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15673798 No.15673798 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation for why vegans always want to name their ersatz food products after non-vegan foods?
Is it a form of aggressive mimicry?
Or is some other scientific phenomenon at play?
Maybe something psychological?
If they're vegans why would they even want to eat burgers, milk and eggs? Why don't they call their products "estrogen bean sandwiches" instead of burgers or "estrogen bean juice" instead of milk?

>> No.15673828

nutritional deficiencies causing mental instability

>> No.15673842

They target meat eaters (nearly everyone) and count on general consummer lazyness in order to have people switch to a plant based diet based on the fact that most consumers just dont give that much of a shit about what they shove in their faces and they're right to do that considering meaters can hardly even tell the difference between a high quality veggy steak and the real deal. Not to mention that consumers in general hardly read any information besides the title of what is presented to them. Next question or do you really need an entire thread to masturbate over ?

>> No.15673907

Lets make this thred into a critical outlook upon modern advertising and consumerism, shall we.

Some other misleading/decieving patterns present in most stores :
>product has bio in its name and the color green added somewhere to trick the lazy consumer into thinking they're consumming all natural or healthy products
>meat product having cartoonish farm animals in a joyfull and happy setting seemingly enjoying themselves and their condition (kek)
>gluten free written somewhere as if it were a landmark of quality or health even among products where there couldnt possibly have been any gluten in it like shampoos, juices, etc.
>"typical, classic, authentic, top quality, etc..." on piss poor hobo tier products
>times new roman typography and le pure aesthetic to make goofy fucks feel fancy blowing an extra three bucks on the same garbage reconditionned and repacked
>meaningless label-stamp thing boldly claiming outrageous product purity that has no legal value or guarantee whatsoever behind
>100% whatever
>made up 90s sounding slang
>kids product being so aggressively colorfull and dynamic that this shit would give seizures to a 1930s trumpet player
>ufos and aliens on candies
>angry wild animal on products for manly men and cool kids alike

>> No.15673923

I mean, it must be nice eating your steak or sausage, knowing that you are not killing any animal + why would you bother changing the name of a common thing

>> No.15673943

>OPs question.
How else would you sell it? Are you retarded?
>Stonetoss's question.
Also "just" doesn't mean "only," it also means "moral"
>Twitter rando's question.
The product is obviously marketed to goyim. What product isn't?
(This whole thread is for preteens. Wtf happened to the age limit here?)

>> No.15673961

They must have slipped past the very robust authentication method that's required to post on 4channel.org

>> No.15673963
File: 73 KB, 720x711, 1682930807296049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it OK to kill plants and not animals?
Only because plants don't have a face you can project your emotions onto?
Why do you hate plants so much? What did they ever do to you?
My grandfather was once injured in a cattle stampede, they are evil beasts, thats why I like killing and eating cows.

>> No.15673981

>Is there [an] explanation for why vegans always want to name their ersatz food products after non-vegan foods?
All human cultures include some animal products in their traditional diets. Thus, almost all recipes call for animal products. If you make a vegan food product and it closely approximates some animal product, it makes sense to call it a variation of that animal product so that consumers know how to use it without further instructions.
>Why don't they call their products "estrogen bean sandwiches" instead of burgers or "estrogen bean juice" instead of milk?
You're not making a good faith argument lol.

>> No.15673986

>The grocery store sells a product that has a misleading name
literally 1984

>> No.15673993

Plants don't feel pain.

>> No.15674008

It's not a misleading name if you think that eating animal eggs in unjust. The entire corporate media is already literally 1984. Don't dilute what it means.
Not him but you can pretty much harvest all the food from a plant without killing it. You can't really harvest a liver from an animal without killing it. (You can, but the liver transplant economy doesn't work.)

>> No.15674020

The animal would soon eat you and peck at your bones. Vegans are retarded. What does justice have to do with any of this? They're going to cause extinction to all of them with the amount of farm land required, anyways.

>> No.15674024


Plants are secret evil

>> No.15674030

>Is there a scientific explanation for why vegans always want to name their ersatz food products after non-vegan foods?
Jealousy and meat envy.

