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15694100 No.15694100 [Reply] [Original]

>go to any college website
>they all have "land acknowledgement" pages now
What the fuck happened to academia these past few years?

>> No.15694114

Oh, the listerine guzzlers that attacked the colonies first? How noble.

>> No.15694118

>Science and Math?

>> No.15694124

>The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private land-grant research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Established in 1861, MIT has played a significant role in the development of many areas of modern technology and science.

>> No.15694128
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>another thinly veiled pol thread on sci

If you hate America so much and you hate our university system, then why not move to one of the shithole countries that you incels claim are based and redpilled?? If America sucks so bad and you think "wokeness" is taking over, then why not move to a "Based and redpilled" authoritarian dictatoriship like Russia or China?

Go fuck yourself you fucking edgelord loser.

>> No.15694134

>random university politics are science because the university has a science program
look dude, i'll level with you, i agree with the point you're making, and am most likely on your side politically, but this just isn't the place for it

>> No.15694146

I don't know, acknowledging that a ethnically and culturally homogeneous group of "indigenous people" are "the traditional stewarts of the land," with "traditional territories" and a collectivized "painful history," that's only and always inherited by blood... that sounds about as close to literal Nazism as you can get. How are they even allowed to publish this ridiculous, violent shit?

>> No.15694173

I love those canned disclaimers. Oh, so you're going to honor indigenous peoples? How? By giving their land back? No?

>> No.15694180
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NTA, and I'm probably not on "your side" politically, but I still think the content of OP actually is directly relevant to science. Even if you think it's a waste of time or you would like to ignore these topics, the fact of the matter is that these sorts of social issues are directly relevant to science and they have a major impact on the nature and quality of scientific research, and the culture of academia in general. Political and social realities do indeed impact science, and for a variety of different reasons, both financial and ideological. In fact, there is a growing body of interdisciplinary research investigating how social policies and campus politics have contributed to the replication crisis. The political and cultural changes within the broader scientific and academic community appear to have contributed significantly to the decline in the quality of scientific research over recent decades.

Also, I find it very interesting that science forums on 4chan, Reddit, and Twitter almost reflexively oppose any political discussion of woke campus politics or their impact on academic freedom. Whenever someone posts about one of these topic I see all sorts of replies from anons like yourself claiming that the discussion is "off topic" or that it's "political", as if that's a bad thing. And to be perfectly honest, I can understand that position to some extent, but I literally never see these sort of standards applied in a consistent manner. Literally every major public university in the US today has these diversity initiatives and these woke policies, and the same goes for any university in western Europe. I myself am in grad school and have seen as much first hand, and I imagine most users on this board probably have as well. That being said, in my almost 10 years of post-secondary education, I have never once seen anyone raising a fuss about people bringing up SJW politics or social issues, or trying to push these woke values in universities.

>> No.15694187
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(cont. >>15694180)

Why is that nobody complains about "politicization" in these sorts of contexts. How come nobody is sperging out at MIT for "politicizing" science with the Land Acknowledgement shit? How come the people criticizing the Land Acknowledgement are guilty of "politicizing" science, but the people promoting the Land Acknowledgement are not guilty of the same crime?

>> No.15694191

Academia is clearly within the scope of this board. Those getting mad about this being exposed were the ones a few years ago saying "it's just a handful of crazy undergrads in a few small programs at a couple of nobody schools, you don't need to worry about or notice any of this".
Microsoft starts off their conferences with these announcements now. Even small businesses are adding the acknowledgements. It's a way of virtue signaling without actually doing anything. Notice none of these entities are suggesting that they pay compensation to those whose names they're using to virtue signal. If they truly were dedicated to having clean hands, they'd turn over unrestricted titles to the land to the groups they're mentioning. But they won't do that so they're just using them instead of doing anything for them.

>> No.15694196

It's really sick and the sickos who come up with this shit are clearly aware of it. "We honor Andrew Jackson by putting his head on the $20."

>> No.15694214
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Some of the wealthy universities might end up making one sided deals where they give a token amount to a group that claims to represent all native claims to the land but everyone else will whistle and walk away when there's a suggestion that they actually pay fair market value for the land to the group they "acknowledge".

>> No.15694227

Why aren't politically motivated groups internally consistent? Because it's politically advantageous to be a hypocrite.
The useful idiots (usually high verbal IQ + feminine traits) will always have some gay justification wrapped up in "good intentions"
>"UMMMM recognizing genocide isn't political, it's being a decent fucking human being"

>> No.15694245

Yes, that's what's specifically pyschopathic about it. They'll give beads for manhattan to virtue signal about "genocidal moral crime" of giving beads for manhattan. Most people couldn't come up with something as sick and twisted if they tried their whole lives.

>> No.15694246
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You can't criticize Land Ackowledgement critics for "politicizing science" unless you're also willing to criticize Land Acknowledgment (LA) advocates for also "politicizing science". We see plenty of LA advocates in the university system, but nobody seems to be complaining about them "politicizing science". Why is it that we only see this sort of moral outrage about "politicization" when it's random "right wingers" on the internet criticizing science? How come these same people aren't concerned about leftists "politicizing science" within the halls of actual universities?


Lol yeah, the woke leftists are the biggest authoritarians and imperialists around. They would never actually be able to oppose the state or the establishment, because any criticism of political or financial elite is, according to them, just a paranoid conspiracy theory. But if that's you're genuine position, then it's gonna pretty hard to really be anti-war or anti-imperialism, which is why woke leftists are actually the biggest bootlickers and supporters of the wealthy and powerful.

