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15697771 No.15697771 [Reply] [Original]

there's no psychology board so imma put this here

Who would win?

>> No.15697777

I am autistic and no psychopath has yet stolen my liver so I'm going to say autism

>> No.15697781

At chess?

>> No.15697794

idk about you, but as an autist I tend to identify psychopaths much faster than normies do

i don't care that they're psychopaths and they don't care that i know, so we're sweet

anyone else notice this?

>> No.15697796

I win at chess and they win at everything else that's not hyperspecialized

>> No.15697798

>Who would win?
Win at what?

Both psychopathy and autism are associated with low IQ retard cases so neither of them win anything.

>> No.15697817

>associated with low IQ retard cases
Citation needed.

>> No.15698070

Normie beats autist
Autist beats psychopath
Psychopath beats normie

>> No.15698081

High-functioning and low-functioning autism are, essentially, two different things entirely

>> No.15698308

It's kind of bs really. I was diagnosed aspd yet I know exactly what everyone is thinking. Someone with no empathy is supposed to not know what other people are thinking.

>> No.15698315

I think aspd is more amygdala underactivation, not having the fear of the repercussions of things. it's not lack of empathy per se

>> No.15698321

Oh no sorry I meant Asperger's not psycho

>> No.15698332

damn where can I get your superpower

>> No.15698362

A small dose of mercury might do...

>> No.15698380

mmm give me some of that good shit

>> No.15698413

I can detect them pretty easily but I avoid them like the plague. They tend to also be totally fucking irrational and prone to impulsive behavior.

>> No.15698608

>idk about you, but as an autist I tend to identify psychopaths much faster than normies do
I experience this too and I'm speculating that it's because normies are more susceptible, than autists, to the charm that psychopaths use to obscure thier true nature.

>> No.15698629

well psychos aren't helped by the fact that aspies usually know shit, and can tell when someone is full of shit.
then there's the pushy psychos where aspies are kinda forced to move out of the way of the incoming truck of shit. you can't just stay there and take the shit, and by moving out of the way, it seems to make psychos go crazy.
>no but you're not supposed to see it coming you are evil and something's wrong with you

>> No.15698643

If you're from alogs.space I'd beat you over the head with a lead pipe you cretin. You haven't done jack shit for 9 years. That should clue you in your shit doesn't work. Now I have to do this on my own, put it in more effort and have take longer. You sure showed me.

>> No.15698646

It's the same as saying, who would win, gays or straightened folk

>> No.15698652

don't know what the fuck you're on but you're on some bad shit anon

>> No.15698658

>>15698652 me
lol did any sperg trigger you psycho?

>> No.15698659

So channers making a project that haven't done jack shit for 9 years. You're right though I can just not go to that site.

>> No.15698665

what the fuck are you talking about? what fucking site? are you retarded anon?

>> No.15698679
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Imagine if you will you're working on a robot and people claim they want to but they can't even decide what the project is.
And you're like hey I could use some help around here but they're like nah we're too good for that.
In this scenario I'm the psycho and they're the enlightened autists.

>> No.15698722

what robot are you working on?

>> No.15698776

So far I've managed to talk back and forth with an orange pi for now. I'm working on controlling servo motors with a raspberry pi zero.

>> No.15698797

Autistic people have bad social skills and social aversions. It is all drawbacks.

Psychopaths have no ethical aversion to manipulating or harming other people. They can be extremely good at reading and manipulating other people. Psychopaths are not disadvantaged.

Psychos win.

>> No.15698815

psychology is a science even if it's in a rather primitive state

>> No.15698862

the autistic beats the psychopath, the normie beats the autistic, the psychopath beats the normie.
I remember there was even a picture with a triangle explaining this.

>> No.15698913

All normies are psychopaths who think that they pass.

>> No.15698983

yes, same with dark skinned people. op is a biggot.

>> No.15699223

How exactly does the autist beat the psychopath? I am an autist and I do not see how.

