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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15688887 No.15688887 [Reply] [Original]

Top journal "Science" says more than 2,600 of its papers have ‘exaggerated claims’

>Promoting research by reducing uncertainty in academic writing: a large-scale diachronic case study on hedging in Science research articles across 25 years


>Hedges are important in academic writing since they indicate uncertainty and tentativeness about academic knowledge. However, few studies explore how hedges have changed in academic writing overtime. Among the existing studies, there is also divergent understandings. The current case study traced the diachronic development of hedges that express doubt and uncertainty in the full texts of Science research articles from 1997 to 2021. Our findings show that the use of such hedges has significantly decreased in the past 25 years in the research articles of the Journal Science. In addition, we propose that the drop of such hedges in Science research articles may be an implicit writing strategy for research promotion, and therefore may correlate with the rising linguistic positivity in academic writing. Our hypothesis was initially confirmed by the significant correlation between the evolution of hedges and Yuan and Yao’s (Scientometrics 127:1–17, 2022) sentiment scores in academic writing. Our findings may reveal a bigger picture of promoting research by adopting not only explicit strategies such as more positive language (Yuan and Yao in Scientometrics 127:1–17, 2022) but also subtle and implicit writing strategies such as reducing uncertainty. Finally, we discussed the implications of this study for peer reviewers, editors, and researchers.

>> No.15688909

This is why science shouldn't be a career path

>> No.15688992

>Our findings may reveal a bigger picture
The abstract basically says they're hedging about hedging to get hedge funds or grants who fund authors that hedge to fund their hedging.

>> No.15690239 [DELETED] 
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Science is headquartered in D.C. because its a political propaganda outlet, not a science journal. No surprise that everything in it is full of lies, its not different than any other D.C. publication in that respect.

>> No.15691822 [DELETED] 


>> No.15692714

academics are mendicants, they have to tell lies to justify their wastefulness

>> No.15693743

This. Science should be left to vicars, nobility and such

>> No.15693745

This but unironically.

>> No.15693761

Academic culture is trash, the only thing I have experienced that comes close in catty bitterness and lying over nothing is retail management

>> No.15693767

In the 1918 pandemic they couldn't even get people to transmit the illness by coughing and spitting infected sputum into each other's mouths and noses, so what are masks supposed to do about it?

>> No.15694181 [DELETED] 

They couldn't do that, but they could get people to die of pneumonia by forcing them to wear masks

>> No.15694798
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Some people lie. But not all. Scientists are people. So some will lie. But not all. The same is true with NDErs. So we can trust them as much as scientists, collectively. Some lie. But some do not.

And NDEs are more real than life. One way this manifests is how much more immersed NDErs are with that reality and with the beings they meet there. As one NDEr remarked:

>"To my surprise, and also distress, they seemed to be capable of knowing everything I was thinking. I didn't know whether I would be capable of controlling my thoughts and keeping anything secret. We began to engage in thought exchange, conversation that was very natural, very easy and casual. I heard their voices clearly and individually. They each had a distinct personality with a voice, but they spoke directly to my mind, not my ears. Everything I thought, they knew. They all seemed to know and understand me very well and to be completely familiar with my thoughts and my past. I didn't feel any desire to ask for someone I had known because they all knew me. Nobody could know me any better. Their love was tangible. You could feel it on your body, you could feel it inside you; their love went right through you. I wish I could explain it to you, but I can't."

From here: https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

And the NDE convinces everyone who has it, even hardcore skeptics, according to this: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist

So this argument is literally airtight, irrefutable proof of an afterlife, because we know now that the NDE will convince anyone. So it would convince you too, and the most skeptical person you know, no matter how skeptical you are of NDEs now, or why. NDErs were just as skeptical as you, and for the same reasons. And their NDEs still convinced them.

>> No.15695700 [DELETED] 
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it just keeps on happening

>> No.15697266 [DELETED] 

That was a very effective trick in the days before whites invented antibiotics

>> No.15698286

They wouldn't have those kind of psychological problems if they didn't feel entitled to be useless.
If they did something worthwhile with their lives they'd be happy to be honest about what they do

>> No.15698416

Why do tourists keep spouting shit against "science" like it's some hegemonic group or outing?
Every /pol/ bait thread reads like it has been written by out of touch boomers that have lost the plot

>> No.15699920 [DELETED] 

sup reddit

>> No.15699928

Entire skulls of austrolopithecus and other ancient hominids have been found the OP image is soo retarded

>> No.15699942

that's a whistle number

>> No.15699944

>Some scientists are liars
>therefore all scientists are liars

Please find the logical fallacy.

>> No.15699962

>why do people rebel against the state religion from which they are told all their beliefs and values should be derived?
Truly, a mystery.

>> No.15700006

people often forget that science isn't knowledge, it's the pursuit of knowledge.
you should respect scientists for putting in the effort but not automatically trust their results.
the difference between a layman reaching in the dark and a scientist having a small lead on something isn't big enough to entrust your life to.

>> No.15700183

>Please find the logical fallacy.
There is none

>one bad apple spoils the barrel

>> No.15700188

Then every religious person is a pedo

>> No.15700216
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>t. dogfucker

>> No.15700245


>> No.15700917
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and the jews are all lying about the holocaust

>> No.15700930

it means the consensus. if you want to know more, ask Neil deGrasse Tyson.

>> No.15700939

I guess earth is flat and 6000 years old after all. /soi/ence bros how will we ever recover from this?

