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File: 247 KB, 500x480, suburban-usa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1568548 No.1568548 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of suburbia and suburban culture in general. What effect do you think it has on american culture as a whole.
las but not least what are you opinions on Smart Growth.

>> No.1568554

4chan is not the place for serious discussion.

>> No.1568563

but i thought /sci/ was generally a tad bit smarter than the rest of 4chan. =/
Fuck these super long capatchas

>> No.1568566


>> No.1568567

nope, /sci/ is like a clever /b/

>> No.1568578

Fuck suburbia and their stupid SUVs. God damn I hate those people. They are the loneliest most stressed out biggoted fat ass tubs of lard i have ever come across.

>> No.1568584

less awesome than living in a city but infinitely more awesome than living in a rural area.

>> No.1568594



They just come here after class to make themselves feel better.

Also, the atheism vs. religion threads, those are a big draw.


You so mad.

>> No.1568596

well the suburbs are part of a complicated system that's sole pupose is to make humans feel trapped in society and to suppress any revolts or revolutions from spawing in our minds. the same goes for the news on tv-"when they own the news they can say whatever they want".

>> No.1568602

You never lived in a large city in your life. Lets not pretend you know anything about cities. How is living in your mom's suburban house working out for ya?

Newyork fag here. Feels good man

>> No.1568607


>> No.1568615


i grew up on long island and have lived in manhattan for the past year. i was born in woodside, queens. my mother grew up in public housing there.

but fine, go on.

>> No.1568618


>Implying anyone in their right mind would want to live IN NYC

Enjoy paying 4x the cost of a house on rent for your three room apartment.

>> No.1568621

It's a natural result of people wanting the same things. Attempting to fulfil those desires by replacing the things by other things that more or less do the same thing but with less negative results will only lessen the impact of those negative results, never removing them completely. If you want real change, you have to change the desires.

>> No.1568633

Thats stupid. you should feel bad. Suburbs exist because of the image of the city as a dirty crime ridden hell created by the industrial revolution. This combined with highways and the car made them possible. Now that the cost of transport is going up they are gonna die out naturally

>> No.1568645

Too many people are in the US to support such a commuter structure. Repeal Case-Heller, then we'll talk.

>> No.1568653
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Are you seriously implying that anything our consumerism-based society does will ever be smart?

I'll be waiting for my flying saucer technology and hovering glass domes, thanks.

>> No.1568665

Enjoying your high cost of living? On don't mind me I am just enjoying having a backyard.

>> No.1568671

Suburbs are great depending on the suburb. If it's a real neighborhood, if there are local shops and businesses. I worked in the city for 10 years, I went to college in a city. I hate the filth and stenches and absence of nature. Suburbs, you're close enough to the city to work there if you need to, but you have everything else you need nearby enough to drive.

It's less ideal than a utopian setup where everything you need is walking distance, and it's all clean, and nature everywhere, but I've never seen anything like that.

>> No.1568681

Jesus fuck how is that man alive. I can garuntee you that fat ass exists in a small town. Living in a city where you have to WALK everywhere would be a death sentence for that tub of lard.

>> No.1568688
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>they don't own at least a hectare of land around their house

Seriously, why would you want to degrade human dignity by living in such close proximity to others? Fuck the city, fuck the 'burbs. Give me my ten acres and a robotic mule.

>> No.1568690

>spend every day of your life mowing lawn and obssessing over grass.
>No bussiness near you except strip malls
>Neighbors are all insolated from each other and all feel crushing roreniness

right right. Enjoy your delusion.

>> No.1568704

What the fuck? How is being close to people "degrading your dignity". Move to a mansion on top of a hill if thats what you think.

>> No.1568724

Huh? I think you've been watching too many hollywood movies about suburbia. There are some strip malls near me, but lots of other small business as well. No one is isolated or lonely, lol. Kids are always playing at other kids houses, swimming in their pools. Oh, right, you've never seen an actual pool. Playing baseball or soccer in the neighborhood park. Oh right, you can't go to your neighborhood park, cause that's where the local gang hangs out. You don't have to mow your own law. You hire a neighborhood kid to do it for $10.

>> No.1568736

I agree with him actually. If I can ever afford it, I'll move to a house with more property. I hate fucking neighbors. It will still be suburbs though. There are many big wooded lots in the suburbs. That would be ideal for me. Currently I work at home, so I have no commute either.

>> No.1568761

Eurofag here. I just don't understand how Americans can consider it normal to spend three hours driving on these massive highways to get to work every day. Now you're fucked in the ass because you've built a society so Dependant on oil.

>> No.1568786

Amerifag here. I don't understand how Eurofriends think that every American lives in the Inland Empire or the DC Beltway.

>> No.1568792

Because the car companies lobbied the fuck out of america to destroy public transport. Fuck them. they are now dying and we are are too.

I wish every city in the states had newyork style transport systems

>> No.1568803

My work is only 16 miles away. Fifteen minutes of driving is not unpleasant.