If the Indians actually did try to take back their land in any meaningful sense, then the woke leftists would be the first to call them domestic terrorists, and you would literally see news stories about how the indians are alliedc with Putin.

If the woke leftists really cared about sovereignty and self-determination, then they would be happy about Burkina Faso telling the globohomo French faggots that control their country to leave them alone. What happened? How come none of the woke leftists are supporting Burkina Faso in their efforts to achieve independence from France? I imagine they would say its just because the poor citizens of Burkina Faso have been tricked by Putin's evil anti-western propaganda into hating their wonderful globohomo overlords.

>> No.15694253

>will always have some gay justification wrapped up in "good intentions"
Which isn't even consistent, like you say. Admin preaches this shit at my uni job while wearing a dress made by some starving Bangladeshi boy... and it's always in some passive-aggressive manner about how we need to "do better" or "be a decent human being".

>> No.15694276

>about how we need to
key point here

>> No.15694284

so your argument is that science is suffering because of left-wing politics being generally ubiquitous in top universities, because being exposed to left-wing ideology makes scientists dumber. implying that if their politics were more right-wing, scientists would be smarter and produce better research. and yet you claim to not have chosen a side (namely the right-wing) politically while believing this? don't be disingenuous, at least try to acknowledge your biases.

>> No.15694303

>because being exposed to left-wing ideology makes scientists dumber
NTA but what are you quoting here? Nobody said this. Learn to read
>implying that if their politics were more right-wing, scientists would be smarter and produce better research
This is a very poor framing of the situation. I don't think I was being particularly "right-wing" when I argued with my Jewish philosophy professor at a debate club meeting that men and women do indeed have innate physical differences and that disparate performance in sports was not merely due to environmental/developmental factors. It's just that her absurd lefty adherence had led her to science denial.

>> No.15694313

Yes, I would argue that leftist ideologies in science are totally inappropriate, because their entire bedrock is based on denying reality. Men can be women, women can be men, biological differences aren't real, words are whatever I say they are (wtf is a reverse-racism).
If I can't even point out reality as I understand it, based on patterns I've noticed and my own senses, in my university, then that university is not legitimate and deserves no good reputation, and every single study their graduates release should be put under extreme scrutiny.

>> No.15694319

There's no ideology involved. It's just rich people shucking and jiving. "Everyone stole this money, not just me." And even if it were an honest statement of ideology, when did Nazism become left-wing again?

>> No.15694327

nazism is left wing

>> No.15694328
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The problem is these people always feel comfortable criticizing anyone else (ironically, anyone who isn't a wealthy, educated, liberal, urbanite, westerner), but at the same time they categorically refuse to allow ANY criticisms of themselves or their elite neoliberal social class. They can present any criticisms they want of opposing ideologies, but any criticism of wokeness or neoliberalism is a priori just baseless disinformation or some sort of bad faith attempt at "politicizing" things. For instance, if you point out that woke leftists tend to be extremely wealthy and educated by comparison to the rest of the population, they will immediately and reflexively dismiss this as some sort of bad faith criticism. They'll unironically just say something about Trump being a billionaire and how you should go to college if you don't want to be poor and stupid like someone from a worthless flyover state. If you're online they might even accuse you of being a bot or foreign disinformation agent of some sort.

In the mind of the woke leftist, there is literally no possibility that someone could have a genuine criticism of a rich, coastal, woke urbanite elite. These people are gods gift to humanity. We must bow down before them. We must heap constant praise on them. We must love them and admire them. We must acknowledge that they are here to change the world and make it a better place. We must admire them and stand in utter awe at their wisdom and virtue, because they don't hate black people. They don't hate black people, and that's what makes them better than you and I. We will never be able to understand the profound depths of their humanity and compassion, because these progressive elites do NOT hate black people, and for that they must be admired. They are truly gods amongst men, and the filthy, uneducated commoners and rednecks don't even have the mental capacity to appreciate the profound humanity and moral wisdom of the non-racist progressive urban elite.

>> No.15694350

It was. When left was defined by how far away from monarchism you were.

>> No.15694363
File: 425 KB, 2478x906, eastern vs westroon society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least we're not russia/china/north korea
this is all westroon society apologists ever have. this so-called democracy is just as tyrannical. you're just too busy licking boot all day to notice.

>> No.15695502


>> No.15695656


>> No.15697106 [DELETED] 

virtue signalling is only done by people who have atrocious, nasty personalities that they're trying to disguise with a veneer of holier-than-thou lies

>> No.15697114
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It's a bit cringe but it's not that big of a deal t b h

I almost never see or interact with Native Americans irl

>> No.15697325

>putting spaces to get around the filter
cringe desu

>> No.15697380

>What the fuck happened to academia these past few years?
Jews and women.

>> No.15698309

also trannys

>> No.15699311

Because the Injuns never put the white man on concentration camps.

>> No.15699321

stay cringed t b h
f a m

>> No.15699325
File: 3.59 MB, 2999x2998, 1634766717857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNDRIP and the use of reserve legal tradition to coordinate northern geopolitics and social engineering

>> No.15699981

university ppl are addicted to fraudulent virtue signalling because they're unwilling to produce anything of genuine merit to take pride in