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15705656 No.15705656 [Reply] [Original]

What are the likely long term health effects of being injected with an mRNA tsunami?

>> No.15705661

I know some of you don't want to do another round of boosters, I get it. I had a mild reaction to my first shot. Nothing much just really bad heart palpitations. I'm glad I got it, because two days later I got covid. It was really bad, can't imagine how bad it would have been if I weren't vaxed.

My second shot was a little worse. Half my face went numb, and I had terrible tremors. I couldn't walk for a month. I was very lucky though, because I got the new variant a week after my second shot. It really was the worst covid yet. I had clots all in my legs, and my heart was going crazy. I went to the ER. Turns out I have long covid, and myocarditis from the covid spike proteins. I would be dead now if I weren't vaxed.

I knew I needed the third shot, and I was a little hesitant, but I sucked it up and got it. I knew it'd probably make me feel bad for a few days, but that's nothing compared to covid. Sure enough four days after my third shot, my long covid came back worse than ever. I couldn't walk, my hair was failing out, bleeding from my ears, my heart just stops and starts. I have no control of my bowels or motor functions. I just constantly flail and piss myself.

Covid, especially long covid is no joke. I will definitely be getting the new boosters.

>> No.15705667

Okay cool. Lets give bill gates and democratic voters ten each monthly mandatort

>> No.15705678

>definitely happened
two weeks, lol

>> No.15705708

This might be what finally destabilizes the us if this article is not a larp. Why would he make such a bold statement?

>> No.15705725

we'll all be dead soon, two weeks most

>> No.15705735

>get the vax
>get sick
>"I would be dead now if I weren't vaxed."
can anyone explain why most people tend to think/say this?

>> No.15705743

Vaccines are a weakened version of the real virus and sometimes still cause a mild fever.

>> No.15705754

how do they weaken them?

>> No.15705762

Time to give Bill Gates and the entire Billionaire Parasite class some long-term health consequences.

>> No.15705776

so you claim they get sick from the vaccine and then thank the vaccine for not killing them?

>> No.15705777

Something like that.

>> No.15705877

That was the old definition, now vaccines are anything that stimulate immunity.

>> No.15705883

did you see the jikkyleaks post?

stimulating immunity also means "an ig response" so apparently ig4, which turns off the immune response, is also "stimulated immunity"

>> No.15705885


>> No.15705889

>turns off the immune response
That is suppressed immunity rather than stimulated.

>> No.15705899

yes. but that's not how they're representing it with the news that's getting released on twitter

the immune system "responded" to the shots by producing ig4. so it's an "immune response" according to pfizer representatives, cdc defenders, msnbc.

when they get called on it, they say "it's a response, you're anti science"

go ahead and look it up

>> No.15705901

>it's an "immune response"
Which is not the same as stimulated immunity, you are moving the goal posts.

>> No.15705906

"ig4 is being stimulated. ig4 is an immune type in the body. the boosters stimulate immunity"

look, the pfizer shills said this, not me you stupid nigger. you go on twitter or you go on the new york times and you argue with them.

I am just showing you an example of how they lie

>> No.15705909

>Your search - "ig4 is being stimulated. ig4 is an immune type in the body. the boosters stimulate immunity" site:pfizer.com - did not match any documents.

It seems more like you are showing me how to lie.

>> No.15705914

look I told you the source you fucking nigger. I don't remember the exact kikery they were doing. look it up yourself you faggot

>> No.15705915

not him but you can't dork for shit anything wrap with "<anything>" will search for the exact query character by character including spaces and capital words

>> No.15705931

I just showed you that the source you referenced can't be found.

Yes and he claimed to have given an exact quote as his source, so the quote should be on their site like he said it would be, but its not.

>> No.15705935

As long as all these MRNA jabs are extensively tested first on Bill Gates and his family.

