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15680274 No.15680274 [Reply] [Original]

The incel's mental life revolves primarily around fantasies of grandiosity and persecution. By identifying historical forces such as contraception or women's liberation as responsible for his suffering, he is protected from the truly intolerable feelings which might follow if he discovered the source of his unsatisfying relationships with others in his own psychological structure. In the terms of Kernberg we might say he possesses a borderline level of personality organization, characterized by the defenses of splitting and projection.

>> No.15680283

I just have grandiosity but there's no persecution.
So your theory is obviously wrong

>> No.15680285

I have the persecution but not the grandiosity. Plus my old lady and I made love just a few hours ago.

>> No.15680605

an incel is just a man who has no female companionship and is upset about it. that's completely valid.

>> No.15680667

Then he should get female companionship to stop being upset.

>> No.15680676

Your value as a human being depends on your physical attractiveness, incels are the bottom of the barrel, all their lives they have been pushed away from women, even women with their same physical attractiveness would rather die alone than pair up with a man with a physical appearance equal to theirs.

But you can increment your physical attractiveness.

>> No.15680884


>> No.15681013 [DELETED] 

They won though.

>> No.15681016

They won thoughm How do we fix it?

>> No.15681019

This has to be bait

>> No.15681067
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>have problem
>solve problem
Any questions?

>> No.15681092
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Take your meds.

>> No.15681095

>How do we fix it?
End """women's liberation"""? Everyone is sick of it, including a growing number of women. lol

>> No.15681113

>including a growing number of women
So just marry and breed them. So the non-reprodusing group dies off.

>> No.15681117

>just marry
No one's falling for that one. Call me back when feminism is expunged from civilization.

>> No.15681123

Women are only to blame for not standing up for the desirable men, and alloqwng the retards to socially exclude them under the pretense of "protecting" them.

>> No.15681141

No idea what your incoherent rambling is about, but "women's liberation" is just a polite term for what women end up doing on TikTok and OnlyFans. Everyone knows this now. Nobody likes feminism anymore. Seethe.

>> No.15681162

Doesn't hormonal contraception make women more likely to be attracted to the not-Chads? This should have given them a leg up. Chemosignals must come off like a vat of potent stink redflags.

>> No.15681167

Feminism today is liberating foidholes for anyone willing to pay, and pretending that ogres wearing dresses are uwu girls.

>> No.15681180

One of the worst psychopaths in the field of psychoanalysis. His methodology prohibits any kind of empathy. It consists of ideological victim blaming. A patient suffers from the trauma of repeated abuse? Then according to Kernberg the primary goal is to confront the patient with his pathological aggression. After all, his aggression is the cause of his problems and not the abuse.

Kernberg and all his followers should be put on trial for crimes against humanity. Literally the Dr Mengele of psychotherapy.

>> No.15681183

>t. someone who should be confronted with all the ways he makes poor Becky brutally reject him

>> No.15681185

I think most do it to milk the incels without having to have sex with them, and perhaps with hope of attracting a non-incel man, which they can't as the vast majority of healthy men has been cut off from society.

>> No.15681187

It's a coomer's world. As long as you're not an autist, you've got bitches on birth control or ready to abort. You can even be fat and stupid, just not an autist

>> No.15681190

They do it because women can never do anything productive with "freedom". That's the tragedy of being a shallow, self-indulgent creature. :^(

>> No.15681206

Only that isn't normal, Incel.

>> No.15681210

It's normalized enough to be obvious for anyone that pays attention when they leave their houses.

>> No.15681215

There is nothing new under the sun, women's lib has happened before. They all end up getting conquered by violent foreigners.

>> No.15681224

>The incel's mental life revolves primarily around fantasies of grandiosity and persecution.
I believe people are out to get me because they are. Thats what modern society is dickshit; a bunch of people trying to fuck you over.
> characterized by the defenses of splitting and projection.
project these nuts.

>> No.15681293

An incel is just a man who finds no place in the sexual environment of the modern West. I am very familiar with incel-like thoughts, despite being handsome and smart by the usual standards. What the incels largely get wrong is to denigrate the effect of "personality", which they generally have an incredibly superficial understanding of. Personality is indeed the most important factor, but it too is genetic.

>> No.15681296

Your post reads like lyrics to an incel rendition of Scrub.

>> No.15681330

>let them eat cake

>> No.15682422

How do you cope with the obvious discrepancy between your grandiosity and the reality of your life then?

>> No.15682452

Personality may have a genetic component, but few things are so fully genetic as to be entirely uninfluenced by environmental factors.

>> No.15683255

superiority complex

>> No.15683702

>How do you cope with the obvious discrepancy between your grandiosity and the reality of your life then?
I internalize it and use it as motivation

>> No.15684312

overcompensation, huh
for me it's withdrawal

>> No.15685591

If things suck, then you feel bad, and you get angry. Then this drives other people away even more. Then you are isolated in your own bubble believing your thoughts. Its a bad cycle.
As men, no one is going to help us with this, we have to figure it out on our own. Society seems content with ignoring us. Men are also stronger than women, so a man being angry makes you think he might do something, so people avoid. Do you want to talk to and calm down a man who is rude in society? or just kind of stay away and let it be someone elses problem? We all do.

>> No.15685628

your female loved ones suck cock and get all the cum in a giant bowl and sell the footage online