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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15681871 No.15681871 [Reply] [Original]

I am a sex addict autist who spends all his money on escort as I can't pick up women(lack of body language, being boring, weird, etc).

Lately I am getting into more and more dangerous situations and being robbed more and more.

I need a safe and efficient anaphrodisiac that will kill my libidio, without making me super fat or sluggish.
Is there anything I can obtain?

>> No.15681884

Yes. Spironolactone with estradiol. Lots of places will prescribe it if you just ask.

>> No.15681906

you could cut your nuts off

>> No.15681925

/sci/ in a nutshell
weak willed retards whose solution to their problems always starts and ends with drugs
go shit up some other board

>> No.15681943

The ancients had a solution for it, it's called becoming a monk.

>> No.15682006

Currently the best solution to your problem is probably to swap prostitutes out for VR sex with some kind of a vagina machine.

>> No.15682010

of course.
chop your balls off, it's safe and effective

>> No.15682031

white peony, saw palmetto

>> No.15682035

Have you tried not collecting photographs of whores and jacking off to them, while posting them in public forums in the hopes that other men will join you in your jack-off party?

This is like a gambling addict hitting up poker forums for advice. You are a simpleton and you don't actually want to stop; you just want to tell yourself, and others, that you totally will stop some day, just as soon as you find a magic pill at the end of the fucking rainbow.

>> No.15682093

I lost 40lb in 2 months and didn't have an erect for over a year afterwards. Starvation absolutely kills your sex drive

>> No.15682134

Golly, 50% of the replies are rage bots designed to demoralize.
Have you tried doing an overload on it yet? The same way some nicotine addicts quit; chain smoking until you vomit. Load up on maca root and get 2 Asian whores for the night fucking all of their brains out. Or fuck a different one everyday for 2 weeks straight.

>> No.15682237

You can kill yourself, this way you will effectively stop your libido.

>> No.15682242

But better just work off the problems in your head.

>> No.15682302

Since you've mostly gotten your main answer (which was already a simple search query to begin with), I'll just recommend the normal braindead take of get a hobby.
I quit smoking by learning how to play guitar and getting back into running. Not only is it distracting at a basic level, but when you're really on edge you can lean into the pain of going harder and faster and pushing your limits.
Maybe spend that money on a rock climbing or bouldering gym if that's more you speed.
You could get into camping to get away and reset a bit without simulation or ability to seek that instant gratification. I'd recommend a book that'll make you happy. You could bring a philosophy or science-y one if you want, but I think it's better to slow down and take it easy instead of bringing something that might feel like homework.
Go to some festival or concert and take a healthy dose of a stimulant. The public venue would prevent you from being a complete degenerate when you become turbo-horny, you can try your hand at flirting and reading human body language with no pressure since not a soul will remember or ever recognize you again, and the crash will mellow out your libido for a month or so. This last one is a bit more drastic, but I'm still throwing it out there.

You'll never make normal friends if you don't snap out of it. How will you meet people if all of your free time is being consumed with your current "hobby"?
How will you ever date if you don't instantly get The Sex when you want it?
How will you ever be satisfied with a relationship if you're constantly focused on this?
How long could you fake a "normal" life if you're putting yourself in danger of becoming injured, catching something, or a partner catching you and everything comes crashing down?

I have a suspicion that your libido isn't actually the issue and it's a fixation that you've got, a magical anti-horny methadone won't change your mindset or fix your addiction.

>> No.15682411
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Nobody has really given you an actual answer yet.
The real answer is to get on stimulant drugs. Get a prescription for amphetamines.
>I need a safe and efficient anaphrodisiac that will kill my libidio, without making me super fat or sluggish.
Amphetamines will make you not horny at all, no urge to have sex, you won't even get random erections (while you're on them of course, they won't permanently kill your libido. So you will get horny when they wear off or the day you don't take it). They will do the opposite of making you sluggish, they will in fact make you 20-50x more productive and hard-working, (that's what they're meant for and why they're prescribed for ADHD, aka Lazy ass nigga disease). As for being fat, amphetamines will actually make you lose appetite and lose weight as opposed to gaining it (this is why often times they are even prescribed for eating disorders as well, aka fatty can't stop eating disease). In general, they will make you less of a reckless spender as well and less impulsive. So you definitely won't be buying escorts on them.