>> No.1568805
File: 29 KB, 400x400, troll_face_sticker-p217985815517000138tdcj_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerifag here. I'm not going to lie, I had to look up what a hectare was.

Oh. 100 meters on a side. Christ, why didn't you just say, "one football field by one football field?"

>> No.1568814

>newyork style transport systems

What the hell are you talking about? NJT beats the hell of of the LIRR or the Upstate coverage.

>> No.1568821

By the time a city gets crowded enough to need public transport the quality of life plummets and the crime rate skyrockets.

You want to live in a nice, safe place with lots of stuff to do and friendly people? Find a city with more than 50,000 people but a population density less than five thousand per square mile.

>> No.1568836

That's not a normal commute. I'd guess commutes of people living in suburbs average to 30-40 minutes one-way. Lot's of those people take commuter trains as well.

>> No.1568837

>lives in new jersy.
I am so sorry. :(

>> No.1568838


I live in Long Island right now. West Babylon.

Fucking hate it.

>> No.1568846

I live in the philly suburbs and most suburban philly commuters take the regional rail system. I enjoyed taking the train when I used to work in the city, because I could spend the time reading. The downside is it's unionized. That means that every 2 or 3 years the entire city transportation system shuts down for a strike.

>> No.1568862
File: 77 KB, 640x480, chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lived in a rural town until I was 5, moved to Chicago and have lived here ever since (only 18 now, so not really that much difference). I couldn't ever live outside of a major city.

The thing I dislike about suburbs is the lack of diversity. They're all cookie cutter copies of one another, and the people are too. It's just too subdued, too fake, and too planned.

>> No.1568871

I recently drove from a suburban city in the south to Manhattan. Everything north of Delaware is just godawful. The air starts to smell like dirty ass in New Jersey and proceeds towards caustic in Manhattan. Nobody says hello to you on the street, though at least I saw some people giving directions to other tourists. It takes a minimum of half an hour by the fastest method (subway) to get three miles from Manhattan to Brooklyn, what would be a two minute car trip at home.

Then I was driving home through NJ and it rained. Dear sweet zombie Jesus let me never experience that smell again.

>> No.1568875

Are New York and Chicago the only cities with elevated rail?

>> No.1568889

They're everywhere.


>> No.1568896

>typical stereotypes from city-dwellers who have never seen a suburban neighborhood.

>> No.1568900

Holy shit. How is life in chicago like. When I think Chicago I think "Crime".

>> No.1568907


rapid transit =/= elevated rail

>> No.1568911

Philly has an El. It will take you to all the shittiest places. I think Boston does. I remember they named all the cities with El's in the movie fugitive. I think there were 5 or 6.

>> No.1568915

Elevated rail is just section of rapid transit built above ground. It's not special nor is it a technical challenge.

>> No.1568919

Makes them an easy target for random strikes of terrorism.

Oh u terrorists.

>> No.1568926

It just makes anywhere along the line a horrendous place in which no one with any self-respect would willingly live.

>> No.1568934

When people think of a city, they always think of the central business district. They don't realize that when you stretch out a little farther, there is plenty of space to have a lawn, backyard, parks, etc, and you're still within city limits. Not everyone lives downtown.

>> No.1568946

lol @ suburban idiots thinking living in cookie cutter homes surrounded by people who are exactly like you is a good thing. Enjoy your kids growing up in a bubble and not being ready for a diverse world.

Fucking cookie cutter mentlaity. I hate you all and your fat families driving around in your fucking SUVs to stuff your face at shitty strip malls. FUCK YOU.

>> No.1568954

Except bums who don't mind the sound of the train in the morning.

>> No.1568958

lmao @ city moron who thinks the suburbs comprise cookiecutter homes with filled with people who are all like each other. This is what the paranoia of living in high crime areas does to your outlook... it leads to laughable stereotypes. This is why cities are bad for mental health.

>> No.1568965

>drives 2 hours to work through a trafic jam while I take the metro and read every morning

You mad suburbanite? Quit fucking up the environment and join us you fat fuck.

>> No.1568978

The city I know is philly. The center business and museum district is one of the more tolerable. Then there's historic area, where the super-rich live, which is clean and... historic. Still no yards, but I can see some charm in living there. Lots of restaurants and culture. Everywhere else in the city is utter shit. If you get far away from downtown but still urban, you have garbage strewn places with broken down houses all crammed against each other, many of them condemned. No culture, no nothing except fast food restaurants and check cashing stores. It's godawful. That's the kind of area Temple U is in, where I attended.

>> No.1568982

Heh. I took the the train to work every morning to downtown for 10 years. Took 35 minutes. Great reading break in my day. Now I work from home. No commute at all. U mad?

>> No.1568988

>implying mass transit isn't an abomination
I am a MAN. I drive my own car. I do not ride a cattlecar to my own impersonal slaughterhouse every day.

