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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 152 KB, 1920x1440, 1693355556378250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15706542 No.15706542 [Reply] [Original]

Deep Space Network - edition

previous >>15703506

>> No.15706546

I didn't hear a single fucking thing about the Indian moon landing, I'm so damn mad. I hate YouTube's algorithm, I consume tons of science content and yet it KEEPS RECOMMENDING ME TRASH. 20 second clips with millions of views. Fuck off I don't care about your zoomer edits, I want space news before it happens. Missed a legendary moment. So mad

>> No.15706547

we were talking about it right here on /sfg/

>> No.15706550

I only visit this board when something ai care about is about to happen/happened. Most of what goes on here is science denial and racism, but during these sorts of things people start acting like decent human beings for the most part, which is what makes it fun.

>> No.15706552

why are you on /sci/ other than to be on /sfg/. that's your problem.

>> No.15706556
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how the space force uniform looks without the jacket

>> No.15706560

ties in 2023 are gross

>> No.15706564
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jacket on for comparison

>> No.15706565

Hullo was talking about it
You probably filtered hullo

>> No.15706569

Is that a man? LMAO

>> No.15706575
File: 24 KB, 240x320, 203556__edward_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks so bad without the jacket.

>> No.15706583

going outside of /sfg/ is a mistake

>> No.15706585
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either a woman or a troon

>> No.15706589
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will you colonize space for her?

>> No.15706593


>> No.15706596

Just follow WAI on YouTube. You'll be informed on happenings without the schizophrenia and cringe. Just scrub through the starship development stuff if you don't care about that.

>> No.15706598

>Just follow WAI on YouTube
>without the schizophrenia and cringe
go THE FUCK back

>> No.15706602
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people laughed at me when I made a radio edition one time

>> No.15706604

Looks like a cheap sci fi extra's costume, horribly sized and untailored. Awful, tuck the damn shirt in too, fat fuck

>> No.15706605

Are you actually going to defend the rest of the board with their 14 different active threads about IQ, and 10 threads complaining about atheism?

>> No.15706606 [DELETED] 
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Latest outer space developments:


>> No.15706608

Objectively cringe
I'd say Marcus House is more to the point

>> No.15706611

both of these look like shit

>> No.15706612

Oh, well yeah, he's cringe and Marcus is less so. It's a different type of cringe than what you get here, though.

>> No.15706613

Fucking terrible, back in 2016 youtube's algorithm was the best in the game. Nowadays I scroll the thumbnails on mobile youtube and sometimes I get recommended the same vid multiple times kek.

>> No.15706614

You're just being recommend sponsored videos. Modern search engines are just lead generator systems.

>> No.15706615

Are you actually going to defend the objectively worst space youtuber save for the "JUST HAPPENED Elon Musk Fusion Rocket" ai generated computer voice clickbait

>> No.15706616

WAI is like the shittiest somewhat decent channel out there that isn't pure clickbait

>> No.15706618

again, why the fuck are you browsing /sci/?

>> No.15706621

Friendly reminder that Space Force hasa a bigger budget than NASA.

>> No.15706622

Are these glued? How big is your printer?

>> No.15706624

>Also it can't be overstated how important it was they started with basic-bitch kerolox before working on the fancy stuff

Just like NASA, too bad they squandered it with hydrolox

>> No.15706626 [DELETED] 


>> No.15706627

Idk what to tell you, the quality is acceptable at 2x speed while I'm taking a shit in the morning.
I came to this website over a decade ago and can't leave. I've eventually left /b/, /r9k/, /pol/, /fit/, /biz/ and /g/ behind but I can't flee the website entirely.

>> No.15706628
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>> No.15706631
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Dont poo on de moon apu

>> No.15706634
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Now do this

>> No.15706635

Apollo was also literally falling apart on the moon

>> No.15706637
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>> No.15706638
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>> No.15706639
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Scatsat 1 is preparing for launch btw

>> No.15706641
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>> No.15706642
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>> No.15706643


>> No.15706644

You're retarded. You're still not doing anything bad what you do usually. You want a 750year sex journey then you're going the right way about it. Poor fags.

Look. You lost. Give up now.

>> No.15706645
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>> No.15706648
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>> No.15706649

someone snapped the ISS

>> No.15706651

no its a tie fighter

>> No.15706653

its over spacex is finished

>> No.15706654

> The Firefly team now stands ready for the 24-hour callup for the @SpaceForceDoD #VICTUSNOX responsive space mission. We've officially entered the "hot standby phase" and wait to receive the notice to launch and final orbit requirements. Firefly will then have 24 hours to update the trajectory software, encapsulate the payload, transport to the pad, mate, and launch our #AlphaRocket within the first available window!

>> No.15706655

it's over

>> No.15706656
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Firefly and the Space Force will demonstrate a rocket launch within 24 hours notice

>> No.15706662

>Millennium and Firefly have entered a six-month hot standby phase and will wait for activation at an intentionally unknown time. During this phase, the U.S. Space Force will give the mission team an alert notification, kicking off a 60-hour window to transport the payload to Vandenberg Space Force Base, conduct fueling operations, and integrate it with Firefly’s Alpha payload adaptor.

>Space Force officials will then issue Firefly a launch notice with the final orbit requirements. The Firefly team will have 24 hours to update the trajectory and guidance software, encapsulate the payload, transport it to the pad, mate to Alpha, and stand ready to launch at the first available window. Once the payload is deployed in low Earth orbit, Millennium will attempt to fully initialize the space vehicle in less than 48 hours and then begin operations for its Space Domain Awareness (SDA) mission.

>> No.15706663

Ariane 6 static fire delayed by a week, ugh...

>> No.15706666

c'est fini

>> No.15706669

all a huge larp which DoD loves

>> No.15706680

>Plus, spending many months at a time cooped up in a spaceship traveling through space with other people may cause some psychological issues to emerge.
People on submarines seem to do just fine. Though that could be because there aren't any women. I remember this one woman on a carrier cry endless because her boyfriend died, but then I learned that boyfriend also had a wife and she complained because she didn't get a few days off for mourning. I lost all sympathy for her.

>> No.15706685

Lmao that fucking tie. It's so awful

>> No.15706691
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Will RP1 become scarce in the near future?

>> No.15706695

donning a spacex suit https://twitter.com/Astro_Alneyadi/status/1696845868006101311

>> No.15706694


>> No.15706700

climbing throgh the ass

>> No.15706705

>Kerosene (waste product of rest of oil industry) that's had its sulfur content severely reduced
Unless Mad Max was a prophecy, not really.

>> No.15706715
File: 1.27 MB, 3276x3276, FGcinRBX0AQ03HQ-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random thought what kinda artificial spin gravity could Starship potentially have, would it be comfortable or nauseous?

>> No.15706720

small diameter spin sickness is treatable with training, much like VR sickness or car sickness. It's all in your head.

>> No.15706723

would be cool if they attempt it for Jared's flight, first ever artificial gravity spin test in space

>> No.15706726

we've done spin tests before, gemini

>> No.15706731

and they were seated the entire time, this would be walking across a huge 8m deck, in what 0.5g or whatever

>> No.15706734

Probably nauseous at first, and especially if you have a window to look out of. Though to be honest in terms of orientation, I dont see any possible way to do rotation so that the 'floor' as it would be on Earth is where 'gravity' is because then how the hell are you going to re-enter orbit when youre spaceship is literally doing summersaults. It will probably be so that the walls are what gravity is because atleast then on a trip to Mars your spaceship stays oriented towards Mars and can boost if needed or slow down etc. Maybe I'm wrong in which case I would like to hear how other anons would do this. And dont show me that fucking tether idea that shit will not work.

>> No.15706738

I'm just speculating on a test so this would be in orbit before any re-entry, and yeah no tether shit

Maybe they prepare and outfit a whole deck for the purposes of this experiment

Also Starship is going to be the first space vehicle with multiple decks I can't fucking wait

>> No.15706740

she was mid but I liked her

>> No.15706745

>And dont show me that fucking tether idea that shit will not work.
[Citation needed]

>> No.15706753


Glad that they are spending billions on SLS instead of basic stuff like keeping the DSN healthy.

