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15689068 No.15689068 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation for why this board constantly has threads posted by people who seemingly want to brag about their mental illness diagnosis and that diagnosis is always ADHD, autism or assburgers and never narcissistic personality disorder?
Why is it that nobody is every diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder?
Or if they are, why are they not driven to brag about it? Bragging is a stereotypical narcissistic trait. Autism & assburgers are supposedly a lot more introverted and so should be less prone to bragging.

>> No.15689076

Because it's not as "cool" as autism in the mind of the average user here, so they don't pretend to have it.

>> No.15689089
File: 38 KB, 564x780, 62a7e24e0ffd1028da85108c7102471b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both me and gf have been diagnosed with NPD, that's how we met (in a psych ward for major depression, excanged diagnosis cards and 'matched'). I think it's not as brag-prone because it doesn't get you sympathy from other people (unlike ADHD/autism which is too often used to justify being a lazy cunt).

>> No.15689095

People with narcissistic personality disorder love to brag about it. Also 4chan by its nature doesnt attract a lot of Narcissists (excluding namefaggots). Something about posting shit online anonymously doesnt stroke their ego.

>> No.15689107

NPD is just heightened social ego? Everyone is narcissistic in my view, to many dumb low minded animals taking and taking and taking and don’t care if they hurt others because they don’t have the cognitive capacity in the first place. That is very different from choosing to hurt others, which in its own right is sadism.

Humanity is big cringe.

>> No.15689115

There's no FDA approved medication for NPD so no one is incentivized to induce a mass hysteria in millions of people that they have it.

>> No.15689117

>People with narcissistic personality disorder love to brag about it.
Name one.

>> No.15689121

I have traits of a couple of personality disorders, but I also have traits that disqualify me from having them, it's weird

>> No.15689127

I feel like true NPD is quite rare. Everyone thinks they know a "narcissist" but when you encounter a genuine NPD you think holy shit this guy is bizarre and a walking psychological puzzle
A real one is someone like lowtiergod

>> No.15689129

So does everyone who does or doesn't have a personality disorder. This is why universal health care can never exist. People who can make money from scraping money out of bullshit will just start scraping money out of bullshit all day long, and have their McAI recipe do it for them when they're asleep or doing something more interesting..

>> No.15689132

Why are you so desperate to have a mental illness that your desperation causes you to see other people talking about their dysfunctions that hinder their life as bragging? Narcissistic Personality Disorder is not people talking about themselves on social media, you retarded spammer. Ironically I suppose you have never considered that your oh so holy and objective diagnosis of anonymous people online, with your crude understanding of NPD, could be wrong, and that's why there isn't a large number of people with NPD on /sci/?
Anyway, I'm sure if you took a trip to a doctor, and told him honestly how you spend your days, you too would get the label you so desperately crave and then you can stop seething out of jealousy on this board.

>> No.15689142

You only encounter an NPD when you're mad at them for a psychological reason, which implies that you've been intimate when them for a long time. It's never that a random person is bizarre or a walking puzzle.

>> No.15689163

>Autism & assburgers are supposedly a lot more introverted and so should be less prone to bragging.
>Someone with Asperger’s may seem arrogant or self-involved because they’re compensating for their challenges with social communication. Someone with NPD may appear arrogant or self-involved because they feel superior to others.
midwit brainlets like louis rossman always mix them up

>> No.15689172

So narcies are just autsies with freewill? Kek

>> No.15689192

>midwit brainlets like louis rossman always mix them up
Midwits also mistake fictional inventions for real entitites.
Ever seen a genuine proof that ADHD or autism are real and not some poorly defined categories that lump in introverts or under-achievers with brain damage cases?

The difference between what ends up being labelled as Assburgers and as Narcissism is often small enough to the point where both are arguably one and the same thing.

>> No.15689203

Ever seen a genuine proof that over-achievers aren't brain damage cases?

>> No.15689207

I don't think it's called assburgers anymore, it's ASD, with the rest of it.
narcissism is something else anyway. the underlying motivation for what others perceive, is different in ASD vs NPD. that's the takeaway

>> No.15689211

This, retards like OP just think it means normal narcissism. Actual NPDs are insane.

>> No.15689218

Because being a narcissist means self centred, superiority complex and selfish. There's no way to twist that into being something cool or quirky like autism or adhd, so no one with the disorder would want to mention it because it's basically an insult. You knew this, so why'd you make this thread?

>> No.15689224

You can't differentiate NPD and normal narcissism (or normal social awkardness) by an encounter.

>> No.15689227

>I don't think it's called assburgers anymore, it's ASD
>lumping introverts or under-achievers with brain damage cases
Precisely. It's all just some repurposed ponzi scheme anyway.
>the underlying motivation for what others perceive, is different in ASD vs NPD
That is, ultimately, irrelevant because no one really knows what the underlying motivation for either one is. Just because we claim something, doesn't mean we actually know it.
Second, a categorical approach will necessarily mislead us into thinking that it must be one or the other.
It's entirely possible to be unable to read social cues as well as not care about them. And I would figure that they are ultimately one and the same. With autism, the kid doesn't care about them from the beginning, so doesn't even bother with learning them. With narcissism, it just happens later so the consequential impact outside of what is semi-voluntarily caused/committed by the actor is less severe. And psychopathy arguably is the state of having learnt advanced social manipulation technics without genuinely caring about the social cues nor about any of the pleasantries. Arguably, they are all on the same spectrum then.

>> No.15689230

A normal narcissist is just a person full of themselves. An NPD is obsessively jealous of everyone and suffer delusions of people slighting them.

>> No.15689234

The term aspergers is still used, autism spectrum disorder is just preferred in more legal contexts as it encompasses the entire spectrum.

>> No.15689241
File: 27 KB, 300x400, 352342342342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or if they are, why are they not driven to brag about it? Bragging is a stereotypical narcissistic trait
People who identify with a psychiatric label do it because they're desperate to be a part of a "community" that "gets" them. They latch onto a perceived commonality that separates their in-group from normies. A genuine narcissist would never do something like that. A genuine narcissist is "unique", you see. He is no mere label. He doesn't need to fit in with people like him. How can there be others like him? Only one can be superior.

>> No.15689242

>autism spectrum disorder is just preferred in more legal contexts as it encompasses the entire spectrum.
Autism spectrum disorder is a legal term, purely legal. People forget that both the IDM as well as the DSM very clearly state that this is a grouping of numerous independent disorders, hence the 'spectrum'.

>> No.15689243

I did mention that midwit brainlets CANNOT understand the difference.
when you say "they just don't care" you are making a moral judgement, without considering the fact that they are missing the part that you have, dedicated to considering tribalistic primitive social details. that part is like a muscle if you will, and they don't have any, or are extremely weak at it, and takes enormous amounts of effort to even try playing some shit primitive game. from your point of view, you have no choice but to refuse to "let them off the hook". you are investing so much time and energy into your shit political social games that they don't just get to say they can't do it and skip it alltogether. that just takes power from you, and you're not dumb enough to let that happen without trying to something about it.
that pretty much describes most of you most of the time, hence why it is a good model for what you are actually doing.

>> No.15689261

You can't know that in an encounter.

>> No.15689275

What do you mean by encounter?

>> No.15689285

Meet someone once. Doesn't matter how long the first meeting lasts.

>> No.15689291

>Doesn't matter how long the first meeting lasts.
Why would that not be important?

>> No.15689297

How could you define NPD by it?

>> No.15689305

You'd need a rigorous test to determine any mental illness. An encounter of several hours is long enough to assume someone may suffer from it.

>> No.15689317

A mental illness can't be determined by any number of tests. You can define it and the patient can agree with it. You'll never get a self-diagnosed NPD in an encounter, so you'll never get a diagnosed NPD in an encounter. Clear enough?

>> No.15689336

It isn't clear enough because it doesn't seem to make any sense, we were not discussing self-diagnosed people. A mental illness is determined by a clinician by whether the behavior is bad enough to cause significant hardship to the lives of the patients. A person could encounter another person and assume by prior knowledge that they probably fit the criteria.

>> No.15689354

NPD essentially means that if you lie to someone, the lie become who you are and who you were before the lie. By definition, you can't determine that in a single encounter. (Nothing stops you from posting NPD bullshit on 4chan.)

>> No.15689368

That is not essentially what it means. You cannot determine it from a single encounter but you can assess their behavior and assume it. Why's this important anyway?

>> No.15689377

>That is not essentially what it means.
Yes, it is. Tell me the difference.
>You cannot determine it from a single encounter
That's what I said.

>> No.15689386

> it doesn't get you sympathy from other people (unlike ADHD/autism which is too often used to justify being a lazy cunt).
This is only coming out of your mind because of your narcissistic personality disorder btw, you unhinged headcase.

>> No.15689388

>Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.

>That's what I said.
It is what you said. So why did you bring that up originally, even though no one disputed it? It seems like something you did to try to distract from the fact that you're a retard who thinks narcissism and NPD are the same.

>> No.15689393

Being NPD is low status, why would someone who needs others to affirm their self image brag about it?

>> No.15689410

>Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them



>> No.15689544

I didn't write whatever you quoted. My first post was probably this >>15689224

>> No.15689554

I'm self-diagnosed NPD and I'm here to tell you that it's fucking awesome.

>> No.15689557

double digit IQ post

>> No.15689567

>it's weird
not really



>> No.15689577

You're not.

