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1571202 No.1571202 [Reply] [Original]

Community College transfer students cheat their way into real universities. If they want to get into college, they should have to apply the normal way and start from freshman level classes. The classes they take at community does not prepare them for real classes in an actual accredited university

>> No.1571208

why do you care?

>> No.1571233

I took 2 years of community college while I was in high school then transferred to a university. My best friend did the same thing and we both went to the same university. She got 3rd in class in biochem and I got top 10% in electrical engineering, the classes didn't seem to be a significant step up in difficulty.

Actually we were better off than people who started as freshman because we both had 4.0s going in to 3rd year while people that had to take all the university level weeder courses had lower GPAs for doing more difficult work.

>> No.1571236

math is math.

what really matters is the intelligence, and motivation, of the student

>> No.1571257

And you wanna know something fun, OP? CC transfer students statistically end up being better students than if they were a freshman, or regular college students that've been there since freshman year, and are often preferred among staffers.

>> No.1571290

You're just pissed that you did it the harder, more expensive way. CC ftw!

>> No.1571313

Because those transfers are fucking clueless. In study groups they contribute nothing to the group.
They are totally unprepared for regular life in a university, so why even lie to them?
If they think their education in a community counts for something, they can take 1 semester as a freshman student and test their way up once they're done.

>> No.1571321

I went to two year university because I didn't have the money to afford a four year one. I'm glad i did because now I am at John Hopkins and have to pay only 40,000 dollars (pell grant paid anyway) instead of 80,000.

Also my Freshman classes only has at most 20 students in them and we were taught be a real professor and not just some TA grad student lacky slave.

>> No.1571327

I sense hasty generalizations in this thread.

Depending upon the Community College, and the individual teachers, the educators can be much more focused and just as difficult as a full-fledged ivy league teacher.

I had an English teacher that said CC classes have greater potential to have better teachers because they don't have to focus on publishing papers or other research to stay employed. (Not true of all 4-Yer institutions, or all college teachers, of course, but you get the point.)

You are most likely complaining about all the unprepared students in your sociology class, though, so you should have expected the results you got.

>> No.1571353

I lol at people that have to participate in study groups to get anything done.

Nice fallacies by the way.

>> No.1571392


don't judge CC students based on people in study groups >_>

only morons need study groups bro, of course the CC people in them are going to suck. you probably suck too.

>> No.1571429

Community colleges are little more than prep schools for real colleges. If they learn something in those places, good for them. But if they want to take the same classes as us, they should take the exact same prerequisites.

>> No.1571452
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lol at american educational system

>> No.1571459
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You actually do study groups?

>> No.1571477

lol transfer students.
Its always so weird to see those 24 year olds in the same classroom as people still in their teens.

>> No.1571520

itt: dipshits who've never actually had to pay for college.

Community College is about as good as real college for a fraction of the price

>> No.1571541
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Community college transfer students are punished enough. Since statistically they are more likely to fail - and because most of a school's statistics that make them look good on paper come from high school students - the pool of money for scholarships for tranfers is nearly zero. Those transfer students have to actually pay for school, and in turn, that means they pay for all the scholarship students too. There's no such thing as free money. If you removed any reason for transfer students to bother coming in, those scholarships for high school students that are almost taken for granted wouldn't be nearly as plentiful as they are now.

Anyway, I'm fairly certain all that matters is an individual student's ambition. At my community college, all the instructors weren't academics, they were ex-professionals that had years in the field and knew exactly what areas were worth teaching and which were just junk knowledge. On the other hand, I've been highly amused now that I'm in a university how many teachers are completely useless because they have tenure and don't give a fuck about teaching; they only do so because they have to in order to keep doing their research and the result is a waste of everyone's time and a textbook-only education for the student.

Also, study groups are completely useless and I've never been in a group greater than me + one person that ever actually accomplished anything; so it's impossible for me to actually consider that an issue.

>> No.1571546

>Community College can be about as good as real college for a fraction of the price
FTFY to keep up with accuracy.

>> No.1571552


i don't think you've actually been to a college

the people that stick out are the 14 and the 60 year olds. anyone 18-30 is normal.

>> No.1571572

>I'm in a university how many teachers are completely useless because they have tenure and don't give a fuck about teaching

lol. i had a somewhat well-known physics professor that would make his grad students do big 350-person lectures about 1/3 of the time even though he wasn't supposed to.

and one time I sent a question to him on accident and he responded:

"dude please bother my grad students with that stuff. wait, grab me a burrito from gorditos and bring it down to my lab and i'll answer the question.

actually my grad students are here, you can ask them when you get here.

beef, grab like 4 red salsas"

>> No.1571653
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My worst so far is this Italian guy who doesn't understand that the words "of, in, and on" in English DO NOT ALL MEAN THE SAME THING. He's also a physics PhD who then earned a second PhD in electrophysiology... and doesn't know anything about chemistry (I'm a neuroscience/biology double major), and is wrong about half the time he opens his mouth in a graduate class. He's probably the only case where having his grad students teach the class is actually the more responsible option for the student's sake.

captcha: riernice soopically

>> No.1571681

What's this transfer thing all about? We just don't have that in the UK that I know of... can someone explain to me?

>> No.1571687


Go to a community college, get O.K. grades.

After two years, you can transfer to the university of your choice (providing they accept CC transfers, which the vast majority do).

>> No.1571690

CC student here ready to transfer.
I'm in that exact situation.
Since I'm already in college, and since I'm over 20, I can't apply for half the shit on fast web, and most of the other half deviates far too much from my chosen major to make time for. I've gotten lucky with a few local scholarships, but that only covers books and cost of living, it doesn't put a dent in tuition.

The only good things I have to say about CC is that I got good 1 on 1 time with my professors, good study habits, and a solid grasp of the material. Financially however, I'm screwed.

>> No.1571694


I've had 2 that were bad. The first was a British guy, he kept say 'exponent' and no-one knew what the fuck he was talking about for the first half hour until we finally realized he was actually saying 'experiment' with a very thick accent.

The second was from some Caribbean place or something. It took her like 5 minutes to figure out which word she should say next. The lectures were long and boring and she didn't finish half the shit she was supposed to...

>> No.1571698

If they can't speak the language, they have no business teaching classes.

>> No.1571707


whats the deal with paying for US colleges/university? Do you have to pay upfront or can you get a government loan like in Aus?

>> No.1571723

>community college students are punished enough.
>At my community college

Obvious bias.
Community college students are babied in small classrooms untill they go to a real university, where they freak out when they see large lecture halls, end up crappy professors, and end up with 10 times the work load. Community college is AP High School for adults.

>> No.1571735


...what the fuck does any of that have to do with their financial situation? How did you get into a university without being able to read?

>> No.1571739


>> No.1571752

If they're complaining about money, they should have worked harder in high school to get better grades and scholarships, or enlisted in the military for the GI bill.

>> No.1571761

Scholarships are for socialist liberal leeches. I feel nothing for poorfags that have to rely on someone else to pay for their schooling.

>> No.1571763

This, definitely. I worked my ass off in high school and was able to go to university for free. Anyone could have done that, most just chose not to.

>> No.1571766

i knew trolls could be found here!

>> No.1571789

Socialist? That seems to be in the university's best interest to me. Offer kids some money for boosting up its numbers. It's a win-win. I'm sorry that you weren't smart enough to get a scholarship, but I realized that I couldn't pay without one from an early age and worked hard for it. Also, fuck you.

