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15715879 No.15715879 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some interesting geniuses I can read about? I already read about the popular ones like Mozart, Perleman, Erdos, Tao etc

>> No.15715924

Uncle Ted

>> No.15715927

Not a genius

>> No.15715928


>> No.15715938

Is too

>> No.15717435

Jesus was a genius
He gamed everyone for over two thousand years

>> No.15717461

jacob barnett

>> No.15717469


>> No.15717503


>> No.15717594


You won't find the real geniuses by asking the hivemind, and especially not by asking "the science".

Our current socioeconomic, crabs-in-a-bucket, system is not structured to identify such individuals since they threaten the crab colony.

Real genius is either ignored, or if you are lucky you might be able to identify them by the hissing, growling, screeching and shrieking they elicit from the hive whenever anyone approaches anything approximating real truth.

We can see minor derivatives of this when anyone says, say, "sex is determined by chromesomes" SCREEECH!!!!!

Or, "the universe is a medium that naturally produces red shift and cmb - no expansion required" SHRIEK!!!!!!!

And don't you dare question the Cathy's precious big bang theory. It's the foundation of their faith afterall.

>> No.15717647

Darwin, Pasteur, Jenner, etc. etc.

>> No.15717669

Ramanujan, Hawking, Kardashians

>> No.15717681

Von Neumann was a genius among geniuses

>> No.15717686

Stephen Wolfram

>> No.15718411
File: 105 KB, 655x559, Andrés Gómez Emilsson on Kaczynski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15718947

Pick a few /sci/ anons from a random sample. And also

>> No.15718951

>tweet from a literal nobody with an internet career in pseudoscience

>> No.15718970

and what has this shitter done to reach the ends of his philosophy? Hypocrisy and hubris, hand-in-hand.

>> No.15719018

Imagine having such a low IQ that you can't even read Kaczynski's manifesto without thinking about muh hedonic treadmill all throughout and missing the point THIS fucking hard.

>> No.15719022

Going back to monkey is the most retarded shit in the world. Did that nigga forgot the rest of the world exists and they're going to take your shit once you decide to give up technology

>> No.15719035

I don't see what your show of emotional and verbal incontinence has to do with my post. Kaczynski's take has almost nothing to do with the hedonic treadmill. The hedonic treadmill is an absolute lie.

>> No.15719037

I don't even know what that is i'm just some random guy

>> No.15719041

Learn to control your diarrhea.

>> No.15719049

Shut up nigga and answer my question

>> No.15719053

What's your question? You sound literally retarded.

>> No.15719059

My point is no country could get rid of technology because then the rest world would just take your land with technology. He lived in the woods and technology found him and then he went psycho it's like no shit retard. If people have technology they're going to use it.

>> No.15719062

>the universe is a medium that naturally produces red shift and cmb - no expansion required
>unironic aether theory

>> No.15719063

>solve the issue of technology with brain implants

Pottery, Ted would lose his shit hearing that.

>> No.15719064

>My point is no country could get rid of technology because then the rest world would just take your land with technology.
What does your braindamaged kiddie point have to do with Kaczynski's manifesto? Also where's the "question"?

>> No.15719071

I'm asking what are his prescriptions? I've seen him talked about thousands of times but no one has told me anything of substance

>> No.15719084

>I'm asking what are his prescriptions?
Maximize your independence from the technological system, help others understand that it's pure evil, build up a critical mass of opposition.

>> No.15719092

That's not a prescription. He literally killed people so he was serious about changing society. What is something feasible that actually thought could happen? What did he want the critical mass to do?

>> No.15719116

>That's not a prescription.
Are you sure you're ok in the head? Insofar as those are things you can do, and he suggests that you do them, they are 'prescriptions'.

>He literally killed people

>What is something feasible that actually thought could happen? What did he want the critical mass to do?
Help destabilize this system. It's going down, one way or another, but he believed people can accelerate this process.

>> No.15719155

>Help destabilize this system. It's going down, one way or another, but he believed people can accelerate this process.
Why would this lead to any back to nature society? It would just be groups of people trying to take power with technology and someone would eventually win

>> No.15719158

>Why would this lead to any back to nature society?
Are you ok in the head? Try reading the rest of the post, and re-read the previous post as well.

>> No.15719191

Nothing you said explained what society would look like. I'm guessing your saying collapse in society combined with "critical mass" would lead to some back to nature society but even if this were the case what stops dudes with aircraft, night goggles, and nukes from taking your land at gunpoint?

>> No.15719208

these are the people that think they are smart but just like self felatio
>written in a state resentment
like what ? should i take mr.steins drug so i can be as calm as a stone when i write my radical manifesto

>> No.15719211

>I'm guessing your saying collapse in society combined with "critical mass" would lead to some back to nature society
It's back-to-nature by default. It's only a question of how much nature gets destroyed and how many people get killed until we get there, and whether or not the survivors interpret the collpase correctly and learn something from it.

>what stops dudes with aircraft, night goggles, and nukes from taking your land at gunpoint?
1. That's a smoothbrain kiddie fantasy
2. You don't seem to understand what "collapse of the technological system" implies
3. Even if this magically isolated "other" technological society decided to send a billion people overseas to occupy ruins inhabited by those hostile to them, it would only serve to accelerate their own implosion.

>> No.15719229

>collapse of the technological system"
How would this happen? How do you collapse cars and airplanes?

>> No.15719232

>it would only serve to accelerate their own implosion.

>> No.15719238

>How would this happen?
How long do you think you can keep this system going when its own constituents get increasingly more miserable, dysfunctional and frustrated?

>> No.15719242

LOL. What do you think you're going to accomplish by showing your own alienated and frustrated population how you brutalize the refugees of a twin system?

>> No.15719244

You're talking about a system. I'm talking about airplanes and cars. They don't need people to run.

>when its own constituents get increasingly more miserable, dysfunctional and frustrated?

I'm not understanding. You're saying there would be a worldwide collapse where every single society is "miserable, dysfunctional and frustrated". You're leaving so much out of this I don't understand. What would be happening in China, Russia, Europe that's stopping them from mobilizing their armies and taking all the land? You're saying every single country in the world is going to all give up at the same time? You're not making any sense.

>> No.15719246

Oh you're trolling. You just gave it away retard you could had me going for hours

>> No.15719247

>You're talking about a system. I'm talking about airplanes and cars.
Holy shit. You are literally disabled.

>> No.15719251

Translation: you just got irrecoverably BTFO and you can't even begin to address that simple point. A little pinprick and your whole narrative bursts and deflates.

>> No.15719257

If you're not trolling then don't say something like "how you brutalize the refugees of a twin system?" when idolizing a guy who exploded computer repair shop owners and janitors. If that's not brutal what is? 99% sure you are trolling though you never know with extremists most are retarded and crazy. Not responding after this

>> No.15719260

>b-b-b-but t-t-ted k-killed p-people
So? Notice how you are losing your mind with rage but can't address the point.

>> No.15719306

Real geniuses are identified but they're pushed into finance and adtech.

>> No.15719316

>fixable with neurotech
Funny how often the field formerly known as science now relies on "then a miracle happens" as part of its process.

>> No.15719336

It's not magic or a miracle, it's "Dark Cognition".