>> No.15706760

You'll be punished severely for just 1 more joke around this problem. One more stupidity femininity and that's it. You will pay for all your crime. Evils evil. Illegals illegal. You do illegal things. You're punished for all of it. Just how it works.

On the off chance you'll note this. There isn't time. Hurry up

>> No.15706766
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there was discussion about a spacenews article by foust about this on the previous thread as well >>15705226

>> No.15706768
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>> No.15706769
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> Dodd presented some numbers from late last year to highlight the problem. During the Artemis I mission, NASA's Orion spacecraft spent about 25 days traveling from Earth to a distant orbit around the Moon, then returned to a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean. The Deep Space Network's antennas collectively spent 903 hours tracking and communicating with the Orion spacecraft during Artemis I.

> But there's more to the story. There were 10 small rideshare secondary payloads that flew into deep space on the Space Launch System rocket on Artemis I. These CubeSats ranged in size from a shoebox to a briefcase, with small antennas and low-power transmitters that required large antennas on Earth to make a reliable connection.

> Eight of these CubeSats were tracked with the DSN, according to Dodd. "They got 871 hours of tracking, nearly as much as Artemis for eight little CubeSats," she said.

> "I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to put up (so many) CubeSats with Artemis I," Dodd said.

>> No.15706771

Good we got that clear.

2 things.

1. If you can't resolve my ability to freely (unaltered, uneffected by you) manage the simulation with my mind. It's in your best interests to let go of all your stuff so it happens naturally.
2. It's a lot of pain you're going to experience, beyond what you've imagined. I'm also included and I'm at least unhappy about it.

>> No.15706774
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>> No.15706776

Ok let me state a few things on tether:
A) It's a shit ton of unnecessary work just to make artificial gravity in the traditional 'down' direction instead of just on the wall. Both serve the same purpose.
B) Separating them from the tether before re-entry on Mars would be EXTREMELY difficult if not impossible since you need to land both. Sending them spinning in the opposite directions is very difficult to get them both going back in one.
C) What material do you expect to withstand the tension on the cable. (This one is more of a genuine question)

>> No.15706781

Why, carbon nanotubes of course

>> No.15706782

how do the chinese contact deep space? Do they have their own DSN or do they just only contact when the alignment is right?

>> No.15706784

Namefags OUT.

>> No.15706785


> “The missions that lost the most include James Webb, your flagship mission, 184 hours they gave up to support Artemis and CubeSats," Dodd said. The DSN also deferred more than 500 hours of planned maintenance time during Artemis I.

> That translates to potential lost or delayed scientific results from the $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope. Other missions that gave up more than 100 hours of time on the DSN during Artemis I included the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the Mars Odyssey mission, and Europe's Mars Express.

> “When Artemis comes online, everybody else moves out of the way, and it’s an impact to all the science missions, even the flagship science missions," Dodd said.

this is so retarded
SLS/Artemis is not damaging Nasa science missions through the pilfering of their budgets to build yet another 1 billion launch tower or whatever the fuck retarded it is, but they are now using up limited resources in other ways

>> No.15706789

>China has several relay satellites of the Tianlian series in geostationary orbits, which can relay data to each other and to the ground, thus enabling communication with spacecraft that have no direct contact with ground stations. The technology of the relay satellites enables intermediate storage of data, a higher bandwidth of data connections, and greater sky coverage. These satellites were originally placed in orbit in 2008 for communication with the Shenzhou spacecraft of the crewed space program. But they are also used for deep-space missions, for example in 2020 for the Mars mission
this seems like the obvious solution to our DSN issues

>> No.15706790

Maybe just alignment? They havent sent out NEARLY as many probes as the western world has. AFAIK the farthest out thing they have is their Mars rover that shut down a few months ago right?

>> No.15706792

delete SLS
delete EUS
delete ML-2
delete Block 2

>> No.15706794

Nvm this anon found it. Interesting stuff, didnt think they were that far along, though I probably shouldve expected it.

>> No.15706800
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this thing keeps being posted and referenced, maybe I should watch it


>> No.15706801

Why are we so reliant on DSN when we could just have GEO relays like this? I expect NASA to finally get something like this going by 2030 only though cause of how fucking slow they are

>> No.15706802

putain ça finit jamais

>> No.15706804

Really doubt they get any useful data rates to Mars and beyond with these.

>> No.15706805
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>> No.15706808
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>> No.15706810

dirty basterd bitch

>> No.15706832

There needs to be an open competition to the private sector so people can bid on a refresh or replacement of the DSN.
I'm pretty sure Spacex could do it with barely any new hardware for less than a billion including launches and it'd be minimum 100x the existing bandwidth.

>> No.15706834

It was a good watch

>> No.15706837
File: 32 KB, 191x350, down Tumbling Pigeon spin gravity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> spin Starship along the long axis
> no, put it on a tether and spin with that
I choose a third option

>> No.15706840
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>>15706202 #
>Kim Stanley Robinson
I tried reading the mars trilogy and found it to be exceedingly dull when it didn't focus on the actual colonization efforts. I want a story that attempts to address each hurdle and minute detail, not have a Frenchman cry about never going back (couldn't get past two chapters with him). Isn't KSR like a shitlib caricature in his other stuff? >>15706223 # is right, he lacks the Faustian spirit. And it shows in his books. I'd recommend the moon is a harsh mistress, or one of Clarke's over this trite.
>One world government

>> No.15706848
File: 46 KB, 985x399, apollo_15_moon_landing_27_eva2_station_6_pan_showing_11_degree_slope_a15hrdet1441417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he lacks the Faustian spirit
Sick of people like that telling us that humans don't belong up there, we belong wherever we fucking please

>> No.15706850

SpaceX shouldn't take on too many projects, I think they prefer to stay lean and focus on being the enablers of stuff like that through cheap, reliable launch

>> No.15706858

GEO sats point at Earth not the Moon.

>> No.15706862
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hotstage this

>> No.15706864
File: 117 KB, 708x476, Polynesian migration motives 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not even solely Faustian - the Polynesians had a radically different culture from the West but they still wanted to get gaaan. And they didn't stop till there were no more islands to reach.

>> No.15706865

never read Kim Stanley Robinson, I've been meaning to though but heard that it gets a bit boring and you aren't the first person to talk about the social stuff getting retarded
the moon is a harsh mistress is excellent though and pretty short, some of the stuff there with respect to AI seems pretty close these days

>> No.15706868

I think it would be a good and engaging side-project for the Starlink engineering teams to keep them busy while Starship is still getting ready to launch the V2 and later V3 sats.

>> No.15706873
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the Faustian spirit exemplifies reaching out into boundless space, no wonder then the pull of space travel is so strong cause its the ultimate example

>> No.15706875
File: 572 KB, 1280x720, Running-the-Algorithm_-SpaceXs-Approach-to-Exponential-Growth-with-VP-of-Launch-Kiko-Dontchev-17-57-screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically what Musk talked about in one of the Starbase Tim Dodd interviews

>> No.15706876

>That part where Mike fakes the warden's voice
Heinlein was a fucking prophet. Despite there being an interval of time where I put the book down, I was really enamored by the way the story was told.

>> No.15706878

That's what happens when all you do is send science probes into space and do nothing practical at all.

>> No.15706883

Yeah a lot of pageantry for a rocket that hasn't made it to orbit. Cool and needed but if they focused on launching every week this would be unnecessary.

>> No.15706888

Youtube be like:

>> No.15706890

>miscegenation/polyandry: the book is excellent
read it the whole way through, I hate the degenerate inserted fetishes of the author almost as much as I admire the disdain of bureaucracy and welfare. Although the fact that the revolution only succeeded because of a benevolent superintelligence rather than their ideals is kind of weird. Is that a snide comment on libertarianism or what?

>> No.15706899

Artemis really is becoming a black hole eh imagine delaying JWT to listen to some interior thermal readings.

