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15695057 No.15695057 [Reply] [Original]

> nazi billionaire has managed to send chink-shit tier satellites in orbit, and that proves that commie organizations like nasa shouldn't exist.

>> No.15695069

dumb thread. i hope no one takes this bait

>> No.15695109

> I suck elon's cock, and therefore, I'm not gay.

>> No.15695124

the fuck has NASA done except add more incompetent women and bureaucracy in the last 20 years, continuing to add the same caliber of woman who killed 7 astronauts with Challenger?

>> No.15695126

>nazi billionaire
Literally who and what are you talking about and why do you use reddit quote formatting? Go back.

>> No.15695135

> I hate women, because they don't like being raped, and therefore I'm a scientist.

>> No.15695138

you seem very familiar with that reddit website

>> No.15695150

Know your enemy.

>> No.15695229

not an argument
note I said
>more incompetent women
>same caliber of women
implying there are high caliber women out there, but they sure as shit aren't working on public salaries and they sure as shit aren't in the numbers that are in NASA.
so answer the question: what has NASA done? given our launches over to russia? paid Lockheed billions more to deliver nothing?

>> No.15695322
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>the same caliber of woman who killed 7 astronauts with Challenger?
which one was this? Are you thinking of Columbia instead?

>> No.15695732

Yes, I meant Columbia. Hence within the last 20 years. My bad.

>> No.15695750

>and that proves that commie organizations like nasa shouldn't exist.

You knew how your bait post would go but what you didn't know is nasa is not a commie organization, or more specifically, what you thought was from nasa wasn't from nasa. They don't own the means of production. It's boeing, lockheed, and the rest of the space industrial complex sticking their hand in the pot. It was always a money pipeline to private industry and special interests. Without value judgements, purely in economic terms, the only thing different about the spacex era is they design their products instead of nasa, and contracts are fixed cost so tit drinkers can't delay the project and ask for more money.

>> No.15695756
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>nasa is not a commie organization

>> No.15695772

pride, LGBT, and all idpol is a capitalism defense mechanism against OWS

>> No.15696233

>. They don't own the means of production. It's boeing, lockheed, and the rest of the space industrial
that shows how retarded the elon fanbois are.

they are not even proper capitalists.
he's a trust fund baby with government funding.

>> No.15696238

>he's a trust fund baby
What trust fund did he get? Are you going to bring up some shares that in a defunct mind that his father owned who disowned him when he moved to Canada?
You have musk derangement syndrome.

>> No.15696241

> I suck the cock of elon so much, I've become blind, and don't even see the emerald mines his family had under apartheid.

>> No.15696251

>if I were him I would have
whenever I see this argument I lose hope for humanity. I am surrounded by severely limited chimps.

>> No.15696258

>> I suck the cock of elon so much, I've become blind, and don't even see the emerald mines his family had under apartheid.
The, at the time, defunct mine that his father only held shares in?
You have musk derangement syndrome.

>> No.15696312

old world systems?

>> No.15696361

> I only did some apartheid. I don't do full apartheid in 2023.

shut up elon.

>> No.15696398


>> No.15696417

SpaceX seems to be very obviously headed towards monopolisation of the launch market.

I wonder how exactly the US government will respond, especially since Musk seems to want to throw his weight around politically.
The big issue is that space launch is so sophisticated and so capital intensive, there is no easy way to create viable competition.
The legacy aerospace companies that might have the capital are extremely sclerotic and conservative and the smaller, more risk tolerant companies simply don't have the capital.

Musk himself is a pretty funny figure, he reminds me a bit of Henry Ford.

Ford decried seemingly all of the social change that occured during the early 20th century, despite his business practices being one of it's biggest causes.
He even palled with Hitler, despite the new processes of mass production and de-skilling that he helped pioneer in the United States being a large part of what devastated more artisanal German industry in the 1920s-30s and helped lead to Hitler's rise.

Musk also invests in projects that would enormously change society whilst also seemingly being opposed to any kind of social change that would naturally result from it.

>> No.15696636

idpol is literally all marxism and all comes from marxism (ie the ((((frankfurt school))), you are retarded

>> No.15696648

State very specifically what is wrong with apartheid. Do you invite bums off the street come share your apartment with you and sit around all day eating everything and shitting in your living room while you go to work to pay for it all? White south africans built a first world nation out of nothing, even under economic sanctinos by the rest of the westerns, something negroes have not been able to do .... ever, and negroes from everywhere on the continent rushed to be oppressed because of the better economic opportunities just like every other white nation invaded by browns. Access to white people and the nations they build is a privilege not a right. Now SA is a 3rd world shithole and the white farmers are being genocided in the nation their ancestors built. What makes you think white people have an obligation to give what they create to anyone but their descendants? Again, be very specific in your response

>> No.15696651

The current crop only manage things like kidnapping their crush's gf, cybercrime, and drilling ineffective holes in ISS. None of them have managed to get anyone killed, much less threaten Linda Ham's high score.

