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File: 363 KB, 667x731, spacex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15697393 No.15697393 [Reply] [Original]

They're being sued by the US Justice Department. If they get bankrupted, that'll be it for the private space industry in the US.

(No, Blue Origin and all the other shitters DON'T count!)

>> No.15697398

more companies need to reject immigrants and refugees
fuck them

>> No.15697400 [DELETED] 

They don't care about their image. They purposely disgust people under a leftist tyranny with threats of undercover violence (with a chance of immunity), financial terrorism and other kinds of conspiracy. Something's wrong with the world.

>> No.15697443

The usual penalties for this kind of violation aren't exorbitant. But *usually* companies settle before it reaches this point where the DoJ brings the actual lawsuit so who knows.

>> No.15697484

Easy defence: ITAR

>> No.15697513

What normally happens is DoJ instructs the company that to get out of the lawsuit they have come up with a plan for what corrective action they plan to take, DoJ then rejects the plans until the company agrees to the plan that DoJ suggests to them and then DoJ monitors the company's hiring process to insure that it sticks to the plan, essentially taking over the company's hiring process. DoJ then gets alerted to all openings in the company and as a result friends and relatives of the political appointees at DoJ are first in line for any new job openings and DoJ's political masters have effectively taken over the company at that point.

>> No.15697549

I think they went overboard with this one, even anti-musk people think this is a bit too much

>> No.15697601
File: 194 KB, 469x714, spacex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15697612

Can spacex even hire non US citizens due to ITAR?

>> No.15697641

If spacex has to hand over a bunch of documents so the DOJ can fish for more cases, then it could be the end of spacex.

>> No.15697675

They can hire anyone. The problem is everyone you hire is potentially exposed to ITAR materials even if they aren't in "ITAR jobs" like being a cook. Usually aerospace companies design their facilities to have clearly designated ITAR and non-ITAR areas, and employees aren't allowed to talk shop in the cafeterias and lobbies for example. But if two employees talk engineering over coffee and the foreign barista hears it, they just broke ITAR. So instead of worrying about that shit, spacex just hired ITAR compliant employees for everything.

To legally encounter ITAR materials, you have to be a US citizen, permanent US resident, or an asylee/refugee. Previously they were only hiring the first two groups until a few years ago and publically communicating it. It seems they didn't know they could hire asylees/refugees for ITAR, and most commentators in the space industry were surprised to learn that too.

>> No.15697731 [DELETED] 

he needs to scoop some homer simpsons off the southern border. simple as.

>> No.15697745

What does x stand for?

Is it just a literal use of it's representation as a variable? Why cant Musk just stick to a decision. Spacex is like calling it space shit. Ya we do space shit. Twitter. Twitter is something. There's no variable. Stop branding things X. It's not cool. It's not funny. I don't care if he has an affinity with math. He needs to stop denying the actual substance something has. Xelon musk should be a xe/xer if he likes the letter x so much.

>> No.15697785

They have already played that card. Not sure why the JD didn't fold.

>> No.15698319


>> No.15698398

good evening I hate liberals

>> No.15698404

Shouldn't a rocket company only want to hire citizens? Are they gonna sue the NSA next?

>> No.15698420


>> No.15698424

No, lefties despise Edward Snowden because it just so happened that Obama was the current neo-liberal puppet running the country when he leaked, which made Obama look bad. Since the NSA hates Edward Snowden, liberals love the NSA. This is unironically their thought process.

>> No.15698447

Anti-discrimination laws are a weapon. Would you shoot yourself with your own gun?

>> No.15698450

Meant for.

>> No.15698501

The statute is written in such a way that federal, state, and local governments can excuse themselves from it.

>> No.15698520


>> No.15698527

Why did you post those two utter normies as if their opinions are relevant? This is truly cringe.

>> No.15698535

>glen greenwald the man who broke the Snowden story and published his files is a "normie"
you are the one who is cringe, stop acting like you know more than you do about things you know very little about

>> No.15698536

Oh, wow... he actually believes Greenwald is legit. I always thought you were on the dim side, but I didn't think you were a literal golem.

>> No.15698537

I was waking people up from the matrix before you were born kid, this is what actual cringe looks like

>> No.15698542

What percentage of the Snowden documents has your literal Guardian journo shill published to date?

>> No.15698546

>Not sure why the JD didn't fold.
Because Elon's a state enemy and there's no political faction with the will to stop them. Even if republicans found some balls and started impeaching everyone the senate would just kill it.

>> No.15698551

Dumb branding has always been a thing. When SpaceX was created everything was e-This and my-That; today it's Smart-Whatever.

>Twitter. Twitter is something.
Zoomies will never understand how fucking retarded "Twitter" and "Tweeting" sounded in 2006.

>> No.15698555

why does anyone believe in private industry in the us. the whole economy is a shame from the bottom up and you think they let rockets be subject to the """free"""" market?
whatever replaces it will be the same thing just with more usury and theft

>> No.15698559

i would be more inclined to give a shit if I didn't already know elon was a huge buttfucking homo whos day job it is to gaslight the dumbest conservatives into thinking hes cool.

>> No.15698570

They started liking the security state the minute it started feeding comforting lies to the media and politicians in 2016. Here's a contemporaneous qrd from a totally sane and rational person:


>> No.15698577

Let me guess, you're someone who hears the word "journalist" and pictures Anderson Cooper.

>> No.15698579

>They started liking the security state the minute it started feeding comforting lies to the media and politicians in 2016
Are you fucking insane? They "started" liking the state in 2016? They've loved the state since their inception. Leftism is inseperable from intrusive statism.

>> No.15698584

brand X

>> No.15698587

When you hear the phrase "mainstream journalist", your first thought should be "propagandist", but that's besides the point. Why is Greenwald gatekeeping the documents to this day? How come the first thing he did with his growing fame and access to these documents was to partner with a billionaire with NSA connections?

>> No.15698597
File: 398 KB, 2048x1536, 1675301787940948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured: Statists

>> No.15698599

Pictured: useful idiots. You know what they say about broken clocks. Now go read up on the history of the Progressive Movement, you utter retard.

>> No.15698604
File: 49 KB, 443x599, 1686789791127592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured: Statist

>> No.15698610
File: 82 KB, 920x619, 1666172191708598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured: Statists

>> No.15698616
File: 37 KB, 1035x610, Screenshot from 2023-08-27 04:47:27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15698634

>pictured: statists who forgot all about "anti-war" the moment King Nigger got elected.

>> No.15698638

You raped him enough, you don’t need to keep doing it lol.

>> No.15698639

I dont know why you think I care what you "give a shit" about cancerous faggot

>> No.15698640

Loving it and turning a blind eye to it are different things.

>> No.15698641

Keep updooting your own post, golem slave. You will always be the State.

>> No.15698645

>Loving it and turning a blind eye to it are different things.
Indeed. When their mass murderer elect received a nobel piece prize for bombing children, they outright cheered.