>> No.1571795

If you can't afford college, you're not smart to attend it and thus don't belong their. It's fags like you that ruin my university's credibility with your drinking parties and crazy sex and constant failing.

>> No.1571800
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>Poverty is a life choice.

>> No.1571805
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>retarded argument
>complaining about other people's credibility
dumb fuck

>> No.1571807

i second this.

>> No.1571810

Hello, operator? I think I just got trolled.

If you're not trolling,
>you're not smart to attend it and thus don't belong their.

your drinking parties and crazy sex and constant failing.
>Implying I've ever been to a college party, had sex (lol /sci/), or have failed a class

>Implying my high school GPA wasn't higher than yours
>Implying something about your e-peen size

>Implying implicatory implicative implications

>> No.1571812

Community colleges were originally created for people with established careers to pursue an additional degree. They were never meant to be a back door for substandard students to sidestep an otherwise rigorous admissions process.

>> No.1571816

Either way, if you're smart enough to attend college then you would be able to pay for it on your own. If you can't, you're a lazy that has to rely on others paying for you. Poorfags just ruin a school continuously, they should be banned from every campus imaginable.

>> No.1571817

All the opportunities are there to get quality scholarships in high school.
With certain exceptions, once you turn 20, its too late for you to go to college.

>> No.1571821

Sounds like u mad.

U mad because my university is paying me to go to school and you have to rely on mommy and daddy.

>> No.1571827

You're a socialist leech that is no better than a manchild 40y/o that still lives with mommy, and an idiot to boot. At least I can pay for a university with my own money I earn.

>> No.1571842

Too bad.

>> No.1571847

>At least I can pay for a university with my own money that my parents earn.

I earned my money by working hard.

>> No.1571852

And it's people like you that should be shot, since all you do is oppress and threaten society and freedom. You have no right being a campus university, since you have no intelligence, and you have no right to any access of high education since you'll just delude the gene pool (like you are now).

>> No.1571857

And I earn my money the same way too, except I'm not an idiot and can get a high paying job while in school. You have to rely and low tier jobs like waiting and retail.

>> No.1571871

and this one too:

>> No.1571886
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>my face when my school has need based aid for everyone.

get into a better school the next time, or live in a more enlightened country.

>> No.1571888
File: 2 KB, 350x190, MIT_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Community College transfer students cheat their way into real universities. If they want to get into college, they should have to apply the normal way and start from freshman level classes. The classes they take at community does not prepare them for real classes in an actual accredited university

That last sentence is easily shown false, taking MIT as an example.

>If you have completed two or more terms at an accredited college, university, technical institute, military academy or COMMUNITY COLLEGE, you may apply for transfer admission to MIT.

>If you have completed two or more terms with high academic standing at an accredited college, university, technical institute or COMMUNITY COLLEGE, and you are entitled to honorable dismissal, you may apply to MIT for transfer.

>The students come from top schools in applicant home countries, domestic public universities and military academies; four year universities and TWO YEAR JUNIOR/COMMUNITY COLLEGES.

When you submit a transfer application to MIT, of course you include a transcript of your grades, but you also fill out forms to say what textbooks you used, and list what *chapters* you covered. MIT can make you re-take any classes they think were not up to their standards. Here you see MIT exercising *their* judgment of how prepared a transfer student is to join the rest of the students.

If anyone here thinks MIT is doing it wrong, then fine -- start your own school, and exercise *your* judgment about how to keep your school world-class decade after decade.

>> No.1571900


>> No.1571902

>they should be banned from every campus imaginable.
ok that one made me lmao, you deserve an award
he knows he was there! inb4 uphill bothways
bad trolling
>delude the gene pool
i now know why they're called /b/tards

>> No.1571904

You're right OP; universities are being tricked! Someone should tell them! High schools are just sooo rigorous and tough, that only good students are 18-year-olds just out of highschool! It's not like anyone goes to community college for a year or two because only upper division classes mean anything anyway so you might as well do the basics at a cheaper school, right? And it's not like OP's parents are paying for his education or anything.

OP -- you're not a faggot at all!

>> No.1571906

Not a /b/tard. He was just being a rage'd, tampon-in-ass faggot.

>> No.1571916

wait no you guys!
shouldn't it be obvious that high school prepares you for going to a 4 year college and community college is like day care for retards.

>> No.1573632

Most CC students don't transfer, because they're dumb or unmotivated like they were in high school. However, those that DO transfer usually are better off (unless this is like a top ivy or something) than those who came in freshman year, since they've got that motivation working to study hard and get into something. Some uni students lose that motivation during lower undergrad.

>> No.1573665

I'm an Engineering Grad, and did about 75% of my classes at a CC to save cash. Some of THE BEST upper level Calc and Diff Eq. teachers I had were CC profs.

>> No.1574390

No one ever chooses to take a CC before a real college.
Those who claim that they 'chose' to transfer really just failed to get the proper grades in high school to get in the normal way.

>> No.1574411


I chose to.

I took CC instead of my last two years of high school and got high school credit for it. Almost all of the smart kids here do this.

>> No.1574412

Troll harder.

>> No.1574433

As a CC transfer student currently getting 3.0 + at a university, I laugh at your rectal suffering. I did it the right way. You did it the wrong, more expensive way. And you know it.

>> No.1574436

what an obvious troll. Did you honestly expect me to bend over and go to UC Irvine when I could take THE EXACT SAME math and physics prerequisite courses at a CC and transfer to FUCKING BERKELEY in the process?

CC is for people who are strong enough to fight their way into a better school. Not everyone makes it, but the ones who do are not to be fucked with.

>> No.1574462

Every single job that I applied for when I graduated required that you have a 4 year degree from a top university. Going to CC is basically inbetween going to trade school and actually going to a university. Now I interview people every few weeks at my company and if they went to CC I immediately give them a bad review unless they are amazing.

If you are poor get financial assistance. I'm from a rich family and I got grants and financial aid for 3/4 of my college cost. If you're poor, college is free unless you are an unmotivated idiot. CC is the easy way out, it's for bums.

>> No.1574481


Thats what I did. Good job, anon.

I'm taking organic chem 1+2, Physisc 1+2, Bio 1+2, Chem 1+2 and upper level math at my local CC Just because the enrollment in these classes is 200+. With only about 50 lab positions available (which you can get booted out of if a senior needs the credit to graduate) I'm better off taking them at my CC, where the class size is identical to that of the Lab. Oh, and I can't get booted out. Haters gonna hate. Also, I'm getting paid 25% of my tuition back to me, where as I'd get none if I enrolled at the large Uni near me.

>> No.1574489

> top university
> Now I interview people every few weeks at my companyNow I interview people every few weeks at my company and if they went to CC I immediately give them a bad review unless they are amazing.
Hmm, that's strange, I see people from actual top tier companies like Google, Apple, Intel, CISCO, Oracle and so on but there are lots of guys there who first went to CC then transferred to top university like MITs, Berkeley and Stanford (they even say that was a better choice and letting their kids do the same) but never heard of doing something like that in a interview. Are you sure you've actually graduated top tier uni working at top tier companies?

>> No.1574490

I agree with this, except that I don't think you understand the reality of paying for college for most people.

You have to be pretty poor to get any aid, and even then it only covers a fraction of the cost in most instances. And there are a shitload of people who fall in between the gap who are too poor for their parents to pay and not poor enough for aid, most people fall in this gap.