>> No.15705945

look up jikkyleaks. they compile public statements of pfizer representatives and CDC etc as they worm around the fact that the vaccines cause ig4 expression, in order to "deboonk" the claims that the vaccines cause immune decline.

they compile literally hundreds or thousands of public statements.

this is just the latest

>> No.15705946

idk found only this
here they say that ig4 is good for you.
also it is generated by stimulating the immune system.
arguing if its the ig4 that is being stimulate or the immune system is fucking moronic the only question if its a valid mechanics for a standard vaccine

>> No.15705948

of course it's moronic. who knows what their goal is.

maybe it's to cover their own ass in court for saying "well it is a type of stimulation" or maybe it's a psyop because most people will tune out once technical terms appear like ig4.

the data is public. the shots are killing people. so it seems like this is the newest deflection tactic. look for it yourself and decide

>> No.15705958

from the study
>high levels of IgG4 in people who were administered two or more injections of the mRNA vaccines
>vaccines have also been reported to induce higher-than-normal IgG4 synthesis
>IgG4 levels could have a protecting role by preventing immune over-activation
"over-activation" what the fuck is that mean?
now i understand why real medical experts worn people about consist consumption of boosters and the potential of shutting down the immune system

>> No.15705980

he's powerless in the first world, he sometimes forgets this and makes megalomaniac comments

>> No.15706004

>he's powerless in the first world, he sometimes forgets this and makes megalomaniac comments
Were you talking about yourself there? Because that guy very much has power over you.

>> No.15706046

if people are actually concerned about misinformation and conspiracy theories they should banish and ostracize these weird freaks like gates or harari

>> No.15706052

>the data is public.

>> No.15706053

actually they should shut down all anonymous and pseudonymous communication and attach every social and economic relation of a given speaker to any of their statements ordered by likelihood of influencing the statement
unfortunately no angle of that is computationally tractable so we as a species are doomed to die to our own lies

>> No.15706057

Not good. I've been experiencing really bad angina and im only in my early 20s.

>> No.15706061

Its too easy to suppress speech by attacking the identity of the speaker when you force people to attach their identity to their ideas such that you no longer can extract truth from speech, you get kowtowing to the leader of the party instead.

>> No.15706064
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>they should shut down all anonymous and pseudonymous communication

>> No.15706067

>read first few words
>get triggered and spout stuff that's implicitly addressed in the rest of the post

>> No.15706068

Does the rest of your post negate the statement "they should shut down all anonymous and pseudonymous communication"? If not, there's no reason to read any more of it. You need to have your face bashed in.

>> No.15706072

it does, actually
i hope you lead a happy and fulfilling life and die of old age surrounded by loved ones <3

>> No.15706074

>it does, actually
Then why did you say they should do that only to then say they should not do that? "They" should attach every social and economic relation you have to your statement. So that you could be subjected to anonymous and pseudonymous brutal violence in real life.

>> No.15706078

someone needs testosterone blockers to curb their mindless aggression, me thinks

>> No.15706083

Someone needs to have their name, their employer and the names of his entire family attached to his statements. That someone is you.

>> No.15706087
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I think it really is spectacular that they managed to convince every person working in Science and Healthcare that the definition for being vaccinated wasn't any moment immediately following your shot, but an extremely narrow window 14 days to 3 months after your shot. A window that excludes the counting of adverse events immediately, and long term adverse events, caused by the vaccine while also giving a bias against self reporting as people who catch covid in this time frame would likely think their symptoms are from some other illness as they have been vaccinated with the clearly 100% safe and effective vaccine.
That 14 day inital offset also filters out any people that catch covid right before or immediately after getting the vaccine and die from it, as they will have died unvaccinated. The really amazing part is that 14 day initial offset, assuming a participant sample window of 3 months and steady infection rates, also allows for 1/6th of all sampled vaccinated people, who were going to get infected with covid, to have fresh natural immunity while also counting their infections and deaths, not as vaccinated, but as unvaccinated lmao. This sounds like complete retardation, but this is literally what the CDC did and continues to do. They don't consider someone to be fully vaccinated if they aren't up to date with the newest booster or haven't gotten an original shot regimen within 3-4 months. This isn't even considering the fact that the original shot regimen is 2-3 shots, with the second shot being spaced out 3 weeks from the first and a third space out 4 weeks from the second.