>> No.15696666

Occupy Wall Street. Companies adopted cultural Marxism as a way to divide the proletariat with various flavors of identity politics. But they didn't invent it, they simply adopted and boosted what was already there, mostly in academia. They're also far from the only advocates but are an important resource for the movement.

>> No.15696680

Yeah it's interesting how that works. All colleges disseminate that marxist ideology they got from ivy league. Who runs ivy league? The marxists? Not quite, it's the wealthy donor class. They just distracted them with something they knew they would eat up lmao

>> No.15696731

Sort of

Spacex, like all space launch, is viable because it's a government contractor. You can't start a space company with just private launches. The government is the biggest customer.

Elon won because he's bids the lowest and delivers. He competed with the rest of the launch industry.

Also everyone was fine with government contractors charging too much and delaying too much and charging more. But the second there's a rich person in the news cycle they went rapid for him. Who are the boeing and lockheed stakeholders? I don't even know their names. They were ripping is off and no one cared. Also we were paying russia to launch our astronauts on their ancient rocket and no one cared.

>> No.15696752
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shit thread, OP.

The entire point of SpaceX, the reason it exists at all, is to develop the reusable rocket capability necessary to build Brilliant Pebbles, an SDI program to fill low earth orbit with tens of thousands of kinetic interceptors to neutralize the threat of ICBMs. This is the reason Michael Griffin has had his hands all over SpaceX and Elon Musk since before it even began. He was with Elon Musk when he went to Russia to inquire after Russian ICBMs. He was with Elon Musk in that hotel room 2002 when Elon Musk was pitching SpaceX to his first employees. He gave Elon Musk the NASA CRS contract, before SpaceX had ever put anything into space. He again gave SpaceX the NASA COTS contract shortly later when SpaceX needed more money.

SpaceX and Elon Musk have not invested appreciable money in Mars colonization technology. Instead they've been going full steam ahead developing the capability to put tens of thousands of satellites into orbit, precisely as Michael Griffin's plan requires. When Elon Musk says that the purpose of SpaceX is to prevent human extinction, he's equivocating. He's talking about preventing a nuclear WW3 by neutralizing the nuclear arsenals of Russia/China/etc.

Btw, Elon Musk's eldest son is named Griffin.


>why's he getting political now
SDI isn't popular with DNC politicians. Reagan supported it, Trump supported it, the Biden administration does not. SpaceX is designed to have some political independence due to their ability to fulfill lucrative commercial contracts, but without political support for the program Brilliant Pebbles won't be built. Elon Musk wants a supportive president in the White House because without that SpaceX won't get a lucrative contract to build this SDI system and it won't get done.

>> No.15696756

Elon like toootally based, amirite? He's like a billionaire and a genius, he's warning us that artificial intelligence (which is like intelligence but artificial) is a hazard to humans. Not only that but like he's sent satellites and rockets to outer space, and totally revolutionized Twitter which is what intellectuals use. Based!

>> No.15696832

coincidence is not consequence

>> No.15696837

>pure coincidence!

>> No.15696842

nah, cope is assuming people are capable of intelligent feats.

>> No.15696843

The feats in question have been demonstrated, there is no assumption necessary.
inb4 you're a "space is fake" faggot

>> No.15696859

the speed of light is fake, special relativity is fake, atomic clocks are fake.
You wouldn't believe just how much of the information above the basic necessities to get through daily life is completely fabricated. Even the year calendar had been fabricated and replaced with a retarded interpretation at some point.

Space isn't fake. Space is real.
But your post reads like a story, because it is a story. Stories are manifested ideas from the minds of individuals, where every part of the story makes sense and theres a reason for why every character did what they did exactly when they did it. Humans, in real life, do not operate like that.

>> No.15696863

You sound unhinged.

>> No.15696871

You sound like you watch too much TV and read too many books.

>> No.15696876

Oh god no, not books!

>> No.15696878

>>because they don't like being raped
someone tell him

>> No.15696879

You have inundated your point of view with secular imaginative points of view, the minds of other individuals.
It is not an objective measure of reality. Scripts and stories are the products of delusional lonely people, by necessity. Anyone with any more interesting of a life would be too busy engaging with their actual social life to write such ridiculous stories.

>> No.15696882

take meds

>> No.15696886

Explain how me taking medication solves your mental problems.

>> No.15696890

The feds send in their schizo shills when this is brought up.

>> No.15696928

so this is how mental midgets cope kek

>> No.15696940
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Based and truth pilled.

>> No.15697061
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I never understood modern nazis' obsession with gay bois like elon. They should love chads like lenin and kennedy. The were the real men who put the man on the moon.

>> No.15697306

>NASA has managed to lose all launch capabilities over the course of 20 years, all so it can waste a third of its yearly budget on the welfare program that is the ISS. At least our retarded irrelevant buddies Canada and the EU can play pretend that they are advanced societies and not decaying nursing homes that never surpassed 60s Soviet technology, right?

>> No.15697311

You are retarded, just fucking look up Zizek discussing Marxism's predictions about LGBT