Still, I would do the same thing as you giving CC people bad reviews. inb4 butthurt

>> No.1574491
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I was intimidated when I came from my CC to my university because I assumed (since I had been told) that all the students would be way above my level and I was concerned how much catchup I would have to do. That all faded within the first month thankfully as I quickly learned that while there's certainly small handful of truly brilliant people here that I admire... a vast (and I do mean vast) majority are borderline functionally retarded.

I can relate some truly horrible (and equally hilarious) stories of tutoring people, like a senior business major who had to ask me what a Normal distribution is or explain to an engineering undergrad that he can't pull variables outside the integral.

I don't think it's community colleges that have become nurseries so much as I think the problem exists in the entire system.

>> No.1574493

I go to the community college that is near Handford, the place that created the plutonium to drop the bomb on Japan.

All my teachers for math and physics have their PHD's, and multiple majors. they also worked at handford

what did your school do again?

>> No.1574505
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my school invented gatorade

u jelly?

>> No.1574541

I would probably take the arguments here more seriously if there was some standard for high school quality in the US and as such all students had equal opportunity. As it is, if you're in a shitty state/city with a shitty school system (like say, the entire state of Louisiana where textbooks are a luxury) you aren't on equal ground with someone who went to a school that actually had options. I know this is true, because from talking to other university students here I'm amazed how oblivious some are to how bad it can be. One simply did not believe me when I explained to them that in Baton Rouge you did not "pick" your high school, you were forced to go to a single particular one for your district - and if it had windows instead of bars, you got lucky because it meant they had money.

>> No.1574545

CC attender reporting in.

OP is a poorly disguised troll.

>> No.1574574
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you get personal attention at a CC and it gives you a chance to get your shit together (for those who need to). every teacher had at least a masters, most had phds.

i met two teachers who taught at big universities around my area and hated it, so actually came to my CC to teach. (both had phds)

but anyway, this whole situation arises because college is expensive as fuck. i think it should be a crime against humanity to charge someone for knowledge.

>> No.1574597

well, richfags can't use royalties, novelties and titles for the argument on the basis of "hurrr, my daddy was rich with power so I should too" after enlightenment so they had to come up with another way. We let 70% smart upper middle class guys and 10% working class ultra smart guys and 20% rich dumbasses in so it's all cool right?

>> No.1574651

holy fucking shitballs, a viable argument with quoyed sources from a viable source!! how dare you argue logically with evidence! dont you know this is 4chan.................the ignorance

>> No.1574748

HEY OP!!!!!!

Is that a picture from university of guelph? or do all schools look the same

>> No.1574875

Two things I would like to add, guaranteed transfer is limited to universities that pretty much take anyone out of high school. All other schools can and will deny you like they do to high school students.

Second is some people go to CC because they don't know what they want to do out of high school. Instead of guessing some major or going in undeclared you can take a ton of cheap intro classes at your local CC.

>> No.1574943

I went to a Community college (which has 1 bachelors degree now), Western Nevada college. My friend went 30 miles north to the University of Nevada, Reno.

What did i get?
$1000 cost for one semester
awesome teachers
small classes
decent education

What did he get?
$5000 cost/semester
"meh" teachers
60-100 person classes

My friend claims to have "not learned anything" in physics 1 or physics 2.

After taking both classes, i'm in a position where i'm tutoring math and physics.

"WNC, the right choice."

>> No.1574956

True, but what about people who applied at University, got accepted, but instead chose a community college to cut down on tuition costs?

>> No.1574972

>Implying generals have ever mattered

>> No.1574997


60-100 persons? LOL there's that many in my 9 am summer class that i'm in right now.

>> No.1575007

Interesting. I thought for sure that was UConn. They must all look the same.

>> No.1575017


calc II, not even an entry level class.

I had a few classes with just under 400 ppl, I think 394, 393, etc people... Never had a regular term class with less than 80 ppls.

>> No.1575025
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I went to a prestigious four year school originally, two perfect semesters, then lost my head smoking and drinking everything. Dropped out for two years and picked up again at my nearest Community College.

I then transferred into an even better school than my first and after my first semester, perfect btw, ran into the admissions counselor I had worked with, who told me how happy she is to see CC transfers as they usually has some force behind them pushing them to succeed. Not to brag, but the CC students, the motivated ones that is, are the best students I've worked with. The sense of entitlement amongst the snobby fucks while working on my BS was intolerable. Im glad to see a more level playing field of skills in grad school, combined with some sense of wisdom. Most young kids in undergraduate schools are such punks.

Shit, if nothing else, CC will give you stories of how stupid some people are.

>> No.1575028

Classes at community colleges are usually better than at "proper" universities. CC classes are usually more personal and get better learning as a result.

First 2 years = General education courses, and that doesn't mean JACK SHIT.

>> No.1575038

likes dozens of people I know who keep saying "the economy is tough right now"

>> No.1575307

CC guy reporting in. I'm 27, and worked for my money. When I decided to get off my ass I didn't have a choice but to go to CC. I traveled to U of O, and talked to the dean of their physics dept. I asked him what I needed to do, what classes I need to be prepared, and ask him for a realistic no BS assessment of my chances at a masters.

He told me that he loved to see transfer students in his program. And when I ask whether or not my age would be an issue, he laughed and said I would probably be a favorite student of my professors because of it.

Some of us dont have the option of starting at a 4 year university, and for us CC is where we have to start. My guess is that the OP is getting shown up in one of his classes by someone like me, much older, and more driven, and doesnt like it.

>> No.1575513

ofcourse he wouldnt like it, a 2nd grader wouldnt think it fair that a 5th grader was allowed to do his work and get the same results.

>> No.1575582

Who gives a shit about freshmen intro courses? Most of them are taught by grad students and can be easily self taught. Freshman calc is freshman calc, phy101 is phy101, <span class="math">F=ma is F=m*d^2x/dt^2[/spoiler]. The cool/fun/hard shit doesn't begin until you get to third year. If you failed your university intro classed then you should drop out because you a fucking idiot; anything less than an A is unacceptable.

>> No.1575603

I don't know about YOUR community colleges but the ones here in Sacramento are just as good as universities.

>> No.1575607
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>> No.1575625

How come every time I see a classroom, I'm almost positive the picture was taken at my college? Are all college classrooms shaped and designed in exactly the same manner?

>> No.1575635

Can someone who gets C's at a CC shoot over to a university after the two years?

What do you do?

>> No.1575664

community college gives students 90% of the academics for 10% of the price.

>> No.1575676

rather unlikely. transfer students have to go through a lot of competition, especially to get into good universities. unless you get at least a 3.5 gpa in CC, you're probably SOL if you try to transfer.

>> No.1575693

Went to CC for the first 2 years, had only 6 people in my Calc 3 class, transferred to uni and I'm in the top fucking percentage of most of my classes. U mad uni fags?

>> No.1575697

>problem with that?

I think it's awesome. I should have done it, could've saved a ton of money and I would've been a couple years more mature at the university. It would've srsly helped my GPA.

What're you gonna do though? I was 18 and thought it would be more prestigious/the only way to do it to go straight to the uni. Like undergrads have any prestige anywhere.

>> No.1575703

in my CC calc class, we watched the MIT lectures online.

>> No.1575731

i posted the one you quoted, and i think it's fine. i have to admit that it's not as good as a uni, but for the price it's a great deal. any seriously dedicated student will be fine if they take cc for 2 years before transferring. the main problem is that lots of high school seniors think that they're too good for cc when the reality is that it would be good for most of them to go to cc for a few years to mature up a bit.