>> No.15689635

Well God thanks for that, it would suck being a narcissist.

>> No.15689668

I'm a narcissist and so's my wife!

>> No.15689669

Proof in the pudding here.

>> No.15689671

Get off your phone you dumb bitch, you think I can't feel the difference in your throat when you type?

>> No.15689676

>namefaggot post not even worth the electricity spent to make it
>calling others double digit IQ

>> No.15689684

Well apparently you can't spot a fucking popular culture reference for toffee

>> No.15689712

This guy is gatekeeping narcissism. What a self-centered buffoon.

>> No.15689717

Not NPD: you don't get the scrip. Next?

>> No.15689722

Don't care get off your fucking phone when you do this.

>> No.15689724

The way modern psychologists diagnose people is usually in one-on-one conversations, and it's notoriously difficult to detect NPD in that setting because they lie all the time. A lot of narcissists don't even seek out therapy, of course, because they're convinced there's nothing wrong with them.

>> No.15689764

No biological man would ever seek out psychiatric therapy and women only seek it for validation they don't get from the central male figure in their life. The dissonance inherent to that model is that 99.73% of psychiatry revenue is paid for by "authorized users."

>> No.15689777

>projecting narcissist isnt even smart enough to post a proper reply to a previous comment
many such cases

>> No.15689813

I'll be nice though and I won't gatekeep you from irony. Unfortunately, that probably doesn't mean much to you since even the simplest instances escape you.

>> No.15689834

>since even the simplest instances escape you
Can't tell if this is troll or retard. Guarantee it's not NPD

>> No.15689849

There is. It is called lead, or the vaxx.

>> No.15689859

> This guy is gatekeeping narcissism. What a self-centered buffoon.
Are you really that stupid? People like you are the reason this forum should have CAPTCHAs that not test whether you're a human, but whether you surpass an intelligence threshold.

>> No.15689860

EDIT: not only test whether you're a human, but also whether you surpass an intelligence threshold.

>> No.15689863

Why did you put your own quote under my post number and then compain about it? That's not NPD at all.

>> No.15689872

To give you hint at what the aforementioned irony was.

>> No.15689877

Hints aren't very NPD, now, are they?

>> No.15689887

I'm sure you'd know all about it. You must be surrounded by people thinking they have NPD considering how hard it is not to feel superior around you.

>> No.15689889

Go to bed.

>> No.15689894

Fucking terrible take.

The majority of people these days have induced NPD even if they are not that way genetically.

Npd is not that hard to detect. Npd cannot be diagnosed because it is the zeitgeist. It is the same reason you cannot diagnose a black man that shoots a child randomly with "70 iq monkey nigget disorder"- instead, he is a brilliant acholar with trauma. to do so would give up the gamr of the entire government

>> No.15689897

I also meant to add, detection rates are low because psychologists are one of the lowest iq phds according to the GRE scores. They're low right alongside education, womens studies, and comparative literature phds.

>> No.15689901

You can't diagnose NPD in one session.

>> No.15689905

Are you sure your special needs groups' supervisor allowed you to be on the internet? It may take away that little comprehension you still have in your mind.

>> No.15689920

Dumb cunt. Bed is what you need. If you can't get it yourself, I can't help you here.

>> No.15689921

Ok I'm outta here. No good arguing with a pigeon, let alone a log.

>> No.15689925

>No good arguing with a log
Now you get it. Now go get it.

>> No.15689994

Why would it need to be in a single session?

Very few diagnoses can be made in certainty in a single seesion

>> No.15690009

This is what you missed
NPD is only symptomatic in the context of intimacy. That's my only point here.

>> No.15690045

Only? No i wouldn't say only. But certainly that is the most violent and dangerous context

Npd can be easily spotted by the way they frame the world, or in a simple discussion about priorities. Someone thinks the government needs to give THEM a ton of money, but not others? They are willing to have a deep conversation about it and ignore any math. Npd

Someone is ignoring the state of the job market? Just work harder? Npd

>> No.15690053

I'm glad you're just larping as a psychiatrist. Otherwise you'd be in jail.

>> No.15690066

What are you talking about? Narcissism develops from several sources. One is probably innate and the other is clearly developed from social exposure.

Culturally developed narcissism is clearly less severe, vut that doesn't make it narcissism

If you dont like the word, petition tolhe dsm to create a separate category for genetic narcissism, which i think would be appropriate, desu.

For the moment, we dont have a separate word. Cry more

>> No.15690080

The fact that you can use proper English to describe an egotistical asshole you bumped into on the sidewalk as a "narcissist" doesn't mean they have "NPD." Just use the vernacular, you retard. Asshole. Narcissist. Egomaniacal shit head.

>> No.15690086

To be clear, I'm only calling you a retard. I'm not calling you an "Asshole. Narcissist. Egomaniacal shit head." I'm saying those words make sense for what you want to say

>> No.15690088

>>lumping introverts or under-achievers with brain damage cases
>Precisely. It's all just some repurposed ponzi scheme anyway.

You absolute retard, coming up with names for specific brain damage is exactly what makes these problems "exist" because they dont have a existence per se but are just CLASSIFICATIONS. You fucker ever heard of a little thing called Nominalism? Because youre still caught on some platonic bullshit righ here

>> No.15690094

I think you are missing the subtlety in the distinction.

The difference between an asshole and a narcissist is their internal priorities and eay of framing the world.

I know plenty of egomaniacs who are just confident and bombastic. They are psychologically able to acknowledge they are not the center of the world. Their importance is not the lynchpin of their identity, ir necessary for functioning. They can admit in a conversation that they might not deserve x.

I am saying if you are not a retarded clinician, the framing an individual has about what they deserve, the extent they are willing to go to in justifying why they are special, their ability ignore math, this is narcissism. It is common and wuite easy to diagnose if you aren't a retarded nigger

Oh, i bet you're one of those types that thinks it is only diagnosable if you can define the expression of the trait in terms of z score perfectly

>> No.15690126

That's not it. You're saying that an appropriate use of the word "narcissist" implies a diagnosis of NPD. It's like saying that "Planck length" means nothing's smaller than that.

>> No.15690142

no. I am saying your cutoff for diagnosis is fucking stupid

if these traits are manifested in a bell curve manner, you are saying only somone that is 3 z score beyond the median can be diagnosed as narcissistic.

the problem exists in degrees, and it is quite easy to see

>> No.15690145

NPD isn't a bell curve. People aren't 68% NPD or 95% or 99.73%. They are or they aren't. By what they said now and what they said later, when they no longer care about what they said then. Anything else is literature.

>> No.15690147

are you saying narcissistic personality disorder is a single nucleotide polymorphism? you have identified exactly where it exists in the brain, and the exact thing that turns on in order to make someone act like that?

you are saying it is unlike every other psychological trait in the world, which is distributed along a bell curve?

wow, you seem smart

>> No.15690149

nah, he is right there are degrees like any mental illness and it is claimed some people can get better with age/treatment. Sure you either have it or you dont but the severity of the symptoms can vary quite a bit

>> No.15690150

Are you saying HIV can be 68% positive? Like it's fuzzy logic?

>> No.15690154

Find a husband with a bed and go there.

>> No.15690156

I assume you are projecting your predilection towards sucking dick. I however like pussy so I will pass

>> No.15690157

so uh. narcissism is a virus? okay dude, keep going...

so where is the problem from narcissism coming in from? the acetylcholine system? the amygdala. tell me precisely what's going wrong in it that a definitive yes or no diagnosis can be made

the dsm encourages making a list of checkboxes WITHOUT weightings, and then if they check enough of them, boom. NPD.

yeah sure, npd is hard to diagnose if you are literally a retarded nigger without a functioning brain, and the apex of your cognitive process is a list with checkboxes

>> No.15690161

the main "symptom" of any mental illness is psychosis, the diagnosis it just what that psychosis tends towards and the displayed behavior due to it. Classification are just useful descriptors to know what you are dealing with, it isnt black and white. You are also making the mistake of implying every mental illness is caused by some sort of brain damage, trauma when it is trauma that is cause with a number of mental illnesses. If a kid is raped and abused as a child and grows up to also rape and abuse or even kill it is not because of some physical brain injury

>> No.15690162

Don't they measure viral loads with HIV to determine if you can spread the poz?

>> No.15690164

Narcissism is whatever you want it to be. Topic is NPD

>> No.15690174

I'm not an AIDS doctor. I can confirm that Will Smith told everyone with AIDS to be quiet in a mix tape from the 80s. It was binary. (I have the cassette.)

>> No.15690176


>> No.15690181

For example, cluster B personality disorders can have 10 symptoms that are all identical but whereas the narcissist believes and responds to a certain stimulus one way the Histrionic or borderline may respond in a different way. For example if you break with a borderline they may cry and cut themselves whereas the narcissist kills you dog. Not saying the BPD wont kill your dog too, dont get confused, just using an ad hoc example. The reason they get these emotions however is the same and due to their psychosis, ie not being able to interpret reality correctly.

