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15694717 No.15694717 [Reply] [Original]

Out of Africa debunked

>> No.15694725

actually I have an 8.8 million year old fossil from africa, sorry bud

>> No.15694728

Ah sorry I actually I have an 8.9 million year old fossil from south america, sorry mate.

>> No.15694734

old news

>> No.15694736

Was it ever bunked?

>> No.15694773

How is that debunked?
You do know that animals migrate regularly, right?
Central Anatolia down into Africa is a straight shot. Humans ourselves took the exact opposite route out of Africa.

>> No.15694794

Sorry chuddies, I have an 8.95 million year old fossil from India.

>> No.15694801

that's just a coprolith, it doesn't mean much.

>> No.15694829

t. anon who clearly doesn't know what OOA theory is predicated on

>> No.15694852
File: 17 KB, 348x343, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be black
>interested in maths
>got a 4 on AP calc and wanted to study math in college
>just realized i have no neanderthal dna
is it over for me

>> No.15694866


>> No.15694874

>>be black
>is it over for me
It never even began for you.

>> No.15694883

What's it like to walk the earth as an inferior specimen?

>> No.15694897

>No neanderthal dna
false, later evidence showed back flow on neanderthal admixed populations within africa

>> No.15694903

Cool, where in your post did you link us to that study to substantiate your claim, you chicken loving banjo playing cotton picking 80IQ having mud hut building nigger?

>> No.15694933

I've had sex unlike you

>> No.15694942

out of africa isn't real because evolution isn't real

>> No.15695039
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>you chicken loving banjo playing cotton picking 80IQ having mud hut building nigger?

>> No.15695049


>> No.15695086

The ancestors of modern humans and apes could have evolved anywhere. OoA is about modern humans though.

>> No.15695091
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1519330842478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evolved in Europe
>central Anatolia
t.urk thread, you will never be European

>> No.15695100

You like throwing out articles but if it doesn't affect the scientific consensus it's probably bunk

>> No.15695106

Academic competency is stored in the virginity, so it's double over now.

>> No.15695113

Doesn't really debunk out of africa. Not to say it's the case, but these proto-hominines could have migrated into africa, and then Homo erectus migrated back out. Recent african origin has been debunked for years thoughbeit.

>> No.15695120

just like dogs, cats, monkeys, bears, and all sorts do.

>> No.15695127

evolution is pseudo-science

>> No.15695134

>I was able to logically deduce that a human ancestor left Africa and became human in multiple different parts of Earth simultaneously years ago
>Science is admitting it in my lifetime

Feels good. It was blatantly obvious.

>> No.15695137

pretty sure its just: animals die, then the animals that survive pass on their genes and the genes that don't pass on are eliminated, and the genes that do pass on are kept, and sometimes you have genetic mutations and the children come out differently like when you have a baby and it's albino or something. Just like how some elephants in one place are losing tusks because people killed some with the tusks leaving more of the ones with no tusks than there was before, and the no tusks have a chance of passing on that gene, and then when two parents have it it will be amplified and then more and more of those elephants stop having tusks until not having tusks is normal (it's only in the female elephants I think)

>> No.15695141


>> No.15695143

superficially plausible but ultimately not based in reality. the definition of sophistry

>> No.15695172

it is literally based in reality since its observable in real time.
also, look at this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Fugates

>> No.15695199


>> No.15695204

lol what the fuck does that prove
king george's piss was blue so uh aliums!?

>> No.15695228

Seriously? We're supposed to believe that Chinese, Abbos, Finns, and normal people all came out of Africa as one? How does that explain their obvious differences.

>> No.15695231

You are the blackest nigger gorilla I have ever come across

>> No.15695235

I know that feel!

>> No.15695259


>> No.15695373

the scientific consensus is definitely bunk.
Consensus means the most common opinion of midwits, which means it guaranteed to be outdated, wrong and low IQ

>> No.15695464

why are you so upset about out of africa. Relax, it doesnt mean you are black. Its not that big a deal either. Would you feel better if it turned out humans started in norway or something?

