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15692138 No.15692138 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so few wildfires this year?

>> No.15692141
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>> No.15692142
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>> No.15692143
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>> No.15692182

Seems like my assumption that all news is disinformation and the opposite of the truth is still holding up. Glad to know.

>> No.15692216

Because of COVID bigot

>> No.15692232

Covid hasn't been a problem since 2021.

>> No.15692255

Because of better land management, chud.

>> No.15692287

>since 2021
good goy

>> No.15692298

>CO2 from wildfires
Non issue. The problem is how they’re more easily spread and how they’re affecting more people.
>right after the Hawaii fires
The fossil fuel shills are working overtime I see

>> No.15692300

Covid is a set of freedom-restricting mandates imposed on the population for falsified reasons and those restrictions all permanently ended in my state in June of 2021. Therefore, covid hasn't been a problem since 2021. I shouldn't have to explain all this.

>> No.15692304

Climate change.

>> No.15692307

Greece is burning up
The smog was unreal yesterday

>> No.15692308

Many small or few big ones. Makes no difference

>> No.15692311

For anything but statistic, to be missrepresented by fags.

>> No.15692331

if it helps, the news can talk about it alot so it seems like its always happening?

>> No.15692985 [DELETED] 

it gives them something to talk about as a means of ignoring and distracting from whats really happening

>> No.15693221

Now post a similar graph showing fires per acre of existing forest or something similar. There are fewer forests to have forest forest.

>> No.15693241

You do realize that none of this is a refutation of climate change, right? It's pretty much random whether an individual year will experience wildfires, we just know that forests are receding.

>> No.15693258
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You do realize that none of this is a refutation of climate change, right?

>> No.15693640

You don't need to refute climate change to refute climate nuts.
If you can show the effects of climate change aren't really a problem then the alarmism is defused.
The reduction in forest fires shows that the effect of climate change on forest fires is either beneficial or we are getting better at managing them faster than the increase in production rate.

>> No.15693687

Because North America burned more in 2023 than the average over the past 10 years, and we haven't had that creepy orange smoke sky coming down into the states in a long time

>> No.15693924

and this.

Cope harder, retards

>> No.15694028

The climate is changing and it's not a problem.

>> No.15694121 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15695618 [DELETED] 

Why do environmental activists love to destroy the environment? Its like those trannys who claim they want to read stories to children when really what they want to do is rape and murder the kids

>> No.15695632

>And over in Africa we can see some land...not burning!

Whoever made this graphic doesn't understand the news.

>> No.15697136 [DELETED] 

Why is fire suppression in Africa so terrible?

>> No.15698099
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Regardless the reduction of wildfires noted in OP, look at what the MSM is publishing

Note that they depict the fires as being started intentionally by arsonists, so at least that part of their (((journalism))) is accurate

>> No.15698228

Because the establishment is currently in power

>> No.15698233

For extra humor, look up how aboriginals used to hunt in Australia

There are even some species of birds that start fires

>> No.15699133

They always tell you what's happening ahead of time.

>> No.15699698

>look up how aboriginals used to hunt in Australia
not only in australia, the river valleys of the pacific northwest usa were kept free of trees by burning it every august before whites arrives, they did that to keep those areas open so hunting was easier. in the winter all the game animals would migrate to the lowlands surrounding the rivers when the high terrain was covered in snow

>> No.15700748

Looks like wildfires are decreasing by about 20% or so per decade. How does global warming cause that?

>> No.15702110

if you're looking for a genuine answer, probably an increase in atmospheric water vapor. higher likelihood of precipitation overall. drought regions are not actually normal, but the people living there kvetch about it endlessly, especially if they can't manage their water use competently (see: California)

>> No.15703147

>especially if they can't manage their water use competently (see: )
California hasn't built a new reservoir since the 1950s, they don't have drought, they just foolishly allow all of their spring runoff to flow directly into the ocean instead of capturing it and making use of it.

>> No.15703187
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100% true and real. More CO2 is making life better and there are not enough fossil fuels to really increase it to dangerous levels.

>> No.15703219

its not random, in america they stopped managing forests and we had big fires

large forest fires can be stopped at any time by managing the land properly

>> No.15704442 [DELETED] 

>you can't cut down trees because muh environment
>*whole forest burns down*
nice job, science

>> No.15705455 [DELETED] 

forest fires are based, forests with no open areas have no areas for grazing animals and smaller plants to grow. whenever i go out innawoods and walk across a clearcut, thats always where i see the most wildlife. wildfire suppression in some areas makes clearcuts the only open ground that gets direct sunlight

>> No.15706679

Wow, thats pretty much the opposite of what the news says about wildfires

>> No.15706744
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CO2 makes plants more resistant to drought.

>forests are receding.

