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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 180 KB, 921x1021, 1691868407635038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15658909 No.15658909 [Reply] [Original]

Science is totally not bullshit, no no on, just t rust the studies, it's 26 billions year old retard.

>> No.15658930

And the explanation to it is rather simple: astronomers are discovering objects closer and closer to what the jesuits set as the border of the world.
Meanwhile universe is infinite and eternal, even though it evolved, but it took it infinite ammount of time to do it.

>> No.15658933

I will say it
"Science" is Dead

>> No.15658938

that's fucking insane, so theres no gods and we won't see aliens? we are stuck in a lonely boring shitty solar system for the rest of our lives? please give me some hope

>> No.15658941

The science has changed. The science is settled. Long live the science!

>> No.15658944

>we won't see aliens?
what made you think this? infinite universe is full of promise. Once we learn to recognize sygnals from other planets, we'll be able to watch their tv or something of the kind.

>> No.15658947

At least science has the balls to admit when it's wrong and refine understanding. Christcucks are content believeing the shit pulled out of the ass by ignorant hunter-gatherers or the ensuing fan fictions taken as "gospel."

>> No.15658953

The paper is completely flawed / wrong but don't let that get in the way of a good clickbait article.

>> No.15658957

>mfw aliens watching our tv and thinking we're still based

>> No.15658959

We have so shrunk the god of the gaps that the Christians are only left with consciousness as the last frontier. Once Chat GPT codes a consciousness upload & display program and we prove that the brain really is just a biocomputer, that'll be the end. Materialism will have triumphed. Then we can all move on.

>> No.15658962

>trusting Indian """"scientists""""

>> No.15658974

I hate the retardation of Amerimutts who have no idea how empirical research works.
>hurr durr what da fuq is falsification??

>> No.15658978

Materialism got BTFOd by Particle Physicists in 20th century zoomer

>> No.15658986

idk man the whole " self-correcting" feature of science seems to be just one meme to next to me.
> come up with half assed BS
> akshually it was le wrong, we have now come up with *another half assed BS*
> muh profound scoyence

>> No.15658990

Come up with a better method to gain knowledge of nature other than le self-correcting then. I'll wait.

>> No.15658998

We aren't gaining any knowledge, just moving from one guess to other.
Infact we aren't even self correcting desu b cause we don't know the truth.
I doubt whether we can even know it, there is no proof that nature is rational.

>> No.15659012

>umm actually things are complex and the word "knowledge" doesn't mean it's always true and thus "self-correcting" doesn't mean we are closer to teh truth
So you don't have anything better to offer... kek

>> No.15659017

At least we tried our best, it's amazing how we're the only species in our known galaxy to figure out this shit. We were simply just horny apes who can stand on their feet.

>> No.15659038
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>rent free
Do you just constantly have thoughts running through your head about how evil Christians are.
We get it, you parents were a little strict and now you have a broken relationship with them, it's time to stop your 30 year old teenager rebellion phase and grow up.
Last time I checked Christianity didn't give us this, the worse they'd do is snip the tip of a babies dick

>> No.15659040

God people who do trans surgery are literally insane, how fucking stupid can you be to think you're an actual man for having some mutant fake penis?

>> No.15659047

Sorry Chuddy, the science says this is natural, healthy, and beautiful. You WILL have sex with a trans woman

>> No.15659052

Anon, science can't even decide what is a woman, why do you expect anything good from it?

>> No.15659054

This is rather a psychological and sociological opinion, THO. Hormone therapy and surgery is just a tool for that.

>> No.15659057
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>Anon, science can't even decide what is a woman, why do you expect anything good from it?

>> No.15659058

they saw tranny story hour and withdrew their interest of extending us an invitation to the galactic confederacy

>> No.15659063
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No it's fucking unbearable retarded to these surgeries, it's natural selection at its finest when you rip parts of your skin off to make a phony penis. Gender is developmental, you can't just change your gender when you feel like it.

>> No.15659082
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>Come up with theory
>It's retarded
>Make all of the numbers involved really fucking large so that any problem with the theory can be explained away
>See: Biogenesis, Evolution, modern space "science" etc.

>> No.15659084

Space is so fake and gay, I believe in our solar system but that's it, everything else doesn't matter consider how far and large everything is.

>> No.15659087
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>At least science has the balls to admit when it's wrong and refine understanding.
Very low quality bait.