>> No.15695483
File: 45 KB, 980x381, 1494415264-alien-prometheus-engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first humans were obviously BWC chads

>> No.15695499

Out of pol

go back

>> No.15695515

You're genuinely retarded

>> No.15695550

Impressive, is that quote from your PhD?

>> No.15695602

this is actually fairly plausible. the original prehumans that left africa probably looked very much like australian abbos, which strongly resemble asians in skull morphology. the skull became more gracile, which pushed the brain downward into the eyes and wider left and right.

for asians, the space between the zygomatic arch and eye socket narrowed, all features became less robust. for ancestral europeans and anatolian farmers, the nose narrowed, the zygomatic arches narrowed, the frontal lobe morphology remained robust, but the brain pushed forward

it's fairly easy to see the divergence in old skeletons

the only really divergent morphology belongs to africans, who have neither the wideness, or the frontal development in their skulls. they are, morphologically speaking, more gracile abos with none of the neonatal features, and in fact slightly more prognathism

this strongly indicates that europeans and asians did in fact diverge from a common ancestor along mildly convergent lines (brain enlargement and neoteny) because there is no common ancestor that has a large brain and neoteny both. for out of africa to be true, and for the divergence date to be further back, europeans and asians would actually need to be MORE similar than they currently are to fit the current fossil record

>> No.15695740

Turks weren't in Anatolia that far back in time, it was European back then.

>> No.15696501

it's a matter of geography, anatolia is asian
europe ends at the bosporus, wasn
't different a few million years ago

>> No.15696516
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LMAO, worse than having ape DNA is having demonic DNA.

>> No.15696518
File: 12 KB, 224x225, Godemperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From Anatolia

>> No.15696576

How exactly does this disprove out of Africa? These are not modern human remains.
Obviously there were Hominids in Eurasia before Sapiens got there, that's not in dispute.

>> No.15696606

It was "discovered" after George Floyd. The study exists but has been criticized for sampling bias of those who have modern mixed ancestry to get the desired result.

>> No.15696675

You're an idiot.

>> No.15697196 [DELETED] 

Europe extended all the way to the Himalayas during Alexander's time

>> No.15697797

NTA but was that within or near Madagascar?

>> No.15697808

even rats get more action than you bro. Its owa.

>> No.15697810

kek indeed

>> No.15697868

Unironically, go overseas for college. Even if it's just a couple semesters exchange. Even HBCUs won't save you here. t. HBCU grad, worst mistake of my life.

>> No.15698013

IQlet to brain damage here.
Anon, who fucking cares about neanderthal DNA? What do you gain from it, empathy? If you want empathy, marry and have a child. Do your math study and be done with it.
What the hell are you afraid of?

>> No.15698019

Just study engineering. Youll make way more money. You will have zero impact on mathematics.

>> No.15698059

Human skulls used to have pointy noses back in my old timeline. Why is everything here so uniformly grimy and inferior?

>> No.15698350

>t. HBCU grad
does the n word trigger you?

>> No.15698382

not an argument

>> No.15699221
File: 106 KB, 1200x1200, 09FA618D-D261-456B-BA31-F80F468332F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this then. His name was Funke not Fugate do not genetically linked.

>> No.15699425

Always was

>> No.15699612

sez you

>> No.15699987 [DELETED] 

How do out of Africa believers explain human remains in Australia which predate the supposed exodus from Africa? Continental drift?

>> No.15699992

The argument is the overwhelming evidence of the fossil record as well as phylogenetic analysis on the hbox genes.
Evolution has been proven and it doesn't matter that it disproves your creation myth.

>> No.15700221

>fossil record
which amounts to oh this fossil kind of looks like a lizard so evolution is proved I guess :Ddd
>hox genes
not sure how that proves evolution but my guess is it's another stupid non-sequitur

>> No.15700227

>"If I just ignore the evidence, then there is no evidence!"