>> No.15698647

If you dont want to watch the video then stfu. someone else might like it. I didnt post it for your loud mouth pompous ass. I posted it to be part of the thread

>> No.15698650

oh i see you are one of his shills butthurt that your larp hasn't fooled anyone.

>> No.15698651

damn, I never knew Obama's nobel prize was for bombing kids in the future

>> No.15698653

Why is Greenwald gatekeeping the documents to this day? How come the first thing he did with his growing fame and access to these documents was to partner with a billionaire with NSA connections?

>> No.15698654

nah it was for eating kids in the present.

>> No.15698657

you are a stone cold retard and nowhere near as smart as you think you are regurgitating what you have been spoonfed by people who were actually smart

>> No.15698660

>damn, I never knew Obama's nobel prize was for bombing kids in the future
He started bombing literally THREE DAYS after being inaugurated. You people are insane.

>> No.15698661

Gatekeeping how? If you watched the video you wouldnt need to ask that question

>> No.15698666

Not gonna bother checking but I'm at least 17.3% sure that wasn't the reason he got it.

>> No.15698667

>Gatekeeping how?
Gatekeeping by having had them for over a decade now and releasing almost nothing compared to the full volume of information. Gatekeeping by trying to partner with an NSA-connected billionaire to establish a fake "opposition" news outlet that spouts limited hangout.

>> No.15698669

>pajeet anon thinks I give a shit what a namefag thinks
you are so off the target you're bombing your own team, not that I'm on it mind, just figured you should be aware you are self owning.

>> No.15698670

Like I said, if you watched the video you would already have an answer to your question. He isnt gatekeeping, he is follow Snowden's guidelines he agreed to when he took on the story

>> No.15698671

>Ummm sweaty?
>He didn't literally get a Nobel peace prize for bombing children
>He got it for being an ambassador of peace who happens to bomb children
You people are true scum. Always have been. Always will be.

I especially like this line of defense:
>Loving it and turning a blind eye to it are different things.

>> No.15698673

Journalism doesn't mean dumping shittons of unfiltered classified information onto the internet.

>> No.15698675

Why do you spastic droolers on this website think being an annoying asshole is a "personality?" It isnt, you are just an annoying asshole

>> No.15698676

>hes not gatekeeping, you just aren't allowed to know the full detaiils because he and some rich guy made a shadey agreement and its all for the best so shut up and sit down
pajeets are inhuman. they are happy to viciously attack for the pure joy of it instead of for any percieved personal value.
>asks me why I have an annoying personality
>wears a namefag
>shills for an even bigger namefag
>on one of the slowest and shittiest boards
>his whole personality is he doesn't want to use a toilet.

>> No.15698677

>he is follow Snowden's guidelines
Snowden's guidelines were to publish little to none of the information he gave? Snowden's guidlines were to publish it through a concocted entity with NSA-connected shareholders, including people with shares in the company he worked for?

>> No.15698678

Ed Snowden is a CIA nigger and the leaks were a limited hangout.

>> No.15698681

Look, I just hope you make the occasional slip and spew this trash out in the real world, and not just anonymously on the internet. People need to know who to target when shit hits the fan and it's time to lynch corporate fascism apologists.

>> No.15698682

>I am an expert when 5 mintues ago I didnt even know who greewald was
stfu you stupid nigger all you know are memes that were forcefed to you

>> No.15698689

He says very specifically in the video I linked what the guidelines were. I am not spoonfeeding you anymore, sorry, taa taa and tooda loo!

>> No.15698690

>>He got it for being an ambassador of peace who happens to bomb children
He got it for winning an election while black, this has been glaringly obvious all along considering he was nominated before he ever did anything.

>I especially like this line of defense:
>>Loving it and turning a blind eye to it are different things.
This is literally the most common thing in all of politics. When was the last time any president not named Trump was meaningfully attacked by their own party for anything?

>> No.15698692

I accept your full concession.

>> No.15698693

Nuh-uh, I accepted yours five posts ago <3

>> No.15698696

>leftist apologist
>argues like a yid
>lies about "winning"
Every time without fail.

>> No.15698697

no u

>> No.15698699

Snowden's guidelines were to publish little to none of the information he gave? Snowden's guidlines were to publish it through a concocted entity with NSA-connected shareholders, including people with shares in the company he worked for? That's interesting, golem. Thanks for the hot new government-approved take. I wonder what happened to the real bodhi.

>> No.15698700

>I am an expert when I dont know what greenweld is
who are you quoting?

>> No.15698702

>He got it for winning an election while black, this has been glaringly obvious all along considering he was nominated before he ever did anything.
he won the election by eating kids. wow, what a challenge. really brave that guy.

>> No.15698709

The meme is the Snowden affair and the one who was force fed it is (You). There was nothing new in those leaks and the only effect they've had is to chill speech.

>> No.15698713

you literally blow trannies

>> No.15698715

NTA but unironically what happened to you? You used to sperg out so violently and post unironic schizo shit. Now you're pacified like cattle and posting full-blown normie-oriented journoshit. Did they put you on thorazine or are you a literal shill pretending to be another poster?

>> No.15698719
File: 476 KB, 531x608, Cia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder. Also, this
>didnt even know who greewald was
is pretty ironic considering I am 100% certain you were not aware that Snowden was (is) CIA.

>> No.15698724

>Can only hire US citizens because of dual use technology
>Y U no hire Chinese spies?
Thanks Obama

Oh btw Biden is trying to extend the technology exchange program with China despite it just being free espionage for China.

>> No.15698725

Ah yes, it was the CIA who wanted you to know the NSA was spying on you and Snowden agreed to live the rest of his life in exile in Russia as part of his legend (I am sure you are such a pleb you dont even know wtf a legend is). You are a fucking idiot and probably a Qboomer. How about you stop shitting up this thread with your idiocy

>> No.15698727

Just wait until all the Teslas sold are model X

>> No.15698728

Add an a to the front of your name, retard.

>> No.15698729

wtf you on about? I am not in the mood to argue with morons. Sometimes I am and sometimes I am not. This is how normall humans work, smart people arent up to argue with morons every second of the day. Sometimes when they are discussing something important they arent in the mood to humor loud mouth fucktards who just like to fling shit everywhere because they arent smart enough to do anything else

>> No.15698732

Say what you will about snowden, but I'm happy that he told US citizens that the NSA recorded everything and then used Israelis to spy on US citizens because it was illegal for the US government to do it. But the government thought it was fine to give 100% of your info to a foreigner and then pay them to spy in you.

>> No.15698737

btw what "schizo shit" have I ever posted. Be very specific. Just because you arent smart enough to understand something doesnt make it "schizo." I havwe the destroyed the asshole's of every halfwit drooler nigger on this board that ever thought wanted to challenge me on anything I have ever said here. I dont run my mouth about things I dont understand unlike you fucking fools. If I open my mouth on a topic I actually know wtf I am talking about

>> No.15698738

ding ding, talpiot program

>> No.15698745

None of it was news. Everyone other than complete cattle knew all that shit already. I was in high school and it didn't even have any new info for me. Anyway here's the spoonfeed.