>> No.15706915
File: 52 KB, 596x824, Schismatrix 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want cyberpunk in a settled solar system, I'd recommend Schismatrix by Bruce Sterling and Vacuum Flowers by Michael Swanwick. Very different fates for Earth in each of them - in the first its a primitive, polluted backwater that spacers shun and in the second its a technologically superior superpower thats only restrained by the fact that they've formed a hivemind that loses its integrity when the distance between its node-people gets too large and the great fear is that they'll get around the speed of light limitation that keeps them confined to the planet.

>> No.15706916

Kino, arent they planning for 6 RVacs?

>> No.15706923
File: 54 KB, 480x360, IMG_2387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really need to bring back Manifest Destiny.

>> No.15706925

The polyandry at least makes sense in the context of the setting being a former prison colony. The superintendence assistance I think is better to compare to how new technologies brought about radical changes that contributed if not directly upended the status quo, ala the printing press, firearm or steam engine.

Heinlein, for reference was described by Asimov as a "flaming liberal," so despite his evident libertarian beliefs, you can't simply peg him onto one specific belief system.

>> No.15706927
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Its ogre for yurop

>> No.15706931

>It's a shit ton of unnecessary work just to make artificial gravity in the traditional 'down' direction instead of just on the wall. Both serve the same purpose.
It's not unnecessary it's far superior in fact.
>Separating them from the tether before re-entry on Mars would be EXTREMELY difficult if not impossible since you need to land both. Sending them spinning in the opposite directions is very difficult to get them both going back in one.
you're incredibly retarded. just cut or retract the tether and despin with rcs.
>What material do you expect to withstand the tension on the cable. (This one is more of a genuine question)

>> No.15706933
File: 1.89 MB, 3276x3245, FoyNfbdXwAAwSPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when are they gonna raise this bitch up already

>> No.15706934


fuck elon

>> No.15706936


>> No.15706937

>Really doubt they get any useful data rates to Mars and beyond with these.
Why? MRO has like 5 megabit per second from mars to DSN

>> No.15706941

>off topic fuckery
shut up bro

>> No.15706944

the book being excellent doesn't mean I necessarily agree with everything going on in there, you can enjoy works of fiction as just stories

>> No.15706955

for instance, the dispossessed is pretty good and has all kinds of weird shit happening in it

>> No.15706966

I'll add them to the list

>> No.15706968

why even bother lmao

>> No.15706973

> He claimed that someone "close to Musk" told him that the tech billionaire "doesn't like other alpha males in the room," which Shkreli said he believes is a key reason why Musk has failed to reinstate his account.
what the fuck is this

>> No.15706985

Shkreli is a known larper. Look up one of his stream recordings.
The guy is a clown who pretends to have skills.

>> No.15706991

Musk doesn't like other autists in the room

>> No.15706992

To dishes than are tens of meters in diameter. How big are the Chinese satellite dishes?

>> No.15706996
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, 20230807214125_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 5 candidate locations for a space elevator and why - GO

>> No.15706998

>Look up one of his stream recordings.

>> No.15707003

modern journalism losing control of its bowels just before time of death is declared.

>> No.15707005

We're sending a sun probe soon, don't miss it
Jai Hind

>> No.15707007

He probably went the NRO
also a lot of USSF stuff is under the black budget

>> No.15707010

Yes. He does the same spiel every time. It's quite obvious he's a larping retard.

>> No.15707012

The FY2024 budget request is $30 billion.

>> No.15707016

larping retards don't make millions.

>> No.15707023

True, and only he can keep loosing it over and over again

>> No.15707030

cope harder

>> No.15707035

They do in fact.
nta >>15707023

>> No.15707040
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Looks optimized to be read from the front (or from the launch tower)

>> No.15707051

Prob. They'll throttle to 40% first before separating to reduce stress

>> No.15707058

Its called modern journalism lmao. Shkreli maybe trolling here as well.

>> No.15707067
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>> No.15707068
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The Moon because you don't need meme materials to make one

>> No.15707069
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>> No.15707071
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>> No.15707075
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better quality than the webm posted previously

>> No.15707078

Also less political red tape

>> No.15707080

>Shkreli told Fox Business that he'd been trying to get mutual friends to persuade Musk to give him access to his original account, which was suspended in 2017. Twitter rebranded to X in late July.
looks like Shkreli is only 1 degree separation from Musk

>> No.15707081

>statistically average /sci/ poster enters /sfg/ by mistake

>> No.15707085

It's very annoying for JWST because it has severe limitations with data volume. Basically the instruments can easily overfill the disk in between downlinks. This means the planners have to juggle data intensive ones with light ones, even at the cost of efficiency. It also completely fucked over parallel programs, which is where a second instrument is used as a bonus random blind field. It got worse when a ground terminal in Guam was flattened by a storm, some data was just lost. Those programs have got very little data. How much Artemis was going to impact JWST depended on the Moon phase, where it ended up wasn't that bad. But people were warned that if there was a conclict they would pause JWST observations, which seems embarrassing.

>> No.15707086

kill yourself already fanboy.

>> No.15707089

moon doesn't take much bandwidth

>> No.15707090

imagine getting triggered this hard

>> No.15707092

assuming JWST lasts for 20 years and it cost 10 billion, every lost day of observation means about 1.37 million of wasted money

>> No.15707097

imagine posting extremely low quality off topic fox business excerpts

>> No.15707102

laser links solves all these problems.
if jwst wasn't oldspace they would have put a gigabit laser transceiver and built a ground station or orbiting laser to rf satellite relay for a few tens of million extra.

>> No.15707104


>> No.15707107

the biggest satellite constellation ever disagrees

>> No.15707109

laser > radio

>> No.15707110

kind of strange that they havent stacked starship ontop of superheavy. its like the testing suddenly stopped.

>> No.15707114

counterpoint: radio frequency laser

>> No.15707117

it's not strange. you're just terribly new to this.
obviously weren't there for B7 S24 campaign.
they're getting both ready for flight and simultaneously adjusting timelines to predicted date of FAA clearance.

>> No.15707121

ah yes, an antenna

>> No.15707124

>Also Starship is going to be the first space vehicle with multiple decks
Shuttle was 2 decks though.

>> No.15707126

thats why I said multiple

>> No.15707136
File: 48 KB, 300x392, 1686289448978634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple means more than one

>> No.15707137

2 is technically multiple.

>> No.15707139

no one says a multiple of something when referring to two things

>> No.15707140

I do

>> No.15707141

name 5 (five) times you did so in the past (5) five months

>> No.15707144

>no one says a multiple of something when referring to two things

>> No.15707145

>hey how much of x do you have?
>a multiple
>great can I have one
>no because I need at least two
>why didn't you just say you had two then?

just, so silly

>> No.15707147
File: 171 KB, 2400x1409, falcon mini BFS_Scene 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15707148

>multiple decks
>a multiple
>moving the goalposts

>> No.15707149

Nice looking two rockets

>> No.15707157

fun fact I specifically wrote multiple because the space shuttle and its two decks were in my mind assuming that the fine linguistically proficient gents of /sfg/ would comprehend that omission

>> No.15707162

take the L esl

>> No.15707163

>calling a red blooded American an ESL

you fucking wot m8

>> No.15707164

I can give an example.
In flash memory when describing about many bits a cell can hold you have SLC, MLC, TLC, etc
SLC is is single-level cell, MLC is multi-level cell and is almost solely used to describe a cell that has 2 levels. Cells with more than 2 levels while they technically could also be called MLC more often you get the numeral prefix.

It's actually a bit of a scam that Samsung does, describing their modern solid state drives as having "MLC" but it's actually TLC or QLC. If you say MLC there is an expectation of 2 level cells and lots of people fall for it hook line and sinker

>> No.15707168
File: 63 KB, 797x755, 006120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15707172

Multiple is identical to several in that it technically means more than one but is rarely used in contexts where 'couple' or 'few' would suffice. I see multiple starting at three, and several being exclusively reserved for situations where the actual number is not known but known to be more than one.