>> No.15700240

I'm willing to hear why hox genes prove evolution

>> No.15700915

They don't bother, they just ignore it. How did people even get to Australia 50,000 years before the boat was invented?

>> No.15700974

except for the fact out of Africa refers to homo sapiens exodus out of Africa, not apes, which we already know are Eurasian in origin anyways. doesn't disprove anything lol

>> No.15700975

island hopping in south east Asia with small craft while the ocean levels were lower, simple as

>> No.15701004

>how did they cross large expanses of water before boats were invented

>they used boats

>> No.15701006

turkey also claims to be ahead of the entire rest of the world in terms of military technology.

But I'm sure that this early human specimen that proves their country is the origin of human life is not motivated by anything.

>> No.15701041

It's obvious that each continent evolved on their own, just not at the same pace perhaps and got crossbred with the more advanced one.

Look at the current apes and monkeys across the world and the native humans living there.
Clear correlation between facial structure, body size, intellect.

>> No.15701458

so you're just making shit up and going with whatever sounds right?

>> No.15701471

I never understood the argument that we came out of Africa.
How do you go from black as night to white.
I can see evolution making your skin darker, but the other way around?

>> No.15701791

Early modern humans are 200,000 years old. Who cares that some ape ancestors left Africa 9 million years prior to that? How does that change the theory that 200,000 years ago the ancestors of modern humans came from Africa? That's like saying "my great-great-great-grandfather was from Ireland so my parents can't be from Florida"

>> No.15701795

>I can see evolution making your skin darker, but the other way around?
What's the logic there?

>> No.15701800

Humans are very mobile. Why do they even have to come from a specific place?

>> No.15701815

What would the alternative be? Genetic convergence? Walking upright has developed independently in Europe, Asia, Africa and America?

>> No.15701824

People move around on evolutionarily meaningless time scales. They came from everywhere.

>> No.15701859

If dark skin and dark eyes are dominant then how the fuck can Africans who were presumably already black move to Europe and somehow look like the blue/green eyed lightskinned native Europeans we see today?

>> No.15701878

Then why are the first humans only found in Africa?

>> No.15701883

Please tell me if your understanding in evolutionary biology exceeds 7th grade level.

>> No.15701893 [DELETED] 

People could live at a completely different place that their ancestors five thousabd years before. It matters much more what happened to survive and what people happen to come across.

>> No.15701894

>be Ötzi
>dark-skinned, but passing the alps
>your brother Chadzi is slightly lighter-skinned due to a fluke of genetics
>suffer from vitamin D deficiency
>your brother has much more vitamin D
>bitches love his D
>he outbreeds you
>his offspring outbreeds your offspring

>> No.15701896

People could live at a completely different place than their ancestors five thousand years before. It matters much more what happened to survive and what people happen to come across.

>> No.15701909

>>interested in maths
Stop larping as a white man, its not your path. Unironically just loot and rapemaxx before some policeman kills you. We should all do what we have the genes for.

>> No.15701925

Irrelevant babbling that has nothing to do with genetic analysis.

>> No.15701931

I think you confused posts.

>> No.15701964

No. You think that "oh people are mobile" disproves the evidence and genetic analysis on which the out-of-Africa hypothesis was built.

>> No.15701994

Go away tourist

>> No.15702003

>genetic analysis on which the out-of-Africa hypothesis was built.
I don't think it was. What are you talking about? The more recent recoveries of neanderthal Y and mtDNA are only consistent with long term interbreeding

>> No.15702019

so what is the non PC explanation to the african divergence? Off shoot of those that stayed behind and did not migrate into eurasia?