>> No.15659088

>just a tool for that
Why don't Trans suicide rates change pre and post transition?

>> No.15659089
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I mean there's the picrel guy who chopped off his fingers and heavily modified his whole body to look like an alien. Whatever opinion you have on him, call him crazy or being filtered by natural selection, he has the legal right to autonomy and surgery is a means to achieve that goal.
>Gender is developmental, you can't just change your gender when you feel like it.
That's like, your opinion, man.

>> No.15659103

I dunno, i'm not trans. Also assuming that is true this isn't related to science whatsoever

>> No.15659105
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If you can't defend your groundbreaking hypothesis it will be quickly refuted
At least they're not killed for blasphemy
>there is no proof that nature is rational
What does this even mean? The current model of the big bang and the expansion of the universe is supported by a wealth of observational evidence and has explained various cosmological phenomena. For this new research to gain traction, further research and theoretical developments would be required. Only retards who only read popsci headlines are confused. The pajeet only considers supernova data which is totally insufficient to support his bold claim. Pajeets making bold claims using insufficient data get exposed, that's the best part about science. Observational data gathered by instruments used to stress test current cosmological models is valuable. There is a basic set of cosmological observations that any contender for the big bang's title needs to explain. That's how your new theory buys its ticket. "Solving" a new puzzle (the JWST observations) doesn't count for much if it can't explain the established data.

>> No.15659117

>thats like ur opinion man

Don't come crying to me when you age like shit and have braindead health issues and mental instability. Fucking jews like you is why people are so mentally ill these days, keep pushing this shit onto people, i'm gonna enjoy the outcome.

>> No.15659280

Science is settled.


>> No.15659373

>some pajeets said something
>this means every other cosmologist agrees with them and that it trumps all other evidence
OP is a faggot and should kill himself for posting tw*tter screencaps

>> No.15659385

>le brain is le computer meme
Comp sci arrogance never ceases to amaze me. There is no proof of this whatsoever
>Anything with an input and output is a le algorithm
Fields have an input (seeds, time plowing, etc) and an output (fruits). Are you here to tell me all these farm workers are techies since they deal with these computers on a daily basis?

>> No.15659392

why is /sci/ filled with retards who don't understand how science works
e.g. >>15658909

>> No.15659398
File: 80 KB, 692x960, 314b213fcae1ad766b2971b04fe9507f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you weak soifaggot bitch boy, universe is fake as shit and a waste of time to study. Only thing that matter is getting pussy now.

>> No.15659405

Sir we are not pajeets, we are canadian

>> No.15659440
File: 177 KB, 900x900, JWST & olives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hay guise, i know everything about the entire universe!!!
oh and also i can't tell the difference between a picture of a star and a picture of salami

>> No.15659458

Let's say that's true. Now what? How will this affect anything?

>> No.15659469
File: 621 KB, 894x894, 1676735982018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing, just wanted to call you fags out and it gives me a boner for the day

>> No.15659514


>Be a Rock Scientist. A Rocktician if you will.
>Estimate the age of the planet going by the oldest rock you've found.
>Publish this finding in the latest Rock Journals and Rockpedia.
>Rockpedia is circulated for maybe 15 years in schools, universities, etc.
>20 years later find an even older rock because Rockpedia royalties have been good to you and can now afford better, more sophisticated, instruments, tools, rock-measuring devices, etc.
>Republish a new paper with new data.

>Repeat ad infinitum.

>> No.15659530

>come up with half assed BS
What is half-assed about it?
You do the best that you can with the information and resources available.
If you get new information and resources, you use them to confirm or deny prior theories.
How fucking stupid are you people?

>> No.15659535

>the universe is fake
lol what

>> No.15659538

then they shouldn't spout their guesses as fact, nor should they be taught as such in curriculums.

>> No.15659540
File: 48 KB, 869x480, tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe faggot seethe, astronomers like Neil deGrasse nigson is useless and a bunch of grifters saying useless information. The universe seems fake and retarded and probably not what we have in mind, we're dealing with shit way complicated than we think.

>> No.15659547

The best explanation for all the fuckery is that astronomy has been plagued with the most lazy approximation math for so long that each new estimation is based on 50 other lazy estimations

>> No.15659567
File: 26 KB, 543x643, 1688875571542402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the medical community allow that? I'm being serious.

