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15701019 No.15701019 [Reply] [Original]

How do wind turbines kill whales? Are porpoises leaping into the spinning turbine blades?

>> No.15701037

Please, don't post the documentary. Do you even want a discussion?

>> No.15701043
File: 59 KB, 570x453, 1684104224852850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also why do environmentalists love wind turbines so much if they slaughter whales? Aren't environmentalists supposed to like whales?

>> No.15701044

Orcas are literally the niggers of the ocean.

>> No.15701047

Pretty sure niggers are the niggers of the ocean.
Just not for very long.

>> No.15701048

>No source
>No link
>How does this happen!?!?
>refuses to cite article your image comes from
Fuck off to /b/ you idiot troller.

>> No.15701049

Post the documentary, faggot

>> No.15701050
File: 1.44 MB, 921x647, 40K_Mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Over the years I have come to realize modern environmentalist HATE ALL DEVELOPMENT.
There are environmentalist complaining about solar farms in the DESERT!!
Modern environmentalist see HUMANS as the enemy.
They have become a death cult,actively working for the destruction of mankind.

>> No.15701055

>thread against the development of wind turbines
>environmentalists are against development
So, is OP an environmentalist? I thought he was more of a coal shill if he fearmongers about wind turbines.

>> No.15701088

Wind turbines actually incentivize the installation of CCGT and peaker plant power generation, because wind is intermittent, so then you burn gas on-demand.

>> No.15701119

Ok? It's still good to harvest wind power when you can.

>> No.15701192

wind turbines restrict natural atmospheric convective cooling activity which in turn causes the greenhouse effect and global warming, it then takes the energy which would have gone into convective cooling and uses it to run electric stoves and space heaters which causes further global warming.

>> No.15701196

not true

>> No.15701198

lmao. This sounds like a very early GPT coming up with sciency stuff by forming sentences of buzzwords

>> No.15701203

>How do wind turbines kill whales
I think it is the sonar they use when scanning the sea floor while looking for a build location.

>> No.15702073

how to save our BURNING AND DYING planet (that was supposed to loose all of its glaciers 3 years ago in 2020) mr climate expert?

>> No.15702080

>that was supposed to loose all of its glaciers 3 years ago in 2020
Who said that?
Also, loose is your mom's vagina. The correct spelling is "lose"

>> No.15702081

Environmentalists don't love animals, they just hate humans.

>> No.15702090

Probably noise related somehow.

>> No.15702091

mr climate expert answer how to save our burning and dying planet

>> No.15702098

It's 100% true. CO2 is an existential threat, yet environmentalists fight to shut down nuclear power, resulting in more coal burning.
What they really want is less humans.

>> No.15702104

wind turbines kill anything that uses the earth's magnetic pole to navigate.

Its a giant electrical engine and the magnetic field it generates is massive enough to make birds fly around them in circles until they die.

I suppose i've never heard whales navigate through magnetism like birds do but that would make sense.

>> No.15702107
File: 81 KB, 1200x630, Glacier-National-Park-Removes-Signs-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodbye to the glaciers mr climate expert

>> No.15702108

Many such cases. You see confused birds flying in circles over the Scandinavian offshore wind parks. Basically all migratory birds are extinct today because they all fell in the Baltic Sea.

>> No.15702112

imagine if your physical ability to navigate the world completely shut down when you were near a specific real world place and your senses stopped giving you reliable information.

It's a nightmarish scenario that i could only compare to being in a paranomal situation where something large has disoriented and will eventually hit you with its blades and you die.

>> No.15702128

>Published in ... um ... some info board for tourists
lmao do warming deniers even? It doesn't even refer to all glaciers but just the ones in whatever national park this was posted. IT DOES NOT EVEN SAY THAT THEY WOULD VANISH! It talks about an "indication", not some sort of "this is definitely going to happen" or something like that. I need some hard liquor to process this level of idiocy.

>> No.15702133

drink yourself to death you cult lunatic

>> No.15702137

It's a little bit like the media telling us not to have kids and we're destroying the world while we need to cheer for mass immigration.

>> No.15702143
File: 137 KB, 600x600, IMG_8936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything that is written down somewhere reflects the unchallengeable consensus of the scientific community
>local tourism officials are the literal popes of the scientific consensus. Their words are as good as the IPCC reports
>Information boards are what dogma is for the church

>> No.15702144

why do you have to "update" your "indications" every few fucking years?