>> No.1575747

>What do you do?

You fucking apply anyway, in person. At the admissions office. You be friendly. You get them to remember you. Let them know you WANT it. If they tell you you have to prove it to them that you want it, fucking prove it to them. Go to CC another quarter and get As in all of your classes.

prove to them that you want it. it'll work out.

>> No.1575758

Just finished 2 years at my local community college, heading your way OP, and with a much better GPA and no loans to pay. You jelly?

>> No.1575777

CC guy here. I'd still have some debt if I went straight to Uni. Doing my first two years at CC, just about to transfer to a Uni. I've actually -made- money by attending CC. Money I can put toward the bit of tuition I won't have covered for me in Uni.

Overall, I should come out debt free.

>> No.1575938

If you're going to grad school DO NOT take classes for the degree you're hoping to major in at a community college.
Science classes in a 4 year college are more challenging than those at a simple community, and you need to prove to the admissions committee that you can handle the most challenging environment available.
Taking anything more than prerequisites or GE's at a community is just setting yourself up for disappointment.

>> No.1575966

I got accepted into Cal Poly, but once I found out I could do community and mooch off my parents for 2 more years before I had to choose a major and move out of the house, I went to community instead. They even have housing just for transfer students, its pretty fucking sweet.
I changed majors during my first year at community that required an entirely different lesson plan from my original major so I ended up saving money as well.

>> No.1575973

That would work? Thank you kind sir. I'll get some A's this next term.

I don't really want to go to any prestigious university, maybe just average.

>> No.1575997

Get A's no matter what.
You're going to need the buffer when it comes to upper division courses.

>> No.1576063

So, wait....do you just sign up for certain courses at a CC or say if you wanted to do a bachelor's in physics, would you go to CC for an associates in physics and then transfer?

or how else would that work

>> No.1576082

It you're going to major in a science, only take your humanities classes, like English, foreign language, history, or lower division math courses at a CC. Save all your sciences for real colleges because grad schools dont consider science classes and upper division math courses at communities as challenging classes.

>> No.1576102

Do organic chem and calculus 3 count as lower division courses? I'm only taking them at a CC to make room for differential equations and stochastic processes; I'll also take biochem and microbiology and the like at a real college.

>> No.1576104

Still, how would you know which courses to take unless you already knew which 4yr you were going to apply to.

captcha: allion chamaecyparis

>> No.1576114


Except, maybe take the lowest level math/science classes. Sure, they might not be as well-instructed as they would be at the university level, but they should be adequate. This cuts down graduation time since much of the time there are a bunch of classes that have the same single class as the pre-req. It would suck being stuck taking just one freshman-level class your junior year because you waited to take it.

I went straight into university, but I fully support those who do CC first. If you think that English and whatever low-level classes actually matter, you are a massive chode.

>> No.1576164

Yes they do

>> No.1576184

cc failures will never be smart

>> No.1576189
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there OP,

I went to a community college for my AA - a very shitty community college. I transfered to a top 5 computer science in the nation where I am double majoring in mathematics. I have a solid 4.0 gpa after my first year, about to start second one.

Jealous, because you will never be on my level? Pathetic scrub.

>> No.1576192

are community college courses easier than university courses?

>> No.1576195

>computer science *program*

>> No.1576197

Obviously if you fail CC, you aren't nor will ever be smart.
re-bump for this.

>> No.1576200

Depends which community college, depends which university.

>> No.1576203

Was Computer Science III hard?

>> No.1576209

At a top university, pretty much every class at your major is challenging.

>> No.1576218

Do not take ANY science classes at a community college. They dont have the faculty, the facilities, or the proper resources to give a proper education in science. If it requires a lab, odds are that a community college can't provide the proper resources, and employers won't consider you a serious candidate.
Thats why anyone seriously contemplating a career in science goes straight to college, so they can take classes in an actual lab as soon as possible.

>> No.1576225


what school?

>> No.1576233

That's correct. At CC take the minimum of classes for your major - you will be taking those at a real place. At CC, just knock down the general education shit that you don't care about and won't have to worry it once you transfer. Worked great for me, and I saved a ton of money (one reason many people go to CC's for the first 2 years).

>> No.1576236

Yes. Thats why you shouldn't take any serious classes at a community college. It looks bad on your record, and you will almost always be passed over by a 4 year student who took all of his necessary classes at a college with adequate facilities.

Communities are good for people who want a decent job, but generally community college graduates are seen as indecisive and lacking initiative.

>> No.1576237


>> No.1576242

In reality, community college isn't that much different from universities in terms of educational quality. The main difference is the prestige that universities have because they won't let in any joe shmoe.

>> No.1576260

And if you already took a few class towards your major at a community college, drop out and re-enroll at another community with a transfer program. Plenty of universities use CCs as feeder schools. You might lose 20 or 30 credits, but the sheer disadvantage of having science or math classes from a community college on your transcript outweighs any loss in time.

Never take anything more than precalculus in a community college, and never take a science class. Most community college's science departments are not accredited and you don't want to find out when your about to graduate that your physics classes didn't count.

>> No.1576264

OP, how would you explain me transferring to an Ivy League from CC and graduating with honors?

>> No.1576269

Why encourage him when he can get in the normal way with a good essay and a good SAT score?

As long as hes a first time applicant, he can qualify for scholarships.

>> No.1576270


Nice. I'm thinking of doing comp sci and EE next year at Harvard.

>> No.1576282

Easy. You're lying.

>> No.1576291

>If you think that English and whatever low-level classes actually matter, you are a massive chode.

Confirmed troll. You have never been in college.

>> No.1576297

So is it really that bad of an idea to take calculus 3 at CC? What if you do really good at higher level math courses that build off of it?

>> No.1576300

Do any of you cc fags think cc courses were easier or have less work load than university courses?

>> No.1576313

Why go to community colege?
Research companies want the best, and the best never get into college the easy way.
Labs never hire people who wasted 2 years in Junior colleges unless they need janitors or desk clerks. Those positions are saved for people who went to real college.

>> No.1576317

Yep, much easier. The key is to not give a fuck about your CC classes and self-study and prepare your ass for your transfer school. I'm chilling my ass at Cornell now I had the opportunity to spend more time on CS/Math and less time on geography/history. Worked out nicely.

>> No.1576322

Don't take any calculus classes at a community college. You're only wasting your time since you will have to retake all graduate level math courses once you get into a real college.

>> No.1576332

I interned at Texas Instruments this summer as a programmer. Don't speak out of your ass about a topic you know nothing about. Oh, and enjoy attending your shit-tier state school and thinking it's any higher than a CC.

>> No.1576338

If you're so smart why didn't you apply direct to an actual university, rather than getting in through the back door?

>> No.1576370

I slacked off in high school, didn't do well in courses other than CS and Math and didn't get into my state's flagship U. I decided to go to CC from which it would be almost guaranteed for me to get into that state U. While at CC I decided I can do better. And here I am now, talking with people who attend shit-tier schools compared to mine and who are seemingly angry because of it, calling me a "cheater". How amusing.

>> No.1576402


you gamed the system. you don't deserve shit.

>> No.1576422
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you mad as hell

>> No.1576430

The jealousy and bitterness of low-level scrubbage makes my success even sweeter. It gives me that little extra push to get through classes. Thanks.

>> No.1576443

I didn't even know there are some people who considered CC-transfers as cheating. If those people can transfer to a U and complete a degree there, they deserve it as much as others. Stop hating on others because you failed academically.

