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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 25 KB, 216x325, Ramanujan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15691068 No.15691068 [Reply] [Original]


Can anyone explain to someone whose highest math in uni was Cal 2 what he did? I know it had something to do with infinity, but why is he a revolutionary figure? What areas did he discover or open up?

>> No.15691087

He practiced semen retention and lust and other garbage weren't floating around his mind interrupting his thoughts.

>> No.15691090

more than you with less of a formal education

>> No.15691092

Just ask chatgpt bro

>> No.15691798

>He practiced semen retention and lust and other garbage weren't floating around his mind interrupting his thoughts.

>> No.15691801

One of his most famous discoveries is related to a number called "pi" (π), which is used to find the circumference of a circle. He found new formulas that can help calculate pi more quickly and accurately. He also worked on something called "mock modular forms," which are like mathematical patterns that hadn't been noticed before.

>> No.15692706

>number called "pi"

>> No.15692783

Plus he also married a 10 year old, so that ruined older hags for him. Semen retention was easier for him.

>> No.15692845 [DELETED] 

Based AF. Also he acquired his knowledge though divine revelation. Check mate atheists.

>> No.15692850

His truly outstanding contribution was mock theta functions.

>> No.15693354

Computer hands wrote this

>> No.15693656


>> No.15695379

We need a chat gpt typing on a computer meme

>> No.15695572

He had a thing for infinite sums and continued fractions and things of that sort. Basically, every once in a while he would pull a very surprising result out of his ass, without proof. He said his family deity would reveal these results in his dreams. He also struggled with the proof-based, western style of mathematics.
In reality he was reaching these results with a lot of calculations and a knack for pattern-recognition. Wolfram explains it here: https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2016/04/who-was-ramanujan/

>> No.15695672

>. He said his family deity would reveal these results in his dreams.

>> No.15696733

He is a scam made up by Hardy and Littlewood

Newly created Indian country need some heroes

>> No.15696768
File: 83 KB, 680x847, db7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a vegetarian so his brain wasn't full of parasites.

Ramanujan was a gigachad.

>> No.15696838

>[math]1+2+3+4+... = -\frac{1}{12}[/math]
>not garbage

>> No.15697094

who died from street-shitting, unironically, he died of a disease that arises from street-shitting

>> No.15697110 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1488x1488, low iq thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15697289

I thought the shitty Bong weather at Cambridge killed him?

>> No.15697300

Castrated shitskin

>> No.15697388
File: 207 KB, 327x316, 1692507261984827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he died of a disease that arises from street-shitting

>> No.15697445
File: 107 KB, 964x458, Srinivasa Ramanujan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15697289 >>15697388
>A 1994 analysis of Ramanujan's medical records and symptoms by Dr. D. A. B. Young[98] concluded that his medical symptoms—including his past relapses, fevers, and hepatic conditions—were much closer to those resulting from hepatic amoebiasis, an illness then widespread in Madras, than tuberculosis.

>> No.15697452

Ramanujan, a mathematical genius, made waves with his knack for infinite sums and continued fractions. He'd unearth surprising results without proof, attributing them to his family deity's dreams. He grappled with western-style, proof-based math, preferring his intuitive approach. He tackled pi, offering new formulas. Also, he dived into mock modular forms, novel mathematical patterns.

>> No.15697597

Vegetarianism isn't based. Anything was permissable to bhramacharies of the past and they ate meat. Semen retention is the only thing that matters, it makes you better than all lower lifeforms on the planet and gives you dominion over them. If Ramanujan realized this instead of reading the writings by slaves and their moral edicts, he wouldn't have had a weakened constitution that led to his death. High protein, high fat and high cholesterol diet would have made his cognitive functions greater as well.

>> No.15697867

he was just that gud

>> No.15697870


>> No.15698981

Ramanjuan obviously had a bicameral mind. Most people had bicameral minds once but there was a shift a few thousand years ago with only a few people still being born bicameral due to random mutation.

>> No.15699023

what the fuck is that

>> No.15699026

No family deity here but I get the "revealed in dreams" part sometimes.

>> No.15699108

he adapted heisenburgs uncertainty theory to explain the certainty of a streets proximity to bombay was inverse to his desire to walk it barefoot and without a full respirator

>> No.15699657

>Ramanjuan obviously had a bicameral mind
>what the fuck is that
You know how there are different kinds of camels, like one or two hump? Bicamel mind is like a Bactrian two hump camel.