>> No.1568989
File: 134 KB, 854x1125, Henry_George.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Land Value Tax > suburban sprawl

>> No.1568998
File: 6 KB, 173x251, 1272136448345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to drive myself to work like a nigger

>> No.1569005

Suburbia was a terrible idea. Like, really. Let's dump energy into this stupid shit that doesn't even work ECONOMICALLY in the long-run.

>> No.1569010

>I have to drive myself to work like a nigger
>implying that most niggers don't take mass transit, therefore making mass transit the method of transportation more typical of the niggeroid race

>> No.1569031

>nigger pretending not to be a nigger

>> No.1569033

This is what I don't understand. Why the bloody hell do these hell holes exist. What possible economic or environmental benifit do they offer. They cost more to maintain, supply and keep safe. Suburbia is a massive money sink.

>> No.1569032

Niggers take the bus or subway. The white man takes the train.

>> No.1569038
File: 25 KB, 428x391, africatroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger nigger my nigger nigger
>any nigger I nigger
>300kniggers starting

>> No.1569043

We weren't talking about trains, we were talking about the metro. AKA nigger central.

>> No.1569049


Yeah. It's basically a continuation of the great American tradition of burning money for no reason.

>> No.1569055
File: 16 KB, 461x510, 1269934279967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spend 8%+ of my waking life working uncompensated for my employers benefit
>not a nigger

>> No.1569058

They don't exist for environmental or economic reasons, idiot. They exist because people don't want to live in a concrete jungle full of slightly intelligent gorillas who rob and rape you.

>> No.1569061

>from america
>thinks he is white.

/int/ would tear you apart. mudblood scum.

>> No.1569065

Hell hole? It's fucking paradise. All the advantages of the city, and all the advantages of the country. It doesn't cost money, it generates money through property taxes. This is why the only functional public schools exist in suburbia.

>> No.1569064

And what working would you be talking about there?
The drive to work? That's not working. And how is it to my employer's benefit? Or any different from riding a train or bus or subway?

>> No.1569068

so basically its because of racism. wow. You are destroying the planet and its forests to build suburban neighborhoods because you are scared to live near anyone who is not exactly like you.

>> No.1569073

I didn't imply I was white. But I'm not a nigger.

>> No.1569083

come on man. lets not get into this. We are talking about urban planning not race. Go to /new/ with your small minded idiocracy. Perhaps you should move to small town in the deep south where everyone is white and related.

>> No.1569085

They aren't scared needlessly. It's statistically proven that blacks commit more crime. Cities suck dick. Face it. Multiculturalism destroyed the modern city.

And it doesn't destroy the environment, you dumb fucking hippie.

>> No.1569092

I don't think they like asians down there.

>> No.1569099


>> No.1569103

We shouldn't be talking about urban planning. Urban areas should not exist. We should through forced sterilization and controlled eugenic breeding practices reduce the world population to 2 million and reorganize into a rural self-sufficient community model.

>> No.1569122

lolwat? Cities destroy forests. Most suburbs are either built within forests, or replanted again to be functional forests within 15 years or so.

>> No.1569123

It doesn't destroy the environment it destroys our oil supplies while making us even more dependent on them.

I hope that a societal collapse that makes the medieval ages look like a pleasant stroll in the park is your idea of fun, because...

>> No.1569131
File: 101 KB, 1004x988, 1271396659067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engaging in activity at the behest of ones employer for the benefit of ones employer isn't work
>being free to do what you want isn't superior to being stuck in a car
>this is what americunts actuality believe

>> No.1569142

>implying that the challenge of peak oil won't be met by more advanced extraction technology
Our oil supplies will hold up just fine. We can transfer to an electric car economy and run our power plants on nuke juice and coal and still have plenty of petrol left for lubrication and other uses.

The sky isn't falling, we aren't fucked, calm down.

>> No.1569150

>implying I'm stuck in my car
>implying i don't enjoy driving
>implying I don't enjoy free time to listen to my music

Seriously, have you ever heard of a radio? An MP3 player?

>> No.1569154

I live in the first suburb ever built (smack dab in the middle of a 2 million + pop. of suburbs for miles around), and if it's any sort of benchmark for the future of other suburban areas we are completely fucked. It's a drug infested shithole.

>> No.1569161

Northern Maine rural as fuck here.
I don't understand why suburbia and city denizens seem to dislike each other so much.



>> No.1569189
File: 98 KB, 782x463, 1280979376184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Southern Maine (Bath, city of iron dicks) here. How do you like having your railroad shut down?

>> No.1569207

Didn't live anywhere close to one.
Like I said, rural as FUCK.

I do enjoy all the nice roads that are being built off my taxes. Because I totally cared about roads.
God damn it.

>> No.1569211


Mad as fuck.

>> No.1569215

Living in the middle of mother-fucking Jewtown suburbia here in Jacksonville....Niggers are everywhere too.

>> No.1569239

lol... meanwhile all the niggers in the city (and admit it, if you live in the city, you're a nigger) commute in diesel sucking buses, and the suburbanites who commute to the city take the electric train.

>> No.1569253

Now you're just making shit up.

>> No.1569258

>the truth
>making shit up