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15656702 No.15656702 [Reply] [Original]

once you are finished eradicating mosquitos from the earth, could you please genetically modify these little rascals into extinction? thank you.

>> No.15656789

bed bugs provide no ecological benefits, unlike mosquitoes, we should start today.
The only problem with gene driven based approaches for extincting bed bugs is that we'd have to introduce more bed bugs.

>> No.15656796 [DELETED] 
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>make you itchy
>spread some curable diseases
>disgusting to behold
>molest your kids
>spread literal AIDS
Why aren’t scientists doing more to cure/genocide the faggots?

>> No.15656800

I have been thinking that a better approach would be to use tiny ai driven bedbug killing machines. although, this would lead to a massive amount of privacy issues (if privacy still existed).

>> No.15656829
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dear scientists once you are finished eradicating mosquitos from the earth, could you please genetically modify these little rascals into extinction? thank you.

>> No.15657468

Whenever I find bedbugs or ticks or even spiders I put them inside my anus and maintain them for 1-2 weeks to see how they interact. I am glad to think that they have found a home. I recommend this approach to anyone with an ecological mindset.

>> No.15657613

they would all die if you did that. enjoy anal spider bites.

>> No.15657621

degenerate lifestyles are a big money maker for science, what with all the new diseases that'll need cures


>> No.15657864

anon, it's very difficult to make regular sized robots, much less robots the size of bugs. How do you fit your fancy AI inside something the size of a bug? It's really, really hard to make bug sized robots because the power electronics don't miniaturize well. Not even the batteries, the electronics for converting power. Transformers don't scale down well. Therefore, that is an absolutely retarded idea.

>> No.15657910
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you have to inject the nanites

>> No.15658147

mosquitoes need to be eradicated

>> No.15658327
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>> No.15659639

I know that. did you read my post?

>> No.15661152

This is some retarded shit

>> No.15661210

No. But I felt like stating that anyways because I feel strongly about it.

>> No.15661303

>muh ecology
There was a time when mosquitos didn't exist, yet other animals and plants did. Nature adapts.

>> No.15661495

sure, but we cant justify a carbon tax with that thinking

>> No.15661516

Maybe you should just stop tasting so good. I've been bit probably about 15 times in my life and I've been to tropical jungles for weeks at a time.