>> No.15699328

in single combat? Psychopath, every single time. Autists can see patterns, psychopaths subconsciously abuse patterns.

>> No.15699336


Hard to manipulate socially as had different/weaker social levers than the norm.

>> No.15699477

We spot them and, errrrr, point out what they're doing

>> No.15699484

Look at Japan and Britain, we can breed out psychopaths if we set the laws against their behaviors, and don't let any new asshole genetics in the form of immigrants. Islands are the best examples because of the anti immigrant effect.

>> No.15699666

>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question

>> No.15699670

>It's kind of bs really. I was diagnosed aspd yet I know exactly what everyone is thinking. Someone with no empathy is supposed to not know what other people are thinking.
You have so little empathy that you don't even grasp the concept lol. Do you understand the difference between thinking and feeling? You're retarded. This has nothing to do with thinking.

>> No.15699711

i'm not autistic but have adhd. what makes you guys notice that someone is a psychopath so easily?

>> No.15699719
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>Look mommy. I'm retarded

>> No.15699835

What are you talking about? The whole west got overrun by psychopaths. Everything got subverted in their favor, the laws are here to protect them from normal people.

>> No.15699876

psychopats ruled since forever. any non-psychos ruled until they met a psycho. they have an advantage in this environment.
the only way to change (shit) humans and (shit) human behavior is to change the environment. simple as.

>> No.15700040

You guys give psychos too much credit. Their brains are all kinds of fucked up. They're more likely to be found in a trailer smoking meth than in an office.

>> No.15700045

Crackheads > Academics > IQ nerda

>> No.15700096

is britain free of psychos?

>> No.15700104

This. People with anti social personality disorder tend to have low IQs

>> No.15700120

quads decides it, fpbp
better luck next time, psychos

>> No.15700147

IQ fags make bad leadership decisions and waste lots, causing future suffering for us all and our far children.

>> No.15700154

>This has nothing to do with thinking.
while i agree with your broad statement, this i think is incorrect - it's a different mode of thinking, one for which the psychopath lacks neural hardware entirely and the autist lacks normal functioning neural hardware.
autism itself in relation to emotional intelligence would relate to a deficiency in the ability to learn via exposure, but with psychopathy would be a lack of ability to learn altogether. while the masking behavior can present similar patterns and flaws, the autist isn't necessarily confined to masking alone (they just won't be able to learn emotional reasoning as quickly or in the same way as a neurotypical person - in some cases precisely because their emotional reasoning neural hardware is OVERactive, resulting in an abnormal intensity of response to mundane social stimuli that prevents normal social function and encourages the autist to abandon learning social communication in favor of the cognitively reduced model of masking behavior used by psychopaths).

unfortunately, the incentive not to learn from an early age can lead to an "induced" psychopathy, or sociopathy, where the neural structures used for emotional reasoning atrophy from disuse, further confounding the distinction. narcissistic autists are likely a result of this phenomenon.

>> No.15700162

Okay I knew this counterpoint when I typed it and no, Britain is far from free of psychos but the working class in some areas are/were.

>> No.15700172

No this is bullshit, chieftains and kings were autists, autist is the typical Aryan personality and also the best suited for ruling. Psychopaths were lone coyotes or bands of coyotes before capitalism.

>> No.15700190

a psychopath makes the same decisions a cancer cell does. the scale of waste and damage they are capable of is so far beyond anything anyone else could do it makes retards look like fucking logistical geniuses in comparison if they do nothing but listen to their competent subordinates.
this is simply because a psychopath's definition of "waste" is "anything that doesn't benefit me", and never has any regard for long term effects. the prevalence in leadership roles isn't because they're good leaders, it's because they will ruthlessly self-promote even at the expense of the organization and no one else is that fucking retarded (and most of them fail and end up as >>15700040 describes). the ones at the top are usually born there, and it's so difficult to fail at that stage that there's no real mechanism at that level to filter out ruthless, long-term sabotaging self-promoters. if you thought it was meritocratic, you've either never had a real job, been really lucky with the ones you've gotten, or are exactly the sort of deluded "someday i'll make it up there" mark a psychopath will step on to climb up, wondering why you aren't being promoted (hell, if a psychopath is in control of that, you might be seen as a threat because you're competent - that's the sort of reasoning that psychopathic management employs, and it's disastrous to organizations).