>> No.15702149

>why do your models get better?
>why do you take new data to improve your understanding of the past?
>how dare you do scientific research? I thought you were just paid shills

>> No.15702156

The only development you're interested in, is your patron oil company developing a higher profit.

>> No.15702184

your models don't get better, they get more sensational

>> No.15702226

They only hate first world humans. They absolutely LOVE third world humans. Second world humans, to the extent that second world countries still exist, are loved in theory but their suffering is ignored because it's ideologically inconvenient that things don't go well for them.

>> No.15702640

Al Gore's entire family fortune came from Occidental Petroleum

>> No.15703409
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>> No.15703606

Wind turbines are ridiculously expensive for what little energy they produce, and the instability they add to electrical grids.
I remember sitting through an Allianz workshop (about new/emerging insurance markets) circa 10 years ago, and they mentioned that a bog-standard land-based mast-style turbine was $3 million (they're likely more expensive now).
And that's not counting site preparation cost (unlike greenwashing propaganda, you can't just plop them down anywhere), maintenance/repairs (they break down all the time), or grid modification costs.
Specialty turbines like offshore ones are even more expensive.
Frankly, the only turbines somewhat worth building are those power module ones that combine vertical axis turbines and solar panels in a sort of cube, which get placed on top of skyscrapers. They use convective currents created by the surrounding urban heat island (plus the wind tunnel effect from all the high-rise buildings) and also help cool the solar panels on top (photovoltaics drop in efficiency if they heat up too much).

>> No.15703636

I mean some of them are gone so they weren't totally wrong

>> No.15703728

none of them are gone

>> No.15703871

You've got that wrong. Its a misunderstanding because the radar used to identify oil and gas deposits that harms sealife, and people assume the same of the ones used in wind site surveys, but they aren't powerful enough and have a very narrow swath width

>> No.15703876

>circa 10 years ago, and they mentioned that a bog-standard land-based mast-style turbine was $3 million (they're likely more expensive now).
congratulations on your retardation

>> No.15703905

Anon, everything is more expensive now compared to a few years back, thanks to wuflu aftershocks and the Chinese being cunts.
And wind turbines are a mature technology, unlike solar. There's no miraculous new tech that makes efficiency jump upwards: a wind turbine is a dynamo spun by airfoils. And there's no meme superconductive quantum magnet in the pipeline.

>> No.15703921
File: 21 KB, 640x640, 1666265775737117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wind turbines serve no porpoise.

>> No.15703926

>>wind turbines restrict natural atmospheric convective cooling activity
so do trees, and probably a lot more than any turbine

>> No.15704029

Learn how to use google. It's a documentary written by a literal who trying to get famous. The article is plastered on dozens of sites and they all appear to be pretty much identical. He's probably popular with /pol/ right now because he wrote something about some jewish school having a 40 million dollar budget.

The NOAA says it's bullshit.
We work with our partners to analyze and understand the causes of death when we are able, following the science and data. At this point, there is no scientific evidence that noise resulting from offshore wind site characterization surveys could potentially cause mortality of whales. There are no known links between recent large whale mortalities and ongoing offshore wind surveys.

>> No.15704035

Well we're at war with them right now so it sure might seem that way, but let me tell you that you're wrong and sound like quite the nigger yourself

>> No.15704704

no they don't, trees are natural

>> No.15704755

I didn't say trees are unnatural, I said they restrict natural atmospheric convection. They slow down wind, everybody with trees knows that.

>> No.15704901

thats a natural process

>> No.15704937

Who said it isn't? Nigger.

>> No.15704982
File: 455 KB, 300x268, racist_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the n word is racist

>> No.15705091


>> No.15705186

>10 years ago
Anon the big ones are hitting 16MW now, a decade is a long long time ago, just like EV's and solar tech

>> No.15705192

>They use convective currents created by the surrounding urban heat island (plus the wind tunnel effect from all the high-rise buildings) and also help cool the solar panels on top (photovoltaics drop in efficiency if they heat up too much).
Didn't know about them. Neat. I dig tech that utilizes hybrid technologies to improve the efficiencies of one of the two.

