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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15659260 No.15659260 [Reply] [Original]

Havent seen anything about LK-99 recently
what happened to it?

>> No.15659262

Basically, it's happening

>> No.15659269
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quick rundown?

>> No.15659357
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it's just too complex for researchers to replicate. It'll take a whole year before independent researchers make the real one.
Doctor Kim has a real sample stored in a safe underground in a disclosed location but he'll only show it to smart people (not you).

>> No.15659374
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really? what if I tell him Im a really good boy?

>> No.15659378

>Doctor Kim has a real sample stored in a safe underground in a disclosed location but he'll only show it to smart people (not you).
Based, the Koreans are again proving to be the best humanity has to offer.

>> No.15659406

It's a scam

>> No.15659636

All the white people used it to make a maglev train that could fly to mars. Finally we can enjoy our diversity without all the pesky non-diverse white people.

>> No.15659650
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it was deboonked

>> No.15660100

Is /lkg/ kill?

>> No.15660104

LK-99 is this generation's cold fusion

>> No.15660116
File: 3.97 MB, 576x1024, 1690229776744173.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could this dea of intermolecular tension prompt other research, or is it not in line with prevailing theory, or conversely already a subject of research?

>> No.15660240

As long as it doesn't seem like they are distributing their CVD samples nor sharing the procedure with peers, yeah most likely some kind of scam.
I was hopeful and I still think that the display of magnetic properties are interresting, maybe this could lead to magnets that are made from dirt cheap materials instead of rare earth minerals. Not really hoping for a super capacitor anymore, and yes I am running extremely low on copium.

I wont reat on a single video from social media, I want data this time.

>> No.15660518

its this

there is no sense in wasting time with idiots
they released their notes because they knew that
it would cause political tension if they didnt

theyre good humans.

they could have profited and been good pawns but they had humanity's interest first

its probably real but who really knows. it seems like no one is able to read the papers
im not a scientist i only use logic as a vehicle

the world is full of greed and stupidity
millions of people will lose billions of dollars having to readjust tech to it
and satanists/jews would rather create artificial news articles with AI generation

its a powerhouse so how could the jews who control the media allow it to be discussed?
they will not. only now we will see if there is enough surviving intelligence
to revolt against satanic slavery.
the Lord said in the bible that there will always be a small light of hope because of King

>> No.15660526
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>i only use logic as a vehicle
>the Lord said in the bible that there will always be a small light of hope because of King

>> No.15660555

>Joseph Smith found a set of golden plates with writing by god in the woods
>when asked to show them he refused saying that only he was allowed to look at them

>> No.15660561

>have an opinion the conforms to the opinion of a pack of animals
>or they will ostracize you
sounds good to me

>> No.15660573

if your opinion is retarded then ostracizing you is of benefit to both parties. you understand why you are retarded and correct your ways and we don't have to lose braincycles on your idiocies.

>> No.15660580
File: 294 KB, 939x640, washington-dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.5% of the population scores 140 iq or higher
a group knows nothing. they blow smoke up
eachothers asses about retarded nonsense

its all on you. i dont care about your retarded opinions

the difference between light and dark is consideration
the effect of time is considering
accumulate decisions made are a humans soul
time is a filter between two end points in heaven and hell
everything is either one of the 7 seven sins or the opposite
those are the branches of the tree of knowledge, light and dark
life and death.

>> No.15660597

see now you make the mistake of thinking the IQ distribution on this board is similar to that of the population at large.

>> No.15660616

everybody has your opinion
nobody thinks.
they dont care about evidence
they hide away from it because they want to be right
their opinions are hurt if no one listens to their gay opinion

you dont have an argument, you only have an opinion

>> No.15660626

you have the space to make an argument for why the IQ distribution on /sci/ is similar to that of the population at large.

>> No.15660651

there are not a lot of people with any intelligence
you have the same opinion as anyone else
if you are like that, you dont have an argument you are retarded

you people refuse to understand based on evidence
and you would rather love yourself and believe circle jerking nonsense
than humble yourself and look for the truth objectively

if you think with a group mentality at all you are inept
you want to piggyback on group opinion only and not understand based on evidence

>> No.15660667

that's a pretty shit argument. you talk about evidence but don't present any.
>you people refuse to understand
>you people
so there is some filtering for the anons in here. just that not on IQ, is that it?

>> No.15660669
File: 13 KB, 556x768, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped your hat

>> No.15660690

re-read my post with the picture of washington dc
that is the nature of reality
its logic

what is your argument, saying nuh-uh?

>> No.15660910

It debunked the debunked.

>> No.15660930

I’ll settle this debate once and for all. Anyone arguing with the ESL /pol/ schizo about anything is most certainly low IQ, maybe even lower than the mentally ill moron babbling about light and dark on a science board.

>> No.15660946

>ill settle this debate with my gay and wrong opinion