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15659648 No.15659648 [Reply] [Original]

>24 male white entering PhD program for Chemical Engineering America

I just want general advice from students and graduates. Maybe you can tell stories too.

I messed with gels in undergrad, so hopefully I can make a woman above the age of 20 my slime GF, through strange matter/grey too.

>> No.15659672


You'll likely be another researcher working on very minute incremental stuff on the same problems as everyone else due to group think and the need for funding.

>> No.15659687

Research is a full time job that you also need to care about outside of the job. I don't mean care about it in the sense that you are actively doing shit for it outside a normal 9-5, but if you hate your research and treat it like you're a wageslave for burgerking you will not do well.

You are taking a shitty salary to be trained into a scientist over 6 years. That's a healthy way to think about it that I've made peace with. I go in the mornings, I leave in the evenings, I take weekends off. I get to decide not show up some days. Some days I need to work more. All in all, I am enjoying my PhD and think it gives me personal freedom at the cost of lots of things I need to do.

I think treating it like training is healthy too. You are, ideally, getting something out of your research. If you are only doing it for the piece of paper at the end, you can make a lot more money just using your current piece of paper. You should be doing it to become an expert in something. That will help build pride and confidence in yourself as a scientist.

Also, I met my GF through my program. Just talk to people, though it is a little hard socializing outside of school

>> No.15659692

You misunderstand. I don't want a gf, I want a slime gf.

The rest lines up with what I've watched on YouTube. I'd rather be doing research than working corporate.

>> No.15659694

>I can make a woman above the age of 20 my slime GF
You know, there's definitely a market for better nuru gels so you could make some real money, and somewhat satisfy your need of a slime gf
>you make the gels
>she puts them on
>you try them out
>you profit
the slime girl massage market is there if you can make better gels, although I'm not entirely sure what property a better gel should have to be better, then again you'd be the expert at both making and testing them

>> No.15659705



>> No.15659708

nuru massages are a kind of sexual service in japan and korea and possibly other asian countries where a naked girl will slather herself up with a thick gel and rub her slimy body all over yours
i thought you were aware of them since you posted a picture with that ketsu o taberu caption
what i'm saying is, full body slime gels are a well established market if you find a way to somehow make them better

>> No.15659712

I only said slime stuff because I played "slime girl caverns" but thanks i'll look it up

>> No.15659713

I’ve been told it feels exceptionally good. It’s a full body slime girl massage

>> No.15659757

Im just now entering school at 26 (I was a fuckwit in my late teens/early 20s) pursuing phd atleast as well but in biomed engi. Just checking in to also hear the advice as I am not anywhere remotely related to anyone that has the slightest idea what the lifestyle of academic research is like and gpt can only give me so clear of a picture as to what that pathway looks like.

>> No.15659786

>Im just now entering school at 26 (I was a fuckwit in my late teens/early 20s) pursuing phd atleast as well but in biomed engi. Just checking in to also hear the advice as I am not anywhere remotely related to anyone that has the slightest idea what the lifestyle of academic research is like and gpt can only give me so clear of a picture as to what that pathway looks like.


>> No.15659796

Is it possible to convert all cells into a slime? Like a jellyfish with a big brain. Asking to advance our field.

>> No.15659805

Don't waste your time.
You'll get passed over for women and shitskins.
If that isn't bad enough, most professors expect their PhD students to be obsessive compulsive workaholics.
The concept of work/life balance is a joke in academia - as far as they're concerned their work is their life.
I loved the intellectual challenge of my PhD, but I very quickly resented having to read papers over my dinner because of how overworked I was.
>t. Chemistry PhD dropout.

>> No.15659808

What do you mean? I got accepted?

>> No.15659824

I can't remember the last time I witnessed such naiveté.

>> No.15659926

>Chemistry PhD dropout
lmao, imagine dropping out from Chem PhD. I can't imagine other easier stem field than chem. It really did filter you lol :laughing::rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

>> No.15660073

He was talking about your career prospects.
Oh, they'll let you have your piece of paper.
But it won't get you anywhere.

>> No.15660079

It didn't filter me at all.
I simply decided that I wanted to have a life, rather than spending every breathing moment obsessing over work.
And until you post proof of your academic accomplishments, I'm just going to disregard you as yet another of the countless delusional midwits that infest this board.

>> No.15660112

What if I just want the piece of paper, because I wanted to achieve the hardest academic achievement? I just like Jordan Peterson and he says to do things that are hard. The whole pick up the heaviest thing I can.

After that i'll start a business or work as a normal Chem engineer.

>> No.15660122

Intelligence can help you achieve things in life, but its nothing compared too determination. Overall IQ is vastly overrated. Its just a speed limit for thought.

Studies show after 140 IQ you get diminishing returns anyway. Overall humans have the capacity to understand any idea, so cramming some extra bionicle lore won't improve your life.