>> No.15706088

No it wasn't, you implicitly address the fact that it is not actually physically possible to strip people of their anonymity if they take proper measures rather than the fact that it is a bad idea to even try for social reasons.

>> No.15706090

you're cute <3

>> No.15706091

>if they take proper measures
i never implied anything like this at all, your statement is invalid

>> No.15706092

What's your full name? How come you need "them" to force you to disclose it? Just do it of your own volition, bugman.

>> No.15706095

It definitely isn't vaccine-induced myocarditis. That isn't something that happens, basically. It is shockingly rare, to the point where you are nearly more likely to win the lottery.

Scientists have discovered that the stress associated with these difficult times produces heart episodes as a result of cortisol levels, panic, high blood pressure, etc. You can probably experience stress-related episodes that simply occur around the time that you receive the vaccine.

It is also possible that your memory of the ailments is clouded by misinformation. When we consume misinformation, it can induce us to recall events incorrectly. Did you really suffer the ailments as you describe, or is it possible that it happened slightly differently than you recall?

I don't mean to sound incredulous, but experts are experts. There are good reasons why we trust in science.

>> No.15706113

That is how I interpreted your computationally tractable spiel.

>> No.15706139

>we're all going to die eventually
>therefore we all ought to take the vax
Non sequitur.

>> No.15706231

A TSUNAMI of messenger RNA is coming!
Just imagine floods of tiny little mrna coming at you lol

>> No.15706233

you want people to know that you wrote this?

>> No.15706242

Maybe after his budding police state develops into a full-blown sci-fi panopticon that protects the likes of him from being held accountable by his opposition.

>> No.15706254

Another round? Where I live they are only being given to old people and chronically sick people. I haven't had a booster since early 2022 or something.

>> No.15706258

The most common (Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax, Jonhson&Johnson) covid vaccines are not like this, at all.

>> No.15706314

suck off putin some more faggot

>> No.15706315

You sure showed him! If only we could censor the internet so Putin's trolls couldn't sway elections anymore!

>> No.15706320

>If you don't like a retarded slavic dictator that means you want internet censored
Given the chance, you'd probably be the one to do that judging by how upset you are at the suggestion that that poster felates him

>> No.15706322

Just interpreting a braindead post in the context of the conversation.

>> No.15706338

Better make a dumb post than get unnecessarily mad at six words and quickly come in to defend some dictator with a snarky post with baseless accusations

>> No.15706342

Unironically take your meds.

>> No.15706466

it creates a neat statistical trick where even a completely useless placebo can have a great efficacy rate


>> No.15706496

>barely begin to understand rna regulation
>most rnaseq studies use wrong stats and have shitty results
>billionaires who bought out the institutions: "science is ready to start injecting with mrna for everything!"
lmao, i don't want to be part of such a tarded sellout slave pen of a society anyway.

>> No.15706501

>potential of shutting down the immune system

>> No.15706514


Also, obvious fake is obvious. Are you dumb or an asshole?

>> No.15706558

>there are people who actually think this way

>> No.15706568

I will accept his demand if it will apply retroactively, I want to see who these fucking people are

>> No.15706590

People who don't resist the mRNA tsunami will be excluded from society by death.

>> No.15706617
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>real virus
lol, perhaps even lmao

>> No.15706824


>> No.15706842
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> gets the covid boosters
> got covid. It was really bad

>> No.15706847
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Ze copium is strong in this one.

>> No.15706855

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15706860
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>> No.15706866

Attach your real name to every post

>> No.15706879

Write your name you coward.

>> No.15706920
File: 29 KB, 500x398, EFBulcmXUAAbitd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bill gates is going to die whether you like it or not
and whether bill gates likes it or not, all of his memories he had ever made were while he was alive. It even required him being alive to fantasize what it would be like after dying.

Bill gates will disappear like a fart in the wind when he dies, whether we like it or not.

>tfw bill gates will literally die in your lifetime

>> No.15706951

can't believe i used to think bill gates was an alpha chad nerd back in the 90s

>> No.15706969

Some of the people in this very thread could already have mrna.

>> No.15707134

Thank you for beta testing that stuff for me, chump. mRNA might be useful for me someday so I’m glad many people risked their lives before me.