>> No.15674033

>meat product having cartoonish farm animals in a joyfull and happy setting seemingly enjoying themselves and their condition (kek)
None of the meat sold in any store I've ever been has cartoon characters on it. You're confusing the breakfast cereal aisle with the meat aisle.

>> No.15674034

Given that most vegans are vegan for ethical reasons, I'm not sure why people think it's a slam dunk to point out that vegans enjoy the taste of animal products. Obviously. Whether or not they taste good isn't the issue at hand.

>> No.15674035

Why not sedate an animal and kill it then?

>> No.15674037

>vegans enjoy the taste of animal
This debunks their entire pseudoscientific ideology.

>> No.15674038

>The animal would soon eat you and peck at your bones.
Animals don't think in terms of justice. We're talking about people who think in terms of justice and have concluded that eating animals is unjust. I haven't. I eat the fuck out of animals. Every piece I can digest. I will eat 4 fried pigeon brains in one meal because it tastes great and the people eating with me are grossed out by biting into a fried skull but not grossed out by biting into a fried muscle. That doesn't change the fact that calling "just eggs" Orwellian because they aren't eggs is a assauly to Orwell in particular and to the English language in general.

>> No.15674040

Its proven difficult to come up with an economically viable way to do that. The closest we've come is the captive bolt gun, but it fails a decent portion of the time and the animal is left in agony with a hole in its head. When it comes to factory farming though, the pain and suffering hardly begins at the slaughtering phase.

>> No.15674043

That's what they do, using a sledge hammer, bolt gun or electric shock.

>> No.15674050

I fail to see how. That we ate animals historically is beyond doubt. I know there are some retards who insist that humanity evolved on grass and sunflower seeds but that's a marginalized group of retards. The issue isn't that animals are nutritious or tasty or that we have good cuisine surrounding animal products. The point in contention is whether their slaughter is ethically justified.

>> No.15674053

Animals are food, meat tasting good proves it. Cope more, malnourished faggot.

>> No.15674057

Not him but it's also impossible to come up with an economically viable way to eat veganly without causing human pain and suffering; humans are also animals.

>> No.15674058

I'm not a vegan lol. The dispute is not that animals can be cooked and eaten. I think you enjoy beating up this strawman of veganism so I'll just leave you to it.

>> No.15674062


>> No.15674071

animals taste good, therefore animals are food
eating food is not unethical, therefore their entire ideology is built on a house of cards which collapses the moment they concede animals taste good.

This is why they cope with bullshit claims like
>actually meat tastes gross but you just like the taste of the sauce and spices
But their continued attempts to emulate the delicious taste of meat prove them wrong.

>> No.15674075

>JUST egg
>900 things, none of which egg

>> No.15674076

With our current technology, it's impossible to produce food without someone getting the short end of the stick. The question is whether animal agriculture or purely plant agriculture involves more suffering. I'm not sure how plant agriculture could possibly be worse. Even if you completely discount animal suffering.

>> No.15674077

You can harvest a calf from a cow just the same as you can harvest an apple from tree. You're still killing the apple tree's child.

>> No.15674081

>plants aren't killed when they're harvested
this is a disingenuous argument and you know it. since your only means of defending your ideology is via dishonest means, that shows that your ideology is false and that you are an untrustworthy person

>> No.15674085

It's not my ideology and my argument is perfectly sound. You're hysterical.
You can't harvest a cow's organs from a cow without killing the cow; you can harvest a tree's fruit from a true without killing the tree.

>> No.15674091

Who cares. I eat every piece of every animal I can eat. The post is about whether "just egg" is Orwellian or not. That answer is clearly no, and that's the only answer I'm here for.

>> No.15674110

You can harvest the child of a cow just as you can harvest the child of tree, they're the same act. If they seem different to you thats only because you project your human emotions onto the cow but not the tree. Why do you presume that a cow is your equal mentally to the point that it feels the same emotions as you do? Because it has a face but no voice to tell you otherwise?

>> No.15674114

What the fuck are you talking about? You're an idiot.