>> No.15659580
File: 727 KB, 734x760, fucked up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how you can live with yourself as a surgeon fucking up this bad, what the fuck were they thinking doing this shit on a teen trying to get a fake vagina? What the fuck is this sick world?

>> No.15659720

It's just some streetshitter selling his schizo theory. No one believes him

>> No.15659735

How about the age of Earth?

>> No.15659747
File: 83 KB, 762x960, jewish math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i believe the jews when they say its a different number

>> No.15659756

bro really wanted to poop out of his vagina :skull: :skull:

>> No.15659776

Well you have to believe one set of Jews. Which Jews do you believe?

>> No.15659887

If this isn't proof that trans people are mentally ill then I don't know what is.

>> No.15659899

>seething when scientists have consensus on something
>seething when one scientist suggests something against the grain
Looks like conspiracycucks just like seething in general, curious

>> No.15660013

Mainstream science is modern obscurantism.

>> No.15660224

>pajeet scientist scrambles to put out something even the original creator discarded after new discovery
>news report immediately on the flawed pajeet paper
>retards go science(trademark)

>> No.15660359

Ramanujan would like a word with you

>> No.15660365

but disease is fake and gay.
to project otherwise, you can't.
to insist otherwise, you can't.

>> No.15660470

imagine believing this

>> No.15661357
File: 32 KB, 494x515, astronomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

astroshit is definitely the lowest iq science
astrotards can't even do basic math

>> No.15662251

thats how dumb astro idiots really are

>> No.15662814

it was perfect the way it was wht cgange it..

>> No.15662854

So where are all the ayys? In 26 billion years somebody should have showed up on Earth by now.

>> No.15662859

All they care about is the money. Trust your mechanic etc.

>> No.15662876
File: 365 KB, 637x436, meme_events.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apparently you do not even bother thinking about the speicifc problem of aging things in the first place.

There is hardly any method beyond guestimation to age something without any proper reference sample with verified age.
It's all based on assumptions with non verifiyable attributes of anything.
Such as assuming red shift or blue shift.
Assuming speed or distance based on approximations that are approximated with approximations of approximations of quasi related other celestial objects.
It's mysticism with the self betrayal of "we do science" to keep their funding.

It's equivalent to reading tea leaves.
A big circlejerk with the usage of unfathomable timeframes or distances with no relevance to our existance.
This gay space "sience" is the biggest circlejerk and goalpost moving scam industry that exists since religions.
It's always talking about hypothetical unwitnissable meme events.

>oh trust me it is that way, you just cannot observe it because you require like 30 billion $ in funding
>and 200 soientists to interprete the results
>to tell you that there is a event [so far away/so far back in the past/ so short in duration/so small] nobody could actually witness it
>but we can see a indirect surrugate unverifyable parameter that we can interprete and numbercrunch to tell you this insignificant event existed

>> No.15663005

Its such a scam man, you’re telling me we paid our tax money for us to be told that space is *gasp* EVEN BIGGER THAN BEFORE? WOWZER :0

>> No.15663019

you 1 week ago: It's a fact that the universe is 13.7 billion years old.
You can't call something a fact then backtrack. Learn what a fact is, it's not something that you get through a consensus or something you think is true, it's something that's actually true.
Look at the standard model, people and scientist call that factual. If that changes, backtracking will be done again. Stop calling things facts when there's not definitive proof.
Just like now, if anybody says it's a fact that the universe is 26.7 billion years old, it will be the same thing again.
Facts aren't scientific trivia, they are based in reality.
Even if you are not the one going around saying scientific theories and explanations are factual, at least recognize that it is extremely common in scientific discussion. (not to mention popular culture which always suffers from such arrogance)

>> No.15663022

I'm willing to believe that the universe will keep getting older as our understanding of it increases.
26 Billion seems too young for something thats infinitely massive and infinitely expanding

>> No.15663024

oh also this scientific consensus also implies that the chances of us meeting life shouldve happened twice as often as it has, and the fact that its still at 0 is a very worrying idea

>> No.15663025

Wow, those 500k invested on his research surely paid out!
Humanity feels smarter! 13 billion more years, that will open the path for more research into these billion years, years that will impact the 5b years old earth! Yay

>> No.15663034

the universe will be infinite but you can't prove that using empirical evidence therefore they'll just continue stretching the age indefinitely until advancements are made in mathematics and logic that can utilise a priori arguments to answer such questions.

>> No.15663095

agi will come out and brainwash us all to follow the true path and all will be well.