>> No.15702092
File: 167 KB, 1599x1062, ukzbekistan 100ky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't, the naming and designation of fossils is arbitrary, heres a skull from 100,000 years ago found in uzbekistan, its designated neanderthal only because calling it sapiens would contradict the out of africa timeline…

>> No.15702094
File: 360 KB, 1920x1713, tanzania 120ky sapiens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

…and here is an african skull of the same age, designated sapiens only in order to support the out of africa narrative, with no other reason behind it's categorization. note the far more pronounced brow and smaller braincase than the supposed neanderthal from uzbekistan

>> No.15702111

The idea that humans are all one species doesn't even come from science, it was declared by the UN in November of 1945, shortly after the end of WW2. They did that without considering any scientific evidence whatsoever, their decision was made as an act against racism. Ever since then it has been illegal for any member nation of the UN to allow their people to consider any other possibilities. Its the equivalent of when the Indiana state legislature tried to declare that pi=3

>> No.15702121

>note the ... smaller braincase
How can you tell with no scale for comparison?

>> No.15702266

how difficult do you retards think making a raft and paddling along the shoreline is. We already know people beyond 50kya subsisted on marine diets based on their stable isotopes

>> No.15702277

Sorry, I got a 9.99 million year old fossil inbetween my legs and I'm white

>> No.15702285

the teshik cranium doesn't disprove anything even if it was sapiens though, since the Omo cranium in East Africa is dated to 233kya. Assuming teshik is sapiens, all it does it suggest that an earlier wave of sapiens made it out of Africa, which isn't an extremely controversial claim regardless. Even still though OOA is becoming less favourable anyways, and multi regionalism is far more accepted now as many Eurasian lineages have obviously contributed to the modern human genome.

>> No.15702412

because you're being arbitrary and it's unscientific. you're just blurting out autistic theories that are unfalsifiable but are the basis for a whole secular creation myth. it's ridiculous

>> No.15702427
File: 33 KB, 706x434, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up and stop painting with such a wide brush, being like that on average doesn't mean it's like that in every particular case

>> No.15702811

>humans on island
>homo sapiens have existed 150kya at this point
>it is likely they island hopped when the water levels were lower, otherwise how else did they get there

>> No.15702824

1. africans are selected for hunting fauna, not megafauna
2. africans are selected for in their ancestral environment, and the fauna in turn evolve to escape humans. meaning that they are trapped evolutionarily
3. nonafricans evolved in a new biome, hunting animals that had no natural defenses against human except size. but size stopped mattering, so they were an evolutionary dead end. this escape from older selection pressures allowed intelligence to be selected for
4. by the time farming happened, intelligence could be selected for farming, or, alternatively, by cooperation within larger kin groups (the largest african kin group is your brothers brothers. after this, everyone is an enemy)
5. africans could not evolve because they did not have genetic isolation from prehominids in africa. any intelligence selection that did take place got utterly overwhelmed by the large amounts of gorilla dna. prehominid dna in europeans and asians is 2.5% max. in middle easterners its as much as 7. in africans it is a whopping 30%

but of course, can't let computational genetics get in the way right. they're literally blocking excavation sites in europe and turkey because of this

>> No.15702835

is israel in europe too? they've been in a few eurovisions by now, so i guess yes, right?

>> No.15702840

it is considered europe in the historical sense, as europeans have traditionally controlled the entire area around the black sea, and the desert in the south of turkey was the main geographical barrier between us and semites

>> No.15702857

>homo sapiens have existed 150kya at this point
citation needed
>it is likely they island hopped
citation needed
>when the water levels were lower
citation needed

>> No.15703125

Omo remains
>Vidal, C.M., Lane, C.S., Asrat, A. et al. Age of the oldest known Homo sapiens from eastern Africa. Nature 601, 579–583 (2022).
sundaland migrations/water levels
>Mammalian Species Richness on Islands on the Sunda Shelf, Southeast Asia". Oecologia. 61 (1): 11-17
>Husson, L., Salles, T., Lebatard, AE. et al. Javanese Homo erectus on the move in SE Asia circa 1.8 Ma. Sci Rep 12, 19012 (2022).
Do you need me to google anything else for you

>> No.15703478

compare the foreheads

>> No.15703490
File: 108 KB, 1000x750, 1558_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy had a modern sized brain. What you actuaply see is the eye sockets that protrude out, as people used to have bigger eyes.

