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File: 156 KB, 1920x1131, derek-muller-veritasium-1920x1131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15676289 No.15676289 [Reply] [Original]

>Confirmed professionally tested IQ of 134
Is he smarter than you?

>> No.15676348

yes, but there's something about him that irks me. he still seems insecure despite his intelligence

>> No.15676350

Of course not.

>> No.15676351

No. My IQ is 160.

>> No.15676356

Perhaps that's a reflection on your part. I never noticed anything insecure about him.

>> No.15676358

reminder that his fluid IQ is only 118

>> No.15676362

I see a lot of smart people on YouTube whom I wouldn't consider insecure though. Veritasium stands out

>> No.15676386

I pour my fluid into your mother's IQ

>> No.15676407

How does he stand out? What makes you think he is insecure?

>> No.15676419

He's right.
It gets pretty obvious when he talks to people. Maybe you're just autistic.

>> No.15676420

Its funny how shocked he was but was trying hard to hide it when his fluid intelligence came in at 118 lmao and the assessor said something to comfort him about how it could be an error and that he was really 133 despite training on the test before.

>> No.15676436

Since he lives life on his own terms, being able to make a great living doing something fun, varied and interesting for its own sake, he is more intelligent than I am.

The primary use of intelligence is to escape a life of servitude and make the most of your time on Earth doing things you value.

>> No.15676438

How is it obvious? What behavioral patterns of his leads you to believe that he is more likely to be insecure than not? And insecure about what specifically?

>> No.15676487
File: 5 KB, 200x202, 1692447294464745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gives lectures to random people on the street just so he can tell them that he's a PHD physicist


>> No.15676506

His quantitative is over 140 which compensates.

>> No.15676507

>there reason he's talking to random people about physics is to brag about being a PhD physicist and not to generate interesting content for his channel that aligns with the findings in his thesis that showed debunking misconceptions of other people is a much more effective way to teach concepts rather than straightforwardly laying them out.

>> No.15676515

It irks me that he did a pure propaganda video about autonomous vehicles because the company stacked his pockets.

>> No.15676524
File: 485 KB, 800x770, 20230813_012008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he's old. Fluid is highest in youth, crystallized is highest when older. Makes sense for his age.

>> No.15676527

How do people get professionally tested apart from Mensa, which doesn't give you a score? Psychiatrists, yes, but you need yo be mentally ill for that. How do I get one if I just want to test my intelligence?

>> No.15676542

Veritasium while editing this video:
>I need to include this clip of me flexing about being a PHD physicist!!! otherwise how else will people know how smart I am?!?!? this is the definition of interesting content!!!!

>> No.15676552

why does arithmetic peak so late? I would've expected it to peak before 20 seeing as it only involves basic logical relations.

>> No.15676561
File: 87 KB, 918x918, IMG_7961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Individuals within the ranges of 120-145 can be extremely petty and pathetic. Their fear translates into narcissism and sadism, an insecurity thick with dreams of their potential never totally recognized. It is a sad, intimidating existence and this personality is most apparent when they run into others with 4sd15w. You almost always see gnashing of teeth when they run into someone just so outwardly superior to them.

Not always, true. But so consistent it’s almost predictable when entering a seminar or campus event.

>> No.15676609

It's basic logical relations when you first learn it, yeah. Afterwards it's just crystallized intelligence. You do arithmetic on the daily intuitively, you're not thinking of the logical reasonings every time. Or most of the times. It becomes second nature at some point, like language.

>> No.15676644

Here we have a psychology institute where you can get tested with the professional WAIS-IV. Every country has them likely.

It costs about 120 euros here.

>> No.15676649

The way you're behaving is textbook insecurity. People secure about their own intelligence and credentials don't call a person mentioning their PhD when questioned about their credentials "flexing".
Whenever a person mentions something positive about themselves, be it their knowledge, credentials, status, wealth etc., insecure people get very angry because they're reminded of their own insufficiency.

>> No.15676656

Personal experience? I myself am on this range and am insecure but it was mostly because of my undiagnosed ADHD that I only ever got proved by a professional last year.