>> No.1576456

i go to a "real uni" and there are plenty of horrible, completely inept profs

>> No.1576472

I went to CC then transfered to my state university. Ain't no goddamn difference between the two - the same stupid easy bullshit is taught at both.

>> No.1576492


then your state university must suck ass

>> No.1576494


Sorry, but I go to a top Ivy and not shitty Cornell. I actually earned my way into the university I go to and had to compete against 30k other people to get in.

>> No.1576530 [DELETED] 

1. Cornell is ranked the highest amongst other Ivies.
2. Transfer application is much more competitive, since there are a lot less seats available.
3. No ivy leaguers diss amongst themselves. Enjoy your shit-tier school, pathetic wannabe.

>> No.1576531

lol so much butthurt in this thread.

prospective employers won't even know that you were a CC transfer unless you tell them, its not like you give them ur transcript lol.

Pretty much everyone smart where I'm from goes to CC for the last two years of highschool; me, both my sisters and most of my friends all did it. I did EE and don't feel like grad school right now, but my sisters both got in to good grad schools no problem; my little sister completed her masters in economics when she was 21 and older sister is working on doctorate. And one of my best friends did CC and transferred and is now in UW med school, which is one of the best med schools in the entire world.

Basically nobody cares where you took calculus, and CC actually tends to be better because you can pull a higher GPA with the same amount of work.

>> No.1576536

1. Cornell is ranked the highest amongst other Ivies for my major.
2. Transfer application is much more competitive, since there are a lot less seats available.
3. No ivy leaguers diss amongst themselves like that. Enjoy your shit-tier school, pathetic wannabe.

>> No.1576574

They couldn't handle the entire 4 years necessary to graduate in a proper college so they take the easy way in and claim they're as good as the people who've been there since the beginning.

College degrees should label clearly that the recipient is a transfer student who only spent 2 years in a college.

>> No.1576575


"No ivy leaguers diss amongst themselves like that."

HAHHAHA... did you really just type that?

Seriously, you should not be bragging about Cornell. Their yield rate is garbage because no one really wants to be there.

>> No.1576583

>CC actually tends to be better because you can get easy A's with ony half the work needed in a normal college.

>> No.1576592

>Community College transfer students cheat their way into real universities.
Nope, they have to go through a much more competitive process to get in. Very very very few seats are available.

>If they want to get into college, they should have to apply the normal way and start from freshman level classes.
They apply a harder way. And there's no need to take those freshmen classes when they can take much harder ones. Why take Calc 1 when you can ace Analysis?

>The classes they take at community does not prepare them for real classes in an actual accredited university
Those people are motivated to teach themselves and are as likely to succeed as any other.

TLDR: Butthurt scrubs at state schools are angry that there are CC students who are smarter than them.

>> No.1576603

If you can handle the last 2 years, you will always be able to handle the first 2 as well. Are you going to tell me that people who got their graduate degrees from top schools don't deserve them unless they went to a good undergrad school as well?

>> No.1576607

Really /sci/.....Why do you care so much about another person's college?

>> No.1576619 [DELETED] 

>Top 12 overall university in the world
>Top 6 computer science program in the world
>Imply it's not a university worth being proud of

Another bitter low-life academic failure... Yummy. Keep that hate coming. I wonder, how pathetic can your life be when you not only realize how inferior you are but you also hold so much jealousy and disgust. I pity you.

>> No.1576625

>Top 12 overall university in the world
>Top 6 computer science program in the world
>Imply it's not a university worth being proud of

Another bitter low-life academic failure... Yummy. Keep that hate coming. I wonder, how pathetic can your life be when you not only realize how inferior you are but you also hold so much jealousy and disgust. I pity you.

>> No.1576629

Why is this still here? OP is mad as hell that he's in his 3rd year at Where The Fuck Did It All Go Wrong Tech when he could have (assuming he's smart enough, which he probably isn't) fought his way through CC into a real university.

>> No.1576630

Their lives are pathetic. They can't accept the fact that somebody went to a CC and ended up being smarter and more successful than them. It makes the feel like shit and they can't hold it in.

>> No.1576634

fuck the haters, i went to a community college to improve upon my shitty HS grades, got a 4.0, got decent scholarships and am now top of my class getting ready to graduate with a BS in electrical engineering. going to Carnegie Melon for Grad school. In yo face whiny bitches

>> No.1576637


be proud all you want :)

i still go to a higher ranked school than you.

>> No.1576638

>>everyone is an EE.


>> No.1576642

I take summer classes at the local CC.

Usually I get a classroom full of retards crying that it is too much work too fast, 2 people drop the class the first 2 days, and just about everyone walks with an A or B if they show up to every class.

Even though they usually bomb tests/quizzes/homework. I took a calculus 2 summer course and EVERYONE was non-stop bitching about how hard it was. I barely did anything and finished the class with a 99% average thanks to a 107% on the mid-term.

>> No.1576645

cc is serious business.

>> No.1576649

Oh shit, a CMU Fag on /sci/

>> No.1576651

10/10 troll thread

Anyone smart enough to finish an EE degree at a top school would have had scholarships to college in the first place.

Everyone in CC is either old and in the workforce or is just a lazy retarded mouth breather who didn't feel like getting a job after high school.

>> No.1576652
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CC is high school the sequel

>> No.1576657

>or is just a lazy retarded mouth breather who didn't feel like getting a job after high school.

You just describes everyone on 4chan in 'college'

>> No.1576664

In the state of IL there's something called the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI). Basically, it's an agreement among CCs and 4-year schools that allows easy transfer of credits earned in a CC to be transferred between schools that's a partner in the IAI. As long as the classes you take in CC are marked IAI, those classes transfer. This is why I'm taking higher math and science course at my CC before transferring.

>> No.1576667

The instructor for my physics course at the cc was way, WAY more dedicated and helpful than any professor at university.

>> No.1576678

college in general is just another level of general education, any more.

Community Colleges are Colleges that specialize in 2-year degrees and career-oriented certifications. They are far more important and useful to society than most four-year Liberal Arts (or similar) diploma mills.

The image that colleges propagate in their advertising, and which spreads through the mass media, is that of a research college. The idea of students studying under masters in the field while the masters enjoy the privilege of performing their groundbreaking research on government/university money. The reality is that college professors are generally only just as qualified as high school teachers, and in many cases far less so (classes taught by graduate or even undergrad students, or in non-science classes by random schmucks, vs high-school teachers generally needing at least a bachelors and often a masters).

College is a huge scam, community college is some of the best value in secondary EDUCATION you can get. Of course it should be free, an of course the dominance of for-profit universities is abominable and pathetic. Do something about it instead of just putting up with it. Don't let buyers remorse turn you into a tool, get angry instead.

>> No.1576679

My problem is i despise desk jobs and actually enjoy using my hands and my plan was to become an engineer on the railroad. I have the intelligence to do the work, I just didn't want to. I have grown up now, and my world view has matured. I know EE can be very hands off, but I use my free time to get my solder fume jollies out.

>> No.1576694

Just a few dozen years ago, community college was free, and transfer programs were available for anyone who fit the prerequisites for transfer.

>> No.1576718

I know for a fact that universities from my state accept science and math classes from community college.