>> No.15698747

>None of it was news.
Not for anyone with half a brain, no. Especially not for a computer scientists. I will let you in on a little secret, anything that can be done is being done and anything that can be abused will ALWAYS be abused. But there is a big gap between knowing a thing and being able to prove a thing. There is zero reason the CIA would ever want to give evidence to the public of them breaking the law and the fact that you are retarded enough to think they would makes me highly doubt you were ever smart enough to know anything about any of this before you learned it on this website from people who arent a fucking idiot like you are

>> No.15698750

btw people were talking about the patriot act and it being abused WAAAAAY before Snowden ever released the evidence. You probably dont even know what the patriot act is

>> No.15698753

>There is zero reason the CIA would ever want to give evidence to the public of them breaking the law
Why not? What consequence have the Snowden leaks had? Certainly nothing bad for the CIA. I'll repeat what I said initially. It's called a limited hangout and it's an established intelligence practice. Your position in this hinges on such a thing not being something they'd ever want to do, but that premise is incorrect.

>> No.15698755

Public attention to active and continuing crimes against the people is a good thing. "That you knew" is worthless because you're some powerless chucklefuck.

>> No.15698756

>Say what you will about snowden
I didn't say anything about Snowden. I'm just reminding you that everything YOU know about Snowden comes from literal shills.

>> No.15698774

>Why not? What consequence have the Snowden leaks had?
This. It's weird how many are blind to the fact that normie golems are impervious to, if not outright hostile towards, damning truths about a system in which they themselves as stakeholders, no matter how credible it is or what sources it comes from. Those with eyes to see have been getting swamped with evidence that their government is downright psychopathic decades before Snowden was even born.

>> No.15698781

You have no understanding of what a limited hangout is dipshit

>> No.15698782

n-n-nooo, y-y-you're just wrong, ok??? i understand things better than you

>> No.15698787

you were the NPD schizo who spent all their time calling anyone talking about a schizo for the last 8 years all along. Why am I not surprised. You dying in a grease fire would instantly make this board 50 IQ points higher over night

>> No.15698790

*talking about any of this

>> No.15698794

still waiting for that specific example because here is the thing. You could get away with calling smart and informed people "schizo" when your audience (the rest of the people on this board) were as clueless and retarded as you were. However, now that they have caught up and now know I was right about everything, you know you cant retreat to that anymore without outing yourself as the stupid fuck you are, which is why you wont provide any specific examples of me posting "unironic schizo shit"

>> No.15698798

fuck this. i won this argument. time to binge on thorazine and get more exclusive information from youtube talking heads targeting a normie audience

>> No.15698810

>I got pwned so now I will schiz out and derail the thread
and you wonder why everyone hates and abandons you in your life

>> No.15698811

i pwned everyone ITT including myself. i am literally god. the only person smarter than me is maybe glenn greenwald

>> No.15698847

btw a limited hangout is a way to draw in people who know something is off to mislead them with misinformation this is also known as controlled opposition. A limited hangout would have released a tiny bit of info that it was happening then penned the blame on some rogue agent or department so they could then fire them and pretend that is was some one of event and it has now been dealt with. A limited hangout doesnt provide evidence of the corruption of the people who create the OP you massively retarded fucking idiot

>> No.15698852

>A limited hangout would have released a tiny bit of info
Which is precisely what the shill working for the Guardian shill did.

>then penned the blame on some rogue agent or department so they could then fire them
Or just let Snowden slip past them and somehow have him end up in Russia, so that they could put the usual cold war national security spin on it and divert the focus from how the NSA is breaching your rights to how Snowden is breaching national security for Putin.

>> No.15699165

>snowden gave strict instructions to greenwald to not publish anything that could put any American assets in danger anywhere in the world but he is doing some vague thing for Putin because reasons
One last time, you are a moron who doesnt know what you are talking. Snowden and what he did provides absolutely zero advantage or purpose to any American interests. You don't understand what you are talking about, have no coherent arguments to support the stupid shit you are talking about and you dont even know the absolute basics about this case like who the journalist was that broke it or the stipulations given on releasing what was in the documents. You are a narcissist clown who always wants to act like you know things you dont and understand d things you do not. stfu and dont ever address me on this board again

>> No.15699186 [DELETED] 

>gas all namefags with ublock
open ublock dashboard > my filters > copy/paste:
4chan.org,4channel.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))
4chan.org,4channel.org##.post.preview:if(.postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))

>> No.15699205
File: 51 KB, 900x600, article_photo1_129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he got the nobel for being black

>> No.15699207

all you have to do is not reply when you see the green shit at the top of a post, but you fags just can't help yourselves

>> No.15699212

>I am not in the mood to argue with morons
>gas all namefags with ublock
open ublock dashboard > my filters > copy/paste:
4chan.org,4channel.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))
4chan.org,4channel.org##.post.preview:if(.postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))

>> No.15699218

I'm not obligated to view your namefag bullshit, samefag nigger. My browser. My rules. Names and trips always kvetch when I post this.

>> No.15699246

it stands for eXtreme. like radical spaceXtreme

>> No.15699252

>Zoomies will never understand how fucking retarded "Twitter" and "Tweeting" sounded in 2006.
Yup, literally everyone made fun of it. But zoomers grew up with no memory of anything before it so they just accept it as part of reality.

>> No.15699256

>but he is doing some vague thing for Putin because reasons
Neither stated nor implied anywhere, you tar-black gorilla nigger.

>Snowden and what he did provides absolutely zero advantage or purpose to any American interests.
Neither stated nor implied anywhere, you tar-black gorilla nigger.

>snowden gave strict instructions to greenwald to not publish anything that could put any American assets in danger anywhere in the world
Which apparently includes literally 99% of what he voluntarily passed on to the infamous NSA shill that is Greenwald.

>> No.15699261

NOOOOO you need to let in swarthy 85 IQ apes (LIKE NASA <3) and literal chinese spies!!!1


>> No.15699273

this is literally just Chinese companies bribing the bidens to get them spacex's rocket tech. CCP iqlets can't invent anything so they rely on stealing.

>> No.15699379

>China did it
The Biden regime has been the most anti Chinese in recent history. They agonized the PRC by further recognition of Taiwan and state visits to the ROC by Nancy Pelosi. They disseminate anti Chinese propaganda their their news agencies. NBC, CBS, NPR, FOX News. They want the populace blaming perceived adversaries for all the woes. They use Russia bad/Ukraine good to appeal to the left. They use China bad to appeal to the right. This gets feelings of blind patriotism stirred up which disables critical thought about issues at home, even totally irreverent ones like you're doing here.

>> No.15699615

sup chang

>> No.15699662

>disables critical thought
fucking actually die. Anyone with half a brain knows about the 1000 talents program.