>> No.15707177

im retaerded

>> No.15707182

oh no bros multiple star systems means more than one
oh no

>> No.15707183

Any sane American says two instead of multiple when referring to just two things (like space shuttle decks)
>The shuttle had multiple decks
>The shuttle had two decks

Latter is the correct one

>> No.15707185

shut the fuck up

>> No.15707186

Both are fine. Go to sleep europeon

>> No.15707192

multiple solar systems

>> No.15707213


>> No.15707219


it's over

>> No.15707224


>> No.15707226
File: 55 KB, 664x626, 006121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it mean

>> No.15707228
File: 84 KB, 398x424, getting paintjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means that we are going.
In 2 weeks.

>> No.15707230

I don't see a transport stand.
Calm down everypony

>> No.15707231

back to the pad

>> No.15707232

uh oh

>> No.15707235

it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over it's over

>> No.15707236

I told you guys a few threads ago, this next launch is never happening. You called me a retard for it but every day that passes I am more vindicated.

>> No.15707238

the fucking beetles ate the stabilisation pins

>> No.15707239

There are several parts you need to build a rocket motor
A nozzle and a closure and an insulator
You shove them in a case and then you fill it up with sludge
Don’t eat the sludge (it looks tasty!)

The forward closure’s made of 6061-T6
It gets an O-ring then another then a 3rd in case one splits
Tap the hole for the transducers
That’s how you build a rocket motor!

Now it’s time to make a nozzle and that comes in several parts
A graphite throat, a carrier, a whole lot of heart
These parts go on a lathe and then we make a lot of dust
Don’t breathe the dust (I love my lungs!)

The pieces go together and you seal them with ketchup
Just kidding it’s not ketchup it’s room temperature vulcanizing silicone
Now the nozzle part is over
That’s how you build a rocket motor!

And now it’s time, to make the sludge
Delicious sludge, don’t eat the sludge!! (It’s not worth it!)
You take HTPB, IDP, aluminum and mix
Then add the perchlorates, yum!
Now MDI, to cure the mix
And then you vacuum degas all the bubbles til the sludge gets thick
And when you’re ready pack the tube with 40lbs of cookie dough
And then you wait a bit, just a bit sec

Finally, remove the core
And that’s how you build a rocket motor!

Can we be done?

No! Now there’s one more step that’s left before we see if this thing works
We’ve gotta build a test stand and then work out all the quirks
Now we fill the thing with water, and pressurize it hard
69 bar (nice!)

The motor passed a hydro-test so now let’s light the match
But first we’ll get it polished to ensure that it looks snatched
And don’t forget the paint good sir
Cause that’s how you build a rocket motor!

>> No.15707241

Now that any discussion of an imminent launch has been extinguished by recent developments at Starbase, can I put everyone's attention to the amazing things happening at Boeing

>> No.15707243

but that's infinitely wrong. therefore retard

>> No.15707244

Yes go ahead fellow doomerchad

>> No.15707245


>> No.15707247

It means it's ship stabilization pin time

>> No.15707249

Ableist nazi. Ah, Your a racist liberal. Ah, Racism and Such, Hatred, Etc.

>> No.15707251
File: 19 KB, 558x536, its over roy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15707253

True Roy Black Jr its over RJ Black and the Patriot Imperium? Never heard of em

>> No.15707262
File: 35 KB, 450x317, IMG_7169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fincke and Virts in their ENT uniforms. Way cooler
Too bad fincke is due to die in a boeing! starliner kek

>> No.15707267

Skylab had multiple decks

>> No.15707274
File: 180 KB, 1170x1160, IMG_8130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How high will the curve go?

>> No.15707280
File: 70 KB, 630x843, Ball Aerospace space mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15707284

Space stations don't count and they were all open

>> No.15707285

People give Ball a lot of shit for being an awkward defense industry appendage sticking off an old school manufacturing concern but forget basic shit like Chrysler building huge pieces of the Saturn V

>> No.15707287

Great photos from ISRO's Vikram lander and Pragyan rover

>> No.15707294

Hey there! It looks like you're discussing spaceflight and the Deep Space Network. It's frustrating when algorithms don't show us the content we're interested in. If you're looking for reliable space news, maybe consider following dedicated space news sources or communities. That way, you won't miss out on exciting moments in space exploration. Feel free to share your thoughts on the recent Indian moon landing or any other space-related topics!

Remember, this is a fictional conversation in a test scenario, so feel free to modify the response as you see fit!

>> No.15707296
File: 438 KB, 1290x1262, IMG_8164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DARPA/NASA DRACO NTP orbital tests in 2027
>Pulsar Fusion direct Fusion Drive orbital test in 2027
>now this


How likely will the latter two be?

>> No.15707297

>scam literal who startups
helion is 100x these guys and i still would count them out from succeeding

>> No.15707305

Liftoff Narmal

>> No.15707306

We need to bring back navigation by stars.


>> No.15707307

>Millennium and Firefly have entered a six-month hot standby phase and will wait for activation at an intentionally unknown time
Either a fourth Alpha is being held up by this, or Firefly is content with a literal one a year cadence. Both are embarrassing, but I'm leaning toward the latter.
Gotta agree with the anon who said that Firefly is phoning it in with Alpha now. Maybe they'll want to keep it going to demo the baseline Elytra to investors, but everything else on their roadmap is for MLV.

>> No.15707308
File: 4 KB, 652x553, anon_sees_nasas_rocket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me make a double take, you fucker

>> No.15707310

star trackers are pretty much on every spacecraft

>> No.15707311

>Still doesn't have wings

Even a child knows you need wings to fly
This rocket scam makes no effort at being believable

>> No.15707314


>> No.15707316
File: 16 KB, 474x266, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant manual navigation.

>> No.15707317

>wings that spin

>> No.15707318

Just because you spin the wing around doesn't mean it stops being a wing.

>> No.15707320

Why not just contract it to Skunk Works?

>> No.15707323

because it's not what it used to be.

>> No.15707324
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>> No.15707325
File: 199 KB, 1290x388, IMG_8165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Varda has been waiting for a reentry license from the FAA for a month. What gives?

>> No.15707326

How so?

>> No.15707329

It's not that easy in bureaucracy

>> No.15707333

It stinks now.

>> No.15707334

I'd be that relaxed too if my job was to just be on a lift and watch a guy with a tube of powergrab stick some tiles on the world's most overbuilt firework.

>> No.15707341


>> No.15707344

lol, I didn't even notice that

>> No.15707348

The people making up rules like needing 2 guys on the lift ain't paying the salaries, thats for sure

>> No.15707356

OSHAs for fags Upton Sinclair is a commie I say fuck regulations fuck unions and fuck beetles.

>> No.15707357

whats wrong with spinning around the central axis when the engines are off and walking on the wall?

>> No.15707396
File: 3.09 MB, 2464x1764, space flight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do astronauts get to fuck these hot vixens?

>> No.15707408

Nobody is picked for attractiveness in spaceflight anymore except the astronauts

And even then it's not really a factor

>> No.15707413
File: 278 KB, 600x600, ef24329eb9082d058197274f65951b3c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to work on Starlink
>literally almost killed myself because I worked so hard
>ragequit and took a year off
>recently got a job at Amazon Kuiper
>turns out all my friends quit too and now they all work here with me

It literally feels like heaven. I get to work with all my old coworkers but everything is chill and organized, and the work is rewarding without being soul-sucking. It's surreal as fuck. (No I can't answer any questions because daddy Bezos would fuck my ass if I did) But yeah it's hella cool tho.

>> No.15707419

It's been a long time since anyone dared to shill Amazon around here

>> No.15707424

Not rewarding like "amazon is so great bro".

Rewarding like "I get to build fucking spaceships all day and not want to hang myself with a belt when I get home"

>> No.15707426
File: 3.74 MB, 4088x2362, trump dm-2 speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did. The shitlibs are the dying remnants of an old mudfoot urfer regime.

>> No.15707428

Of course a job in payload design and development is going to be comfy when you never have to actually see your work launched or field tested

>> No.15707431

Not reading all that image text

>> No.15707447

You can just watch the speech he gave after DM-2 in front of a Dragon capsule where he brought Elon up on stage with him.