>> No.15707143

This is obvious satire. Why is everyone replying seriously?

>> No.15707178

You are golden >>>/pol/439779573

>> No.15707260

cognitive dissonance
people would rather double down than admit they've been fooled
its kind of funny when it's over a product(console wars, apple vs microsoft, any brand love really)
but here it's not funny anymore
it's going to be the end of us all
fuck normies

>> No.15707266
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he will have his revenge, and then more revenge on top of that revenge

>> No.15707268

if you have no self control you can't be invested in something AND be objective about it. many such cases

>> No.15707270

did anyone check if that guy is still around?

>> No.15707451

If you take the vaccine take below listed prior and afterwards vaccination.

n acetly cysteine
melatonin, for the thymus gland immune system overload

>> No.15707482

vitamin d
vitamin c
n acetyl cysteine

>> No.15707489

>you will eat the twitter goyslop list
no thanks

>> No.15707521

*Ivermectin, anti viral, prevents lung damage via prevents sprike protein from combining with ace2 receptors on heart and lungs
*Quercetin, anti viral, anti bacterial, prevents lung damage via prevents sprike protein from combining with ace2 receptors on heart and lungs
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Melatonin, restores thymus gland which restores immune system damage aka covid induced aids
Blood thinner pill over the counter, prevents blood clotting
*N acetly cysteine, prevents lung damage, prevents spike protein from combining with ace2 receptors on heart and lungs

>> No.15707539

those are somewhat effective against corona and the best thing you can possibly do if you get vaxxed but none of it comes anywhere close to unfucking you.

the list is also incomplete

>> No.15707551

i, too, have seen the ameriboomers posting on twitter

>> No.15707570

some of it is accurate. except this thymus gland shit wtf.

effects of most of it are shoddy, and the stuff with the highest effectiveness is still low. also the retarded boomers confuse covid and the vaxx. zinc is useful against covid. it does nothing for the vvaxx. fucking boomers

>> No.15707584

Weakened = live attenuated = remove virulence factors whilst macrophages, dentritic cells, and B cells can present proteins to T cells

>> No.15707762

anitvaxxers are just luddites that can't move at the speed of science

>> No.15707777

This is one of the subtlest posts I've seen. Well done

>> No.15707787

> I killed my grandma with my antivaxxing lunacy, and now I must cope, two more weeks and you're all dead.

>> No.15707796

>"over-activation" what the fuck is that mean?
Seems like its referring to autoimmune issues where you immune system starts attacking your healthy cells and organs.

>> No.15707838 [DELETED] 
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If you aren't vaxx-maxxed lower your tone and wear a mask when talking to me.

>> No.15707965

you hate boomers, you don't care if grandma die

>> No.15707997
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>> No.15708254
File: 131 KB, 448x603, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy, now get four more boosters and cut your penis.

>> No.15708266

Autoimmune diseases.
But at least they will have a tsunami of products to treat those as well.

>> No.15709070

Covid 19
*Ivermectin, anti viral, prevents lung and heart damage by preventing the spike protein from the vaccine/covid 19 from combining with ace2 receptors
on the heart and lungs.
*Quercetin, anti viral, anti bacterial, prevents lung and heart damage by preventing the spike protein from the vaccine/covid 19 from combining
with ace2 receptors on the heart and lungs.
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Melatonin, regenerates damaged and or aging thymus gland, thymus gland produces thymosin, thymosin stimulates T cell production.
Covid 19 results in T cell count loss within the immune system, essentially covid 19/vaccine induced AIDS aids.
Blood thinner pill over the counter, prevents blood clotting
*N acetly cysteine, prevents lung and heart damage by preventing the spike protein from the vaccine/covid 19 from combining with ace2 receptors
on the heart and lungs.

>> No.15709089

My last grandparent died in 2016, and I don't care about yours

>> No.15710275
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>> No.15710278

I had to close my eyes for half a minute after reading first 2 sentences.

>> No.15710281

Hiw the fuck are you supposed to unironically read this site

>> No.15710324

You seem to know more than me, could you please tell me where and how to get such money as a scientist?