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15705202 No.15705202 [Reply] [Original]

Plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and water for photosynthesis to produce oxygen and carbohydrates that plants use for energy and growth.

Rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere drive an increase in plant photosynthesis—an effect known as carbon fertilization. New research has found that between 1982 and 2020, global plant photosynthesis increased 12 percent, tracking CO2 levels in the atmosphere as they rose 17 percent. The vast majority of this increase in photosynthesis was due to carbon dioxide fertilization.

Increased photosynthesis results in more growth by plants. Scientists have found that in response to elevated CO2 levels, above-ground plant growth increased an average of 21 percent, while below-ground growth increased 28 percent. As a result, some crops such as wheat, rice and s*ybeans are expected to benefit from increased CO2 with an increase in yields proportional to the increase in CO2.

Under elevated CO2 concentrations, plants use less water during photosynthesis. Plants have openings called stomata that allow CO2 to be absorbed and moisture to be released into the atmosphere. When CO2 levels rise, plants can maintain a high rate of photosynthesis and partially close their stomata, which can decrease a plant’s water loss between 5 and 20 percent. Scientists have speculated that this could result in plants releasing less water to the atmosphere, thus keeping more on land, in the soil and streams.


>> No.15705303

higher ambient C02 levels lowers human IQ

>> No.15705340

Urban areas have about double the atmospheric CO2 of rural areas, is that why urbanites are so stupid? MIT is right in the middle of massive urban sprawl, should it be relocated to the countryside?

>> No.15705345

>Urban areas have about double the atmospheric CO2 of rural areas
That's not how it works. Maybe transiently, but the lifetime of CO2 in the atmosphere is like 10k years, so the difference between urban and rural areas is minimal.

>> No.15705356

You're incredibly wrong.

Farmland has drastically lower CO2 concentrations after a sunny day.

>Hurr durr, office spaces don't have different co2 concentrations than forests

>> No.15705361


>> No.15705363

And? It also changes weather patterns, increases drought, raises sea levels, and destroys shorelines where humans live and build their cities and devastates coral reefs we depend on for food. Any benefits to increased CO2 in the atmosphere is completely wiped out by all the devastation, death and forced human migrations. Which have already begun.

>> No.15705369

You don't own a CO2 meter and you've never measured your local ambient CO2 levels, but if you did then you'd find out that your urban zone fluctuates between 500-900ppm daily depending on how much plant life there is in an around the city

>> No.15705370

Photosynthesis stops working at 119 degrees F.
The chemistry stops working at 119, but starts falling off at about 105.
The plant literally starves to death, regardless of how much it is watered, or how much c02 is available.

>> No.15705392

I don't understand the whole "rich people pollute a lot therefore climate policy is invalid" argument. If you're so worried about rich people polluting, why not support a carbon tax? If rich people really do pollute the most, they'll also be the ones paying the most carbon tax. A carbon tax is equitable by design.

>> No.15705397

The argument is that those in authority dictating climate policy do not give a shit about their own contribution to the problem, and therefore might be lying about the problem existing in the first place. It's not a good argument.

>> No.15706009

Yes. Part of why urban schools do worse than rural schools independent of nigger concentration is because of pollution. It lowers IQ and also lowers your ability to concentrate. Ever wonder why ADHD diagnoses are going through the roof? that's part of the reason.

>> No.15706024

>MIT is right in the middle of massive urban sprawl, should it be relocated to the countryside?
What, to pollute the countryside as well?

>> No.15706031


>> No.15706034

>I don't understand the whole "rich people pollute a lot therefore climate policy is invalid" argument
That's because you were born and raised a slave to these people.

>> No.15706051

If they won't sacrifice their lifestyle to save the world then the world isn't ending.

>> No.15706058

or maybe it is ending, but they still won't sacrifice their lifestyle to save it. i.e. they are irrational psychopaths that can't be trusted with any "climate policies"

>> No.15706226
File: 139 KB, 1500x1067, us-food-cd99fdf4053644318535919fe435cc6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is retarded and filled with retards. Plant growth is much more complicated than "dey et da C02". In highly controlled conditions like in greenhouses and farms extra carbon dioxide can be beneficial because every other need of the plant is tended too. In the real world carbon dioxide is not the limiting factor. There are dozens of factors to plant growth that need to be kept within a specific range to keep the plant alive and they need a much narrower range to maximize plant growth, which is the only time that extra carbon dioxide will be beneficial to that plant. You will not find these conditions with most wild plants. Soil type, soil compaction, water infiltration, soil porosity, soil aggregation, soil biota, 27 nutrients, soil moisture, humidity, sunlight, heat, pests, plant disease, ect. must be within a certain range, and the range for a given species of plant may be wildly different from the range required by a different species, and throwing more carbon dioxide at them will not have any effect unless all of these factors have been optimized.

Some of you faggots like to point out the greening of the Earth, which is weird because you /pol/tards don't usually like to jerk off China, India, and Africa or any super projects they attempt, but the Great Green Wall has your dicks so fucking hard that you post about it constantly while pretending that it's just nature.

You fags should really go outside and touch compost. Not grass. Compost. Lawns are for cucks and back in the day it was unpatriotic for any American to waste land like that, and now you fags whine if you can't eat at McDonald's.

