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15654756 No.15654756 [Reply] [Original]

>Rota, in describing von Neumann's relationship with his friend Stanislaw Ulam, wrote that von Neumann had "deep-seated and recurring self-doubts". As an example on one occasion he said in the future he would be forgotten while Gödel would be remembered with Pythagoras. Ulam suggests that some of his self-doubts with regard for his own creativity may have come from the fact he had not himself discovered several important ideas that others had even though he was more than capable of doing so, giving the incompleteness theorems and Birkhoff's pointwise ergodic theorem as examples. Johnny had a virtuosity in following complicated reasoning and had supreme insights, yet he perhaps felt he did have the gift for seemingly irrational proofs and theorems or intuitive insights that came from nowhere.

>> No.15654766

Talented individual experiences crushing self-doubt

Stay tuned for more breaking news, folks

>> No.15654775

>Von Neumann
Technical proficiency and high working memory is not "talent."

>> No.15654785

kill yourself that's literally talent

>> No.15654789

This is what autists actually believe

>> No.15654798

Von neuman sneeds on you brainlet

>> No.15654936

>god must exist
yeah he's pretty retarded

>> No.15655066

This was the only smart thing he said thoughever

>> No.15655255

This antisemitic shit is allowed here while the discussion on AI powered porn was deleted.

>> No.15655267

Does anyone have the quote where they call von neuman paradigm was the worst thing to happen computer science?

>> No.15655271


>> No.15655274

Von Neuman was a closeted nazi and a christian (baptized at birth). Racially he was 99% european, he was like 1/4th ashkenazi which themselves are just europeans with some turk, tatar and arab blood. Being in Hungary that was nothing out of place.

>> No.15655335
File: 584 KB, 1278x1388, screeenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gell-Mann spends that entire series talking shit about Feynman and Schwinger and Freeman Dyson and Oppenheimer and Geoffrey Chew and Bogolyubov and Shirkov and Lev Landau and Heisenberg and Abraham Pais and Marshak and Dirac and Sheldon Glashow.
You knowing looking through it is genuinely amazing how many people he talks shit about, although he does come off as a bit salty sometimes, and completely gets wrong even in the video about what von Neumann quoted him on (Sheffer stroke function) not majority voter, not to mention the additional citation at the beginning of the paper. He is making factual errors despite talking shit so I'm not sure what else there is to say

>> No.15655917

jewish shills shilling jews
all day, every day of the year
24 hours a day
for decades on end
every day of your entire life
on every media outlet
there is no escape
the jews will never stop shilling

>> No.15656255

>Gell-Mann spends that entire series talking shit about Feynman and Schwinger and Freeman Dyson and Oppenheimer and Geoffrey Chew and Bogolyubov and Shirkov and Lev Landau and Heisenberg and Abraham Pais and Marshak and Dirac and Sheldon Glashow.
But he praised Fermi, and that's enough

>> No.15656432

fucking sick of them. wiles moggs every jew mathematician combined

>> No.15656448

nice namedropping

>> No.15656510

All 4 of Von Neumann's grandparents were Ashkenazi jews (Family names Neumann, Schon, Kann & Meisel). Ashkenazi Jews are only half European, genetically speaking. So Von Neumann was roughly half semitic middle-eastern. Why was a half semite, half European infinitely smarter than millions of pure European whites? Chuddies explain.

>> No.15656535

Anyone can make unfalsifiable claims

>> No.15656570

>t. someone with absolutely no talent

>> No.15656579

Instead of making these unhinged rants in every thread about the most based anti-communist genius in history, why not just make your own threads about someone else

>> No.15656594

There was no "le based and redpilled Nazi scientist" who is worth creating a thread for. So I would say let them complain here, they have no alternative personalities to discuss.

>> No.15656606
File: 2.98 MB, 2354x3000, 52E89A52-5F04-4C97-AD80-D9933513F747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was no "le based and redpilled Nazi scientist"

>> No.15656612

If seeing the kikes get called out for their constant and incessant shilling upsets you then there are thousands of other websites which function as jewish safe spaces. the kikes own and censor all the major media outlets, facebook, twitter, reddit, instagram and innumerable others. all you have to do to avoid getting emotionally triggered when someone notices and mentions the jews aggressive constant shilling is to avoid 4chan.

>> No.15656670

Not enough words, didn't read. Write a longer essay.

>> No.15656719
File: 165 KB, 800x1069, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Von Braun was not a nazi his only pre war connection to the nazi party was learning to ride a horse in a horse school that was owned by the SS before the war, his rocket program was part of the kraut military.

The SS took control of the program since the army and air force were infighting over it and it was a dick meassuring contest, von braun SS ranks were given a rise every 365 days as a formality since he really was not a part of the organization besides formalities.

Kurt Debus who built the KSC in florida was a nazi tough.

>> No.15657104

By the fuhrer, that picture goes hard

>> No.15657194

>All 4 of Von Neumann's grandparents were Ashkenazi jews (
Complete fabfrication and moreso since your "evidence" is some last names. The only allegedly ashkenazi last name in that list is neumann
>ashkenazi are half european
more like 95%

>> No.15657394

konrad zuse

>> No.15657494

comparing him to godel is perfect.

jvn was an eternal child trying to wow his adult audience with mentalist tricks, strong impostor and midwit status if not for early access to vast encyclopedic information due to his rich jewish parentage and peerage (von).

godel was an autistic retard who could not dress himself or cook a meal (he once put an egg directly on a stovetop and turned the gas on, he forgot about it and had to be rescued by the fire department after neighbors complained about a gas smell later that evening) but he was a real genius in the practical sense of deep and nuanced understanding, discovery and completion of an idea. godel understood einstein's ideas before einstein and applied them to his own field successfully shortly after adding more to physics than the previous 3 centuries of physicists combined.

>> No.15658601
File: 41 KB, 581x480, Von_Neuman_Von_Braun_0587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 photos of von Braun and von Neumann
unsurprisingly since they both worked on rocketry
Gödel tricked von Neumann into not publishing the second incompleteness theorem even though he couldn't prove it himself

>> No.15658603
File: 845 KB, 3000x1486, 6269_-_Wernher_von_Braun_and_John_von_Neumann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15658637

They were both based chads and I love them (fuck anyone who disagrees).

>> No.15658648
File: 62 KB, 530x579, jewish china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If jews weren't an atrociously toxic race they wouldn't need to resort to shilling themselves constantly, they would be welcomed without needing to go to all the trouble of spreading lies about what wonderful people they are.

>> No.15659342
File: 396 KB, 914x745, 1691537213009377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have one of von Braun with teller? I know they were at a conference together but never found data on it.