>> No.15674122

Now you're dishonestly feigning ignorance of the fact that the tree's fruit is it's children, demonstrating that your system of belief is based on lies.

>> No.15674142

>it's ethical to completely exterminate all the animals just so they don't suffer
PETA-tier take

>> No.15674145

Why does it always take you more than one post to say what you wanted to say in your first post? (I hope you find a good husband someday. Stop being so hysterical.) Your argument is that killing the fruit of a tree kills the tree. That's not a rational argument. It's a hysterical argument.

>> No.15674149

All vegans crave meat but won't acknowledge it. They have to resort to substitutes in order to satisfy those natural cravings. Labeling non-meat as meat and making non-meat look like meat allows them to enjoy that fantasy. It's like watching porn.

>> No.15674155

It's because these companies are trying to win the ability to sell their cheap plant based slop as if it actually were the animal product that it is replacing.

>> No.15674181

I'm not vegan but I won't eat mammalian meat. It darkens the soul.

>> No.15674190

Cows do have feelings retard. The word you're looking for is intelligence/cognition

>> No.15674251

100% plain old scamming.

>> No.15674253
File: 112 KB, 640x640, a marbled polecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that picrel cute little fella has an evil soul?
What about this deer that preys on rabbits
Is it also evil? Rabbits themselves are known to eat their young, is the deer doubly evil because it eats mammals that eat mammals?

>> No.15674259

Not him but it doesn't matter if they have feelings, intelligence or whatever. If you go to the extreme of eliminating meat, there's no need for the species, and thus they are exterminated in the long run. It's the PETA take where they euthanize pets to reduce suffering, because they believe the very nature of their existence in the web of human control of the planet is suffering.
It's just humans trying to place themselves above the previous order yet again. If we only eat plants, the animals are extinct and we get estrogenized. If we grow lab meat, the animals are extinct and we get yummy prions. If we factory farm meat, we breed them to be dumbfucks and subject them to what some would call suffering, but always incapacitate them before harvest so, but what wild animals there were before become extinct, leaving the domesticated meat harvest. There's no justice in any scenario until we get unlimited clean energy from fusion and have the sense to establish nature reserves while we prepare to head into space to fuck alien cat girls. This is 100% the high IQ take, every other take is brain damaged.

>> No.15674280

Humans are known to torture and kill humans. Should we start eating them? I'm not refraining because I love le cute animalerinos it's that we're categorically closer to mammals so I'm willing to extend the curtesy of not eating their flesh. You do you.

>> No.15674290

literally the first thing it says is

if you are "tricked" by this it only shows you are a retard and shiuld be holocausted under aktion T4

>> No.15674306

While It is true that if we didn't have a need for farm animals they would go extinct eventually, what you're not accounting for is that we BRED them to be dependent on us, existing only to serve our needs. You talk about extinction of species as if that's always a moral evil and to be avoided. If we bred a race of humans to serve as disfigured mongoloid slaves who couldn't reproduce naturally would it be immoral to let it die out?
Plus "eliminating meat" isn't the goal for the level-headen vegans it's to reduce the demand and shrink the inhuman scale of the meat industry.

>> No.15674311

>Is there a scientific explanation for why vegans always want to name their ersatz food products after non-vegan foods?
No, but there is an ideological one: veganism is a religion, and it seeks converts.

>> No.15674315

Not that anon. I completely understand your argument. As an invidual morality that can't apply to all 8 billion humans. I also refuse to buy 3 leather belts made in China for the price of 1 leather belt made in America because the American companies selling Chinese belts make the belts cheaper by poisoning our sky and poisoning our oceans. I also eat every organ of every animal I'm allowed to eat, with no remorse.

>> No.15674324

>would it be immoral to let it die out?
Farm animals can and do reproduce, so that's not really a comparison. My point is that nature doesn't care about ethics. Establishing a realistic nature reserve with a food chain involving wolves that tear apart the weak and sick, so that species can continue to exist while we fuck cat girls in space and the hyper-advanced cities, is that ethical? No, but it's the natural state, and allows them to exist. Suffering is in the order of things. Humans trying to place themselves above it when you could argue that it's even more unethical to let them go extinct while we continue to harvest the planet and move them out of their land. Just because it's possible that they may experience suffering at some point and we don't have to harvest them anymore.