>> No.15663107

You probably know that it's not ever possible to prove consciousness.

You likely haven't considered that for every 1 conscious automaton or brain simulation, there are 1000 possible simulacra that are not conscious, but fake it.

>> No.15663135

Is it really an "act" if there is no alternative action someone "without" a consciousness could take?
what I'm asking is, does it really matter that the brain is fake, if it could only ever function as if its real?

>> No.15663166

Alright, so, first of all observe how -- interestingly -- the only way how you could interact with a brain upload is either via text generated by the BU (which in essence also includes audio speech), an image created by it, or if you plug it into a robot, by movement by that robot (let's ignore the latter).
Then, do you not suppose it's completely trivial to have a chatbot that outputs text completely identical to how a human would talk, down the letter, down to every letter a regular human would ever produce via text chat communication?
Why do you think this text output must correspond to some "function" (besides the one relevant for the text generation, and the text generation only) that is taking place inside the brain upload? For example, if the BU says "I am hungry", why does that have to correspond to the BU actually desiring food or feeling a sense of hunger, when it could just correspond to a function of outputting that text because that is what was expected from the current discussion, or even meta-level context (i.e. you expect the BU to be hungry after "starving" it for 3 days, regardless of actually talking to it)?

Your argument holds more sway in trying to describe actual incarnate flesh humans. But for brain uploads and AI, you have no luxury of giving them the benefit of the doubt because they are the same species as the observer. Your only method of interaction with them is via one of these data channels I mentioned, which reduce into a series of tokens that is also trivially outputable by any dumb, non-conscious chatbot.

>> No.15663193
File: 2.08 MB, 1170x2768, climate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racism causes causes hurricanes and droughts so you need to import millions of low IQ turd worlders or we are going to burn in fiery hell

>> No.15663196

oh yah we also need communism to appease the weather gods

>> No.15663213

Science is useful but only in medicine and chemistry, astronomy is really pointless and dumb to research, doesn't benefit anyone and we can never leave this planet.

>> No.15663227

Build a better model and instruments
>B-b-but I don't have billions of dollars and thousands of scientists!!
Not a argument

>> No.15663232

there no definitive proof for anything in science, all scientific theories are just conjectures

>> No.15663403

>Double the previous estimate
I know the 13.7 estimate is incorrect because it is based on the hubble constant and speed of light to the edge of the visible universe.

Because I know the hubble constant is incorrect and I know that science has a very large error in distance and gravity estimations I know the current prediction is wrong. I however don't know a better answer.

>> No.15663514

>Rock-dating methodology is flawed
Neither estimate were valid. Especially if you knew rock dating is by layer estimation and C14, both if which are highly variable. C14 simply doesn't apply to any rock that was never exposed to the surface air.

>> No.15663523

It is just a less ethical plastic surgeon.

>> No.15663569

>At least science has the balls to admit when it's wrong and refine understanding

>> No.15663571

>God people who do trans surgery are literally insane
Not according to le science!

It's science, Chud! Science just can't be wrong, don't be a heretic err I mean science denier

>> No.15663764

Science also has a lot of religious dogma. Like the belief that all races are identical except for skin color. And even entertaining other ideas results in ex-communication.

>> No.15664631

Why build a better model to observe meaningless events that noby can ever verify and are most of the time background noise and miscalculations?

>> No.15664806

If this is true can they just lie about uncertainty in measurements? Because the uncertainty before was ±0.020.

>> No.15666017

Yeah modern science journalism isn't real.

>> No.15666860
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JSWT was completed 14 years behind schedule, and $88 billion over budget, but still worth it for the salami jokes

>> No.15667326

We're likely stuck in our Local Group, and possibly whatever the Great Attractor is.
Humanity can still spread to other stars.
We have the technology now to send probes to other star systems, but we don't have the political will to allow for Uranium rockets.

>> No.15667395

The answer is money. Some of these surgeons are pulling in a million bucks a year for doing tranny surgeries.
And who pays for it?
US Tax-payers and insurance policy holders.
The REASON why trannyism has become so prevalent is that Obama and his Tranny husband made it a requirement for insurance companies to cover all trans-surgeries.

>> No.15667580

You are both fucking morons.

>> No.15667584
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The shekels must flow.

>> No.15667591
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You have a very small penis, don't you?

>> No.15667660

Well they must do if that's the case.

>> No.15667688

not taking a side either way but I am genuinely curious