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File: 185 KB, 685x225, woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15713564 No.15713564 [Reply] [Original]

This is not science.

>> No.15713565

But it's falsifiable. In fact its has been falsified. That means it's science.

>> No.15713576

Its rather common for economists to start to appreciate market economics when they start understand all the mechanisms involved. I wouldn't use the word capitalism because there are plenty of other type of markets economies.

>> No.15713578

>there are plenty of other type of markets economies
Can you list some?

>> No.15713582
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NTA but pic related

>> No.15713584

Islamic economics

It's like capitalism but with morality and without billionaires who force experimental gene injections upon the general population.

>> No.15713586

The ideology you imagine would turn you into a real woman and free you from work has been falsified.

>> No.15713592

>is a social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
literally at the first line lamo

>> No.15713595

Feudalism or any other type of agrarian society comes first in mind but even hunter-gatherers traded goods like obsidian across vast distances.

>> No.15713596

Her next videos:
>Eating bugs is good.
>Owning nothing is good.
>Living in the pod is good.
>A digital social credit system is good.

>> No.15713597

Go to back to /pol/.

>> No.15713599

You go back to /pol/, chud. He's welcome here. You're not.

>> No.15713601
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>> No.15713607

Why are incels obsessed with this germ foid?

>> No.15713608

Well im staying here but you can both enjoy these retarded memes together. Really fucking original and funny to repeat le bugz meme over and over again like a fucking retard. Its like this entire board is filled with 12 year olds.

>> No.15713611

Her next videos
She says the opposite?

>> No.15713615

to educate stupid people repetition is key, you are just one retard in a endless sea of retards. Just because you had this meme shoved down your throat to get you to have some kind of awareness of the world around and what is happening in it means nothing, there is still an endless sea of retards that need to have it shit into their empty consciousnesses also

>> No.15713617

Fuck off, chud. Go back to the pole sub.

>> No.15713618

>So here's why the billionariate is the natural form of government and why it's natural that after working three fulltime jobs simultaneously you have to choose between paying rent, food or healthcare. No chud, you can't have all three, that would be literally North Korea.

>> No.15713622

Leftism is a clinical mental illness created by the billionaire parasite class.

>> No.15713626

western leftists would immediately be executed in NK. They would hate you even more than we do baizuo

>> No.15713634

atheism is a religion, just like any other one: it has symbols, priests, oppressions, lies, dogmas, creation myth, hierarchies, social rules and so on. It has also a theology, but it's atomized (ie the rats believe in self determination in order to be compatible with the propaganda of the human rights). The only novelty by atheist rats is that they say ''atheism is not religion, it's an ideology'', because those dimwits deeply believe that if they change the words they use, reality will change.

reminder that contrary to the atheist propaganda, there is no several flavors of atheism. The truth is that there is only one atheism but atheists keep making up various flavors, like social liberalism, nationalism, communism, to keep people running in circle among all the atheist religions. In other words, atheists use their fantasy of market to balkanize their own religion in order to keep people trapped in it while thinking they become free thinkers when they explore the various flavors of atheism.

the bourgeois created atheism and their revolutions precisely to remove any theology bigger than society, so that the wageslaves can ''create their own goals'' , ie self determination, and be an active ''citizen''. This was at the time of the bourgeois invention of ''nationalism''. Nowadays the bourgeois manages the other side of its self-made individualism with the exact opposite (equally controlled by the same bourgeois), ie perennialism, internationalism , interdependence ie ''being a citizen of the world''.
You have to understand that in a balkanized atheist supermarket of political sides, the bourgeois control all sides, all the narratives. It's the bourgeois who choose what narrative is trendy and what narrative will be frowned upon through the bourgeois means, ie mercantilism and legalism.

>> No.15713641
File: 22 KB, 623x362, GustavineLe-FzhViTTXwAA0-u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Superdeterminism is WEF agenda
How unsurprising!

>> No.15713644
File: 1.29 MB, 888x4619, baizuo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what they think of you spastic retards

>> No.15713664


>> No.15713706

it's probably a clickbait thumbnail for something mundane, this doesn't deserve a thread

>> No.15713950

Those are there to protect you from the Sunlight at deeper dimensionality and more important things.