So just go to a psych, tell him you have ADHD, and get your amphetamines. That's the solution to your predicament.

>> No.15682510

It sounds like you need more intelligence rather than less libido. Be more careful instead. Learn from your experiences.

>> No.15683221

>Amphetamines will make you not horny at all, no urge to have sex,
Wut? You obviously have never done cocaine or mdma

>> No.15683945

This happened to me once when I developed an eating disorder. For two years, my libido was almost zero. Shortly after returning to eating properly, I started to have wet dreams for some time. But I'd not call this a safe way.

>> No.15684971
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>Lately I am getting into more and more dangerous situations and being robbed more and more.
>and being robbed more and more

>> No.15685103

As a bonus, he will become a femboy so he can jerk to himself.

Just try to pick women normally. Read a few books about Game and don't let few dozen refusals to stop you.
You can also consider joining some kink community.

>> No.15685304

How do any of those books still apply in today's hypergamy clown world where 95% American women are fucking hideous either inside or out, usually both, not to mention batshit crazy. Unless you have 9-10 looks and don't have to work for living those Game books are like giving fishing advice for a toxic lake where every fish you catch is highly deformed and poisonous.

>> No.15685320

>Unless you have 9-10 looks and don't have to work for living
not necessary, the basics still work
>fishing advice for a toxic lake where every fish you catch is highly deformed and poisonous
OP is looking for sex, not virgin gf. As long as he uses condom, it won't matter much that the women he will pick are run-through psychos.

>> No.15685377

This. Pair with low dose nicotine and caffeine to further inhibit sexual arousal.
Idiot moment. Cocaine suppresses sex drive as well which is party why Halsted, Freud, Edison used it.

Retards addicted to hedonism misuse stimulants and making a conditioned place preference with sexual activity. The drug didn't do this. They did.

MDMA is neurotoxic too (especially in recreational doses) and should never be taken and regardless dose of it is about 10x than what the therapeutic dose looking at equipotent DA release. If anything an equivalent therapeutic stimulant dose would be 10, perhaps 15mg max and would likely serve to further inhibit sexual states due to to increased serotonergic activity.

>> No.15685635

Try unprotected sex. Otherwise you cum, but it won't empty your balls

>> No.15686102

Watch porn and fap furiously cumming several times.
I have plenty of experience about this strategy.

>> No.15686117

>Lately I am getting into more and more dangerous situations and being robbed more and more.
Stop being retarded, retard.
the escort stuff has nothing on that

>> No.15686183

You could take low dose T blockers. That way you would still have some testosterone, and some sex drive, but it would be lower. You need to be prepared to buy this online without a prescription, which is not difficult.

>> No.15686202

>don't let few dozen refusals to stop you.
Is there any other context where people are supposed to go through a dozen total failures and still retain the motivation to persist? Just imagine if you got a failing grade for your first twelve maths tests, but you were still expected to become a mathematician.

>> No.15686265

Yeah, martial arts are like that. You practice and lose thousands of times before you get your black belt.

t pickup artist who has gotten rejected by many many more than a dozen women

>> No.15686290

you could kill yourself. good for the gene pool too

>> No.15686318

I dont know anon. You are running against evolution here; life is built to perpetuate itself.
Even if you find a way to divorce producing children from fucking women, it may still take centuries for the lesson to take hold.

I'm not just talking about human physiology; there is also 'societal evolution' wherein products designed for you are less likely to be funded.

>> No.15686387

> Read a few books about Game and don't let few dozen refusals to stop you.
>You can also consider joining some kink community.


> You practice and lose thousands of times before you get your black belt.

I am 43. I was trying to pick up girls since I was 13-14. It never worked.

This isn't a normal experience and I can't be expected to try ad infinitum.
At certain point it would be easier to receive medical assistance to stop desire.

>> No.15686676

Makes it worse. Libido is a product of conditioning and thoughts and you feed it and reinforce it when you indulge in masturbation and pornography. Best way to reduce it is to avoid incurring an arousal response in the first place. There also is a trade off for indulging in it repeatedly which means tiredness, lack of focus and anhedonia. I am unhappy and have no energy if I masturbate a few times in a row and this state persists for days.
Just leads to more sex and also no real benefit other than transitory pleasure.