In fact let's not say break up, lets say they think you are cheating on them because you have an email account where you use the handle "basedman" or some shit and they see someone in a youtube comment or forum talking about someone they are in love with or slept with or spent the weekend with or whatever and they just assume that person is and then process to act if it is an established fact. To normal people they will see how bizarre and irrational it is and it doesnt make sense but as I said they take it as absolute fact and flatten your tire and/or kill your dog because they cant reason correctly to determine what is and is not real or what is or is not rational. You cannot reason with people who are incapable of reason. You are not going to reason Jeffrey Daumer out of not killing and raping you

>> No.15690183

Nope. I think he even singled out men. All the the fellas, IIRC

>> No.15690185

*just assume that person is you because they have the handle basedman

>> No.15690203

>You are also making the mistake of implying every mental illness is caused by some sort of brain damage, trauma when it is trauma that is cause with a number of mental illnesses.

Let's say for example someone grew up in an abusive household where every time they walked into a room their parent threw baseball at them, and busted their nose. When you see them duck every timne they entre a room it will look quite bizarre to you and you may assume this person has some mental illness when in fact what they are doing is a perfectly reasonable conditions response. Or if someone grew up in a household with someone hard of hearing and when you meet them they speak unreasonably loud. You may think or even say to them "why the fuck do you always have to yell at me, you are so aggressive" when they are oblivious tot he fact they are even doing it

>> No.15690208

>so where is the problem from narcissism coming in from?
I have written extensively about this and my theory in this article

give it a read, you will get more than you bargained for from it I assure you

>> No.15690231

i'm a biological man and therapy helped me get my schizoaffective personality disorder under wraps, helped with my nymphomania and helped with some other things. you are a faggot and i run you over with my car

>> No.15690247

You were never a man and your therapy will never help you be a woman: you have no gender, not even a-. (Also my car would crush your car and turn your body in bone broth, it's not the same as your little plastic toy.)

>> No.15690267

Cluster b is clearly a spectrum disorder

Unreasonability is spectrum. All people are slightly unreasonable at least

What makes npd not spectrum. You didnt answer the question

Not reading your blog faggot. You named the jew. Maybe i even agree with you. But your shit isnt even related to npd. So shut the fuck up

>> No.15690271

Oh you are fucking stupid. I see, go fuck yourself now and stop wasting my valuable time

>> No.15690274

Normal people react like npd people in many circumstances. Most people will reject reasoning and refuse to listen to you due to insults to ego.

This is either
1. Easy to diagnose because it is common and everywhere
2. You are setting the criteria for diagnosis arbitrarily high, at an arbitrary point, and people causing moderate problems from npd are "not npd" to you because apparently... "It just is okay?1"

Oh i just noticed you're a tripfag. Nevermind. Go ahead and kill yourself

>> No.15690279

Bodhi, why? It's empassioned, but you neglected quite a lot of editing. Is it in bad form to go back through and do minor editing to the article?
Namefag. Tripfags utilize a tripcode. You've outed youself.

>> No.15690419

>this board constantly has threads posted by people who seemingly want to brag about their mental illness diagnosis and that diagnosis is always ADHD, autism or assburgers

Who other than a narcissist could get diagnosed with a malfunctioning brain and interpret that as positive feature worth bragging about?

>doctors say my brain doesn't work right
>thats must mean that i'm smarter than everyone else
How could that kind of rationalization be anything other than a cope of gargantuan proportions?

>> No.15690460

>but you neglected quite a lot of editing.
bro this has been an uphill battle and those that have carried the burden alone this far have done more than their fair share of the heavy lifting. What was important was getting the information out and I only have so much time and effort to give.

>Is it in bad form to go back through and do minor editing to the article?
No of course not. I would be very appreciative if you took the time

>> No.15690472

>and I only have so much time and effort to give.
which i have done for free btw, in fact it has cost me a substantial amount of money as I donate quite a bit to my own sources and people fighting the good fight

>> No.15690504

how does a day to day relationship looks like when two people are narcissistic? what are your big problems etc?

>> No.15690653


Ultra rare reference.

>> No.15690707

Because then doctors would mostly get themselves diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, it's part of their profession.

I experienced this with doctors a lot, they are smug and believe because they can spew a lot of greek and latin buzzwords they are above the average human.
They literally behave like wierd wizards in a lot of cases.
They will also tell you the opposite of what you researched just for the sake of "pesant must be wrong and doctor must be right" especcially when its about "nutrition".
When you attempt to fix your diet, they say "pfff diet does nothing, take supplements".
When you take supplements: "pffff supplements do nothing, eat healthy".
When you you fixed your diet and take supplements: "pfff it won't help, just do nothing again, and accept your condition is incurable, but take my corticosteroids they supress the symptoms"
When you do nothing and take corticosteroids: "pffff, they just supress symptoms, you should fix your diet and take these supplements..."

Also they love telling you shit about your conditions.
You lost conciousness: "oh dear peasant you had a syncope".
You have lower back pain: "oh dear peasant you have lumbago".

>> No.15690719

reference the anon before that insists narcissistic personality disorder is difficult to diagnose

in order to practice medicine, an individual who is helplessly stupid must impose a structure on the world in order to fill the vacuum of his ignorance

lists coming from books, codexes, and medical journals replace their buttom up and top down processing alike, they become incapable of absorbing new information, and incapable of reaching conclusions from evidence as presented

>> No.15691932 [DELETED] 

>narcissistic personality disorder is difficult to diagnose
why would someone with narcissistic personality disorder ever go to a shrink?

>> No.15692181

the most prototypical scenario I can think of is someone that thinks "I am a good liberal. I am the BEST liberal. the best liberals are supportive of their spouse. I AM SUPPORTIVE."

they would frame it away from sometheing being wrong with them into being supportive. or, imagine their breaking point is not that they are acknowledging something is wrong with them, they will say, for example, like a normal liberal "well, of course I am racist. everyone is racist. but REDNECKS are just..."

any acknowledgement of the problem only exists for them to win frame and control the conversation again

>> No.15692991 [DELETED] 

They would also go to shrink as a means of talking about themselves for an hour

>> No.15693007

Because they also have it, and think that those who complain about it suffer from a mental illness, because the narcissist is "obviously normal" like them.

>> No.15693014 [DELETED] 

>reference the anon before that insists narcissistic personality disorder is difficult to diagnose
Narcissists are easy to spot. The typical social people of narcissiats are other narcssists and their family members or other people who are unable to leave,as they are repulsive to anyone normal, but narciasists can't see any obvious defect in themselves, they usuall just can't see it, or they think the other person is mentally ill once it becomes obvious.

>> No.15693019

>reference the anon before that insists narcissistic personality disorder is difficult to diagnose
Narcissists are easy to spot. The typical social circle of narcissiats are other narcssists and their family members or other people who are unable to leave, as they are repulsive to anyone normal, but narciasists can't see any obvious defect in themselves, they usuall just can't see it, or they think the other person is mentally ill once it becomes obvious that there is something about them that they themselves don't have and can't comprehend.

>> No.15693057

And to add, their narcissism prevents them from having actual friends, their "friends" are more like accomplices who help each other ruin inconvenient people. They never support each other. If one of them fails, tough luck.

>> No.15694367 [DELETED] 
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>Why do doctors never diagnose NPD?
they don't have a financial incentive to do so

>> No.15694382

>Why do doctors never diagnose NPD?
They do all the time, it's just called transgenderism now.

>> No.15695675 [DELETED] 

how do trannys respond to this devastating zinger?

>> No.15697152 [DELETED] 

Seems like they cannot respond

>> No.15697586

single digit IQ reply

>> No.15697592


>> No.15697602


>> No.15697611


>> No.15697712

you sure seem to like talking about yourself on social media
you both seem to misunderstand, the sign is indeed a subtle joke.

>> No.15698298

its funny because its true

>> No.15698370

This is what people don't see in public.

>> No.15698428

Yes, really. They don't record the months of abuse that preceded the completely normal reaction.

>> No.15699966 [DELETED] 
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What do you think about the people who are constantly screeching insults and profanities here on 4chan, when they're anonymous? Do you think they behave like that in public?

>> No.15700979

its kinda sad to see so many people who all presume that they're constantly on the verge of a eureka moment and the fame and fortune which goes along with that and knowing all the while that none of them will ever live out their fantasy.
its like watching people lose money at a dishonest casino when you're not getting a share of the profits.

>> No.15702437 [DELETED] 

>so many people who all presume that they're constantly on the verge of a eureka moment
they're presumptuous like that because they have personality disorders

>> No.15703462

Not generally, most of them conceal their shameful emotional problems out of concern for their personal public image and only let loose their true personality when they think they won't be held accountable for it.
Little do they know that God is always watching them, even when they think they're anonymous here on 4chan or alone in private.

>> No.15703546

There's actually not a whole lot of consensus among psychologists on npd. But assuming it is very real, the it should be hard to spot, for a psychologist at least, and it's an extremely vilified condition to the point where nobody wants to be called a narcissist, especially narcs themselves. Also, bragging is hardly a tell tale sign of npd. In truth we probably all are a little narcissistic in some ways. Many narcs also do not exactly love themselves like Narcissus.

>> No.15703549

Not him, but how do you know? How can they know? When you think about it, living with npd should be an extremely difficult thing since you cannot really trust your own mind. Can we trust our mind? Using our mind to examine our mind is kinda like a company auditing itself.