>> No.15703510
File: 195 KB, 1024x920, 1690979788313166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do some people care if apes evolved on one landmass instead of the other?

>> No.15703516

Biological determinists(and determinists in general) are too autistic.

>> No.15703517
File: 15 KB, 597x597, 1680404906220304jaxon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15703521

I mean, I get that libs constantly stating "we are all africans" is retarded, but you are just giving creadance to their disposition by obsessing over the same thing. Just ask them to define "african" or something and watch them spin in their chairs.
I swear, too many internet rightists, usually /pol/tards are way too autistic to think in any other way. You need to stop and think for a moment.

>> No.15703525

'Turkye' is not in Europe and (You) have to go back

>> No.15703532
File: 277 KB, 1370x1199, Homo_sapiens_lineage.svg (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "Human".

>> No.15703540
File: 66 KB, 640x360, Neanderthal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See the hand fir comparison you fucking retard. Its volume has been measured, he already had a brain of modern size. But the huge eyes had to fit somewhere.
A possibly even more extreme example from a neanderthal.

>> No.15703545

The out of Africa dogma is strictly enforced in academia because the UN announced in November of 1945 that humans are a single species with common ancestry. They made the decision without any scientific backing and strictly for political reasons, thats why they care so much about preventing any investigation into the topic.

>> No.15703547

i can tell that you're emotional about this issue because you're screeching insults like an angry child, why don't you take a break an allow yourself to calm down for a while until you're able to discuss science with us on a rational basis without allowing your out of control emotional state to interfere

>> No.15703553

You are being the irrational one thinking you can judge brain size from the shape of the head. But people actually measured those skulls and determined their brain volume. It's their eyes that are huge. There can be no reasonable doubt about it.

>> No.15703580

OP associates the term "Out of Africa" with feelgood messages about the brotherhood and unity of mankind. Such messages are clearly at odds with OP's self-identity as a contrarian racist, so he sees OOA as part of an enemy ideology he must oppose.
This leads to him excitedly sharing stories like this, blissfully unaware of their total irrelevance to the stuff he's actually unhappy about.

>> No.15703581

>OP associates the term "Out of Africa" with feelgood messages about the brotherhood and unity of mankind.
Why shouldn't he?

>> No.15703586

He can do what he wants.

>> No.15703588

Is he wrong to make that association? Is it unwarranted? Why are you weaseling out?

>> No.15703589

Niggers are monkeys not humans

>> No.15703592

The same is true of you.

>> No.15703593

nah, get gassed you kike

>> No.15703594

Pretty sure you are this guy >>15703580 and you're seething REALLY hard over being questioned. lol

>> No.15703629

In the sense that the ideas are often linked in popular discourse, no, he's not wrong. However, he is wrong in basing his understanding of reality on his emotional reaction to that popular discourse, rather than actually learning something about the relevant evidence.
>>15703593 is not me

>> No.15703634

>In the sense that the ideas are often linked in popular discourse, no, he's not wrong.
At least we got that far. Now what gives you the idea this is some kind of accident and not a primary consideration behind the proliferation of this theory?

>> No.15703641

The actual evidence. You don't need to speculate on the ideological motivations of science popularisers. We're not analysing historical sources.

>> No.15703642

>i can tell that you're emotional about this issue
There is nothing weird about that when you judge living people with racist bullshit like this.

>> No.15703646

>You don't need to speculate on the ideological motivations of science popularisers
The "science popularisers" I'm talking about are the people who fund and manage academia. Now you tell me who's more likely to receive necessary support for their research, the guy whose findings imply "feelgood messages about the brotherhood and unity of mankind" and the guy whose findings trample all over that?