>> No.15674328

Why has no one responded to my entirely reasonable explanation for the phenomenon? Meat substitutes exist because.... wait for it.... you can substitute them for meat in existing recipes. Woah. Crazy. It's a conspiracy.

>> No.15674330

The product capture by OP doesn't seek converts. It explicitly markets itself to people who feel that eating animal eggs is unjust. I have no dog in this fight, other than the rectitude of English.

>> No.15674337

Your explanation doesn't speak to the complaint. The complaint is that "just eggs" is Orwellian because it's not "only eggs." The correct answer is that "just" doesn't alwalys mean "only."

>> No.15674346

We must strive to reduce suffering. You sound resigned to the idea that the way things are will never change and therefore everyone must adapt. The fact that such a movement exists already says much about where innate human morality points to.
Who cares about what nature dictates?

>> No.15674351

>The correct answer is that "just" doesn't alwalys mean "only."
In the context of food, yeah it fucking does.

>> No.15674355

>Is there a scientific explanation for why vegans always want to name their ersatz food products after non-vegan foods?
It's not scientific but there is an explanation. Vegan substitute products are intended to be used in-place-of an animal product in existing recipes. Consumers already know what to do with an egg slurry, or ground beef, etc... It's VERY difficult to sell a supermarket product if potential customers have no idea what to do with your product. The name clarifies the product's intended use. I do agree that calling the product "Just egg" is misleading.

>> No.15674359

So again, your position is that leave them to extinction just because they may experience suffering at some point in time. Again, PETA-brain take.

>> No.15674364

>We must strive to reduce suffering.

>> No.15674377

>We must strive to reduce suffering.
>Therefore you aren't allowed to have any of the foods you like and instead you have to suffer on an insufficient diet of estrogen filled goyslop
Ooops! Looks like the vegans didn't think through their virtue signalling rhetoric too thoroughly

>> No.15674379

No, not in the context of food. Maybe in the context of idiots it does. Do we really need a culture of lawsuits initiated by any idiot who pretends to not understand simple English?
I don't agree that calling the product "just egg" is misleading.

>> No.15674385

> So again, your position is that
So you're either a shill or trolling.

>> No.15674387

chitin is inflammatory and causes cancer. particularly when it is ground up into little pieces. they are trying to kill you

>> No.15674388

Are you considering the vegan egg slurry in a bottle to be righteous eggs or something? I think the common interpretation of "just egg" would imply it contains exactly, exclusively, eggs.

>> No.15674392

Suffering is inherent in nature. If it's not us. the wolves will be tearing them apart alive. We do reduce suffering. I'm saying that there's no justice in any scenario until fusion and we give them back to the wolves to thin the herd. Either that, or have separate reserves for each species equivalent to a zoo. If we eliminate meat, they're extinct before we get society transforming abundance.

>> No.15674397

What in the ingredient list contains chitin?

>> No.15674398

You can get your protein from dairy, eggs, nuts, fish, lentils etc. I also eat chicken because I don't mind eating dumb birds.

>> No.15674399

>No, not in the context of food.
Yes in the context of food, you lying vegan faggot. If you sell me a product called "just cement" and it turns out to be a bag of sand, you're going to have to explain to the JUSTice department how you thought semantic games could let you get away with brazen advertisement misrepresentation.

>> No.15674400

I'm only stating a truism of English: "just" is used to imply morality at least as often as it's used to imply purity.

>> No.15674402

>"just" is used to imply morality at least as often as it's used to imply purity.
Not in the context of marketing commodities.

>> No.15674403

Not if the product you bought was clearly a cement alternative with a moral pretext.

>> No.15674404

"Just eggs" is hardly a commodity.

>> No.15674407

Operative word, "clearly". This is a yellow bottle that says JUST EGG on it in huge bold letters, emulating the packaging of bottle egg whites.

