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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15665804 No.15665804 [Reply] [Original]

back in the 2000s religious fundies were like the biggest enemies of 4chan but today
4chan is nothing but 100% Anti-intellectual
religious fundamentalist and zealots who hate Aryan science and historical and scientific achivements and general knowledge and philosophy and science and reading books

>> No.15665806
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pic related,a 2009 rage comic attacking fundies
how did 4chan became it's own enemy???

>> No.15665807
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Pic related is no longer cool or anti-establishment so it's out. Go back.

>> No.15665811

>i can't read.
what would your beloved philosophes do?

>> No.15665813

Anti-intellectualism is our shield.
Retardism our strength

>> No.15665814

Don't know what your mentally ill rambling is about. I'm just telling you why you're not welcome here.

>> No.15665815

>being stupid and illiterate like a nigger is cool.

who are intelligent philosophes like plato,copernicus
leonardo da vinci and

Go support ISIS if you hate aryan science so much

>> No.15665817

See >>15665814.

>> No.15665820
File: 188 KB, 1050x1205, d8b232b5d14894e20ebe587c7efd61fa9bf686b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't read lol.

do you hate aryan knowledge and science?

>> No.15665822

shit we had like a whole clean week with no religious bullshit

>> No.15665825

>people who hate Aryan science from Aryan scientists such as Einstein, von Neumann, Feynman, Bohr, Oppenheimer, Gell-Mann, Witten and all other Aryan scientists pushed daily on /sci/ in Aryan scientist personality cult threads

>> No.15665829

>aryan science
You realize that by literal Nazi standards this was completely untrue, right? This has to be b8. You know Einstein was a Jew, right?

>> No.15665834

to be fair he was still inspired by gentiles.

>> No.15665835

all of those people were very religious, only midwits think science and religion (cosmology) are separate things. you overdosed on abarahamism. return to aryanism. you ask what happened? I showed them the truth you weren't smart enough to find

>> No.15665836

>How did Anti-intellectualism plagued 4chan??

Two big things happened:
-Anti-intellectualism became associated with anti-establishment and it's just downward spiraled to the point where you can't tell anyone anything. Progressives consider "facts" colonialist, racist, and used to maintain racial priviledge. Conservatives consider "facts", and by extension academia, to be biased against them, and/or often part of some conspiracy.

-Homeless people mobile posting.

>> No.15665840

Name one objectively and demonstrably good thing about "intellectualism". While you're at it, notice your rage at having your false god questioned and how much you struggle with my simple request. :^)

>> No.15665846
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this quote destroy you all,any questions?

>> No.15665848

Back in the 2000s the only people using the internet were young, smart, and interesting
Now every faggot with an iPhone posts his dribbling opinions all over

>> No.15665851
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how do anti intellectuals responds to this?

>> No.15665854

>if old religions were wiped out and new ones had to evolve again from scratch, the new ones wouldn't be identical to the old ones
>therefore... uhh... something
I don't believe in any gods but a low IQ line of reasoning that goes nowhere.

>> No.15665855

>Name one objectively and demonstrably good thing about "intellectualism"
it's baked in, we filtered ourselves for it. before you say that's not possible just look at dogs. that shit will unpack itself very fast. it is stronger than reason in most individuals.

>> No.15665858
File: 1.63 MB, 498x270, amazing-atheist-banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only people using the internet were young, smart, and interesting
Pic related.

>> No.15665860

he says that science is the absolute truth
and if were wiped out,someone else will still find it,
unlike religions.
also see >>15665851

>> No.15665861

I don't think anti-intellectualism or anti-science are particularly popular here. Anti-elitism and anti-Science™, however...

>> No.15665862

What about medicine, you mental cripple? I thougth you were an intellectual, but you can't even form a coherent sentence?

>> No.15665863


>> No.15665864

i have a question
1:is the sky blue?
2:is 2+2=4?
if you got at least one of them wrong,you are anti-intellectual.

>> No.15665865

>and if were wiped out,someone else will still find it
That's an amusingly idiotic proposition...

>unlike religions.
But for the sake, suppose it were true... what of it?

>> No.15665866

>if all of science was wiped out, we would give a Nobel prize to the guy who invented lobotomy all over again

>> No.15665868


>> No.15665870

>if all of science was wiped out,someone else will eventually discover and find out lobotomy on his own.

