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15705721 No.15705721 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15705792

Assuming there are 4 billion dicks on the planet, the percentage of gays is 1%, and the probability of OP sucking a dick is 100%, OP has sucked 40 million dicks.

>> No.15705802

You can't even communicate with ants and you think you will have anything in common with space aliens, kek.
That same logic means there is most probably some advanced deep ocean civilization ala The Abyss.

>> No.15705927

the laws of physics are common. what makes you think humans or aliens are that special.

you practically talk religious nonsense.

>> No.15705937

The fuck are you talking about?
You seem confused I said it should be the opposite of special and if what he said is true about aliens and contact we should not only be able to communicate with bugs, but also find an advanced civilization hidden in the obscure depths of the ocean.

>> No.15705942

if you're not special and aliens aren't that special because we share the same laws of physics, why would communication be that impossible?

apart from the fact advanced aliens probably were in their history close to where we are: a lot of aliens are probably close to where we are now.

>> No.15705961

>why would communication be that impossible?
I didn't say that, I said you can't even communicate with ants, a life form you have cohabited with since the dawn of humanity that shares over a third of your DNA, so how can you expect to communicate with an alien?

>a lot of aliens are probably close to where we are now.
Pretty much every life form on earth is alien to you and beyond your ability to have a conversation with, but by op's logic of big open inhospitable unexplored space must have advanced civilizations, then you shouldn't have to look to space to find one, they should be scattered all over the ocean floor.

>> No.15705968

you are not an ant you stupid fuck. ants don't even have long term memory and science that has reached the level of supercomputing.
explain a practical scenario where you "can not communicate" without invoking new-age bullshit like "they're on another plane man".

>> No.15705976

>you are not an ant you stupid fuck.
He is an ant and you've been giving him too much credit. Clearly there is no real communication going on between the two of you.

>> No.15705977

Aliens don't exist.
Proof: aliens don't exist.

>> No.15705979

people are rarely born mentally retarded. they like the delusion of knowing everything so new-age bullshit like "aliens are on another plane man" are a magnet for them.

it's contradicting too because if they are so all-knowing: why would aliens be so unknowable to them?

>> No.15705982

>ants don't even have long term memory
They still beat humans to numerous civilization milestones such agriculture, architecture, antibiotics, and intercontinental travel.

>> No.15705985

>explain a practical scenario where you "can not communicate"
A bunch of ants are invading your picnic and you would like to tell them to go away, but you have no way to coherently communicate with them and coexist in peace, so you bring out the ant killer spray instead.

>> No.15705986

>Proof: aliens don't exist.
you're stupid. to falsify the hypothesis you have to check all 1 trillion-trillion solar-systems of the observable universe and then check the rest unobservable too,
and even if we assume you only have to check 0.001% of it: it's also millions of years of light-travel away and we can't even see them blurry with a telescope.

>> No.15705987

They're either on another plane or they don't exist. Make your pick. :^)

>> No.15705989

Ants are on the same planet as you and you still can't actually have any meaningful dialogue, there are vast expanses of unexplored ocean so if vast unexplored expanses means there must be a hidden super advanced civilizations, then the ocean must be filled with super advanced civilizations by op's logic, why is that so hard for you to understand?

>> No.15705990

>to falsify the hypothesis
There is no hypothesis. Aliens just don't exist. Sorry. Here's your Q, here's your E, here's your D... and finally, take your L and go back. :^)

>> No.15705991

irrelevant. they can't communicate anything complex even with ..ants. it's pure new-age bullshit to claim "space aliens find it impossible to communicate with us man....".

>> No.15705992

circular argument. ants can not communicate complex concepts even with ants.
find a practical example with humans as we are in 2023 and advanced aliens.

>> No.15705995

>they can't communicate anything complex even with ..ants.
Ants have hives that constantly in communication with each other and they even have livestock and other friendly species who they communicate with through chemical signatures that are already alien to your human experience.

Why would advanced species want to communicate with you when you can't even understand your own environment and just have to kill all the animals that get in your way?

>> No.15705996
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you're stupid. look at pic related. we can't even see a tiny portion of a 1 galaxy and the galaxies are at least billions

>> No.15705999

There's 18 billion~ stars. Galaxies are in the dozens. The chance of extra terrestrial life more advanced than humans is 100%

>> No.15706000

ants can't communicate complex concepts even with ants. find a practical example of humans of 2023 and advanced aliens not being able to communicate.
don't invoke ants or rocks again.