>> No.15703661
File: 69 KB, 720x720, nig chimpski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Africans are capable of breeding with chimpanzees, no other race of humans can do that. We are not the same species


>> No.15703689

I guess it's settled, then. Kikes gonna kike.

>> No.15703691
File: 206 KB, 650x650, 1535303308615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what else is autistic? Science (actual science of making new discoveries and not scientific career which doesn't even require success in making actual scientific discoveries, but does require to regurgitate what you was taught into heads of obedient students)
So this autism is closer to reality and you should remember that biological determinism exists and may predict the flaws and superpowers. But luckily to all of us, and especially to those lacking in what they wish to achieve, genetic therapies are getting more and more affordable and will soon allow us to actually choose our genetic traits making concepts of race and maybe even specie obsolete.
(they are less and less "massively expensive": they were around one million dollars when she was interviewed, not they are offered for less than a hundred thousands, and for free if the patient has alzheimer)

>> No.15703793


>> No.15703818

You are right, many racists cannot accept this.
Personally, I find that logical. Nigs are proto-humans and Asians + Whites are humans, it actually fits.
My first step into the wrongthink was reading Darwin.

>> No.15703825

True and real. DNA doesn't lie, the kid is half chimp and is not the only case.

>> No.15703835
File: 230 KB, 520x214, LMAO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real humans, the sons of God, they are long dead. What remains is all kinds of subhumans, and only few among such bastards can behave like humans most of the time. That is the cold hard truth.

>> No.15703840

I know it's a coom story but I don't believe in the we wuz atlantis n shit.
We were monke and nigs are still half monkes.

>> No.15703843


>> No.15704538
File: 352 KB, 1200x1447, crybullies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaaaa muh racism

>> No.15704553

Fellow TBIchad here, what have you been able to study/achieve academically?

>> No.15704569

? old news bro
look into 'out of poland'

>> No.15704581

Top one looks like a sapien child and the bottom one doesn't look sapien.

>> No.15705540

Right, the species designations are arbitrarily selected to match the politically driven narrative the scientists are trying to paint in order to please their political masters.

>> No.15705755


Europeans have always been in Europe.

>> No.15706806
File: 42 KB, 850x400, einstein says soyentist are shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15706826

>'out of poland'
I don't know why but this is hilarious to me

>> No.15707768

I'm still waiting for your reply.

>> No.15707873

>How do you go from black as night to white.

The first Africans to leave went to India via the Andaman Islands - likely while there was a land bridge. That is as far as they got.

Black pigmentation in the skin is highly dominant. The odds of having an entire set of albinos with no reversion to the mean as the progenitor of Europeans is, by itself, extremely unlikely.

Africans then went and mixed with some unknown (pre ?) hominid that set them back many generations in cranial development.
See >>15702824

>> No.15707882

You can't just evolve to be an albino, melanon has its functions that are not just cosmetic. Mutations need to disable it, or lower its priority in specific tissues. Outright albinos are blimd, deaf, and stupid.

>> No.15707883

based and chucklepilled

>> No.15708595


>> No.15708699

Ah God I'm debo○o○o○o○nking

>> No.15708705

Africans bunked your mom last night

>> No.15708709

If you are interested in math just do it. Academia is set up to allow you to succeed because of your skin color so just take advantage of it.

>> No.15708722

All it means is your gonna have to throw more effort into shit, it's not that you can't it's that it's harder. Just have faith in yourself and put the time in and you could do it.

>> No.15708904

>Academia is set up to allow you to succeed because of your skin color so just take advantage of it.
Not anymore, AA babies got BTFO by the supreme court at the same time Soros money dried up.

All that racist anti-White shit will go away now.

>> No.15709273

>Africans are capable of breeding with chimpanzees
You are still left with the explanation how the differencein gene count can match up.

>> No.15709298

donkeys have 62 chromosomes, horses have 64

>> No.15709807
File: 94 KB, 884x767, chimps n humans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, mules pick up an extra chromosome.