>> No.15699665

Kek fuck musk

>> No.15699840
File: 36 KB, 266x352, hm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US government is suing SpaceX for not hiring non-citizen foreigners to engage with sometimes sensitive contracted work from the US government

>> No.15699843

seethe more faggot

>> No.15700698

Holy seething butthurt

>> No.15700723
File: 135 KB, 1076x723, wtd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not surprised. The left wants to destroy the US no matter what. Killing SpaceX will destroy the US space program.

>> No.15700729
File: 64 KB, 576x702, strash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15700753

those same people are all currently cheering rabidly for maximum death an destruction in the ukraine war

>> No.15700845

They were morons being entertained by music industry plants. They had no political ideas that the statists hadn't put there.

>> No.15702424 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 600x800, atheistm statism redpanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15702630

So are you saying both the preacher and the politician are grifters?
Or are they both valid?

>> No.15703389 [DELETED] 

its over for spacex

>> No.15704198

should hire some Russian, iran and Chinese fugitives desu

>> No.15704692 [DELETED] 

we're back

>> No.15704765

Where are the living ones now? An interesting type of brainwashing that now the right wants what the hippies wanted. Peace, freedom of speech, control of their own government.

>> No.15705116

US companies aren't allowed to have a preference to hire citizens rather than "refugees" (migrants) and "asylees" (migrants)?

>> No.15705157

As is the case with most things to do with the law, it's more complicated than that. Companies are allowed to have a preference. That preference isn't allowed to override them (the individuals admitted under 8 USC 1157-1158) being the most qualified candidate otherwise.

>> No.15705158

People who are politically literate have been trying to explain all of this to people since 2016. The troon commies came on the seen so fast they hoodwinked the entire world. It was insane, you can even hear lots of people say this to this day "I didnt leave the left, the left, left me." I have always been a left leaning liberal but the extremist nuitjobs were calling all of us nazis, it was the craziest shit you ever saw on twatter during the great meme war. I went from a left leaning liberal to a "nazi" overnight. The religious fundamentalists are now the left, not the right. All the sensible people left the left, they are just the other side of the coin of the church ladies and inquisition. It is always the centrists who have to kick the teeth in of the extremist retards. The left is not the "party of science" or any of those liberal values you listed, all those people left because the left are just straight up communists and communists dont care about any of that shit unless it benefits them to grab power and abolish it all

>> No.15705165

How would they prove that they were rejected for being refugees with superior qualifications than the citizen competition? I highly doubt they were given disclosure on the qualifications of successful applicants.

>> No.15705167


the real liberal left are now the "far right" according the corporate media. I think most people have caught on to what they are doing now however.

>> No.15705203
File: 23 KB, 700x393, Asgard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15705218

The DoJ can do whatever it wants, if they break the law there is nobody to hold them accountable. If they take SpaceX to court its better than even odds that the judge will be someone who was appointed by the same corrupt political party apparatus the appointed the DoJ lawyers.

>> No.15705244

based Thor chad

>> No.15705290
File: 79 KB, 766x960, all_hope_is_lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They forgot to hire the handicapped Lesbian Nigerian immigrant that speaks only 3 words of English and never graduated elementary school.
Because they did not hire her they are labeled by DOJ as "racist anti-immigrant bigots"

>> No.15705295

>build a competing company and hire all these qualified niggers for lower wages
>be more successful than spacex
That's weird why would they be trying to force companies to take these migrants? Wouldn't the free market balance everything out if these nignogs are more qualified than the people who actually speak English?

>> No.15705611

and ppl still repeat the lie about america being a capitalist free market country

>> No.15705896

To all the magatards in this thread: this case was started under trumps administration

>> No.15705926


>> No.15706812

its over

>> No.15707890

Watch them force Musk to hire immigrants and then pull all his federal government contracts due to security concerns once he does.

>> No.15708224
File: 230 KB, 520x214, LMAO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Chinese exportation privileges untouched
> anti Chinese

>> No.15708373

Which means Biden has had plenty of time to drop it but has kept it going. Not everyone is a mindless partisan who judges right and wrong based on if their team is on a particular side of an issue.

>> No.15708376 [DELETED] 

>Which means Biden has had plenty of time to drop it
Maybe Biden was too busy fixing all the other damage done by Drumpf and maga retards such as yourself and never got to it. Have you thought of that? A real president doesn't have unlimited time, unlike you basement dwelling chuds

>> No.15708562

>Biden regime has been the most anti Chinese in recent history
Ah yes Joe "It's just a cultural thing" Biden, aka Beijing Biden, aka Pedo Peter. Truly the most anti-Chinese president of all time.

>> No.15708679

2016 and covid broke your mind. Stop. Find something else to do with your time.

>> No.15708682

Our leaders are stupid.

>> No.15708720


>> No.15708730 [DELETED] 
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All space agencies are a fraud.

>> No.15709433
File: 128 KB, 1200x630, inspiring gandhi quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the American government so concerned about making life better for foreigners rather than for it's own people?
How do people who favor non voting foreigners over citizens even get legitimately elected in a democracy?

>> No.15709690

America is not a democracy.

>> No.15709700

Spurious suit, SpaceX can't hire foreign trash to work around sensitive tech.

>> No.15710417

its not a republic either

>> No.15710439

It is. It is a democratic republic. Democratic being the adjective, republic being the noun.

>> No.15711560
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Jesus.... wieeeeeee lange noch! This really is unbearable!

>> No.15711851 [DELETED] 

nope, its an international communist bureaucratic dictatorship. they had fake elections in the ussr too

>> No.15711854

Didn’t the government till space x not to hire them because it’s a security risk?

>> No.15712354


DoD demands very stringent practices.
DoJ demands equality of opportunity.

DoD and national security win. Case closed, SpaceX and Elon Musk have been very public about this and will be the first to say how much ITAR sucks ass.

Employing non American citizens/immigrants/green card holders (whatever, Im not American) while maintaining ITAR standards is theoritically possible but would be such an HR and logistics clusterfuck nightamre of the highest degree that it's not worth the hassle.

And ITAR is a pain in the arse, but it broadly speaking, does its job, embrace the suck, eyes front and carry on.

>> No.15713090 [DELETED] 

>hire immigrants? thats illegal, we'll pull all your contracts on security grounds if you do that
>t. government
>don't hire immigrants? thats illegal, we'll pull all your contracts on civil rights grounds if you do that
>t. government

>> No.15713101
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>> No.15713143

The laws are kinda ambiguous for this case since they are allowed to (forced to, really) discriminate against foreigners for national security reasons under ITAR.
The funny thing is if they did hire the asylees/refugees then the DOJ would just go after them for running afoul of ITAR.
My guess is they just hate papa elon and would prefer to kill his business and let the talent go to blue origin or nasa where obedient zogbots run things.