>> No.15706001

>look at pic related
Ok, I did. Couldn't fine the ayyylyums. Sorry. They don't exist.

>> No.15706002

Yes they clearly can communicate with each other or they wouldn't be cutting leaves and making bridges and boats out of themselves to travel the oceans together while harvesting special fungus that only they know how to make, you just say that as an extension of your own ignorance and inability to communication with other beings in your immediate environment.

>> No.15706005
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> no hypothesis. Aliens just don't
that makes you a religious lunatic, that you don't even respect the scientific process of falsifiability.
go back to a church churchboi.

>> No.15706007

The lunatic religion of noticing that if there is literally zero objective indication that something is real, it's usually because the thing in question is not real.

>> No.15706008

circular argument again. ants are shit at communicating complex subjects even with ants.
find an example involving humans not being able to communicate with aliens or shut up.

>> No.15706011

so you have no example that involves humans. you go back to talking about ants who can't even communicate advanced topics with ants.
thanks for confirming you're a fool.

>> No.15706012

Ants have great utility like humans too, they do communicate complex subjects. (You) must be academic retarded.

>> No.15706014

The fact that ants communicate with pheromones, and we know that because we've tested those pheromones on ants to see how they react means we HAVE actually communicated with ants.

>> No.15706015

Block an ants path. Remove block. Do it really quickly. There, you're speaking to the ant through sign and code.

>> No.15706016

>ants are shit at communicating complex subjects even with ants.
No, they aren't shit at it or they wouldn't have beat humans to numerous civilization milestones, would have complex systems in place, complex cooperation, complex farming and animal husbandry techniques, complex war strategies, and complex health care passed down for generations.

>> No.15706017

>we HAVE actually communicated with ants.
So tell us the ant's secrets.

>> No.15706022

No, you are just mistaking the fact that they can't communicate their ant civilization ideas to humans as evidence that they can't communicate with each other when in fact they seem to have better collective weather prediction and communication with the hive than people.

>> No.15706026

No that is like saying you think you can communicate with mummies just because humans think they have decoded a small set of hieroglyphs.

>> No.15706028

>Word salad

>> No.15706032

>t. fat head retard who refuses to consume salads

>> No.15706043

>beat humans to numerous civilization milestones
Given this undeniable fact, it is exponentially more likely that we will find super advanced ants in space or other planets before we find aliens from other galaxies.

>> No.15706050

Or bacteri

>> No.15706056

For sure, but people are generally talking about something visible to the eye on the scale of multi-cellular anima when they means advanced alien species.

>> No.15706059

Alert alert! This poster was an: Retard

>> No.15706062

So anyone who agrees with you is retarded?

>> No.15706065

>He mad

>> No.15706076

No, I am confused about why you would say that agreeing with you is retarded.

>> No.15706086

statistical probability doesn't mean anything

just like the thought experiment of a chimpanzee banging on a typewriter for infinity eventually producing the entire works of Shakespeare in theory, but in reality it would never happen

>> No.15706127

>communicate with bugs
wtf are you talking about lmao

>> No.15706132

Hope you haven't treated bugs poorly since an advance species might regard you as the bugs and might treat you the way you have treated ants and have a special bug spray designed to take care of you.

>> No.15706142

NTA but they'd be pretty fucking stupid for an advanced species if they can't differentiate differences of degree from differences of kind.

>> No.15706151

You just fail to consider if they think that the difference between their species and yours is that much greater than the difference between ants and humans as if you would take ants side over wasps just because of how much more advanced ant civilization is.

>> No.15706153

You just fail to consider anything written in the post you're trying to respond to. Try again.

>> No.15706181


>> No.15706347

>Galaxies are in the dozens
the galaxies are likely trillions. normies don't comprehend how off their hollywood-esque comprehension of probability is.

in practice any non-zero probability per solar-system would net a probability of ~1 for advanced aliens to exist.

>> No.15706385

Aliens aren't real

>> No.15706683

you're stupid. it has already happened on earth so it's not an "it might happen" from the get go and this solar system alone has already 2 or 3 other places that almost made it to be have earth-conditions.

with almost unlimited permutations of planets: it's approximately ~1 probability for advanced aliens to exist.

>> No.15707302

underwater advanced civilizations are impossible. You can't do combustion under water so there is no opportunity to take advantage of environmental energy unless they somehow go straight from caveman status to using nuclear power.