From human use, yes. CO2 is causing global greening.

Why are climate change shills so scientifically illiterate?

>> No.15707653

>Why are climate change shills so scientifically illiterate?
Greta was never even able to graduate from high school

>> No.15707830

wildfires will continue when BLACK LIVES MATTER.

>> No.15709208

Clearcutting is based for this reason alone

>> No.15710339

>nature isn't dying quickly enough to justify my messiah complex, better go light some more forest fires

>> No.15711725 [DELETED] 

That is unironically what they're doing

>> No.15711749
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>twitter.com in the scizographic source

>> No.15711755

textbook projection

>> No.15711813

To play the devil's advocate, have they released any motives for these arsonist yet? I have heard some alternate explanations for the motives that are reasonably plausible - land developers wanting land cleared off, Bulgarians wanting to sell more wood to Greece, Turks who just don't like Greeks, and of course glowniggers (well patsies hired by the actual glowniggers) who don't actually care about the environment but have been instructed to start fires for propoganda reasons.

And of course, with 79 people arrested all of these could be true, with some crossover between them; its easy to imagine some CIA type planting some ideas in the head of some butt hurt Turk, for example.

>> No.15712172 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15712364

>trees consume CO2 to grow
>how should we reduce CO2 levels?

>> No.15712796

To be fair, if you intend to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, cutting down trees & burying them would do just that, assuming of course that you planted new trees right after you cut the old ones down. Trees suck up a lot of carbon when they are growing (wood is mostly carbon, after all), but do not suck up much once they have hit maturity. So you would want lots of growing trees. Properly burying them will keep their trapped carbon from being released for a long time.

Now, how cost effective this would be, or the necessity of it is a whole other debate. And then you have to consider the carbon output of any logging and digging equipment used. But it is not completely dumb.

>> No.15712809 [DELETED] 

no it wouldn't, the trees would be consumed by fungus, which would release to CO2 back into the atmosphere

>> No.15713121 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15714500 [DELETED] 

This, most wood submerged in the soil doesn't last long and you're also ignoring the inevitable carbon cost of all the machinery that would be involved in the operation

>> No.15715542

>and you're also ignoring the inevitable carbon cost of all the machinery that would be involved in the operation
and the carbon cost of the replacement saplings that would have to be planted, after they were sprouted and grown in CO2 enriched greenhouses and then transported to the planting site

>> No.15716427

>now give said green corporation gibes
"environmentalism" in a nutshell

>> No.15717409 [DELETED] 

how come environmentalists want there to be a lot of wildfires? wildfires release a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere, shouldn't a reduction in wildfire make environmentalists happy rather than irate?

>> No.15717415
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>more fires
>less fires
You do realize that none of this is a refutation of climate change, right?
>more hurricanes
>fewer hurricanes
You do realize that none of this is a refutation of climate change, right?
>more snow
>less snow

>> No.15718204

>b-b-but muh jerbs!!
>we needs muh jerbs to cut down trees and bury them so we can grow more trees while the dead trees rot

>> No.15718883

Biochar is an effective carbon sink that lasts for thousands of years, so this idea would work if you just turn the trees into charcoal first. From there the charcoal can be added to compost piles where it decreases the amount of methane and nitrous oxide evolving off of the pile and decreasing losses from leeching while charging the charcoal with beneficial microbes and nutrients. It can also be fed to livestock and/or used with bedding to reduce the impact of their waste by reducing the smell, absorbing ammonia and other noxious chemicals, and cutting the amount of methane released from the waste. After this initial use it can be incorporated into agricultural land where it will increase the cation exchange capacity, water infiltration, and root penetration of the soil, helps to buffer the pH, decrease the amount of leeching, increase soil aggregation and microbial activity, and darken the soil, allowing it to be worked earlier in the spring and later in the fall. Best of all this form of carbon sequestration can be practiced by anyone. Even if you don't have livestock or a compost pile you can start a container garden and incorporate biochar directly into your soil, which will impact your yields unless it's been charged with nutrients previously, or you can use it to replace gravel or sand for drainage. If you also start vermicomposting you can use the biochar the same way you would use it for a compost pile and the castings will charge the biochar for you while you enjoy free fertilizer and the knowledge that the nutrients in your waste aren't going to waste in a landfill.

>> No.15719072


Article stating reduced carbon emissions from fire due to agriculture, but the agriculture "makes up" for the lack of fire.

>> No.15719996 [DELETED] 
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>We are grateful for the support of the European Climate Foundation, which provides our funding. In the spirit of transparency, we voluntarily declare that this funding totalled £1,176,376 for the financial year of 2022.