>> No.15700204

good to hear, it's almost like there's a limitless resource of naive normies on the continent

>> No.15700212

smarter psychos who end up in leadership positions are not doing shit for their immediate selves, some have perspective, and by protecting their future self, they end up protecting the group that they control. they need the group, else game stops. does make sense for me. they can be ruthless in certain decisions which favor the group down the line.
at the same time, when shit should change they kinda drag it along as far as possible, which might make everything go at a slower pace.
I fucking hate them, but do share a realistic plan for a future without them. we can delegate that shit to AI, sounds good?

>> No.15700384

>we can delegate that shit to AI
nearly anything would be preferable. you underestimate how shortsighted and fundamentally disloyal these people are. they have a very strong tendency to burn down the house for warmth - their long term plan isn't to build up the house, it's to bail to another house before people start freezing in the ashes.

>> No.15700446

ye but that only validates them in having the same position towards everyone else. whatever we put on the table can be delegated to AI.
either everybody gets it or nobody gets it. finding excuses for allowing yourself but not "the other retards" will just invite more pain. that's just you trying to remove whatever you feel is threatening you. I get it but don't think it's smart.

>> No.15700518

>either everybody gets it or nobody gets it
that's a false dichotomy anyone capable of counting past one person (i.e. not a psychopath) could see.
> finding excuses for allowing yourself but not "the other retards"
nah, you're misunderstanding - it's "any retards as long as it's not psychopaths".
this isn't a need for exclusivity, it's a unique and specific exclusion. psychopathy isn't an ethnic group, it's a disability.
as it is an exclusion purely by test of competence (namely, one that won't create an actively self-destructive organization), testing a merit that only psychopaths really lack (empathy). there aren't that many people that would be impacted negatively, and the net benefit is more functional organizations for everyone - psychopaths included. the only thing they lose out on is being the sole people in charge, and as they are more than willing to bar others from said positions regardless of competence, this is at worst fair play. ;)
>remove whatever you feel is threatening you
this is a psychopath's reasoning projected onto me - something a psychopath does to mask a lack of empathic understanding. it's not correct.
the false equivalence of removing psychopaths to removing "threats" is also not correct - the "psychopath" label has a functional, empirically testable meaning, and the properties of individuals to whom it is correctly applied have an inverse relation to their capacity to competently manage the organizational power that their other particular properties compels them to seek.
this isn't complicated, psychopaths are shit leaders. removing and barring them from management is a net improvement and requires no further removal or barrier once done - psychopaths with some degree of intelligence are rightly scared shitless of such an effort because they have no real claim to competence, so they invoke other "defenses" (projected motive, false equivalence, false dichotomy, etc.), none of which are logically sound.

>> No.15700532

that's actually sufficient in social contexts, but not in economic or political ones
they will assume no one knows if they don't know they're a psychopath, but assume everyone does if they do - they have stunted theories of mind and struggle immensely to even conceptualize a knowledge base that differs from their own

>> No.15700884

Psychopaths couldn't rule until WW1, excluding infamous exceptions like Robespierre.
>a deficiency in the ability to learn via exposure,
That's tranny autism, aka psychopathy.
>emotional reasoning etc.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
>there's no real mechanism at that level to filter out ruthless, long-term sabotaging self-promoters.
That was what honor was for. The psychos died in duels, or lost their honor.

>> No.15700920 [DELETED] 

>testing a merit that only psychopaths really lack
How do you test that?
A psychopath will lie on a tests, a normal person won't have empathy with you if you fake it to test him.

>> No.15700922 [DELETED] 

>testing a merit that only psychopaths really lack
>How do you test that?
A psychopath will lie on a test, a normal person won't have empathy with you when you fake something to test him.