>> No.15705614

>53 posts later
>still nobody knows how windmills kill whales
maybe the whales somehow get poisoned by eating too many of the dead birds that are falling into the ocean

>> No.15705639
File: 68 KB, 680x613, 3a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normally I'd assume you're just playing dumb and trolling, but I've seen enough people being sincere
>why do you have to "update" your "indications" every few fucking years?
you faggots are just as retarded as the IFLS climate cultists "everyone will be dead by 2030", only a mirror version
it's very tiresome

>> No.15705677


>> No.15705734

that would be dolphins
orcas are bros

>> No.15706803


>> No.15707643


>> No.15707672

It says in the heading of the picture you posted of the article that ”building offshore wind farms does kill whales”. Not ”offshore wind farms does kill whales”.

>> No.15707801

kek, we somehow alleviate this effect. maybe with increase our essential lead intake?

>> No.15709227

Thats the best hypothesis this thread has produced so far

>> No.15709389
File: 33 KB, 393x277, brain nonmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly 1 out of 25 wind turbines is installed upside down by accident

>> No.15709440

all development kills animals in massive amounts u retard
how much wildlife is run over by cars every day? stfu

>> No.15710128

turbines be fucking up their echolocation, they get discombobulated, are essentially retards, lose track of each other and starve or isolate themselves to be killed by predators

>> No.15710179

>How do wind turbines kill whales?
I'm guessing the construction does it. Maybe corrosion of the cable insulation can cause the seawater around them to be electrified.

>> No.15710456

Why don't they let people eat all the dead whales? Whale meat is delicious.

>> No.15711795

They'll be starting up with a "save the whales" tax soon enough

>> No.15712858

Nobody has enough IQ points to figure out how wind turbines kill whales?

>> No.15712863


>> No.15714432

>The NOAA says it's bullshit.
NOAA is a government propaganda agency, not a source of scientific information, if the people at NOAA admitted that dead whales keep up washing up on the beach because of the administration's decision to build big gay wind twirllies then those people at NOAA would lose their jobs

>> No.15714450

Nonsense. Wind farms are privately owned. Nobody at the NOAA would lose their jobs, they would just tell the companies that own the wind farms to solve the noise problem or shut it down.

>> No.15715494

They're political appointees, they would lose their jobs if they did anything that was unpopular with their political bosses

>> No.15715508

>magnetic field it generates is massive enough to make birds fly around them in circles until they die.
highly doubt it.
It's just a regular generator, big as it may be it's no different than others, and the magnetic field outside the machine is hardly noticeable at all.
how come the problem doesn't affect other gens?

>> No.15716580

NOAA (((scientists))) are not just political appointees, they also couldn't get a job outside NOAA with their worthless degrees, so they're dependent on their employment for survival, which is the real reason why their political bosses can treat them like captive slaves

>> No.15717658

at least they know how to swim

>> No.15717700


>> No.15718212

Reminder that Rodney king was awarded a vast fortune as a result of his getting caught speeding while driving under the influence with no drivers license and then resisting arrest and he used the money to buy a fancy house with a pool which he then proceeded to drown in

>> No.15718860

Complete nonsense. Why do you feel you have to make things up to protect your world view?

>> No.15719531

>government appointees aren't appointed for their willingness to enforce political correctness

>> No.15719560

I've heard its due to the vibrations

>> No.15719602


Oh I don't know, I don't think they're so bad, they sever a youthful porpoise.

>> No.15719630

Take your meds

>> No.15720681 [DELETED] 

>low iq canned response

>> No.15721307

The irony.

>> No.15722059 [DELETED] 

How do vibrations kill whales?

>> No.15723010

Nobody has any idea why they're dying

>> No.15723035

it's debunked by the news editor, hence the apostrophes around 'proven'

>> No.15723279

they vibrate and create low frequency sounds that make the whales probably go insane or disrupts something thus wind turbines could kill whales. There is also the theory that wind turbines dry out air therefore Europe is increasingly getting less rain. No energy source is risk free everything has a side effect refusing to research or consider these options is very unscientific.

>> No.15724298 [DELETED] 

everything about global warming is unscientific

>> No.15724304

I'll buy that argument for now.

But whats the scale? Boating kills whales. Submarine kills whales. Tsunamis can kill whales. Diving too deep can kill whale.

>> No.15724305

Further, solar panels/wind turbines on land can kill birds. Gas cars/Coal plants kill millions each year from pollution.

>> No.15725531 [DELETED] 

>Gas cars/Coal plants kill millions each year from pollution.
no they don't. you can repeat that lie all you want, but you can't produce any evidence that its true