>> No.15674411

This product is a food ingredient, it is a commodity. Eggs are a much more widely traded commodity. You can literally speculate on the prices of eggs

>> No.15674416

If you buy "bottled egg whites," you should kill yourself. Now. Do it.

If you don't and you're just arguing semantics for the sake of it, you're absolutely wrong. Try filing a civil suit that claims damages against "just eggs" on the grouns that use you were too stupid to understand that "just" means "moral."

>> No.15674419

chitin is bug shells, which are never removed. obviously this doesn't apply to just eggs. but in any case they are trying to kill you

>> No.15674424

Describing a thing with a word doesn't mean that the thing you've described with the word actually has anything to do with the word you described the thing with. I know that it's hard for millennials to understand the distinction. I wish you all the best sorting it out.

>> No.15674425

>If you buy "bottled egg whites," you should kill yourself. Now. Do it.
Are you fucking retarded? It's a very common product used in all sorts of cooking.

>> No.15674429

>Describing a thing with a word doesn't mean that the thing you've described with the word actually has anything to do with the word you described the thing with.
For example, calling your slurry of mung beans and canola oil JUST EGG.

>> No.15674432

Do you seriously buy a product called bottled eggs whites?

>> No.15674433

I don't disagree.

>> No.15674436

lmao you're all being played by the same troll

>> No.15674437

I did an insane cutting diet once where I drank egg whites every day.

>> No.15674442

that's not that insane. you were just fat.

>> No.15674443

Exclusively. Just egg whites, in fact.

>> No.15674444

And you seriously didn't crack your own eggs for that?

>> No.15674446

Chickens are smarter than cows and pigs

>> No.15674450

You're being played by the same troll just by posting that. Sorry I broke your hymen in this thread

>> No.15674451

Why would I do that when the carton is convenient?

>> No.15674455

Yes. It's very common. Useful for baking if you want to cut down on cholesterol from using whole eggs. You can even just drink it, if you're a mad man.

>> No.15674459

Oof. Just so you know, heart problems in kiddies aren't vaxx related—they're carton related.

>> No.15674464

I skipped the vaxx so that I can consume from plastic containers safely. You have to pick your poisons sometimes.

>> No.15674467

that's also not that extreme. it is suboptimal, but not extreme. you basically did retard keto.

congrats on losing the weight. but if you honestly think there's some other way, man, I have got some bad news for you.

>> No.15674469

So the argument boils down to "I'm mad because my carton of egg jizz doesn't come from a chicken"? There's no sympathy for that at all. Not from me, not from the law.

>> No.15674471

I understand that you've never gone grocery shopping before, but believe it not, sometimes prepared ingredients are not enormously more expensive than raw ingredients.
Here is a half gallon of egg whites for 5 bucks
That's actually probably cheaper than the number of raw eggs you would need to get that much egg white, which would probably be at least 3 cartons. This is possible because they use the yolk for other products.

>> No.15674476

>So the argument boils down to "I'm mad because my carton of egg jizz doesn't come from a chicken"?
Yes, you stupid faggot. I expect a product labeled EGG to be fucking EGG, not a retarded vegetable facsimile.
>not from the law.
We'll see, this one is pretty brazen, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets pulled.

>> No.15674478

Oh I've never been over 200lbs, I'm just lazy. I was attempting to shred for a music festival.

>> No.15674493

I've done grocery shopping for the last 5 months. (My wife's overseas visiting her dying mother.) I buy blue eggs in the form of an egg with a blue shell and I wouldn't put your (((hebe))).com egg jizz into my mouth even if the grocery store paid me to eat it. Why do you?

>> No.15674497

sick breh. ozzie ozzie ozzie oi oi oi

>> No.15674499

>drinking antinutrients

>> No.15674502

Don't hold your breath. I grew up in the vegan-faggot epicenter of the universe and "just egg" = "fake egg" is legally unassailable.

>> No.15674530

Only reason I would eat plant based proteins for a time is just getting more nutrients on top of more protein with meat. Not that I give a shit about moralizing about meat/Mother Earth since I am not a fag. Just trying to curb unhealthy eating habits but genetics makes it difficult. I don't partake in any smoking and overconsumption of alcohol, but refined sugars are my biggest vice.