>> No.15714470 [DELETED] 

someone in the administration is trying to blackmail musk for bribe money

>> No.15715506

>for bribe money
thats not what they want, they want the federal government to regain the total control of twitter that they had before musk took over at the end of last year. the administration already has infinite money

>> No.15715518
File: 3.95 MB, 2480x3508, cabinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit against SpaceX on August 24, 2023.
The DOJ alleges that SpaceX discriminated against refugees and asylum seekers in its hiring practices.
The DOJ claims that SpaceX discouraged these applicants from applying by stating that they could only hire U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents.
The DOJ alleges that SpaceX intentionally avoided hiring these applicants.
The DOJ claims that SpaceX violated the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
The INA prohibits citizenship-based employment discrimination.
The DOJ alleges that SpaceX's actions occurred between September 2018 and May 2022. Elon Musk runs SpaceX, a rocket and spacecraft company with many government contracts.

Lying nigger faggot

>> No.15715645

DOJ's using evidence they got with a 2020 subpoena. It's fair to say the investigation started then.

>> No.15716968 [DELETED] 


>> No.15718066

Thats not possible, in 2020 the DOJ was way too busy tracking down, arresting and prosecuting all of the tens of thousands of perpetrators of the hundreds of violent destructive George Floyd riots

>> No.15719558 [DELETED] 


>> No.15719956 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 1198x1406, SHUT IT DOWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, I wonder if all the trouble the government is trying cause for Musk has anything to do with Musk's refusing to SHUT IT DOWN on Twitter.

>> No.15720198 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1132x637, antisemitism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk is now attempting the turn the tables on the ADL

>> No.15720208


>> No.15720348
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>> No.15720543
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>I'm old enough to remember something that happened in January of this year
What the fuck am I reading? Are women really proud of remembering something from 8 months ago and see it as a sign of maturity?

>> No.15720561

>It seems they didn't know they could hire asylees/refugees for ITAR, and most commentators in the space industry were surprised to learn that too.
Because it's completely retarded. The requirements for getting refugee/asylum status are laughable, which means just about anyone could show up, get cleared for ITAR, and then walk away with tons of proprietary knowledge.

>> No.15721952 [DELETED] 

u got troll'd

>> No.15721963

Women aren't self-aware enough to troll anyone.

>> No.15721968

holy fucking shit is this what autism looks like?

Ashley is actually always quite funny. She works for Babylon bee, a parody news site autismo incel

>> No.15721978

>let the talent go to blue origin
there's a reason they were the ones to put Shatner in space.

>> No.15722070

>out of context
Got to love how much they play that card to excuse any stupid behavior by their pets.

>> No.15722984

what meaningful or worthwhile about putting a jewish hollywood mediocrity in space for a few seconds?

>> No.15724204 [DELETED] 


>> No.15725492 [DELETED] 

The true evil nature of the federal government is being put on public display more and more every day.

>> No.15726182

It's really funny because he treats math like a fat white girl treats crystals. He's never actually proven any intelligence other than Steve Jobs vague talk bullshit

>> No.15726806

BO hasn't achieved anything else

>> No.15727841
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>> No.15729483

>Why is the American government so concerned about making life better for foreigners rather than for it's own people?
all part of the jews' white genocide plan

>> No.15729597

so does this have any legs to stand on or just lawfare where the process itself is punishment and meant to cause as much financial/time damage as possible?

>> No.15730843

the process in this case to get musk to give the intelligence/propaganda community back their full censorship authority over twitter.

>> No.15732030


>> No.15732129

Some left the right just the same to join the lefties who left the left. Plenty saw commies coming from a mile away but most people cannot listen to truth from enemies. I just hope we have nice overlords.

>> No.15732429

Crabs in a bucket. We're going to die on this rock.

>> No.15732430

You were going to die on it no matter what. Why do you even care? lol

>> No.15732444

> bruh ion even kno y i wuld try ill b ded n e way fr fr

>> No.15732447

That's not a rational answer. You, everyone you love, everyone you know, were all going to die here no matter what. Why do you care so much about Elon's vanity project?

>> No.15732610

Why do you care about blm so much? Or africa? Or donations to Africa or Ukraine?
No you necessarily but they are people who do.
It’s all part of being a human, finding external meaning in pointless shit because your body sucks ass and you know it

>> No.15732639

>Why do you care about blm so much? Or africa? Or donations to Africa or Ukraine?
I don't.

>No you necessarily but they are people who do.
Yes, and I look at them the same way I look at you.

>It’s all part of being a human
What does being a human have to do with being a fanboy for some off-brand oligarch's irrelevant science fare project?

>> No.15732672


>> No.15732687

It is part of being human. Because we find meaning.
Same way people care to defend fucking black rock and George soros of all entities because “boohoo they are saying bad things about Jews”
It’s all the same

>> No.15733193

>this rock.
we evolved for a billion years to thrive on this one planet, darwin's theory dictates that there is no better home for us.
earth is paradise

>> No.15733300

why aren't they employing all the refugee rocket scientists?

>> No.15734818 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 263x191, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

organic and sustainable

>> No.15735874

>The Elon Musk Problem
>He is, in no uncertain terms, claiming that Jews are the reason his business is failing. He is going after the ADL. He is promoting conspiracy theories about specific Jews. He has one of the loudest voices in the world and owns one of the largest platforms. He owns a car company, a satellite network, and rockets. He has the ear of powerful politicians. What should be done?
>Elon Musk’s dangerous tweets are empowering antisemites 9/9/2023
>Yaccarino Takes Heat as X Pledge to Fight Antisemitism Backfires 9/9/2023
>Elon Musk Is Blaming a Jewish Organization for His Own Failings
>Elon Musk Blames Anti-Defamation League for Destroying Website He Ruined Himself

>> No.15735932

Lol more evidence of the Jewish problem

>> No.15735942

Many government/aerospace contracts specify that only citizens are permitted to do certain work and if this work at spaceX is related in any way, well, you pick the best candidate that can meet the most requirements. I don’t know all the official words but I’ve worked around that type of industry where they have signs that noncitizens could not enter rooms and pissed a bunch of Mexicans and they reworded shit to say the same but different.
If it wasn’t about the Jews, it always could be.

>> No.15737265 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15738139 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15738311 [DELETED] 


>> No.15739788 [DELETED] 

>criticize the ADL
>suddenly the government tries to ruin all your businesses
pure coincidence

>> No.15739909

Nah, they started going after him when he didn't toe the line on covid crap.

>> No.15739956

This one is definitely a crowd of statists.

>> No.15740728
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>> No.15742084 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15742672 [DELETED] 
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The existence of SpaceX casts a glaring light on how incredibly wasteful NASA is and that is a big reason why ZOG wants to get rid of SpaceX.

>> No.15742761

>If they get bankrupted, that'll be it for the private space industry in the US
You really think they won't get brought out instantly? IMO the reason he refuses to go public is the danger of a hostile takeover because lots of people want to buy SpaceX.

>> No.15743230 [DELETED] 

yeah that whole reddit board is a gold mine if you're look for examples of jews hanging themselves with their own words.

>> No.15744543 [DELETED] 
File: 607 KB, 1873x1200, nasa cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the government trying to prevent space exploration?
Jealousy that SpaceX is about 50x more competent than the feminist clowns at NASA?

