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File: 77 KB, 800x388, vocationalnursing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15665982 No.15665982 [Reply] [Original]

Why are nursing students and nurses so trashy? Do they actually expect doctors to date them?
>you're just coping
I'm really not. I don't want them either

>> No.15665988

I date a Ph.D. student.
>t. M.D. student

>> No.15666011


>> No.15666030

It's a very production oriented profession. The closer an occupation is to the production process, the increased likelihood that the people of that occupation are treated like human garbage.
>Nurses are treated like shit especially in nursing school
>This leads to trashy behavior
You can see this in all sorts of trades. Nursing is a trade, a highly skilled one, but still a trade.Once you start to notice this, you will note similar behavior from other tradies.

>> No.15666078

That's the working class for you.
Ghastly oiks.

>> No.15666167
File: 154 KB, 1171x544, women_opinions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are mostly upper-middle class white girls that have had the world given to them on a platter. They are only doing nursing because this is what they have been told to do and their natural inclination is to hate work. They already had a massive ego going into nursing ("You're a Disney Princes", "Here's your softball participation trophy", "Here's our school's new state mandated 'Grrrrl Power' curriculum", etc) so giving them more money and telling them they are heroes during COVID is just throwing fuel on the fire. The good looking ones will marry a med student, then quit after a few years, spending their days shopping at Whole Foods, doing Yoga, and having wine brunches with other mom's, then eventually their looks will fade, Dr. Chad will cheat on them, and they'll become a viral video of a fat, busted Karen yelling at a Subway worker for not putting enough ham on her sandwich. The ones that don't get married just keep working until they are old and fat and their only recourse is to criticize everyone else's work (including Dr.s) while simultaneously trying to prove they are more compassionate than Mother Terresa but deep down they know they hate every patient they touch because they hate their life and all the choices leading to the present.

>> No.15666219

I read once that women are attracted to the profession of nurse not beacuase they care but precisely because they don't care, but want to be caring.
Normal people with empathy would not be able to cope with the patients suffering and dying but women can.

>> No.15666394

nurses are low class, they date/marry police officers, another low class profession

>> No.15666576

Women go to college so they can find high value men, not to better themselves.
There’s a quote I can’t fully remember that basically said “intelligence only serves to increase a woman’s folly, not her reason”

>> No.15666841

Not really. I'm a doctor and the nursing team is always really separate. Doctors change wards relatively often and there's a pretty universal divide.

I get on with them but all our socials are separate, we eat separately etc. Never known any to actually date the other and i've been practicing for 6 years now.

>> No.15666920

To become a nurse, you need to be narcissistic about your good looks. (You do, it's not a de jure requirement, but it is a de facto requirement)

Women who are narcissistic about their good looks will be trashy.

Hence, women who become a nurse will be trashy.

This is on average, there's outliers of course, but most of them suffer from hubris because they think they are models or something. That leads to a shitty personality.

>> No.15667012

Almost every nurse will get pumped and dumped by a doctor at some point in their careers.
So they become jaded when they realize they'll never be able to marry a doctor and have babies with a much richer and more successful person.

>> No.15667014

What is the scientific explanation for nurse butt?

>> No.15667015

Women really are disgusting retards

>> No.15667032

I wanted to go to nursing school because i was never going to get into med school and i wanted to work on health related things but for life issiues ended up having to do low living manual labor.
I always like post like this >>15666167
But thats most likely because im coping ultra hard

>> No.15667116

Really isn't the case. They're more likely to get pumped and dumped by some domestic than a doctor. There's a pretty hard team divide.

>> No.15667369

I should have added an "or" qualifier to the second part.
A lot of nurses don't like the fact that they aren't hot or intelligent enough to marry a doctor.
I had the mistake of hooking up with several nurses while I was in college, and I am insanely glad I never ended up with one.

>> No.15667374

Does a fucking nurse really seem like someone who would match for an interventional rad residency? No. They are walking human trashbins.

>> No.15667487

I love how people in this thread are saying that nurses date/marry doctors and meanwhile, I'm a Wizard doctor lol. I guess I'm the exception to the rule?

>> No.15667503
File: 314 KB, 1400x1500, MOGGED philippines edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 28 and just avoided wizard status this year, had 6 since then. There is hope. Have you tried Filipinas? Lot of them are nurses.

>> No.15667601

could always still pursue your dreams :)
(or go for DO/podiatrist school or try nursing to become an NP or some other midlevel like physician assistant/optometry/etc)

>> No.15667619

Give PA school some thought. Easier admission, you won't have to deal with the hell of Step exams and residency, and you'll still make good money.

>> No.15667624

nursing doesn't seem all that highly skilled to me. they import third worlders for it, people make it a later-in-life career change all the time, I see 50 year old women who are just today starting their career as a nurse. Also dudes who did something much more labor intensive from 20-45 and now need a well paying 'retirement job' because they can't swing a sledgehammer anymore, veterans, all kinds of people who spend 6 months to 2 years making an easy career change that they do for 5-10 years and then quit, maybe it's highly technical, but I wouldn't say highly skilled

>> No.15667630

>Why are nursing students and nurses so trashy?
Most nursing students are trashy because they're young, college age girls. Older nurses are often trashy because they've lived in the wage cage their whole lives with minimal professional/personal development. You get nurses who are more professional once you get into specialty units with retard filters (like ICU)
>Do they actually expect doctors to date them?
Students maybe, but the reality is that this is a really outdated meme from like the 1950s.
t. former critical care nurse, now medical student

>> No.15667645

>Chicken McDo

>> No.15667654
File: 92 KB, 768x1024, jollibee dabbing on the inferior KFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're trying to compete with Jollibee, which has that horrible Filipino version of spaghetti. Ketchup and noodles and cold unmelted cheese.

>> No.15667669

what would it feel like to be such a giant human?

>> No.15667673

>get into medical school
>start innahospital third year
>all the nurses are either with other nurses or get poached by the PAs
You bastards lied to me

>> No.15667690
File: 3.93 MB, 270x480, circumcision room.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15667693
File: 131 KB, 652x384, circumcision revenge on male population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15667694
File: 59 KB, 776x365, circumcision sadist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15667696
File: 35 KB, 640x318, circumcision euphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15667698
File: 34 KB, 640x303, circumcision panties soaking wet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15667701
File: 955 KB, 576x1024, nurse responds to circumcision disgust.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15667704

You have to be good looking and not an autistic 4channer for that.

>> No.15667705
File: 3.56 MB, 5240x2116, forced circumcision in america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15667775

What time of day do you suck the most dick on your shift, vs getting fucked up the ass?

>> No.15667778

i would kill myself if i lost my virginity at 28 lol

reminds me of nick mullen's bit like

>oh yeah, i started having sex...at 27

might as well end it bud, or not. but still very funny, thanks for sharing

>> No.15667838

Nick says that about anybody who's even a little unfortunate because he desperately wants to die himself. His life is just too fortunate to justify it. Another example of how pussy and money don't equal happiness, but they sure help.

>> No.15668333

these two are so fake it's hilarious

>> No.15668430

Nurses are the female version of the trash that join the marines.

>> No.15668442

It's people not in medicine who say it. Anyone who is in the field knows there just isn't that interaction. We always have fliers up in the wards about nursing team parties but it's just understood it's not for doctors. Which is a shame as I get on with the nurses.

>> No.15668446

Biggest problem is the doctors who did marry a nurse so we all have to pretend NPs and Nursoids aren’t trashy retards