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File: 144 KB, 1255x1090, 0ObLLWS4LdOe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15656086 No.15656086 [Reply] [Original]

If global warming is real, why isn't sea level rising?

>> No.15656109

Google: "Maldives underwater"

>> No.15656115

>Billionaires don’t care about buying some mansion for pennies even if they have flooding problems in Miami
Wow such an astute take

>> No.15656120

I bet working for that PD is such a cushy job.

>> No.15656128

You'd be a professional ignorer of suspicious activity.

>> No.15656138

coral atolls are short lived phenomena, they erode and cease to exist quite rapidly

>> No.15656744

also they tend to get paranoid and whack all their security personnel periodically, since the security personnel are witnesses to all the crimes they commit.

>> No.15656751

what kind of flooding problems are you referring to? If an island is flooded you cant put it on a barge and pump water out of houses on it. How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.15656831

Once the water gets into the house, the damage is already done.

>> No.15656835

Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in

>> No.15656849

0.06% out of 114 billion
"but sir, this mansion will have problems in 50 years"
"Who gives a fuck, I'll be 110 years old by then"

>> No.15656852
File: 78 KB, 1200x800, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever told you they weren't lied to you.

>> No.15656860

it is a "prediction", it's not actually happening. sea level rise was predicted to happen primarily due to thermal expansion of water caused by a rising average temperature and not by melting ice. did the average temperature not rise or ...?

>> No.15656862

>powered by [climate propaganda institute]

>> No.15656884

>i have no argument

>> No.15656887

I'm not arguing anything. I just think it's funny you can't even find a source that isn't explicitly propaganda.

>> No.15656894

there is an actual pnas data set, feel free to criticize that

>> No.15656898
File: 156 KB, 1200x699, IMG_8825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sea level rise was predicted to happen primarily due to thermal expansion of water caused by a rising average temperature and not by melting ice.
> did the average temperature not rise or ...?
It did and caused sea level rise, but less than the melting glaciers.

>> No.15656901

Feel free to bring valid evidence that doesn't come from an explicit propaganda source. You won't.

>> No.15656911

That's not the source for the data enough. They just offer a service that saves me 2 minutes of downloading a csv and plotting it myself. The sources for the data can be found here: http://www.sealevels.org/#sources

>> No.15656922

>That's not the source for the data enough
That's what your worthless PNG says the source is. Try again.

>> No.15656925
File: 23 KB, 511x339, spoonfeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can't read

>> No.15656930

Still waiting. Notice how you won't post any data that isn't sourced from an explicit propaganda website.

>> No.15656932

Feel free to show how the data are compromised by being plotted by what you call a propaganda organisation. If you don't have any arguments, kindly go to the other people who just screech at each other over at >>>/pol/

>> No.15656934


>> No.15656935

>Feel free to show how the data are compromised
What data? You posted a picture sourced from a propaganda website. Nothing more. Are you okay in the head?

>> No.15656936

>union of concerned scientists
communist organization founded by jews

>> No.15656938
File: 133 KB, 415x385, icemelting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15656968
File: 386 KB, 674x690, Screenshot-2022-06-06-at-2.53.13-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15656969

Now show all the cities and land that we lost due to the rise

>> No.15656970

land ice vs sea ice

>> No.15656972

what is tides

>> No.15656980

high, but im holding on

>> No.15657289

sea level will probably be a sudden dramatic rise due to a large scale melting of fresh water glaciers
said glaciers will dump so much fresh water into the ocean that it will disrupt the heat currents and send us into an ice age

>> No.15658246
File: 505 KB, 601x600, gretchen thunderburp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15658593

Tides are the period between ebb and flood. If you are not able to see the (nonexistent) erosion they produce you should not post on a topic that people live by the sea immediately recognize.
tldr. Stay on your farm, landrat.

>> No.15658816

More like 60 year olds don't give a shit what happens to their houses in 20 years.

>> No.15658853

rich people can offset their carbon footprint because they're rich. duh.

>> No.15659129

Useless comparison without the tide levels

>> No.15659133

>i still can't read

>> No.15659136

it’s been so hot that it evaporates the sea water to balance it out

>> No.15659147

>1880 tide gauge data
kek, I'm sure that is reallllll accurate

>> No.15659162

Even the most schizo models claim only a few inches of increase, whether it is high or low tide wouldn't fucking matter. That small of an increase is completely unnoticeable

>> No.15659180
File: 275 KB, 1539x1298, AR5, pg 1181 - modifed 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot fucking more than what climate change is gonna do by 2100.

>less than a single meter by 2100
>not even an inch a year by 2100
And this is from the IPCC too. Climate change might be happening, but it is a non issue.
Yet another nothing burger used by the kikes to control everyone.

>> No.15659204

>this man has never seen a wave

>> No.15659431
File: 552 KB, 806x772, Anime_TiredDisgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If global warming is real, why isn't sea level rising?

Because it unironically happens extremely slowly and is thus effectively unnoticeable by our own standards. According to NASA the sea has risen like 98 millimeters in the past 30 years which is basically fucking nothing. The rising sea level is very much a "frog in boiling water" situation.


Maldives specific problem is it's a victim of sand theft. Which is essentially the single stupidest/goofiest sounding act of actual dangerous environmental terrorism.
Maldives is maybe a little wetter than it should be, but the main problem they face in the destruction of the 124 something islands that make up their country is the illegal mining of white beach sand. People come and they haul away literal tons of it and the island drifts further into the sea. Simple as.

To segway this back onto rising sea levels and into a country we actually know: America has a similar problem. Many of the "tourist attracting white sand beaches" and prime retirement real estate across the United States is made up of fake beaches that must be constantly refurbished with sand because they're not naturally reconstituted by the tide. Florida alone spends, every year, 30 to 50 million USD maintaining beaches that wouldn't normally exist in nature- this is called "Beach Nourishment".

New York is another example of something 'similar', but different, in the regard that they *originally* had extensive oyster reefs/beds that acted as a tidal wall protecting them from the worst the Atlantic had to offer. Over generations of boat traffic, pollution, and eating them, all the oysters are basically gone and now New York must spend something between 50 to 110 BILLION dollars on a man-made wall that the oysters had built for free.

>> No.15659525

how can they be claiming only a few inches difference when they're claiming several degrees higher in temperature? the last ice age was only 5-10 degrees colder and sea level was 50 feet below where it currently is, so 1 degree equals about 5-10 feet of sea level change. if sea level only changed by a few inches then the temperature has only changed by about 0.03 degrees

>> No.15659911

If you look at the actual data you wouldn't expect an effect that is larger than the tides:
The level of either disingenuousness or stupidity to post this image is beyond me. Please tell me that you are getting paid for it.

>> No.15659931

the earth sinks when it's heavier above the water you monumental morons.

>> No.15660501

Now do it so that the ice is on a solid object poking out of the water and melts into it.

>> No.15661354

>i don't know what post glacial rebound is
your beliefs are powered by your ignorance

>> No.15662262
File: 299 KB, 967x1402, propaganda spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