>The ECF greatly appreciates the funding that supports our work and contributes to effective progress on the route toward a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions society. We are fortunate to count on the support of the following philanthropic partners.

carbonbrief.org is a political propaganda website sponsored by another larger political propaganda organization which is in turn funded by bloomberg, rockefeller, william & flora hewlett and the rest of the globohomo gang. carbonbrief.org is not a science website, its a political propaganda outlet

>> No.15720707 [DELETED] 
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reminds me of the way jews exaggerate the holocaust

>> No.15721304

>everything I don't like is political propaganda
You are a child.

>> No.15721805
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Whoops! Looks like the IPCC just debunked you.

>we just know that forests are receding.
Could it be those men with chainsaws perhaps?

>> No.15722127 [DELETED] 

what about all the global warm activists setting forest fires?

>> No.15722312

I hate forest fires

>> No.15722967

you should hate the global warming activists who are setting them, the trees themselves are innocent.

>> No.15724197 [DELETED] 
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funded by michael bloomberg

>> No.15724239

Climate change
>inb4 doesn't that mean climate change is good
Forest ecosystems need wildfires to thrive. No wildfires is just as bad as too many.

>> No.15725516 [DELETED] 

clearcutting is somewhat of a decent substitute for forest fires.

>> No.15726824 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15726967

its a mystery

>> No.15726984

Because antifa arsonists are finally getting arrested?

>> No.15726990

Entire species of Australian megafauna were hunted to extinction by abos.
And those worthless apes want special treatment by our government.
Letting them live was one of the biggest mistakes the British ever made.

>> No.15727827
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(((bloomberg))) sponsored propagnada outllet

>> No.15727850


Why not look at more than 1 decade into the past. Very carefully chosen time window. That graph is super odd when we can literally just plot the time series.

>> No.15727854

They don’t want there to be a lot. If you look at data going back more than 1 decade (instead of cherry picking a time window that is too small given the yearly variance), you’ll see slight increases in area burned since the 80s with a clear upward trend. This stuff is really not hard to find.

>> No.15727857

No one ever used more fires as proof of climate change. This just shows are deluded you people are. Climate change is so well established at this point that no one would be using fires for that. We have actual temperature measurements. In any case, extent of area burned is trending upward since the 80s.

I am a PhD statistician, not a climatologist. And I have no incentive to believe or not believe in climate change. However, the misleading stats and cherry picked windows is insanely out of control with the climate deniers. The best you guys can do is zoom in on a graph and misunderstand variance and modeling.

>> No.15729488

>extent of area burned is trending upward since the 80s.
no it isn't

>> No.15730360

Bet "wildfires" are mostly created by humans

>> No.15730904

government propaganda agency, not a scientific organization.

>> No.15731028

canada literally has record forest fires this year and in places that never get forest fires.

>> No.15732050

not according to the data
>b-b-but it was real in my mind!

>> No.15733166 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15733243

How about according to all the evacuations and extra smoke I'm having to breathe in you fucking troglodyte

>> No.15733253

Americans lack object permanence. Anything outside their hellhole of a country is a simulation, even when NYC is drowned in orange tinted smoke.

>> No.15734810 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15735854

You're ignoring the blatantly obvious fact tbat a large standing tree actively absorbs way, way more CO2 than its minuscule replacement would.
Cutting down trees in standing forests is an idiotic idea if you're concerned about CO2.
Its one par with intentionally starting forest fires to convince people global warming is real even though it plainly is not

>> No.15735870

>No one ever used more fires as proof of climate change. This just shows are deluded you people are.
Riiiiight. Whenever you point something out, "Nobody ever did that." Just like how "nobody ever predicted a coming ice age" back in the 70's. Classic pseudoscience technique.

>> No.15737275
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>> No.15737634

What a conveniently timed discovery! I'm so glad the Church of Science has cohencidentally closed this loophole in the Doctrine of Climatology the moment everyone started pointing it out.

>> No.15738262 [DELETED] 

Yep, time to kill all the plants and replace them with chinky solar panels

>> No.15739792 [DELETED] 

>plants cause global warming

>> No.15739832
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Plants worsen global warming which kills plants which worsens global warming, too. It's all very simple. Try to keep up, mate.

>> No.15739837

Did you get the vax? Did anyone that has a positive effect in your life get it? You aren't in clear waters yet retard

>> No.15739856

>Didn't even read the page that clearly states that droughts make the wildfires burn longer and worse.
Why do deniers always blatantly lie?

>> No.15739858

Unfortunately, I did to preserve my job and so did everyone else in my life. No side effects thankfully, and no boosters for anyone. My experience with getting the vaccine is what ended up pushing me over the edge into being an antivaxxer and straight up virus denier. It was the final straw for me.

>> No.15740199
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>> No.15740739

>No side effects thankfully
30% of the clotshots were placebos

>> No.15740949

Why should I believe a bunch of graphs that stemmed this conservinigger chimpout thread?