>> No.15699702

This is borderline retarded. You get lost tracking ideas and the true gigachads just take the short monke-brain path wich leads them to the same fucking spot you try to reach but they get there first and you being second so whats remaining is leftover pussy. The more i delve into math the more i realize that its opium and evil. Anything beyond multiplication of fractions is pure perversion

>> No.15700353

He knew black holes before black holes were known to exist

>> No.15700998

>black holes

>> No.15701085

He was basically a miracle. Like God gifted him mathematics. He had no formal education but could literally solve complex equations instantly. No science could explain this.

>> No.15701090

lol britsh did anything but create Indian heroes. Don't reply with Gandhi because he was a tool.

>> No.15701210
File: 825 KB, 1080x1347, 1693210340186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He said his family deity would reveal these results in his dreams. He also struggled with the proof-based, western style of mathematics.
Based beyond the observable universe

>> No.15701502
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, 1663886936580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he unironically had divine intellect

>> No.15701518

Unlike the idiot in your image?

>> No.15701525

Hating on Terry and denying his divine intellect is a clear sign of being a lowly NPC.

>> No.15701543

Ok, I'm going to admit that
1. Terry is moderately smart
2. TempleOS would be a cool project without all the religion crap in it
But neither is he extremely (or divinely) intelligent, nor is TempleOS some kind of a miracle of computing.

>> No.15701550
File: 264 KB, 768x480, terry4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unable recognize divine intellect when it strikes him in the face
>has no idea what divine intellect even is
Nigger cattle can't be helped.

>> No.15701558

What's so divine about TempleOS?
It's a bunch of games
DolDoc is just a worse version of Emacs
Everything else people praise about it isn't innovative, there are just too many reasons not to add these features to practical operating systems.

>> No.15701585

>What's so divine about TempleOS?
It's literally a temple for God. You will never understand.

>> No.15701597

he had a version of divine intellect called acute schizophrenia

>> No.15701617
File: 524 KB, 827x839, chungus_koj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day, another Christfag.

>> No.15701625

he was born gentoo. That's enough methinks

>> No.15701788

that sounds p gay bruh

>> No.15701924

Sounds like you aren't blessed by the Goddess to have any equations or numbers named after you.

>> No.15703101

Ramanujan was primarily known for his work in biology, his most notable accomplishment being his theory of evolution through natural selection.

>> No.15704055

Evey single Indian heros was created byBritish Elites

This diversity-hire-Indian-CEOs thing started a long ago

>> No.15704057


It was an eloborate plane devised by European Nobility...
Conquer the lower races of India using Greeks,Mughals,Russians,British forces ..
Mix enough white blood with them ,Civilize them ,teach them english..
Later mass import them to British land...
Unleash unlimited propaganda into minds of white people..
Force them to live with inferior race and die out slowly..
Why?Beacuse Common British and Germans are the real Aryanas elites want to kill.

Indians are appointed as CEOs for diversity points.But why Indians and no other minorities?
They are what elites wanted everyone to become
A race which is mixed so much that they don't have any real identity
They are just intelligent to be a cog in the machine but not built the machine itself.

Entire country of India look like a trial run for their plans
A country of thousand different cultures is unifed under the
name of some made-up story of Independence Struggle against British
India's motto "unity in diversity" is hammered into the mind of young children from the very early age
The idea of promoting diversity and equality that we now see in the West was first tried out in India through a system called reservation.

>> No.15704098


>> No.15704220

Tfw no Indian to hug
This is Hinflation

Damn it Librerias Gandhi I ordered one months ago!

>> No.15704226


>> No.15704768
File: 47 KB, 1536x864, MV5BNmNkNWU5NzUtNmVkNS00ZDE2LTg0NjgtNTIxNWYxOWIyM2FlXkEyXkFqcGdeQWFkcmllY2xh._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogged, sir?

>> No.15705181


>> No.15705271

he fucked around with indefinitely long sums/products and their limits

>> No.15705276

He proved that 0.9999... = 1, using facts and logic

>> No.15705426

he drew funny pictures that made the math men excited.

>> No.15705456

Its not "without proof" but without paperwork and without formal training. Literally he did most of his self learning in his home with a chalk and a board because paper was expensive for him. What "truths" he did discover, he wrote it in a small book. So if some alien found the book, it would seem like he was a prophet of alien God since the guy didn't speak alien language, didn't know alien math, didn't go to alien school, etc.

>> No.15706201

All his work belongs to us British.
He was born in our empire.

>> No.15706224

He did the needful