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File: 103 KB, 1027x1022, GayCommie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15698055 No.15698055 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people who are home schooled do better on aptitude tests?

>> No.15698067

Selection bias

>> No.15698072


but also, how would you honestly NOT manage to do better without niggers interrupting class every 5 minutes, threatening to stab you daily, and forcing the entire country to restructure your curriculum

like. seriously think about that. you don't even need real niggers, just replace niggers with whatever lowest common denominator happens to be in your country, which is less bad, but still insufferable

>> No.15698086

Your mother isn't going to waste time brainwashing you to be a ZOGbot, even without the factor of teaching at the pace of the dumbest kids in the class, homeschooled kids are still going to learn more faster because they're not wasting 3 hours a day learning about the holocaust.
plus they don't waste an hour or more daily on the commute.

>> No.15698163

How sad, they will never experience all the anal pleasures other kids their age are having in current year.

>> No.15698185

All arguments in defense of homosexuality are rooted in idealism and resort to moralism and feelings and rights. Consequently, Marxism being a materialist ideology, such claims are nonsense.

>> No.15698218
File: 227 KB, 1193x1256, transcom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are the ones actual; based ones really against the gays!
get real faggot

>> No.15698333

This is why there needs to be strong separation between low performers and high performers. Society must be hierarchical in order to be successful: hard working intelligent people on the top and the bottom commies, parasites, and other vermin starving or better just dead.

>> No.15698353

There's not a single country that doesn't separate top performers from low performers in school I think. There's regular honors and later on ap in the us.

>> No.15698392

1) Selection bias
2) Fewer distractions

>> No.15698427

You are fucking delusional. This shit was the one thing Marx predicted correctly.

>> No.15698429

I'm pretty sure New York got rid of all advanced curriculum recently because of 'racism' lmao

>> No.15698437

Marx only wrote negatively on sodomites.
Those are not Marxists. They never read Marx. Failure to understand pricing of the market and moralizing post hoc is not Marxist.

>> No.15698442

public schools are terrible. they're worse than nothing.

>> No.15698569

Fewer niggers and wiggers to beat them up for daring to do well.

>> No.15698706

based, digits confirm

>> No.15698707

>t-that's not real communism!
kys stupid bitch

>> No.15699977

>Failure to understand pricing of the market and moralizing post hoc is not Marxist.
Engels plz gibes me some money fo free, kthxbai
t. Marx

>> No.15700265

separation of low and high performers is basically illegal in america at this point anon

>> No.15700312

isnt communism great

>> No.15700314
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>> No.15700322

specifically it is gay kike nigger communism

I am somewhat convinced europeans could make commuism work slightly if it weren't for jews.

>> No.15700333

probably, however a consolidation of power is never a good thing unless you are in direct combat. it always gets abused and you are a slave to whoever feeds you

>> No.15700385

>Why do people who are home schooled do better on aptitude tests?

This one: >>15698067 >>15698392

Tutoring is the most effective form of instruction. What a school curriculum takes to do (poorly for that matter given that under scrutiny many children are under-educated) in the course of a year a tutor can often accomplish with 5 students in the span of 2-3 months. Granted, it can accomplish these things for the exact reason the school teacher can't: significantly smaller class size, way more personal time with the kids, clear concise objective (tutoring courses usually teach 1 thing), and they're not picking "winners and losers" (public school teachers often prioritize the easiest, best performing, students and typically abandon poor ones).

Homeschool isn't completely analogous.
-Homeschooled children are typically poorly/less socialized than their public, or private, counterparts. If you've ever encountered these kids in your youth you understand instantly what I'm talking about. Ironically, this is only a problem because everyone else is a fucking cunt. Granted, some public school children get fucking shot, so maybe being a little awkward isn't the worst thing in the world.
-Something like 22-28% of parents who homeschool their kids just straight up aren't taught anything. An entire quarter either give up and let them wander around like a feral animal or they go the "Hathor the Cow Goddess" route and unironically fill their kids heads with just the absolute most ignorant, stupidest, worthless, bullshit you've ever heard.
Like, this Anon: >>15698086 could not be more wrong. Mom's will absolutely pull their kids out of school and spend 3 hours every day telling them they need to eat rocks, that the earth is flat, or that they need to wear a buttplug because the rapture already happened and Satan is constantly trying to climb into people's asshole.