>> No.15700925

>testing a merit that only psychopaths really lack
How do you test that?
A psychopath will lie on a test, a normal person won't have empathy with you when you fake something to test him.

>> No.15701640

autists are our species answer to the psychopath. Autists spot psychos a mile away and don't fall for or cooperate with any of their bullshit.

>> No.15701659
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>> No.15702546

>A psychopath will lie on a test
you can detect psychopaths with rudimentary brain scans
there are also non-scan tests that are observational and behavior-based, not a fucking questionnaire.

however, a questionnaire approach can still be useful, as responses like...
>a normal person won't have empathy with you when you fake something to test him
...indicate a complete lack of understanding of what empathy is and a reduction of interactions to the maximum complexity a psychopath is able to parse (i.e. pure transactional - hence the assertion that "faking something to test will result in no empathy behavior"; it's a fucking category error)

>> No.15703327

>you can detect psychopaths with rudimentary brain scans
Really? How?
>indicate a complete lack of understanding of what empathy is and a reduction of interactions to the maximum complexity a psychopath is able to parse (i.e. pure transactional - hence the assertion that "faking something to test will result in no empathy behavior"; it's a fucking category error)
You are a psychopath yourself. Most psychos fake often bizarrely exaggerated displays of empathy, but nothing real ever transpires. Real people are good at detecting faker, and will get unplasant or even aggressive.

>> No.15703469

Psychopaths are self-destructive so they automatically lose.

>> No.15703643

>Really? How?
I would also like to know.

Not sure about that. I had a CEO who was a big time psychopath and ended up tanking the entire company but got off with a fantastic pension.

>> No.15703764
File: 675 KB, 1x1, 1-s2.0-S2352154617300700-main.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is cognitive and affective empathy. Cognitive empathy means knowing how another person feels, while affective empathy means experiencing the emotions another person feels oneself.
Autists are thought to have affective without cognitive empathy. They don't understand what is going on inside other people's heads but will feel emotions when someone else is experiencing them.
Psychopaths are thought to have cognitive empathy but no affective empathy. That's why they fully understand how their victims feel (and derive pleasure from this) without being incapacitated by experiencing the same emotions.

>> No.15703887

>while affective empathy means experiencing the emotions another person feels oneself.
That's either what psychopaths fake, or it's some form of empathy that only retarded people have, either way it's bad for society, as it ends up by punishing people for not being happy.

>> No.15703903

Imagine you witness murder, and run away scared, get tackled by onlookers, cops are called and you get thrown in jail for the murder, because people saw you running and got deathly scared of you, so obviously you are the murderer. Just think about it.

>> No.15704047

1 on 1? autist
in every other scenario the psychopath can manipulate the retarded masses into turning the autist into a pariah or worse
the psychopaths strength lies in the idiocy of others

>> No.15704103

makes you wonder why someone that spends all day screeching and banging their head against a wall is considered to have the same disorder as someone who can't make small talk

>> No.15704228

Makes you wonder who actually rules us that they think that a confabulating shaking idiot is being social.

>> No.15705124

>there's no psychology board

>> No.15705143

detectable structural differences, "most notably in the amygdala, hippocampus and parahippocampal gyri, anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, striatum, insula, and frontal and temporal cortex"
see also:

>> No.15705506

Are you the schizo who posts that he can tell people's intelligence/brain size by the shape of their forehead?

>> No.15706463

no, but you're now the schizo who thinks "brain scans" means "phrenology" lol

>> No.15706513

They measure the part that explicitly doesn't work in psychopaths. Unless there is an obvious total difference they just measured psychopathic controls who happened to never get caught. The first article even admits that the definition is basically meaningless. In fact psychopathy is totally obvious and can actually be seen in the eyes as a psychopaths MUST stare as they can't see normally, but psychopaths can function within social norm in the west. The extremely strict rules mixed with individualism suit them well.

>> No.15706515

so we could theoretically build a psychopath detector?

>> No.15706525 [DELETED] 

Why would you need it? Only a psychopath could need it.