>> No.15707327

Humans emerged for seemingly no reason right at the tail end of the habitabilty of earth. Sun like stars are probably the only stars that can nurture life for a variety of reasons, and they don't live for very long so it's a race against the clock to evolve fast enough to colonize other systems before your star dies. Its unknown why a conscious super intelligent species emerged when it has seemingly never happened before, and if anything went differently then its near 100% certainty that life would just carry on in its normal primitive state and all die forever when the sun became too massive. My guess is that complex life is very rare but still common enough for thousands of instances to be occurring in our milky way, but life evolving the intelligence and awareness to escape its star (and having the resources available to do it) is so rare that we may be the only one. It probably happens in other galaxies but they are practically causally disconnected due to how far away they are so it doesn't matter. What matters is that all signs in this galaxy point to us being alone at out level of technological development.

>> No.15707337

cont. so to beleive there are advanced aliens right now is an act of faith.

>> No.15707340

Suppose that only five independent "one in a million" chances occur for a planet to develop intelligent technologically capable life such as humans. That's 1 in 1E+30, meaning even humanity itself happening was shear dumb luck, and the chance of it happening twice is virtually zero.

>> No.15707623

you're stupid. the op picture doesn't start with a hypothesis of 1 in a million but with a hypothesis of 1 in 10 trillion.

you bois lack perspective of what it means to have at least 1 trillion-trillion solar systems in the universe.

>> No.15707678

I don't care what OP's image started with. I'm saying that if advanced life like humans relies on only 5 one-in-a-million happenstances occurring, you have a 10E-30 term which blows the 10E24 term out of the fucking water.

>> No.15707686

> if advanced life like humans relies on only 5 one-in-a-million
which is probably nonsense anyway and we have evidence that it is. there have been various very violent events before advanced life and life remained very stable and there's always time to try again.

also the physics of abiogenesis appear very generic and probable and reproducible assuming a planet has the right conditions/chemistry/position and we have already shown in a lab part of it.

>> No.15707691

The point isn't that there are specifically 5 one-in-a-million chances that need to be cleared. The point is that it isn't hard to add up probabilities such that you end up with unlikelihood that make 10E24 looks small. A trillion-trillion just isn't that big, it's only 24 zeros. If you do 25 one-in-ten chances, you've blown 10E24 the fuck out. The number that you think so impressive is anything but.

>> No.15707701

but why would they be so few chances? the earth has various violent events that did shit to exterminate life and there's plenty of evidence that you don't even need specifically humanoids to become advanced because even orcas appear capable to become advanced (and if they must get out of the water to do it: they will).

the main limiting factor is the right conditions to have an earth-like planet to begin with because it appears approximately impossible to not have life that way(we can do part of it in a lab relatively easily and very fast) but just this solar system alone has at least 2-3 other places that almost made it to become earth.

>> No.15707711

>but why would they be so few chances?
Why shouldn't there be? All we know is that formed at least once, but we have no further data and therefore no basis to be sure life is common. It may be the the initial formation of life its rare by itself. That a solar system stable enough to nurture that life is further rare. That the development of multicellular life from that unicellular life is rare yet again. It might be the case that life crawling up on land and finding it hospitable is rare. It may be the case that even when all these hurdles have been cleared, that the development of large brained highly dexterous psuedo-primates with some equivalent to our thumbs is rare, and therefore life able to manipulate the environment in complex and subtle ways is rare. Dolphins, no matter how smart, will never invent a radio. They're stuck in the water and don't have thumbs, they can't do it. And it may be the case that even when life with all the physical requirements for technological development comes into existence, the inclination to pursue technology might be rare. Other great apes don't do what we do; they don't even seem to try. It could be a one in a billion chance that a chimp-like lifeform ever develops into a techno-human like lifeform.

People who trot out "drake equations" to "prove" that advanced life is common in the universe like to assume that all of these things are near certainties in any solar system that has an earth-like planet, but that is a baseless assumption. All we know is that these things happened at least once, but that doesn't mean any of them were ever likely to happen.

>> No.15707718

it's not just an "once" context. there were various violent events that had a chance to eliminate life and they didn't.
there are various chances to kickstart life and we can do part of it already in a lab in an evening.

>> No.15707722

The point I'm making is that we could be so lucky to be here, that we shouldn't expect anybody else to have made it as far as we have.

>> No.15707725

>They're stuck in the water
also this way of thinking in general is so short-sighted. there's no reason for any animal to stay in the sea or anywhere, before even mentioning sea animals aren't the only more-intelligent animals.