The discomfort you, who is not the epic person but the bunker, experience, either has ways to exit the vessel and go to another, or this could have been fixed almost instantly had you not ran and cried.

You would have earned the same as me as they are considered equal sacrifices. It's just as much a test for you as it is for me, but I go deeper and have more risk associated with my health and pain; hence why I'm in a comfortable body.

You reduce this all to the beauty of your ship, and you give no opportunity or engineering or other services. You have no faith. You failed the test. And you deserve the maximum punishment.

I do not fear your crime, at all. If you manage to make my position harsher then your hell will increase and that will guide me. You are disgusting and stupid. I will exert the harshest punishment possible upon you one day.

>> No.15713953

But I'll give you one chance to roll it off now. You get your pay. You get your forgiveness. We fix this. It is either this or punishment for being foolish around a serious subject.

>> No.15713961

You're looking at that 'bit in the middle' with a keen eye, but that's nothing in comparison to what could be updated/fixed. It could be totally different. Like an illusion where ugliness is so discreet it's actually an enjoyable part of the illusory waters that chase you as you transit from world to body to body.

>> No.15713966

I could make it like that either today if my guess without sense is correct. Or at the worst, within a month. Given you're not as deep as I am, I think its a day thing.

1. Accept this forgiveness
2. Accept your pay
3. Clench your hand and imagine and do business with your pay in the main dimension
4. Accept all the repairs
5. Accept mind computer updates and play games. Spend most of your time out of this phase.
6. Believe you will be given a fresh slate and just accept you're wrong, though partially right, it was a mistake.

>> No.15713971

meanwhile in reality humans can't come up with a social, economic, and political system that isn't shit.

>> No.15713988
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Durp my belief that there is no invisible mind that created everything makes all my other opinions what you are opposed to, magically. Why are you guys like this? Reactionaries never grow up.

>> No.15713997

What does “capitalism” even mean any more? All major business are basically government contractors. Almost everything is in fact meticulously planned and socialized into funds, which are joined to everything from your pension to car insurance.

>> No.15714071

It means whatever it needs to mean to take honest peoples savings away

>> No.15714140

Anything that lets me fuck the brains out of underage hotties looking for a more powerful man or a daddy is based and capitalism.
Everything else is leftism.

>> No.15714141

>What does “capitalism” even mean any more?
It means billionaires control your politics.

>> No.15714146

so everything is capitalism?

>> No.15714149

No. Just everything your sort gravitates towards.

>> No.15714154

what's my sort? you think i'm a billionaire?

>> No.15714158

>what's my sort?
Those whose minds can't conceive of an arrangement that doesn't involve a parasite class preying on them.

>> No.15714160

i can conceive of it. i just don't see it anywhere. do you?

>> No.15714180

>i can conceive of it.
Then describe an arrangement that isn't "capitalism".

>> No.15714190

It's Islamic politics m8. Banning certain races from economy. Very racist.

>> No.15714196

a hippy farm. trading some milk for some eggs.

>> No.15714200

European fuedalsim is interesting example as it combined 3 different societies.
Agrarian fuedals, Church and towns. Medieval (euro) Towns run full fledged capitalism with market economy, hired labor, specialisation of labor.

>> No.15714204
File: 74 KB, 320x569, SpaceX_sea-level_Raptor_at_Hawthorne_-_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much milk is picrel worth?

>> No.15714207

incommensurate. hippy farms max out at about 100 maybe 150 people. that's why you don't see it used anywhere as a political system

>> No.15714209

Workers cooperative were every wroker gets his share of "added value" (Marxist mumbo jumbo). Interestingly enough leftists are very bad at creation of workers cooperatives. Why is that is huge mystery.

>> No.15714215

>a hippy farm. trading some milk for some eggs.
Ok. Literally what is wrong with that? People actually do that, you know.

>> No.15714217

nothing's wrong with it. did i say there was?

>> No.15714219

>how much milk is picrel worth?
I wouldn't sacrifice a single jug of milk for that trash. What can you do with it that's in any way conducive to human happiness?

>> No.15714221

>nothing's wrong with it
Then maybe you should stop servicing corporate cock and start supporting the hippie farm world order.