>> No.15706527

Why would you need it? Only a psychopath could need it, so that he can safely collude with other psychopaths.

>> No.15706539

You can easily tell. But they can practice those things, and will, when they get widely used.
They can't move normally. They can't stand normally, waddle around, and several traditions involve motions intentionally difficult for psychos.
They can't see well. They stare and scan.
They can't hear music, it's just noise to them.
They just don't get why people insist on those things. There is no personality, only their mask that they built. There is no real them. The mask is a patchwork of routines that they copied from people, they don't understand the purpose of what they immitated, they only copied to not stand out. They have a need to "relax" by behaving like animals, and feel the need to act human suffocating and oppressive.

>> No.15706553

I'm talking about something for normies for fucks sake, not myself. so they can test the fuckers for certain positions

>> No.15707759 [DELETED] 

It's mych easier for the hearing to notice the deaf than the other way round. It's better if such tests don't exist.

>> No.15707765

It's much easier for the hearing to notice the deaf than the other way round. It's better if such tests don't exist.

>> No.15707832

low iq psycho would stab me and high iq one would exploit my poor theory of mind and emotional intelligence somehow

>> No.15708752

>Unless there is an obvious total difference they just measured psychopathic controls who happened to never get caught

>the controls (namely, brain scans of normal people) are psychopaths because i said so, they just don't get caught

fucking hell this cope is getting retarded

>> No.15708772

ultimately the only people against such a thing are psychopaths. they're fucking terrified of being correctly identified and treated accordingly - partly because they know a society that's aware of them will not enable them the way current society does, partly because their method of "masking" empathy is projecting their own mindsets, and their response to a similar threat would be remorseless executions or imprisonment (note that the only response to them that's actually been put forward by those describing them being detected is just keeping them out of leadership roles - they can't help themselves but to slippery slope to what they would do in that position because they are literally unable to comprehend what someone unlike them would do and why)

their fear of losing access to power is rational, but i'd argue excluding them from positions of power is also rational - and they are basically the only group of people for which such an exclusion makes sense, because they have a disability that makes them uniquely damaging in leadership positions. any other fears they have are irrational projections of the irrational things they would do to others they view as threats (i.e. one of the exact reasons it's rational to exclude them from power)

>> No.15709279

Psychopaths are almost obvious. The only people who can gain from such a technique are paychopaths themselves, as they do need to collude, but have a poor ability recognize each other. They seem pretty much indistinguishible to themselves and each other. Their collusion works by planning obvious gain for each psychopath involved, which means that they will mostly nit break it. But the actions and plans are repulsive to normal people, which means a normal people would betray the pact and spill the beans.

>> No.15709292

>ultimately the only people against such a thing are psychopaths.
that's why I wrote it, wanted to see who's gonna say something. what I wrote was the detector lmao
that's (a random example) how spergs spot psychos, among a plethora of other ways

>> No.15709326

>psychopaths are actually a cabal
psychopaths are very poor collaborators, especially with each other.
i get the impression you don't really understand what a psychopath is.

>> No.15709333

The autist would win because it is more reluctant to take pain, whereas the psycho would have worse revenge.

>> No.15709712

Britain: The psychopath
>invades China to force her to buy drugs
>succeeds and also takes some stuff leaving (Hong Kong)
>is not sarisfied so comes back again, this time even bringing friends to help with the beating
>impregnates captive India for his social project/experiment
>just takes Egypt from the Ottomans
>invents the concentration camp and accidentally mass kills Boer civilians in it with dissease
Japan: The (hyper) autist
>wants to be storng like Britain
>determines he needs to invade China too
>to be stronger one must commit harsher war crimes like the psychopath
>straight up grabs China and starts raping her
>America is like stop
>hm... what would Britain-sama do?
>that's it, Pearu Harboru
>let's see, Britain stole the (Cape) colony of the Netherlands in the past when they had been puppeted by their enemy and couldn't resist
>same situation now, let's steal their new colony, Indonesia
>cuts off Burma road to rape China even harder
>begins rape threats agains Australia
>ends up raping China so hard she turns communist to this day
>I don't get it... I did everything perfectly... how could I have lost?