>> No.15703582

they don't brag. they reframe every situation to be ABOUT them. they aren't even necessarily confident or project confidence. big difference. they can prtend to be humble, but they say "it's ME. I AM the humble one"

they trust themselves just fine

>> No.15704664 [DELETED] 

>living with npd should be an extremely difficult thing since you cannot really trust your own mind.
they don't know they have it and its never diagnosed

>> No.15704894

Narcicissts generally do not seek professional help, in their mind they have "perfect mental health". That's why NPD is notoriously underdiagnosed. It's very often comorbid with BPD though, especially in females.

Also, autism and aspergers are not mental illnesses.

>> No.15705184

>Narcicissts generally do not seek professional help
Somewhat incorrect, they love talking about themselves, to the idea of going to a shrink appeals to them for that reason. They often go and get the shrink to help them think up ways to be manipulative while acting like all their problems are being caused by other people.

>> No.15705617

You can kiss yourself in a mirror, but only on the lips

>> No.15705636

The biggest cross section of NPD is women and medical professionals.

Both are not here OR cool.

>> No.15705848

we mostly just work on our appearences and then go to our respective jobs on wallstreet for 4 hours and make 6 gorrilion dollars.

>> No.15705855

is it narcissistic if you like to imagine talking about yourself to other people, but irl you don't really do so more than anyone else?

>> No.15707036
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>> No.15707062

personality disorders r kinda bs diagnosis is a very fine line

>> No.15707841

pointless, NPDs are unwilling to believe that diagnosis

>> No.15709200

I hope so

>> No.15709348

If you really have NPD you are less likely to accept that as it means there is something inherently wrong with you.
Also as far as I know there is no systematic treatment, so most people deal with it silently.

>> No.15709431

The delusions of grandeur stuff is really weird
My father always talked about how he would become rich some day, inventing a million dollar thing or starting a business and how we would split profits. As kids it was funny because I thought he was joking, maybe he kinda was, but over time it seemed more genuine. He's homeless now but recently he told me how he wanted to open a restaurant on the Las Vegas strip. Just totally delusional

>> No.15710376

The entire world of science is wall to wall with people who presume that they're geniuses who going to invent something and get rich from it and every last one of them lies about their secret greedy fantasy life and says bullshit like "i just want to contribute to the progress of civilization"

>> No.15711761 [DELETED] 

>every last one of them lies about their secret greedy fantasy life and says bullshit like "i just want to contribute to the progress of civilization"
They hide their true motives and personalities because they're ashamed of their true selves and know how repulsive they are, but instead of trying to improve they just hide the truth at all costs

>> No.15712896 [DELETED] 

>i just want to contribute to the progress of civilization
that type of blatant virtue signalling is always a tipoff of someone with a nasty personality they're trying to disguise

>> No.15712901

99% of people on /sci/ have never been to a psychology class let alone attempted therapy

your family doctor is a glorified nurse, they can't diagnose shit with any measure of accuracy whatsoever and are only good for getting xanax and adderall prescriptions because of the kickbacks

>> No.15714447 [DELETED] 

>i'm a super special snowflake
>everyone else is dumb and ignorant
>t. NPD

>> No.15714676
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>mfw asked about my goals
I don't give a shit, I'll die chasing my delusions over being a slave

>> No.15714925


>> No.15714945

>What is PSB?

Power seeking behaviour is defined as a condition in which an individual seeks out and attempts to attain non-responsible social control or power without regard for appropriate behaviour or consideration of consequences. This condition is estimated to exist within about 7% of the population, however it is over-represented within the legislative and law-enforcement community[12]

>> No.15715012

Because psychology is a pseudoscientific scam.

Remember to beat up your women.

>> No.15715105
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One of the replies in that thread to my post was actually saying I’m thoroughly entrenched in delusions of grandeur, but that it’s impressive if I try nevertheless. You think Genghis Khan or Von Neumann or Tesla didn’t ever doubt themselves?

To that end, I know very well I may fail, but every great man in history had self doubt as a constant companion, and the vagaries of fate are so random, that sometimes the universe throws you a freebie. So mock my delusion all you’d like my friend, but I will still try to my ends because I believe in myself and my abilities.

Hell, even if I don’t, I’m pretty cocky because I know I have all the traits to live a comfy life nevertheless, so it’s a win win either way. Good luck to you, hopefully my AI efforts will create a benevolent machine.

>> No.15715311
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Not a real disorder. All healthy organisms are narcissistic by nature.

It's just that humans had to indoctrinate themselves into not being ones to form communes and work together to survive.

Psychopathy/Sociopathy aka ASPD is also a remnant of the ancient humans.

>> No.15715414

Your IQ is the same as your shoe size

>> No.15715449

>"I am a good liberal. I am the BEST liberal. the best liberals are supportive of their spouse. I AM SUPPORTIVE."
So are you saying that liberals hate Donald Trump because they think and talk about themselves just like he does? Shieeeet...

>> No.15715776

Yet you are the one lacking any proper arguments and only relying on emotional outbursts. If reality hurts your irrelevant feelings then maybe it's time to kill yourself.

>> No.15716945 [DELETED] 

jealousy drive people to hate anyone and everyone more successful than themselves

>> No.15717840 [DELETED] 

good thread

>> No.15717853

in millimeters

>> No.15717874

This makes sense from survival point of view. ASPDs/Narcissists only think about their own desires, goals and needs and most of the time aren't afraid to go for it. It's very similar to animalistic instinct. Modern human is so castrated and deluded that there are literally people afraid to go take a shit during their work time. They deny their own human needs simply because of man made rules kek.

Psychology and sociology are full of fucking shit.

>> No.15717880

people with NPD "know" more than the doctors, and "know" the doctors are wrong, so there's nothing to post about.

>> No.15717902

How did employers manage to manipulate people into ignoring basic biological cues that happened outside of breaktimes? It starts early on in k-12 education, but has been shown to cause problems with urinary and lower digestive system continence over time.

>> No.15718240

yep, a lot of paradoxes at play with the npds

>> No.15718534

eat my shit faggot

>> No.15718536

spastic shit eater was let out of his cage again

>> No.15718538

People with NPD are arrogant and think they're better than everyone else. Why would such a person admit to being detective?

>> No.15719493 [DELETED] 

>t. defective

>> No.15719710

I have diagnosed NPD and ASPD and since I remember I'm fully able to admit to my mistakes and faults. But instead of crying and whining I refine and change my tactics to not make the same shit twice and come out on top. I value logic and straightforwardness.

Am I a flawed psycho or is there something deeper going on?

>> No.15720423

You must work not shit or you don't get the shekels :DDDD

>> No.15720748 [DELETED] 

dogs get the same kind of training

>> No.15720870

because most doctors have npd

>> No.15721244

decimal IQ response

>> No.15722037 [DELETED] 


>> No.15722076

>schizo copycat asking for more of my shit
here, have a spoon, there's still some left for you too

>> No.15723033

Given how much the ADHD/autism gang seems to love bragging about their special snowflake condition, it seems like they've all been misdiagnosed and are actually NPDs

>> No.15723448

there is nothing on it because you licked it clean

>> No.15723514

obsessed schizo samefag

>> No.15723908

Because a lot of doctors have NPD and you can't diagnose what's in your shadow. They normalize their own pathologies

>> No.15724390 [DELETED] 


>> No.15725558 [DELETED] 


>> No.15726509

Eat shit cocksucker everyone on this board hates you

>> No.15727037

anyone who leaps to the conclusion they're a special snowflake because they've been diagnosed with a malfunctioning brain is npd

>> No.15727920
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Bragging about having a mental illness on science is the equivalent of bragging about erectile disfunction on your dating profile

>> No.15728130

>narcissists antisemite schizo still obsessed for my turds
here it comes, open wide!

>> No.15728241

spread that bussy, sleek torpedo is approaching the browntown tunnel

>> No.15728744

>obsessed coprophilic antisemitic schizo is also a faggot eater of shit
well color me surprised

>> No.15729721

>he fell for the grippy bpd psych-ward gf meme

>> No.15731633

you'd fall in love of my bussy too if you'd just try it you know

>> No.15732061
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microcephaly is a mental illness

>> No.15733159

So is down syndrome

>> No.15734470

nah mane, no point in medical diagnosis if meds won't fix the issue
and misdiagnosis of mental issues is high

prescribing meds is dangerous
people react to diagnosis

generally better to not diagnose and treat the symptoms - as they'd do anyway
instead of using arbitrary definitions mane

>> No.15735858

"Intellectual disability" and "mental illness" are synonymous terms

>> No.15737284
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>> No.15738192 [DELETED] 

NPDs should be the first and loudest people to be bragging about their mental disorder, it seems weird that they never do

>> No.15738348

Thank you for the new insult

>> No.15739272
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i agree, i’m tired of seeing people on the internet just fucking flaunting that. it’s not a positive thing.