>> No.15676660

My man, THIS WHOLE BOARD is basically insecure STEM underachievers projecting their insecurity into others.

>> No.15676661

>I need to include this clip of me
because that's the context of the response
do you not know how conversations work?

>> No.15676663

That only ever got proven by a professional****

Being an ESL is hell.

>> No.15676664
File: 14 KB, 464x401, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not insecure, EVERYONE ELSE IS!!!

>> No.15676667

Cry more. Real STEM overachivers dont browse this type of online space and most posts I see since I started checking this place once in a while are about failures complaining and spewing poison.

>> No.15676687

How does any of this relate to '"fluidity"?

He doesn't have a PhD in physics but physics education. It's a big difference.

>> No.15676693

This dude's an African American lmao

>> No.15676695

see >>15676664

>> No.15676714

Keep crying underachiever.

>> No.15676744
File: 117 KB, 1488x1488, low iq thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15676936

My is is 154, although generally professional tests like you to quote a range.

I can tell you its not all its cracked up to be,

>> No.15676960

He's serving Youtube, who can easily pull the plug on him if they want to. You're not rely living life on your own terms if your livelihood is tied to a specific platform.

>> No.15676991

Literally nothing wrong with being insecure. You guys talk like women.

>> No.15677006

Hey fags, what do you lnow about the Royal Society?

>> No.15677878
File: 52 KB, 770x455, Caproni Vizzola C.22 Ventura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps that is the case for your run of the mill videographer but I'm sure he is financially independent by this point and can also rely on donations

Anyway, I have no particular interest in defending him specifically; the point i wanted to make is that in any discussion about IQ, the elephant in the room is your own personal freedom.

If you have a high IQ and are still a wageslave past your early thirties, that is actually more embarrassing than if you were of normal or sub-normal intelligence. The exception being of course if you are engaged in some inherently interesting or valuable profession that is in accordance to your nature and genuine interests, because then the outcome is largely the same.

>> No.15678072

i don't know since iq =/= intelligence

>> No.15678073

this is a low IQ response

>> No.15678088

I'm at 145 which means only .3% of the population is smarter than me. I've liked his video, he has a way of putting important information out there, but I don't know why he said "boasting about IQ is for losers", he just says it without justification unfortunately lol. Is he afraid of the competition perhaps?

In the video he also:
Didn't show his internet results, possibly because they matched the "real" IQ test score.
He didn't comment about people who effectively raised their IQ, nor on people whose IQ kept increasing until their mid 40s and beyond.
Hell he didn't present a list with information of high IQ individuals. He could have mentioned Chris Langan, finally, for instance, what is Derek afraid of? Isn't the conclusion that high IQ people are important and deserve attention and resources? Still, a brave video imo. Thanks, it could have been much worse, God bless.

>> No.15678092

He definitely gets insecure when called out for being wrong

Case in point: that one video about "hurr durr the lightbulb turns on because of the EM fields not the current flow"

>> No.15678099

My IQ is something around 136, which would put me in the top 0.8%.

In high school I scored in the top 1.75% of all students in my state.

I then went on to do a PhD in engineering, which is only achieved by around 1% of the population. (Really, 2% of the population holds a PhD but most of those are foreign imports, so it’s skewed heavily. If we’re just counting locals, it’s probably about 0.5-1%).

I always find it interesting how consistently I perform at about the 1%ile level, no better, no worse. IQ is king.

>> No.15678661

It's clear that much fluid isn't enough to be the next hawking, but it's enough for a science communicator in physics, especially considering the rest of his results.

>> No.15678724

you're projecting again Anon

>> No.15678942

you're wrong, every intern at 2sigma circa 2018 was a shitposter here
that's right, yukarifag, i know you were in prop trading you goddamn faggot physishit

>> No.15679198

Why are guys constantly trying to raise the midwit-bar? 140 (1 in 700) is a midwit now? What the fuck?