>> No.15660157

If that's what you want to do, fine.
Frankly, i think you're wasting your time.
One of my colleagues was just like you, he did his PhD to prove to himself that he could do it.
When he was wrapping things up in the lab he had come to the conclusion that he'd pissed away 3 years of his life, and that he was planning to go drive dump trucks in the mines.

>> No.15660165

>After that i'll start a business or work as a normal Chem engineer.
If you're really keen on starting a business, get an MBA.
At least that will be practical.

>> No.15660174 [DELETED] 

I don't know what you mean pissing away 3 years. My father is already rich. I'm going to live those 6 years no matter what I do, so I might as welluse them to better myself.

I might. It was my second choice after phd.

>> No.15660182

That's the plan

I am in a position where my family is financially stable and willing to support me. 5 years of pay doesn't matter to me. I'm going to live those years anyway, and I'd rather use them to better myself. I just don't see why that's controversial

>> No.15660493

cope and seethe.
now bow in front of me (I'm a Dr)

>> No.15660627

why are asians the way they are

>> No.15660635

you're the one entering a phd bro I start my first year next week. Slime molds are really interesting though, didn't we copy the way they navigate their environment to build our highways somewhere in the world? Unrelated but I listened to a podcast with a biologist that was talking about this flatworm (I forget the species) that not only splits itself but has been observed to be able to be split into over 200 pieces and regenerate itself and all 200 pieces became independently driven, thinking creatures

>> No.15660638

Those are funguses. I want a fully clear liquid gf, that also dreams of world domination.

It sounds complicated but all kinds of ocean animals are structured like this.

Also invertebrate only. No bones.she should be boneless

>> No.15660640

Do you anons really think postdoc research isn't a viable career or can you level with me and say you're memeing and being doomsayers because the whole reason im entering BME is with hopes I can one day play my small role to advance the field of neuroengineering

>> No.15660641

I wouldn't be necessarily upset or feel under accomplished if I stopped at BA or masters and just worked as a corporate engineer but what really motivates me is research

>> No.15660642

Are you in a PhD program or undergrad?

>> No.15660644

im the anon above entering school late, entering first year undergrad

>> No.15660649

no puritanism, little christian/semitic influence
it's why open baths were common across europe until christcucks decided they were sinful, but you still have them in places where the semites didn't manage to get as strong of a foothold, such as in Finland

>> No.15660658

The only way to get into a PhD program is doing whatever research your fav professor wants.

Ideally you choose the autistic professor all your peers hate, but is actually a good proffessor. The more popular your prof, the more likely he has 30 students trying to be his researchers. My prof was known for being hard and obtuse. Its impossible to know what he wants out of you. He was nice to me though.

After that you should present at every single undergrad research fair, posters at capital etc. At the end of senior year I had 3 presentations total. If you can be a coauthor or just listed on a published paper. You will get into atleast one grad school.

I reccomend you apply for every single college in your state area + the perimeter. Unless you are a genius (Tesla level) you will not be accepted into all of them

>> No.15660904
File: 137 KB, 408x407, Awoo_Graduates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need PhD Advice

Pick your advisor CAREFULLY!!!!
Make sure you talk to your adviser to know EXACTLY what they want to see from you and what support they can give you.
LISTEN to your advisor, if they want you to change your thesis paper then change it!!

Get a slam piggy to satisfy your lusts.

>> No.15660908

Good advice, but id rather have a human jellyfish hybrid that will grow to the size of my house, before area 51 niggers break in and try to steal my unnatural abomination.

>> No.15660951

Slime molds aren't fungi, they're archaea, like amoebas.

>> No.15661034
File: 741 KB, 1441x2048, Robo_Wife_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human jellyfish hybrid

Just get a robo-wife and you will have a problem free relationship.

>> No.15661068

I can't help but feel concerned that some of the smartest minds among our population also gather here to say things like this which you might also hear from the other lowest common denominators of intellect that mainly make up the demographic of this website

>> No.15661173

you consume too much of popsci garbage, avoid it.

>> No.15661335

It comes from too many RPGs and purposefully losing to the women. Then I learned they made games about that.

>> No.15661349

Pop sci is a plague. Ive often thought about signing up for medium and just making popsci up.

I feel like it wouldn't betoo hard.

>do squirrels hold the key for curing cancer
>top ten most dangerous chemicals
>ghost science? A new field.

>> No.15661705

lmao suuure you are.
You're a larping faggot like 90% of this board.
If you were actually doing research, you wouldn't be pissing away time on an image board full of retards.

>> No.15662224

>research 24 hours
yeah some of us are not workaholic and have plenty of personal time. I'm already a postdoc now and the work load is less. Maybe that's why you couldn't get with you PhD?

>> No.15662633

If you want to get anywhere in academia, you have to put in the hours.
The ones who get tenure, the ones who get all the grant money, the ones who have distinguished careers and win the prizes, they all have one common trait - they're all compulsive workaholics, and they expect the same of their underlings. For quite some time now the emphasis has been on quantity of research over quality.
You'll learn all of this soon enough, assuming you're not bullshitting about being a postdoc.