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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15687042 No.15687042 [Reply] [Original]

The speed of light is found in the design of this structure three times.

>grand gallery at c latitude in meters (happens to be the center of the landmass on Earth...)
>difference between superscribed and inscribed circle of base = c in meters
>total arc seconds of its angle (51°51'14") = c in ft/s to 99.5% accuracy

Not to mention the differing length of its sides = the three ways in which we measure our year (sidereal, anomalistic and tropical) in royal cubits, to all three decimal places every time.

The concavity of the four faces (eight sided pyramid) describes a circle with a radius that = Earth's radius.

The height being derived from Pi, etc, etc. It never stops.
This isn't just arbitrary number digging. This is clearly intentional to any rational observer. How do we seriously deal with this incredible wrench in our conventional understanding of history?

>> No.15687070


Go looking hard enough and you'll find any connections you want to

>> No.15687072

This is a Reddit response.

If you actually study the Pyramid your attitude will change provided you are a rational person.

>> No.15687081

in an infinite universe anything not expressly forbidden by the laws of physics,however unlikely,will happen.

>> No.15687087

This is intellectually lazy.

>> No.15687138

I'd presume, the Egyptians did not have meter or degrees as their unit. In their unit, the speed of light would be different, so would the latitude. Your statement is thus nonsense schizo bs.

>> No.15687147

>in meters
>Seriously, how do we deal with(...)
By changing the side of the street if we're walking part schizos.
>total arc seconds of its angle [...] c in ft/s
I wish I had the courage to drench you in petrol and light you on fire if I found you sleeping outside. Schizos are literal scum.

>> No.15687149

>in royal cubits, to all three decimal places every time.
Let me guess, you just have to change the correct definition of a royal cubit? How can you claim three decimal places if the royal cubit isn't even defined to two decimal places?

>> No.15687153

>This isn't just arbitrary number digging. This is clearly intentional to any rational observer.
How would any rational observer not understand that the meter was defined 4500 years after the pyramids were built?

>> No.15687157

Weren't invented when the pyramid was constructed. Your drivel is meaningless and your brain is retarded.

>> No.15687314

because it uses a very basic rule of the universe, the 9 code, and everything follows it

>> No.15687341

Why would it be in metres or in feet if both of these measures didn't exist yet?

t. quantum fizzycyst

>> No.15687359
File: 29 KB, 474x317, 65e612bbf56ba04c9a0405bbbded4881--tesla-coil-ancient-aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world is a lot different than you think

>> No.15687414
File: 487 KB, 1280x720, muffled lmao in the distance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speed of light in megameters per second is 300 to 99.93% accuracy. Nice round number isn't it

>> No.15687463

Clearly the pharoah was a time traveller and thus knew what a meter is

>> No.15687485

>How would any rational observer not understand that the meter was defined 4500 years after the pyramids were built?
just a coincidence that it was the same decade as Napoleon's Egypt expedition

>> No.15689631

299 792 458 meters per second. Some day humans will break this barrier.

>> No.15689640
File: 170 KB, 469x418, TIMESAND___Sphinx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15689642

how would anyone with a triple digit IQ now know that measurement is about proportion and it doesnt matter what units you use because they are always proportionally the same to any other system since they are measuring the same thing?

>> No.15689647

of course they had degrees dumbass, there is no other way to measure angles

>> No.15689651
File: 1.58 MB, 252x252, 760CCC51-9709-4A86-A90E-94F202384AE6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s also a 3d shadow of a 4d triangle wiki 5cell it gets even spookier

>> No.15689653

Ancient Egyptians didn't have the meter nor use modern latitude and longitude conventions so it's a coincidence.

>> No.15689660

If they broke the light speed barrier, they would have also been able to travel through time.

>> No.15689665

If you broke the light speed barrier you’d become a sort of black hole singularity

>> No.15689677

... Radians? Gradians?

>> No.15689727

You are now aware that none of the units that create the numbers that are amazing you existed when the pyramids were built, and further you are now aware that there are literally infinite properties and measurements in an almost infinite array of units of measurement to provide as man matching number as you want.
Finally, you are now aware that your post number correlates with the part number for the 1956 Chevy Accessory Wire Wheel Hubcap Retainer Clip at Woody's Hot Rodz, (15687-042)

>> No.15689839

>feet didn't exist yet

>> No.15689937
File: 495 KB, 526x526, DC772073-B2B0-4FC5-B955-56FFF2B9EDCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pattern recognition is the basis of intelligence anon

>> No.15689947

they measure the same thing do they not? What they are measuring does not change therefore whatever units to measure it will always have the same proportional relationship. That is what a digital square is, the proportional relationship regardless of what the starting value is

>> No.15689949

digital *root*

>> No.15689951
File: 1.33 MB, 721x714, feelz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15689976


M.C. Escher remarked in more than one lecture that birds and fish are the animal shapes which lend themselves most easily to plane tiling, since they can be readily teased out of triangles and hexagons. To do human figures, certain mammals and other creatures requires the true creativity that he possessed.

>> No.15689983

>total arc seconds of its angle (51°51'14") = c in ft/s to 99.5% accuracy

They measure the same thing with different numbers. That angle is not c when it's expressed in radians.

>> No.15690004
File: 3.81 MB, 4500x3000, 1680827828348787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, i begin by prostrating my hubris before the knowledge of the ancients. I than champion imhotep as the sole s+ class scientist and than begin trying to find new meaning behind their math

>> No.15690022

it doesnt matter what numbers you use, the digital root will always be the same

>> No.15690026

pyramid power rap is one the greatest human achievements of the decade

>> No.15690084

do you have a place where i can view your full collection of images? i liked the ones you posted in the earth battery thread

>> No.15690095

start here

>> No.15690109

stop shilling your garbage

>> No.15690110
File: 35 KB, 1600x1435, asf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were born to be a beast of burden and nothing more. Math and science are not for you, just go away.

>> No.15690116

Every measure is based on nature. It is no surprise.

>> No.15690153

stfu shit eating schizo

>> No.15690155

you have no right to call me anything when you are a jew

>> No.15690218


>> No.15690228

metres, feet, furlongs, miles they all measure the same 'thing' you fucking nameretard

>> No.15690232

>the drooler calling everyone else retards
this meme never gets old

>> No.15690233

>not an argument
I accept your concession