>> No.15679202

are you*

>> No.15679206

4chan users are all 6'11, can bench 4pl8, are natty and have 160 IQ and a 8 inch cock

>> No.15679459

TFW 110 IQ (the test was 9 years ago, though)

>> No.15679677

my school noticed and sent a team of psychiatrists when I was in middle school. That's how you know you're intelligent.
I maxed out their tests and later, in the army I maxed out their tests as well, they did further testing which I also maxed out and at some point they decided to just stop since it was nothing to me and I wouldn't join the army anyway.

>> No.15679690


>> No.15679699

That image is discussing people.

>> No.15679746

>Is he smarter than you?
Probably. He's way more successful than me, that's for sure.

>> No.15679749
File: 112 KB, 658x662, autistm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those numbers are too big for me to even comprehend.

>> No.15679779

I doubt it could have declined that much since his 20s, 40 isn't really that old.

>> No.15679818

There's no way that guy is 134
130s can explain concepts very well but anytime this guy explains something it seems like he's just poorly summarizing an entire Wikipedia page and the opinions of "experts" he asked
he introduces the details but never explains them; states the basic premise of the theory and calls it a day and leaves you with unanswered questions and more questions
I measure him at 115-120, seems reasonable for what he does. That fluid IQ of 118 seems to agree with my assessment

>> No.15679824

Creep out of your hole with me and say 'I'

And he did se

>> No.15679894

Stop spam it pls

>> No.15679905

>verbal IQ=general IQ
I measure you at 100-110. (Verification not required.)

>> No.15679929

>verbal IQ DNE general IQ
Well I'll be, guess I'm not retarded after all! Thanks stranger!

>> No.15679942

No. My IQ is 136, and even though we are very close in intelligence I hate this man so much.

>> No.15680096

>He didn't comment about people who effectively raised their IQ, nor on people whose IQ kept increasing until their mid 40s and beyond.
I thought it wasn't possible?

>> No.15680098

Can you elaborate on people that supposedly increased their iq? I'm doing research on this

>> No.15680124


>> No.15680128

I'm smart enough not to believe in IQ or take an IQ test, so no.

>> No.15680242


>> No.15680301

avg IQ in the 1880s was 115 compared to todays 100. 130 back then was as common as 115 is today. School teachers then were as smart as our professors are now.

In another 150 years the avg IQ will be 85. 115 will be as rare as 130 is today. 130 then wont exist at all. Civilization will collapse again within 300 years.

>> No.15681603
File: 411 KB, 1800x1200, arjun-krishna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anons, I don't wish to make a separate thread related to iq, so I'm asking it here. Redpill me on the sanskrit effect

>> No.15681618

given that I have a confirmed professionally tested IQ of 135+ and eligible for Mensa membership (although I never joined and never will), the answer to that is: no

>> No.15681622

how would you know when your own IQ is 105 at most?

>> No.15681626

You guys know he's not real phd right?
His is phd in "physics education"

>> No.15681807

134 IQ is pretty common because its just how the IQ histogram is split. It might be one or 2 standard deviations.
The point is that IQ are percentiles and not something you measure with 3 digits of accuracy

>> No.15681876

my brain evolved over millions of years to detect social cues. that's how it's obvious.

>> No.15681890

Shit negro there's more IQ points on this website than in any ivy league school anywhere.

>> No.15682126

what did he mean by this

>> No.15682730
File: 1.41 MB, 790x1204, ted kaczynski cabin some hustle to be seen i grind to disappear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ted Kaczynski entered Harvard University as a 16-year-old on a scholarship, after skipping the sixth and 11th grades.
>Theodore John Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, was an American mathematician and domestic terrorist. He was a mathematics prodigy, but abandoned his academic career in 1969 to pursue a primitive lifestyle.

I recommend watching the movie Ted K.


>> No.15682888


>> No.15682894

138 here
checkmate Derek

>> No.15682939

what's the optimal iq for flunking out of a phd physics program and settling for an education degree?