>> No.15674545
File: 34 KB, 1024x819, 1691996626651473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674554

I mean he's not wrong, our decision making is mostly determined by genetics

>> No.15674558

Zero calorie drinks and keto branded junk food are your solutions. I drink zero calorie flavored teas, sports drinks, and energy drinks by the gallon. They're awesome.
>Only reason I would eat plant based proteins for a time is just getting more nutrients on top of more protein with meat.
Same. I enjoy a these "protein noodles" that are obviously intended for vegans trying to get their protein in, but I add my own meat. I end up with about 50g of protein in a moderately sized bowl of ramen or stir fry, plus a good micro composition. Replacing carb sources like noodles with high protein "vegan" versions of the same thing is great.

>> No.15674559

to what extent? i understand basketball americans being genetically dispositioned to violence, but how about the choice to put the fork down?

>> No.15674562
File: 72 KB, 1024x787, Anime_Cirno_Spilled_Pasghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a scientific explanation for why vegans always want to name their ersatz food products after non-vegan foods?

I'm gonna drop the canonical marketing/food science explanation if anybody is interested:

A common source of confusion, but these products aren't marketed towards vegetarians and vegans.
Things like unbelievable burgers, onions, etc.. Aren't made, advertised, and intended to capture people who don't eat meat because people don't meat already have their own alternatives in things like seitan, beans, *quorn, tofu, as well as dairy products and eggs (provided they're not a vegan). Vegetarians are already like this, already have their lifestyle, already have their dietary items, because if they didn't they wouldn't be vegetarians. Vegetarians, actual honest to god vegetarians, aren't interested in eating meat replicated products; they're often redundant, and not cost competitive.

These products are designed to capture ignorant 'modern' people converting or crossing over into vegetarianism or veganism with no previous knowledge. People who don't know any better, don't have a history of vegetarianism , don't eat the inexpensive alternatives and don't know to eat them, so there's opportunity for customer capture where previously there was none. It's all for them.

*I'd highly recommend quorn for anybody who's interested in meat alternatives.

>> No.15674572

I do partake in the extreme overconsumption of alcohol but 5/8 of my greatgrandparents are/were centenarians (the only 1/8 who didn't overconsume alcohol still overconsumes ice cream).

>> No.15674586
File: 547 KB, 1128x1080, 1680221256910616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not sure how plant agriculture could possibly be worse
of course you're not sure because you think plants have all the same nutrients that animal foods (they don't)

>> No.15674587

I disagree from experience with everything in your post, except that it's a "canonical marketing/food science explanation." Anything marketed as "just eggs" is clearly and strictly marketed to people who don't want to buy animal eggs. No one who was trying to buy eggs would ever buy a carton of something "just eggs"—expect maybe this guy >>15674471 lmao.

>> No.15674598

funny thing is, it would actually be fairly easy to create plant food that roughly approximates the nutrition in animal foods. like it is objectively measurable which amino acids are lacking in plant foods

or for example, baby formula. they know EXACTLY what compounds, such as lactoferrin and monolaurin, are missing, because they are given to babies dying of infections and malnutrition. but they deliberately DO NOT PUT IT in formula so that they can kill more children

they just choose not to. they're trying to kill people, or weaken them significantly so that they hyperconsume MORE of the shitty onions food out of desperation.

>> No.15674604

It is the cravings for sugars from cream in coffee to boost energy and pastries I make at home. Similar to the cravings people have for smoking and drinking to deal with stress.

>> No.15674615

It will never be economical to approximate vegan nutrition to what humans need to thrive. So it will never happen.

>> No.15674627

it's actually not that expensive. in terms of amino acid costs, it's roughly maybe one dollar of additives per day.

you realize a daily dose of a single amino acid is less than a nickel right?

vegans are just fucking retarded. vegan food is expensive because vegans are retarded and pay top dollar for the thing in green packaging, which they believe will stop them from dying.

vegan food, from a production standpoint, is quite cheap. that's why companies love making it.