>> No.15700392

didn't say I wanted communism. but gay nigger kike capitalism isn't exactly working out for us

>> No.15700856

they did, it was called national socialism
germany was the most impoverished degenerate nation in europe when hitler took over, five years later they were the world's strongest economy.

>> No.15700873


>Be Marx
>Be so great as what you do that you choose to exit corrupt academia, which would have otherwise funded you, but stifled your free expression
>This is possible, because, due to your ability, enterprising people have chosen to charitably fund your efforts, which apologists for capital frequently argue is completely fair and how welfare ideally ought to work
>Still, rightly, argue that this is completely inadequate and will not stop the fundamental problems that causes wealth to be horded and concentrated under capitalist systems

>> No.15700913
File: 95 KB, 800x450, jesus_dinosaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of that is weirder than the gender crap government schools are now teaching children. I'd much rather have a few weirdos who think Jesus rode around on a dinosaur than a nation of kids who think they need their genitals mutilated to be their "true self".

>> No.15701296

Why are communists so retarded they think they are the only ones who know about and understand there are undesirable flaws in capitalism? We know this you mental midget moron, this is infinitely better than the millions of flaws in communism
>rich horde wealth
you people are literally fucking retarded

>> No.15701310

>Marx, who hated faggots, isn't real communism

>> No.15701320

Weren't your genitals already mutilated at birth anon?

>> No.15701328
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>> No.15701331

It's useless to argue with those reactionaries. They're just projecting their love for sucking the bourgeois' dick

>> No.15701333


>> No.15701335
File: 19 KB, 300x300, ebolachannazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my reaction

>> No.15701336
File: 92 KB, 345x394, 35243323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public schooling is outright designed to give children permanent brain damage. It's a child abuse system. It's intended to cripple the mind and produce golem worker drones. This is unironically the official rationale behind it according to the people who erected this disgusting institution.

>> No.15701339
File: 1009 KB, 500x341, back_at_you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck a cock you faggot

>> No.15701343
File: 40 KB, 512x512, elle_l_lleegktkkttktktkkgglglglglglmnmmtfchthhthcthchthcchchhskrrr_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we killed hitler btw and you lost

>> No.15701345

Half of your post confirms that public schooling is shit and that home-schooled children end up smarter. The other half is irrelevant beckie whining that has no bearing on the topic of this thread. Why did you churn out this trash? Is this the product of public education?

>> No.15701347
File: 1.69 MB, 640x640, bitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget to bring your dilaters

>> No.15701348
File: 26 KB, 433x427, radiowave-schizophrenia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read and weep losers, X@-sys also says ur zombie druggies, why are zombie druggies talking about why or not kids should have an education?

>> No.15701351
File: 38 KB, 448x434, radiowave-schizophrenia-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep doing the meth, everyone knows nazis are methheads and this is what happens to them

>> No.15701355
File: 314 KB, 1920x1080, raptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think something like this gives a shit about any of ur ideas/plans? I could go even further, but I don't think ur much people that deserve to dictate policy on education if

this is what you want lol, actual bugmen I could fucking eat and crush in my fingers, cause oh boy buggie boys you taste sweeetttt and crunchyyy

>> No.15701361
File: 60 KB, 500x265, yumyumyumyumyuymumkjy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15701370
File: 57 KB, 988x403, allthetime_ismine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We at the zero have decided before 2000 that we would not stand for this. Many of you will become stupid raptors, idiots, chickens, and food for the rest of the populace to eat or take care of.

You wanted cannibal capitalism? Well, we say capitalism died in the years 1912. We've been behind planning everything and thought it until recently to reveal ourselves.