>> No.15682963

>abandoned his pointless, useless academic career in 1969 to go jack off in a shed instead
and nothing of value was lost

nice meme btw, here you are bragging in the internet about how you don't want to be seen
so humble

>> No.15683008

Physics education is a valid field, its not physics, its a discipline about teaching physics. Derek is a start at teaching physics, not at being some kind of physics expert.
His thesis was about the use of audiovisual aids in teaching, which is what his successful youtube channel is about.

>> No.15683156

IQ insecurity is typical for Physics degree holders. You either slave away in post-grad or jump ship and pursue a completely different career. The days of getting hired as a professional scientist/inventor are over. Physics grads will constantly be comparing themselves to their scientific idols but they will never come close to achieving "scientific excellence".

>t. B.S. Physics degree holder

>> No.15683576

i have a phd in particle physics with a fsiq of 155

this guy is good at making videos he should have some pride

i have plenty of pride in my iq and have no imposter syndrome

>> No.15683636
File: 415 KB, 1599x1038, 1599px-MAKS_Airshow_2013_(Ramenskoye_Airport,_Russia)_(524-06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5' 8"
haven't went to the gym in over a year (but people ask me if I do)
blitzed on caffeine constantly
8 inch cock :D

>> No.15683647

I have higher IQ but he's done more with his life by far. He has escaped the matrix

>> No.15683869

Richard Feynman had a tested IQ of 125. I don’t even know who this guy is.

>> No.15683885

Probably. I'd be surprised if my IQ was over 110, since I feel pretty retarded.

>> No.15683967

rat faced kike

>> No.15683998

They have confused average with impossibility. Just gotta look for outliers that break the theory one way or another.

Just start by measuring for g relative to all as a function of time, don't consider sex/gender nor age. Then measure biological age as a function of time as well(this is the creative IP part of course). g/age then predicts a longer duration until prime. Or you can apply the age correction(say at 18 or 15) and just look at smart 50 year olds from today and compare them to same score from a few decades ago, even corrected for flynn effect which is modeled only on childhood and teen years nutrition. So current X gen boomer smarties are performing better from post-25 mark. Rough explanation but sums it up.

>> No.15684050

Sorry, the previous second paragraph was still for the previous (you).
Raising your IQ(after 30s let's say) seems to be a matter of maintaining a weekly feedback of the parameters. It is like the principle of the Agile Manifesto as explained by Dave Thomas in Agile is Dead. Some people just do it instinctively with whatever feedback they have, these are the ones who neither get lost in their theory nor become these self-appointed intellectual celebrities. They are interested in really applying General theories, not just spouting niche shit or pep talks. They don't look as old as their age would indicate either, which is a change in the culture: so far scholarly old(but not senile old) = smartest in our first impression system. Everybody else is like a player-turning-NPC, slowly, so the brain gainer gets a score increase invariably. These eternal self-learners are such small groups that they don't show up on the big scale. This goes against the reproductive instinct as well(thus the mean being left behind). How many people do you know are like this? Pfft hardly any. I could say Dave Thomas is one but as I said, popular boomers get lost in their popularity or whatever, it is a red flag if you point to any known figure, even to a recluse like Perelman.

>> No.15684093

They aren't particles or waves, are they?

>> No.15684319

He's a paid shill

>> No.15684459

It takes talent

>> No.15684760

>i have a phd in particle physics
Oh really? What was your dissertation about?

>> No.15684763

black holes and dark energy

>> No.15685319

you don't say

>> No.15685368

>ed dutton

>> No.15685382

>muh dick
>im jacked people ask about le gym
>blitz on heckin caffeine
reddit is that way, normoid.

>> No.15685447

wowzerz! save me popsciman!

>> No.15685499

Ha ha ok bud

>> No.15685937

thanks anon

mostly about beta decays

>> No.15685975

I'm around there. 135

>> No.15685982


quantitative is a better predictor of fluid anyway at .96. vs .7 ish

>> No.15686317

Well, at least he's smart enough to know most people are retards that can be gipped

>> No.15688055

I'm only slightly bi but my gaydar is good. That guy is very LGBT+. I'm not sure if he fucks women too but he's probably more about sucking the cock than the pussy.