>> No.1576728

/sci/, this thread makes me sad. I'm not a particularly unintelligent person, I'm just not driven. I never cared about doing anything in high school and as such I had horrible grades and eventually dropped out. I've been leeching off my dad for a couple years now and it really makes me feel like shit. I want to work. I want to bust my ass all day doing hard physical labor, come home tired, and get enough money out of it to live on. Only problem is that work isn't so easy to find when you have no means of transportation.

I do have the option of getting my GED and then taking classes at a community college. What should I take? What's a field that I can easily get into where I can make enough money to survive and be relatively secure in my work?

Or should I do what this thread is hating on and postpone real life in favor of going to university after attending community college? Putting off work, responsibilities, and real life for a few more years sounds like a pretty good plan too.

>> No.1576752

anything in the medical field will have jobs. People don't stop getting sick. You could also get a welding certificate and join a union. the benefits are good, and while unions can be corrupt, they usually are corrupt in your favor

>> No.1576773

sounds like a crappy university.
Any accredited university knows that communities dont have the budget to give a proper education in science.

>> No.1576780

Do it.
The older you get the harder it becomes to go back to school. You dont know when the people who can help put you through college won't be able to anymore.
They're cutting education budgets nationwide due to the depression, so get in now while you still can.

>> No.1576815

Yes. Because being in a class with 500 other students, being taught by a TA or a completely disconnected professor, cheating on your tests and pulling your papers from wikipedia, and drinking yourself stupid every other night is so much better than being in a class with 30 students and a prof that can actually explain something to you, and takes the time to grade your papers. I did the whole university thing, and then I went back and took some classes at my local CC. The quality of the education was far superior.

>> No.1577646

lol @ the people bragging about their prof having their PHDs and being published. Odds are they suck at teaching and you paying basically to teach yourself. All the best teachers I had didnt have their PHD, they were just really passionate about teaching

>> No.1577763


Who is spreading this bullshit to you? Seriously?

I just graduated from a little no name CC in the middle of GEORGIA. I got an REU with one of the best engineering university in the WORLD. Yet, you sit here and try to tell me I won't get considered for graduate school because I had taken Calculus 1,2,3, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Calculus Based Physics 1 and 2 at CC.

I did work for BOEING this summer because of my CC experience. I presented work to a room full of top engineers for their new flagship program.

I talked to professors at the school I did the REU at. They all said taking CC classes won't hurt my chances for a masters or PhD. They say just do well with the upper level classes and do RESEARCH and you'll do fine.

I believe all those posts were the same fucking person. Get out of here you stupid richfag.

>> No.1577842


This times a million.

Whoever said not to take anything above pre-calculus and not to take science courses knows nothing about CCs or how they work.

I go to a CC and I know that My calculus counts exactly the same for my neighboring university (in fact 80% of my calc III were students from that uni).

Same goes for Physics an dany other class you can take.

>> No.1578481

That doesnt change the fact that classes in a community arent seen as being as challenging as classes in a true 4 year university. If you're going to grad school, take all the classes needed for your major at a 4 year, not a 2 year.

>> No.1578521


I dunno. Didn't go go a CC, but I've heard horror stories about CC profs with a HUGE chip on their shoulder with regards to not being in a 'real university' and are thus very, very, very tough. I am sure you get your money's worth at a CC. They are at least not paying for all the BS you see around a university with your tuition money.

As far as taking all of your core curriculum at a major university, I can see that because the prof's have worked together to present you with all the intellectual tools in the right order to understand and internalize the material.

>> No.1578546
File: 19 KB, 430x490, youmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, u mad as fuck

Second, I am not "spreading bullshit"

My school invented gatorade, and u jelly

>> No.1578553

UF what up?

How do you like it?

>> No.1578563

shit is pretty cash. about to start 4th year in compE.

gainesville is cool too, but im about to get the fuck out of here and find a nice grad school somewhere else. im not really that interested in UF's CS or EE grad schools.

>> No.1578592

It all depends on the CC you go to, just like the 4 year you go to. Some CCs are incredibly shitty and you get a horrible education, others are actually as good as most 4 year schools. The CC I attend in Virginia (Northern Virginia Community College) actually has agreements with all the almost all the 4-year schools in Virginia (not with VMI, but that's because it's a military school, not your normal 4-year) that if you achieve a certain GPA (depends on the 4-year) and meet certain class requirements (depends on the 4-year), you are guaranteed admission into that 4-year university if there are enough slots open (aka, if enough of their students drop out or transfer that so they have room for you), as well as arbitration agreements with several other 4-years around the U.S.

NoVa is one of the better CCs in the nation, and Virginia as a whole has the 2nd best CC system in the U.S., with CA as the best. I know other NoVa grads who have transferred to places like UVA, Virginia Tech, William & Mary, even Georgetown (arbitration, not guaranteed admission) from NoVa and done extremely well.

As for the people who have been saying that CCs don't teach you to deal with huge lecture halls and other shit like that, most of the classes you take in your last 2 years at a 4-year institution aren't huge classes like that anyway, dumbasses!

Plus, if you're like me and you were accepted to 4-year schools but didn't have the financial resources to attend and didn't want a ton of student loans, CCs give you a chance to go to school while working way more than your typical college student while paying significantly less for your education and allowing you to save up for when you go to a 4-year.

>> No.1578598

speaking of which:

wich one is more likely to be employed: the guy who aced in a comunity college or the guy who is a frucking straight C+ fossil from a good university?

>> No.1578600

depends on the career field

>> No.1578601

i am

>> No.1578602

Awesome. Although since you are a fellow Floridafag you must also be wanting to live in Alaska right about now.

>> No.1578610

In my case, the chip on the shoulder isn't true. I am pretty bro with most of my professors. My Government Professor and I like discussing this and that. History professor is funny and enjoys talking about his work outside the college. My Math Professor used to be an administrator and teacher. Biology teacher has done fucking everything. He is pretty awesome. English was with the peace corp and an accomplished writer.

Most of my teachers are people who have worked in the field before teaching. I don't see how that is different from University.

Costs: Lol, obvious difference.

Transfer: In my case, I can transfer into a university without ever filling out an proper application.

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.1578611

yes. hot a fucking balls.

I'm looking at U of colorado and U of tenn right now because I like what I see of their programs. Should be nice.

Where do you go?

>> No.1578618

Depends, bro. Also, terrible comparison. Most students who go to a University don't just get an associates (2 year degree). So, comparing them is kinda silly. Now, if you mean a transfer, they probably won't know. They would take the CC student since he had a better GPA if they both had a Bachelors degree.

It is more about connections, in my opinion.

>> No.1578623

I'm going to one of the sub-colleges of Penn State then I'm transferring to main next year. It'll be super easy. Even if it's not I'm still paying less and I'll ace it with ease.

Are you jealous OP?

>> No.1578624

This man speaks truth. In the career field, it's more in who you know than what you did in college.

>> No.1578641

In this case, I believe the advantage is that most professors that you work with in your later classes are connected. The (some) of the reason they are working at a university may be that they need money for their research. At this point, they must have worked on a few projects and have gotten a name for themselves in the field.

If you do well, they can connect you with some of their former employers or colleagues. That is the true nature of University. Not to say that you do not learn quite a bit and educate yourself but (I believe) that is the kicker.

>> No.1578783

students of Community colleges are just underachievers who don't know they already lost.

Let me put it this way Community college students:
Get out of our lives and go work at Walmart or something. Leave the business and professional jobs to us university graduates. It's our world, not yours, because we earned it.

