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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 160 KB, 377x316, eliz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15667672 No.15667672 [Reply] [Original]

>yes, a sufficiently intelligent ai can solve the prisoner dilemma
is this nigger retarded?

>> No.15667674

He flunked out of highschool to write harry potter fanfic.

>> No.15667676

He's basically a religious nut masked with popsci thinking. He even manages to have his own salvation/apocalypse dynamics in his ramblings.

>> No.15667738

oh he jewish alright

>> No.15667740

>jewish shills shilling jewish shills
>every day of the year
>24 hours a day
>for your entire life
>a constant nonstop never ending barrage of incessant jewish shilling
>from jews who lividly hate you, consider you to be no better than livestock, call you "stupid goyim" behind your back and wish that you were dead

>> No.15667792

he's a communist. So is Altman. It's in their genes.

>> No.15667818

What? There's nothing to solve. A prisoner should testify against the other.

>> No.15667822
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, israel iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews are low iq

>> No.15667837

Literally who?

>> No.15667871


>Two AIs study each other and calculate probability that the other will cheat
>Probability reaches 99.99% probability the other won't cheat
>Gradually slow cheating until you reach 99.99%
>Start cooperating

Am I missing something?

>> No.15667897

he's the president of reddit

>> No.15667904

Reddit is actually owned by Advance Publications which is in turn owned by Steven and Donald Newhouse, both of whom are jewish, which is why Reddit promotes jewish personalities.

>> No.15667923

12 years ago maybe. Roko's basilisk did a number on how people perceived that community. Yud's deranged babbling about an AI becoming a magical wizard that ends the world with super-nukes was the killing blow.

>> No.15667924

These are the brown jews aka original jews, not ashkenazi with part-european mixture