>> No.15710354 [DELETED] 

They are. Nevertheless they can understand the need, but can only understand each other to do it well. They will collaborate in ways that will be instantly rejected by normal people. And the can't tell who else is a psychopaths, as both miss what they makes them such, so there is no obvious differenve from their perspective.

>> No.15710355

They are. Nevertheless they can understand the need, but can only understand each other to do it well. They will collaborate in ways that will be instantly rejected by normal people. And they can't tell who else is a psychopath, as both miss what makes them such, so there is no obvious difference from their perspective.

>> No.15710360

I was hoping more people here would be talking about this.

>> No.15711682

>They will collaborate in ways
the manner of collaboration is irrelevant to the inability to collaborate. they don't "collaborate in unique ways", they just don't collaborate at all. they will attempt to use each other as they would anyone else; that's not collaboration.

psychopaths don't understand emotion or cooperation - something i think >>15703764 gets fundamentally wrong is conflating a psychopath's rote memorization of social consequences with understanding, possibly in an effort to establish a symmetry between psychopathy and autism where one doesn't necessarily exist (plus the usual trend in academia/education of conflating memorization with understanding). the psychopath's "understanding" of other minds is really more akin to "cargo cult reasoning" - if you behave "unpredictably" (i.e. your response to the psychopath's actions doesn't fall under the scope of reactions the psychopath has encountered often enough to expect/try to use for manipulation), a psychopath will struggle immensely to interact with you and is likely to avoid or fear you to some extent. for example, if the psychopath seeks to manipulate perception by inducing an emotional outburst through insult, something as simple as a sprinkling of self-deprecation - or just deadpan denial - in response to the provocation can collapse their attempt completely, because it's outside the scope of what they predicted and the possibility of an unpredicted response is something that would require actual understanding to be aware of.

if you're socially skilled, this can be extended to identify psychopaths from such interactions and respond to them deliberately in ways that undermine their clear goals, a strategy that in my experience has led to complete collapse of their image (almost like a parallel to narcissistic collapse) by their own doing. like getting angry that you aren't enraged by them - it makes them look retarded and hostile because it makes them look like what they are.

>> No.15712188

are there any books you could recommend for a struggling sperg or is this all you've learned by experience?

>> No.15712606

books are a poor way to study social dynamics, in part because psychopaths and spergs are the ones predisposed to writing them. i'm by no means an expert, but recording and analyzing your own interactions (not necessarily like "record" in the digital sense - a journal would probably be closer to what i mean) might be a better way to approach things you're struggling with - as well as just asking normal people how they would react in hypothetical situations and (crucially) why. some will be more insightful than others, but the un-insightful ones aren't likely to give you much of an answer (i.e. it should be easy to separate answers between people who did or didn't actually think about the question you asked). basically, study the "why"s of both your own reactions and others' reactions, and what you'd need to alter to have more positive interactions - if anything.

as an example subject, your biggest barriers to normal conversation are likely to be anxiety, noticing when people are trying to express that they need a break from a certain subject (this latter one is where the obsessive reputation for autism comes from), and struggling to cognitively engage with things other people say that they find disinteresting (neurotypical people are much more sensitive to that than an autist might expect).

therefore in conversation (at least for high-functioning), not being muted by anxiety, being aware of topic changes (wrangling the discussion back to what you want to talk about all the time is very off-putting; it basically proves you're not listening), and actually engaging with topics outside your interest if someone brings them up are probably the biggest things you can improve on - and a book is just going to reiterate that with some examples (which will be insufficient to apply generally). understanding the core issues is the only way to avoid just memorizing what to do in what context (i.e. "masking") and crumbling to pieces the moment something new appears

>> No.15712789

cool this counts as /sci/ now

>> No.15712930 [DELETED] 

The biggest barrier to normal conversation is that people just make stuff up. You can't talk with them, it is not possible. Theg catch two words of a sentence, and make up the rest, if not outright hallucinate what you said entirely.

