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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 250 KB, 1125x1571, Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 00.11.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15686181 No.15686181 [Reply] [Original]

4channel won't allow links to nature for some reason

>Since entrepreneur Elon Musk took control in October 2022, he has made a series of largely unpopular changes to Twitter, including cutting down on content moderation; ditching its ‘blue-check’ verification system in favour of one that grants paying members additional clout and privileges; charging money for access to data for research; limiting the number of tweets users can see; and abruptly changing the platform’s name and familiar logo to simply ‘X’. His management has left scientists reconsidering the value of X, and many seem to be leaving.

>To get a better sense of how researchers are currently interacting with the site formerly known as Twitter, Nature reached out to more than 170,000 scientists who were, or still are, users; nearly 9,200 responded. More than half reported that they have reduced the time they spend on the platform in the past six months and just under 7% have stopped using it altogether. Roughly 46% have joined other social-media platforms, such as Mastodon, Bluesky, Threads and TikTok.

>> No.15686189
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>> No.15686224

He's doing the world a favour by tanking that trash site.

>> No.15686250

Yeah, "thousands" said that months ago too, and they're either back on twitter or 41 percented themselves because they didn't get enough coddling for their mental illness.
I don't particularly like musk, but you can't deny the trash reporting that suddenly diametrically appears out of nowhere with everything he touches. It's musk derangement syndrome, just like drumpf derangement syndrome.

>> No.15686251

>4channel won't allow links to nature for some reason
maybe because not science related?

>> No.15686262

are these the scientists who say men can give birth?

>> No.15686435

they are so desperate to hold on to control it is sad to see really. Like an ex you broke up with on their knees begging you not to leave her. You just shake your head and the loss of dignity because they did it themselves. How embarrassing is it for grown adults who fancy them,selves gigabrains behaving like middle school mean girls trying to shun and coalition build against the new girl everyone likes better

>> No.15686569

That still exists?
What's that?
People use this?

>> No.15686587

>4channel won't allow links to nature for some reason
>everyone else but me is retarded
if you're too dumb to figure out how to circumvent the wordfilter that prevents posting phone numbers then you are far too low iq for /sci/

>> No.15686597

>That still exists?
pedo heaven

>> No.15686606

>Twitter: Echo chamber for retards
Always has been

>> No.15686644

It's their way of saying no homo

>> No.15686702

How do you know that?
Did you get banned?

>> No.15686707

because he isnt a basement dwelling shut in like you and keeps up with the world around him and what is actually happening in it

>> No.15686815

>the problem is that the other side of the political spectrum can voice their shitty opinions
oh no no i guess i will leave /x/.com now. there wasn't enough stupid shit on that platform before

>> No.15686829
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Here you go.

>> No.15686844
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Castrated folks

>> No.15686850

>oh no, they took away to globohomo censorship
>muh safe space
scientists would need protected safespaces if they weren't ashamed and humiliated at what liars they are.

>> No.15686864
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F*ck elmo

>> No.15688680

They should just make accounts on IFLScience.com and get it over with

>> No.15689600
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>> No.15689601
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>Thousands of social science beckies are cutting back on social media attention whoring

>> No.15689613

I still get emails from Nature and SciAm about how "Female Vikings were AMAZING." Lol

>> No.15689623
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This is a blessing in disguise

>> No.15690362
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>muh vikings
but also picrel

>> No.15691868 [DELETED] 

If scientists are so high IQ, how come they aren't able to use their superior brains to dominate social media the way they want to?

>> No.15692887
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Maybe they're too busy fucking dogs

>> No.15692893

No his actions are legitimately retarded. Blue checkmarks should have been used as an incentive and were actually useful at serving a signal.
The platform initially started out open, he has closed it.
He renamed it to X, a childhood dream of his, selfishly.
He has not unbanned and continues to enforce certain speech. He is caught in the middle without principle.
There is almost no he captures new users. It will continue to dwindle down and something will quickly replace it

>> No.15693966

Blue Checkmarks were lords/nobility. Only those deemed "notable" by twitter was handed the title/lordship. Its nonsensical. It was also traded in black markets for thousands of dollars due to the false status symbol.

Now its just a verification tool to verify that you're a human being along with many editorial perks, ability to monetize your posts etc.

The only one seeing it as "dumb" are those suffering from Musk Derangement Syndrome.