Generally duplicating chromosomes or parts of chromosomes causes death. The balance between genes that enhance a protein/trait and those that degrade it are largely what determines the type and viability of the organism. And that balance is set in by a number of chromosomes acting together.

A repeat of an entire (or even part) of a chromosome throws the entire protein factory out of kilter and usually kills the offspring.

Some exceptions as always of course. Color vision in humans came about by gene duplication - so its not always bad.

Entire Chromosome 21 repeats also spring to mind. For some or other reason 21 is special - literally and figuratively. Doubling this one still allows for a viable embryo.

Mind you, I'm not really sure if surviving that ordeal is worth it.

>> No.15710215

You're now trying to deny the fact that Africans and chimpanzees can interbreed on the basis of your political convictions since its been shown to you that there is no scientific basis for you to disbelieve it.

>> No.15710270

In Eurasia, neanderthals hunted and butchered red deer (Cervus elaphus), horse (Equus sp.), bison (Bison priscus), wooly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis), and many other species of large and medium-sized ungulates (Patou-Mathis 2000).

Homo erectus had been in Eurasia for hundreds and hundreds of years as well. And Densiovans. And the other one and the other one.

>> No.15710639

How would that info "debunk" OOA?
That's like saying that if LUCA was from antarctica that would mean humans are from antarctica.

>> No.15710647

It's the theory that homo sapiens evolved in africa and then migrated out to the rest of the world.
Human ancestors existing in Europe at some point doesn't change that.

>> No.15710656

>If dark skin and dark eyes are dominant
There's your mistake right there.

>> No.15710662
File: 80 KB, 600x536, 1677923400325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8.7 million year old fossil
>still using provably-flawed dating methods with proven-false dates
>this is called "science"

>> No.15711814

"out of africa" is part of a political agenda, it has nothing to do with science

>> No.15712036

Horseshit. And you know it.

>> No.15712043

Its not conclusive - even that left wing rag Wikipedia admits it. Choose any Y haplogroup and follow its ancestors in Wikipedia till you get to the "Adam" Y haplogroup.

They openly admit that Africa may be a source. And for a rag that still says Lewontin is correct - that is a powerful admission.

>> No.15712267

Out of Africa suggests that black people are less evolved than white people. It's incredibly racist.

>> No.15712282

Turkey is now fully Europe! Erdogan wins!

>> No.15713092

Turkey was Europe up to the point that Constantinople was renamed, at which point it became Asia.

>> No.15713260

I prefer the hokey-kokey theory.

>> No.15714467

yeah thats a good oone

>> No.15714488

It's only racists if you assume no adaptation took place after migration out of Africa and all forms of development stagnanted.

It wouldn't explain for example the Aboriginal Australians lower inteligence threshold or Amerindian poorer immunity systems as they manifest after Out of Africa. This is of course unless the idea of "devolving" is now a concept people want to seriously entertain.

>> No.15715538

if africans stayed in african and continued to interbreed with chimpanzees while all other humans maintained their pure human bloodlines, would that mean that the africans were devolving?

>> No.15715546
File: 225 KB, 1600x1000, skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.15715555

doesnt matter what you believe, it only matters what you can prove

>> No.15715963 [DELETED] 

What do they have to do with the claim that H. heildelbegrensis had brain of identical size to ours, but it had huge eyes.

>> No.15715967 [DELETED] 

What do they have to do with the claim that H. heidelbegrensis had brain of identical size to ours, but it had huge eyes?

>> No.15715970

What do they have to do with the claim that H. heidelbergensis had brain of identical size to ours, but it had huge eyes?

>> No.15715978
File: 56 KB, 500x357, finite-element-models-anterior-bite-14c1el0-e1522888766235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15715980
File: 26 KB, 576x348, archaic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15716747

>Out of Africa suggests that black people are less evolved than white people.
How does this follow?

>> No.15716765

Because it implies that European races became less and less apelike as they went out further from Africa while African races changed less and are closer to apes.