>> No.15712932

The biggest barrier to normal conversation is that people just make stuff up. You can't talk with them, it is not possible. They catch two words of a sentence, and make up the rest, if not outright hallucinate what you said entirely.

>> No.15713722

i don't mind normies individually but taking up the gauntlet against a psychopathic skip is beyond my skills

>> No.15714058

you're not describing normie behavior.

it's far more likely you're just not remembering previous parts of the conversation well (especially if it's uninteresting to you; this is exactly what i mean by not engaging cognitively, and it's a habit not unique to autists) and are coping with your inability to converse by declaring the conversation in general to be worthless. you're the only one in the scenario with the delusion, very likely because you're significantly less aware of what you are communicating by context. simply put, you're not competent to make the judgement, you're just trying to make yourself feel better. it's the mark of an autist who will spend the rest of their lives in a self-inflicted narcissistic delusion while lacking any of the charisma a functional narcissist would have learned during social development.

basically, a bitter, self-important hermit.

you might surprise yourself, psychopaths are trivially easy to deal with if you can identify them - they're much less complex than normies (it's just that when their obsessions are power and control, they often end up with both - corporate management is especially rife with them, and its frequently staggering incompetence is a direct result). one of the side effects of (and reasons for relying on) rote memorization of "predictable" normie behaviors is that psychopaths are quite easy to predict. not only is their scope of responses not very large, there's little variation (if any) from the same general kind of input.

>> No.15714248

It sounds like you are from a place where "normies" are still in the minority. Good for you.

>> No.15714340

Psychopaths behave with perfect precision. Therefore they are the easiest people for the autistic to control and get along with. Here are the steps

1. Find out what they desire. Lots of times it can be as simple as flattery or just telling them their own narcissistic shit back to them

2. Get them to do what you want by feeding them what they desire , as long as it doesn't actually cost you anything.

3. Remember they will always play the game theoretically defector strategy if it benefits them

4. Prevent them from benefiting from defecting

5. Profit. They are in complete control. Once you start 5D thinking you can literally control psychopaths like robots . They are the ultimate automaton if you can control their option space for defecting and their motivator.

>> No.15714342

ye but why bother? fuck'em, got better things to do

>> No.15714790

As an autist, this is exactly how I analyse normies too

Plenty of practice before you even get to the psychopaths

>> No.15714839


Recommended books:
- Individual Psychotherapy and the Science of Psychodynamics by David Malan
- Sperm Wars by Robin Baker

Commentary on above books (as a fellow autist who has been studying people for decades):

As an autist I find our strength is thinking of everything from indisputable first principles. Some people start with learning psych diagnoses and the newest psych frameworks. THIS IS WRONG. Diagnoses and frameworks are arbitrary, first principles are forever.

Start with philosophy and psychology, particularly the 3 greats (Freud, Jung and Adler) and evolutionary psychology. Some may argue the latter is circular reasoning but it does help to understand the main points.

The most important principles are:

1. What helps an organism SURVIVE, the organism will do. Everything an organism does is geared towards reproduction or escaping mortality. Otherwise their genes would not be here.

2. Everything someone says or does is significant in some way, even if the significance is unknown to you, or even the doer themselves. The reason is simple: no organism would not waste calories to say or do something unnecessary to their survival. E.g. if someone gets angry, it's never for no reason - it's ALWAYS because they feel threatened by something. There is no other explanation for such a waste of calories. All you have to do is find out what they feel threatened about, which they will very likely have hinted at in conversation already.

3. If a person repeats something, it means it's important to them. Take note.

4. Give up the idea of conventional morality and justice if you haven't already. It's socially constructed to fit the needs of people in power. (Obviously, this is not an invitation to be an asshole. It's simply loosening your attachment to these conventional frameworks.) Doing so allows you a much greater flexibility of thinking when analysing other people's psychology, because you cease to see things as right or wrong or taboo.

