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15673446 No.15673446 [Reply] [Original]

How Marxists are fucking over every human being on the planet via social engineering and have been doing since the 60's.
Most human has been at a stage in late teens where they are worried they are homosexual, when it is proven it is always due to childhood trauma.
At this sensitive age, the worry triggers a lot of anxiety which triggers fight and flight response which cause the brain to drive into overthinking to look for information to corroborate the theory.
Cannabis is consumed a lot at this age simply due to the age and desire to prove parents wrong. Cannabis has the side effect of causing paranoia and fueling the anxiety response.
Commies have been using the classic manipulation tactic, well if you don't like homosexuals it means you are one. That is a very deliberate social engineering method used to target critical thinkers
at an early age and shut down any head on response to their deceptive ways. As it immediately stops them from questioning anyone aligning support with the Rainbow flag.
Marxists have successfully socially engineered several generations of men and women to feel anxiety when they see the rainbow flag, or discuss the subject matter. It is done very deliberately as
it puts individuals in a heightened state of anxiety, which makes them easier to manipulate and control. It could be described as psychological warfare.

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>> No.15673448

Anyone who feels uncomfortable or anxious when seeing the Rainbow is driven into the thought process, I must be gay because it makes me feel uncomfortable. The truth is the thought of being gay
makes anyone feel uncomfortable, because you are naturally attracted to the opposite gender, and the thought of being called biologically homosexual causes anxiety at the thought of not being able
to enjoy the opposite gender sexually and romantically.
There you have it, this is why the Marxists are so full of pride. Their once innocent Rainbow has been turned into a very deceptive method of social engineering. One puzzles me is there is a lot
of foreign investment from Asia in LGBTQA+ propaganda, it's almost like there is a problem from that region as if they are full of social problems caused by childhood trauma that is expressing itself
in the form of a Rainbow - I believe it is an expression of humans asking for help to resolve their pain.

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>> No.15674101

Not exclusive to Marxism. Manipulation works like this based on my experience:

>accuse you of wrongdoings or character flaws, either imaginary or greatly exaggerated if real
>projection of the accuser's own wrongdoings or character flaws
>focuses only on your negatives, real or imagined, and ignores your positives
>pretends to be reasonable but fully disregards all of your concerns, complaints, opinions, achievements, suffering while forcing you to acknowledge and accept theirs
>makes you acknowledge your "inferiority" or "bad" status and therefore incapable of making good decisions
>accuser paint themselves as perpetual victims and you as the evil, privilege person
>accuser declare themselves "superior" and self-appoints himself as higher authority over you because of your "inferiority"
>proceeds to take advantage of your resources, whether money, labor, social interaction, or connections

>> No.15674247

all true except the egineers are not marxists.. and it has nothing to do with marxism..