>> No.15665873

I'm tempted to conclude you're trolling, but most internet "intellectuals" are actual lobotomy victims like you who spew shit like this unironically.

>> No.15665874

Dumbass, the "giving the Nobel prize to the guy who figured out how to butcher people's brains for social control's is the cause of the anti-intellectualism, not the neurological knowledge that led to that particular abuse.

>> No.15665879

Imagine 2 apples. Then you put 2 more apples down. Count them together you get 4. Is that a correct sources?

>> No.15665880
File: 194 KB, 860x856, 35234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neurological knowledge
The "neurological knowledge" that if you give someone brain damage using a particular arbitrary procedure, it may or may not affect their mind in some unspecified manner that generally has nothing to do with the intended outcome? You people can't be serious.

>> No.15665883

Yeah, sorry, they had to shove a few thousand icepicks in some eye sockets to be sure the results were reproducible.

>> No.15665885


>> No.15665886

But why would the addition of one number to another increase the cardinality of the set?

>> No.15665887

your brain tells you god is real and you have no choice but to believe it. once you give it a name it's over, you'll spiral into a story from which you will never be able to get out. it will hurt too bad to do it. the short of it is that you are quite fucked.

>> No.15665888
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>> No.15665889

I thought you were trying to illustrate the arbitrariness of the intermediate stages in the evolution of science as we know it, by the example of an obvious pseudoscientific practice and associated false beliefs. That would have been a good point. But then you made it about how people are anti-intellectuals because of lobotomy. Whatever.

>> No.15665894

You sound legit mentally ill. Clearly, your antipsychotics aren't helping. I wonder if in some parallel reality schizos like you would have gotten the same exact same ineffective meds based on the same faux science or if the science of psychiatry could've taken a slightly different form under different circumstances. :^)

>> No.15665896

well that was the status quo for tens of thousands of years, wasn't it? if you don't believe in some god you are insane.

>> No.15665897

Maybe try different meds to make the voices stop?

>> No.15665898

Lobotomy isn't pseudoscientific though. Fucking someone's eye rocket with a thin metal cock to render them more compliant is the epitome of science and the most sincere heartfelt desire of the IFLS crowd. The OP, for example, is absolutely seething that he can't just brainfuck out non-science away.

>> No.15665903

>Fucking someone's eye rocket with a thin metal cock to render them more compliant is the epitome of science
The epitome of science is making someone compliant by threatening to send a small lead core-projectile flying in the direction of their cranium at supersonic velocities. It's one of the most extensively tested and reproduced experiments in history.

>> No.15665905

The Taliban won.

>> No.15665907

>muh heckin' talibanerinoes
And I guess your government doesn't have any armed cops working for it.

>> No.15665912

i see little anti-intellectualism - and widespread rejection of the failed academic system

peer review is religion

>> No.15665914

>widespread rejection of the failed academic system
that's literally anti-intellectualism, christchud conspiratard antivaxxer

>> No.15665920

scientists used gunpowder to make gold and scare ghosts. they failed.

then engineers and warriors put gunpowder to practical use.

>> No.15665921

I'm American, so my federal, state, and local governments all have heavily armed police forces and they all fail miserably to obtain compliance with the law. I have witnessed people exchange illegal narcotics for sexual favors in front of a parked police tank. Your arms have no power here.

>> No.15665926

in the same way bank robbers are inspired by banks

>> No.15665928

you'll find that they weren't trying to enforce that law. who/whom, not what.

>> No.15665935

>they all fail miserably to obtain compliance with the law.
They're there to obtain compliance from you (which they do), not from the criminals they knowingly and actively import to justify bloating the apparatus that ensures your forced compliance.

>> No.15665986

>They're there to obtain compliance from you (which they do)
Do me a solid and tell that to my parole officer, thanks.

>> No.15665992

We gave the intellectuals a chance and they turned out to be cunts.

>> No.15666010

>i stole a pack of mentos once from Walmart. i'm gangsta now
Dumb wiggers.