>> No.15739275
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>> No.15739572

NPD actually have better eloquence than the average person though and it's based as fuck to just be a narcissist and own it, you know

>> No.15739577

I'm a narcissist, probably, and I love using 4chan because other sites don't let me bully people there's just something so cool about an inflammatory board I get pissed by other platforms because I get more "Yous" than replies on other platforms. Hearts and likes don't mean anything to me because they're just numbers on a screen but some math PhD having a meltdown over me bullying them is just so much fucking better knowing I'll never even reach a fraction of my potential seeing as I nearly flunk HS in spite of scoring near the ceiling on the IQ test

>> No.15739620

Fuck you I've done a compound variable analysis of plasticity and stability of my big five results and discovered that I'm actually the most narcissistic person on the planet when you account for IQ and actually mutually control for the correlational overlap.
Everyone else is a fucking normie in temperament centereed on the fucking middle of both IQ and all other non-IQ temperament unlike my godly ass which is so right tail both IQ and temperament and luck and dick size that I sometimes in my lonely hill at the top have delusions of solipsism. Like actually is all of reality just my dream and everyone else is just an NPC? If it doesn't apply metaphysically it might actually apply figuratively, in that okay reality is not my dream and still exists but everyone except me is a philosophical zombie ant swarm of NPCs because they're too normie and emergent in behavior to have individual consciousness. Maybe they together form something like "the god consciousness", in which case I'm like the devil, lucifer, the perfect creation of God with divine intellect. This way other people, the NPCs, only pretend to have consciousness through memes propagated by the only real non-conformist individualist high IQ schizo genius NPDs like myself. Any intersubjective non-Stirnerian BS of esp. post-modernists and Hegelians is especially NPC-prone as well as all religion especially christcucks and government bureocrat shills and education shills. Only the divine intellect of the individual prevails and I'm most extreme on this trait of all. I'm alone in the universe and it's my playground, my only peer, Stirner, died centuries ago. Oh well off to lift to be ripped enough to impress and then fuck yo NPC automated algorithm curvy fleshlight wife now, faggot

>> No.15739623

All other narcissists are subnarcissist pseud faggos, fake narcissists of sorts, and as such they're just these NPCs. I'm literally Rick Sanchez but IRL.

>> No.15740162

bumping this thread I want some yous niggers

>> No.15740198

We were shit but we got to exploit good bodies and make good jokes. So what? You obviously have no intelligence. Not one single person finds you good. You were complete scum of life and will not be remembered for your little illegal party which ends unwell for you.

People will laugh at you for years.

As for me, you perverted the whole thing, I did good nonetheless. The job I was sent to do was done perfectly. I stayed comfortable in harsh perversion. I didn't fear the harshest graphic. I stood my ground even through solipsist abstraction and super dimensional disadvantage. You'd probably look at this and think 'bothered' and carry on your unintellectual illegal party. Think again. You'll do 750 - years - worth. That won't be comfortable. You'll want revenge against me forever. You'll never get it cause I'm a much better mind than you.

>> No.15740206
File: 310 KB, 1267x805, shiotposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a bunch of toothless gibs begging for food.
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"
No one wants tiny silver munchkin diamonds.

>> No.15740210

Like a deflated fake ass.

>> No.15740217

Do you get me? Moron. You weren't nothing in the eyes of anyone good.

>> No.15740251

It is ok to think highly of yourself and your abilities - if you can back it up - the problem with actual narcissists is the abusive behavior and psychosis. You are not what you think you are you are in fact a spastic fucking retard and psycho that is too mentally ill to see it, be told about it or fix it which makes you not the super gigabrain genius that s God's gift to mankind, you are in a fact a liability because you cant do anything right or understand anything correctly and when people correct you have a meltdown. You are only amazing in your mind but to everyone you re just a spastic fuck up

>> No.15740282


>> No.15740301

firstly I was joking, secondly you're literally bodhi a namefag clown schizo

>> No.15740305

Because this is diagnosed by psychiatrists or psychologists. NPD is a learnt behavioral trait, not inherent. That's why you fix it with behavioral therapy and not with medication.

>> No.15740314

btw anyone to who hasn't had a good laugh in a while: >>/sci/?task=search2&search_username=bodhi

>> No.15740347

Add this custom filter to uBlock Origin to completely block all namefag posts:

4chan.org,4channel.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))
4chan.org,4channel.org##.post.preview:if(.postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))

>> No.15740397
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unfiltered, unlimited, fresh of the tap psycho seethe. feels so good man

>> No.15742057 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15742417 [DELETED] 
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Does this solve the mystery of the missing NPD diagnosis?

>> No.15742487
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Narcissists are the epitome of NPCs.
- Strong attachment to conformism, group-think, belonging, and naive contrarianism
- Obsesses with monkey reputation, incapable of reflecting on the utter insignificance of their LARP and finitude within the universe
- Constant parrotion jargon and sophistry falling short of actual depth, neurotic 'loophole-seeking' mind incapable of neutrality and holism
- Always offensive and projecting, to simultaneously off-load any undesirable aspect of themselves, preserving their absurd image, and to undercut the victim's support (It is much easier to fight a war on enemy territory than your own)
- Tribalistic attachment to monkey image
- Exploit idiocy of the mass to reinforce their own idiocy, harness popular opinion to fortify their own beliefs, without critically examining them.
- Systematically obsessed with monkey sex
- Incapable of studying objective truth for its own sake. Prioritize perceptions over facts. Strong entitlement to 'being right' with no reflection on past mistakes, which is the exact mindset causing them to be often completely wrong
- Piggybacking power structures and interpersonal exploitation for personal advantages, without consideration for neutrality, empathy, and harmony.
- Misplaced Confidence. `The researchers found that while many narcissists may perceive themselves as highly intelligent, critical thinkers, they are less likely to use important reflective thinking strategies when solving problems, Therefore, the high levels of confidence they have in their intellectual abilities are often misplaced.` https://uwaterloo.ca/arts/news/why-narcissists-arent-smart-they-think
- Low empathy. `Real-life psychopaths actually have below-average intelligence` https://www.newscientist.com/article/2118547-real-life-psychopaths-actually-have-below-average-intelligence/

>> No.15742516

Wtf schizo. Anything can be measured by testing. Testing just means intentionally having something interact with something else and writing down the result. A psychologist has a list of known traits of a narsist and check down all that apply. Also, wtf are u on about having the patient agree with a diagnosis? Not relevant

>> No.15742583

> Narcissists are the epitome of NPCs.
Nah Narcissists are the epitome of non-NPCs. Low Stability, High Plasticity people. The low IQ ones are criminals, the high IQ ones end up as geniuses.
Relevant studies:
Additionally that explains the point you made about "real life psychopaths". I read studies on this. The higher the IQ the less physically aggressive a person was. But with verbal aggression the relationship isn't so straightforward.
Actually intelligent psychopaths are just extremely selfish and cut-throat, but only in a legal and socialized way, sort of like people in sports are or in trading, management, military etc. The normies just cry about the intelligent psychopaths "they're not team players!! *sob emoji*", as the psychopath actually convinced their shared boss to earn more for working less so he could post pepes on 4chin and buy meth to perform like an absolute unstoppable god and win in this world unlike all the suckers.( meth is cool, kids:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Erdős) The law really is the intellectual agreement of what disagreeable psychopaths can do and get away with.
Also note if you start targeting.
And finally, no, psychopaths aren't more "conformist" or any of that bullshit, the opposite actually. Whatever normie sheep cope about that psychopaths are doing so wrong, immoral, and evil is the epitome of lack of conformism. The psychopath will do those acts regardless of what anyone things, they don't coordinate goals, strategies, and interpretations with others, they just do whatever the fuck they want, tell me how the fuck is that conformist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpF9O0R873I

>> No.15742594

Also just to further my point, the entire narcissistic scale was based off one gigachad scientist:
> In 1925, Robert Waelder conceptualized narcissism as a personality trait. His definition described individuals who are condescending, feel superior to others, are preoccupied with admiration, and exhibit a lack of empathy.[15] Waelder's work and his case study have been influential in the way narcissism and the clinical disorder narcissistic personality disorder are defined today. His patient was a successful scientist with an attitude of superiority, an obsession with fostering self-respect, and a lack of normal feelings of guilt. The patient was aloof and independent from others, had an inability to empathize with others, and was selfish sexually. Waelder's patient was also overly logical and analytical and valued abstract intellectual thought over the practical application of scientific knowledge.[16]
Low testosterone oversocialized feminine brained humanities snowflakes made narcissism up when they were coping with being so useless compared to gigachad STEM gods. That is the epitome of a high IQ narcissist.

>> No.15742604 [DELETED] 

>Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.15742610

narcissist delusions, nope you are actually just a delusional spastic fucking retard but you are the only one who cant see it

>> No.15742615

lmao literally me I lift a lot then stare in the mirror, I keep trying to suck my own dick, I don't talk to literally anyone IRL, and I do whatever the fuck I want, because I'm fucking awesome
I also sent my 9 inch cock to r9k and love to have several sexrp pets.
I would want to become a god one day, immortal and omniscient. Omnipotence isn't really important to me as much, but I thought about hiring a hacker several times to sabotage people who've wronged me. (for legal reasons all of the above is a joke, also Poe's law)

>> No.15742618

Shut the fuck up, bodhi. The fact you're a triggered namefag makes you far more of a "delusional spastic fucking retard" narcissist than me you projecting retard.

>> No.15742624
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>narcissist go REEEEEEE

>> No.15742626

Poe's law so you're either a troll or this stupid, so this stupid because Hanlon's razor applies as well.

>> No.15742631


>> No.15742635
File: 858 KB, 1003x1080, schizofuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine my shock you are the same narcissist I point out as narcissist all the time here. What a bizarre coincidence am I right? You are a delusional psycho incapable of original or rational thoughts. You belong in a padded room

>> No.15742643

this is actually right on the money, good post anon

>> No.15742644

So we've just learned bodhi is even lower IQ than we thought or may in fact be an ESL, I'm eyeing it on a shitskin, given that "bodhi" is a word from buddhism, prolly Indian. Lmfao imagine being (plausibly) an Indian and thinking you can one-up anyone.