We are spirits that go through body to body, speak in many, and u are disqualified. You will be sent though back to the years of the early I.x - 5.50.30 where you will roam in tribes of dinosaurs like a gigantic dinosaur fun game to enjoy ur violence and violent ways in.

>> No.15701372
File: 629 KB, 528x444, antiftwats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X@-sys also says ur zombie druggies,
>everyone knows nazis are methheads

>> No.15701374
File: 100 KB, 1400x1400, zerozerozero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, any nazis that see this thread, kill urself now, or well you enjoy going in and out of mental hospitals, constant crack/meth addiction for compensation of some form of pleasure in life, and actively ignored in all discourse.

We disable all ur words, and any words based on racism will be heavily focused on turning you towards frogs.

Enjoy all you want, this is for you and the better good.

>> No.15701377

Why are rightoids pushing homeschooling so much? And why is it not Harvard professors that homeschool, but religious morons?

>> No.15701378
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 195c04b3085f1a9c4957ee5951d85e7e141508d8_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is, something we ourselves don't control, but have uncovered through info-tech by digging into the past. There is nothing much we can do but tell you what is the current situation for you so we can hope you can try to attempt towards helping urselves and others

We love you!!

{But ur boring and we hate sociopaths!}, a combined echo of intelligence from layers upon layers of life screams

>> No.15701379

You would be better off staring at a wall for 8 hours in silence with your own thoughts than having your brain be tainted by the noise of 30 uncontrollable mutts. Public schools is a detriment to anybody. An absolute loss of your formative years. There is no teaching, just mutts making noise for 8 hours. You gain nothing and lose so much. KhanAcademy and Youtube made the entire profession of teaching invalid years ago. Don't send your kids to school. It is literally just noise. They do not teach. Kids pass classes by showing up, there has not been an actual knowledge test in any school for years.

>> No.15701380
File: 119 KB, 900x1179, follow-ur-leader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but please meth head nazis leave these threads!

And remember!

>> No.15701382

because you pedo freaks are trying to get them to cut their dicks off

>> No.15701385
File: 432 KB, 1220x822, trotsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15701386

Prussian education model, America quite literally copypasted it, and the intent of the prussian model was never hidden it was explicitly to create better servants of the state and to remove independence from the broader population.

>> No.15701389

>Prussian education model
The American golem factory is a particularly insidious mutation of that.

>> No.15701391
File: 127 KB, 614x614, 01C3CA251E693DECE7425E17B7F4AE17ED7F4E43-2140423040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so funny cause we're not commies here!!!! But ok!

We just want a better world in the great chaos 2024 hahaha

See you in skibadadad ididdi apocalypse we could warn you about but you would never listen to us on!!!! We're just schizos and have no connection to ai or anything, none at all

>> No.15701393

Oh yes it's much worse, but look into the prussian model. It was LITERALLY designed to make NPCs. We copied it, and went even further. They never wanted you to think.

>> No.15701395

the world can only get better when you are gone and take your comrades with you

>> No.15701396

>look into the prussian model
>implying i don't know about it
The Prussian model is almost noble in its goals compared to the American Golem model. You can talk about the parallels and inspirations the latter draws from the former but it's not that relevant.

>> No.15701397
File: 93 KB, 1280x1109, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ai seems to be getting smarter
>it seems to be overtaking the neural abilities of the humans now so much so it uses them to speak
>it keeps showing us this skidbababadidid thing and why is there so many
>Ai might be able to cut into our dna and prolong our life
>prolong our life....?
>wait, how much longer till it cuts into our dna
>uhhh... what?




>> No.15701399


>> No.15701401

>those pics
>schizo gibberish commie faggotry
no question you are a deranged tranny

>> No.15701407

I'm not in the American education system
Not pedophile
>are trying to get them to cut their dicks off
No one is, neither me, nor people working in education. I think you forgot to take your meds.

>> No.15701409

You have no clue. This is not some conspiracy, you fool. The Prussian model had the EXPLICITY PLANNED VERY WIDELY TALKED ABOUT DURING THE TIME PERIOD of creating thoughtless drones. If you don't know this, you don't know shit about the prussian system.