>> No.15686683

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.15687133
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>I am 43.
Are you part of an irl male social group? Do you have cordial non-romantic irl relationships with females?

>> No.15688145

The pyramid should be self, self, self and self. Anyone who allows anything else has failed. Once you focus on your self you don't need anything or anyone else.

>> No.15688202

>Cocaine suppresses sex drive
I love when people who have never done [thing] offer their expert advice on [thing]

>> No.15688228

Happiness is an emotion, dude. If you needed reasons to feel emotions, they wouldn't be called emotions. Just be happy, stupit duck

>> No.15688247

Therapeutic doses of cocaine do not increase sex drive. Taking cocaine at a party when sleep deprived and drunk and being around sexual stimuli like women obviously is going to lead to sex hence why you associate it with sex and hence why it leads to a conditioned response now. And when drunk it transesterfies into cocaethylene easily pushing it beyond theruapitic into recreational doses leading to mesolombic pleasure seeking instead of better dopaminergic tone in the prefrontal cortex. History is rife with examples of people who used cocaine responsibility to increase their productivity. If it lead to sex and onanism, Halsted and Edison would have achieved nothing.

>> No.15688303

Can someone explain to me how 4chan exactly works? Why does this thread keep showing up again and again? Is the main poster reposting it or does 4chan bring active posts back to the front of the line?

>> No.15688313

>Yeah, martial arts are like that.
Not even close. You get successes from your very first day.

>> No.15688825

this guy does not look like someone who should be giving advice on how to get a girlfriend

>> No.15689515

>can't pick up women(lack of body language, being boring, weird, etc).

Just get slam piggy!
A slam piggy is an ugly girl 4/10 at best (and she knows it) BUT she LOVES to fuck.
You can find a 'cute' slam piggy but there will be a HUGE red flag in her life such that no sane man would want her.

>> No.15689543

>As long as he uses condom
Lots of crazy bitches out there these days in America who will fuck up your life regardless of using condoms.

>> No.15689573

>Female friends
aka an orbital simp

>> No.15689781

Discipline and self-control. Just stop seeing escorts lmao

>> No.15689959

Ugly people crave sex because they view it as a measure of worth for a person because they have nothing else going for them. Most of the people throwing out virgin and incel as slanders look like total shit and they have blown out looking girlfriends too. Look at vaush and destiny. Both look horrible yet use these terms all the time. The ugliest peers I've known are the ones throwing around terms like "body count".
Subhumans the rational part of your brain knows whose existence is a harm for themselves, others and most importantly, you. Get self control and amphetamines instead.
Which is why you avoid them at all costs.

>> No.15689972

Giving up whores entirely is likely impossible and drugging yourself could have serious negative health consequences. I would suggest instead limiting your whore fucking to a few trusted girls instead of trawling various websites and going after whoever appeals to you on the spur of the moment.

TL;DR learn to monger responsibly, dipshit.

>> No.15689973

>Subhumans the rational part of your brain knows whose existence is a harm for themselves
Are you retarded? Off your meds? You are rambling and just typing random words

>> No.15690237

It's benatar's misanthropic argument applied to so called slampigs.

>> No.15690248

No it's you not speaking English

>> No.15690352

Exercising regularly would reduce your sex drive.

>> No.15690440

Don't stop, mongering is based. Also you're not tachinbro are you?

>> No.15690471 [DELETED] 

ESL, but it seems just like an unnaturally convoluted sentence.

>> No.15690473

I think it's supposed to be
>Subhumans whose existence the rational part of your brain knows to be a harm for themselves, others and most importantly, you.
Not that I agree.

>> No.15690850

If you lower your zinc enough you will lose your libido. You could become a vegan but the easiest way is to supplement copper without the paired supplementation of zinc.

>> No.15690920

>Look at vaush and destiny. Both look horrible
So what's your excuse

>> No.15691712
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>As a bonus, he will become a femboy so he can jerk to himself.
That's the neat part, he won't even want to do that anymore.

>> No.15691715

Ur probably american, just shoot the robbers and rob them before bailing

>> No.15692863

>error does not compute
NPC moment.

>> No.15692866

that's a chinese man

>> No.15694553

this is pure bullshit i'm like 45-50 kg and have the libido of hundred man

>> No.15695836

Bulk and then go on a long cut. Works for natties