>> No.15745573

Regardless how much money Musk spends on lawyers, the courts are fixed against him. All of the judges were appointed by the same deepstate bosses who also appointed the DoJ officials that are harassing SpaceX

>> No.15746915
File: 293 KB, 1183x1015, ape rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stuff like this isn't going to help his case with DoJ, but he does it anyway

>> No.15747848 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure ZOG decided to hate him as soon as he ended their censorship authority over Twitter, I doubt that noticing negro habits is going to make ZOG seethe any harder than they already are

>> No.15747916

i'm not american. why would an american company that deals with the military complex hire pablo gonzales from el salvador who can then easily steal national security documents and sell them to china?

>> No.15748533

So the administration would have an excuse to seize and nationalize the company.

>> No.15749025 [DELETED] 

we're back

>> No.15749643


>> No.15751144

Its worse than that, the lawsuit is to force SpaceX to hire Chinese citizens

>> No.15751354

rip 1st amendment

>> No.15752201

everyone always neglects the freedom of association part

>> No.15753525

>jews: 2% of the population, 30% of federal judges

>> No.15754690

its been effectively dead ever since eisenhower used the military to force white kids to go to school with negroes

>> No.15754693
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>> No.15754698

its called media manipulation and its our standard american tactic

20 years ago you would have been hard pressed to find articles praising lockheed or raytheon, yet despite overwhelming bad media the corporate american placards stay in place

who puts our rockets into space? they get the money, I already mentioned one major launch partner so I bet you can guess the other

>> No.15756288
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>> No.15756316

SpaceX is now suing back, calling the administrative court proceedings unconstitutional. Seems like they're trying to get it moved to federal court.

>> No.15756476

I so wish for the starship to explode before reaching leo again. I would get such a massive hard on.

>> No.15756908 [DELETED] 

you're going to be disappointed, the first launch only proved the necessity of a decent launch pad, von braun already knew about that in the 1940s. the rocket itself worked fine the first time around.

>> No.15758247 [DELETED] 

SpaceX is now counter suing DoJ


>> No.15758253

>Its worse than that, the lawsuit is to force SpaceX to hire Chinese citizens
>Just hire your enemy who has refugees who are conveniently rocket engineers because they are refugees and need help
Nobody in the US gov has opened a book ever

>> No.15758808 [DELETED] 

They're not dumb by accident, they're trying to cause a crisis that brings about their NWO one world government

>> No.15759514 [DELETED] 

That weird water fountain solution seemed like an unneeded flourish, maybe it'll mess things up enough to force a 2nd failure.

>> No.15761129 [DELETED] 

>Seems like they're trying to get it moved to federal court.
30% of federal judges are jewish

>> No.15762122 [DELETED] 

ZOG is delaying the 2nd launch until they can insert a saboteur into SpaceX. They aren't going to let Musk launch a $3 billion moon rocket when NASA is working on a $50 billion one thats less capable, would be too much on an embarrassment for ZOG

>> No.15763763 [DELETED] 

Seems like a plausible theory, far more than genuine concern over """endangered""" beach slugs

>> No.15764669 [DELETED] 

What would you rather have, 1 SLS or 17 Starships?

>> No.15766130 [DELETED] 

imagine how many more homosexual negroes nasa could put on the moon if they just decided to buy rockets from musk instead of building their own less capable gear at 20x the price musk builds for

>> No.15766698

Why do you hate science so much?

>> No.15768795

letfychan.net hates musk even more than they hate trump

>> No.15768803

Musk is a puppet of Putin.

>> No.15769006

The greatest threat to SpaceX is the rise of EDS. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15769678 [DELETED] 

Musk commonly complains about federal financial policy because he realizes that once the government makes everyone poor via inflation there will be nobody left to buy his fancy cars and the cars are what finances almost everything else. Falcon 9 and heavy seem to make their own money, but I don't see how Starship is supposed to turn a profit. NASA would rather pay 100x as much to send people to space in other manufacturers rockets if they can get away with it and they can as long as the money printer is running

>> No.15769684

The real money was never in sending people to space.

>> No.15769707

>science is when musk
go back fast

>> No.15769729


>> No.15769771

lmao you know how many spies pretend to be refugees to get into a country? fucking lol

>> No.15769885

we should all keep posting in a defunct over 1 month old thread

>> No.15769951

I don't speak bot

>> No.15770231

What are these fuckers even doing for making space commerce feasible for the economy? All the capitalism in the world and they still flaunt not paying taxes is what makes them smart

>> No.15770238

SpaceX’s Alpha Lawyer is Elon Musk??

>> No.15770239

>They can hire anyone. The problem is everyone you hire is potentially exposed to ITAR materials even if they aren't in "ITAR jobs" like being a cook.
Simple solution: open the SpaceX bar & grill, pay them minimum wage, and put it in states where SpaceX operates nothing else.

>> No.15770264

Chimps working on a dialect mode (face to face; homogeneous group)

>> No.15770699 [DELETED] 

paying taxes is cucked, its like giving money to beggars, they just come back the next day wanting more.

>> No.15771463

>work hard in school since childhood because you wanted to work on rockets
>get the best education you can to pursue your dream
>finally graduate after well over a decade of unpaid toil
>"sorry anon, we gave your job to a third worlder who can't add fractions because the government told us to favor foreigners over citizens"

>> No.15771534

Then you get sued for placing brown people in low paying jobs and white people in high paying jobs. Any difference in racial outcomes is considered racism, regardless of the reason.

>> No.15771543

Remember that SpaceX is limited in terms of whom they can hire with regard to citizenship status.

Even, I believe, the DOJ must adhere to these laws or some other ironic aspect of this. I can't quite remember, but Biden's administration would be found guilty of this if somehow SpaceX were, and the 'law' (in this case, the law states that SpaceX cannot hire refugees or even, I believe, people on work visas for some of its positions) were applied evenly.

>> No.15771548

Can they sue the Justice Department for ignoring illegal migration (and groups who facilitate it, and those clerks who fund those groups) and thus systematically negleting their duties?

>> No.15771605

>illegal migration (and groups who facilitate it, and those clerks who fund those groups)
and they clerks funnel taxpayers' money to those groups, so treacherous conspiracy is the case. Do it, Elon, drain the swamp!

>> No.15771932

That isn't possible because the people who would enforce the penalties are the people who are committing the crimes.
Do you think the government is going to arrest itself and put itself in jail? How could you expect that what you already know that they're amoral criminals?

>> No.15771956

its not about these gray laws that are broken or not depending on whom you ask. Its just a excuse to drag musks economic pillars into never ending lawfare

The process itself is punishment (wasted time and money), not whatever the judge of the day decides. As soon as this one is over the next one will be launched on whatever obscure excuse they can find

Until the company is either bankrupted or forced out of musk stables

>> No.15771957

k doomer. What you are saying is that a federal outfit has never lost a lawsuit against a outside party (including DoJ) and not had serious consequences or shake ups following that

>> No.15773116

>or forced out of musk stables
Musk is building rockets for 3% of what Boing, Lockmart and the rest of the gang charge and that threatens profits for Boing, Lockmart, et al, so they are trying to drive SpaceX out of business via their political connections.