>> No.15700944

Anti intellectualism in western society is so fucking retarded. Half you retards boast about western scientific accomplishments, yet lambast the idea of actually investing in our modern scientific movement. News flash, we're the best at everything, and we're going to continue making earth changing discoveries

>> No.15700949
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>yeah bro we only found a single radius/ulna this whole evolution thing is bogus

>> No.15700952

>ERM that thing is obviously a chimpanzee!!
>errr... where is it's canine diastema you ask?? huh? what do you mean "pelvis morphology"

>> No.15701061

lol fucking BTFO

>> No.15701072

Those accomplishments were all done in another time. Modern academia needs to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch.

>> No.15701637

Modern academia is just the development of that other time. Scientists in the past could be equally petty and self-serving.

>> No.15702151

The Christian scientists of the past were obedient to Christian laws and teaching which were developed to prevent that type of behavior

>> No.15702271

doesn't need to be taken down, it needs to be taken over

>> No.15702543

i'm not big into this, but would like to be.
would anyone be as kind and give some links?
looks very interesting.

>> No.15702603

Is there corruption in science?

>> No.15702649


>> No.15702651

peer review doesnt work

>> No.15702813

It's little foot, friend. The most complete australopithecus skeleton ever found.

>> No.15702816

>it just doesn't okay??

>> No.15703016

It isn't
t. scientist

>> No.15703023

People are fed up. Apart from the obvious /pol/ victims there are actual academics ITT that have gone through the mill of despair only to find out that it's all smokes and mirrors these days. Yes, there are still some groups out there doing actual science, but if wager the vast majority don't. Instead, they're chasing numbers (citations, publications, ...). Science is long lost in former decades. This is business now.

>> No.15703372

From my experience, it doesn't. People suggest reviewers and then it's one favor for another. Other reviewers make you cite their own work regardless of whether it fits your work or not. Some reviewers just absolutely disrespect your work because they're working on something similar and then there are the people who actually steal.
Look up the replicability crisis. That's how shitty peer review works.

>> No.15704461

>Yes, there are still some groups out there doing actual science
name one

>> No.15705078

Oak Ridge National Lab

>> No.15705090

judging by the massive amount of fraudulent research, it doesnt.

>> No.15705307

thank you, very nice. burned though all vids tho. do you happen to know about any more?

>> No.15706673

what have they produced thats so valuable and worthwhile?

>> No.15707170

Does your back hurt after moving the goalpost that far?

>> No.15707930

how is asking if they've produced anything at all worthwhile shifting goalposts?
its not as if they produced something worth a damn and then were told "thats not good enough"

>> No.15707948

>name some groups still actually doing science
>b-but what actually worthwhile thing have they produced?
I guess you're one of the "I fucking love science" people.

>> No.15709245
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Billions of dollars worth of debt

>> No.15710246

>Modern academia is just the development of that other time.
Other time has stable budget and a different ethic. If you cheated you were out. Modern times had made a market out of science, you never know what financed you next year. Pretty ok if you have control structures and penalties. Every bigger company has, but science not. So they failed. Another effect is that science is not independent and has to go for interests of others. So it has become a propaganda machine with all the disadvantages of marketing. Result: mostly worthless, even the minor part not made by engineering is gone because of untrust. It's similar to the state TV over here wich is retarded beyond believe.

>> No.15710574
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I get the feeling the christcuck who made this comic hasn't actually been to university

>> No.15710589 [DELETED] 

>Top journal "Science" says more than 2,600 of its papers have ‘exaggerated claims’
That's not what the abstract says, jew

>> No.15711811


>> No.15711908

>This evidences convinces people of X
>Therefore X is true
hmmm how come you don't make the actual case evidence -> X, why do you have to try (evidence -> convinces people) -> X

>> No.15713000

pointless worthless experiments where the goal is only to see how much of other people's money they can flush down the toilet without producing anything of meaningful value isn't science, its navel gazing

>> No.15713138

what exactly are you wanting to know about him? this skeleton in particular or the Australopithecines in general? For me I'm more or less surprised it hasn't been categorised as Africanus by the powers that be. Certainly not Sediba. However even compared to the Mrs Ples skull it looks more robust

>> No.15714505

They categorize samples in order to support the narrative they're told to shill, the categorizations aren't done on any rational basis

>> No.15714521

This is due to the retarded demands of academia.
The prevalence of "publish or perish" has led to shitfucktons of absolute garbage ending up published as genuine science.

>> No.15715305

vague statement, what exactly are you referring to with inaccurate classifications regarding little foot?

>> No.15715608

Whatever categorization is made is done so without respect to the characteristics of the sample, but only with respect to the narrative which is meant to be supported by the categorization

>> No.15716810 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15717968
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these are all the same species because why? because its politically correct to say so?

>> No.15717977

>(evidence -> convinces people) -> X
All of science works this way, it's called peer review.

>> No.15717981

>Modern academia is just the development of that other time.
sure, in the same way that Jackson Pollock is the development of the Italian Renaissance

>> No.15719127

what makes you think I think west Africans and Europeans are the same species?

>> No.15719130

except for the categorisation of little foot as an australopithecus is absolutely sensible, and nobody disputes this. what are you even proposing as a substitute?

>> No.15719178

we all have difference in our dna's but not enough to be considered a sub species. You are dumb if you still believe in race theory .
It's not a /pol thing it's a known thing.

>> No.15720004 [DELETED] 

because the people who decide make their decisions based on their fear of being accused of racism and losing their cushy soience jobs as a result of cancel culture.
see james watson for more details

>> No.15720210

Who is "we" in we're going...
are you asian or jewish?

>> No.15720739 [DELETED] 

>reeeeeee i hate whites
>t. jealous

>> No.15721672
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>> No.15722171 [DELETED] 