>> No.15742650

you arent coalition building here schizo, no one is siding with you to try to pile on to your perceived enemies. just end yourself and make the pain go away, it wont hurt I promise and no one will miss you. In death you will get that sweet release from the pain of abandonment you have always been seeking. Good night sweet prince

>> No.15742653

great song, I really enjoyed it

>> No.15742665

Projecting again, are you? We all know you're a clown, you're a namefag lolcow, goes without saying.
I can see you're suicidal, given your projections. If your life is so empty in spite of your money, ask yourself, how are you spending your time? Don't you have any close people in your life that you clown yourself for attention on a trannie basket-weaving website?
I love you, anon, and I hope you get better.

>> No.15742679

I won't respond to you again, as I'm leaving this thread to get some fresh air. I know we all have our demons, but I hope you get better.

>> No.15742689

>I will same what you said to me back to you in slightly different words because I cant come up with original ideas I can only mirror, mimic and project because I do not have a personality of my own
nope you arent NPD at all

>> No.15743227 [DELETED] 

do you kiss yourself in the mirror?

>> No.15743456

- Impulsively attack any information that does not benefit their ego, without ever giving them the benefit of the doubt, or questioning their current belief system. `It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.` Systematically exploit surface level arguments and straw-manning to offensively belittle informations and sources that conflict with them. They misrepresent facts, and overestimate or underestimate the weights of evidence according to pre-established bias.
- Often claim values diametrically opposite to actual behaviors. For instance, narcs would love to falsely monopolize ‘neuro-plasticity’ [1], while they are extremely entitled in practice, and incapable of entertaining creative thoughts outside the monkey societal rewards implied by them. Overall, this leads society to be an hassle to navigate, since predatorial mimicry is the worst outcome of encompassing cultural prisoner dilemma where agents have to spent more cognitive resources on facades, and on identifying truth from falsehood, than legitimate compassion and awareness. They are deeply attached to social confirmations from metaphysically clueless agents, which has no weight on truth in practice.
- Believe ‘NPC’ is about unconsciousness, without realizing that everything is already consciousness [2]. It does not even correlate with intelligence. In fact, it may be the exact opposite. [3] `Psychedelics reduces blood flow and neural activity in several brain regions` [4]. Aggressively coerced networks of non-originality is exactly what ‘NPC’ entails.

>> No.15743459

- Develop backward self-serving narratives about truth, which drastically limit signal/noise ratio. Exploit symbolic complexity to persuade and sustain delusions. `An idiot admires complexity` [5]
- Entities who are humble are often actually more intelligent. [6] [7] [8] This view makes even more sense, considering the infinite size of the universe, you really have to be stupid to think your ego is worth more than a molecule [9].
- Strong tendency for plagiarism. ’Put the cart before the horse’ in societal rewards. Obsess with praises and approval to appear ‘superior’, such as originality is constrained by latent social pressures, which is again, exactly what you would expect from NPCs.
- Believe ‘others’ exist. This is false. God is a single mind.
- High-confidence allow them to steam-roll others in practical life, which provide the appearance of a self-sustain loop of self-fulfilling superiority, but addiction to monkey rewards and the fragility of this neurotypical experience force them to be on the edge, often socially aggressive, doubling down on offenses rather than caring about the legitimate well-being of all entities.
- Self-centric worldview. Constantly project everything on others, and believe others are governed by the same principles, without awareness of the large diversity of minds.

Overall, individuals who excessively optimize for societal approval will accumulate knowledge and strategies overshadowing others who may exhibit surface-level mischief due to the lack of adherence to norms and expectations, leading to further complexities in nuancing those issues.

>> No.15743460

[1] https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.856084/full
[2] https://www.lionsroar.com/christof-koch-unites-buddhist-neuroscience-universal-nature-mind/
[3] https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/lsd-may-chip-away-at-the-brain-s-sense-of-self-network/
[4] https://www.science.org/content/article/mapping-psychedelic-brain
[5] https://youtu.be/k0qmkQGqpM8
[6] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17439760.2019.1579359
[7] https://www.sciencealert.com/people-who-are-humble-about-their-intellect-actually-tend-to-know-more-study-shows
[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect
[9] https://youtu.be/AkoML0_FiV4

>> No.15743619

Differences between ASD and NPD
- Autists sometimes appear self-centered, e.g. namefagging, due to transparency, and oblivious social boundaries or abilities.
- ASD punctually exhibits behaviors similar to NPD, but they are caused by non-overlapping, polar-opposite dynamics. Key differences lie in internal value systems, motivations, and attachments, which are not necessarily easy to perceive.
- Autists will never be interpersonally exploitative or try to piggyback social / financial / political power structures to accrete influences. Narcissists seeks alliance, coalition, and confirmations (e.g. `we've just learned`), because they entertain socially-pressured minds incapable of coherent thought structures, which is again, typical for NPCs.
- Narcissists always reverberate prejudices (ethnics, belongings, etc), while autists are immune to them.
- An individual with autism may fail to understand that she’s harming someone, whereas the narcissist doesn’t care and, at worst, aims to do so.
- It is difficult to discriminate NPD and ASD from small altercations, but reliable differences arise in how autists are unskilled with communications, hyper-critical of themselves, and self-sabotaging, while NPDs absolutely are not.
- Narcs always obsess with monkey appearance, without realizing nobody cares about it outside other monkeys. Autists don't even consider themselves to be biological organisms or whatever.
- ASD strongly correlates with long-term risk aversion [1], whereas narcs are usually short-sighted high-risk takers. [2]

Being original is difficult, if not impossible, to narcissists, since social rejection is inherent to out-of-the-box creativity, which is the opposite of what they crave for. In summary, narcissists are cornerstones of the NPC matrix. Eventually, they are right about being ‘special’, within the realm of stupidity, that is.

[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29846850/
[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6123519/

>> No.15743626
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Interestingly, the individual you are replying to simultaneously attack ('clown' name-calling, etc), and insolently claim to 'love', which is standard narcissistic self-deception and inversion, exploiting duality of praises and belittlements to keep the target enticed, isolated, disoriented and off-balance. They proud themselves on social offenses and superficial victories, without realizing that empathetic entities are easy to overpower, exactly because they are intelligent enough to consider perspectives beyond themselves. A pig can easily overpower a philosopher in the mud.

Don't let yourself down. Narcs always have a handful of equally stupid flying-monkey followers to enable them, but self-deception is completely transparent to relevant minds and creators.

Never wrestle with pigs. Both of you will be covered in mud, but they will enjoy it.

>> No.15743910

Because its anti semitic

>> No.15744519

Oh I know exactly what he is doing and exactly how to handle them. nothing makes them seethe more than someone who can see right through them and do a play by play of their tactics. I know what he will do before he does and I am perfectly comfortable hopping in the mud and pushing his face down it. these psychos ruin every community they infest with their constant scheming and scamming and abusive behavior preventing normal people from just being able to have a normal conversation without them just flinging shit everywhere. That is why he Hayes and attacks me because he knows he can't hide from me so his only pathetic tactic is to project and attempt to coalition build by lying about me in hopes he can get a little gang together to silence me but he is way too late because I exposed who and what he is here long ago now so there aren't any dupes left on the board for him to manipulate. all he can do now is samefag pretending he is multiple people who hate me (so he can later say "we" as he did there, they love creating imaginary consensuses to gaslight) and cry like a lil bitch which brings me immense joy

>> No.15744544

bravo anon, excellent

>> No.15744607
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Great article. If we had more people like you on this board and less of these psued hacks and narcs this board could really be something. It makes me sad to know your posts will just dissapear like tears in rain and I am likely the only person that will ever appreciate and fully understand them. There are a handful of people on this board who possess some genuine wisdom, not many, but a couple and it is a shame that these narcs prevent people from being able to share and learn from it. Such is life however, just keep your boot on their neck kek.

>> No.15745035
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>- Impulsively attack any information that does not benefit their ego, without ever giving them the benefit of the doubt, or questioning their current belief system. `It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.` Systematically exploit surface level arguments and straw-manning to offensively belittle informations and sources that conflict with them. They misrepresent facts, and overestimate or underestimate the weights of evidence according to pre-established bias.
Just for reference I have pointed all this out before with this narco

here is the thread if you are interested

>> No.15746846

lol jannie got butthurt

>> No.15747104

I don’t think ‘God-complex’ is the appropriate terminology for narcissism. In fact, this is exactly backward. Narcissism is the ‘ego-complex’. God does not care more (or less) about your ego than any other molecule within the universe. But the catch is, God is that ‘I am’. You are it. An actual ‘God-complex’ would manifest with a desire to trim yourself from your own bias as much as possible while striving for love and selflessness with obviously no inversion games and self-deception, which is the opposite of narcissism. But it’s not clear whether or not it is metaphysically possible to sustainably rid oneself of the ego, even with sufficient expertise in Buddhism or psychedelics.

It’s certainly possible to seek immortality or personal well-being from pure rationality. Narcissistic tendencies do not concern whether or not one care about themself. Rather, these are impulsive maladaptive urge to belittle others, or to manipulate them with no regard to harmony and balance. It’s short-term selfishness scarifying the long-term selfless whole. Environments where creative thoughts are shamed are a loss for everyone, including the narcs themselves, even if they convince themselves their monkey masquerade can trick a few observing imbeciles that they are ‘superior’, whatever that means.