>> No.15688062

I don't like him because his teeth are too white.

>> No.15688095

If I'd done the test at 17-18 I think I'd have done well. Now I think I'd do much worse in everything except maybe the verbal/linguistic bits.

>> No.15688108

>Can this faggot build a house with that IQ?
>Can this faggot do his own plumbing with that IQ?
>Can this faggot do his own electrics with that IQ?
>Can this faggot fix his own car with that IQ?
Yeah, it must be a great.

>> No.15688225

>"IQ in the 1880s was 115 compared to todays 100. 130 back then was as common as 115 is today."
>retard doesn't understand how bell curve works

>> No.15688231

I don't know if he's correct but what does it have to do with "how the bell curve works"?

>> No.15688241

Actually yes.

>> No.15688246

Dustriubution, percentiles and shit.

>> No.15688248


>> No.15688286


>> No.15688311

how is a quantitative reasoning test a better predictor of fluid intelligence than a measure of fluid intelligence? source?

>> No.15688423

Ok, retard. Call me back when you know what the words you use mean. lol

>> No.15688426

Actually, prove it.

>> No.15688428

I beat him by 1 point. Hes literally an ant next to me.

>> No.15688433

who fucking cares about your IQ
it’s like talking about how big your dick is
nobody cares stfu

>> No.15688604

you have higher IQ if you knew he steals others concept adding very little of his own .

>> No.15689913

Science belongs to EVERYONE.

>> No.15689940

I'm living proof that IQ is kind of a meme
t. 167 but the biggest retard you'll ever meet

>> No.15690036

130 retard here. I inhale breath to venerate God and exhale fart noises to venerate Man.

>> No.15690092

Unless you have an official Mensa test result on paper youre bullshiting

>> No.15690100

What a stupid and pointless post. He is literally an aggregator/demonstrator/communicator. At no point do his videos claim to present original research

>> No.15690103

Too much of a retard to lie properly. Real tests only go to 160.

>> No.15690167

My post was a test, and you're the only one who passed

>> No.15690173

Literally a meme for brainlets

>> No.15690182

Mid high iqlets(120-133) are some of the most narsicisstic people I've ever met. I know a guy with a tested 130 iq who constantly tries to one up me in everything I do. He even dissects some of my jokes which fly over his head for logic and semantics. It's very sad to see them never being able to achieve originality in anything they do. No wonder they're attracted to fields like physics education and not physics itself.

>> No.15690310

>I'm only slightly bi but my gaydar is good. That guy is very LGBT+. I'm not sure if he fucks women too but he's probably more about sucking the cock than the pussy.
who gives a shit

>> No.15690315

>you have higher IQ if you knew he steals others concept adding very little of his own .
no shit, that's the point of science explainer media. he's not claiming to be a novel theorist

>> No.15690381

Ted was a tranny lover who fell for the atheist -ism...
None of those -isms is supposed to work. All those -isms are pure ''thought experiments'' that atheist love to do in order to entertainment themselves.
It's daydreaming. Anarchism is a one of the hundred -isms made up by the bourgeois revolutionaries to saturate the political field in an attempt to make the plebeians stop thinking that kings were a thing. Atheists rewrite history this way.
With its moronic humanistically wishful-thinking non-aggression principle (NAP), Anarchism is literally the atheist fantasy of ''humanism of the bourgeois, without the legal republic of the bourgeois'' so it remains 100% controlled by bourgeois intellectuals. ie ''humanism is awesome''. And of course it can't be done in real life. It's literally a power fantasy for impotent beta cuck atheists. This is why it appeals to bugmen like tranny-lover Ted Kazincky and vaginally herd-follower Ayn Rand. Before atheists, anarchism never fucking existed and nobody ever though about this crappy religion (or ideology like atheists say, about their own religions).

>> No.15690412

people in the closet tend to look shifty. someone said he looks shifty.

I explain possibly why.