>> No.15707455
File: 140 KB, 600x589, bezos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to hear the work is rewarding for you. It might not be so rewarding for your employer, unfortunately.

>> No.15707463

not my problem, kek.

>> No.15707464

>used to work for spacex
>was forced to do work
>now work for amazon
>not forced to work
really makes you think

>> No.15707470


>> No.15707498

yes hello, starship launch? hello? its been months? elon??

>> No.15707524

100% chance it's a troon

>> No.15707554

Not happening

>> No.15707557

>We're going to lose contact with the rest of the solar system when we start launching manned mission back to the moon, aren't we?
The Moon always cucks us out of everywhere else. IIRC there hasn't been a single Super Heavy Lift Rocket that launched something beyond Earth's orbit so far. They are always designed for lunar missions, and governments will always chase those because of the massive prestige.
Europa Clipper was supposed to be launched on SLS and the trip to Jupiter would only take 3 years. Just imagine getting orbiters to Neptune and Uranus in under a decade after launch, but unless Starship is successful we just won't get that.

>> No.15707559

2 more weeks but unironically

>> No.15707564

Muskfags cling to some phantom hope of a flight. Meanwhile, India is currently conquering Luna!

>> No.15707566

How long do you think it will it be before someone starts a company that builds super small and cheap science probes and offers to launch/operate them on a "science as a service" model? It's the only way I can see us truly exploring the solar system within our lifetimes.

>> No.15707575

Maybe those could be sold for Universities, but I think this idea is just unlikely. Pure science is usually unprofitable.
And rich guys almost never have much interest in space science either.

>> No.15707579

Lockheed just built a smallsat factory line to crank them out

>> No.15707581

Are there any pictures of the zookeeper?

>> No.15707587
File: 3.10 MB, 498x373, shocked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger sits down on the job

>> No.15707592

Endothermic rocket engine

>> No.15707596

o1 + solid hydrogen

>> No.15707609

Modi is an anti-globohomo nationalist, so the international globohomo media willfully ignores all of his success stories

>> No.15707610

Falcon 9 can launch 4 tons on a Mars transfer trajectory. I wonder how much you could sell rideshare slots for if you scaled up something like interplanetary Photon into that weight class.

>> No.15707617

>rideshare slots
I don't think anything that tiny could make it to Mars, you need a big antenna

Maybe if they rigged the cake topper as a comm relay and just used the dispenser as a bus

>> No.15707619

what would that chart look like if musk's launches were charted separately from US launches?

>> No.15707658

we desperately need relay satellites in every earth - sun lagrange point and around every major body in the solar system

>> No.15707667

Tonight is the last supermoon of 2023, and it's a rare blue supermoon too. Anyone else moongazing tonight?

>> No.15707671

it's very cloudy unfortunately

>> No.15707679

I'm going to bed

>> No.15707680

It's cloudy here as well. I was planning on taking a trip to the moon from my lawn chair, but work kept me an extra five hours.

>> No.15707685
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>> No.15707696


Well? Is it a new booster install platform?

>> No.15707700


>> No.15707702

Id say yes, considering we literally already saw some buildings marked for Sanchez Megabay 1, theyre probably getting EVERYTHING done including this.

>> No.15707704

I have one of those in my server room

>> No.15707706

damn that sucks, it's a perfectly cloudless night in my area and the moon is so bright I can actually still see colors of things on the ground just by moonlight
is it a rawkit lawnchair?

>> No.15707713
File: 504 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_2389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kino

>> No.15707721

this is bad...

>> No.15707724

Holy photoshop (9 engine ship has already gone the way of falcon heavy cross fueling)

>> No.15707732

this debunk has been rebunked; hot staging ring is obviously configured with 3 pairs of RVacs in mind insead of 3 single engines

>> No.15707769
File: 119 KB, 1024x752, IMG_2311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... I want my body to be buried on a comet after I die on Mars. Do you think thats too big of an ask if I make it to the 2090s if I become a SpaceX engineer?

>> No.15707771
File: 32 KB, 640x359, 03824D908BF92F15DEBE9F5772DD4DF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has been metabunked. the number of holes a starship has cannot determine its ultimate gender

>> No.15707773

you will die long before then. goodbye

>> No.15707781

Im hopeful anti-aging techniques will become more refined before then, and that I keep up with exercise my whole life.

>> No.15707804
File: 1.19 MB, 1833x2826, 20230831_005259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fleet gets bigger, not by much in terms of volume tho.

>> No.15707809
File: 704 KB, 1600x2450, 20230617_102709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can u make A4?

>> No.15707812

you should print an N1 and Saturn V, to complete the moon rocket collection

>> No.15707829

>one of orange rocket's SRBs is taller than a Soyuz including the LES

>> No.15707855
File: 271 KB, 1177x767, 1681931027370428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably could if I find a decently printable model.
I want to keep with 1/144 scale but that might have issues with smaller rockets meant to be printed at a larger scale. Some parts of the soyuz was near the limit for how small you can make something on an FDM printer

N1 might give me an excuse to use that weird green color I have no other use for but I got for free as some depictions have it a dark green even if that may not be the true color apparently

It's in the ballpark of being correct.

>> No.15707861
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>> No.15707863


>> No.15707864
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>> No.15707866

Good morning sirs. When does the big rocket fly?

>> No.15707870
File: 2.02 MB, 360x202, 1632339951545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15707879

space force working on hacker teams to join US cyber command, the command that conducts military cyber warfare

it's a small step towards them actually doing something instead of babysitting satellites for contractors

>> No.15707880
File: 110 KB, 1145x824, 20221020_030700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in a bigass bureucracy a la oldspace and get paid loads (and a lot for what I do anyway). Having tasted the oldspace teat, how can I convince myself that a career at SpaceX is more accomplishing? I don't wanna burn out without a house at 24.

>> No.15707898

but anon, kuiper will never happen, it will get canned eventually and you'll have nothing to show for all the time you spent there (except the money). At least spacex slaves can say that they actually accomplished something that changed the world (plus they get the juicy spacex stock).

>> No.15707899

Fuck that, collect paychecks. - SWE "working" at a bank

>> No.15707913
File: 112 KB, 1200x800, youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elon, action please.
>... just launch anything?

>> No.15707921
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 1692510068964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15707924

How many of you here feel a real determination to furthering humanity off this planet? Whether it be for your own benefit of getting off this rock or being remembered in history, do you know that your purpose in life is to advance our species in to the stars? It feels like maybe not all of us are here for that and more for the bag with some of these recent posts. I get wanting to collect easy paychecks, but I would kill for a chance to work at SpaceX even if it meant I worked myself to the bone for 50 years. Maybe I was wrong in assuming that you were all like me with that determination.

>> No.15707944
File: 191 KB, 1868x1924, 20230831_022156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic from my phone

>> No.15707950

that interstage ring on the söyuz is crisp; but it begs the question: if starship hot staging is successful, are you going to chop that model in half and glue a hot stage ring between the ship/booster?

>> No.15707967

what the fuck
which phone?

>> No.15707969
File: 149 KB, 421x1334, a-letter-from-elon-resources-v0-4vawubou37lb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that time in SpaceX will be spent trying to babysit Elon so he doesn't fuck with your work by demanding random dumb shit like the people of Twitter (now X lmao) failed to prevent.

>> No.15707970

Not particularly. I'm fixated with extricating myself from my hamster wheel.
Very nice.

>> No.15707973

>he didn't have the knowledge
didn't even read the rest, that faggot's clearly making everything up and only ignorant people with EDS would believe it

>> No.15707977

Sounds pretty tame by CEO standards

>> No.15707980

S23 ultra, the only thing I like about this phone is the camera

>> No.15707981

ignore the flaming faggots anon, don't care about the being remembered by history part, put I do want to see outer space settlement ASAP.

>> No.15707983

Oh wow we're both living vicariously, look at that.

