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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 381x287, book-of-mormon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1566276 No.1566276 [Reply] [Original]

what does /sci/ think of the book of mormon

>> No.1566283

I like the cover. The book looks very professional.

>> No.1566284

That it doesn't belong in /sci/.

>> No.1566293
File: 198 KB, 733x2791, 1267860239979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- see pic

>> No.1566460


>> No.1566469

nice bump, faggot

>> No.1566502
File: 16 KB, 381x287, moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a typo, I fixed it.

>> No.1566510


nice tripcode, faggot

>> No.1566518

lol 2 priests were in my area trying to convert people to mormon - they gave me a book, I'm yet to read it. I may have a look.

>> No.1566524

Basically it's better than the bible or the qur'an.

While the bible and qur'an burn with a hotter flame, the pages are usually too thin and burn out before they do much good. Also, the text is so compressed that the smoke has that unpleasant smell of ink.

The book of moron, since it has less text, usually has thicker pages that burn longer, and the whitespace makes it so the smoke doesn't smell any different from a regular paper smoke.

Also, the book of moron lacks any glossiness, meaning the kaolin-content is nil, also making for a better burn.

Unfortunately, the book of moron is rarely seen here in finland, so I rarely have a chance to use it as kindling.

Still, as kindling, I'd give it three stars out of five.

also, fucking cyrillics in captcha

>> No.1566559

I agree, it does make good kindling.