>> No.15715447

That's how psychopaths control each other and get shocked when it doesn't work with the "autists" (actually a normal person).

>> No.15715454

You are not autistic.

>> No.15715456

autists beat psychopaths beat normies beat autists

its like rock paper scissors, everyone knows that

>> No.15715516

Everybody in the west is a psychopath. You are treated as abnormal when you are not.

>> No.15716312

>Everybody in the west
you're not supposed to make your agitprop this obvious tovarisch/tongzhi

>> No.15716595


>> No.15716819

not him but I don't get your reasoning. I am "from the west" and I constantly shit on various aspects of it. you don't have to be the others/outsiders to take the piss on various shit aspects of it.

>> No.15716916

it's a little deeper than just "west bad" - it's actually the projection that most strongly indicates the agitprop.

Russia and China legitimately have cultural dispositions towards psychopathy (Russia's "vranyo" and other lionization of liars, China's "why wouldn't you cheat?" culture) that don't really have equivalents culturally in the west. you could say "businesses are disproportionally run by psychopaths in the west" but that's not unique to the west nor is it something that results from western culture (it's a consequence of the way businesses select management - often poorly, often nepotistically, and rarely based on actually useful metrics).

in Russia there's also a habit of just calling whatever Russia is scared of something they think the listener will dislike. in part this is an extension of the culture of dishonesty. they want you, ideally, to be as afraid of and/or hostile to as many potential allies and neighbors as possible - and they will say whatever they think will further that aim, regardless of accuracy. on /pol/, their enemy is a tranny out to kill the whites; on twitter, their enemy is a nazi out to kill the minorities. in this thread, their enemy ("the west") is a psychopath out to abuse the people.

if you spend your time "constantly shitting on various aspects of" your home (why did you put "from the west" in quotes?), you're an ideal mark: angry enough to loudly echo a negative claim about the west, and too busy screeching to look into who it came from and who paid to put it in front of you. what side of the shitflinging you land on is irrelevant, because the fight you think you're taking part in by seething into the void is fueled from both directions by the same people, for no other reason than to intensify the shitflinging.

if you want to criticize the west effectively, you need to be careful not to torpedo your entire message by parroting talking points provided courtesy of the FSB.

>> No.15716960

>if you want to criticize the west effectively, you need to be careful not to torpedo your entire message by parroting talking points provided courtesy of the FSB.
bro that just gets you into the
>you see in the end why it's best to just repeat your side's propaganda?
what I'm saying is that whenever you see frustration at west's shit, it can come from more places than one.
that makes it harder for you to attack, it would be more convenient if it only came "from the enemy" so I should shut the fuck up if I have a problem with "west's systems".
also what the fuck does "west" mean? it's lumped together EU + US, and I hate that shit. I'm from the EU and I don't want to be associated with US's faggotry.
you're just going to have to do a better job at sorting where it's coming from, moron. I don't care it encumbers you, I want to take the shit on Europe's "science" whenever I feel like it's going astray. it's a self-correcting mechanism, and I find that more important than your bullshit politics.

>> No.15717271

Am clinically diagnosed. But thank you, I receive that compliment a lot.

>> No.15717288

It wasn't meant as a compliment.

>> No.15717326

Psychopath is a globohomo zoomer term used by roastie's mad at their boyfriend. I prefer the term ''somebody not filled with the spirit of the lord''

>> No.15717338

>everyone not presenting their bussy to Yahweh for "spirit" filling is a psychopath
calm yourself

>> No.15717345

>Did not mention christ in my post but goes on anti-christian tirade anyway
Do you not have a onions protein bar youtube video to watch on your apple phone?

>> No.15717802

thanks for the replies guys, i hope you're as organic as me xx

>> No.15717807

>Did not mention christ

>the spirit of the lord
>the lord
technically i didn't mention Christ or Christianity at all. all i said was "Yahweh".

>> No.15717818

>it was just the seethe about America you see from a place like Serbia
relax, you're not western. you don't qualify.