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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15696521 No.15696521 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15696538


>> No.15696540

We know you want this to be about ADE or "original antigenic sin" but it's just fucked up phrasing.

>> No.15696578
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Those morons are eager to get a vaccine created by demons pushing for depopulation. Is simple as that.

>> No.15696895
File: 256 KB, 1488x1170, corona_plan_continuation_5_billion_to_die_in_2023_igg4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's true, all of it

>> No.15696903

>I can remember igg4 because my dog's name is iggy.
Very convenient.

>> No.15696909

>after booster 4
There are people who took 4 boosters? What the actual fuck? I got forced into the first round because of my job but I'm glad to hear that only people who habitually boosted like fucking heroin addicts are the ones who see actual lasting negative effects. It's something I always suspected.

>> No.15696925

two more weekerinos my pedes

>> No.15697063 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15697076

I thought boosters were just a pol meme.

>> No.15698194

/pol/ is never wrong, what is a /pol/ meme today is tomorrow's reality

>> No.15698683

By what mechanism are those already vaccinated against Covid19, being infected by the new variant?

>> No.15698812

anons, assuming this is true. what can we possibly do?

I don't see why the government would intentionally turn people against itself. but the rest of this seems plausible

build a bunker in the forest? will they start sending soldiers after people?

>> No.15698817

>be you
>write all that dumb shit
>get no replies
>reply to your own post

>> No.15699661

>two weeks to flatten the curve!!

>> No.15699667

/pol/ got fucked hard with that "two more weeks" thing. Some glowie had a stroke of genius. Imagine turning "two more weeks" around like that.

>> No.15699940

>STILL on the antivaxx covid train
Get a new conspiracy theory. Its been 3 years

>> No.15699970
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the memes write themselves

>> No.15699975

Millions of people died from the virus. And you antivaxx schizos are the only one's who keep bringing this shit up.
The virus was an actual problem
The vaccines were not.

>> No.15700016
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why you are so inconceivably stupid?
why can't you see that you are wrong about everything?

>> No.15700025

>wrong about everything?
Such as?

>> No.15700076

how can you know how many people died from covid?
the protocol for determining death stated that this took precedence over any other cause of death.
how do you know that the vaccine is safe and effective?
that it does not meet the development standard of any vaccine that preceded it and recent studies clearly show that it does not prevent infection
why do you trust the manufacturers, the media or the government?
knowing that the manufacturer was sued for 2 billion dollars for fraud, that the government is fundamentally corrupt, the media are the mouthpieces of their propaganda, as evidenced by their advertisements on television.
"people" like you are just so fucking stupid that there is nothing that can describe the order of magnitude of the madness and acceleration of mental illness that they have inflicted on you.
they lie to you so openly every day all the time how can you still believe it?

>> No.15700092

They died because morons in power closed everything to stop a flu you stupid fuck.

>> No.15700100
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Everything going on as planned by the lizard overlords.

>> No.15700111

> I don't see why the government would intentionally turn people against itself
LMAO, those dumb fucks are not smart at all. The Covid booster is only part of the package. They will also blame eggs, dairy and meat, so morons will starve themselves. All their plans are described in detail in the McAfee files.

>> No.15700146

More capable at infecting vaccinated people than other strains, not that people who are vaccinated are more susceptible than people who aren't. Is this an ESL board now in addition to being the only one besides pol where people still post about fucking covid 19?

>> No.15700151

>more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines
>be me
>get vax, don't get ancestral strain
>get booster, don't get delta
>get update, don't get omicron
>now I may catch BA.2.86

How is this worse than catching every single variant on top of this new BA.2.86?

>> No.15700878

>only 3 shots
fukkin antivaxxers

>> No.15702428

you will never be a woman

>> No.15702892

>Millions of people died from the virus
May I see these millions of dead bodies who only had Covid and not 8 other severe illnesses?

>> No.15702905

The Cleveland clinic already showed that the more vaccines you get, the more susceptible to reinfection, keep up fucking retard. You took a shot so you would decrease your chances of death due to a virus from .00000001 to 000000001 (these were the actual rates for anyone under 40 without fucking aids). Turns out this shot you took didn't prevent you from getting the virus, didn't stop you from transmitting it, increased your chances of getting all future viruses of the same type, weakened the rest of your immune system, increased your all cause mortality, and you paid for it directly through taxes lmfao. You are so fucking stupid it is hilarious.

>> No.15703078

Yeah an overexplained detail like this is a telltale sign of a larp. Also a very good way to filter out lies in real life.

>> No.15703108

>billions must die
wtf the european style socialists are chuds?

>> No.15704402

They took the shots because of economic coercion

>> No.15704439

Two more weeks

>> No.15705502

How does being vaccinated make you more prone to getting the disease you're vaccinate for?
Why would anyone bother getting a vaccine like that?