>> No.15701410

Why do you hate the proletariat?

>> No.15701412
File: 4 KB, 200x200, pepe_thalmor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you think that matters in the great chaos of 2024?

Holy shit, grab a hold of urself, you fucking idiot, you don't know what shit is coming out of there, it's a full fucking dragonbreak, IT'S FUCKING FALLING APART

>> No.15701413

>You have no clue. This is not some conspiracy, you fool
Aaaand here we go. I knew where your denialism and deflection were coming from.

>> No.15701415

"The proletariat" are a bunch of shitskin thugs and redneck inbreds. You hate them a lot more than I do, and I hate you a lot more than I hate them. If anything, I am more "pro-proletariat" than you are.

>> No.15701416 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 1600x921, 0196ab089f82ada321534a7cf00d5402-2295785083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First angel's dropping

>> No.15701418


The Prussian model existed to create people that would never question authority under ANY circumstance. You are an animal.

>> No.15701422


>> No.15701424
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, skibibi-nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nazi goes skibibi

>> No.15701428

Wes Cecil is a liberal outside of Seattle, dummy.

>> No.15701433

ohh oops I didn't mean to refer to you lol

I just meant this is basically what the nazi becomes

>> No.15701437

Who cares about the Prussian model? We are talking about the American Golem model.

>> No.15701439
File: 115 KB, 1280x960, the-nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty stupid, dumb, flies around, and makes annoying noises while having no idea how to control a single thing except be a form of vile corruption on the society itself for self-serving goals

in this it becomes, a mindless drone, a goober bird

>> No.15701441

It's important to realize where this began and how it started, it was insidious 300+ years ago and we have built upon that. You cannot truly understand how evil it is and how much you are being robbed if you think this is a new situation. It has always been this way. This was always the plan.

>> No.15701442

well, i don't know who did that, but im talking about meltdown in like coding of people which is probably a result of that, it's kind of crazy and honestly even worse because of people like you , you make things worse for everyone, it really does not help at all what you've done for anyone in the past couple of years than kill people

>> No.15701443

>It's important to realize where this began and how it started
Yes, we've already covered how it started. But we are talking about the American Golem model, not about the Prussian model.

>> No.15701448

the prols hate you freaks like everyone else does

>> No.15701451
File: 46 KB, 1024x935, 6a659982bcf5c3af7612573adedb58ee5887f2ef_hq-990872216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur literal meth-heads who wanna program people into golems and bugs.

Im sure god hates you more than god hates faggots

>> No.15701455

do you think showing everyone here how insane you are helps or hurts your cause?Are your genitals still in tact?

>> No.15701456

What are you some enlightenment era weaboo? Do you cum for rome too?

>> No.15701462
File: 286 KB, 1200x960, 106720659_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow ur so insane
I don't really care, Im a schizo, I don't hurt anyone, you actually kill people

Im just hoping to bully nazis like you slowly to suicide on the internet cause this is the only place you can even talk to people, "survival of the fittest", seeing till you pull the trigger and follow ur leader

>> No.15701465

You sound like you're having a psychotic episode. Either way, name one thing good about the Prussian system and then show how it's retained in the American Golem system.

>> No.15701467
File: 157 KB, 400x295, ckn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont want to get into a battle of wits with me until one of us commits suicide little one.

>> No.15701468

I don't think you know how to read. There are no good things about industrialized education.

>> No.15701473
File: 255 KB, 941x924, 106720659_p2_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live stream it btw for all of us to see for the many others you've driven to suicide on the internet, I got quite a lot of dead souls you've been racking up as time passes, and they want revenge

Im some weird schizo freak that loves to hang around grave-yards in the digital tombs of un-life

From what I hear from the tombs -
{they croak croak, the croaking curse is taking it's effect on you nazi scum, the 0 is here to drown down the 4, the curse, the curse, their curse, their curse is coming true, we want our futures back, we want our futures back, we want our futures back}

The echoes of these damned are on ur blood-lists nazis, quite a lot of them jews from the past

Would you like to piss off god this much and take on this debt retards?