>> No.15674636

you have a sugar addiction. it's not a genetic thing, almost the whole population has one. you are simply too lazy to stop eating it

>> No.15674671

Virtually every prepared baked good that you've ever bought that had egg as an ingredient was made with egg out of a carton. I used to work in a fancy bakery that sold a lot of braided jewbread and we never cracked an egg once to make the dough. Every kike in town that didn't bake their own was eating eggs out of carton. We had to run the whole bakery kosher just to sell that one product, but it was a big moneymaker so we did

>> No.15674675

did the kike mafia come in and force you to do the kosher ceremony and pay them the kosher tax via monthly inspections?

>> No.15674680

>A lot of people buy a lot of expensive trash
I know. I've never bought any "prepared baked goods" and God willing I never will.

>> No.15674691

You've never purchased bread? Are you twelve years old?

>> No.15674711

I admittedly have a wife and I'm clearly American. Certainly that pegs me at > 12. I've purchased fresh bread from bakeries who don't use egg jizz and I've purchased supermarket-quality crumpets and English muffins that also specifically don't use egg jizz. I'm sorry that my intentional abstinence from egg jizz makes you so mad (?)

>> No.15674720

virgin processed ingredient user vs gigachad egg cracker

>> No.15674726


>> No.15674740

i don't care about moral veganism, we were given dominion over animals. however, it makes sense that humans live the longest on a plant based diet. your body is designed to be vegan

>> No.15674749

>ufos and aliens on candies

>> No.15674888
File: 766 KB, 563x703, 1675276219081335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your body is designed to be vegan
every plant you buy at the goymarket today has been cultivated by humans
why do you think it's natural to be vegan when none of the plants you consume are found in nature?
why do you think vegans go to such lengths to imitate the texture, taste and looks of animal foods?
why eat processed imitation animal foods when you can just eat the plant itself?
also see >>15674586
veganism is a cult for gullible and well-meaning people, don't ruin your health by eating a vegan diet

>> No.15674916

You forgot my favorite
>organic honey

>> No.15674919

>why do you think it's natural to be vegan when none of the plants you consume are found in nature?
none of the animals are natural either. they are pumped full of antibiotics, growth hormones, and genetically bred for the most marketable meat
>don't ruin your health by eating a vegan diet
ruin it how? the only way to get chronic illnesses are from eating animal products

>> No.15674923

> vegans are just fucking retarded. vegan food is expensive because vegans are retarded and pay top dollar for the thing in green packaging, which they believe will stop them from dying.

Facts. My wife is vegan and after I pointed out Walmart sold the exact same brands as Whole Foods in larger quantities for cheaper prices she dropped the advertising and started looking at labels.

>tfw vegetarian refried beans are twice the price of fat free refried beans

>> No.15674929

> your body is designed to be vegan

There has never been a vegan society in all of history. Without modern cross temperate zone shipping and processed foods, vegans would die en mass of malnutrition. And some still do.

>> No.15674932

>Without modern cross temperate zone shipping and processed foods, vegans would die en mass of malnutrition.
yes it is not practical for people living in frozen climates to be vegan. however, that is why the inuits end up looking elderly in their 40s. humans adapt as evident by mcdonalds humans being able to eat dopamine bombs without freaking out, but the vegan diet is the optimal diet for longevity

>> No.15674933

> none of the animals are natural either. they are pumped full of antibiotics, growth hormones, and genetically bred for the most marketable meat

>tfw I grew up eating grass fed, cage free, free range, organic meat
>tfw had my first hamburger when I was 7

>> No.15674939

it's going to be a hard time for organic meat enjoyers when the antibiotic mutants end up creating super diseases that wipe pure blooded cows out

>> No.15674941

Inuits look old because they live in the elements and weather like a rock or tree bark. The Masai, who also live on a carnivore diet so not show similar signs of aging, though that may be due to the fact that blacks don’t crack.

>> No.15674947

Here’s the crazy shit about that. That only happens the last six months of a cows life. You can still find butchers who will get you cows before they end up at the feed lots.

