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File: 173 KB, 1064x929, Hernia .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15660716 No.15660716 [Reply] [Original]

Why not get some abdominal bones to protect internal organs?
Is evolution retarded?

>> No.15660719

It's a strategic weakness retard

>> No.15660721

the abdominal lining is usually thick enough for this, fat also accumulates in this region if you eat well above your share of healthy food

>> No.15660722

Bones like all features have a biological cost. If your primitive monkeyman was getting hit in the stomach then he was going to be killed anyways, having that area armored just makes you slower and weaker overall leading to more deaths over the few times it might save you.

>> No.15660723

So why have bones around chest area?
Just have more muscle bro

>> No.15660724

You need flexibility too. Anyway yes evolution is retarded which is why every animal has some kind of "errors" like humans having wisdom teeths, cancers, etc..

>> No.15660733

>wisdom teeths
it's not an error just because your parents fed you soft food

>> No.15660735
File: 434 KB, 685x539, 41467_2019_13215_Fig6_HTML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea sponges have armor, just inject sea sponge DNA into your abs.

>> No.15660738

Being hit to the chest is much more realistic in a fight that you are still winning and much more deadly thanks to lungs and heart being in there. A basic low power gut punch between friends doesn't actually kill a man or even seriously impair their ability to fight, but without ribs you could easily score kills with a similar strike into the heart or crippling strike into the lungs.That's without considering the advantage respiration gets from having bit more solid place to attach all the complex muscles to.

>> No.15660745

whatever monkey had no chest bones just got punched once directly in the heart and died

>> No.15660803

its like min maxing
lower END for higher SPD

>> No.15660813
File: 22 KB, 494x400, 1665783189362341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thr absolute state of this board
Because women get pregnant you fucking retards kek

>> No.15660834
File: 2.65 MB, 3029x2693, Internal_organs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chest has almost every vital organ of the body with the notable exception of the brain. You get hit once in the liver (If you'e ever done combat sports and got hit, even with the ribs, you know you're going unconscious in a 3 secs max), or the lungs (even if you get hit with the ribs you lose the fight, get your breath knocked out and collapse), your heart (kek you're dead if you get punched in the heart instantly) etc. etc. you would be dead. Evolutionarily, only those that protected these vital organs survived and reproduced. You can survive a hit in the intestines, but you can't survive a hit in the chest, just like you wouldn't survive a hit on the brain without a skull. Some Organs are more vital and sensitive than others. You should know, getting kicked in the balls is not the same as getting kicked on the shins. Different parts, different damage.

>> No.15660847

That's only really a human concern, you could easily add more bones down there for most animals and even humans without influencing pregnancy, like say a kangaroo which shits out an incredible small baby and then supports it externally, why doesn't it have an armored stomach etc. You could even have sexual dimorphism. Babies are certainly a concern but not really the device factor.

>> No.15660863

>get punched in gut

that hurts

>get punched in chest without ribs

pass out from getting the wind knocked out of you or your heart rhythm getting interrupted

>> No.15660874

The protectors are called muscles, fatball

>> No.15660881

My dad's bravoure trick is the Houdini punch. You literally couldn't hurt him if he has time to prepare the abdomen muscles. He can also bench press 150 kg.

>> No.15660927

Just get better thoracic muscles

>> No.15661277

my dad has a motorcycle

>> No.15661500

ribs exist to allow you to breathe, they just form a bell shape to allow your diaphragm to form a plunger. Lungs are a shitty design. Puncture their membrane and it collapses, pathetic.

>> No.15661507

Hernias are due to modern lifestyles. Historically human ancestors would squat to poop, now we sit on toilets which put undue pressure on our abdominal lining.

>> No.15661566

You need the rigidity of the ribcage for upper body locomotion plus the ribs act as an attachment point for the diaphragm making breathing possible. And it protects the heart I guess

>> No.15661579

Then why no bone for balls

>> No.15661667

>wisdom teeth
You are honestly so fucking stupid. You can’t separate artifacts (in the data) of civilization from actually Darwinistically interesting dynamics of evolution.

>> No.15661700

You can eat more

>> No.15661708

We wouldn't be able to tickle your tummy then anon, hee hee~

>> No.15661710

If you want to surgically put some extra scapulas in your stomach there's nothing stopping you, it will look very strange and I can't imagine it being very comfortable at all though

>> No.15661711

>Babies are certainly a concern but not really the device factor.
Yes it is? If you kill all your babies, your belly bones genes won't pass down.

>> No.15661722

it is intelligent design anon, this ideal deity is so intelligent he made us so weak and fragile. We are supposed to be his chosen animals!
just kidding, there is no god.
>Is evolution retarded?
Yes, it is a haphazard and mindless proccess that has no intentions nor purpose. In shorter tyerms, it is retarded. Isn't that lovely we live in an absurd yet fascinating reality? I totally love it.

>> No.15661833

God hates the men because of the patriarchy