>> No.15705508

>May I see these millions of dead bodies who only had smallpox and not 8 other severe illnesses?

>> No.15705582

smooth brain

>> No.15707052


>> No.15707858

common habit of dimwits

>> No.15709190
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>> No.15709201

I am 100% unvaxxed and will never allow that shit in my body, but this doesn’t actually say what most people are claiming it says.
It’s not saying Vaxxies are more likely to get this relative to pure bloods, it’s saying they’re more likely to get this relative to previous strains

>> No.15709402

Selfish antivax morons are spreading it to them

>> No.15710379

because you now have an underdeveloped immune system

>> No.15711775

Thats how it works, once they've been tricked they don't want to admit they were wrong so they stick with the lie that tricked them

>> No.15712862
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>Millions of people died from the virus
no they didn't, people only started dying after the vax was rolled out

>> No.15713472

"Excess deaths" is such a fucking retarded meme. It's literally just made up bullshit.
>we made a guess at how many people would die each month
>oh no, we were wrong about how many people would die each month
>call it "excess" as if these predictions are some infallible measure and blame some specific cause that's politically convenient and convinces people to do what we say

>> No.15713483

>had COVID-19, OR who have received COVID-19 vaccines
that's basically everyone isn't it?

>> No.15713559
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>> No.15713646

Lets make 100 000 more threads about this retarded subject.

>> No.15713739

>People who had COVID-19 or the vaccine
So practically the entire population?

>> No.15714522
File: 82 KB, 498x468, distraught soyentist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lets make 100 000 more threads about this retarded subject.

>> No.15714725

I used to write stuff like this in the hopes the unvaxxed would listen and eventually die
Sadly covid wasnt that deadly but I'll be doing it for the next pandemic. Vaccines are bad and you shouldn't take them :) (more for me)

>> No.15714730

>Booster 4
Lmao... I thought I was on /sci/ not /x/

>> No.15714761
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>> No.15714764

I can't believe this thread still exists christ, I worked at a covid testing lab which is why I got the vaccine retard. You just made up those numbers because it makes out less than one covid death, your opinion isn't worth shit either way. One love.

>> No.15714969

Same shill refrain. Stop talking about our scam as everyone figures it out goy!

Kill yourself

Let's keep discussing it and the fact that all the morons who don't know what real science is just made it loud and clear that they shouldnt even be able to vote.

>> No.15714975

Pathetic but funny too. If I were suddenly and mysteriously put in charge I would vaxx them all again. They're not worth having around.

>> No.15714979

Slit your wrists do it tonight.

>> No.15714984

Have them all you autistic faggot. Give some to your whore mother too

>> No.15715009

>we made a guess at how many people would die each month
retard it's compared to previous years.
if lets say from 2010-2020 10 million people died, and in 2021 12 million died that's 20% excess deaths

>> No.15715058

It is not the only board. It is every thinking person’s responsibility to point out that the emperor has no clothes and people aren’t as retarded as given credit for. Our leaders are a laughing stock and science and media has been jacked by by secret state operatives who nobody voted for.

>> No.15715307

They have to correct for a lot of factors and the same number of people don't die every year to begin with. Not only that, but they blatantly just make assumptions and assertions as to the specific causes of all the "excess" deaths. It's all very easily manipulated and untrustworthy.

>> No.15715482
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i want you fucking dead

>> No.15715606
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>> No.15716533

Just put a bullet inside the head of those fuckers creating those virus. Those are the same fuckers who voted for biden, kill them and you will not have to worry again about that shit. Is simple as that.

>> No.15717691

vaxxies are too low iq to understand basic math

>> No.15717919

Anon, it's the vaxxers who promote the "excess deaths" absurdity to justify vaccines. It's literally a scare tactic defended by empty cries to "trust the science."

>> No.15717931

This is actually funny fictional satire though lol

>> No.15719397
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>> No.15720209 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15720720 [DELETED] 

>get vax'd for covid
>immune response against covid gets worse rather than better
is that how vaccines are supposed to work?

>> No.15722082 [DELETED] 

good pic

>> No.15722129

Oh yeah, it definitely was the vax and not liver failure from lifelong alcoholism

>> No.15722157

Well yeah, after all vaccines are tools for depopulation.

>> No.15722659

>In October 2021, the band performed at a beer and wine festival at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts in Bethel, New York, where he appeared intoxicated, threatening audience members and performing what looked like a Nazi salute.

>> No.15722669
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>Millions of people died from the virus
Are you sure about that?

>> No.15722830
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>new zealanders stage mass haka against submission mandates
Did it work ?

>> No.15724191 [DELETED] 


>> No.15725488 [DELETED] 

>the vax dindu NUFFIN!!!
>vax be innocent an sheeiiiiiiittt

>> No.15725585

Stop being so offensive, Hitler.