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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 640x640, what-is-HIV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15698801 No.15698801 [Reply] [Original]

so wait. let me get this straight

first they deny that the gp120 protein in covid is the same as HIV

then it gets sequenced, and it IS the same.

so now they say it's in many viruses, not just HIV.

so I ask chatgpt, what is the ROLE of the gp120 protein. chat gpt says it mediates cell entry. I ask what is the role of the gp120 protein in HIV. it says it mediate the role in cell infectivity.

I ask, isn't that the same? chatgpt says NO it's not the same.

what the fuck is cell entry if not infection? is this REALLY what the government is saying in relation to covid?

I ask chatgpt, how does hiv infect T cells. chatgpt responds, via the gp120 protein. okay, so I ask, peoples t cells are declining right now. does covid infect T cells via the gp120 protein, and mysteriously it doesn't know. I guess that they can't do a fucking experiment to find out, now can they?

what the fuck is going on? are we all going to die of aids?

>> No.15698877

We all know it was gain of function research in China and the neoliberal left silenced it as to not challenge globalization

This is going to be an open secret like MKultra for the next two generations

>> No.15698883


>> No.15698894

okay but what's the takeaway? is it going to fucking kill everyone on earth?

it's fucking aids. your t cells don't fucking come back easily, and there is a lifetime limit to them

>> No.15698915

2(two) more weeks

>> No.15699222

>gas all namefags with ublock
open ublock dashboard > my filters > copy/paste:
4chan.org,4channel.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))
4chan.org,4channel.org##.post.preview:if(.postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))

>> No.15699231

how can this be adjusted to include sage a well?

>> No.15699235

just don't reply to them retard
when you see others reply, tell them not to

>> No.15699236

Viruses literally aren't real.

>> No.15699258

are you dumb?

>> No.15699274

All viruses enter cells.

>> No.15699281

It includes ANY entered name, doesn't matter. If one character is entered in the name field it will filter the post. Enjoy. Spread.
You asphalt black gigantopithecus nigger
It's my browser, my rules. I am not obligated to view your namefag niggardry and I just won't. Sorry. I just won't view your posts.
It's only namefags that get upset when I post this

>> No.15699284

Are you?

>> No.15699295

See? It forced the viruses aren't real nigger faggot tranny to remove their name because they knew nobody in this thread would see them now
>>15699284((you), derogatory)

>> No.15699303


why does this therapy work, anon?

>> No.15699324

I'm not OP and I've never posted with a name.

>> No.15699356

You're going to have to explain what therapy you're referring to because this is just an overview of bacteriophages, which are a stage of bacteria and do exist but are wrongly called viruses and don't cause illness.

>> No.15699371

Put your name back so I can filter you thanks in advance

>> No.15699376

Anyone trying to find out your question would fail peer review and would not get published. It is the same reason why the big bang theory has lasted so long when it has been so so wrong.

>> No.15699383

See: >>15699324

>> No.15699408

Ok it's easy to pick a name even if you really never used one before
Here's one that should be great for you
>Muh ad hominem
>Muh logical fagaccys
>Not an argument
Just wear the fucking name, faggot.

>> No.15699739


HIV results in massive weight loss and wasting after 6 months to two years. So far I haven't seen evidence for that in the general population.

>> No.15699798

Well, thanks for the filter anyway, I'll be using it myself because I also hate namefags.

>> No.15700261

this is true. maybe the immune wasting from covid isn't as bad as hiv because the body is capable of fighting infection, even if t cells do get infected.

I believe the wasting typically comes from all of the secondary infections they get.

maybe it's not as bad. but fucking hell if it doesn't freak me out

yeah. I thought someone here might know a good source though

>> No.15700267

??? Covid isn't a DNA retrovirus retard.

>> No.15700269

they started finding covid rna in the nucleus

the spike alone can make its way into the nucleus

>> No.15700280

What regions of covid rna are you referencing? Can you post a source so I can read up on that?

>> No.15700296


check it out. I am not in a position to actually evaluate the study but it is in line with all of the other news lately

>> No.15701561

who the fuck believes that HIV is real in 2023?

>> No.15701565

I'd suggest reading Duesberg's AIDS book as background research.
The reason being that you will find out that none of this information you are getting is at all reliable in any shape, manner, or form.

>> No.15701569
File: 73 KB, 667x1000, muh aids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15701570

The discoverer of "HIV" said that the covid virus had HIV sequences in the covid virus.
Are you entirely uninformed like most NPC retards?

>> No.15701571

>Two virus share a protein therefore they are the same

>> No.15701574

>I read similar sentences and words and concluded they were exactly the same thing
Peak /sci/. The biggest midwit board on 4channel.

>> No.15701580

No u

>> No.15701589

If someone could edit this to be under 4MB it would be useful for posting in these threads.

>> No.15702688
File: 83 KB, 645x645, cvirus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US was developing COVID as a bio terrorist weapon in its labs in the ukraine. They had a leak and to hide the real source they used the CIA to carry the virus into Wuhan and release it there to blame China.

>> No.15703142

Totally makes sense. The US, a white western country whos allies are almost solely white, created a bio weapon that primarily targets white people and not Asian people to kill its main rival in Asia...

>> No.15703148

HIV develops years to decades after after aids infection. Oh, would you look at that, excess deaths has been higher despite low Covid deaths for the past half year, which was a couple years after the start of the pandemic.

>> No.15703193

the US government is ALREADY targeting and killing white people in america via niggers, immigration, and anti white discrimination. what makes you think they wouldn't use bioweapons too?

I think the difference about whether it develops into an HIV type disease or not would be about whether t cells can clear infection in the first place (they seem to be able to) and then after, if the body can prevent chronic reactivation of the virus as it continues to exist within your body (it seems to NOT be able to clear chronic reinfection) or from integration into your DNA (we have no idea if covid integrates into DNA)

I dont think the panic is total death rates, in the aids comparison

>> No.15703196

You either didn't take micro or failed it miserably. I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.15703266
File: 3.91 MB, 1x1, A-Farewell-to-Virology-Expert-Edition-compressed.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15703271

There are medications that negate AIDS, the world isn't going to end even if literally everyone has it.

>> No.15703285

they are EXPENSIVE. like literally 30k a year

there is no way to supply this to everyone. and they have terrible side effects.

if covid is aids, it is essentially the apocalypse

>> No.15703817

And there is a new strain going. And some kind of variant is going great guns in Afghanistan, just as the Chinese have moved in.

>> No.15703930

>if you don't believe the bullshit you're taught it means you failed at it

>> No.15703934

HTe transmission of HIV based on long term tracing studies of heterosexual couples in america is officially very difficult to transmit.

>> No.15704097

based and saved

>> No.15704123

>don't believe in young earth creationism
>"You either didn't go to church or you didn't understand it. I'm embarrassed for you."
This is what you sound like.

>> No.15704695

soientism is a major religion

>> No.15704711

>I ask chatgpt
Well there's your problem. ChatGPT is a glorified chatbot, not an oracle of knowledge. Do your own research, smoothbrain.