>> No.15741372

It wasn't a placebo, I had severe flulike symptoms for 3 days after each shot. I simply didn't have lasting side effects, but the whole experience clued me into the fact that vaccines are the disease.

>> No.15741474

western usa, which is the most at risk for fires, had recordbreaking snowfall last winter. also high amounts of rainfall in the late summer.

tl;dr because more water this year.

>> No.15742033 [DELETED] 

wow, extra heavy snow and more cool rainy days during the summer
yep, thats totally global warming for sure

>> No.15743180 [DELETED] 

so you did have side effects, just not permanent ones

>> No.15744558 [DELETED] 

wow, extra heavy snow and more cool rainy days during the summer
yep, thats totally global warming for sure

>> No.15745550

why did you go back for more shots after the first one sickened you? are you a masochist?

>> No.15745628

Because I needed both shots to not get fired and at the time I still bought into the whole, "But if you got covid you'd be way more sick, getting a little sick from the vaccine is a good thing" bullshit vaccine peddlers spout.

>> No.15746855 [DELETED] 
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>trusting tv news
don't do that

>> No.15747791 [DELETED] 
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How far have you come along in your education since you realize the vax was a massive scam?
Have you figured out that the holocaust was fake yet?

>> No.15747795

I'm 35 years old and haven't been in school for nearly 15 years.
I've had misgivings about the holocaust for longer than I've had them about vaccines.

>> No.15748798 [DELETED] 

>more water this year.
because of global warming?

>> No.15748892

Yes, and it's unironically a good thing.

>> No.15749691


>> No.15751127

if plants cause global warming and global warming kills plants then the problem should fix itself

>> No.15752105


>> No.15753420

CO2 is good for plants and hence for every other living creature, global warming is a false narrative, it doesn't exist anywhere outside of wikipedia and other establishment media sources.

>> No.15753583

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15753728

The fires in Canada blocked out the sun on the east coast. Your Jewish tricks won't work.

>> No.15754684

>muh anecdotal evidence
not meaningful

>> No.15756233

global warming shills always making up stupid stories

>> No.15756839 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15756853

Better initial response here in California. Dixie and Caldor fires had a really botched initial response. Caldor started on a Saturday and we watched the FIRST air tanker fly over on the following Tuesday. Forest Service almost burned down Markleeville after sitting around with their thumb up their butt for a week or two watching the Tamarak fire grow.

>> No.15758381 [DELETED] 

any out of control wildfires in cali in the current year are just ridiculous, the state has the population, infrastructure and water to be putting out anything within hours of it being spotted

>> No.15759298 [DELETED] 

All of Cali's resources are devoted to caring for illegal immigrants, pedophile homosexuals and drug addicted mendicants. They don't have any excess to be spend on useful or meaningful efforts, if they had excess resources then they'd just devote those resources supporting more degenerate perverts and foreigners.

>> No.15759405

CalFire does a pretty good job, a lot of the ones that blew up and got out of control the first responder was USFS.

>> No.15759434


>> No.15759644

Record snowpack and record precipitation in wildfire prone areas the preceding winter and spring.

>> No.15761248 [DELETED] 

fedgov faggots, trannies, feminists and diversity hires can't do anything except kvetch

>> No.15761312

we're in 2023 schizo

>> No.15762114 [DELETED] 

same pattern holds true this year, the western usa wildfire season has been nothing this year, its usually fairly significant. and the whole region is about to get a bunch of rain so there won't be any late season fires.

>> No.15763711 [DELETED] 

I thought global warming causes drought and fire

>> No.15763765

Global warming changes weather patterns which cause all kinds of conditions.

>> No.15764666 [DELETED] 

Global warming is completely fake, there are not weather patterns that are changing

>> No.15765269

Take your meds.

>> No.15765273

This. Im a boomer and Ive never seen smoke like this summer. The media is America centric

>> No.15766204 [DELETED] 

American here, where I am there were virtually no smokey days this year, there were a few were the sky was blue and sun was a little bit more orange and that was as bad as it got. 3 years ago we had 2 weeks at the start of September where the smoke was so thick that the sun wasn't warming things up during the day. The American media is located in jew york and washington dc and they act like nothing outside those two jewish owned regions exist.

>> No.15766402

Covid was literally implemented for electoral control. That is all. Both parties involved (CCP and DNC) had interests in removing Trump. Just ask why democrats had begun filing over 100 emergency mail in ballot lawsuits starting in in the early fall of 2019. Also the research the came out recently shows that there were no increases in all cause deaths until the vaxx release. Proves that the covid death count was just creative accounting of normal deaths. The normal flu and pneumonia deaths which vanished are basically a one to one offset of the covid death count.

>> No.15767052

Is that because of global warming too?