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15680768 No.15680768 [Reply] [Original]

How did Russia go from winning the Space Race to this?

>> No.15680788

Only a third of missions in the Luna program had been a success so this is just business as usual

>> No.15680791

They collapsed

>> No.15680805

no mission to the moon has been a success we are only now discovering this fact we're not able to leave the tropeosphere

>> No.15680812


>> No.15680854


>> No.15680879

NASA had its own problems landing probes on the moon in the 60s. It was pretty nuts to try it with people only a few years later.


>> No.15681089

it's very convenient that they managed to figure it out so quickly

>> No.15681130

Manned moonlanding never happened

>> No.15681133

They hired the Nazis to do it.

>> No.15681149

How does GPS work in the middle of the ocean?

>> No.15681165 [DELETED] 

All they can these days is bomb things.
The just bombed the moon. Only thing different is that they couldn't hit a hospital or a kindergarten.

>> No.15681166 [DELETED] 

All they can do these days is bomb things.
The just bombed the moon. Only thing different is that they couldn't hit a hospital or a kindergarten.

>> No.15681170 [DELETED] 

>>15680768 (OP)
All they can do these days is bomb things.
They just bombed the moon. Only thing different is that they couldn't hit a hospital or a kindergarten.

>> No.15681175

All they can do these days is bomb things.
They just bombed the moon. Only thing different is that they couldn't hit a hospital or a kindergarten.

>> No.15681200

This is a COPE invented by the new low IQ anti racist and anti fascist mutt generation, they can't achieve anything so greatness never existed.
For these losers failure = success

>> No.15681288
File: 68 KB, 480x698, juri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, it did land on the moon.

>> No.15681298

>How did Russia go from winning the Space Race to this?

Mostly two reasons:

-Going to the Moon is more difficult than our previous selves have lead the public to believe...Or maybe we were just smarter. At any rate: nations have blown tons of shit up in the past in their attempts at going to the moon. This isn't too abnormal.
It maybe hurts a little more than usual due to India having a better launch.

-Russia is apparently one of the top three most economically sanctioned country on the planet at the moment due to their "special military project" in Ukraine and is actively being denied technology and tech support by every nation wot doesn't like them doing that. It's already super difficult to get to the Moon at your best, I can't imagine it's any easier using parts scrapped from stolen appliances and Chinese microchips.

>> No.15682106

It couldn't be repeated so it never happened.
Research must be peer reviewed and reproducible.

the moon landing was neither peer reviewed, nor reproducible

>> No.15682756

That's retarded and is also not the definition of peer review.

>> No.15682779 [DELETED] 

How do you explain several tons of "lunar" rocks?
Those missions were fake AF.

>> No.15682841
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Manned lunar landings only happened in your stupid head you moron.

>> No.15682884

less funding + all the smart ppl wrk in the private sector, not @ nasa ($87490 wage is less than a fifth of a fagman wage)

>> No.15683753

Biggest issue is their last successful probe was launched in 82 and all of the people involved are dead or retired so their ground crew was 100% rookies with no experience operating outside of earth orbit.

>> No.15683761

Alot of their "firsts" aren't what they seem. Their first spacewalk preceded the Americans by a short time and by their second the Americans had four spacewalk. There was a six year gap between Voskhod and the first Soyuz. Mir had many problems. They never sent a probe to the outer solar system. Roscosmos is all hat and no cattle.

>> No.15683766

>how did russia go from losing the space war to fucking up space shit?
I'm not even a Russia hater but you must be a preteen.

>> No.15683784

Russia hasn't done anything impressive for space exploration, they just inherited the ruins of an empire that did.

>> No.15683796

Sabotage beyond reasonable doubt, the CIA don't want anyone else know the Moon secrets.

>> No.15683886

>an empire that did
That did what? Sputnik? There was never any Russian "space exploration" beyond shooting literal monkeys into space. Are you cunts all high or what?

>> No.15683893
File: 235 KB, 893x1096, Soviet_Space_Firsts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15683927

>1963 first woman in space
Yes, that was so mindblowing. Can we all just pause to clap for the next month?

>> No.15683930

smart Russians are getting the f outta there

>> No.15684049

Why now? Isn't it de rigueur to buy when there's blood in the streets? I'd invest at least 50% in St. P right now if I could.

>> No.15684053

the stuff Gemeni and Skylab did is cooler than everything on that list combined

>> No.15684063

Throwing old radios and burning dogs really high up in the air was never winning.

>> No.15684180

The big difference is the Soviets kind of tapped out in the 70s but ESA and NASA continued forward progress.