>> No.15773254

NASA and Congress want to kill SpaceX to protect Old Space, or at least hobble SpaceX into needing to charge Old Space tier prices. But the military loves SpaceX and how much they can launch cheaply and reliably. Now the two groups are butting heads within the government.

>> No.15773507

>the military loves SpaceX and how much they can launch cheaply and reliably
why does the military care about cost? they love wasting money just as much as nasa does

>> No.15773824 [DELETED] 

yeah, they love funneling all that waste to lockheed and the rest of the MIC gang too, because of the massive kickbacks they get out of it

>> No.15774842 [DELETED] 

Musk did a wrongthink and now he must be punished

>> No.15774844

It should be illegal not to prioritize Americans.

>> No.15775528 [DELETED] 

>It should be illegal not to prioritize Americans.

>> No.15776391

Why would you want go-t to regulate your hiring process at all? Why would you call your restaurant chinese, if you don't prioritize chinks? Why would you not be allowed to hire whoever you like? The only good outcome of those regulations is emplyers prefer robots to employees.

>> No.15776473

Elon will win.
>imfuckingplying the DoJ could bankrupt him at this point
Lmao, Can't wait to see them shit themselves out of pure rage after it get's thrown out in court.

>> No.15777125

They can't sue the government directly, as it has sovereign immunity. But they can challenge the law on which they are being sued in court for an injunction, stay, or dismissal of the suit on the basis of standing.

>> No.15777142


SpaceX is a fucking failure. Elon just Mars colonization and a whole load of ambitious shit but all he does is to scam your mayors and steal your taxpayer money for his worthless shit and you Americans coom your pants for him. Tell me one good thing SpaceX has done. I can't believe you love a manchild who likes go memey shit like Wendy's Ad. But somehow this scammer is different.

>> No.15777155

>after it get's thrown out in court.
it won't, the judges are all from the same group of ivy league schools and social circles as the doj officials bringing the suit
and musk is not one of them so the judges will rule against him

>> No.15777261
File: 204 KB, 1242x1644, 7MfNGMF43vhH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZOG Marxists controlling DC using their agencies to attack a resistor. Oldest play in the book, and nobody uses it more than these occupiers we've got now.

>> No.15777268

>Tell me one good thing SpaceX has done
Starlink for one. And there are plenty more, but since you're obviously clueless beyond repair, one is enough.

>> No.15778478

>publicize border situation
>same day get sued for accused racism
pure cohencidence

>> No.15779267

Reminds me of the Assange rape accusations that popped up as soon as Wikileaks because controversial

>> No.15779276

You gave me retardism reading this. Should really wear a condom over your head

>> No.15779559

your chocolate jeebus is a homosexual cocaine addict

>> No.15780772 [DELETED] 

its over

starship will never launch

>> No.15780803
File: 33 KB, 457x363, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX is not legally permitted to employ non citizens for many of it's jobs due to ITAR.

They are also sensitive to more generic forms of cooperate espionage.

>> No.15780810

That's an electrical component. You mean resister.

>> No.15780835
File: 109 KB, 376x292, no dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTH is an "asylee"?

>> No.15781019

Asylee means one who has asylum. It's a real word.

>> No.15781332

Musk says its stacked and ready to go and will launch soon

>> No.15782220

we're back

>> No.15782485
File: 66 KB, 640x336, g-g-g-g-gaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in black
Up ona stack
It's been too long, 'bout time to be back
Yes, I'm let loose
From the boos'
That's got me thrustin up & out
I'll be looking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high
Forget the SLS 'cause I never die
Over nine K lives
Musk's eyes
Abusin' every one of them and running wild

>> No.15782948
File: 154 KB, 1224x1280, qPyu3Gm9KMHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over
Musk is doing everything he can to insult the current administration. They're definitely going to respond by giving Musk the Trump treatment. He will be indicted by dozens of administration friendly state AGs and he will lose all his business licenses and "whistleblowers" will come out of the woodwork to accuse Musk of a bunch of crimes and eventually oldspace will take over SpaceX

>> No.15782981

SpaceX was successful BECAUSE they didn't hire aslyees or refugees. Government doesn't understand that. Soros -> DOJ -> FBI

>> No.15782986

So more of the same.

>> No.15782993

They would love to find a way to push him out of his companies and install someone they can control in his place.

>> No.15784127 [DELETED] 

stop noticing, thats antisemitic

>> No.15784887 [DELETED] 


>> No.15786105

It is obviously a ploy to get out competent people who by their very presence make the official characters look obviously incompetent. They thereby risk being exposed as genuinely incompetent. So now there is a race against time where the deadline is the next election.

>> No.15786964

imagine being nasa and having an unlimited budget and the every defense contractor at your disposal and you still end up launching fewer times in a year than cheap-o SpaceX does in a week

>> No.15787013

NASA's budget it pretty shit, but yes. Such is the life of a government employee.

>> No.15788259

this is all true
but the point is the kike/anglogolem elite controls not just every large business, but every institution in society

the law is made up in real time
and the law is something along the lines of "you white people are not allowed to survive in your own society, you will not be hired and you will have no recourse"

I'm serious what the fuck is this shit, start killing people.
They will literally kill us all as soon as their AI tells them they have enough armed shitskins rioters to overwhelm us

>> No.15788266

This is the problem with allowing dumbasses into positions of power. Lets be realistic the majority of people on this board the majority of the time likely have an IQ in excess of 110 on the charts.
The average person in the US and most of the world has an IQ of around 90 - 96 depending on the research you use. The reality between someone with an IQ of 90 and an IQ of 110 + is the difference between someone who struggles to stack light objects on a shelf with the logo facing in the correct direction vs people that create society changing innovations.

This is the problem, pander to stupid gets you here.

>> No.15788273

Refer to my previous comment about IQ if you read this reply.
Keep in mind African refugees typically have an IQ of between 60-85. Middle easterners are similar on average.

>> No.15788275

don't be so fucking retarded
all the people who own the old military industrial companies also own spacex.
musk is an actor, he doesn't run anything and he never had any ideas.

the few squabbling nobodies who are losing money due to the production shift are not calling any shots here, they are just being used as a distraction from the top-down reallocation of resources.
politics and government are theater. everything is actually run through the banking system.

I swear to fuck how are you this fucking stupid? You are on the one place on the internet where people talk about this situation all the time and it doesn't even enter into your retarded fucking bot brains.

>> No.15788281 [DELETED] 

none of them actually do, the kike diversity apparatus just picks companies to inject with shitskins, usually where white people are becoming successful and unified

>> No.15788287 [DELETED] 

>NASA's budget it pretty shit,
If thats the case how come they can afford to buy the most expensive rockets ever built and the most expensive telescopes ever built?