>> No.15690414

>shilling commercialized youtube content
just buy an advertisement cheapskate

>> No.15690570

>confirmed professionally 132
Strictly speaking, yes.
But not significant enough to make a difference

>> No.15690600

His IQ may be higher but I don't watch his videos.

>> No.15690610


>> No.15690621

his fluid IQ is only 118, it was embarrassing for him desu. My IQ is 125 and I think my ability to tackle new novel problems is ass.

>> No.15690624

90 IQ here. Show me a "novel problem" you can't tackle and watch me blow you out of the water. :^)

>> No.15690627

his infinite wire thought experiment was dumb and his analysis was wrong...as was his physical experiment for "proof"...even if everything else he has done was gold...just the fact that he doubled down instead of admitting he may be wrong is where i never looked back

>> No.15690630

nothing compensates for a low fluid IQ. Fluid IQ holds the most weight towards your total G.

>> No.15690684

Utter nonsense about Ted K. It should seem like you haven't read him at all?

>> No.15690689

You replied to a bot. Shame on you. Learn to recognize nonsensical buzzword soup.

>> No.15691213

174 IQ here.
Have seen the beginning and ending of time. It kicked my ass. See you around.

>> No.15691783

yes. I could teach him some things, but in terms of IQ and memory and health and resources he is wayyyy higher than me. I assume that the '134' is real IQ and not internet IQ(which is about a twenty point adjustment e.g '154' = '134').
I'm a mutant, and when I had a mildly freakish IQ I was told to 'tone it down' 'don't draw attention' etc... I grew older and I had a big aortic dissection. strokes surgeries poverty etc... After being self taught, I think of things in terms of an interrelated latticework of mental models. My brain is so lazy now and it knows it can rely on these models and basically hibernates when not finding a mispriced horse or whatever...

>> No.15692859

>high IQ repressed tranny kills others out of frustration and eventually herself
who coulda guessed

>> No.15692886

the g loading on the SB5 quantitative reasoning section has a higher correlation with g than matrix reasoning

>> No.15692929


enteringcollegefag here, I've been experiencing the phenomenon you describe in your final sentence more and more recently, any advice to avoid the categorization of virtually everything as banal for such reason? Aside from the obvious "stop mapping".

>> No.15692960

Yea I think maybe.
is there not one normal 110 IQ person on /sci/? Not one below average 80 IQ man?

>> No.15693090

Its funny that for me i don't suffer from categorization. I have an endless stream of questions popping out all the time. Kind of like having a stack structure in the mind where questions pop out depending on the associations i make and whether the mental model I've constructed so far is accurate. My ability to attend to each question affects my sanity and mood and requires me to be totally indiscriminate when searching for answers. But then again, i'm not autistic, i'm mostly in the schizophrenic spectrum without having any of the serious debilitating symptoms like hallucinations. I can't imagine how empty the normie mind is and how resigned it is to mediocrity, but then again, they don't have to suffer insomnia and/or overstimulation.

>> No.15693107

i love how atheists think that having mental masturbation is awesome

>> No.15693133

are we the same person?
the processes you describes I experience in parallel. The issue of over categorization yielding banality is a relatively new problem for me, as I find myself struggling to ask new questions per say,I end up iterating recursively questions previously challenging now easy simply by delegating said to my subconscious. My cognition is hungry but my subconscious is eats too fast.

>> No.15693147

what's your measured iq?

>> No.15693184

I was going to ask the same, I’ve never taken one and don’t want to inflate / deflate my already metronomal ego.

>> No.15693240

>only has an IQ of 134
>Still has a PhD
???? I thought you needed at least 150 for that

>> No.15693250

you must be a successful person then?

>> No.15693270

by my own standards no, but by my peers’ most definitely. I’m only 20 and still have much to do with my time here.

>> No.15693335

I think its the opposite for me. I can't move on if the current question goes unanswered, so i don't struggle to answer or come up with new questions. My subconscious is hungry while conscious self is constantly overfed that i have to find a way to stop asking. Its kind of like the ethereum blockchain, the transactions (questions) are stored in the mempool and the gas (environmental stimuli) determines which transaction is prioritized. The categorization i guess happens in the background.