>> No.15706817
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>> No.15706895
File: 724 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230830-214601954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rich people dont pay taxes. wageslaves have to give to the state 30% of their income in form of income tax and then another 20% in form of "retirement" tax.

meanwhile rich people have officially no income and with basic paper shifting their corporation never have clean profit so no taxes either. trump even burried his ex on his golf club greenhouse because you dont have to pay property taxes from graveyards.

the idea that the elite will ever pay a single penny in taxes is naive at best.

>> No.15706902
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>Photosynthesis stops working at 119 degrees F.
A very interesting claim. I'm sure the fossil record shows evidence for this.

>> No.15706909

Oh wow, a plant in highly controlled conditions benefiting from carbon dioxide. Let me ask you, are you illiterate, stupid, or just a shill?

>> No.15707019

What a bunch of morons you are.

>> No.15707028


>> No.15707130

>increases drought
>Under elevated CO2 concentrations, plants use less water during photosynthesis.

>> No.15707501

>rich people dont pay taxes
Rich people don't pay consumption taxes? Because that's basically what this is.

>> No.15707504
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>> No.15707505

none of you had a fucking aquarium, ever? with plants? add co2 (yeast+sugar) and those bitches GROW

>> No.15707515

I do support carbon tax you commie retard. Only one who opposed it was commies

>> No.15707651

Go outside and touch compost.

>> No.15707655

That's not going to increase the CO2. Sugar is literal plant food. They grew bigger because you artificially supplemented their sugar production. The yeast was probably great for your fishes' digestion though.

>> No.15707739

taxing basic needs is whats called a "regressive tax" because it hurts people who barely have enough money to get by on more than it does people who can afford to spend lavishly

>> No.15707741

I don't give a shit about the poor. Maybe the government can subsidize them like they do a billion other things already. Or maybe the government can render welfare "in kind" and hand out finished goods with carbon taxes paid for. There's a billion ways to account for poopeepo than avoiding carbon taxes altogether.

>> No.15707798

what the fuck. I didn't add them together in the aquarium's water you retard

>> No.15707803


>> No.15707831

>Scientists have found that in response to elevated CO2 levels, above-ground plant growth increased an average of 21 percent, while below-ground growth increased 28 percent.
In greenhouses, with identical soils. The growth in reality is limited by the absence of heavy metals.

>> No.15707989

It doesn't matter where you added them. The plants responded to the sugar.

>> No.15708022

This just in, oil spills add biomass and energy to the ocean! hooray!

>> No.15708053

you must be seriously retarded, especially after I provided videos.
there's no point at which the sugar goes into the aquarium. the sugar is food for yeast, in a separate container, and CO2 is generated which goes through a hose into the aquarium. just the CO2 is pumped into the water, the sugar doesn't reach the aquarium water. god damn you are retarded

>> No.15708070

crude oil venting into the ocean from below was a common natural process before the petroleum industry started tapping that oil supply. nobody complained about it back then, but now that theres someone making money off oil the narcissistic evironmentalist savior complex crowd has come out of the woodwork to screech and demand gibes whenever a little tar ends up on a beach

>> No.15708115

Daily reminder that filthy, polluting oil shills are nerely an equal and opposite force to filthy, polluting green shills in a filthy, polluting jewish dialectic.

>> No.15708155

>I don't give a shit about the poor.
Without welfare you end up with 1930s America where people were being kidnapped and ransomed and anarchy nearly became the prevailing form of government.

>> No.15708156
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>Without welfare you end up with 1930s America where people were being kidnapped and ransomed and anarchy nearly became the prevailing form of government.

>> No.15708200

After playing Stationeers I was curious if you could grow plants in a 100% CO2 environment like in the game. The answer is no those levels are toxic to plants. Thought that was funny.

>> No.15708422

Yeah so give them carbon credit welfare
There. solved.

>> No.15708436

>carbon credit good
Executed without trial. Soon.

>> No.15708558

That will do fuck all for your dissolved carbon dioxide. If it did significantly increase dissolved CO2 then your tank would become increasingly acidic and you'd have to adjust the pH much more frequently.

>> No.15709417

Why do some people get so outraged and upset when presented with the fact that there are tremendous benefits to enhancing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere?

>> No.15709423

yes because the difference in our atmosphere CO2 is how much between pre industrial and post industrial eras? % wise total. most of it bubbles out ofcourse.
you are looking dumber and dumber with each comment but do continue. make a complete ass of yourself.

>> No.15709450

You can believe whatever you want, retard, but you are not doubling the concentration of dissolved CO2 in your tank with your yeast bottle, especially since the water is constantly aerated. If you really wanted to increase the CO2 then you would have turned off the aerator.

>> No.15709455

Probably because there aren't any and the narrative that they are benefits has been pushed by oil companies to try to convince people to do nothing about climate change.

>> No.15709470

I asked you how much CO2 content made the difference of the extra plant growth we have today on earth. how much percent change total in atmosphere, for CO2?
then you need to explain how that difference is not possible in an aquarium, using this method. plants do grow faster and larger whenever I do this.
also how the fuck would you even know without having done it yourself? how can you dismiss the idea? fucking pseud is what you are

>> No.15709532
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>> No.15709542

Effectively none. The "greening" you see is being done by humans.


>> No.15709548

where do you think the taxes go to?

>> No.15709603


>> No.15709617

>I have no argument
I know, retard. Go outside and touch compost.

>> No.15709630

This. I've noticed plants have been growing like crazy these past few years compared to decades ago. They've been gorging themselves on all the CO2 food.

>> No.15709643

Yeah, thank God for the Chinese and the Indians

>> No.15710235

its the best argument
kys retard