>> No.15694017

>Blue checkmarks should have been used as an incentive and were actually useful at serving a signal.
It was a virtue signal, nothing more. It was always useless.
>The platform initially started out open, he has closed it.
Twitter itself was a worse version of status updates than something like RSS. It was always a useless microblogging platform that just consumed most of the things that should be syndicated in actual, open ways. The platform was "open" for developers to capture that, instead of truly open platform/syndications.
>He renamed it to X, a childhood dream of his, selfishly.
Who cares?
>He has not unbanned and continues to enforce certain speech. He is caught in the middle without principle.
What speech is banned?
>There is almost no he captures new users. It will continue to dwindle down and something will quickly replace it
Who cares?
It sounds like you're an autist upset over your precious closed platform microblogging shithole was purchased. No one cares. At best you got sold out by shareholders and the board, who knew that they would never get another payday like this, for some garbage platform that they'd never turn a profit from any other way.

>> No.15694076

When I first came to this board none of you shut in autists had any idea what was going on in this world, politics, current events, news etc. I am so proud of how far you some of you little faggots have come.

>> No.15694079 [DELETED] 
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>What speech is banned?

>> No.15694177

Why did the mods delete this? Filthy hebes

>> No.15694200 [DELETED] 

4chan has a word filter that blocks phone numbers?

>> No.15694215

Fucking liar, it didn't filter my phone number.

>> No.15694224

It knows no one wants to call you.

>> No.15694275
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> nature
That is woke communist propaganda. The right thing to do is to turn all those criminals into pink mist.

>> No.15695637 [DELETED] 

maybe try posting your social security number to see if the filter stops it

>> No.15697144 [DELETED] 


>> No.15697146 [DELETED] 


looks like that filter still works same as it did 20 years ago

>> No.15697559

this is the epitome of basedence

>> No.15698204

i can beat it, watch this
>bill nye says global warming is caused by dark matter

>> No.15698211

blood for the blood gods, skulls for the skull throne

>> No.15699118

>X: echo chamber for retards
Then why are the scientists leaving?

>> No.15699249

>Cant datamine a website for a low-effort research paper
Fuck off "academics"

>> No.15699700

because musk banned CP

>> No.15699705

The fuck? There's CP on twitter?

>> No.15699715

How the fuck did this study get past peer review? It's clear that the non-response bias is so bad that this study should be completely disregarded. The only people who would respond to this bullshit are the idealogues who are salty, while the vast majority of normal people don't give a fuck

>> No.15699825
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>be eblon muk
>purchase a company with a brand name
>immediately erase the brand recognition and rebrand it as ambiguously as possible
>attempt to charge exorbitant prices for basic features of the website
whats his endgame

>> No.15699845

Post gen X will never truly understand the lulz

>> No.15700827

>attempt to charge exorbitant prices for basic features of the website
shades of SA

>> No.15700831

>lynich everyone who doesn't suck the government's dick
apartheid confirmed

>> No.15700835

>4chan wont allow links to obvious propaganda

>> No.15700843

be a hate sink because trump wasnt getting any public interest

>> No.15700985

>echo chamber for retards
The word "echo chamber" is not a useful scientific concept. It seems to me to have zero utility for making consistent nontrivial predictions about human behavior on the internet. It is the sociological equivalent of a flaccid cock. Milgram is rolling in his grave.

Also Twitter sucks and I don't know why people use it. It's not fun or useful at all, unlike 4chan.

>> No.15701435


I laughed.

>> No.15702379

>The word "echo chamber" is not a useful scientific concept
what is peer review?

>> No.15702564


>> No.15702595

what were scientists doing inside a leftist echo chamber anyway? science?

>> No.15702609

>Twitter is Over: Month 10
k, keep me posted

>> No.15703415

>sneeding angst and uncertaisneed

>> No.15703585

Fauci is now a climate expert

>> No.15704667


>> No.15705580

i thought science faggots were eschewing twitter

>> No.15705606
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no one can question his majesty, THE SCIENCE

>> No.15706854
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>> No.15707885

right, why can't they fuck off back to facebook where they belong

>> No.15709179
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>> No.15709809

lmao all the academics i followed that threatened to do that are still there, with their mastodon servers in the username but posting everyday like clowns.

>> No.15709874

>There is almost no he captures new users
Twitter has been a stagnant company for nearly a decade. Having all the conservatives come back certainly helped it retard.

>> No.15710049

The porn distribution site used by communist pedophile (same thing really).

Never heard of it.

