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15670238 No.15670238 [Reply] [Original]

what is inside the singularity

>> No.15670244

Heaven, literally & unironically

>> No.15670251

How fast would you need to fly at a black hole to survive the increasing gravity and reach the event horizon to experience it?

>> No.15670255

There is no singularity. That is just where our current best theory stops working and we need a new one.

>> No.15670261

There is no singularity. The Schwarzchild approximation breaks down as r approaches rs. In reality you maintain timelike curves all the way to the center. The event horizon isn't a hard boundary, it's just that the curvature and redshift becomes so extreme that any light being produced is redshifted past the point of detectability.

>> No.15670265

theres a thought experiment about our universe being in the center of a black hole, so could be like firefighter poles down to smaller realities

>> No.15670305

what is it about black holes that makes them the number one most popular popsci topic of discussion amongst the brainlet soience fangoys?
is it the comic bookish aspects of the spectacular, unrealistic and completely non disprovable conjectures which go along with the topic that make black holes so popular amongst the scientist posers and wannabes?

>> No.15670351

probably the same reason bbc is such stupidly popular topic deemed conversion-worthy.

>> No.15670370


Spacetime is nonsense. It's just a very dense clump of matter which slowly loses energy and mass due to radiation.

>> No.15670545

So it is just a limit ? Perhaps we already area in a black hole and what we call dark energy is merely the effect of progressing towards the singularity.

>> No.15670614

A seedling

>> No.15670615
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>what is inside
we have no fucking clue. how is the matter behaving when it is squeezed into a fraction of space it usually occupies? we dont know. but we do know that the black hole size increases when it sucks more matter in which suggests it really is "just matter" condensed to extreme degree.

the only thing we know is that its a mass with so insane gravity pull it sucks in even light and that somehow it emmits energy via radiation which again dabs a little on current understanding of physics since it suggests there are indeed "particles" not influenced by gravitation.

they are big, super simple to describe and very mysterious. whats there not to like?

>> No.15670619

Deez nuts

>> No.15670669

>dabs a little on current understanding of physics since it suggests there are indeed "particles" not influenced by gravitation.

Isn't the leading theory that it's just anti/particle pairs where half of the pair is inside the event horizon and the other isn't, thereby causing a/the universal anti/particle imbalance?

Y'know, since quantum mechanics just lets energy condense spontaneously and all that.

>> No.15670679

Do you believe in singularities.

>> No.15670689
File: 742 KB, 1x1, The_Time_Travel_Interpretation_of_the_Bible__v6-20230416.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is inside the singularity
The Bible.

>> No.15670690

epic if true

>> No.15670696
File: 1.37 MB, 1x1, TheWeatherVane__PAPER__20210224.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a novel.

>> No.15670786

>two people viewing the exact same information being presented to them in the exact same ways for a long enough time
something like that happening would cause true love to exist and the aliens dont want us to know that. thats why i cant hate mcdonalds the way gay guys cant complain when their wives start going vegan

>> No.15670922

This makes so much sense wtf

>> No.15671194

The curvature doesn't diverge at the Schwarzschild radius. You can make the curvature as small as you want by increasing the mass of the black hole. You are confusing the apparent singularity in the metric at the event horizon which is just due to poor coordinates with the real singularity within the event horizon.

>> No.15671246

as my physics professor at uni said
>paper can bear any bullshit and if you have enough time you can invent system of math equasions supporting that bullshit. prove it by experiment or shut up
so the idea of (positive) particle staying in blackhole while the anti or negative particle just walking away ignoring gravity pull is just that: a theory.

Plus if that was true then the blackholes would lose their mass over time which again i am not sure if that was ever seen or even measured otherwise the law of preserving matter / energy would be violated.

Plus what would that even look like? The black hole is holding all that INSANE acumulatted matter and energy by infinitely strong force. But as it would lose energy/matter by the radiation eventually the strength holding it all together got weaker than what is needed to keep all that atoms stacked in essentially zero dimensions space and they would want to retain their "natural" state so the black hole collapse would must end up in very spectacular blast where it would vomit all matter and energy back into space. And nobody ever seen anything like that.

Tldr nobody knows. And until somebody will make their own mini version of black hole in a lab nobody can know for sure.

>> No.15671248

Overspin a black hole and find out.

>> No.15671273

There is no singularity. There is an object in there frozen in time.

>> No.15671406

I'm not confusing them, I'm proposing an alternative explanation for the event horizon. One which simultaneously solves the unknown paradoxes of flipping time-like and space-like curves inside an event horizon (by doing away with an actual event horizon) and solves the information paradox without the need for ridiculous virtual particles (emission occurs, but at subradio frequencies). The only thing this model requires is an explanation for what maintains the structure of the black hole beyond the TOV limit, however relativity itself offers a novel solution for this - since the inherent speed at which infalling matter can travel is limited by the speed of light, the mass flux is bottlenecked by relativistic effects, acting as a kind of resistive pressure against the collapse - even in the absence of degeneracy pressure.

>> No.15671454
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>> No.15671806

>I'm not confusing them
You are making several conceptual mistakes in your previous post and now. I would advise you to read a basic textbook in general relativity (like Sean Carroll's book). Before you presume to discuss Hawking radiation read a basic textbook on quantum field theory in curved spacetime (like Mukhanov's)

>> No.15671815

>delusions of intellectual grandiosity

>> No.15671816

>Plus if that was true then the blackholes would lose their mass over time
Isn't that exactly what black hole evaporation is, and why there's schizo theories such as the holographic principle to try and cope with that radiation since (if it exists) it violates unitarity and it completely fucks up the second law of thermodynamics since it would imply information/entropy can be destroyed?

>> No.15671899

a star

>> No.15673146

>increasing gravity
Look at Iron on the surface of Earth versus at the core of the Earth

>> No.15673178

square 1
welcome to the real circle of life

>> No.15673741

>black hole evaporation
i will believe this when i will see it (some telescope will film it, ideally in real time).

Besides we dont really know what that radiation is from. For all we know it could be leftovers from eaten "space". And even then how can the radiation particles ignore the gravity pull?

>> No.15673761

a black baby

>> No.15674111

Here's my erroneous mathematical calculation and here's an imagined real physical object which my erroneous mathematical calculation predicts, albeit clearly erroneously.
What's inside it?
Your mom living inside your ass.