>> No.1578798

I commend OP for finding a way that indirectly exposes the number of dumbass CC students that populate the cognitive wasteland of /sci

no wonder this board is so filled with stupidity and concrete thought processing

>> No.1578803

community college students are smart, in that they spend less money and effort.

Life rewards people working smart, not working hard.

>> No.1578807


Holy guacamole-y!!! Is that true?? Future seems pretty much brighter now. Step aside, Craig Venter! I'll make my way to the top

>> No.1578810

ITT: people who have never been to college talking about shit they know nothing about.

>> No.1578811


>> No.1578818

better take that shitty community college off your resume or the people looking at your resume will just throw it right in the trash.

>> No.1578826

You are disagreeing that people who take advantage of every little trick or exploit they can, are not generally better off than people who do not?

>> No.1578831

lol you Community college student's are just a bunch of potheads.

>> No.1578850

Most transfer acceptance rates are slightly higher than regular acceptance rates (although there are schools with lower transfer rates). However, these CC retards are guaranteed transfers and are looked at favorably for taking a bunch of easy community college classes and getting A's in them. It's a nice little story that the admissions officers buy into.

>> No.1578854

not sure what you're trying to say here

>> No.1578859

Im saying they get the same result for less money and effort, and therefore are the smarter ones.

>> No.1578861
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i don't think that is the case for top tier schools like Harvard, Stanford, Amherst, and so forth

>> No.1578867

disagree about "same results"
and thus with the conclusion as well

>> No.1578872
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he thinks that less money and effort can get the same results

>> No.1578879


Yeah, that why I put the parenthesis there.

>> No.1578884

And why do you disagree that it is the same result?

>> No.1578903

as in you won't get a job

>> No.1578907

For the first two years? Yeah, its basically the same result.

>> No.1578914

okay, so, what university or college did you transfer into?

>> No.1578917

If we are talking about getting a two year degree and then trying to get a job, then both are fucked, because with a two year degree past job experience is much more important than where you got it.

We are talking about people doing two years in a CC vs two years in a university and then continuing on at a university.

>> No.1578924

we aren't talking about me, i do nothing but sit here on the internet all day enjoying the luxuries of high born life.

I take interest in the affairs of peasants however, so these are things i have looked into ~_^

>> No.1578931

CC kids also miss out on the full university experience.

Also, when I see a CC on a resume, I assume it was because the applicant couldn't get into a good school. Bottom of the pile.

>> No.1578952


Haha same here. As soon as I see CC I throw it in the trash. Don't waste my time even glancing over the rest of the resume.

>> No.1578966

got associates at a community college. transferred into state university, honors first semester, high honors second semester. physical science major, didn't have to deal with gen ed bullshit in state uni. you get out of your education what effort you put into your education, regardless of the school.

>> No.1578970

CC students are getting trolled, badly.

>> No.1579011

Hey mine did to WOW university of santa fe college derp derp :D

>> No.1579022

What if I want to go to CC to get an Associate's Degree, and then get a job in the field, or transfer to a better University?

>> No.1579023

not true
the school you go to does make a huge difference if the school is unusually good or unusually bad

>> No.1579025


>> No.1579043

The school you get your highest degree from, nobody cares about some crappy little AA

>> No.1579051

i spose that depends on what you're studying and the equipment available at the university. learning theory or math or whatever is primarily the amount of effort you put in. professors help to an extent, but my experience has been that i learn assloads more on my own time outside of lectures. if you rely primarily on the professors, i am of the opinion that you are doing it wrong.

>> No.1579055

depends on what you got your AA in. sometimes an AA is enough to land you a job, sometimes you need a masters. it is dependent on subject.

>> No.1579063

But we are discussing people who transfer to a university out of a CC, meaning that both are going to have a BA or higher from the university

>> No.1579065

i care
thereby, your contention that "nobody cares"
is invalid

furthermore, CC status restricts access to the quality of the "final school", thereby, other people care as well, and, the quality of the school does matter

>> No.1579070

ah, well with that restriction yes. the AA is irrelevant next to the BA providing the BA is a continuation of your studies. otherwise the worth of a degree level is determined by its subject.

>> No.1579087

>I hate people who don't have parents to buy them 8 years of college

>> No.1579131


l2 scholarship dumbass.

>> No.1579141

I hate poorfags and idiots who have to rely on charity to get anywhere.

>> No.1579148

Or go to Europe where top tier colleges are cheap for people who aren't citizens of the E.U. (and free for those who are).

>> No.1579257


Scholarship, not financial aid.

I can see why you go to CC. You lack basic reading comprehension .

>> No.1579271



In all seriousness, why do you hate CCs so much? I really don't see where this is warranted. Have you talked to graduate admissions that say CC are horribad?

Also, University of Tennessee is a bad school because they accepted all of my transfer credit (80 plus hours in two years). You wouldn't want a bad school like that would you?

>> No.1579275

Troll Thread

>> No.1579280

/sci/ is overflowing with unwarranted egomaniacs, aspies, elitists, and trolls.

>> No.1579285 [DELETED] 

I'm a self-taught master race.

all of you are invalid fools

>> No.1579292

You think /sci/ is bad? try talking about something intelligent on /g/

>> No.1579341

ITT undergrads gloat at false sense of superiority for wasting significantly more money and getting less quality for the same education community college students get and assure themselves with unsupported claims

>> No.1579345


LMFAO. That brought tears to my eyes.

>> No.1579369 [DELETED] 

who cares what you care?
a degree from a prestigious institution is a degree from a prestigious institution no matter whether they took some courses at a community college and completed their studies there
expertise is expertise
this thread is overflowing in moran

>> No.1579381

who cares what you care?
a degree from a prestigious institution is a degree from a prestigious institution no matter whether they took some courses at a community college
expertise is expertise
this thread is overflowing in moran

>> No.1579409

anyone from Citrus College (that is there or has transferred recently) in here?

>> No.1579502

Sure is Bush graduating from Yale in here.

>> No.1579640 [DELETED] 

Citrus College in Glendora?

>> No.1579672


Citrus in Glendora? No, but I live near-ish and I want to know what it's like.

>> No.1579691

I got friends there, what'd you like to discuss?

>> No.1579712
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ITT: OP has personal problems with an individual and is choosing to scapegoat community college to hide whatever emotional issue he might be facing.

>> No.1579718
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OP here, its true, i'm sorry.

>> No.1579732

I was just wondering if by any chance there are also locals that go to Citrus and are on the /sci/ board I'm interested to know who they are

>> No.1580190

0/10. try harder.

>> No.1580257
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ITT: Scrubs thinking that either:

1. Transfer process is any less competitive.
2. First 2 years is a serious business.

Fucking pathetic. Enjoy attending your shit-tier state schools, thinking it's any different from a CC. I truly pity you.

>> No.1580289

>Implying people put the place where they got their AA from
>Implying anybody would put your sorry peasant asses in charge of employment

I laugh at you.

>> No.1580413


>>CC is for people who are strong enough to fight their way into a better school. Not everyone makes it, but the ones who do are not to be fucked with.


>> No.1580430
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I went to Bergen Community College for 2 years and this fall I successfully transfered to Steven's Institute of Technology.

so fuck you butthurt scrotum troopers who say CC students aren't as smart or as good. I promise those that do go CC and transfer as way smarter and better then OP. Thats a fucking guarantee.

>> No.1580437

I would an hero if i went to CC. Luckily I was smart enough to get into a 4 year university.