>> No.15666016

>Progressives consider "facts" colonialist, racist, and used to maintain racial priviledge. Conservatives consider "facts", and by extension academia, to be biased against them, and/or often part of some conspiracy.
Ultimate midwit centrist take. Conservatives consider whatever they believe to be fact, and anything that contradicts it, even if it is demonstrably true, must be somehow mistaken. This is their fundamental disagreement with science, which constantly strives to refine its understanding of the world. Conservatives can't deal with new information. Progressives, on the other hand, simply question all these things held to be facts by society (and conservatives in particular) in order to constantly try to arrive at a more perfect understanding of the world. This is the thesis and the antithesis. If you say "progressives think facts are racist" you are implicitly siding with the conservatives who believe reality is inherently racist and that's just a fact you damn bleeding heart.

>> No.15666023

Ultimate midwit centrist take. Progressives consider whatever they believe to be fact, and anything that contradicts it, even if it is demonstrably true, must be somehow mistaken. This is their fundamental disagreement with science, which constantly strives to refine its understanding of the world. Progressives can't deal with new information. Conservatives, on the other hand, simply question all these things held to be facts by the science establishment (and progressives in particular) in order to constantly try to arrive at a more perfect understanding of the world. This is the thesis and the antithesis. If you say "conservatives think facts are wrong" you are implicitly siding with the progressives who believe reality is inherently degenerate and that's just a fact you damn nazi.

>> No.15666024

As the internet made society even more fake and gay, it made smart people look back and realize that everything in the past was just as fake and gay and they were still using the same techniques to make everything faker and gayer. All the time.

>> No.15666086

Reality is, in fact, inherently "degenerate" in that sense that people who do not conform to your platonic ideal exist and you can either accept the world for what it is or become a genocidal maniac in a futile and desperate attempt to remake the world in the image of your delusional "truth" which of course transcends mere factual reality. Not only are you not clever by using argumentative tactics straight from the playground, you accidentally made your strawman correct.

>> No.15666107

Reality is, in fact, inherently "racist" in that sense that people who do not live up to your idealistic equality exist and you can either accept the world for what it is or become an ethnomasochistic maniac in a futile and desperate attempt to remake the world in the image of your delusional "truth" which of course transcends mere factual reality. Not only are you not clever by using argumentative tactics straight from the playground, you accidentally made your strawman correct.

>> No.15666116

You are actually my equal though from an ethical perspective (though I am your intellectual and moral superior, of course).

>> No.15666122

cycle of petty spiteful contrarianism that started with rightwingers trying to suck up to evangelicals
>oh conservatives want to ban this? Then I will do this just to spite them
>oh liberals want to ban this? Then will do this just to spite them
liberals fucking love science? in that case I fucking hate science

there is no place quite as contrarian as 4chan

>> No.15666181

"Science is bunk" is not an antiintellectual opinion, it is an opinion that science has become antiintellectual.

>> No.15666225

>Aryan science
For fuck sake.

>> No.15666228

>Don't know what your mentally ill rambling is about. I'm just telling you why you're not welcome here.

>> No.15666638

intellectualism ain't a monopoly
it's anti-establishment/academia
and it's well deserved

>> No.15666719

why that's simple enough.
atheists and the like "won".
Or rather, they gained enough ground that their stuff became mainstream just like they wanted.
Then they proceeded to eat shit because their worldview is pure cancer.
Like the meme with a train crashing into a schoolbus, "an atheist society will be better" destroyed by "pregnant men".
The atheists and their like are currently eating shit because they're forced to face the fact that a society as they wanted is shit, not because of anything the "fundies" did

>> No.15666740

>Aryan science
Yeah dude that was soooooooo popular in the early 2000's and didn't pick up steam in 2016.

>> No.15668032

It is, unironically. Being Black raises coolness by 70% automatically.

>> No.15668082

Really first part is dead on

>> No.15668096

I'm not anti-intellectual I'm anti-thintellectual. I'll take retards over narrow-minded scientists

>> No.15668119

>America is going to hell in a handbasket. Don't let Obama in the white house.
14 years later, we can clearly see Bama Fan was right.

>> No.15668134
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There is no such a thing at all in 4chan.
We support real scientific advancements, and we despise globohomo and its corporate vermin that is full of lies and ignorance.

>> No.15668135

you can thank paulo freire

>> No.15668286

You really do have to wonder how true any of the things we're taught about history are, especially seeing how current events get misrepresented by the media.

>> No.15668292

election tourists and gamergate