>> No.15788292

Because even that pales in comparison to the amount Uncle Sam spends on welfare.

>> No.15788293

>LIMITED HANGOUT blahblahblah

and none of you retarded nigger animals have mentioned what the whole story is
WHY were they collecting all this data?

to train propaganda AI and create a botnet to "gaslight" every single citizen on a customized individual level

>> No.15788297

we need niggershitskins to replace us, how else are we going to manage to commit suicide?

>> No.15788302

Anotherwords "I want to be da rocket man whitey not let me be rocket man cause rocket man is a black hater fuck whitey where the white woman at"

Litrally what we are dealing with.
This is why China avoids hiring africans when they set up mines in africa, they can rarely get them to show up sober.

>> No.15788304

Kek, I like whoever made that.

>> No.15788347

they aren't "attacking" a "resistor". A corporation doesn't get big by "doing business", it gets big because it's chartered by same central bank kikes that run everything in society.

They are putting on a show and throwing chum in the water for the niggersharks

You are fucking stupid at best
You just lap up the stories in the news like the wordview and context they provide can be trusted, the same "everyone eats shit it must be good" logic of every nigger animal NPC like you

>> No.15788350

look at this piece of shit thought from a retarded fucking nigger animal

>> No.15789011

Mexicans are in the same range too

>> No.15789843

>why would an american company that deals with the military complex hire pablo gonzales
they already do that, though. in fact, they hire mexicans to build the rockets. so, what difference does it make?

>> No.15790556
File: 93 KB, 1290x730, media_F7tnKjKXwAAxrh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk is now being sued by the FCC for having purchased Twitter in some sort of inappropriate manner. Every federal agency of attacking Musk because he refuses to allow them to censor Twitter.
Its over for SpaceX

>> No.15790783
File: 89 KB, 640x533, offense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15790845

Elon Musk is a good man. He doesn't need to be perfect. But he is good. His enemies are who are bad.

Making yourself an enemy of Elon Musk is a mistake. Don't do it.

>> No.15791091

what did they arrest him for?

>> No.15791137

>What does x stand for?
X stand for the ''ex'' of ''deus ex'' the videogame EM loves so much

>> No.15792652

antisemitism and excessively dank memes

>> No.15792996
File: 52 KB, 680x847, media-F70NVApWIAA9fht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15793985

show the children

>> No.15794007

He's a looter and a their like his South African ancestor. He invented nothing, stolen ("bought") all his companies, and contributes the bare minimum. Our generation's Von Braun, ladies and gentlemen!

>> No.15794020

> why is a country founded on ideas and not ethnicity lurching to the 3rd world for citizens and cheap labor?
Gee whiz, don't really understand this one.

>> No.15794022

sounds like a really lawsuit to win, with thr right lawyers and the will to win. why is Elon such a weak willed faggot?

>> No.15794055

>t. >>15792996

>> No.15794057

t. gov bootlicker

>> No.15794090
File: 5 KB, 298x123, Screenshot 2023-10-07 194239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is illegal to give jobs to people from this country over foreigners
This isn't the end of SpaceX. This is the end of the USA.
>J00 2 X
Yes, they are being a j00 to X. Good Captcha.

>> No.15795024 [DELETED] 

the plaintiff and the judge were both appointed by the same political party

>> No.15795085

Gonna have to call bullshit on that one. Judge is a Barr appointee.

>> No.15795163
File: 29 KB, 436x348, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"over 1.2million US-born workers lost their jobs last month while the foreign-born workforce increased by nearly 700,000"
>"In January 2023, there were 28.69million non-natives working in the States, rising to 29.96million in April, and 30.396million in August."
>"The increase in foreign-born people working in the US this summer, 668,000, is the highest July-to-August jump in the last 10 years."
Also worth noting that about 60% of tech workers in Silicon Valley are foreign born and 67% of new hires in Silicon Valley are foreign born. If you wonder why censorship based on ideology suddenly became so popular with tech companies, it's because they're filled with people who are from cultures without a tradition of open expression of ideas contrary to those of the ruling class.

>> No.15795331

What kind of fucking retard are you that you think opposing the president when he's from the other party is indicative of not being a statist? These are the kind of people who unironically say you MUST vote democrat to protect democracy.

>> No.15796268 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 643x511, 1SOIUS3SGyuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15797153

Facebook was founded with startup funding from In-Q-Tel, the CIA's venture capital tech investment wing.

>> No.15798244

oh yeah, president barr, i forgot about that guy

>> No.15798329

was CIA also present at the singularity explosion even that spawned the universe?

>> No.15798500

>the AG's political
>oh wait it's not political
Make up your mind.

>> No.15798514

Saw a post on Hacker News about a week ago that was nearly that.
>I'm worried if the economy get worse, voters might give up on democracy and re-elect Trump.

>> No.15799659

We must finally tell the world, that even if just proper equation for engeneering doing person selection itself is racist, because niggers can't do math. And that's it.

>> No.15800024

>it thinks the big bang narrative is legit
low iq
In-Q-Tel created Google as well, also DuckDuckGo
Theres an ex In-Q-Tel executive on DuckDuckGo's board of directors, the CIA is openly running that company, they're not even trying to hide it because they know that only a small minority of people will ever bother checking

>> No.15800520

>LifeLog was a project of the Information Processing Techniques Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).
>The objective of the LifeLog concept was "to be able to trace the 'threads' of an individual's life in terms of events, states, and relationships", and it has the ability to "take in all of a subject's experience, from phone numbers dialed and e-mail messages viewed to every breath taken, step made and place gone".
>The LifeLog program was canceled in January 2004 after criticism concerning the privacy implications of the system.

>Founded February 4, 2004

>> No.15801539

So it's illegal to hire people who aren't legally permitted to work in the US but it's illegal to not hire them?

>> No.15801553

so cia created the universe then. Is cia god? is the cia in the room with us now??

>> No.15801623

>DARPA LifeLog
>canceled in January 2004

>Founded February 4, 2004

pure coincidence

>> No.15802213

how is democratically electing the most popular candidate "giving up on democracy"?

>> No.15802234

they love wasting money that isnt part of their budget. they have to justify ever expenditure to congress and they HATE it

>> No.15802240

>CIA nigger
are you sure he wasn't FSB?

>> No.15802242

hit the nail on the head, wtf

>> No.15802243

kill yourself

>> No.15802282

"Refugee" is a buzzword for undocumented, but that will mislead you here. This thing is about people with EADs instead of green cards.

>> No.15802420

They're legally prohibited from hiring foreigners. How can asylees and refugees be requisite hires? This is a problem with the existing contradictory laws, not a problem with the company.

>> No.15803517

>This is a problem with the existing contradictory laws
what laws? the people in charge of enforcing the laws have nobody to enforce laws on them so they just do whatever they want.
in this case they're trying to kill spacex because musk isn't letting them censor twitter they way they want to and they're trying to make it all look legal only to preserve the facade that they're a lawful government rather than what they really are, which is an organized crime gang