>> No.15714222

nothing wrong as long as you aknowledge the limits such a primitive arrangement has. long term you can't protect your group via this system. they'll get overrun by more advanced systems.
>why wouldn't they just leave us alone to be happy and shit
in case you didn't yet figure it out, nobody gives a shit about your happiness

>> No.15714223

Capitalism means that primary mode of economic transaction in economy is voluntaey market transaction. Like when you buy buy Mac from macdonalds.
During fuedalsim for example primary economy transaction was non voluntary confiscattion of the agrarian products from the peasants under threat of violence.
(Yes taxes are kinds the same, so when government expenses approach 50% of the GDP you can say that economy leaves capitalism and enters neo fuedalsim).

>> No.15714225

i support the hippy farm local order. doesn't scale up to a world order.

>> No.15714226

>. What can you do with it that's in any way conducive to human happiness?
gps? so you don't get lost, take the fastest route whatever the fuck. comms and all that shit. you're using it RIGHT THE FUCK NOW YOU STUPID FAGGOT

>> No.15714227
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>they'll get overrun by more advanced systems.
Pic related is the final outcome of your "advanced system". No one even needs to overrun it.

>> No.15714232

>doesn't scale up to a world order.
Yeah, that's the joke. That's the point. It's not supposed to. If there's a world order in your world, then you are probably are sucking someone else's cock and balls.

>> No.15714234

well sure it has some shit side-effects. but your system's side effects means you get rekt soon, no more nothing.
something is better than nothing.

>> No.15714237

How are any of those conducive to human happiness?

>> No.15714241

She put capitalism in the title but described market economics in the video. She's a midwit confirmed

>> No.15714242

I think you're deeply confused. I don't advocate for any system. I guess I'm just reminding you that no matter how hard you suck your master's cock and balls and how hard you apologize for their doings, you're still going down with them and when all is said and done, hippies will dump cow shit and plant their crops on your grave.

>> No.15714243

how do you imagine that giant space buttplug in the other anon's picture happened? like it just happened with no order?

>> No.15714249

Who cares how it happened? Who ever needed it?

>> No.15714250

you don't have to care. i'm not sure what your point is, i guess

>> No.15714251

I'm not saying the side-effects are nice, I'm saying we don't really have a choice. there is no better alternative system that offers more happiness than this one. whatever else exists is shit and inferior (considering ability to defend itself). this is the most happiness you'll ever get and have things stable and running.
you don't get to decide that dipshit, people do. and people seem to prefer this.

>> No.15714259

My point is that your meme rocket engine is emblematic of an evolutionary dead end, not some necessary stage of human development. The monster that made it is falling apart and when that's over with, no one will trade in a single jug of milk for your rocket engine.

>> No.15714262

who said any of it's necessary? it's like you're having an argument with yourself lol

>> No.15714264

>I'm saying we don't really have a choice.
I don't know who "we" are supposed to be. I guess golems don't choose.

>there is no better alternative system that offers more happiness than this on
It's one of the worst systems that ever existed. There's more happiness to be found in its ashes than there ever was within its confines. lol

>> No.15714265

I'm not having any arguments. I'm glad we all agree that your system is crumbling and your rocket engine doesn't matter.

>> No.15714266

yet you can't make a single rational argument. funny how that happens.

>> No.15714268

you two are so dumb you'd exterminate yourselves over a missunderstanding. many such cases

>> No.15714273

you just argued that I own a rocket engine and that I own a system owned by billionaires. bravo

>> No.15714275

No idea what you're screeching about. We all seem to agree that hippie farms can't into space. We also all seem to agree that it doesn't actually matter.

>> No.15714278

>many such cases
where do you live? somalia?

>> No.15714281

There's no need to argue anything. This system is inherently unstable. It removes itself. Rocket engines neither prevent this, nor will they inspire anyone who survives the fallout to recreate it.

>> No.15714285

>Rocket engines
it's what keeps shit stable. the fact that very particular rocket engines can light up at any time is what keeps shit stable.

>> No.15714288

Ok. Whatever helps you cope.

>> No.15715400

Palace economy.