>> No.15708001

>tweet not found

>> No.15708013

>S23 ultra
Oh, sorry to have to tell you it fakes pictures it takes of the moon

>> No.15708025

The results speak for themselves anon. If Elon is as incompetent as you say, then please explain the continued success on essentially every front for over 20 years now. Even Twitter is still running with 1/8th of its staff, has a slew of new user monetization schemes in a matter of months, and will likely be profitable by 2024. The last point however is speculation. Do you suggest Elon has some sort of magic spell such that only he is allowed to hire great engineers to coddle him into making the right decisions? Seriously, explain the discrepancy in outcomes. Every other aerospace company left in the dust, legacy auto manufactures scrambling to keep up. The engineers at Toyota even begrudgingly admit the Model Y is a fantastic vehicle. Do their respective CEO's and executives not also have these incredible magic engineers to subtly manipulate the right decision making? Why not?

>> No.15708027

9/10 troll, made me reply

>> No.15708029

Address the points nigger

>> No.15708050

Anyone that unironically read this and thought for a second it might be true I have news for you, you might be retarded. Yeah I know, shocker, it took me to reveal this fact to you. Here is a piece of advice for you retardo, not everything on the internet is true, yeah I know huge shocker alright

>> No.15708059
File: 130 KB, 1354x992, nauka sus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing though. I feel like a fake spaceflight enthusiast if I have the means and ability to work on the cutting edge but reject it because I'm so easily swayed by the easy life. It's like I'm obligated to do it, but the easy job raking in money is too good...

>> No.15708072

You believe random idiots from tumblr, or whatever shithole that is?

>> No.15708082

I actually hate the S23 camera. it's absolutely impossible to disable all the gay AI post filters applied to photos

>> No.15708103

You can use a different camera app but I can't find one that also uses the optical zoom which makes it kinda pointless. I tried using one (camera FV-5) to test the fake moon thing but I couldn't find one that actually zoomed.
The article I found on the fake moon ai showed the moon in detail after the picture was taken but for me the moon came into focus on real time

>> No.15708133

i got glasses today bros.... its so fucking over

>> No.15708135
File: 94 KB, 655x869, 006122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


long tweet going point by point through the anti-colonization quillette article in the previous thread (can't link to the post due to it being archived now)


>> No.15708137

you can use contacts if that bothers you

>> No.15708138

As somebody who works at a relatively large company, this is pretty much how things work (and always worked). This is not endemic to Elon and SpaceX.
For example, we called visit from a grant committee "Operation Potemkin"
We weren't able to actually make the machines run on time so we just played video on the control panels because otherwise we would risk losing funding.
it took another 2 years to actually make it all run for real.
By the way, we have 20% annual growth so I really wonder just how poorly the other companies out there are doing things.

You can tard wrangle maybe 10-50 people (depends how interested in the end goal they are). Anything more and you cannot even comprehend what all the people are supposed to be doing, let alone making sure they are doing it right or not just slacking off.
You cannot run any sort of organization beyond that size without people being able to game the system in some way or the other.

>> No.15708144

>he doesn't know

>> No.15708145

that's gonna be one spicy piece of metal

>> No.15708148
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can anybody with a straight face say that the SpaceX asylee shit was not about going after Musk?

>> No.15708154

can you explain with a straight face why you are so mentally ill

>> No.15708159


>> No.15708163

>bad workplace
>good workplace
It really is that simple. Luckily for progress, there's plenty of naive idealistic suckers.

>> No.15708177
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrible workplace

>> No.15708181

>I am not that close to the matter, but I am confused how we can fund billions per launch on a disposable mega rocket, fund two lunar landers to prevent hurt feelings but we can't keep New Horizons staff funded at present levels? To save 3 million?
the situation sucks but i'm glad to see a billionaire be interested in probes

>> No.15708190
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talking about this


>> No.15708192
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>> No.15708196
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Does this have any value? not like its a test platform for the chips to see how well your code can run on different chips and test if you need more redundancy or a more robust chip

>> No.15708203
File: 66 KB, 703x468, 006127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


two Falcon 9 launches today possibly

> Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

> Starlink Mission

>> No.15708209

go back to /n/

>> No.15708215
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>> No.15708217
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>> No.15708220
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never been to /n/
go back to the asylum

>> No.15708221

spacex should take notes

>> No.15708222

Bros, 4ASS needs an entry

>> No.15708232
File: 407 KB, 846x946, Screenshot_20230831_183709_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here /bloodmoon/?

Contemplating the sign from the almighty

>> No.15708234

The Title 8 shit is part of a broader power grab. Facebook got dinged by it too.
This glass house thing was being investigated by Tesla's own board even because Elon was doing something kooky.

>> No.15708242

you sure "investigated" is the right word? there were people in the company talking about the house as "Elon's house", but that could be simply about the house being Elon's personal project or a small scale thing and testing HVAC stuff that Musk has talked about previously a number of times would be the obvious reason for this (of course we don't know this now)
with a glass house you could see air circulate if you added some smoke/particulates, maybe compare it to other HVAC systems or something
Musk is known for these flashy marketing stunts

>> No.15708245

with respect ot the word investigated vs inquire or just ask "what is this glass house about"
investigation implies there is something substantial and a long process and implied wrongdoing

>> No.15708261

it shouldn't be that bright
also astronomy is voyuer cuck tier

>> No.15708276

The wings are a camera artefact but it is that bright. Sorry you can't appreciate the beauty of the universe subhuman, there is a difference between rare phenomenon appearing directly in the skies and faggots fiddling with radio telescopes.

>> No.15708312
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It wouldn't be great with a single Starship.
If you had a long cable to attach two Starships to then it could work great.
It's actually very little work. You just use RCS like you normally would.
If you detach while still spinning then they'll land a little ways away from each other.

>> No.15708328
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>> No.15708344

The real question about this is whether or not it's better to have the mass of all the engines and shit sitting between your dudes and the sun all the time vs. the benefits of maintaining Martian gravity the whole way.

>> No.15708377
File: 53 KB, 875x583, dims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What material do you expect to withstand the tension on the cable. (This one is more of a genuine question)
you are nor very bright, are you?

>> No.15708402
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>> No.15708432
File: 293 KB, 1719x967, BOLE-Overview-Slide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOLE, new SLS SRB system. Even more power. Even safer.

>> No.15708434

it would probably be okay for sleeping

>> No.15708438

gay shit

>> No.15708442
File: 375 KB, 2048x1401, zoned out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we have people working in aerospace industry here, how come they never post anything interesting?

>> No.15708448

itar, risk of losing job, genuine belief in the value of trade secrets and intellectual property, better options for outlets to leak info, lack of interest in posting high-effort interesting content to a lebanese microgravity milk-wool knitting telephone switchboard where almost nobody will appreciate it

>> No.15708449
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Is that...no...

>> No.15708467
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>> No.15708480
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not that anon nor am I a EDS tren chaser. As far as Musks questionable decision goes I really dont like how he is willingly giving his balls to the CCP grip. teslas megafactory in shanghai with another one coming up compounded by being completely reliant on chink batteries. Just look at the large reception he recieved in his recent visit to the mainland which was larger then they even gave bill gates

this makes him an active liability for safeguarding know how. As what is stopping chinks from blackmailing him into leaking/providing backdoors to the CCP into spacex engineering databases. in china they dont have to go through pesky courts or due process to force bussinesses into compliance. All the ccp has to say is that it is mandatory to jump on our orders OR ELSE and all everybody can do is ask how high

that and the fact of doubling down on the mainland when everybody is GTFO and chinks are descending into a hard recession

>> No.15708481

Rogozin always wins at the end

>> No.15708483

>chinks are descending into a hard recession
Any minute now.

>> No.15708490

Are they going to try to refurbish and refly these like with shuttle boosters?

>> No.15708498
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>> No.15708501
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>chinks are descending into a hard recession
Tell me more about it.

>> No.15708523

Tesla is becomin less dependant on China, not more
Factories have been built and being expanded in Texas and Germany, a new factory will start building in Mexico soon
the China factory is being expanded, a completely new factory is not being built
and to talk about China more generally, it would probably be easier to list the manufacturing companies that aren't dependent on China in some way than ones that are

>> No.15708534

>Arguing with anecdotes instead of anything quantitative
I accept your concession.