Collapsed by something 80% the last time I looked.

Literal CCP spying app. Imagine if the NSA made a vlogging and chat app. That's TikTok but with Chinese characteristics.

They're just butt-blasted that the blue check went from being a badge of political exclusivity to a confirmation of identity open to anyone willing to pay. These seething leftoids would have gladly shelled out thousands per month just to have a scarlet letter that separated them from the common goy. Musk was right to call BBC, CBC, NPR, and other government funded because they are.

X will be the base for Musk building an everything app like the CCP did to spy on their citizens, except Musky will use his to shill products made by his companies. That's it. That is his master plan. Make a platform for ads to push his products so he can make more money.

>> No.15710168

People actually care what the ADL says about anything?

>> No.15710178

Which flavor of AI is this?

>> No.15710180

4chan is worse than propaganda, you retard. but enjoy your demonic selflove.

>> No.15710460
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100% politically motivated lies. they published OP article in the hopes of influencing scientists to stop using Musk's social media platform via the bandwagon effect.

>> No.15711798

Twum locked her Twitter account

>> No.15712856
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>> No.15714391

She has an onlyfans now, no more freebies

>> No.15715320


>> No.15715338

good. maybe they can do some science instead of tweeting their politics all day.

>> No.15716387

pipe dream, thats never going to happen.

>> No.15717471 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15717943

Wouldn't they be Xing now?

>> No.15718244

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.15718321

why are you fuckers like this?, did you people really start calling facebook "meta"?, do like we did with prince("the social media formerly known as twitter", in case that you have no clue what the hell im talking about) if you are really incapable of just calling a thing what it is, twitter is twitter, no matter how many times it's name is changed

>> No.15718468

I was taking the piss out of how dumb the new name sounds.

>> No.15719666 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15719997

Yeah plenty of actually notable people who wanted it could never get it. As with manual moderation, it's based only on whim.

>> No.15720703 [DELETED] 

based torba demonstrating conclusively how unpopular jews really are

>> No.15721353

>y-youre demonic
>has a 70% and rising chance to be wrong on any given subject

>> No.15721368

>pressure release valve move
lmao go fuck yourself

>> No.15721520

How come blacks, arabs, mexicans, and asians don't have their own anti-defamation leagues?

>> No.15721524

>Thousands of scientists
What a stupid appeal to authority. A toddler can be a scientist if they use the scientific method, by definition.

Social media is for retards and nobody cares what retards do in protest of retarded social media sites. This thread isn't /sci/.

>> No.15721628
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>nature is a phone number

>> No.15721631 [DELETED] 


>> No.15721684

>Since entrepreneur Elon Musk took control in October 2022, he has made a series of largely unpopular changes to Twitter
And that's all the ADL would have to say if they were sued. "It's not us. It's his dumb changes that are driving away advertisers." And Musk loses and X goes bankrupt.

>> No.15721713
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>such as Mastodon, Bluesky, Threads and TikTok
None of which gets close to the recognition Twitter had (and still has despite all the Musk stuff)
They'll be back.

>> No.15721799

Depends on what discovery turns up. If they can get a hold of email or letters from ADL pressuring advertisers to drop Twitter "because it's antisemitic" then a link can be made between ADL's claims about Twitter and the decline of advertising revenue.

>> No.15722178 [DELETED] 

>case is heard before a jewish obama appointed judge
its over

>> No.15722825

Think about the method by which a phone number would most easily be identified.

>> No.15722849

The only one I know about is a shameless chemical industry/biopharma shill. Anons probably know Derek lowe. Reddits favorite med chemist. Im not even sure if he's real anymore. He's so fucking transparent to me now. I looked up what he says his position is at Novartis and I get another person with a very similar title. Unless they have multiple chem bio directors there. All he does is shill for industry and shill against those questioning it. If I ever met him I'd give him an earful about hai abandonment of real scientific discernment. Corpo faggot fuck.

>> No.15722850

I went to Post to see what some of the people might be posting and it's a sad fucking empty echo chamber. There was an account dedicated to Mueller still. Delusional fucks.

>> No.15723084
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the advertisers have already communicated to musk that they're being threatened with boycotts by the adl if they advertise on twitter

>> No.15724251 [DELETED] 

same old jewish gameplan

>> No.15725512 [DELETED] 

>reeeeee i hate twitter
>i hate musk
why so much anger at a guy who can do what nasa can't? do you hate science?