>> No.1580438

My friend went to a 2-year. A japanese exchange student. Then she transfered to a 4 year to complete her degree. Then she did another few years working on her masters in Georgia. She is now finishing up her doctorate in Colorado.

>> No.1580445


Does she have a tight vagina?



>> No.1580446

This thread is still here?

>> No.1580448

most community colleges have guaranteed transfers. all you have to do is pass the easy CC courses and you get your dumbass into a 4 year university. talk about earning your admission.

>> No.1580460

most high schoolers are a free transfer. all you have to do is pass your extremely easy (much easier than CC) classes and tests and you're in uni

>> No.1580466

community college transfers aren't lumped in together with the regular transfers.

>> No.1580470


no wonder you go to CC

>> No.1580501

Inferior scrubs here talking about CC students "cheating" their way to education, yet go to their shit-tier state diploma mills. Unless you attend a fucking Ivy League, or Berkeley, or MIT, or Stanford, or any other top-tier, shut your bitch-ass up, because your school is not any better than CC - same pathetic shit that teaches piss-easy stuff most Eurofags learned in their high schools.

>> No.1580521

u mad

>> No.1580526

I think its more of an indicator how butthurt people are they weren't smart enough to figure out a better way to achieve their college education. In their bid to overcome sheepledom they were revealed to still follow sheep dogma. Kinda sad.

>> No.1580571

Funny thing. The chem lab at the CC I took chem II at was a hell of alot nicer than the chem lab at my 4 year uni. They are completely renovating the chem stuff at my uni now, but the shit they had when I took chem I and part of chem II before I dropped was all ancient and much of it broken, and the whole lab was fucking cramped.

However, I will say 95% of the people in my CC classes were complete fucktards. They had problems with multiple choice questions in pre-calc and they wanted to go into EE.

>> No.1580573

this thread has been up for almost 3 days... stop posting

>> No.1580582

truth. CC students only experience a fraction of college life, thats why its impossible for them to live up to the standards of people who got in the right way.

>> No.1580609

This shit doesn't happen in any country other than America. Lol faggots. In Canada, if you go to CC, even for 3 years, you STILL have to go the full 4 years in university.

>> No.1580613

And also, in Canada, going from CC to uni is very hard, you have to have around a 4.0 GPA, I've read something like only 10% of transfers actually get in, all universities clearly state that priority is given to high school students.

>> No.1580619

Why is this still here? This whole should have ended here.>>1571208

>> No.1580620

Transfer as soon as you can. Dont stick around for an Associates.You can always overwrite any classes you took in a junior with a single BS , but once you get an associates before your bachelors you ruin your permanent record.

>> No.1580632

I just recently transferred into a 4 year uni from cc. I took calc 3 and 4 at cc, and the calc 4 class straight up doesn't transfer over, even though the uni equivalent has the same name and prereqs. I'm not mad though, I could definitely use extra practice with the material, and the cc class didn't cost much anyway. I'm not sure whether or not it's a good idea to take classes for your major at cc before uni, but since I did, I'll be able to get my 4 year degree in 4 years, 2 at cc, 2 at uni. I'm not sure if it would be possible to pull that off if you don't take anything for your major until you reach uni.

>> No.1581004

The vast majority of freshmen at elite universities get in one of these ways:

1. Having their rich parents spend tens of thousands of dollars on tutoring and SAT/AP tutoring centers which breathe down your neck. If you're fortunate enough to go to one of these, you probably live in a better neighborhood, meaning your high school is probably more accredited as well.

Editorial comment: I work at one of those centers and live in an upper-middle-class neighborhood where attending them is the norm. I've noticed that parents here tend to care more about their children as students than as people; consequently, they are often selfish and spoiled.

2. Being on the winning end of affirmative action and making their way in past the more-qualified children in the first category.

Does it really matter WHEN you "cheat" your way in? A grown CC student who usually has the real world to deal with, pushing him/herself (without the aid of parents) to excel and make it into a great school-- that is the more amazing feat to me.

Tl;dr - OP is a faggot.

>> No.1581031


I forgot to mention: Mommy and Daddy's friends.

>> No.1581045
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>274 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.1581144


Eve if you attempt to transfer, you have to be a super-genius that has already covered cancer and cold fusion before they even consider you.

>> No.1581160

Does this get you 200 replies each day you've posted it? I feel bad for even adding one. At least I won't bump the thread.

>> No.1581285

i agree with the tldr but i got in to a hard school as a freshman and had no test prep or connections also am white i am just smarter than you

>> No.1581299


what school?

>> No.1581308


>> No.1581323

I'm a CC student that has been flirting with suicide most of my life.

This thread has further cemented my decision.

>> No.1581337


Nice. If that's the case, I applaud you. U seem a little MAD though. =/

I'm going to a CC right next to Caltech. Had a bunch of problems in high school. Death in the immediate family and some bullying (near Phoebe Page-level) and it caused me to be forced into a bunch of therapy (waste of time). Then, an abusive, lying, controlling boyfriend who has hurt me in irreversible ways. I have regrets now because I realize how well I could have done if I had applied myself, but I guess this is where life has taken me. I'm done crying over it. I want to make something of myself so I can be in a position to help others who need it. I figure I can get into at least one of the better UC's. =)

What I'm trying to say is, not everyone can get into a good school as a freshman. A bunch of circumstances can fuck you over. But I say that if someone can get into a high-ranking school at all, it means they have worked for it and deserve it. College admission officers aren't retarded.

>> No.1581338


May I ask why you want to commit suicide?

>> No.1581345

This is still here?

>> No.1581354


No. No it's not.

>> No.1581393

Biomedical Engineering major here, going only to a University.

If you actually work hard enough, either CC or a University is free, like mine. Big benefit though is being able to participate in research, I'm only going into my junior year and been able to be involved in a thesis publication, a paper and a poster.

Since money wasn't an issue for me, the biggest advantage is being able to be directly involved in research. I go to the University of Missouri-Columbia.

>> No.1581418

So your degrees got you into HR? I think I'll take the easy way for such a shitty job.

>> No.1581433

>"college expirience"

for most US schools this means playing 40 hours of video games, and getting wasted 3 nights a week.

I went to a community college and when I transfered I was surprised to find out my education quality was actually probably better than the people who went to university straight from high school.

most people at my average state unvirsity seem like they are still stuck in the high school mentality.

>> No.1581436

oh yeah, and I got into a few universities and got a 1300/1600 on the SAT, but I couldn't afford to go to them.

>> No.1581443

Hey, me too.

Everyday I gotta decide

Between Community College or Suicide

>> No.1581745

College and University is for people that don't have jobs.

No stable job has ever been achieved by someone that didn't found the field.

You all will be layed-off before you can repay your student-loan debts, because economic-slavery is more profitable than productive work. U.S. Government is the biggest slaver of all nations, using exported industry to communist countries and forcing Americans to compete with slave labor as a means of reducing cultures to groveling debtors.

>> No.1582837
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my face when this thread is still here

>> No.1584455

Epic bread

>> No.1584479


>found the field

>> No.1584496

I did quite well in high school, 3.5, and did quite well on sat, 1850. (nothing special, but decent, like i said)

i didnt apply to any real colleges and am currently at a CC.. Bad choice?

>> No.1584803

agree wholeheartedly, "college experience" is an excuse to kids to do a lot of things. i say if you want to be a drunk whore slob (im not being judgmental as i dont see that as a necessarily bad thing) you should at least put some heart into it!! and drop the pretense of being a student

>> No.1586277

bitches gonna bitch.