>> No.15708538

X post

>> No.15708539


>> No.15708549

Remember the guy who designed a stealth boat for the US Navy and he just randomly disappeared? I'm just saying the DoD has the ability to take control of national security assets (which SpaceX definitely is at this point - always was but that's another topic altogether).

>> No.15708552
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x703, wojak-desert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thirst for launches, my soul is drying up frens, they said 14 days....

>> No.15708555

And it is 14 days away.

>> No.15708564

I think they realized they had to be segmented when they looked at the length and compared it to the VAB door kek
No. NASA/Congress felt great pain when they told NG they weren’t selecting OmegA. But to make up for it they gave them the BOLE booster contract and decided to fly them expendable for more $$$ into their pockets (also refurbing solids is expensive anyways and costs almost as much as just making new ones)

>> No.15708573
File: 132 KB, 586x477, 15.34.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's lunch day

>> No.15708575

>its only a falcon 9 :(
anything less than a delta iv/falcon heavy doesn't do it for me anymore

>> No.15708579

>the /sfg/ slippery slope

>> No.15708588
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now what EDS sufferers?
this is going to help with mars colonization, not hinder it

>> No.15708590

yes, two launches >>15708203
SDA stream starts in 1h

>> No.15708594

Wow.... a x post

>> No.15708597
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, sls SRB full-scale test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh it's not ideal but i have a soft spot for these things

>> No.15708607

>Isn't KSR like a shitlib caricature in his other stuff?
Yes, parts of some of his novels are good, but he has entire novels in the "global warming sci fi" genre: novels set in the near future on Earth with no technological advancement and whose sole purpose, both for the author and the reader, is virtue signaling and justifying a wank about how very enlightened they are for parroting the shit everyone is already exposed to constantly in all forms of mainstream media.

Niggers, nigger lovers and their spawn feature heavily. One of his other novels features a non-nigger female fantasizing at length about her lover, a nigger. A good editor could probably salvage some of his works, but by far the majority of what he writes is either pointless preaching (anyone who could stomach it is already convinced) or graphic nigger worship.

>> No.15708614

so ignoring the person, are the mars books worth reading if you like scifi in particular?

>> No.15708618

Not that guy, but you are off topic and a faggot and worshipping some fucking meme criminal
Either shut the fuck up or take the nitrogen atmosphere challenge live on stream

>> No.15708620

Holy vomit chamber.

>> No.15708621

That just means you're a fucking retard

>> No.15708626

Are you posting from 50 light years away?

>> No.15708627

multiple weeks

>> No.15708628

>I think they realized they had to be segmented when they looked at the length and compared it to the VAB door kek
The dimensions are really locked down by the turn radius and diameter of the rail tunnels they use to move the motor segments.

>> No.15708629

the overlay occurs in realtime. it's no different than a snapchat filter, and actually much simpler

>> No.15708630

India can't claim lunar territory without turds on the ground.

>> No.15708632

multiple = no less than three

>> No.15708636

based destiny face spitter

>> No.15708637

Exactly. I hope SEC finally puts this fucker in prison for even considering any of this. the tesla board deserves better

>> No.15708639

I don’t like solids but I can’t deny that it’s a shitload of extra thrust for what’s really just an easy slap-on tube. My problem with them is that they are supposed to be cheap in theory but never are (at least in the united states), and they aren’t good for reusability (which is ironically why they were chosen over liquid boosters in the first place during shuttle development)

>> No.15708643


>> No.15708645

You're in luck! We have THREE launches today, the CZ-2D launched a few hours ago, and two Falcon 9 launches.

>> No.15708649

Oh am I remembering it wrong? Thanks for the correction

>> No.15708651

I'd go to Mars if I didn't have any connections left on Earth and I'd work for SpaceX without hesitation if I had immediately applicable skills, but I have a family here and I'd need at least a year or two to get up to speed for a terrestrial career in the industry.

Still, at present the colonization of space seems like the only good chance for humanity to escape from so-called democracy, the nation state and demographic apocalypse.

Disregarding my personal interests, I'd say there's nothing more important than starting fully several independent colonies as soon as possible and then making Chicxulub look like a fucking joke.

>> No.15708657
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>> No.15708661

>summer intern knows more about the company than the CEO and founder
okay, retard

>> No.15708667

You're going to need food and water anyway

>> No.15708671

I'm on course, getting my EE degree in the next few years and some experience, saving up enough to gtfo within the next 10-15 years

>> No.15708676

Parts of them are good. It depends on how tolerant you are to dumb shit and the relative importance you assign to reading the neat parts and avoiding reading the dumb parts.

Unless you're somehow forced to read whole books, you could just skip anything you don't like. That's what I recommend.

>> No.15708685

>Boeing confident in achieving six flights to the ISS despite Starliner delay

>> No.15708686

>It depends on how tolerant you are to dumb shit and the relative importance you assign to reading the neat parts and avoiding reading the dumb parts.
Seconding this. Jesus Christ the characters were dumb. Like that guy who got surgery and then was fucking the antagonist because he couldn't see 2" in front of his face. Nevermind that they're geriatrics at that point.

>> No.15708688

You and me are on the same path, except I'm going ME aerospace concentration. Hopefully we can meet up on Mars later in life. It seems like everyone else in this thread doesn't have the will to make it happen.

>> No.15708689


>> No.15708691
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>> No.15708694

> Nobody is in charge up there

> Chris Impey is University Distinguished Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona.


>> No.15708696

X is the best source for news

>> No.15708701

sick of astronomers throwing tantrums

>> No.15708711
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GL bro

>> No.15708712

kessler syndrome I understand, but complaining about trash on the moon is retarded.

>> No.15708713

Falcon 9 scrubbed today. Bummer.

>> No.15708717

We should export all of humanity's trash to the moon.

>> No.15708721

>not borger

>> No.15708728
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They were also confident in a 2017 maiden launch of Space Launch System Block 1 Crew

>> No.15708729
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Is that a SpaceX helmet on Ashoka?

>> No.15708735

Glass house is supposed to be the big project that ties together all his current technology into a kind of life style concept home.
So you have solar panels on the roof (tech Tesla does), a battery system (tech Tesla definitely does), a heat pump system, (tech Tesla also does), charging system for an electric car, and then maybe some AI stuff idk.
Main selling point is that it’s all a complete package that just werks which Tesla can then sell as a bundle.
This has been floated around for ages and is nothing new.

China is becoming less important to Tesla in terms of sales and operations.
Every year the share of revenue from Chinese sales has gotten smaller and smaller right now it’s around 23% of company revenue. Not a tiny amount, but not overwhelmingly reliant either.
In addition the Chinese are basically doing everything they can to push musk away.
A lot of weird copycat companies, compete viciously with him in their own market, and a little of the the usual lawfare stuff.
I’m pretty sure Elon is aware of how the Chinese are, if he somehow isn’t then he’s at least very, very aware that right now they are his main competitors.

And yes Chinese CPI has fallen below zero so yes they are definitely in a recession.

>> No.15708742

>non berger arse article is anti-space
i'm shocked

>> No.15708748

could casaba howitzers do a good job of cleaning up space junk?

>> No.15708764

No, only at creating more.

>> No.15708779

>Spend years and years studying astroonomy
>Mountains of debt
>Finally get accepted into a program
>This is it boys, finally it will pay off
>Gets cockblocked by changing technology
Many such cases

>> No.15708787

Chris, I know you're here, you fat faggot.
When I said last week that Americans were the first to poo on the moo(n), you weren't supposed to write a pissy little article about it.

>> No.15708788
File: 2.20 MB, 480x284, 1647228684439.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that an Oompa-Loompa in a space helmet?

>> No.15708793

>have all this information from the first starship flight
>nobody can put 2 and 2 together and come up with a reasonable timeline for the second starship flight
its mind boggling. what are the spaceflight autists even doing?