>> No.15674970

>The Masai, who also live on a carnivore diet so not show similar signs of aging
that's true, i think their physical activity is a reason why they age slower. inuits are too encumbered to be running around. they did do autopsies on some masai tribesmen and found that a huge portion of them had atherosclerosis without experiencing the symptoms. to me, it makes more sense for first worlders to avoid that kind of diet. we all know that meat tastes good and that we will curse the earth as we painfully die of whatever disease our pleasures cause
enjoy while it lasts. you better believe that the super elites are going to make some changes within our lifetime

>> No.15674974

Not only do plants feel pain, but they can communicate that pain to other plants so they activate defense mechanisms.

>> No.15674993

You should understand that people have to find ridiculous excuses to hate on vegans because the idea that they are actually virtuous for doing what they do disturbs the fuck out of them and would hurt their ego if they didn't find ways to make it into a crazy caricature they can dismiss and feel good about doing so. The know animals suffer and can prevent that, but don't want to do shit about that themselves, so they shit on people who do to feel adequate, hence all the "well, plants could have feelings" nonsense.

>> No.15675007
File: 33 KB, 429x767, vegan cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virtue signalling is only done by people who have atrocious personalities that they're trying to disguise, vegans are drawn to the holier than thou virtue signalling lifestyle for that reason alone.
if they were only doing it for their own personal satisfaction then they wouldn't be trying to constantly force their way of life on others.
they claim that they care about the suffering of animals and their solution is to promote suffering in humans instead, they think that way because of their atrocious misanthropic personalities

>> No.15675062

there are virtue signalers in everything. only low IQ people let spergs define a whole category of people. there truly is no real scotsman

>> No.15675080

You're a retard.

>> No.15675083

Another retard.

>> No.15675086

I gave literally never met a single vegan that even understood what amino acids do

People that do something without understanding why, and try to force others, are CATEGORICALLY evil

I have no problem at all fiscriminating against vegans

>> No.15675091

My wife is a vegan. She’s not an ethical vegan. She’s not militaristic about it. I would say that 90% of vegans aren’t deserving of your time.

>> No.15675100

Okay. So a single person is not mikitaristic about it. But most of them ARE militaristic about it, and ALL of them are fucking ignorant about even what an amino acid does.

That makes them categorically evil.

Not all cancer kills you. I dont fucking care. Cancer is categorically a bad thing

>> No.15675107

She’s not ignorant. Any longer. It took some learning for both of us. Look anon, if you’re enjoying a fat burger and some cunt starts screaming at you I’m not saying give them the time of day. I’m saying that if you offer your BLT to someone and they demure, hear them out. They might not be so bad.

>> No.15675119

Someone that does something vlindly having no clue gow it actually works is categorically an idiot. Stupidity is a categorical evil. Sorry anon, i am not going to coddle the fact that your wife has an extremely stupid side to her.

She mught be a good person. Good people have evil sides. But that part of her is stupid and evil both. Your wife is a fucking idiot.

If you guys raised a vegan baby you would gace raised a brain damaged baby. You just got lucky. Being lucky doesnt make her less stupid or make the harm of a baby less of a sin.

>> No.15675249


>> No.15675258

>If you guys raised a vegan baby you would gace raised a brain damaged baby.
breast milk is vegan. you don't understand what veganism is

>> No.15675264

The mother will be nutrient drficient and at some point you are going to start needing to feed the child meat

Stoo making excuses

>> No.15675273

>The mother will be nutrient drficient
why? people keep saying this, but no one ever tells me what kind of deficiencies are 100% expected to happen on a vegan diet

>> No.15675285

Look at this. Youre literally doing it without even understanding anything about biology.

Anon, there is no such thing as a situation where being stupider is preferable to being smarter. Bring stupid is a categorical evil.

Youre being stupid right now. Open up a book you nigger

>> No.15675295

>Look at this. Youre literally doing it without even understanding anything about biology.
no anon, i understand why veganism is possible BECAUSE i understand the things that make a plant based diet work. again, no one has ever told me why a vegan diet is terrible for health

>> No.15675348

>t. brain damaged vegan