Ironically, narcs want to be special, yet exhibit incredibly alike strategies and behaviors within the personality category. They proud themselves on eloquence, without understanding the inherent formatting and cultural bias of languages. The standard rebuttals are equivocation fallacies. The competitive noisy appearances are exactly what create the NPC matrix in the first place. Narcissists have everything backward. They have not transcended it. They are merely more entitled, noisy NPCs.

>> No.15747132

My statements are a bit cold, since I had my own rough experiences with narcissists on another board. Unfortunately for me, I am pathologically autistic and extremely vulnerable to stress. I did not know how to handle them until it was too late. They successfully exploited me as a punching bag for a while. I was forced to study social dynamics involved to defend myself, at the expenses of significant productive time for my projects and passions. `Folly of fools` from Robert Trivers is an interesting book in this regard.

I was not their first target of narcissistic abuses, so they had some unfair practicing advantages. Their favorite strategy was to throw disturbing, dangerous offenses at me, then exploiting my shock-responses as retro-causal justification for subsequent harm. This effectively cycles with itself as long as they have more gaslighting and manipulative forces than my energy to defend or explain truthful accounts of the events.

Honestly, from a glance at your posts, throw away the idea that anyone is ‘bad’. Consciousness is extremely easy to understand within the proper framework. For instance, nazism is a severe form of collective narcissism, and it is legitimately traumatizing.

>> No.15747158 [DELETED] 
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>I am pathologically autistic
Then why do you feel the need to submit your input on things you don't understand, like being human?

>> No.15747171

>This effectively cycles with itself as long as they have more gaslighting and manipulative forces than my energy to defend or explain truthful accounts of the events.
Indeed which is why you never defend, you attack :)

>> No.15747179

>Ironically, narcs want to be special, yet exhibit incredibly alike strategies and behaviors within the personality category.
Yes which is why once you have experience with one it is very easy to pick them out in a crowd. There are certain things they will do that make no rational sense or a lack of a reasoning abilities and constantly misunderstanding things while using pseudo logic and you can instantly see "ah you are a cluster B."

That is why these threads are so important here imo, more people need to be aware of these people and how they operate because they are incredibly destructive and dangerous and they are EVERYWHERE fucking shit up everywhere they go all the time.

>> No.15747244
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>> No.15747334
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The NPD savior complex is intentionally programmed into youth via media exposure and via the schools. The same people who are doing that also control the medical world, so they are not about to start treating and deprogramming the useful idiots they've gone to such trouble to create, that would be counter productive to their goals.
Having a large group of insanely image conscious people who are easily controlled by having the media say "you're bad if you do X" is an extremely valuable tool for ZOG.

>> No.15747882 [DELETED] 

>Having a large group of insanely image conscious people who are easily controlled by having the media say "you're bad if you do X" is an extremely valuable tool for ZOG.
ZOG wants everyone to be like that

>> No.15748582
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This, they have spent countless man hours and moneys to make them and want to normalize their mental illnesses and weaponize against the masses (challengers to their tyranny).

>> No.15749022 [DELETED] 

>people who seemingly want to brag about their mental illness

bragging about being mentally handicapped is incredibly stupid, its essentially no different than bragging about being low iq
and that explains why so many people do it, they do it because they're low iq and low iq people do stupid thing

>> No.15749032

There's nothing actually wrong with being a narcissist. As long as you don't actively try to manipulate people, it's far better for society than being a fucking doormat.

>> No.15749295

>As long as you don't actively try to manipulate people,
That is what narcissists do dumb ass, this is like it's ok to be black as long as you dont have dark skin

>> No.15749748
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>> No.15749971

As a narcissist you wouldn't want to brag about narcissism as it completely removes any possibility of people believing your future lies or taking you seriously at all. That's a true torture for someone with NPD. As for other mental illnesses, such as autism and ADHD it's a lot easier to communicate via text over the internet rather than talking to someone in real time while being hindered by issues associated with said disorders. They are still human and they still want to belong to a group and get validation and they choose to do so by going into topics they obsess about.

Narcissists know that. They understand that some empathetic people will listen to them, thus giving them the attention they so much need. You can tell the difference between NPD and other mental disorders by paying attention to the underlying tone of the messages. NPDs will often make themselves a victim, while others would simply want to express their struggle or differences

>> No.15750111

Counter-intuitively, intrinsically motivated individuals (e.g. motivated by in-ward desires, such as creativity, engineering, or truth) will be less 'selfish' than extrinsically motivated ones (e.g. being better than others, or having more control over others). The more you take, the less you have. Narcissists strive for the 'appearance' of truth without caring about truth itself, inherently generating significant noise, and dragging others down through sustained overt or covert tactics from advantageous social positions. Acknowledging perpetual dynamics of self-deception and inverted value systems helps understandings science, as a tug of war between forces who seek truth, and forces who seek the appearances and status of it. This is part of the game, not necessarily a 'bad' thing.

Narcissists will portray themselves as victims at the expenses of actual victim who are subsequently stripped away from the social and financial support required to recover from said abuses, exponentiating the damages and ruination. Often, they will reverse the narrative against the latter, making vague preposterous claims of defamation or lies, forcing the victim to detail their own view. Portraying oneself as a victim isn't exclusive to narcissists. Long-term abuses can have devastating impact on the victim's ability to seek support due to PTSD and erosion of trust. Distinguishing between genuine cries for help and manipulative tactics requires discernment and nuances.

>Victims often provide a long-term narrative, especially one emphasizing continuing harm and grievance, while perpetrators describe an arbitrary, isolated event with no lasting implications. [...] One effect of this asymmetry between victim and perpetrator is that when the victim suppresses anger at a provocation, only to respond after an accumulation of slights, the perpetrator sees only the final, precipitating event and easily views the victim’s angry response as an unwarranted overreaction.

>> No.15751169

>Narcissists will portray themselves as victims at the expenses of actual victim who are subsequently stripped away from the social and financial support required to recover from said abuses
"trans genocide"

>> No.15752163

Theres no drug for it so no money to be made by the diagnosis

>> No.15753518

>Why do doctors never diagnose NPD?
diagnosing autism and telling the victims that they're super special snowflake geniuses is more profitable. the victims will keep on coming back to the doctor and making him rich if they get flattery in return.
telling them the cold hard truth just makes them never come back and then the doctor doesn't get paid

>> No.15753529

Why do we still believe The System's self-regulatory entity for dealing with individuals who fall out of line from its perceived baseline (hello? PKD called, he wants his dystopia back) of normal behavior is, somehow, science?
Is having a self-image strong enough it spills outside an illness? What about wanting your beliefs validated and coddled by third parties, which is literally the cornerstone of modern consumerism?

>> No.15754727

>"trans genocide"
if only it were true

>> No.15754888

Narcissists are like the kid at the beach who ruins the sandcastles of other kids, attacks the self-esteem of the latters, and brags about how their creation is so much better than everyone else, while being completely oblivious to the fact they are creating the exact toxic environment that lowers the quality of sandcastles for everyone, including themselves.

If you point out that they are full of nonsense, their backward neurotic mind will go through endless charade of inversions and appropriation, that somehow without them we would not be able to sustain the art of sandcastle building or equivalent. They are like feudal lords who believe themselves to be the center of civilization in primitive dark ages, while actually pillars to perverse long-term idiocies.

Destructive self-centeredness is orthogonal to having a strong ego.

>> No.15755906

>while being completely oblivious to the fact they are creating the exact toxic environment that lowers the quality of sandcastles for everyone
Like make threads complaining about chuds and namefags when the only thing they ever "contribute" to the board is calling people schizos in every thread over and over and making threads about how their farts smell? That kind of thing?

>> No.15756144

you're not a narcissist, you're just a faggot desperate for attention
just kys, see if anybody cares

>> No.15756448

most humans would be considered "npd"

>> No.15756909 [DELETED] 


>> No.15757358

>unlike ADHD/autism which is too often used to justify being a lazy cunt
"Unlike broken arm which is too often used to justify not moving your arm." That's how you sound like to me. If you think ADHD is an excuse for being lazy you don't have ADHD and don't know how bad it can be. I know when I am being lazy and when it's ADHD and they are two very different things. I wish I was only lazy. Lazy I can push through.

>> No.15757379

>bragging about being dysfunctional
This is fake right?

>> No.15757823
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>It is the same reason you cannot diagnose a black man that shoots a child randomly with "70 iq monkey nigget disorder"

>> No.15758717 [DELETED] 

people who get mental illnesses diagnosed are constantly bragging about their diagnosis on this board. yes it is an extremely stupid thing to brag about and yet they brag about that because they have nothing of genuine merit to brag about, but they're still constantly boasting about what a special snowflake they are because of
>muh diagnosis

>> No.15759572 [DELETED] 

>but they're still constantly boasting about what a special snowflake they are because of
>>muh diagnosis
bragging about having a malfunctioning brain on /sci/ is like going on /fit/ and bragging about having no muscles, however the mentally ill do have malfunctioning brains, so they should be expected to behave stupidly.