>> No.15693747

IQ is a meaningless number, about as meaningful as horoscopes.

>> No.15693753

>i scored low

>> No.15693756

I've never taken an IQ test just like I've never gone to see an astrologist or fortune teller.

>> No.15693769
File: 16 KB, 550x534, 1625131192926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about 120-125 for the average PhD student. But its higher (around 130) for Physics and math. But keep in mind that getting a PhD also relies on ability to organize and commit to a program, not just "How smart are you".
I personally have an IQ of 140 (tested as a kid) but cannot get a PhD because i suffer from schizophrenia which unnerves people and guts my communicative and organizational skills.

>> No.15693792

Thanks for proving my point that IQ means nothing to real-world success or intelligence.

>> No.15693796

I mean it does, it's just that schizophrenia weighs a lot heavier.

>> No.15693817

You don't even score IQ bro, IQ occurs naturally in the upper echelons of intellect. What you did is some random test moderated by some hypo nerd.

>> No.15693822


>> No.15693826

You're also more likely to become a billionaire if your birth sign is Libra than Capricorn.

>> No.15693832
File: 22 KB, 413x310, Man burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Aries
Might as well fucking kill myself then

>> No.15693852

115 here.

>> No.15693891

Not sure. For a smart guy he gets a lot wrong.
He should focus on quality over quantity imo

>> No.15693989

he probably wishes he didnt do that terrible show with Bill "My Sex Junk" Nye.

>> No.15694005

It was clickbait and he worded his proposition carefully so he could be TECHNICALLY right while still being misleading, to create an unexpected result for clickbait purposes.

What this basically means is he's willing to mislead people for views. You can't trust him.

>> No.15694014

And he got that phd in "physics education" by doing videos like this >>15676487 where he flexes on normalfags in public parks.

>> No.15694023

>almost predictable
funny way of writing not predictable.

>> No.15694026


>>his infinite wire thought experiment was dumb and his analysis was wrong.
huh in what ways?

>> No.15694036

He got pretty lucky and fortunate, hats off to him he won the game.

>> No.15694041

His "thought experiment" supposes an idealized lightbulb that turns on for the tiniest trace current. So his argument is that as soon as he flips the switch, an EM field travelling at light speed is created, which reaches the lightbulb at the speed of light, induces a current, and turns on the light bulb instantly. This is the counter-intuitive result he turned into clickbait; it only works with an idealized lightbulb that lights for ANY amount of current no matter how small.

But actually, the current induced by that EM field is absolutely miniscule and isn't enough to light the bulb. Current sufficient to light a realistic lightbulb arrives much slower, through the wire itself. This is the intuitive result, and what actually happens in reality.

Alpha Phoenix actually did the experiment for real, measured it, and proved this: https://youtu.be/2Vrhk5OjBP8?t=538

>> No.15694129

wrong, i know literally nothing about science i just make shit up. unless you count soil "science".

>> No.15694286

so he's literally the same as sci?

>> No.15694994

In college you have consistent busy work, and banal or not it has incentives (grades, degree). For those issues a routine focus on the incentives can help. Freetime stuff? = hopefully expand your freedom to the point where you are structuring your own life doing things you enjoy rather than something else's structure for you.

>> No.15695008

I have an IQ of 150 the only thing I'm good at is art, did quite well in HS then was shit in graduate studies and dropped out, I guess with my IQ it's easier for me to pass this off as an overachiever problem, regardless my life is now pretty shit. Sometimes I go back to maths because I'm dead afraid of Alzheimer and I try to make as much neuronal padding to survive my older years.
Anyways my life is pretty pathetic now and thank god there is art in life to shine in my eyes, I would have offed my self by then if not for what the masters have done.
All this to say that IQ doesn't matter, and that dude, even if he tries hard to sound the smartest probably has a way better life than any of the geniuses out there, even the ones with great academic achievments

>> No.15695017

ok, but still not a real physicist though