. That explains a lot.

>> No.15748776
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>> No.15748783

One of my minors was in anthropology, the other was in business

>> No.15748904
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Doesn't this mean that "white" people can never truly go extinct so long as human populations exist in cold, harsh climates over the long-term?

>> No.15748991

The wiki page actually says we don't know their skin color for sure. We know only that they don't have the genes for lighter skin currently present in europeans. So the reconstruction of cheddar man is actually an extreme choice from the artist.

>> No.15750319

to add one final note to this. Just because a white man moves to Niger and starts speaking Nigerian doesnt mean he changed races. The Aryans ruled over these regions and spoke the language of the natives, just as the French ruled over Vietnam in indo-china but that did not magically turn them into Chinese people. LA Wadells work clearly showed the rulers of the Semites and the Aryans - two different regions with different languages- were the same people

>> No.15750369

It’s amazing how lefties behave.
A black man can be English, but a white man born in China dressing in Chinese clothes, is cultural appropriation.
It’s like they understand that culture=phenotype yet they just hold that against whites and whites alone.

>> No.15750373

more like a rope!

>> No.15750395

>It’s like they understand that culture=phenotype yet they just hold that against whites and whites alone.
Well of course they understand but their interest in not academic rigor, fairness or truth, it is in attacking white people and white culture for their Jewish masters to demoralize and make them malleable to be destroyed and enslaved

>> No.15750400

pic rel btw >>15748594

>> No.15750960

>The expanding African population did interbreed with resident populations in Eurasia, but the vast majority of our DNA comes from them.
How can this be true if sub saharan africans are clearly distinct from the MENA and Eurasia.

>> No.15751036

>more evolved
I love it when /pol/tards fail to understand how things work. Evolution isn't some linear scale where more = better.

>> No.15751044

He didn't say it was. You're the only one implying that, which goes to complement his point. lol

>> No.15751095

He said lighter skin is "more evolved" than darker skin, in typical /pol/tard racial supremacist fashion.

>> No.15751100

>He said lighter skin is "more evolved" than darker skin
So what? Why is it better to be more evolved? Why are you passing value judgments on less evolved creatures?

>> No.15751132

I never said or implied that it's better, the /pol/tard did. It's also just false and a misunderstanding of how evolution works. White people are not "more evolved," we're just adapted to living at higher latitudes. And the downside of that adaptation is that we get skin cancer if we live in the tropics.

>> No.15751140

>I never said or implied that it's better,
Then why is it racist to say that blacks are less evolved?

>It's also just false and a misunderstanding of how evolution works.
Why? Are all animals equally evolved?

>> No.15751183

>Then why is it racist to say that blacks are less evolved?
Oh, come on. Are you really going to be this obtuse?
Of course the /pol/tard was implying blacks are inferior. It's a /pol/tard, that's what they do.
>Why? Are all animals equally evolved?
If they are adapted to their environment and are able to survive in it, yes.

>> No.15751209

which is adaptation.
do you... not understand what evolution is?

>> No.15751216

So your position is that only humans all evolve equally the same out of all animals or that humans only change superficial traits like skin color but their brains are exempt because magic? You seem like an idiot arguing from emotion rather than science or rationality. You are the one saying "superior" or "inferior." Evolution happens to suit the animal to the environment, intelligence is one of millions of possible trait mutations. You are the one implying intelligence is the apex trait of "superiority." Every possible metric imaginable shows without question, beyond doubt Africans did not evolve intelligence to the level Europeans and Asians did.

>> No.15751217

Africans evolved to be superior in their environment and Europeans in theirs there is nothing "racist" about saying this unless you are simply envious of the traits you lack

>> No.15751235

Oh look, the resident namefag schizo.

>> No.15751253

we straight up don't have the genetic evidence to put an age date on these things. skin and eye color are notoriously difficult to analyze genetically. even so, the idpol liberal revisionist histories of Europe during the late 20th century have simply not withstood the genetic evidence we DO have - but like they did in the late 20th century, they will absolutely declare unequivocally "when a gene developed" if it fits their ideological message of ignoring - or just outright inverting with zero evidence - the entire bodies of work of early anthropologists because they were too racist (no, retard, 2+2 is still 4 even if it was a racist who told you that).

the field has been dragged kicking and screaming into an unavoidable conclusion that the early anthropologists made valid contributions when their politically correct but completely unsupported assertions failed to survive modern genetic testing and the earlier "too racist to be right" work DID - but the information from genetics is far from complete, so they still insert their "anti-racist" fantasies wherever it has gaps (like skin and eye color)

for the record, tying "anti-racism" to outright academic dishonesty is precisely what a racist would want them to do. it's wholly counterproductive, they're just emotionally kneejerking and expecting adulation for their illegitimate virtue. it's a similar thing to "black slaves built the White House" - it's just factually incorrect and repeated because it's a virtue signalling line (slaves were simply not trusted with home construction; it's backwards extrapolating the modern use of migrant workers in construction to slavery in complete ignorance of the actual history). the truth of the black slave labor feeding and funding through agricultural exports the colonial economy is lost if you fucking lie about it by exaggerating to sound "more woke".

>> No.15751265


they weren't black. they were salmon-skinned like eskimos

>> No.15751271

oh look no arguments. all you can muster is "schizo?" How original, pathetic little weasel, savor the flavor of my ball sweat while I dunk on you