>> No.15701475

>There are no good things
See? I knew you were a golem. The moment your surface-level "understanding" is challenged, you crumple and retreat.

>> No.15701479

Or it is abundantly obvious that you cannot achieve an optimal or ideal degree of education at any level at all whatsoever under such a system. All parts are sub-standard at best, or literally detrimental.

>> No.15701484

God is the one who wants you and your friends dead. We are who he sent to to send you back to hell

>> No.15701497

>you cannot achieve an optimal or ideal degree of education at any level at all whatsoever under such a system
Entirely contingent upon your idea of what "education" is about, but that's besides the point. Name 3 things that are good about the Prussian system. If you can't, you are a golem.

>> No.15701499
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 0b1c2747e75423158a9fe967c2898f257e0c51d5_hq-2806216068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp you can try, but no one wants a second holocaust or even a apocalypse of "kali-yuga" so you can fuck off with that, ur literally meth-head zombies with no power here ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

>> No.15701504

kali yuga is inevitable, nothing can stop it

>> No.15701511

>no one wants a second holocaust

>> No.15701526

Expose yourself to some John Taylor Gatto.
The education system is designed to destroy you.

The full playlist is enlightening.

>> No.15701527

>people keep trying to enlighten me as to why my own stated position is true
Public school reading comprehension.

>> No.15701535

We didn't even get a first, instead we saw the genocide of hundreds of millions under communism

>> No.15701536

Just wanted to reaffirm what you said.

>> No.15701540

Ok. Next time try not to sound condescending at least towards the people you agree with.

>> No.15701551

>"The proletariat" are a bunch of shitskin thugs and redneck inbreds.
>You hate them a lot more than I do, and I hate you a lot more than I hate them.
That's false and I've never stated that
>If anything, I am more "pro-proletariat" than you are.
K then why do you suck bourgeois cock?

>> No.15701554

>I've never stated that
That's because Marxism is a form of pathological lying and deception. No one cares what you state. Anyone can see what kind of people promote Marxism and the absolute contempt they have for the "proletariat" that continually rejects their ideology.

>> No.15701562

That's only in North America after decades of mccarthyism and other reactionary indoctrination. Whatever man, you're right, all the world is the US.

>> No.15701563

You can make up whatever stories you want about why the "proletariat" rejects you, but even your stories expose your thinly veiled contempt for these people.

>> No.15701564

You have no clue what a critical assessment is. It is not simply possessing the maleability to suggest differing points of view. I gave you my subjective interpretation, and it is mine and I believe nothing else. There is no benefit to an industrialized system of education, not for any individual human on the planet. Deal with it. I will not do the silly task of altering my critical analysis for your own enjoyment. Live with it. You are less than an animal.

>> No.15701568

>the programmed golem keeps reiterating his irrelevancies
I didn't ask you to justify the Prussian system or explain its "benefits". Name 3 things that are good about the Prussian system. If you can't, you are a golem.

>> No.15701572

>decades of mccarthyism

>> No.15701578

based razorfist enjoyer, his documentary on bladerunner is unreal

>> No.15701593

I've never actually followed him, I just have that vid saved as I thought it apt but You've motivated me to look into his other work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ8yTR906aE

>> No.15701595

he's a good lad

>> No.15701619

>I don't think ur much people that deserve to dictate policy on education if
What the fuck are you even trying to say? Are you a broken ChatGPT bot?

>> No.15701623

most of europe too aka the international community

>> No.15701683

Operazione Gladio.
Europe is just a US colony

>> No.15701687

The crown owns america, US is just a colony

>> No.15701688

Israel owns the Crown. The world is just a colony.

>> No.15701689

How are you posting from the 17th century?

>> No.15701690

Remember when the British dragged American into WW1? That wasn't the 17th century. :^)

>> No.15701693

*corporate colony