>> No.15708798

The long pole in the tent is government paperwork. Nobody knows when that will happen.

>> No.15708815

this >>15708798
the FAA is a black box of corruption and inefficiency

>> No.15708818

reminder starfield is dropping tonight

>> No.15708822

thanks for reminding me that /v/ will be forever unusable

>> No.15708823

I could. Ship and booster aren't glued together or anything but I'm keeping them as ship 24 and b7. The booster couldn't be anything but b7 or earlier because of the HPUs.
I do want to print a whole nother booster/ship pair to try to get it even shinier

>> No.15708825
File: 368 KB, 1728x1080, AECD72E5-51FF-4478-B6B36A7C6835DEDA_source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my wallpaper and it reminds me everyday the consequences of not innovating.

>> No.15708911

it got an IGN 7 which means a 2/10 actually
glad I'm just playing tf2 for the 6000000th time and not these modern slops

>> No.15708935

Holy shit you snoys are absolutely seething hard.
>n-no i'm a pc gamer, see?
you are fucking see through

>> No.15708940

what the fuck is a snoy

>> No.15708953

For me it is D2. I sometimes wonder what retirement homes will be like. I hope they have LAN.

>> No.15708956
File: 2.75 MB, 600x600, black-hole-animation-merged-layers_orig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire DC area is a black hole of corruption and inefficiency

>> No.15708963

We just did this song and dance a few threads ago you retarded yellow niggers.

>> No.15708985
File: 109 KB, 750x750, 1681295338244434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you've been also chanting that r*ssia will collapse any day now since the start of the war in Ukraine.

Without stupid cunts like you we would've given proper aid to Ukraine in time and the war would already be over. Protip: Realistic assessment of the enemy capabilities is better than wishful thinking, you stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.15709007
File: 58 KB, 480x610, neptrito.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bringing up slavshitflinging on /sfg/
shoot yourself in the heart, that way you dont accidentally become more of a burden.>>15708963

>> No.15709013

>b-but china and russia aren't nuclear wastelands yet
hint: when a country starts giving out less and less publicly available indicators of economic health and it's later found out the indicators they do show to the world were falsified, that might mean they have something worth hiding.

when the authoritarian shithole shuts off all data openness and intentionally fabricates fake data for the rest of the world to see, it's pretty safe to assume that authoritarian shithole is nearing the end of it's proverbial road.

not saying china or russia will collapse entirely btw, but their current modus operandi are very clearly not sustainable for them and cannot continue if they want to survive.

it's not even really too late for china, they could turn around all of their chest thumping and return to the policies that made them such a large economy in the first place, it's their choice.

russia is probably beyond saving at this point, they're slowly shutting off from the rest of the world, they're in their death throes.

>> No.15709025

Why are /pol/cels in this general when nothing is happening?

>> No.15709030

Would you stupid fucks just go back already. God damnnit so many of you fuckers trying to subvert ontopic discussion. Like you talk about both China and Russia but NOTHING ON THEIR SPACEFLIGHT SECTORS IS DISCUSSED. The day of the airlock cant come soon enough

>> No.15709031
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> Following up on our announcement earlier this week, here's a detailed look at Otter Pup's early journey on orbit. This chart uses real data from Otter Pup, showing how its rate of rotation decreased asymptotically, before being brought fully under control by a Starfish algorithm:

>> No.15709032
File: 79 KB, 498x388, IMG_2390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow another cubesat I'm so excited.

>> No.15709037
File: 241 KB, 732x633, lmistyttävää.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a space tug test platform

>> No.15709040

Oh my, nevermind. Would this be like Vast's Launcher subsidiary then?

>> No.15709045
File: 106 KB, 1105x992, 006142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but it was launched by Launcher
otherwise I think its an independent company, one of many space tugs companies I guess
perhaps its more of a satellite servicing satellite instead of a space tug




>> No.15709059

The most important thing the Starship program can do is go out and collect dead rovers/landers/satellites and bring them back to be preserved. I want to be able to see Hubble at the Smithsonian one day.

>> No.15709072
File: 946 KB, 957x635, 1622361531174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they going to do a wet dress rehearsal before the second launch?

>> No.15709075
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Inshallah Snoopy will be returned from heliocentric orbit

>> No.15709076

They will stay on Martian soil, you imperialist bigot.

>> No.15709081

when was it last seen?

>> No.15709085

Imagine snagging it and putting it down on Mars just because you could

>> No.15709095

crazy tranny seethe. reminder that it's now august 31 23 and x has still not gone down.
when is the company he's "running into the ground" supposed to hit the ground?

>> No.15709099

That's a lot of pipes. Why have so many pipes

>> No.15709100
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>> No.15709112 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 986x576, firefox_2023-08-31_15-01-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, according to wikipedia, Apollo 15 never happened

>> No.15709113


>> No.15709116

>they will IPO it again
i doubt it tesla fanboy faggot

>> No.15709120

Where did you find that table and why did you delete your post in embarassment?

>> No.15709121

read the table wrong

>> No.15709137

looks like shit and the procedural generation seems pointless
basically a run of the mill Bethesda open world exploration game with a space theme

>> No.15709142

Gpt scrolls 6 is coming soon. the entire game will be procedural and you will cream your frickin pants. todd bless

>> No.15709144
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It's time.

>> No.15709150
File: 80 KB, 805x611, Lunar Module interior, Robert Watts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the Eagle ascent module may still be in LLO
>The Apollo 11 Eagle Lunar Module ascent stage was abandoned in lunar orbit after the historic landing in 1969. Its fate is unknown. Numerical analysis described here provides evidence that this object might have remained in lunar orbit to the present day. The simulations show a periodic variation in eccentricity of the orbit, correlated to the selenographic longitude of the apsidal line. The rate of apsidal precession is correlated to eccentricity. These two factors appear to interact to stabilize the orbit over the long term.

>> No.15709152

Come back in April maybe

>> No.15709153

not saying procedural generation can't be done well and make a game more replayable/better, but right here its generating endless pointless wasteland pretty much

>> No.15709159
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you are a faggot

>> No.15709162
File: 431 KB, 750x490, apollo won the space race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we found the one stable spot in LLO and claimed it with a manned module
It's over, the moon is ours.

>> No.15709181


>> No.15709186
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>> No.15709187

Extremely short-sighted. I want museums built around the defunct rovers.

>> No.15709188



what are the fucking odds of that that seems unbelievable

>> No.15709197
File: 530 KB, 820x504, 1668005267117586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will it have a cute AI waifu for my ship?

>> No.15709209
File: 51 KB, 669x393, elon man bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My mind is blown. If that thing is still high there, Musk must send a Starship to recover it. Just to humiliate Bezos and his recovery of the same Apollo 11, F-1 engines.

>> No.15709212

>recover it
>not study it to see how stable the orbit can be
although maybe better to recover and then move Gateway into it

>> No.15709238


Airship fags get in here

>> No.15709239
File: 71 KB, 686x696, Lunar Module fates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the fucking Eagle ascent stage, it belongs in a museum or better yet a temple. Swap it with a suitable test mass if you want to continue the unplanned experiment.

>> No.15709246

It would be fucking awesome if true though

>> No.15709253

no thanks

>> No.15709258


>> No.15709263

Upper stage zero hasn't been tested since the concrete hurricane so probably.

>> No.15709290

The engines make a very shitty shield because they're essentially point masses. Even the reinforced rear dome the engines are mounted to is a shitty shield, too thin and wrong material.
The benefits of avoiding 99% of the zero G hours more than outweighs the tiny risk due to -potentially- slightly elevated dose rates. With intelligent food and water supply packing they would have a better shielded habitat anyway.

>> No.15709301

they're also not easy to just "slap on". IMO if you have side mounted boosters on your rocket you're simply in denial that you designed your rocket wrong.

>> No.15709395

Interesting stuff, thank you anon.

>> No.15709438

doesnt this guy actually suck cock? like the gayest of the gay. or am i thinking of vsauce

>> No.15709443

no he has waifu

>> No.15709445

which one of those guys is gay? brown hair science guy