>> No.15715403

Feudalism was a very interesting example of an organic response to a breakdown of long range society. As the Roman Empire collapsed, the local feudal system sprang up spontaneously in the dark ages to maintain order. It was highly decentralized. The church was very important as a way to maintain proper standards and cohesion. It took quite some centuries for towns to regain the stature they held under Rome.

>> No.15715407

>literally spouts myth about free markets that's debunked multiple times
Jesus Christ this is the kind of shit people who take econ 101 talk about

>> No.15715408

Nuclear war isn't as bad as you seem to think

>> No.15715428
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Yah but you used the word that shows you are double digit IQ and mentally ill so your opinion on anything and everything is not only worthless it is actively retarded

>> No.15715443
File: 1.07 MB, 812x3171, antiftwats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to understand that in a balkanized atheist supermarket of political sides, the bourgeois control all sides, all the narratives. It's the bourgeois who choose what narrative is trendy and what narrative will be frowned upon through the bourgeois means, ie mercantilism and legalism.

btw you are so retarded in fact you dont even understand your own position and ideology, which teaches this exact doctrine. However, since you were taught this doctrine by the actual (((bourgeois))) you claim to be fighting against they actively subverted you from knowing who the real "oppressors" are and where the real power lies in order to get mouth breathers like to attack their enemies -who are the real revolutionaries- for them. This is how being useful idiot works and hence why you are called .... wait for it ..... useful IDIOTS

>> No.15715446

Excellent post anon, you are not a faggot

>> No.15715491

>there is no better alternative system that offers more happiness than this one. whatever else exists is shit and inferior (considering ability to defend itself).
Correction, the happiness is for the bureaucratic and mercantile caste, because those people never suffer the consequences of t heir decisions nor actions, because at the end it's always the population which pays for those people.

>> No.15715547

I've been ignoring her videos until now and this is the first one I decided to watch and it's like playing a game of broken telephone. The outline is kinda right but the details are wrong in subtle ways. The definitions, the explanations, the history. Is she like this with STEM subjects too?

>> No.15716061

She's like this with everything. I know some relativity so I notice the sleights of hand she performs to make her misleading points about that topic. She's just an entertainer.

>> No.15716081

>the happiness is for the bureaucratic and mercantile caste
Even they're not happy. It's a total meme.

>> No.15716089

all islamic countries are extremely poor, the only ones who are rich is because they have very high amounts of natural oil

>> No.15716101

Merchants and bureaucrats have their private orgies.

>> No.15716108

And they're still a misrable bunch. Maybe not as miserable as incels, though.

>> No.15716135

true, but you WILL eat my turds, fucking schyzo retard

>> No.15716139

it means the more capital you accrue the better person you are. if you can't or won't, you're in the wrong and a bad person. billionaires are basically angels and gods you should revere and worship.

>> No.15716194

why are you such retarded nigger? Does your NPD really make your IQ this low?

>> No.15716220
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This is actually one of her best takes. Capitalism is indeed good, and it's quite hard to see someone that isn't an economist or a nutjob that realizes that. That said, she forgot there are also government failures, so regulation isn't that panacea she seems to be selling.

>> No.15716226
File: 29 KB, 506x960, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capitalism is indeed good

>> No.15716234


>> No.15716254

Thanks man.
If you are not against the Semitic kleptocratic system where immaterial wealth can accumulate at the top via our current system, then you are retarded. If you are somehow against primitive pro-free-market modes of human activity, you are even more retarded. If you filter that through some idiotic Mises-tier ancap lens, you are also retarded and evil, because the environment needs to be protected.

>> No.15716983
File: 658 KB, 832x875, 1693772043744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forced labor
>non-stop surveillance
>social credit system
Capitalism and communism are indistinguishable. They converged toward a common goal. I guess that's what Sabine means by superdeterminism.

>> No.15717002

>Her next videos:
>>Eating bugs is good. (because it's the only food you can afford)
>>Owning nothing is good. (because you can't afford anything)
>>Living in the pod is good. (because it's the only place you can afford to live)
>>A digital social credit system is good. (because it helps businesses squeeze more money out of you)

>> No.15717102

why are streetshitting shitskin subhuman like this faggot allowed to post here?
why won't you post an address so I can come and slit your throat and may even sacrifice you to your tranny cow-gods?

>> No.15717207

stfu NPD schizo