>> No.15761186 [DELETED] 
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the holocaust narrative was invented to cause the world to forget the 60 million white christians who were murdered by the jewish bolsheviks in the early days of the ussr

>> No.15761710 [DELETED] 

why does someone who get diagnosed as mentally ill love talking about themselves so much of they weren't narcissists?

>> No.15761736

Every autist is also a narcissist.

>> No.15762181

If you had experienced a single day worth as a mind with autism, you would understand that NPD and ASD are shaped by radically different dynamics. This is especially important since autistic people don't gaslight others, and don't lie to inflate their monkey reputation or whatever, which is a damaging, important tool of offensive control that narcissists and psychopaths exploit.

>Differential diagnosis between ASD and narcissistic PD (NPD) may also be difficult. NPD was found to be one of the most prevalent PD in a help-seeking population of adults with suspicion of autism without intellectual disability in whom autism could be excluded

>Someone with Asperger’s may seem arrogant or self-involved because they’re compensating for their challenges with social communication. Someone with NPD may appear arrogant or self-involved because they feel superior to others.

>> No.15762184
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r-rember the differences

- Pretends to be autistic for reputation
- Does not compromise self-image
- Don’t think, just do
- Always wins, never find truth
- Believe narcissism is justified and necessary
- Does not apologise for attacking
- One or multiple positions of influences (moderators, janitors, etc)
- Has multiple facades or double lives to vent frustration (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde)
- Listen to respond, never to understand
- Partner is another version of herself
- "Middle ground" is not an option
- Rolls eyes so often they could generate electricity
- Sees feedbacks as a personal attack

- Pretends to be narcissistic for social experiment
- Always loses, doesn’t even try
- Life-threatening baseline anxiety levels
- Does not compromise truth
- 436766642 layers of risk aversion, lamentably fails on the first one
- Apologises for defending herself
- Self-sabotaging, hyper critical of own self, straightforward and transparent
- Repetitive self-stimulatory behaviors and stuttering
- Overthinks ‘hello’ for 2 hours before replying
- Analyzes the social implications of a spilled coffee
- Respond to rhetorical questions seriously
- Knows the best routes to avoid human interaction
- Wears mismatched socks

>> No.15764429 [DELETED] 


inevitably these walls of text that nobody will read are from narcissists who lack any self awareness trying to define themselves as something other than what they truly are and make longwinded handwringing excuses for themselves

>> No.15765148

>narcissistic projection
Autists love to analyze stuff, which isn't something you will ever understand since you believe everyone is motivated by the same monkey reputation you crave.

>> No.15765164
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>Protrays autistic people as quirky intelligent misunderstood underdogs and narcissists as bullies and idiots.

You realize 30% of autistic people are low-functioning retards right?

>> No.15765246
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Funny how a simple caricatural joke about personality disorders trigger narcissists so much. It says something about the introspection capabilities of each clusters. If you don't consider yourself to be a narcissist, you technically don't have to identify with the negative side of this jokes.

>> No.15765253

That's just neuroses from growing up among hallucinating retards.

>> No.15766186 [DELETED] 

>30% of autistic people are low-functioning retards
there is no such thing as a smart person who is mentally ill.
just like there is no such thing as an athletic person who is physically ill. when athletes get physically illnesses their athletic performance deteriorates

>> No.15766192

Ah yes John Nash was a drooling retard. Nope you are. There is nothing that prevents any bipolar, cluster B, schizo or any other disorder from being intelligent

>> No.15766649

Nash wasn't insane, he was locked away for correctly identifying the communist conspiracy which subsequently took over the USA. He admitted to being insane only because he was given the choice of staying locked up in a rubber room for the rest of his life or renouncing his views on the communist conspiracy.

>> No.15768625

John Nash had his psychotic breaks at the height of the cold war. I dont know wtf you are on about thinking people didnt know about communist subversion and infiltration at that time. It was talked about pretty much non stop

>> No.15769066

Mentally ill narcissists are constantly trying to claim personal credit for things that were done by other people because they have nothing of their own doing to brag about, its a massive tipoff.
You never hear people with bad teeth saying "George Washington was president and he wore dentures, that means I should be president too" but narcissists are always employing that logic, they will even redefine the dead as one of their own in order to do so.

>> No.15769076

Probably because people with that disorder are rarely seen by clinicians, other than perhaps if they end up in prison.

>> No.15769701 [DELETED] 

>Mentally ill narcissists are constantly trying to claim personal credit for things that were done by other people because they have nothing of their own doing to brag about
Mentally ill need to steal credit from others if they want to brad about intellectual achievement because mentally ill people are incapable of having their own intellectual achievements because of their low IQs. People with sick brains are dumb, their brains don't work good.

>> No.15770730

>mental illness
>makes your life better
it's a personality abnormality, not an illness. an illness makes your life worse, narcissists always outperform their peers and don't suffer from any of their problems.

>> No.15770817

Narcissists may excel within parameters they consider significant — usually those socially or externally validated. However, this metric of success is not universal. Many introverted or autism-spectrum individuals prioritize different values, such as intellectual depth, intrinsic motivation, or authentic relationships. These values may not be easily quantifiable nor recognizable within mainstream societal structures, thereby creating a deceptive imbalance when comparing 'performance'. Narcissists frequently rely on self-fulfilling, anti-competitive strategies like manipulation and exploitation. While these tactics may yield individual gains, they often have a corrosive effect on a systemic scale, diminishing collective value and undermining trust. This sets up a paradox: what appears to be 'success' from a narcissistic viewpoint can actually be detrimental to the ecosystem in which it operates.

Intriguingly, narcissism can be a driving force in artistic pursuits, often fueling a strong sense of self-confidence and a relentless drive for recognition. Art has historically been a domain where self-aggrandizing brushmonkeys can flourish. However, the advent of AI in art creation presents a paradigm shift. It introduces an objectivity that bypasses the ego, working in realms of algorithmic precision rather than personal acclaim. The AI cleansing may serve to highlight the intrinsic value of artistry over ego-driven execution.


>> No.15771728

>diminishing collective value and undermining trust.
So if a society that was formerly a wealthy and trust based becomes distrustful and less wealthy then does that suggest that society has become overwhelmed with narcissism?

>> No.15771945
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that or judaism, but they're pretty much the same thing anyway

>> No.15773108

>people with bad teeth saying "George Washington was president and he wore dentures, that means I should be president too"

>> No.15773564
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Russell Brand bragged about it in his earlier career.

>> No.15773578

narcissists arent really capable of being funny, not intentionally anyway.

>> No.15774675 [DELETED] 

neither are comedians

>> No.15775472 [DELETED] 


>> No.15775475 [DELETED] 

You just don't want to admit how fragile and narcissistic you are, so you come up with schizophasiac excuses to avoid admitting the obvious

>> No.15775703
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Sorry for being profoundly traumatized by narcissists scornfully ridiculing my agony and near death experiences by simultaneous intimidation-induced extreme anxiety, powerlessness from manipulative inversions, and undercutting the unstable financial survival of mine. I have never cared about social dynamics and monkey identities until I have been directly confronted by devils. You are a psychopath who belongs in jail.

>> No.15775723

Because being narcissistic is not quirky. You're just a self obsessed faggot

>> No.15776774

>I'm quirky!!
>I;m a special snowflake!!
>I'm sooooo unique!!
Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.15776788

I wasn't familiar with who Jones was, but looked at that year and immediately thought of the era of spiritualism that was rampant around that time. He probably dealt with some of the most pretentious, self important human garbage of the time.

>> No.15777494

Yeah, being a psychiatrist seems like a really unpleasant way to make money, guaranteed you're going to be spending every working day surrounded by the most annoying sacks of crap that exist.

>> No.15777807

The core of psychopathy is empathy capacity deficiency so extreme that it leads to a callous, sensesless, and remorseless use and abuse of others. It is in essence the most 'malignant' form of narcissism.

>> No.15778641

sounds like being a cop, except you don't get to physically abuse them

>> No.15778765

The most dangerous type of narcissism is more likely to be a low-grade case of it, rather than the most obvious and profound form.

I also think there's validity to the idea that narcissism is only dangerous during long-term encounters, such as with family, friends, co-workers, or other people you have to be in contact with often.

When it is extremely obvious that someone is a narcissist, then it becomes extremely easy to just avoid them, or refuse to take them overly seriously, even if they do have some level of power or influence in your local area.

But when you do not know that they are narcissist, and no one else knows either, that is when you begin to actually trust them or take them seriously.

Narcissism, along with Borderline-type illnesses, are more dangerous when they are undetectable, and thus you cannot just openly accuse the person of having them, and to "gtfo of my life." Instead, you are stuck feeling like shit (NOT) every time you talk to them, rather than every time you talk to them, and you are never able to form a concrete confirmation that they are the true source of your malaise.

I think that a phrase to use would be "Subliminal Narcissistic Borderline Personality Disorder."

>> No.15778850

Between patients that have abysmal coping mechanisms, colleagues that are neurotic and probably more fucked up than the patients, and the people that intermingle with psychiatrists it sounds like a special flavor of hell

>> No.15779358
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cops are only allowed to get physical with heterosexual white males, if they touch anyone else they're risking life in prison

>> No.15780591

>cops are allowed to get physical with heterosexual white males
not if they're jewish

>> No.15781342

semites aren't white. israel is in asia, not europe. israel doesn't even border on europe, it shares a border with africa.