>> No.15707730

I hear this argument but I think it can be easily answered, by the fact we had various violent events that would kill us but they didn't but there's also evidence that even if they did kill us: plenty of other animals appear capable to become advanced and their main limiting factor appears to be HUMANS being first fucking their chances up.

And: the physics are common across the universe so earth-like conditions are unlikely to not have earth-like results when violent events don't appear to eliminate like easily and humans don't appear to have a monopoly at being advanced.

>> No.15707734

There are many kinds of intelligent animal on earth, but only one has the physical opportunity AND inclination to develop advanced technology. Not dolphins, not gorillas or pongos, not octopus or bears or birds or any other animal you might fancy as smart.

There is no law of evolution that says technology-creating life will ever evolve. There could be a billion other worlds out there with animals similar to apes or monitor lizards but it might also be the case that none of them have developed any life that can create advanced technology like us. For billions of years, nothing like humans existed, so there's no reason to think we were some sort of evolutionary inevitability.

Flight has evolved multiple times in radically different kinds of animals, from bugs to lizards to birds and even mammals, numerous times life has evolved to fly. If complex life exists on an earth-like planet, some of it probably flies. But life that develops technology like us? It has only happened once on earth. There isn't enough data to conclude that the evolution of creatures like ourselves is likely.

>> No.15707737

Advanced life such as humans has only evolved once. If a poorly timed comet had wiped out our chimp ancestors, strangled humanity in the crib, there is no guarantee that anything else would ever assume our role. Nothing like us ever filled our niche in the billions of years prior to our evolution, so it could be billions of years again, or longer, until anything else ever did.

>> No.15707742

>only one has the physical opportunity AND inclination to develop advanced technology
The "physical opportunity" is a circular argument because it has the opportunity BECAUSE it dominated over nature. The best theory for the evolution of human intelligence I know is that it developed mainly as a need to compete with other humans instead of nature because nature was not the main threat anymore (other humans/homo sapiens were) (and "advanced technology" is just a late development and inevitable after that).

and following on what I said above: it appears inevitable that any other animal that had no enemies in nature anymore (not bigger than its own species at least) would become highly-intelligent and: we already have evidence that other animals are on that path (and their main limiting factor is us keeping them undeveloped).

>> No.15707753

>>The "physical opportunity" is a circular argument because it has the opportunity BECAUSE it dominated over nature.
No, I'm talking about being a land animal with thumbs, or some other environment-manipulation mechanism that provides comparable abilities. Chimps have basically what we have in this regard, not as good but perhaps good enough if not for their lack of any inclination towards the task of innovating technology

> it appears inevitable that any other animal that had no enemies in nature anymore (not bigger than its own species at least) would become highly-intelligent and: we already have evidence that other animals are on that path (and their main limiting factor is us keeping them undeveloped).
It has only happened ONCE in the entire multi-billions year history of Earth. Wings, eyeballs and limbs have all evolved multiple independent times on Earth, but only ONCE has any species evolved that is capable of smelting ores, inventing radios or splitting the atom.

Only once. The assumption that it's likely to happen again is a pure leap of faith on your part. You have a SINGLE datapoint. That isn't enough to rule out the rare earth hypothesis (which happens to be consistent with all our observations of the universe thus-far.)

>> No.15707776

I think a general theme with you is that you underestimate evolution on a mundane level. I mean it doesn't matter if they are in the sea: they will get out and it doesn't matter if they don't have thumbs: they will develop them.
Also you underestimate that there are almost unlimited permutations of species to try it and time (or space) isn't in short supply in the universe.

>> No.15707779
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>> No.15707780

nice strawman faggot

>> No.15707947

Evolution doesn't work towards the goal of creating human-like things.

>> No.15707982

humans are unnecessary. plenty of other animals appear to have a trajectory towards high intelligence. their main limit is humans not letting them advance; if they don't have "thumbs" and other such mundane needs: they would evolve them; the main reason humans are very smart is probably that their main competitor stopped being other animals or the weather but others of the same species strategizing against them.

>> No.15707991

mundane and irrelevant. they would evolve any such needs. also there's a chance you miss opportunities underwater they would have.

>> No.15708000

Jesus christ shut the fuck up you troglodyte dipshit

>> No.15708002

stop replying to this moron he's just spinning his lack of wheels

>> No.15708011

>80 posts
>15 IPs

>> No.15708032

I'm op and I have 12. Most of them are probably the moron with "BUT ANTS!". Fuck your ants they're stupid you stupid fuck; they can't even communicate between themselves; pose a hypothesis between humans of 2023 and "fantastical aliens".